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'Global solutions we shape the way you want'

GSI Hospitality Suite


A Comprehensive Business Solution for the Food and Beverage Industry

Is your hospitality management software delivering the whole Pizza?

Still trying to patch together all the ingredients to get the full business picture?

GSI delivers the most comprehensive, cost effective, all in one hospitality management system in the market.

Fast easy deployment, simple training and adoption, 24 x 7 support 365 days a year.

Manage operations across multiple branches and multiple businesses from a single, centralised platform.

Multi Branch Stock Control

SMS Marketing

Mobile Apps

Kitchen Mngnt

BioMetric Security Offers & Discounts Purchasing

Loyalty Points

Forecasting Financial Reporting Staff Monitoring

POS Multi Business

Email Marketing

GSI Hospitality SuiteTM provides unparalleled accuracy and visibility into all aspects of your operations. Even from outside of the country.

Powerful features and functionalities to keep your business buzzing

POS (Point-Of-Sale) System Intui ti ve Vi s ua l Interface Mana ge cl i ent i nformati on cl i ent hi s tory cl ient preferences Members hi ps l oya l ty cl ubs poi nts mana gement Automati c di scounts and offers mana ged centra l l y Mul ti pl e vi s ual menu level s updated centra l l y automati cal l y Unl i mi ted payment types credi t card, ca sh, gi ft cheques , bi ll to account Fl oor pl a n tabl e as s i gnment combi ne ta bl es table s ta tus Bi ometri c s ecuri ty el i mi na tes the need for ID cards a nd pas s words Sus pend tra ns a cti on and recal l l ater for effi ci ent bi l l out BIR Accredi ted for i s s ua nce of offi cia l recei pts Ti ll reconci l i ati on bank run and ful l audi t l oggi ng

Mobile Ordering Mobi l e s ervi ce crew apps el i mi na te the need for pa per order s l i ps Avai l a bl e on Appl e, Androi d and Bl ackberry pl a tforms Mobi l e and web bas ed cl i ent a pps a l low cus tomers to order del i veri es Avai l a bl e on Appl e, Androi d, Bl ackberry, facebook and web pl atforms Mobile and web interactivity Cl i ent orderi ng wi th mobi l e a pps , web a nd fa cebook Servi ce crew a nd managers order taki ng apps Banquet a nd functi on fa ci li ti es booki ng a pps Seni or mana gement KPI a nd performance moni tori ng a pps Onli ne and mobi l e payments

Client Relationship Management (CRM) Bui l d compl ex ma rketi ng l i s ts bas ed on al mos t any cri teri a Shoot HTML emai l ca mpa i gns from wi thi n the s ys tem (s mtp requi red) Shoot SMS ca mpa i gns from wi thi n the s ys tem (s ervi ce required) Set up a utomati c cl i ent a l erts , noti fi cati ons a nd remi nders Two way SMS remi nders al l ow confirma ti on or cancel l a ti on of booki ngs Vi ew compl ete cl i ent hi s tory Log cl i ent preferences Provi de mobi l e Apps to cl i ents for i ns ta nt orderi ng Members hip and l oya lty cl ub ma nagement Poi nts a ccumul ati on, tra cking a nd redempti on

Kitchen management Order printing on mul tiple s ervi ce s ta tions Kitchen ma nagement module meas ures prep a nd deli very times Kitchen vis ua l dis play s hows the orders in proces s Expediter / ki tchen mana ger APP to foll ow order throughput and deli very

Smiling chefs, service crew, and happy customers; a standard feature!

Facilities, Events & Banquet Management Powerful 3D Vi s ua l cal endari ng and booki ng s ys tem Book functi on rooms As si gn equipment As si gn s ta ff Moni tor costs Confi rm booki ngs vi a SMS, Ema i l Recei ve down payments depos i ts res erva ti on fees Bi l l and recei ve payments di rectl y from withi n the ca l enda r tool Bi l l ba nquet packa ges Bi l l add on food and bevera ge i tems

Staff Management Ros ter s taff Ma nage s ki l l s ets a nd s ta ff groups Ma nage commi s s i ons Ma nage ti ps Bi ometri c Bundy cl ocki ng el i mi nates ti me keepi ng i s s ues Bi ometri c s ys tem a cces s and ful l a udit l oggi ng Powerful s ys tem pri vi l ege setti ngs al l ows ful l y gra nul ar pri vi l ege s etti ngs

Purchasing and Inventory Management Ma nage Suppl i ers as s i gn s uppl i er pri ori ty Is s ue PO's automa ti ca ll y or ma nual l y ba s ed on re order l evel s Powerful Forecas ti ng tool s provi de a ccura te JIT orderi ng Bui l t i n Bar codi ng Recei ve, i s sue, tra ns fer s tocks FIFO ba tch management Multi pl e warehous e / s torage and ra ck numbering Auto decrement s tocks ba s ed on s al es Moni tor costs (BOM) i ncl udi ng consumabl es / di s pos abl es Bui l d ki ts and s ervi ces wi th a uto s tock decrementati on Ma nage mul ti pl e wa rehous e l oca tions Automa ti cal l y pri nt Del i very Recei pts (DR's ) upon order confi rmati on

Accounts & Finance AR / AP / a gei ng management Hundreds of customi s abl e fi nanci al and trans acti ona l reports Ma nagement Accounti ng Pa yment methods Onli ne bi l l i ng (account requi red) Petty Ca s h Management Ti l l Ma na gement Bank run ma na gement Speci a l offer and di s count management Pa ckage offer ma na gement Gi ft voucher i s s ue / redeem / track

Efficiency simply delivered!

Now thats delicious!

Fully integrated Business Network

End to end business operations process with unparalleled visibility into each aspect of the business.

Manage Process Centrally and or Locally

Complete set of management tools to manage all major processes from the central HQ or from local branch operations or a combination of both. GSI provides incredible flexibility whilst preserving full security and detailed tracking of all events at every step of each process.

'Global solutions we shape the way you want'

GSI Hospitality Suite


Contact Martin Canate

Tel: (02) 925 2508 Email:

Now available for the first time in the Philippines. Contact the Gumnut Systems International Business Development Team today to request a demonstration.

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