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INGLES Socioeconomic Environment, Cultural and Human Interest Socioeconomic Environment The Concession Benefit, Benefit Plant Untuca

belongs politically to the district of Quiaca, but is in the Rural Community Untuca; Unction is the nearest town center and directly influenced by mining activities developed by CORI PUNO SAC The district has a very uneven relief, is located in the eastern foothills of the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru. The soils are unsuitable for agricultural purposes or forestry productions within economic margins rather pay great attention to development of mining activities or serve as a source of energy or recreation areas. According to statistics, the population over 6 years is divided into two groups. First, the economically active population (EAP), which is one that participates in any activity, whether as a worker, employee, self employed, pattern. The other group is formed by the so-called economically inactive population, which is made up of men and women who do not participate in economic activities, such as students, housewives or retired or living on their incomes. According to this division, within the total population of Rural Community Untuca having 6 or more years, 285 people are considered within the category of economically active population being employed 284 people while only one of them are unemployed . The largest employer in the town center is certainly informal mining. As in recent years, the small and informal mining is still the same way, one of the activities offered jobs for these people. Other activities that used to a lesser extent labor are transport and trade. An important aspect to highlight, as is child labor in these towns, children are forced to work regularly and do not attend school. Characteristics of the Community Labor Untuca
Labor characteristics center village Untuca 13 272 284 1 131 47 0 70 4 180 13 26 16

economically active population aged 6 to 14 years EAP aged 15 and older occupied unemployed Occupational Category salaried independent patron Labour. Unpaid Family Home Worker Economic Activity extractive transformation services Principal occupation Farmers and Agricultural Skilled Workers

Workers in Manufacturing, mining, construction Retailers peddlers Unskilled service workers others

19 12 3 166 7

Major Interest Groups are: First Group of interest: They are the Lieutenant Governor and Municipal Agent. For it is through their authorities who will make all arrangements to support the implementation of basic infrastructure, implementation of small development projects and investment, education and health for the population. It is possible that the company as a way to improve community relations plan to build relationships with other agencies both governmental and non governmental organizations through the creation of a small desk with a view above. Second Group of Interest: The Rural Community Untuca, because this is the nearest population center to the project area and also is one that will benefit directly and indirectly with the project. Third Group of Interest: It's made by public institutions such as the Ministry of Health represented by the health post), Ministry of Education (educational center with its various initial and primary). Fourth Group of Interest: Comprised of Social Organizations of Base, between organizations can be found in the area are: Glass of Milk Committee and the Peasant Patrols. These organizations were born in response or as a way to meet their needs and demands through the community work together as they are very important in the development of district and town center. IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. Physical Environment. Impact Air Quality Monitoring has been conducted for the respective purposes of this study as Line Base. Increased Noise Levels To the extent that the area of operations away from inhabited areas, to reduce the noise. For the characteristics of the storage process of courts not is going to produce a significant increase in noise because the populations are relatively far. Thus we have the population groups as the center Untuca village is located at 12.5 km away. Surface Water Resource. Surface Water Allocation The industrial water will be captured in a runoff that comes in the left flank of Qda valley glacier. Ananea having a flow of 21 L / sec The drinking water for camps will be captured and piped from the area before the lake thaws Ananea to the camps. The flow rate measured at this point is 714 L / sec which is taken a fraction to camps.

Risk of impairment to the water table In the assessment area are not detected groundwater outcrops such as puquiales that might be affected or referred to the mining operation - metallurgy. It has been considered as measures for prevention of the following: Proper maintenance teams. Inspection of fuel tanks. In performing the feedback of fuels and lubricants in the area of the award shall be made in the maintenance area. Removal and proper disposal of contaminated soils. Use of industrial cloth to remove the spilled oil. Construction of containment pond in the area of tank Fuel storage capacity of 110% retention the volume of the tank in case of installing a distributor fuel. The sludge is to be built and waterproofed by a layer of clay compacted and a ridge type subdrenaje system of fish will collect the effluent from the sludge to be captured by a system well and then be pumped into the industrial area which will prevent contaminate the water table. Impact of Soil Quality Direct modifications of the surface. The change is due to the leveling and removal of soil for the location of the industrial zone, the sludge (3.2 Hectares) and the camps are approximately an area of 5.5 hectares. Soil Removal Is a direct impact of moderate significance, soil loss occurs as product storage activities in courts and access roads and as areas where the deposits will be placed in material and tailings after processing will occur in the metallurgical plant. This impact will be mitigated by observing the process of storing these organic soils replace areas of revegetation and the closure of operations. Contamination of soil In the area of accumulation of mineral and fields where it is located mainly machinery, vehicles and industrial area (metallurgical plant) there is a risk soil affected by oil spills, oils, greases and lubricants as product of manipulating these and generated in the course of transport and as basic maintenance work machine, but this is added lesser extent the system of wastewater treatment, disposal of solid waste fee to the municipal solid waste deposit. Is therefore a direct impact of moderate significance. Plants - Herbaceous Coverage In the construction phase will be a decrease in grass cover and a reduction of plant diversity because all the vegetation in the area is low growing herbaceous type. The vegetation type most impacted by the rocky Untuca project which will be reduced in its territory and that there is placed the sludge. This impact will be on time because they occupy a given area and reversible as it can implement a program of revegetation.

Aquatic flora In the project area will be minor impacts on the aquatic flora. The movement of produce land settlement of settleable solids in the aquatic algae which will prevent the implementation of efficient photosynthesis. This impact will be mitigated if take steps recommended in the Environmental Management Plan. Wildlife - Aquatic Animals The expected impacts to aquatic fauna are the decrease in diversity and richness of zooplankton and benthic due to change of course of course Pulluncuyoc (CWB-04) to the concentrator. It should be noted that we observed in the field of informal mining practice whose waste is to hit the river Ananea and in the bed of Pulluncuyoc. These consist of mercury waste and sludge produced by removing the substrate. Endangered species Wildlife species in threat status were found in the area of project are: the Condor Andean Condor, the Royal Falcon Falco peregrinus, the seagull Larus Andean serranus which are in a vulnerable situation and Ground Woodpecker Colaptes rupicola, which is in a strange situation. For example I see a kind of Andean Condor. Falco peregrinus and Larus serranus are on a frequent basis. But all these birds will be displaced by the sounds of machines and vehicles and the activities to be undertaken in the construction phase but this impact will be of moderate intensity. However take measures outlined in the Environmental Management Plan. In the operation phase: Plants - Herbaceous Coverage In the operation phase impacts on herbaceous cover will be minimal because the operating area is located near the glacier where the vegetation is scarce. The slight impact will arise from the dust that vehicles and machinery for the operation phase of the project but this powder usually remain on the road or in the vicinity of the track so the impact will be localized and reversible and to be cleaned by the rain. Endangered species Wildlife species in threat status were found in the area of project are: the Condor Andean Condor, the Royal Falcon Falco peregrinus, the seagull Larus Andean serranus which are in a vulnerable situation and Ground Woodpecker Colaptes rupicola, which is in a strange situation. These birds can be disturbed by the noise made by workers or machines at this stage but this impact will be slight. However it will take measures set in the Environmental Management Plan. Social Environment. Risk of Involvement in Health Indirect impact is a significant middle, it will not affect the population of Untuca due to the distance from its site of operation. The start progress of mining operations in the watershed of the river Ananea not affect health of the small population exists in the area by distance.

Employment Generation It is a positive and significant impact, for influence in the increase in employment for local operations, and that will be used mainly labor the district for the district and population mainly neighbors and this will impact positive rating. Risk Analysis In this analysis, risk response actions are outlined to situations may be a result of operational activities implemented in the project area or other natural causes. Objectives of Risk Analysis To assess the potential harm to workers. Provide risk buildings and facilities of the Company against threats from inside and outside. Provide and economic damage and prejudice to the Company or third (Community). Assess the risk to the ecosystem as a result of phenomena Emergency processes. Analyze constant and strictly manual procedures in the transportation of hazardous materials such as reagents and fuel.

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