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Management Systems in Production Engineering


Leszek KAMIERCZAKPIWKO University of Zielona Gra

Abstract: The paper prepared within the PhD grant (SubAc on 8.2.2 Regional Innova on Strategies, Ac vity 8.2 KnowHow Transfer, Priority VIII Regional Business Personnel of the Human Capital Opera onal Programme, cofunded from the EU resources within the European Social Fund as well as the state budget and the Lubuskie Voivodship)undertakesthe problem of universal instruments of sustainable development of companies such as environmental management BS7750,ISO14000standards,EMASandCPstrategiesaswellasCSR.Itfocusesoncomprehensivepresenta onoftheir genesis,evolu onandcurrentsitua onintheen esopera nginPoland.

Key words: sustainable development, economy, business, interna onal coopera on, environmental management sys tems, cleaner produc on, Corporate Social Responsibility

INTRODUCTION The genesis of methods andinstruments of companies developmentaccordingtotheconceptofsustainable devel opment (SD) is obviously combined with its occurrence in the interna onal discourse and dening the enterprises sector as one of the main perpetrators of the ecological crisisobservedwithinthelast yyears.CurrentlytheSD paradigm is the founda on of the EU development policy [1], bringing important tasks for this sector of enterprises which result from the sectors longterm objec ves. Their achievements will mainly depend on the populariza on of universal systems that allow the entrepreneur to opera onalise these objec ves in their daily ac vi es. Such op portuni escreateexis nginprac ceandconstantlyevolv ing instruments of sustainable development (SD) including thesystemsofvoluntaryobliga ons,veryo enspeciedin the reference literature as the environmental company management. Therefore the paper undertakes the problem of these toolsbeginningfromtheirgenesis,evolu onandmeaning inimplemen ngtheconceptofsustainable development at themicroeconomiclevel. THEGENESISANDDEVELOPMENTOFTHEINSTRUMENTS OFSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENTOFCOMPANIES The reference literature provides many examples of toolswhichmodifytheformofcompaniesopera onsinto mee ng the requirements of the concept of sustainable development. Out of many examples we can dis nguish several universal instruments of complementary character whichcanbeprac callyappliedinthemajorityofmodern forms of business en es a er mee ng specic require ments i.e. regardless of the size of the company and its trade. Such instruments include among others ISO 14000,

EMAS, CP strategies, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) ortheBri shBS7750.Thesesystemsappearedinbusiness prac ceattheendofthesecondhalfofthetwen ethcen tury, and they have been subject to con nuous evolu on un ltheyreachedthecurrentform. The rst a empts to establish interna onal standards i.e. Corporate Social Responsibility were taken in the 70s byOECDandledtocrea onofthedocumenten tledGuil delines on Mul na onal Enterprises as well as by Interna onal Labour Organisa on which in 1970 adopted Tripar te Declara on of Principles Concerning Mul na onal En terprises and Social Policy. However these standards did notgrasplargemediaa en on[2].Finallya erthechange of climate observed within the last two decades of the twen eth century, the populariza on of the concept of sustainabledevelopmentinterna onallyledtotheresump onofworktodevelopuniformstandardsofrunningbusi nessen es. It somehow encouraged the search of the methods of development of this sector specied by the trajectory of objec vesdeterminedbytheconceptofsustainabledevel opment.Theconsequenceofthissearchwasemergingnew interna onal documents containing new ideas of methods and instruments in the forms of sustainable (environmental) company development. In the 80s of the last century many industrial organisa ons were created intended to promote such methods of company manage ment. In 1985 the German Environmental Management Associa onwasestablished.Itwastherstworldassocia on which adopted The Code of conduct of environmental management [3]. Then similar associa ons were estab lishedworldwide. 1991 was very important moment for the crea on of sustainabledevelopmentmethodsandinstruments.Atthat

38ManagementSystemsinProduc onEngineering4(8)/2012 L.KAMIERCZAKPIWKOThedevelopmentofinstrumentsofsustainabledevelopmentoftheenterprisessector metheICCInterna onalChamberofCommerce)issued a document en tled ICC Charter forSustainableDevelop ment(calledICCRo erdamCharter).Itcontains16princi ples for EnvironmentalManagement [4]. Interna onal and domes c instruments of environmental management normsandstandardshaveregularlyappearedeversince. InJune1992therstBri shstandardofenvironmental managementBS7750waspublishedandwaslatermodi ed in January 1994. It was the rst environmental stand ard of company management. At the same me a er the UNCEDconferenceinRioin1992,UNIDOandUNEP;refer ring to the provisions of paragraph 31 of agenda 21; con ducted a pilotproject on environmentalpreven ve strate giesinthemaindevelopingcountries.A eritscomple on these organisa ons started the joint program of crea ng Na onalCleanerProduc onCentres.ThersteightNCPCs wereestablishedin19941995.Thecentreswereintended to render services for business, governments and other interestedpar esintheirna vecountriestohelpthemto in implementa on of these methods, prac ces, strategies together with the technology of Cleaner Produc on (CP) [5]. In1999,duringthemee ngofUNEPCouncilinNairobia (Kenia), the Polish Minister of Environmental Protec on, Natural Resources and Forestry signed the Interna onal Declara onofCleanerProduc on[6]. In 1995 pursuant to the regula ons of the European Community based on the voluntary par cipa on of indus trialcompaniesinenvironmentalmanagementsystemand Community audit Eco Management and Audit Scheme EMASof1993,theEMASsystemwasimplemented[7]. In1996a erlessthanthreeyearsofworkoftheTC207 (Strategic Advisory Group of Environment) the rst ISO 1400 standard [8] was issued. According to the opinion of theBri shqualityportal[9]thisserieswasmainlytheresult oftheUruguayGATTnego a onsandRiosummit. InMay2010,therewas8thplenarysessioninCopenha genduringwhichthecontentofISO26000wasadopted.It was the conclusion of the six years work of experts and observers from 99 countries together with 42 associated organisa ons[2].Itledtothecrea onofstandardwhichis aprac calguidetotheideaofCSRintroducedinthe70sof thelastcentury. Table 1. presents selected, the most important mo ments in the evolu on of sustainable development instru mentsinchronologicalorder.

Table1 Timelyevolu onofselectedinstrumentsofsustainabledevelopmentofcompanies(based[4])

70 77 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 00 01 04 06 09 10 11 GuildelinesonMul na onalEnterprisesOECDCSR Tripar teDeclara onofPrinciplesconcerningMul na onalEnterprisesandSocialPolicyILOCSR GlobalSullivanPrinciplesCSR Ro erdamCharterICC BS7750:1992 AgendaXXIparagraph30(CleanerProduc on) Regula onEECno.1836/93EMAS BS7750:1994,IrishstandardI.S.310Canadianstandard CSAZ75094,AmericanstandardNSF110 TheCauxRoundTable(PrinciplesforBusiness)CSR GuildelinesonMul na onalEnterprisesOECDCSR UNIDOandUNEPrstNCPCs(CleanerProduc on) ISO14001,ENISO14001,WIthdrawingna onalstandards, ISO14004,ISO14004,ISO140010,ISO14011,ISO14012, ISO14040,(LCA)ISOGuide64, PNENISO14001,PNENISO14010,14011,14012,ISO14050 ISO/TR14061,ISO14020,ISO14041 ISO:14041,(LCA) GlobalSullivanPrinciples(upda ngCSR) Tripar teDeclara onofPrinciplesconcerningMul na onalEnterprisesandSocialPolicy(amendments)CSR GlobalCompact(9principles)UNCSR ISO:14042,14043(LCA) Regula on(EC)no.761/2001EMAS,CommissionDecisions(EC)2001/681/EC, ISO14001:2004 2006/193/ECEMAS ISO14040:2006LCA ISO14044:2006LCA Regula on(EC)no.1221/2009EMAS StandardsISO26000CSR Newclassica onofGCpar cipants(GlobalCompact)accordingtothethreeadvancementlevelCSR

Table2 Themosto enusedinprac ceinstrumentsofsustainabledevelopmentofcompanies(based[14])


1.Ecologicalstrategies 1.Ecologicalaudits 2.Ecologicalpolicy 2.Wasteminimisingprocedure 3.Environmentalmanagementprogram 3.Emergencyplans

* program exclusively for chemical industry **standards published in 2010

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THEPOPULARISATIONOFSUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENTSOFCOMPANIESINPOLAND RecentlythemostpopularinstrumentamongthePolish entrepreneurswhichmeetstheaboverequirementsisun doubtedlythemanagementsystemaccordingtoISO14001 standard.AsspeciedbyMatuszakFleiszman[10]thenum berofcer catesobtainedinlinewithISO14001standards isabout2000andgraduallyincreases.Thisfactisalsocon rmed by the data from portal which keeps the informal register of Polish organisa ons with cer cates conrming the implementa on of the environ mental management system based on the standards ISO 14000 the current number in the register reaches 2012 organisa ons [11]. It should be noted that companies are not obliged to register and there is no generally available databaseofcompaniestoaccuratelydeterminetheirexact number. In case of EMAS according to the register kept by the ministry of environment at present 30 Polish en es has implementedthissystemintobusinessprac ce[12]. HoweverforCPStrategybasedontheresultsfromthe databasekeptbythePolishMovementofCleanerProduc on in coopera on with NOT (Polish Federa on of Engi neeringAssocia ons)79en eshavebeentheawardedby theauthori esimplemen ngtheCPprinciplestoeveryday businessprac ceeversincethedatabasewasestablished. In prac ce the use of such instruments by companies should contribute to their sustainable development so ac cordingtotheInterna onalIns tuteforSustainableDevel opment(IISD)andWorldBusinessCouncilforSustainable Development (WBCSDThe World Business Council for SustainableDevelopmentisacoali onof175interna onal companieswhichisunitedbyjointinvolvementforsustain able development by integra on andharmonisa on of ac vi esfor:economicgrowth,ecologicalbalanceandsocial progress [15]) for such opera on strategy which sa ses the current needs of the company and related groups of stakeholdersitprotects,maintains and support the human beings and resources which may be needed in the future [15]. SUMMARY The development of instruments of sustainable devel opmentofcompaniesrefersmainlytotheperiodofthelast 30years.Despiteearliercommunicatessentbytheinterna onal communi es as in the case of the social aspects of businessopera onsfocusingonitsresponsibilitypresented inthedocumentsissuedinthe70'softhelastcenturythey occurredsomeyearsa ertheendoftheUNconferencein Rio,in1992.Sincethatmomentnewstandardsofenviron mental management have been regularly published: BS7750, ISO 14000, EMAS, CP Strategies un l 2010 when ISO26000standardrelatedtoCSRwaspublished. Moreovertheinstrumentsaresubjecttoconstantevo lu on what is expressed by regularly observed changes of mgrLeszekKamierczakPiwko UniversityofZielonaGra FacultyofEconomicsandManagement ul.Podgrna50,65246ZielonaGra,POLAND Artyku w polskiej wersji jzykowej dostpny na stronie internetowejczasopisma.

the published standards. The tools as shown in prac ce become more and more popular, (except for EMAS) and very o en in interna onal business contacts they deter mine the standard specifying the company business level and through their popularisa on more and more business en esenterthetrajectoryofdevelopmentinlinewiththe concept of sustainable development. Thanks to them the companieslimitthenega veimpactonenvironmentandat thesame metheiropera onismoresociallyresponsible. REFERENCES [1] COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION, EUROPE 2020, A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. European Commission. Brussels, 03.03.2010. COM(2010)2020. [2] Makuch.:Normyistandardyspoecznejodpowiedzi alnoci biznesu (CSR). Pedagogical College TWP in Warsaw.Warsaw2011,pp.7073. [3] EjdysJ.,KobyliskaU.,LulewiczA.:Zintegrowanesys temy zarzdzania jakoci rodowiskiem i bezpiec zestwempracy.TeoriaiPraktyka.CenterofSustaina ble Development and Environment Management, Bi alystok University of Technology. Biaystok 2006, pp. 70. [4] Pochyluk R., Grudowski P., Szymaski J.: Zasady wdraaniasystemuzarzdzaniarodowiskowegozgod nego z wymaganiami ISO 14000. EKOKONSULT. Gdask1999,pp.2336. [5] The UnitedNa ons Industrial Development Organiza on(UNIDO).h p:// [6] h p:// [7] Ejdys J., Kobaliska U., Lulewicz A. Tarasiuk J.: Zin tegrowane systemy zarzdzania. Centrum Zrwn owaonego Rozwoju i Zarzdzania rodowiskiem. BiaystokUniversityofTechnology.Biaystok2005,pp. 70. [8] Regula on(EEC)No1836/93of23June1993allowing voluntary par cipa on by organisa ons in a Commu nityecomanagementandauditscheme(EMAS). [9] h p:// [10] MatuszakFleiszman A.: Determinanty doskonalenia systemu zarzdzania rodowiskowego zgodnego z wymaganiami normy ISO 14001. Publica on of the Poznan University of Economics in Pozna. Pozna 2010. [11] p:// [12] EMAS.h p:// [13] h p:// [14] Graczyk. A.: Zarzdzanie rodowiskowe w przedsibi orstwie.Publica onoftheWroclawUniversityofEco nomics.Wroclaw2008. [15] BusinessStrategyforSustainableDevelopment:Lead ership and Accountability for the 90s. IISD, WBCSD Deloi e&Touche,Winnipeg1992,pp.1. [16] h p://

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