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Think Green To Improve Present-Day Environmental Crisis The world remains on its path of devastation, with weather problems,

nuclear pow er plant problems, along with apathy in the masses. This world will be doomed un less we make an effort to do something about it. The population has exploded, th ere is corruption all over, there is a certain crisis in pollution, there are ha rmful chemicals everywhere, and essentially the world is just a mess. The best t hing for us today is to live green. Unfortunately, nearly all individuals have no idea what the term green living is in its true sense. Whatever actions that make a positive effect on our planet i s considered as green living. These are things that will help support the coming generation by helping the earth remain balanced. The primary aim of green livin g is to preserve an ecological balance. Not only that, but green living cleans t he surroundings by geting rid of toxins in the environment. When we live green, our world will be a better place for everyone and we can maintain it for a very long time. The balance of nature has been overturned again and again, until there is only s o much to be concerned about. There are many places in the world where water is dwindling. We now live in a concrete jungle, with the elimination of a lot of fo rests and trees, that there are barely any trees or plants remaining. There is s o much pollution, and the air is so contaminated, that when traveling from one p lace to another, it is hard to travel the distance without being dirty on arriva l. The future generations will be left without oil, people are using more and more trees for paper supplies, and the earth is deteriorating each day. Every single day, our planet is faced with many ecological problems but everyone seems to be disregarding it. Thousands of people are being harmed by weird ecological distur bances that are taking place worldwide. Nature is struggling with instabilities and too much pollution, along with financial crisis and global recession. Every day money is being expended on trivial things while important issues are being i gnored. What about the ecology, or protecting nature, or persuading people to tu rn to green living. How do we, as a people of the earth, alter our habits and find out how to conser ve more? Is there a way to band together, to get more trees planted, to switch o ff the electricity when not in use, and try to save water. Are people generally attempting to clean up the environment and make it better for future generations ? Are enough people working to lessen pollution? Are enough people attempting to do better so that the succeeding generations have something left? There is a li ttle time remaining, but it is past time that everyone should be adopting a gree n lifestyle.

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