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New Jolly Post Recalls Old Memories L..

BO i congeli- Frankford's Famous Historic Hostelry Taco (nee o the I Born Again As New Restaurant FO pollOpens Today Roost guage Cirel learn With the return of business recovery judge GE i with and happier days and bringing back the I denl inc to olden days of the wayside innin late litical Frankford it is quite fitting therefore HI s good that it high-class restaurant and tap- of El Ind to I room should revive the memories of Wedi voter Frankford's historic days. J. Ellwood McKinley, the last proprietor of the Old son arty Jolly Post (before prohibition days) has r par- I again come back into the business of HI hether being mein host at the new Jolly Post Of Amocrat restaurant which he has opened at thethe 1. Any- northwest corner of Frankford avenue Fune cc be- and Orthodox street, a few feet from his ii can, if the Site of the famous old Jolly Post flue, litions. I 1mm of Revolutionary Days, 250 years i KE i tat one ago. in announcing the opening today,kirk ins. If (Friday) this greeting appears on the John Cumi, re, and elaborate menu folder : &, a Re"The Old Jolly Post was built and es- MOl ublican tablished as a Colonial inn catering to street or vice the comfort of man and beast, and the ter at Alma !entertainment of its guests, a century Decea ted t' by it before American Independence. er that It was named by General Washing- neat n more ton. One day during the Revolution- been of his ary War, Waiington with several of his staff officers had been reconnoitering Lemlir, en h in the neighborhood of Frankford and 4221 mt him night came on, attempted to cross Funex Frankford Creek to return to Phuladel- day fr nd the phia, but hard rains had swollen the & Soi led 0 stream. The General and his party were compelled to return to the village . Osc I must ner, inn to spend the night. The news thai 1fl (in cOin to the great Washington was quartered at man. ROS 1icans the tavern spread like wildfire through ;re' the quiet town ai-d It was quickly de- ter of lIe u' termined by the younger element to Samue. would have some sort of a celebration in hon- service I am or of the occasion. A country dance Warrem was soon arranged in the inn parlor finch Torres i.n n until late in the night, the General was viN entertained by the scraping of fiddles, of Can dancing and general merriment. On at-- Bpeinls in PhIlade'phia he was and in me said asked wbie he spOut the jpglit, Oh 'h1 i 'ecause said heilaughinly, "We, stopped inst Hoov- nlht at'he 'jolly' post. The nick name W v wa 4nikly carried to Frankford and streef mm forsaally bestowed on the old tar- of Mt man'S, Gee Lafayette also enjoyed the hospitality lie job te. But of this old hotel during the Revolution. llngt 'a fra' n tick- When General William Henry Harrison short was making his presidential campaign, .'hat to 1 ant to he also put up at this inn, on which oc- owne' casion the citizens of Frankford built mont an enormous bonfire in the middle of pin t street Immediately in front of the 'Wife,' rbat a the Schile tavern. iold-ing and be From those days until it was razed in man's 1911, it acted as a host to a long list of were I ir notable personages and was always f graft. 'noted for its hospitality and comfortable surroundings. The hots of the artist at dee- 'Jolly Post were always eager and anx- whE he man ions to serve the travel-weary and .resent gry sojourner. The present owner of IV g eventhe new Jolly Post, ElwoodMcKinley, No In bei g the last host of the old, is anxious that the old sptrit be carried over to the and new a ' that you may find. here rest roesi 'd 'rd 'ment ' your liking 0

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