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Oleh : Regi Pratama Rizqi



MONEY Money can be anything that is generally and universally accepted for the payment of good, services, or debts. It consists of coins, paper money or currency and checks that are convertible into currency and coin on demand. These three items expedite the production and trade of goods and services, and they liquidate debt. If it were not for money, all goods and services would have to be traded directly for other goods and services, a system known as barter. Good money consists of a material that is durable, easily stores, lacking a bulk and light in weight. Metallic coins and paper are ideal for these purpose. Money is created by a government and also by private instutions under its direct control. The constitution of the united states grant congress the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof. Congress has delegated this money power to the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve System, and through it to the system of privately owned commercial banks. Some but not all money is also legal tender that is, money that by law must be accepted as payment of debt. Currency and coins are legal tender because they are created directly by a government and by government decree must be accepted. Checks, which are created by commercial banks, are money but are not legal tender. Money and credit both affect prices. Because money finances virtually all economic activity the total money supply will have a powerful effect on the price of goods and service. If the quantity of money doubles, than all else remaining equal, the price level will tend to double. An important characteristic of money is the rapidity with which it circulates or changes hands. This is referred to as the velocity of money. If, for example a dollar changes hands ten times per years, the velocity of money is ten. An increase in either the quantity of money or its velocity will cause prices to rise or one may rise and the other fall, tending to negate any impact on prices. The overall price level, then, is determined by the quantity of money times its velocity of circulation.

THE TRANSLATION: UANG Uang bisa menjadi apa saja yang umumnya dan diterima secara universal untuk pembayaran terhadap barang, jasa, ataupun utang. Itu terdiri dari koin, uang kertas, atau mata uang dan cek yang dapat dikonversikan ke dalam mata uang dan koin sesuai permintaan. Ketiga item ini mempercepat produksi dan perdagangan barang dan jasa, dan kesemuanya melikuidasi utang. Jika tanpa uang, semua barang dan jasa harus diperdagangkan secara langsung untuk mendapatkan barang dan jasa lain, suatu sistem yang dikenal sebagai barter. Uang yang baik terdiri dari bahan yang tahan lama, mudah diterima, berkapasitas kecil dan berbahan ringan. Koin logam dan kertaslah yang ideal untuk tujuan tersebut. Uang dibuat oleh pemerintah dan juga oleh Instansi swasta di bawah kontrol yang jelas. Sebuah konstitusi di Amerika Serikat pada kongresnya mengatur kekuatan untuk uang koin dan nilai daripadanya. Kongres tersebut telah mendelegasikan tentang kekuatan uang ini kepada US Treasury, Federal Reserve System, dan melalui berbagai kesisteman pada bank swasta komersial. Tidak semua dari beberapa uang juga termasuk alat pembayaran yang sah yaitu, uang yang oleh hukum harus diterima sebagai pembayaran utang. Mata Uang dan koin adalah alat pembayaran yang sah karena mereka dibuat langsung oleh pemerintah dan setiap keputusan pemerintah harus diterima. Cek, yang diciptakan oleh bank-bank komersial, termasuk uang tetapi bukan alat pembayaran yang sah. Uang dan kredit keduanya mempengaruhi harga. Karena uang membiayai hampir semua kegiatan ekonomi dalam jumlah total uang beredar akan memiliki efek yang kuat pada harga barang dan jasa. Jika kuantitas uang dua kali lipat, dari kesemua hal lain yang tetap sama, tingkat harga akan cenderung dua kali lipat. Karakteristik penting dari uang adalah kecepatan dengan yang beredar atau berpindah tangan. Hal ini disebut sebagai perputaran uang. Jika, misalnya dolar berpindah tangan sepuluh kali per tahun, perputaran uang adalah sepuluh. Baik peningkatan kuantitas uang atau kecepatannya akan menyebabkan harga naik atau salah satunya mungkin naik dan yang lainnya jatuh, cenderung menghapus dampak pada harga. Kemudian, Tingkat harga keseluruhan, ditentukan oleh kuantitas uang dikali kecepatan sirkulasinya.

QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT ABOVE 1. What is your money? 2. What does money consist of? 3. What is barter? 4. What does good money consist of? 5. Who creates money? 6. Who has the power to coin money in US? 7. What is the meaning of legal tender? 8. Why currency and coins are legal tender? 9. Are checks legal tender? Why? 10. What is the important characteristic of money? 11. What is the velocity of money? 12. What is determined by the quantity of money times its velocity of circulation?

THE ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE TEXT 1. Money is something that is generally and universally accepted for the payment of good, service, or debts. 2. Money consists of coins, paper money or currency and checks that are convertible into currency and coin on demand. 3. Barter is conditions without money, so all goods and services would have to be traded directly for other goods and services. 4. Good money consists of a material that is durable, easily stores, lacking a bulk and light in weight. 5. Money is created by government and also by private instutions under its direct control. 6. The constitution of the United States grant Congress has delegates this money power to the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve System, and through it to the system of privately owned commercial banks. 7. The meaning of legal tender is, money that by law must be accepted as payment of debt. 8. Because they are created directly by a government and by also government decree must be accepted. 9. Not, because checks are created by commercial banks. 10. An important characteristic of money is the rapidity with which it circulates or changes hands. 11. The velocity of money is the average frequency with which a unit of money is spent on new goods and services produced domestically in a specific period of time. 12. The conception of the velocity of circulation as a real, unitary entity, a cause in the process of price-determination is, I suppose, almost as old as the quantity theory itself. It is an essential part of the quantity theory

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