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DECISION 2012...

Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2

Preface / Introduction
The Decision 2012 As I write this preface the final Presidential Debate has just finished. Who won? According to a pole of undecided voters President Obama won 53% to 47%. Is this a true gauge of how the undecideds are going to vote? Only time will tell. As for this writer I can only say that whom ever is elected, they have a daunting task ahead. Task 1 on the agenda should be putting American people back to work. From will begin to flow again. Company's will begin to expand and hire more and so on etc. This ebook deals with some of our pressing issues of our time and what may be done to solve them. So sit back with your favorite beverage and enjoy Dale G. Thomson

Table of Contents
1. A look inside my crystal ball. Here are the results of the 2012 elections... trust me! 2. A great sadness in the land. An open letter to my president, the Honorable Barack Obama. 3. President Obama is a goner, unless he gets the message fast: the issue is and always has been: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! 4. Jobless rate drops to 8.5%... Obama winks at Michelle and does his happy dance... O! Mamma!

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2

A look inside my crystal ball. Here are the results of the 2012 elections... trust me!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Whether you like it or not, the song to learn is John Sinclair's 1903 favorite, "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You" ... but worse, for the likes of Mitt Romney, it's not just Texas... but the whole of the US of A. that is taking a good, close look at the strapping, big haired, stentorian back slapping Texas governor, Rick Perry. What's more, every day that goes by makes Mitt Romney less palatable, less electable, and less likable (if that's possible) than he was the day before. But let's not get into that matter quite yet; let's instead set the mood by going to any search engine and finding a rendition of Sinclair's snappy tune... then put on your favorite Texas football jersey and tune up the music. It is, after all, a thoroughly rousing number. The House of Representatives. This one is easy. As I write (September 13, 2011), the Grand Old Party holds 240 seats in the House; Democrats hold 193 seats. There are currently 2 vacancies. Let's start from some facts much cited that, in the final analysis, won't matter much. Call it the "stink" factor. Poll after poll comes in with numbers like these, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. These results, from August 27-31, show 82 percent of respondents disapprove of the job Congress is doing, compared with 13 percent who approve. Forty-six percent disapprove of the Republicans' job performance, while 32 percent approve. Congressional Democrats' disapproval rating stood at 44 percent in the poll, compared with 33 percent who approved of their job performance. Now, let's be candid. These numbers, almost identical for both parties, are bad news for the Democrats; Americans hold their noses for both parties and that's not at all helpful for the Democrats who must be perceived as a credible alternative They aren't. Thus, when the votes are in, Republicans will increase their already staggering majority by 3-5 seats, leaving the Democrats yearning for the cosmic tsunami they require to change things. If you don't like this prediction, consider the long-term damage Republican redistricting has wrought. That was perhaps the most significant result of the 2010 mid-term elections and cannot be undone until Democrats increase their presence in the nation's legislatures and so control the next bout of redistricting. The Senate. Right now, the Democrats (with the help of two New England Independents) control the Senate 53-47. But the outlook is bleak and hinges partly on whether President Obama and his race can deliver the huge number of folks to the polls who usually don't vote, but did in 2008. High turn-out is necessary or the GOP will control the Senate, too. Here's the current situation. Fewer than a dozen Senate seats appear to be in play, and almost all are held by Democrats. Just two Republican Senators, Nevada freshman Dean Heller and Massachusetts anomaly Scott Brown are thought to be vulnerable. A Perry candidacy helps Heller. As for the photogenic, likable Brown, even Boston's longest serving (and Democratic) mayor, Thomas Menino, says Brown's a shoe-in. I agree with his honor. Democrats will make a huge effort to regain the seat that was once held by the late Edward Kennedy, but will fall short. Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 4 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 As for seats currently held by Democrats that the GOP expects to capture, that includes knocking off Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, Missouri's Claire McCaskill (the Senator simpleton), and Ben Nelson in Nebraska. My prediction? When the dust settles, Democrats lose the Senate holding 48 seats plus one Independent (Bernie Sanders of Vermont), Republicans hold 51. It ain't heroic, but it's enough. The GOP presidential nomination. There are no doubt indiscretions, peccadilloes, and embarrassing episodes in Rick Perry's personal history; we all have them. But Mitt Romney better hope they are whoppers and soon or he's toast. When Romney was running against a field of pygmies (which he was until August 13, 2011 when Perry declared), he was the "front runner." But the very first foot step Perry took as an announced candidate kicked Romney out of that questionable position and reminded the Mitt-ster that "some of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you." That time is nigh and so Romney is running around America trying to get Tea Party-ers to like him. But it's no good. They loved motor-mouth Michele Bachmann, but in Perry they get the best of Bachmann without her craziness... and they get the distinct possibility of backing a winner. And that's not good for Mitt. Neither is the primary season. Romney must do well in the February 6, 2012 Iowa caucuses. If Perry wins, Romney will be vulnerable. And if Perry wins in Iowa and in the February 14th New Hampshire primary, Romney is a goner... because while he may win the Wisconsin primary (February 21) he will almost surely lose the Nevada causes (on February 18) and the South Carolina and Arizona primaries (February 28th). Romney may win the Michigan primary on the same date because his father was once governor there... but Perry won't care. He can and should be the prospective nominee by then and der Mitt-ster will be sniffing around the vice presidency Perry won't offer. Mitt better get that dirt on Perry fast; he needs all he can get. Ladies and Gentlemen: The President of the United States.... Americans always need to be reminded, we do not elect the president; we elect electors who then elect the president. Electors, unless otherwise mandated by the laws of each state, may vote for whomever they wish. Here are the electoral facts. President Obama's poll numbers are bad, and worsening. But he is a formidable campaigner, knows how to use electronic media for maximum impact, and will raise about a BILLION dollars to keep the White House. Democrats may no longer be enchanted with their man, but they have no where to go. Here are his challenges. Obama won 365 electoral votes in 2008. Because of redistricting he would lose 6 electoral votes, and these may prove crucial to the final result. Here's what the electoral college looks like for Obama today. Assuming Perry is the GOP nominee, Obama will sweep New England for 33 electoral votes. ANY state Perry takes here is gravy and bad news for Obama. Obama similarly sweeps the mid-Atlantic states including the District of Columbia (3), for 79 votes, including the big prizes of New York (29) and Pennsylvania (20). About this time, Perry folks are despairing... but despair is premature. Perry will sweep the South for 183 votes. Obama is weak throughout the region, Perry is from the region. The big imponderable is Florida, but Perry could help nail down victory by selecting freshman Senator Mel Martinez for vice president which would give him a useful leg-up with the Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 5 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 Hispanic community. Missouri (10) could prove difficult for Perry, but incumbent Democratic senator McCaiskell could prove a drag for Obama and thus I give the palm here to Perry and with it the Solid South. There are now three more regions to review. One goes to Obama (Pacific West), one to Perry (West) and one will determine the election (Middle West). First the Pacific West... Obama takes California (55), Oregon (7), Washington (12), Hawaii (4). 78 votes total. Nothing looks hopeful for Perry at the moment, but if Obama's poll numbers fall, Perry should aim for Washington. Alaska's three go to Perry. West. Strong for Perry (92). And if he selects Martinez, that would secure Colorado with its sizable Hispanic community. And finally, the Mid West, including Ohio (18), Illinois (20), Indiana (11), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Wisconsin (10), Nebraska (5), Kansas (6). Perry takes Ohio, Nebraska and Kansas and Indiana. Perry gets 85 votes; Obama gets the rest (56 votes) but it's not enough. Perry wins 292 electoral votes to 246 for ex-president Obama. Of course this is all just projection but it does show how Perry can win... and Obama lose. However, November 2012 is over a year and a multitude of unplanned events away, so Perry had better not start whistling "Hail to the Chief" quite yet... and neither should Obama.

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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2

A great sadness in the land. An open letter to my president, the Honorable Barack Obama.
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant A special preface for my readers worldwide. Today, with a measure of reluctance, I step outside my usual role as a commentator on a myriad of facts, occurrences, events, trends and happenings to be what from my birth I have been and treasured, a Citizen of the United States, my country. Today I shall not merely report on the news in all its many aspects, at home and universally, but I shall, in a small but not insignificant way, make history... which is what Citizens do when they consider their nation, its affairs and directions, its misadventures and glorious achievements and report their opinions, feelings, complaints, concerns and admonitions to the individual who is, for the moment, the chief magistrate of the Great Republic, a position granted by the people who remain the ultimate repository of all power... and who, therefore, are, in such reporting doing what they have the right and indeed the obligation and responsibility to do... for all that their language may, from time to time, become choleric, injudicious, and intemperate. As one of these people, these Citizens, I am today writing for and immediately thereafter sending to my president my thoughts and observations at this moment in our history, for I sense a great sadness beginning to move across the land, which must give pause to every thoughtful member of the body politic. I want you, Reader, to note the matter of how I have headed these remarks, for I am sending them not just to the President of the United States, but to "my president," for first and foremost he is not just a quondam official, holding office from such a time to such a time. He is, instead, the lawful leader of my country, a nation in which my hopes and dreams, along with the hopes and dreams of unseen millions of my countrymen, reside. I therefore write because I must... for the stakes are far too great to be silent... and I trust that the first lesson to be drawn from this letter is that you, too, shall, with thought and high seriousness of purpose, send to your president the fruit of your wisdom and concern, for whatever divides us, we have everything to unite us.... the articles and means of governance, centuries of shared triumphs and adversities, the first fashioned, the second overcome by our united actions. We share hopes, dreams, visions, and the abiding knowledge that, of all peoples on this earth, we have created our realities... and so we must take action when our direction falters... and our vision is obscured. ... as it happening now, to the growing certainty, concern, lamentations and jeremiads of the people. And because all these are not the best of us... we call upon you, as we are in duty bound to do, to lead the people... exhort the people... lift up the people and return us intact, renewed to former greatness and greater greatness yet to come. Mr. President, you came into office in a flood tide of exclamations, gratitudes, hosannahs... a man not merely of destiny but a man of reconciliation, joy, and healing purpose. You broke the stringent and oppressive color barrier, for every office and high position in the land, an invidious reality that too long oppressed a nation dedicated to eradicating the oppressions of others, yet for long unable to eradicate the oppressions we inflicted upon ourselves. You were a living symbol of all that is best in us. And we were glad of it... and thanked you for liberating all the people from the cancer of oppressing. Now, however, the man who verily walked upon the water, is in danger of being swept out to sea, a victim of expectations too high, a man perhaps to be remembered and derided, for having peaked as president in his first hour on the job. What has caused this implosion, this great fall from grace and on high? Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 7 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 on high? It is not the problems which assail us, for the Great Republic was conceived, born and grew strong and proud because of great problems greatly engaged. Because we believed -- and still I trust believe -- that only from great problems solved can a great people evolve towards perfection. It is not that the political climate is more divisive, harsh, noisome and belligerent than our Founding Fathers and their generations of descendants faced, for the political atmosphere and actions in this pantheon of strong opinions have often been incendiary, ad hominem, vulgar, and abusive. As a people we know the alchemy for turning such bile into unity. It is our particular genius. Nor is it that we are less dedicated and committed to the usages of our great system of governance and life, for the blood and passions of our forefathers run strong in us, too. What then is the cause for our disappointment, dismay, and of the incipience of despair and growing disillusion? And what then must we do? There are many causes, profound, significant, challenging... and many are at work even now to bring solutions to the problems at hand. But your office, our customs and immemorial usage all dictate that you, our oathed and solemnly sworn leader take precedence in action and constructive purpose. And here you have faltered, and I wish to suggest why. I am writing to you now from a neighborhood and institution you know well and loved, Cambridge and The Harvard Law School. There you learned and then mastered the principles and procedures of the law, one of the glories of our entire civilization. Here amongst the grassy precincts and serene buildings redolent of learning, judgement, and, above all, due process you found yourself and grew. You were happy here... but it did not prepare you for your current responsibilities, turbulences, conundra, attacks and altercations. As a result you are suffering... for lawyers learn how to divide pies... not how to make them. You are now the duly chosen Chief Baker... but without a recipe for sustaining and improving your aggrieved customers to be had. These good people were at first confident, then patient, then exasperated, frustrated and irritated, now they have turned angry and exigent. They know what you should know: the casualties inflicted by global economic maelstroms and a host of related economic and social realities are greater than the greatest of wars. If a wreath was placed on the door of every individual adversely affected we should fall down in disbelief and horror. For the people know how great is the trouble in the land where God once shed His grace. Your job, your only job, is to put America to work... for only an employed America can be a happy land of serenity, security and sustained peace of mind. You are Commander- in-Chief. Thus declare war on America's most pressing enemy, unemployment Create a "war cabinet" and set up your headquarters in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, already hallowed as a place to secure and defend America's interests. Make it known throughout the land that this is not an Obama initiative; it is an American initiative and therefore you call upon all Americans to do their bit, as their parents and grandparents did in World War II. And if some oppose, let them. You have God's work to do and cannot allow little men and their self-serving objections to hinder you. You are America's leader, and you have America's work to do. Every time any business or organization adds a job, post a notice and laud the job creators. They are all heroes in a war we must fight and we must win. They deserve recognition. Set up a website where you list jobs created. Go live on the Internet at least one each day and show and tell the American people just what you are doing and results achieved. Our people do not understand our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. But they will all understand this. You are at a crossroads of your life and office. But there is a grand, honorable and necessary thing which you can do. Leave the Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 8 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 many good things you would do if you had world enough and time. Focus on the one thing we must have now and without which we can achieve little else. Embrace your true calling, sir, and lead the endeavor to put America to work. It is what's needed... a goal we can reach together and must start today.

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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2

President Obama is a goner, unless he gets the message fast: the issue is and always has been: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. You know and I know (and may be even they themselves know) the folks in Washington, D.C., those congress people, and even the president of these United States, just don't get it. I mean, it just seems like common sense, logical, that a human person needs a job and the income that derives from it. So today I'm going to do these exalted poobahs a favor. I'm not going to wait a moment longer... I've got a detailed plan for what the Honorable Barack can do -- right now. And he better use it, too, before all the folks without jobs hand him his hat... and some other gent his job. It doesn't cost trillions of dollars and your right arm. By Washington standards, it's cheap... and that's probably why they'll turn up their noses at it... because this plan isn't going to swell the ranks of the bureaucracy; it is only going to help real people get work and focus the president on what's important: having a job, like he does. For the incidental music to today's article, I've selected a pip of a tune. Your mom probably sang it to you when you were a kid. Mine did... and mom (who was a bit of a ham, like all good mothers) needed no persuasion, not just to belt it out, but pretend she was a train and that I was her favorite passenger. The tune is "I've Been Working On The Railroad." You'll find it in any search engine. Go now, find and sing it at the top of your voice. Feels good, doesn't it, especially if you've got a job! It's a traditional American folk song first published in a book of glees, "Carmina Princetonia", by Princeton University in 1894. Those privileged boys knew nothing about work, of course; but they did know a good tune when they heard it...and so did the Sandhills Sixteen who first recorded it. It was released by Victor Records in 1927... and was so popular everyone and his bro' recorded it, too. It's easy to see why. It's got traditional American pep and toe tapping rhythm. It's the way a bunch of folks would sound as they let off steam (and had a cool one, or two) after work... The key was "work." And that, Mister President, is why you need to listen to this tune and its lyrics and get the message: "I've been working on the railroad All the live-long day." A pie cutter, not a pie maker. To understand Barack Obama better, you've only got to remember that he's a lawyer. And while that isn't exactly illegal, it is certainly not what we need when the issue is, as it has been throughout his presidency, jobs, pure and simple. That's because lawyers are adept at dividing wealth (always keeping a good slice of it for themselves); they are not and never have been good at creating wealth. I like to say, lawyers can cut up a pie and distribute it... but they don't know a hill of beans about making pies. And that's Barack's problem and why he's having so much trouble... and why much more trouble is heading his way unless he gets the message and starts creating some jobs. And one more thing... the problem is even worse because he's a Harvard LAW grad. Now, I've got nothing against the "Harvards" (as Lyndon Johnson used to call them); I have two Harvard degrees myself. but you've got to understand something. Harvard Law graduates (the best trained lawyers on earth) are cool, detached, analytical to a degree. They have been trained in the mastery of words... not in the necessary skills for working with, inspiring and motivating people. And if you don't see Barack Obama in these words, you need to change your bi-focals. He was trained in a way that provides no assistance whatsoever in making pies and feeding Americans who Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 10 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 need them. I'm here to help. I am always glad to pull a Harvard Law grad out of the drink... It helps humble that insufferable breed. Here's my suggestion designed to save the president's bacon and, while we're at it, put millions of Americans to work, which is where they ought and want to be. Here's where a knowledge of business, marketing, and the Internet come in handy. First, let's make sure we're focused on the right enemy and get Obama focused, too. He missed the boat (as every political junkie knows) by concentrating first on health care, gays in the military, etc. These were important, of course, but never as important (or as marketable) as JOBS. And here the Honorable Barack unquestionably muffed it. It's what put him in the soup and soured America. Real people never forgot that which Obama gave no indication of ever knowing; namely that having a job (with that all-important predictable income) is the key to the good life and the mental serenity that everyone needs. It's that "pie maker" thing I mentioned above. Declare war on the real enemy -- unemployment. Obama is the Commander-in-Chief of all the president's horses and all the president's men. He needs to act like it and select the right enemy: unemployment. This means setting the goal and going about the business of achieving it. Start by turning the Roosevelt Room into what it used to be: a military command center. Tell the nation that a 24 hour-a-day strategic center will work from there... and that it will help folks around the nation CREATE jobs... and recognize those who do. Make it clear that you, the president, will appear in this war center daily; also, that you will address the nation for 5 minutes or so. Monday through Saturday. Set up the necessary video facilities in the White House. Then get a website where the jobs being created are listed along with the folks responsible for thus helping achieve victory in the war for employment. Make it clear to your fellow Citizens just what you are doing and that you are calling upon them to help add new workers to their enterprises and organizations. Each day cite progress, outline problems, say what you're doing to solve them and make progress. Show the American people what YOU are doing... and then make it clear what they need to do. Americans like this kind of common sense approach. They can understand it, unlike mere statistics as reported by government agencies and run in newspapers. Your job is to keep it clear and simple so that even teen-agers understand. "Hi, fellow Americans, here's what we achieved together today." You pioneered in using the Internet to raise money and identify supporters. Now use it to motivate and recognize job creators of any kind for everything they do. Be enthusiastic! Always mention the names of these heroes in the war for job creation and growth. Make your website interactive like my Live Business Center. Have employers leave their job creation info... and have a staffer get back to them at once for all the details. Make sure you phone some of them... and always, always, always thank the people -- by name -- for what they do towards creating the jobs Americans need. And, remember, every job created has a tremendous ripple effect, the new job holder, his family, the children, the merchants where they shop, you get the picture. Turn it into a Big Deal.... because it is. One more thing: by doing this and embracing the American people and their needs and concerns, you'll not only save your soul; you'll probably save your presidency, too. And if you follow these Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 11 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 recommendations and achieve success, you'll deserve it!

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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2

Jobless rate drops to 8.5%... Obama winks at Michelle and does his happy dance... O! Mamma!
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant It is Saturday, January 7, 2012 as I write. The nation's air waves and print publications are filled with stories about Republicans. About today's flash-in-the-pan former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum... about the Boston Globe endorsing former Utah governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman over Boston's not-so-favorite son former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Bummer, but what can you expect from that crowd anyway? Despite that little drawback, it's the Romney people who are cock-a-hoop this morning not only because they are ecstatic to be running against a pigmy like Santorum, whose friends and neighbors in Pennsylvania refused him -- and by a huge number -- a third U.S. senate term. Even better today's latest poll results show Romney still romping to an avalanche in the crucial New Hampshire primary, and, lordy, lordy, way out in front in what could be the make-or-break primary in South Carolina. I hear Mitt's got all those toothsome boys of his learning to deliver a winsome a cappella version of "Hail to the Chief." Cute. If all this is so -- and I assure you it is -- why did one Barrack Obama, after seeing a certain news item on the front page of all the newspapers he reads with voracity, take Michelle in his arms and whirl her about the breakfast room letting those delicious blueberry scones he loves get cold? It's because of this single number: 8.5%. And you don't have to be a political junkie to know what it means: It's the latest piece of welcome news... in what is getting to be a lengthening string of such news... because every time the jobless rate drops the political fortunes of Barrack Obama go up. Let's review the facts that make the First Mom and Dad so awfully cheerful, even giddy. 8.5% unemployment means the lowest rate in almost 3 years. Barrack Obama is a very fortunate man, a man who can say to America, with complete factual accuracy, too, that "You've never -- at least in my Administration -- had it so good." The nation added a tidy 200,000 jobs in December, 2011, a burst of hiring that drove the unemployment rate down to its lowest point in just under 3 years. Tra la! Moreover, December was the sixth straight month that the economy added at least 100,000 jobs, the longest such streak since 2006. As a result of this happy-making data, more and more practitioners of the dismal science have resoundingly concluded there's a dance in the old dame America yet. What makes a weak and vulnerable president purr with contentment? Just this. The unemployment rate declined to 8.5% from 8.7% in November, and 9.1 percent at the start of 2011. The jobless rate peaked at 10.1 percent in October 2009. These numbers made Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University, Channel Islands, positively rapturous. "There is more horsepower to this economy than most believe. The stars are aligned right for a meaningful economic recovery." Obama when he read this was heard to mutter "From your lips to God's ear" and beamed a mega-watt smile that had been little seen throughout the early days of his watch. More good news. But heart-warming though all these data were to the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they were only a portion of the good news arising from grass roots America. For instance, the nation Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 13 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 added 1.6 million jobs in 2011, on top of 940,000 added in 2010. Mind you, more than 8,000,000 jobs were lost in the Great Recession that began in December, 2007... but this figure was History (and therefore of no interest) whereas the jobs added were very much about the present and give the President credibility when he launches into a rousing rendition of Franklin Roosevelt's iconic ditty, "Happy Days Are Here Again," the tune that always means we have something good to smile about, wide and broad, and which you can find in any search engine, to play along with this article. The pretzeling of presidents; their dexterity with astonishing contortions. Now President Obama knows... every Republican presidential candidate knows... every member of the Congress knows, whatever party they adhere to, that the good news is only part of the report, but what's a politician for if he can't take a crumb and turn it into a bakery? Take this bothersome conclusion, for instance, the considered opinion of Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He said just a couple of days ago that he expects the economy to grow modestly this year -- 2 to 3 percent -- despite signs of building momentum. The reason for this deflating opinion is that households and small businesses were especially hard hit during the recent economic turbulence now widely called the Great Recession. Until these sectors improve and get distance from their particular issues of foreclosure and falling house prices, the recovery won't be as glittering as you can be sure Obama and the Democrats will paint it. You can be equally sure Mitt Romney will be assiduous, morning and eve, about pointing out this and every lapse from the strict Truth. Keep in mind that Mitt, too, is a close reader of these data and learned predictions. And more to the point, as a business wunderkind, practiced in high level (and very lucrative) leggerdomaine, he is the more likely to glean helpful suggestions and ideas from what he sees than Obama, who was a mere lawyer (albeit, like Mitt, Harvard trained.) Thus, whatever Rosengren and his ilk recommend, Mitt will (with alacrity) recommend... while strongly censoring Obama and his minions for not having acted. Rosengren wants the Obama Administration to do more to stimulate the economy.... Mitt does, too, whilst Obama (whatever he has done) has done it too little, too late. Rosengren says the housing market and small business should be a particular focus, because these two sectors have traditionally lead the nation out of recession and unemployment... but not this time round. Mitt says ominously that is because of Obama's ineptitude and lack of vision. Obama will point to what he has done for those folks... who were always in his mind,his heart, and his political calculus. He well knows he needs these people, especially with the acute disappointment and chagrin of Blacks, Liberals, and young voters (with high unemployment rates) who were once wild for Barrack but now mutter darkly about how they were hoodwinked and deceived by their hero and his mastery of high sounding, flatulent rhetoric. And so it will go, ad nauseam, until our can't-come-quickly-enough-for-me November Election Day confirms what most of us already feel in our bones... ... that the President will defeat Mitt in a solid but not overwhelming victory. ... that both houses of the Congress will be comfortably Republican. ... that Obama's second term will be in such slow motion and so undistinguished you'll think the White House Sleeping Beauty's castle, all asleep. What then should der Mittster do, when he's handed the worthless presidential nomination of his splintered party? Easy. He should tell the truth, the straight-forward, unvarnished truth about where this country is going and offer SPECIFIC proposals of the type congenial to policy wonks like him. In this role the Romney too few like to make him President will become respected and even admired, Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 14 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Part 2 his considerable merits at last put to proper and significant work, saving America as he once saved the Olympics; greatly honored by all who love the Great Republic and wish her Godspeed. *** What do you think? Your comments are invited below.

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About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the author of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Dale Thomson

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