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Health Assessment Final Exam 1. Best indicator of patients nutritional status and hydration.

a. Food intake b. Fluid intake c. Weight d. Height 2. The continuous evaporation of moisture from the skin, oral mucosa, respiratory tract. AKA insensible heat loss. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. Evaporation 3. The dissipation of heat by air currents. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. Evaporation 4. Transfer of heat from the surface of one object to the surface of another without contact between two object. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. Evaporation 5. The transfer of heat from one surface to another. It requires temperature difference between two surfaces. a. Convection b. Conduction c. Radiation d. Evaporation 6. A body temperature above normal range is? a. Hypopyrexia b. Hypothermia c. Pyrexia d. Hyperpyrexia 7. A very high fever, above 41 degree is? a. Hypopyrexia b. Hypothermia c. Pyrexia d. Hyperpyrexia 8. A low body temperature called? a. Hypopyrexia b. Hypothermia c. Pyrexia d. Hyperpyrexia 9. How many minutes should be the thermometer in place in mouth using the oral method?

a. 2-3 min b. 9min c. 30min d. 5-7 min 10. Rectal route is commonly used in newly born infant, this is to assess what congenital defect? a. Hypothyroidism b. Heart problem c. Intestine problem d. Imperforated anus 11. How many minutes should be the thermometer in place in axilla using the axillary method? a. 2-3 min b. 9min c. 30min d. 5-7 min 12. Normal range of an adult oral temperature? a. 36.5 37.5 degree Celsius b. 35.8 37 degree Celsius c. 37 38.1 degree Celsius d. 36.8 37.9 degree Celsius 13. Normal range of an adult rectal temperature? a. 36.5 37.5 degree Celsius b. 35.8 37 degree Celsius c. 37 38.1 degree Celsius d. 36.8 37.9 degree Celsius 14. Normal range of an adult axillary temperature? a. 36.5 37.5 degree Celsius b. 35.8 37 degree Celsius c. 37 38.1 degree Celsius d. 36.8 37.9 degree Celsius 15. It is wave of blood created by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. a. Blood pressure b. Pulse c. Respiration d. Temperature 16. What is the normal range of an adult pulse? a. 80-140bpm b. 80-130bpm c. 60-90bpm d. 60-100bpm 17. The pulse rate above normal is called? a. Tachypnea b. Tachycardia c. Bradypnea d. Bradycardia 18. Pulse rate below 60 is called? a. Tachypnea b. Tachycardia c. Bradypnea d. Bradycardia 19. An act of breathing is

a. Respiration b. Perspiration c. Ventilation d. Inspiration 20. The movement of gases in and out of the lungs is? a. Respiration b. Diffusion c. Ventilation d. Inspiration 21. The exchange of gases from higher concentration of pressure to lower pressure is a. Respiration b. Diffusion c. Ventilation d. Inspiration 22. Part of the brain that is primary respiratory center is a. Medulla Oblongata b. Pons c. Hypothalamus d. Midbrain 23. Known as difficulty of breathing is? a. Orthopnea b. Tachypnea c. Bradypnea d. Dyspnea 24. A rapid respiration a. Orthopnea b. Tachypnea c. Bradypnea d. Dyspnea 25. The availability and movement of blood for transport of gases, nutrient and metabolic waste product a. Perfusion b. Diffusion c. Ventilation d. Inspiration 26. The movement of clients chest in and out. May be normal, deep or shallow a. Rate b. Depth c. Rhythm d. Quality or character 27. Observe the regularity of exhalations and inhalations a. Rate b. Depth c. Rhythm d. Quality or character 28. Refers to the respiratory effort and sound of breathing

a. Rate b. Depth c. Rhythm d. Quality or character 29. Slow breathing, less than 12 breaths per minute in an adult is? a. Orthopnea b. Tachypnea c. Bradypnea d. Dyspnea 30. Slow, shallow respiration. Carbon dioxide is excessively retained. a. Orthopnea b. hypoventilation c. Hyperventilation d. Dyspnea 31. Deep and rapid respiration. Carbon dioxide is excessively exhaled. a. Orthopnea b. hypoventilation c. Hyperventilation d. Dyspnea 32. Ability to breath only in upright position. a. Orthopnea b. hypoventilation c. Hyperventilation d. Dyspnea 33. Is the measurement of pressure exerted by the blood as it pulsates through the arteries a. Systolic pressure b. Diastolic pressure c. Pulse pressure d. Pulse 34. It is difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure. a. Systolic pressure b. Diastolic pressure c. Pulse pressure d. Pulse 35. Is the pressure of blood as a result of contraction of the ventricles. a. Systolic pressure b. Diastolic pressure c. Pulse pressure d. Pulse 36. Is the pressure when the ventricles are at rest. a. Systolic pressure b. Diastolic pressure c. Pulse pressure d. Pulse 37. It is an abnormally high blood pressure over 140mmHg systolic or above 90mmHg diastolic for at least two consecutive readings.

a. Hypertension b. Hypotension c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Hyperventilation 38. Is a drop of systolic pressure more than 20mmhg. It occure with a quick change of position from lying to standing position a. Hypertension b. Hypotension c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Hyperventilation 39.Is an abnormally low blood pressure below 100/60. a. Hypertension b. Hypotension c. Orthostatic hypotension d. Hyperventilation 40. Before assessing the clients BP after walking from a distance, you should instruct the client to rest for how many minute? a. 30min. b. 60min. c. 15min. d. 5min. 41-50. Enumerate the factors that can make your vital sign increases.


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