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Business Club - Movie Day Report CARE Programme File Coordinator Log Book DBM Class Lesson Plans DBM Learning Guides Department SOPs Exam Results File Exemption Letters Expected Graduates List for 2012 HND Documents HND Registered Student Namelist Induction Acknowledgement File Induction PPT KPI Report Manpower Planning Meeting Minutes Module Leader Contracts Module Planner Module Registration Forms MQA Matters File Old Brochures and Fee Structure File Part Time Lecturers Files Sample Assignment Semester Planner Student Letters Student Mapping Students Attendance for Parents Day / Semester Update / Course Committee Meeting File Thesis / Dissertation File Various Forms Photocopy Card

Hard Copy File Book Soft Copy Soft Copy; Hard Copy (in library) Soft Copy File File Hard Copy File Hard Copy File Soft Copy Hard Copy and Soft Copy Soft Copy and Hard Copy Soft Copy and Hard Copy Soft Copy Soft Copy Soft Copy File File File Soft Copy Soft Copy Soft Copy and Hard Copy Soft Copy and Hard Copy File File Soft Copy and File Card

Prepared by:

Received by:

-------------------------------(NUR SHALIHAH MUHDI)

--------------------------------( )


ITEM 1 Events / Tasks
TIMETABLE Get hold of timetable from the Person-in-Charge. Ensure that a soft copy is also obtained. Ensure all subjects offered are arranged in the timetable and the credit hours are correct. Ensure international students are offered the MQA replacement subjects should their fellow classmates were having MQA subject in that semester. Upload timetable onto Student Website. (Separate each class and upload as PDF) Inform part time lecturers of their timetable, send SMS reminder. PREPARATION OF CLASSES Ensure that all lecturers have access to the subject Learning Guide. A hard copy of DBM Learning Guide has been provided in the library, for lecturers reference or photocopy purpose. Ensure class attendance form and student data forms are available for lecturers (a copy of all necessary forms have been provided in the Staff Room by Ms Ling Lee) Class lesson plan is an internal document (Only JB practicing this). And is prepared based on Learning Guides weekly outcome. Should any lecturers require assistance in getting in recommended textbooks into the library, kindly forward an email to the Academic Consultant / Academic Manager for further action. INDUCTION CC have to get hold of student namelist for Induction and prepare the following: Timetable and Semester Planner Module Registration Form Sample of Learning Guide Sample of Assessment Papers (Assignment, Project, Final Exam) Examination Registration Form Subject Deferment Form Exemption Application Form Examination Clashing Form Unsatisfactory Attendance Warning Letter Application for Letter form Appeal for Internal Moderation Form CC have to inform students on the following important points: IEP class is only for registered IEP students. Kindly check the namelist provided by Marketing or WEBKISS for further clarification. MQA subject is for local students. International students have to take MQA replacement subjects from DIT, being: Computerized Accounting Intro to Information Technology Concept of E-Commerce Student Website address: Late Penalty for Exam Registration: RM300 Subject Deferment: RM100 per subject (once student has registered for exam). Kindly refer to the latest update or improvisation on this matter.

There are 3 cases whereby students can apply for exemption: Transfer from another college (same level course), continue to further studies from our own existing course (eg: CES / CIC to DBM), or credit in SPM for Bahasa Kebangsaan only Process Fee RM50, approval fee RM120. Should any subjects in the exam timetable clashes, student is to fill up the examination clashing form and submit to CRO. Should any student has been absent for more than 3 classes (as per informed by respective lecturer), a Warning letter shall be generated and sent to students guardian. Should no reply or feedback is received, Second Warning letter is to be sent, then Third, then Termination letter (should student has been missing up to 2 semesters). Application for letter form is for the following purpose Scholarship Application, Job Application (to acknowledge completion of study, research / project purpose, etc) Internal Moderation (recheck of final exam) fee: RM50 per subject PTPTN students minimum requirement of GPA 2.0 must be met. Else, the following semesters fee has to be paid to college personally as the result of poor grade. Retake fees: Failed final exam RM300; Failed assessment (assignment / midterm / assignment +midterm / assignment + final exam / assignment + midterm + final exam) RM1230 Should student exceeded the completion time for Diploma (3 years, college has the right not to issue Diploma for student). Ensure students sign on the Induction Acknowledgement Form

CHANGING OF TIMETABLE During the first week, there will be requests for change of timetable by the students / request to attend repeat subject class / request to drop subject. CC has to review each case carefully and decide what is best for student. Remember to record any of such arrangement in the log book for future reference. Remind person-in-charge of Timetable to inform all the top management (Academic Manager / Consultant; Admin; Marketing) of the timetable changes (if any). SEMESTER UPDATE CC must announce on the Student Website of the Semester Update, and remind all lecturers to inform students of the event. CC must prepare an attendance namelist for DBM students to sign on the day. PART TIME LECTURERS CLAIM AND CONTRACT There are two types of part time lecturer in DBM, being contracted lecturers (contract renewed every year), and hourly-based part time lecturer. For contracted lecturers, admin department will remind the lecturers should their contract is about to expire. For hourly-based part time lecturer, CC has to prepare a part time lecturer contract for them and sign them for the whole semester. Every end of the month, PT lecturers will have to print out webkiss attendance and generate claim. Should PT lecturers have any difficulties with this, CC should assist. CC will have to acknowledge on the attendance and claim form before submitting the following documents to admin WEBKISS attendance + claim + photocopy of PT lecturer punch card + contract (for the first month) It is advisable that all claims should be done by 5th of every month.

WEBKISS ACCOUNT AND ATTENDANCE As informed by the Principal, WEBKISS attendance will now be created by lab tutors before being passed to lecturer to update. In case there is any alteration need to be made in the WEBKISS attendance, CC has the responsibility in ensuring all alterations are done correctly. Should there be any problems in creating or updating the attendance, CC has the responsibility to solve the problem or approach MIS department for problems that cannot be solved internally (approach Mr Jack or Mr Venkat) CC is responsible in creating WEBKISS account for new lecturers under the department, ensure that all the necessary subjects have been inserted under the lecturers account, and the lecturer has access to their own account. Should there be a Holiday whereby classes have to be postponed, CC is responsible in setting the Holiday for the respective date in WEBKISS for the departments classes. CC is responsible in reminding lecturers to update their WEBKISS attendance regularly. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ATTENDANCE By every 3rd of the month, CC should ensure all lecturers that have international students (with student pass) in their class have updated the attendance in WEBKISS to ease CROs in retrieving the attendance. Should CROs request for the printed attendance, CC may print out the attendance, acknowledge, and pass to CRO for further action. ASSIGNMENT PAPERS Assignment papers are normally forwarded by CRO to CC. It is the practice of the department to release the papers in batches. HND assignments should be release earlier and approx. 3 months are given to students to complete HND assignments. CC should check the assignment questions against the subject Learning Guide to identify which week the assignment questions have covered. CC then should plan releasing the assignments in such that students will be having only ONE assignment at one time (except for HND assignments). Refer to filename: DBM T12012 ASSIGNMENT DATELINES for your reference. CC then must inform all lecturers teaching the DBM subjects of the assignment deadline, and advisable to send CRO a copy of the deadline for their reference. CC must upload all assignments to the Student Website according to the release date, and inform students of the deadline. Remind students that 2 marks will be cut from the 40% assignment mark for each day they submit late. COURSE COMMITTEE MEETING In the beginning of each semester, CC should conduct a Course Committee Meeting with DBM students and invite all lecturers involve to brief students on all the new updates and announcements from college for the semester. When there is a need, CC may call for another Course Committee Meeting. But since DBM has a very large number students, CC may opt to call for representatives from each class to attend the said meeting Meeting minutes should be recorded and filed for future reference. PARENTS DAY CC should have a copy of Exam Result Listing (sent by CRO and should be checked by CC) on Parents Day. CC should confirm high scorer namelist (for each subject) CC should inform all confirmed high scorers to come for Parents Day. All high scorers will be



awarded with a certificate on the Parents Day itself. CC should prepare an attendance namelist. Once students guardian has come, give them a waiting number, and call for the consultation according to the number given. CC should always fill up the academic progression counseling form and request for student to acknowledge and sign. CC should always request for students guardian to sign on the copy of result transcript found in the student file. CC should identify whether student is bound with PTPTN and whether they achieve the minimum requirement to be eligible for the next PTPTN cheque. If student fails to get minimum 2.0 GPA, CC must inform students guardian to arrange for the fee payment. Should any students guardian was not able to come on Parents Day, advise the student to arrange for an appointment with CC, to avoid guardians come to college and CC was not available to entertain.


HND REGISTRATION AND AWARD All new students are eligible to register for HND by filling up the HND registration form, provide photocopy of IC and a registration fee of RM50. HND registration form should be acknowledged by parents, student, and CC before being submitted to the cashier by students. CC need to prepare a namelist for students who have registered for HND, send to top management for their reference. Once students have graduated, identify the students who have registered for HND and send their namelist to CRO and inform them to process the students HND award. CC has to always follow up with CRO on the progress of getting the award for students. MID-TERM EXAM CC should remind lecturers who teach subjects with mid term exam to set a date, invigilator, venue, and exam paper for the exam. Subject lecturer should get the exam paper checked by Academic Manager / Consultant prior to be confirmed. Subject lecturer should print the copies of midterm exam paper as per number of students sitting for the exam and forward an email to CC to request CRO to prepare the needful. EXAM REGISTRATION Remind student to register for exam and to take note of the registration deadline. CC should advice students that have previous failing paper to clear some papers during the semester (A student can carry max. 3 failed subjects at any one time) CC is advised to record the subjects that students have registered for exam in a separate student mapping. CC to sign on the exam registration form and inform student to register and pay RM10 to cashier. MODULE REGISTRATION After exam registration, admin department will announce for module registration to be open and request all students to get module registration forms from CC and register for next semester subject. CC has to prepare module registration form based on the subjects that students are suppose to take in the next semester. CC should always refer to both student mapping and module planner set by HQ to decide the subjects to be offered.




Should there be any subjects that have to be offered, but was not included in the student mapping, CC has to request from Division of Studies Dr Vijay for approval to offer the subject. When students come to register for module, CC should view each student case carefully. Inform students that are suppose to re-attend classes due to past failure to also register for the subject. Once student has filled up the form, and CC has acknowledged, inform student to submit their registration form to the cashier. CC should always make sure the best arrangement is made for students so that they may graduate on time.


MANPOWER PLAN Manpower plan is made based on the subjects offered for students to take in the next semester. It will go hand in hand with module registration. CC will have to identify lecturers that are available to deliver the subjects. Should Full Time lecturers are overloaded with classes, try to include Part Time lecturers to assist (with approval from the Principal). CC must always bear the number of students in each class in mind. Should there be a need, there might be a necessity to have 2 or 3 separate sessions of classes. Eg: If number of students reached 40, it is advisable for the class to be divided into 2. CC should indicate in Manpower Plan whether there will be any Repeat students taking the subject (based on Module Registration form). This is to ensure Timetable Committee is able to make the necessary arrangement. CC will have to send the Manpower Plan to Timetable Committee, and follow the updates or changes made by the Committee or the Principal.


KPI REPORT CC will have to prepare, print hard copy and submit the report by the 5th of every month. CC is advised to send a soft copy to admin as well, for future reference purpose. All changes in student mapping should be reflected in the latest KPI. Should there be any intra-department meetings held, a copy of meeting minutes should be attached together with the report. MODULE LEADER Module leaders are responsible in preparing assignment papers as well as final exam papers for the subject(s) that they are responsible in. Module leaders should get assessment papers checked by Academic Consultant prior to send the papers to CC. CC is then responsible in sending the papers to Ms Ling Lee. As of today, the Module Leaders for OCJB is as follows: Dr Afif Bahasa Kebangsaan and Islamic Studies Ms Reha Managing People Ms Suhaila Moral Studies FINAL EXAM CRO will send a copy of final exam timetable. CC has to check for any subject clashing. Should there be no subject clashing, CC is to sign and acknowledge on the timetable. HQ will then send a finalized copy of timetable, CRO will paste it on the notice board. CC will have to double-confirmed whether there any subject clashing, as HQ might have made some changes on the previous timetable. CC to announce in student website and remind student to check the timetable and collect the exam docket from cashier.



Students who have fee arrears will not be able to get their dockets from cashier, CC is responsible in reminding the student to settle the fees or urge students to write in to arrange for fees instalment payment. It is CCs responsibility to check the final exam papers of part time lecturers, as most probably they will not be in college on the day of exam. CC will have to check whether the questions asked are within the syllabus. CC will have to inform Part Time lecturers to come and mark the exam papers, and inform them on the deadline to submit the marked papers. CC has the obligation to check all DBM subject exam papers to ensure that fair and correct markings have been provided. CC has to identify subjects with high failure rate and request lecturer to prepare high failure rate report. CC should keep a photocopy of Invigilators Report and Result Listing for future reference.

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