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Collection of excerpts about organization Culegere de fragmente despre organizatie EN - RO

Sahaja Yoga is not just a fashion, cult or alternative method. Thus there is no organization as such in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership in Sahaj Yoga except that we had to have a nominal Trust. By that Trust we have to operate for legal affairs, but it has no permanent list of names of people. There is no dead organization, but a living collective single organism. The body has the cells. After self-realisation the spirits of the cells are enlightened by Sahaj Yoga. The seekers being has to actually be sprouted by Kundalini awakening. Then becoming is important. Sahaja Yoga Book, Cap.1, pag.14, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi So you can imagine how one can go with it. Try first of all with two, three, five and more. You can also advertise afterwards, if you have given Realization to people, say about you have given Realization to ten people you can start your own organization, or whatever you may call it, and can work it out. Now you have the power, you have the right, but you must have a temperament also. In the beginning, you have to be very patient and kind very kind. Then gradually you will find that you can cure people. You can use My photograph for curing to begin with and later on you can see you can cure. Shri Guru Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 20 July 2008

"Sahaja Yoga nu este o moda, un cult sau vreo metoda alternativa. Astfel, nu exista nicio organizatie ca atare in Sahaja Yoga. Nu exista niciun membru in Sahaja Yoga cu exceptia ca a trebuit sa avem O Administratie. Aceasta Administratie trebuie sa functioneze pentru problemele juridice, dar nu are nicio lista permanenta cu nume de persoane. Nu este o organizatie moarta, ci un organism colectiv viu si unic. Corpul are celule. Dupa Realizarea Sinelui, spiritele celulelor sunt iluminate prin intermediul Sahaja Yoga. Fiinta cautatorului incolteste, de fapt, prin trezirea energiei Kundalini. Apoi importanta este devenirea."

Aa c v putei imagina ct de departe putei merge. Incercai mai nti cu doi, trei, cinci i mai muli. Ulterior putei face publicitate, dac ai dat Realizarea oamenilor; s zicem c dac ai dat Realizarea la zece persoane, putei pune bazele propriei organizaii, sau cum i vei spune, i putei functiona. Acum avei puterea, avei dreptul, dar trebuie s avei i o fire potrivit. La nceput, trebuie s fii foarte rabdtori i binevoitori foarte binevoitori. Apoi, treptat, vei constata c i putei vindeca pe oameni. Pentru vindecare putei folosi fotografia Mea, iar ulterior putei vedea c avei capacitatea de a vindeca.

Whenever you get angry, get annoyed or complain, tell yourself that I am a Sahaja Yogi. I am different from others. Mother has transformed me into something else. If you understand this you will be glorious. But if you cannot achieve this then it is useless. Then making 50 such organizations also is of no use. New Years Eve Puja (English Part of speech). Music Academy of Vaitarna, Bombay (India), 31 December 2002 We, Realized beings understand Sahaja Yoga so deeply that now there is no need to draw any other meaning of it. Still there are people suggesting rituals. It is all useless. I have never said so, yet people are doing what I have never said! So now when they listen to tapes of my lectures and understand that Mother has not said it, why should we do that? But because of old Sanskara (conditioning) we keep on observing certain rituals. So long as we do not get rid of our conditionings, we shall not understand real Sahaja Yoga. I have made you very special people. You know the real meaning of religion. You know every thing, you know about yourself and about others. You could give Realisation to people. So now you have become perfect. So what is there to go astray now? You cannot fall. So today I thought of the pains of Guru Nanaka. How much he tolerated! His wife was not cooperative at all. What people have made of his achievements? These people are misusing Lord Christ, Mohammad Sahib and, above all, Guru Nanaka because he was the last incarnation. Shirdi Sainath incarnated after him. Sai Nath was against all the rituals and conditioning because these are misleading. After awakening, things change of course. Realized people become knowledgeable. Without realization it is not possible. So Sai Nath did not organize. We have not organized too. We have no organization. People automatically get organized after awakening, the way different organs of the body are organized. So without any organization everything is going on immaculately in Sahaja Yoga.I bless you all. You have to keep in mind that we have not to pervert what we have achieved. It is most sacrilegious! We dont have to pervert it,

Ori de cte ori v mniai, v suprai sau v plngei, spunei-v c Sunt un Sahaja Yoghin; sunt diferit de ceilali. Mama m-a transformat n altceva. Dac nelegei asta, vei fi victorios. Dar dac nu putei obine asta, atunci nu are nici un rost. Atunci, chiar daca faceti cincizeci de astfel de organizaii, tot nu are rost.

"Noi, oamenii Realizati, intelegem Sahaja Yoga atat de adanc incat nu este nici o nevoie sa inventam un alt inteles al ei. Inca mai sunt oameni care propun ritualuri. Este totul inutil/zadarnic/fara valoare. Eu niciodata nu am spus asta si inca oamenii fac ceea ce Eu nu am zis! Iar acum cand ei asculta casetele cu prelegerile Mele si inteleg ca Mama nu a spus acele lucruri, de ce ar mai continua sa le faca? Dar din cauza vechii Sanskara (conditionari), tinem la respectarea unor ritualuri anume. Atata timp cat noi nu scapam de conditionari, nu vom intelege adevarata Sahaja Yoga. V-am facut oameni foarte speciali. Voi stiti adevaratul sens al religiei. Voi stiti totul, stiti despre voi si despre ceilalti. Voi puteti sa dati Realizarea oamenilor. Deci acum ati devenit perfecti. Deci care este in prezent cauza pentru care sa o luati asa razna? Nu puteti cadea. Deci astazi m-am gandit la durerile lui Guru Nanaka. Cat de mult a tolerat El! Sotia Lui nu a cooperat deloc. Ce au facut oamenii din realizarile Lui? Acei oameni au fost abuzivi impotriva lui Lord Isus, Mohammad Sahib si, mai mult decat fata de toti, impotriva lui Guru Nanaka pentru ca El a fost ultima Incarnare. Shirdi Sainath s-a incarnat dupa El. Sai Nath a fost impotriva ritualurilor si a conditionarilor pentru ca acestea sunt inselatoare. Dupa trezire [Realizare] lucrurile se schimba, bineinteles. Oamenii Realizati devin cunoscatori. Fara Realizare nu este posibil. Deci Sai Nath nu a organizat [nimic]. Nici noi nu organizam. Nu avem nici o organizatie. Oamenii in mod automat devin organizati dupa trezire, asa cum diferite organe ale corpului sunt organizate. Deci fara nici o organizatie, totul merge imaculat in Sahaja Yoga. Va binecuvantez pe toti. Trebuie sa aveti in minte faptul ca noi nu trebuie sa pervertim ceea ce am dobandit. Este cel mai

perversion should not be allowed.

profanator! Nu trebuie sa pervertim [aceasta cunoastere pura], pervertirea/denaturarea nu Anniversary of Guru Nanak Birthday, ar trebui sa fie tolerata. Noida House ( India ), Novemer 1999

Theres one God, how can there be so many religions? And just fighting in the name of religion is stupidity, because they dont know. If theres innate religion within you, the innate, which is so much encompassing the whole world. Now see Sufis are Muslims, what they write? They write nothing but Sahaja Yoga. What Christ wrote was Sahaja Yoga, what Mohammed Sahib wrote was Sahaja Yoga. They didnt write all these nonsensical things that people are doing. But they dont read even Koran, youd be surprised. They dont even read Bible in proper way, or some people just go on reading words, words, words, words. How can you get into it? You must read within the lines. Yet they dont do, and then they start fighting. Its so absurd, the whole thing is, that next generation will not believe in any one of these organizations based on religion, I can tell you. But they might take to something also very bad. So the best thing is to get to the roots of it and find out. So many things are said to explain, according to times also, but how many people really know the roots of religion? They are all one, coming from the same tree, theres nothing to fight. Have you ever seen one branch of the tree fighting with another? Its as absurd as that, to Me I cant understand. Its not possible. For us to fight with each other, for what are we fighting? We are part and parcel of one whole. How can we fight, its very unnatural, which is very dangerous also. As I said, a tree, on a tree there are so many leaves and they are all different. You wont find another leaf repeating itself. But they never fight with each other do they? Why should we, the human beings fight, in the name of God? They make money in the name of God. They fight in the name of God. They do all kinds of things in the name of God, now what do you say what sort of a God it is? How much we have brought glory to the name of God? All right? So we have to know that innate religion within us, which is in everyone. All of us have that innate religion, we may call it by

Exist un singur Dumnezeu, deci cum pot exista mai multe religii? Iar a te lupta n numele religiei este o prostie, pentru c lumea este ignorant. Dac n voi exist o religie nnscut, ceea ce este nnscut cuprinde ntreaga lume. Privii-i pe Sufi, care sunt musulmani! Ce scriu ei? Ei nu scriu altceva dect Sahaja Yoga. Ceea ce a scris Christos a fost Sahaja Yoga, ceea ce a scris Mohammed Sahib a fost Sahaja Yoga. Ei nu au scris toate aceste lucruri absurde pe care le fac oamenii. Dar acetia nu citesc nici mcar Coranul, o s v mire. Nu citesc nici mcar Biblia ntr-un mod corect. Iar unii citesc la nesfrit cuvinte, cuvinte i iar cuvinte. Cum s ajungi la esen? Trebuie s citeti printre rnduri. Si totui ei nu fac asta, ci ncep s intre n conflict. Totul este att de absurd, nct generaia urmtoare nu va crede n nici una dintre aceste organizaii bazate pe religie, v asigur. Dimpotriv, ar putea adopta ceva foarte duntor. Prin urmare, cel mai bine este s ajungi la rdcini i s afli. S-au spus attea lucuri care lmuresc, chiar n conformitate cu vremurile, dar ci cunosc cu adevrat rdcinile religiei? Ei sunt cu toii una, provin din acelai arbore, aa c nu exist nici o controvers. Ai vzut vreodat o ramur a unui arbore intrnd n conflict cu o alta? Este pur i simplu absurd, Imi este imposibil s neleg. Nu este cu putin. Dac ne luptm ntre noi, din ce motiv ne nfruntm? Suntem parte integrant a ntregului. Cum s ne luptm ntre noi? Este ceva foarte nefiresc i foarte periculos, de asemenea. Dup cum am spus, pe un arbore sunt foarte multe frunze, iar toate sunt diferite ntre ele. Nici una nu se mai regsete aidoma. Dar ele nu sunt niciodat n conflict, nu-i aa? De ce noi, fiinele umane, ne-am nfrunta n numele lui Dumnezeu? Lumea se lupt n numele lui Dumnezeu. Fac bani n numele lui Dumnezeu. Duc rzboaie in numele lui Dumnezeu. V ntrebai, ce fel de Dumnezeu este acesta? In ce msur am slvit numele lui Dumnezeu? Da? Aa c trebuie s cunoatem aceast religie

any name. Its a pure, global religion we can call it. Which is within all of us, its a fact, Im telling you a fact. Otherwise you start fighting for this, fighting for that, then what will happen?

nnscut din interiorul nostru, care se afl n toi. Cu toii avem acea religie nnscut, creia i putem da orice nume. O putem denumi religie pur, univesal, care se afl n interiorul nostru, al tuturor. Este ceva real, v asigur, este real. Dac ncepei s v certai Public Program, Follow Up to VIP pentru asta sau pentru cealalt, ce se va Conference, New York (USA), 16 June ntmpla? 1999 Sahaja yoga is collective, is massive, is big, but also individual is very important and I have to pay attention to every individual, I have to understand every individual, I have to look after every individual problem. So try to understand that any collective thing you do please, please telephone to Me and ask Me. Dont do things arbitrarily, because it can shock people. It can really shock. So try to understand that Sahaja Yoga is a collective organization. Its a living organization. Like if theres a pin, pricks on one finger the whole body is concerned. In the same way if you do not consult Me, do things, everybody gets upset, and they start asking Me, Mother how it has happened? Talk at the Airport. Sydney (Australia), 28 February 1995 Whatever is good for our benevolence, why not accept it? All right. Then people came out with these ideas, and I am sorry to say from our India lots of horrible people were exported. And thousands and thousands joined these hypocritical people. But for Sahaja Yoga, no. Because what is the basic difference in Sahaja Yoga and any other nonsensical thing like that is that here you cannot pay. You have to become. What is important is what you become. You cannot become a member of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot. We do not have any organization like that. You have to become yourself ,and there is divinity all within yourself. Public Program. Royal Albert London (UK), 11 June 1992 Hall, Vishwa Nirmala Dharma exist pretutindeni, dar nu are nimic similar unei asociaii. Este doar un fel de societate care are ca unic scop rspndirea Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. Nu exist nici un fel de organizare a acesteia. De ce nu acceptai tot ceea ce v este benefic? Bun. Dup aceea, oamenii ies n public cu aceste concepii. Regret s-o spun, dar India a exportat o mulime de oameni ngrozitori. Iar mii i mii s-au alturat acestor indivizi ipocrii, dar nu i Sahaja Yogi, deoarece exist o diferen fundamental ntre Sahaja Yoga i orice alt lucru lipsit de sens, anume faptul c nu putei plti. Trebuie s devenii. Important este ce anume devenii. Nu putei deveni un membru al Sahaja Yoga. Nu putei. Nu avem niciun fel de organizaie de acest gen. Trebuie s devenii sinele vostru. Exist divinitate pretutindeni n interiorul vostru. Sahaja Yoga este colectiv, este vast, este grandioas, dar fiecare individualitate este foarte important i trebuie s acord atenie fiecruia, trebuie s-l neleg pe fiecare, trebuie s am grij de fiecare problem n parte. Aa c ncercai s ntelegei c trebuie s-mi telefonai i s m ntrebai n legtur cu fiecare problem colectiv, v rog mult. S nu facei lucrurile dup bunul vostru plac, pentru c-i putei oca pe oameni. Pot fi ocai. Prin urmare, ncercai s nelegei c Sahaja Yoga este o organizaie colectiv. Este o organizaie vie. Dac un ac neap un deget, ntregul corp este preocupat. La fel, dac nu v sftuii cu mine, ci facei ceva singuri, toi se supr i ncep s m ntrebe: Mam, cum a fost cu putin?

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is everywhere, but they dont have any association, nothing. Its just a kind of a society, which is just spreading Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. There is, no sort of a, any organization about it. We

only have Trusts, and we dont want to have any electioning or all that. Again if some wrong type of people get in, then Sahaja Yoga will be ousted completely. So you can only have Trust, and if you want to do something else you can form it separately, but it should not be Vishwa Nirmala Dharma or Sahaj Yoga. Nothing doing. Because I said: Yes that doesnt mean that you should go that far with forming this that association, and all that. Its a news to Me. All right what ever has been done, has to be rectified. Absolutely to be rectified. And we have to bring it down to a proper level, and should be there people, who should be elected as, good people who are in Sahaj Yoga, who have so far have been doing everything in a straight forward manner and who have been very very sensible about it. In the beginning it may look that by organizing it, it has increased. We can say Christianity, what is this? Like a pumpkin, has no meaning. Absolutely empty hollow nonsense. Like Islam. Another nonsense. I mean they admit that Islam is different from Muslims. It is being admitted now. What is Buddhism? Another nonsense. So this kind of an artificial growth if you want can take to artificial methods. We really want substantial people, substantial dharma, innate within ourselves. We dont have to take to these artificial things. We are using lots of artificial manure now, and people are revolting against it because they think that all these artificial things are harmful to us. So allow it to work out through the grace of this Divine Power in a more natural manner than putting artificial organizations, artificial this and that. Day after Shivaratri Puja, Laguna di Glenrock, Newcastle, (Australia), 1 March 1992

Avem doar Administraii i nu ne dorim nici un fel de alegeri sau ceva asemanator. Din nou, dac nite persoane nefaste ptrund acolo, Sahaja Yoga va fi distrus n totalitate. Aa c putei avea doar o Administraie, iar dac dorii s facei ceva aparte, putei s fondai acel lucru separat, dar s nu fie Vishwa Nirmala Dharma sau Sahaja Yoga. Nu. Dac am spus Da, nu nseamn c ar trebui s mergei att de departe nct s formai un fel de asociaie i restul. Pentru Mine este ceva nou. Bun, tot ceea ce s-a fcut trebuie s fie corectat. S fie corectat n totalitate. i lucrurile trebuie diminuate la un nivel corespunztor, trebuie s existe oameni care s fie alei pe criterii de valoare, oameni care sunt n Sahaja Yoga, care, pn n prezent, au fcut totul n mod perfect corect i care au fost foarte, foarte raionali. La nceput ar putea s par c, prin organizare, s-a dezvoltat. Putem exemplifica prin cretinism. Cum este? Ca un dovleac lipsit de sens. Un lucru absurd, gunos la interior. Ca i islamismul alt lucru absurd. Adic se accept c islamismul nu este sinonim cu musulmanii. Incepe s se accepte asta. Ce este budismul? Un alt lucru absurd. Aa c acest gen de cretere artificial poate impune metode nefireti. Noi ne dorim oameni cu adevrat puternici, o dharma solid, nnscut n interiorul nostru. Nu trebuie s adoptm aceste lucruri nefireti. Acum se folosesc foarte multe ngrminte artificiale, iar lumea se revolt mpotriva lor, considernd c aceste lucruri artificiale ne sunt duntoare. Aa c permitei-i s funcioneze ntr-un fel mai natural, prin harul acestei Puteri Divine, dect impunnd nite organizaii artificiale, lucruri artificiale.

If we cannot now work out our own chakras, we cannot help anyone. So first we must work out our own chakras, and then we can help everyone. Its not like some cult or organisation, where we can just say I belong to this organisation, its alright, Ill be saved by God, its not promised in Sahaja Yoga. Theres no ticket to heaven. It has to be worked out, with full understanding as to what this Kundalini is, and how She works. Shri Gauri Puja, Auckland Zealand), 8 April 1991

Dac nu ne putem pune n funciune propriile chakre, nu putem ajuta pe nimeni. Aa c mai nti trebuie s ne punem n funciune chakrele proprii, dup care i putem ajuta pe toi. Nu este ca un cult sau o organizatie, unde poi sa afirmi c aparii acelei organizaii, c este bine , c vei fi salvat de ctre Dumnezeu. Aa ceva nu este promis n Sahaja Yoga. Nu exist un bilet pentru rai. Trebuie fcut s funcioneze, cu nelegerea deplin a ceea ce este Kundalini i a modului (New n care lucreaz ea.

So Sahaja Yoga is the only organization in the whole world, whether you call it spiritual or whatever you may call it, is the only organization that it is also anxious to throw away many people from Sahaja Yoga. There is no organization I mean we are not organization, also. But there is no spiritual movement, there is no movement in the whole world that not only allows people to go out of Sahaja Yoga but throws them out, because it is bound by the divine laws and it has to abide by the divine laws. Shri Krishna Puja, UK, 19 August 1990 So this is our greatest responsibility, first to see that are we the Spirit, or we are this body, this mind, this ego. What are we? If you have achieved that state, if you have achieved that state, then you are, as they call in Marathi, samartha, means you are equal to your name, that you are the Spirit. If you cannot achieve that then you are a half-baked Sahaja yogi, not yet done. As you know, we have no organizations, no memberships, nothing. But we have one thing that we know we are Realized souls, that we know more than all others know and that we are not proud of it. We are very humble people. Value systems, Ganapatipule, India, 1988

Sahaja Yoga este singura organizaie din lume, fie c o denumii spiritual sau altcumva, este singura organizaie care este nerbdtoare s arunce afara muli oameni din Sahaja Yoga. Nu este o organizaie vreau s spun c nu suntem o organizaie. Dar nu exist nicio micare spiritual, nu exist nicio micare spiritual n ntreaga lume care nu numai c permite oamenilor s prseasc Sahaja yoga, dar i i nltur, pentru c este strans legat de legile divine i trebuie s rmn credincioas legilor divine.

Aceasta este cea mai mare responsabilitate a noastr, s vedem mai nti dac suntem Spiritul sau suntem acest corp, aceast minte ori acest ego. Ce suntem? Dac ai atins aceast stare, dac ai atins aceast stare, atunci suntei samartha, cum se spune n marathi, nsemnnd c suntei egal cu numele vostru, adic suntei Spiritul. Dac nu putei atinge aceasta, suntei un Sahaja Yoghin copt pe jumtate, nu matur. Aa cum tii, nu avem organizaii, nici statut de membru, nimic. Dar avem un lucru comun, faptul c tim c suntem suflete Realizate, faptul c tim mai mult dect tiu alii i c nu ne mndrim cu asta. Suntem foarte modeti.

And just out of his connection, connection with the Divine, works out your connection with the Divine, is the real saint. He is the real master. Not the one who lives on the earnings of people whom he says that, Im doing Divine work. Nor can you have any organizations nor you could have any membership. This awareness manifests as a reality within yourself. You do not have to have certificate from others. You get your own certificate. But when we get identified with some organization or with some ideas or some dogmas or fanaticism then we become blind. Because it is so mental. Is difficult to get out of the conditionings. Because you think you represent something. The Time of Resurrection, Geneva 1988 As a scientist I would say you have to have the open mindedness and the honesty of a scientist to see for yourself if it is the truth or not and if you find it to be the truth then as honest people you have to accept it because the time has come for you to achieve it and to get it. You cannot make a drama out of it, you cannot give a false certificate, you cannot form an organization: it is you who has to achieve it because it is your own property within yourself. It is all your own, it is all your glory within yourself which you have to achieve through this spontaneous method of what we call of Kundalini awakening. Public Program at Balboa Park. San Diego (USA), 22 July 1988 Once you have the experience of this All pervading power and the power flowing through your being then you have to believe us. But its not only that you get your Self Realization, you have to become a Sahaja Yogi. We have no organization, we have no cult, we have no sect, we have no recording of the names of the people who are Sahaja Yogis. It is you who has to feel it, experience it, and have to become and certify yourself. Public Program, Graz (Austria), 10 June 1988

i doar prin aceast conexiune a lui cu Divinitatea funcioneaz conexiunea voastr cu Divinitatea un adevrat sfnt. El este maestrul veritabil. Nu cel care triete din ctigurile celor crora le spune: Fac o munc Divin. Nu putei avea nicio organizaie, nici mcar un statut de membru. Aceast contiin se manifest ca o realitate n interiorul vostru. Nu trebuie s avei un certificat oferit de alii. Dobndii propriul certificat. Ins cnd ne identificam cu o organizaie sau cu nite concepte ori dogme ori manifestri de fanatism, atunci devenim orbi. Pentru c acestea sunt la nivel mental, este greu s va rupeti de condiionrile voastre. Pentru c avei impresia c reprezentai ceva.

A spune c trebuie s avei mintea deschis ca a unui om de tiin, onestitatea unui om de tiin, ca s constatai singuri dac este adevrat sau nu. Dac vedei c este ceva adevrat, ca oameni cinstii ce suntei trebuie s-l acceptai, deoarece a venit vemea ca s obtinei acel lucru. Nu putei crea un spectacol din asta, nu puteti da nite certificate false, nu putei forma o organizaie. Voi suntei cei care trebuie s obin asta, cci este ceva ce v aparine n interior. V aparine ntru totul. Gloria din interiorul vostru este ceea ce trebuie s dobndii prin intermediul acestei metode spontane, pe care o denumim trezirea lui Kundalini.

Odata ce aveti experienta aciunii acestei Puteri Atotpatrunzatoare si a puterii care curge prin fiinta voastra, va trebui sa ne credeti. Dar asta nu inseamna ca doar primii Realizarea Sinelui, trebuie sa deveniti Sahaja Yoghin. Noi nu avem o organizatie, nu avem un cult, ori o secta, nu avem o list cu numele celor care sunt Sahaja Yoghini. Voi suntei cei care trebuie s o simt, s-o triasc. Trebuie s devenii i s v certificai voi insiva.

So I have to tell you that this is within you, you get your realization, the actualization, and then you have to become. You can not organize God-Almighty. You can not have an organization. You can have so many living beings who are existing like leaves on a living tree, nourished by the same sap, but you can not organize it in a human way. You can not have memberships. There can not be any force. There can not be any compulsion. In your freedom you have to enjoy yourself because you are the source of glory and joy and peace. Public Program, Paris (France), 2 November 1987 This is a very big revolution that is coming today, very different from other revolutions we have had. In this revolution the transformation that takes place within you start getting drenched in the bliss of the Divine. You become very peaceful, joyous, serene personalities. You start looking very young, all your worries go away and your wrinkles disappear and you become the light. Then you start emitting light for others. This has to happen, if we have to change the world we have to change human beings. Not by force, not by any organization, no brain washing, only by Kundalini awakening. Revolution of Love, Public Program. Rome (Italy), 26 October 1987 Now there are many people who also come down with new ideas, this is so, that is so, but one should understand that why do you want represent anyone here. Why dont you become yourself? You need not represent some other cult, some other gurus, better be yourself. What have you got so far? It just takes a second for you to get realization, what is the need for you to represent some other people because you have paid some money there or because you are member of some organization. You cannot be a member of Sahaja Yoga, you have to become. First you have to become a person with thoughtless awareness, which we call in Sanskrit Nirvichar Samadhi, and after that you become a person endowed with doubtless awareness, which we call as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. This must be achieved, otherwise no use coming to Sahaja Yoga.

Asa ca trebuie sa va spun ca asta se afla inauntrul vostru, primii Realizarea Sinelui, v actualizati potentialul vostru si apoi trebuie sa deveniti. Nu puteti sa Il organizati pe Dumnezeu Cel Atotputernic. Nu puteti avea o organizatie. Poteti avea numeroase fiinte umane care i duc existena precum frunzele unui arbore viu, hranindu-se cu aceeasi seva, dar nu puteti organiza totul intr-un mod specific uman. Nu puteti avea un statut de membru. Aa ceva nu se poate impune cu forta. Nu va trebui sa existe nici o constrangere. In deplina libertate, trebuie sa va bucurati de sinele vostru, pentru ca sunteti sursa gloriei, bucuriei si a pacii. Ceea ce se petrece astzi este o mare revolutie, foarte diferita de alte revolutii anterioare. In aceasta revolutie, prin transformarea care are loc in voi, incepei sa va scaldai in extazul Divin. Voi deveniti foarte pasnici, bucurosi, senini. Incepeti sa aratati foarte tineri, toate grijile voastre se risipesc, toate ridurile dispar si deveniti lumina. Iar apoi incepeti sa emiteti lumina pentru ceilalti. Asta trebuie sa se intample. Daca vrem sa schimbam lumea, atunci trebuie sa schimbam fiintele umane. Nu cu forta, nu prin intermediul unei organizatii, nu prin spalarea creierelor, ci doar prin trezirea lui Kundalini.

Acum sunt multi oameni care au venit cu idei noi, asta e asa, cealalta este astfel dar voi ar trebui sa va intrebati de ce vreti sa reprezentati pe cineva aici. De ce nu deveniti voi insiva? Nu este nevoie sa reprezentati vreun cult, nici alti guru, este mai bine sa fiti voi insiva. Ce ati dobandit pana acum? Va ia doar o secunda sa primii Realizarea. Ce rost are s-i reprezentai pe altii, doar pentru ca ati dat bani acolo sau pentru ca sunteti membri intr-o organizatie? Voi nu puteti fi membru al Sahaja Yoga, trebuie sa deveniti ceva. Mai intai trebuie sa deveniti o persoana care sa aiba constiinta fara ganduri, stare pe care o denumim Nirvichar Samadhi, in sanscrita, dupa aceea deveniti o persoana inzestrata cu constiinta lipsit de indoieli, stare numit Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Aceasta trebuie s obinem, altfel nu are nici un rost s venim la Sahaja Yoga. Pentru ca noi nu ne

Because we do not want just majority, nobody is fighting elections here, it is for your gain. If you do not want to achieve that state, no use being here because its just a waste of time for us and for you. You should just understand that this is your right to have it, you must get it and you must learn how to preserve it. And then you have to give it to others. You have to use it for helping others. For the emancipation of the whole humanity, for the saving of the whole humanity. There may be very few, doesnt matter, but they have to be genuine and truthful people. Becoming the Light Within, Hampstead, 1985 We have to become collectively conscious. You cannot have a certificate. You cannot have an organization. You can not say that, I am a realized soul. But it is the growth in you that has taken place that you have ascended to be the spirit, is the becoming that is important. Third Public Program, Seekers of Joy. Rome (Italy), 10 September 1983 I was amazed to hear that in this country people dont like to talk about God. You cannot talk about God. As soon as you say, God. Oh nothing! God? Thats religion. Thats nothing to do with me. Can you imagine such a state of affair where you cannot talk about your Creator? Either you form some sort of a closed, secretive organization where everybody can not enter into, and say, Now, we belong to certain cult of God. How can God have cults? Just think of it.

dorim doar sa constituim o majoritate. Nimeni nu se lupta pentru alegeri aici, este pentru folosul vostru. Daca nu doriti sa obtineti acea stare, prezena voastr aici este inutil, pentru ca este doar o pierdere de vreme att pentru noi ct si pentru voi. Trebuie doar sa intelegeti ca e dreptul vostru de a avea aceasta, c avei nevoie sa o dobanditi si sa invatati cum sa o pastrati. Apoi trebuie sa o oferiti si altora. Trebuie sa o folositi pentru a-i ajuta pe ceilalti, pentru emanciparea intregii omeniri, pentru salvarea intregii omeniri. Pot fi foarte putini aceia, nu conteaza, dar ei trebuie sa fie oameni veritabili si sinceri.

Noi trebuie sa devenim constienti la nivel colectiv. Nu putem dobandi un certificat care sa ateste asta. Voi nu puteti avea o organizatie. Nu puteti spune ca Sunt un Suflet Realizat. Dar in interiorul vostru a avut loc creterea prin care v-ati ridicat la starea de a fi Spiritul, aceasta devenire este cea cu adevarat importanta.

Am fost uluita sa aud ca in aceasta tara oamenilor nu le place sa vorbeasca despre Dumnezeu. Voi nu puteti vorbi despre Dumnezeu. De indata ce spuneti Dumnezeu, Oh, mai bine nu! Dumnezeu? Asta inseamna religie. Nu are nici o treaba cu mine. Puteti sa va imaginati asa o stare a lucrurilor in care nu puteti vorbi despre Creator? Nu e bine nici sa formati vreun fel de organizatie inchisa si secreta in care nimeni nu poate sa intre si sa spuna Acum, noi apartinem unui anume cult al lui Dumnezeu. Going Against Gods Will, Hampstead Cum poate Dumnezeu sa aiba culte? Doar 1983 ganditi-va la asta. Unless and until you become the Spirit you are not going to stop your seeking, so better become your Spirit, thats the main thing is. Its a very different thing, we have no organization as we dont have members, we dont collect any money, there is nothing like that. What we have is a living organism, its a living organism. Public Program Day 2. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 28 February 1983 Pana cand veti deveni Spiritul, nu va veti opri din cautarile voastre, asa ca mai bine deveniti Spiritul, asta e principalul lucru. Este un lucru foarte diferit, noi nu avem nici o organizatie asa cum nu avem nici membri, nu colectam nici un fel de bani, nu e nimic de felul asta. Ceea ce avem este un organism viu, este un organism viu.

But the extremes people catch hold of it and not the reality. And they make a fuss out of it and they make create a big organizations and things and thats how it is spoiled. Public Program on the Vishuddi Chakra, Delhi (India), 2 February 1983 Thank God we dont have any organization. Thank God we dont have secretaries, assistant secretaries, under secretaries, vice secretaries, upper secretaries, lower secretaries we dont have any nonsense. Otherwise even that would have been dominating to people. Then they would have fought that. So we dont have that problem. We dont have any money problem, because we dont have all these nonsensical ideas. I have solved these problems by having no institutions, no positions. Everybody has position. But the greatest position is of your Spirit, which you establish. Question and Answer Session. Nirmala Palace, London (UK), 6 August 1982 Of course you cant pay for it, I mean its all absurd ideas: We can pay for it. How long we have to sit? There should be an organization. We have no organization, you know it very well. We cannot organize God, we cannot organize these things. We dont even have membership, nothing of the kind. Of course we keep your list, because if we have any programs, we inform you, thats a different thing. Public Program, Confusion: the Subtle Slavery, Birmingham (UK), 9 July 1982 But some of you are so much used to these mundane things and regular things that we personally all of us feel that if it is going to be God, he has to be just like us, there should be an organization, there should be a chairman, there should be a vice-chairman, there has to be a secretary, and all these organizations must be there, and there only if he go, then it is allright, we are safe, we are secure, because we are used to it. But Gods laws and Gods domain is very different from what we understand. We have never

Dar oamenii care sunt la extreme se prind de asta si nu de realitate. Si ei fac un tam-tam din asta si creeaza organizatii mari si alte lucruri si asta e modul cum treaba se distruge.

Multumim lui Dumnezeu ca nu avem nici o organizatie. Multumim lui Dumnezeu ca nu avem secretari, asistenti de secretari, subsecretari, vicesecretari, secretari sefi, secretari subalterni noi nu avem nici un astfel de nonsens. Caci astfel, chiar si asta iar fi dominat pe oameni. Ei ar fi luptat pentru asta [functii]. Deci noi nu avem o astfel de problema. Noi nu avem nici o problema legata de bani pentru ca nu avem nici una dintre aceste idei fara sens. Am rezolvat aceste probleme prin a nu avea vreo institutie, prin a nu avea nici o functie. Fiecare reprezinta functia lui insusi. Dar cea mai buna functie este aceea a Spiritului vostru pe care il stabilizati.

Bineinteles ca nu puteti plati pentru asta, vreau sa spun ca toate astea sunt idei absurde, cum ca Noi putem plati pentru aceasta. Cat timp avem sa luam loc? Ar trebui sa existe o organizatie. Noi nu avem o organizatie, stiti asta foarte bine. Noi nu putem sa Il organizam pe Dumnezeu. Bineinteles ca tinem listele [cu numele Sahaja Yoghinilor] pentru ca atunci cand avem programe sa va putem informa, asta e un lucru diferit.

Dar unii dintre voi sunt atat de mult obisnuiti cu aceste lucruri lumesti si lucruri obisnuite/ordinare incat la nivel personal toti gandim ca daca e sa vorbim despre Dumnezeu, El ar trebui sa fie ca si noi, ca ar trebui sa existe o organizatie, ca ar trebui sa fie un presedinte, ca ar trebui sa fie un vicepresedinte, ca ar trebui sa fie un secretar, si ca toate aceste organizatii ar trebui sa fie acolo [la Dumnezeu] si ca daca mergem este in regula, ne simtim protejati si in siguranta, pentru ca suntem obisnuiti cu asta. Dar legile


felt his love, we have been always working, all organized things because we were unsecure about something. Every institution is for some kind of an insecurity. Because we are insecured, we think something is going to fall upon us, something horrible is going to happen, that is how we form a thing. Otherwise our children may be spoilt or our old people may die, or something may happen, we form an organization. This is not believing in God. Public Program. Reading (England) 22 June 1982 You have to just become that. And if you do not become that, then all other things forming an organization and any such thing is of no use, is of no value, is all, I can say, misguidance. What have you got yourself? Supposing, I mean, if Ray has to say something: Oh, Mother saw a light, and this happened and that happened; She has these powers, and those powers, its all useless. What is it to you? Advice on Right Side, Brighton, 1982 This is what it is and thats why I have to tell you, all your misidentifications with falsehood must drop and you must ask for your own powers. Sahaja Yoga is no organization, it is no cult, we do not have any membership, we do not force anybody to come or if somebody wants to go away we can not stop. Public Program. Rome (Italy), 29 April 1982 This is not a cult! You must know. Sahaja yoga is not a cult! It is your evolution, is your natural thing thats happening to you. Its not a cult! Where theres nothing like bad and good, every guru is good, every pub is good, every madman is good; its not like this. In a cult, everybody is good you see, there is nothing like bad thing, every thing is good, what is wrong? Thats cult. But in natural processes, we have discretion. And we know what is good and what is bad. If you have seen a sunflower, it knows which way to turns its face. The trees know which way to

lui Dumnezeu si domeniul lui Dumnezeu sunt diferite de intelegerea noastra. Noi nu am simtit niciodata dragostea Lui, noi am muncit mereu, am organizat lucruri [doar] pentru ca suntem nesiguri despre ceva. Orice institutie este [creata] pentru un anume fel de insecuritate. Pentru ca nu ne simtim in siguranta, noi credem ca ceva o sa cada peste noi, ceva oribil este pe cale sa se intample, asta e modul prin care incepem sa formam ceva. Altfel credem ca vor fi rasfatati copiii nostri sau ca batranii nostri vor muri sau altceva se va intampla si formam o organizatie. Asta nu are legatura cu a crede in Dumnezeu. Trebuie sa deveniti asta. Iar daca nu deveniti asta, atunci orice alte lucruri formarea unei organizatii si orice lucru de acest fel nu este folositor, este fara valoare, este tot ceea ce pot spune, este faptul ca va conduce intr-o directie gresita. Ce ati obtinut voi insiva? Presupunand ca Ray trebuie sa zica si el ceva si spune: Oh, Mama a vazut o raza, si asta sa intamplat sau cealalta; Ea are aceste puteri, si alte puteri este totul nefolositor. Ce ati obtinut voi insiva? Asta este ceea ce este si de aceea trebuie sa va spun ca toata identificarea voastra cu falsul trebuie sa dispara si trebuie sa va cereti puterile voastre. Sahaja Yoga nu este o organizatie, nu este un cult, nu facem inscrieri de membri, nu fortam pe nimeni sa vina, sau daca cineva vrea sa plece sa il oprim.

Acesta nu este un cult! Trebuie sa stiti asta. Sahaja Yoga nu este un cult! Este evolutia voastra, este un lucru natural care vi se intampla. Nu este un cult! Undeva unde nu este nimic precum binele sau raul, toti conducatorii sunt buni, orice bar este bun, orice nebun este bun, aici nu este asa. Intr-un cult toata lumea este buna, nimic nu este in neregula, totul este in regula, ce este gresit? Acesta este un cult. Dar in procesele naturale, avem discernamant. Si stim ceea ce este bun si ceea ce este rau. Daca ati vazut o floareasoarelui , aceasta stie incotro sa se indrepte.


turn their faces, which way to move. The roots know, where to go? How to go towards the sources of water? They just dont go towards theadeserts! That is also good! So this is not a cult! You must know that. This is not where everything is all right as long as you give some money, or as long as you are a member or as long as you think you belong to some sort of a organizationNo, it is absolutely theres no compromise. There is no compromise with darkness, with untruth, with anything that is destructive for human beings; we cannot compromise. As an evolution, there is no compromise. One has to understand that we are human beings, and we have freedom. That if you want, you can get along with compromises. But as far as evolution is concerned, you will be out. You wont be there. Mothers Wedding Anniversary, Nightingale Lane Ashram, London (UK) 7 April 1982 Presenter: Oh, Mataji, You do not have a cult as we would call [actually]; we are having religion. Shri Mataji: Oh, no, no, no. Im anti-cult. Presenter: You are anti-cult. Shri Mataji: Of course. We cannot organize it. We cant organize God. Im anti-cult. You cannot. Presenter: So in other words, You dont have an organization, Youre not here raising money or anything [like that]. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, not at all. You cant pay for it. No, no, no, no question. Presenter: So do You finance Your trips Yourself? Shri Mataji: Yes, I do. Most of them, I do it. Sometimes, sometimes, you see, some people who invite Me also pay sometimes for My trip. Its all right. They pay for My trip but not for My work, or for My vibrations, or anything. They pay to the, to the, I should say to the airways, not to Me. Presenter: I see. Now, so theres no organization, that a person writes to and says, I want to join. Please send me my membership. Shri Mataji: No, we have centers like that. We can say we have centers where you can write to them but you cannot pay and join. You have to become. And you have to grow.

Copacii stiu incotro sa-si indrepte fata, in ce fel sa se miste. Radacinile stiu incotro sa se indrepte? Cum sa se indrepte catre sursa de apa? Ele pur si simplu nu cresc catre un desert! Asta este foarte bine! Deci nu este un cult! Trebuie sa stiti asta. Aici nu este locul in care totul sa fie in regula atata timp cat dai niste bani, sau atata vreme cat esti membru, sau atata timp cat crezi ca apartii unei organizatii Nu, este in mod absolut fara nici un compromis. Nu este nici un compromis cu intunericul, cu minciuna, cu nimic care este distructiv fata de fiintele umane; nu putem face compromisuri. Din punct de vedere evolutiv, nu putem face compromisuri. Oricine trebuie sa inteleaga faptul ca suntem fiinte umane si avem libertate. Ca daca vreti, puteti face compromisuri. Dar cat priveste evolutia, veti fi lasati pe dinafara. Nu veti mai fi acolo.

Prezentator: Oh, Mataji, nu aveti un cult asa cum il numim noi. Noi avem religia. Shri Mataji: Nu, nu, nu. Sunt impotriva cultului. Prezentator: Sunteti impotriva cultului. Shri Mataji: Desigur. Nu se poate organiza asa ceva. Nu-l putem organiza pe Dumnezeu. Sunt impotriva cultelor. Nu se poate. Prezentator: Deci cu alte cuvinte nu aveti o organizatie, nu strangeti bani sau ceva de acest gen. Shri Mataji: Nu, nu, nu, deloc. Nu se poate plati pentru asta... Nu, nu, nu, fara dubiu. Prezentator: Deci Va finantati singura calatoriile? Shri Mataji: Da, o fac. Cel mai adesea, fac asta. Cateodata, vedeti dumneavoastra, oamenii care Ma invita platesc. Este in regula. Ei platesc pentru calatorie dar nu si pentru munca Mea, sau pentru vibratiile Mele sau altceva. As spune ca platesc catre catre compania aviatica si nu Mie. Prezentator: Inteleg. Deci nu este nici o organizatie astfel incat o persoana sa scrie vreau sa ma alatur. Va rog trimiteti-mi formularul de inscriere. Shri Mataji: Nu, avem centre de acest fel. Putem spune ca avem centre unde le puteti scrie dar nu puteti sa le platiti si astfel sa va alaturati. Trebuie sa deveniti. Si trebuie sa


So its a very different thing altogether. And you cannot just say, I paid so much money. I can become or you make me a member. You cannot make anybody a member. Only thing it happens to you, you start growing and you start enjoying it and you start doing it yourself. Presenter: Oh, how many, can you tell me how many adherents to this philosophy there are in the world? They, are they world-wide? Shri Mataji: As I said, I have no organization. I have not written it down. I think they can be thousands. I, I must say they are growing on their own. And they contact us, and also when I go there they come to My meetings and all that. Thats all. But we dont have any hold on them and theres no cult business going on. Its so, such a living thing, you know. You cannot organize living things. Radio Interview. Vancouver (Canada), 9 October 1981 We do not have any such organization; there is nobody who is organized in it. You cannot organize God. So theres no organization they are there because of their free will, because of their freedom and because of their love and because they feel responsible that they should do it. Theres no force on you; theres no compulsion; theres no money taking; theres no membership. Public Program. Birmingham (UK), 14 August 1981 There is no organization of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot pay for it. You cannot become members, and think Im a Sahaja Yogi. You cannot certify yourself. You cannot wear a particular dress and say that I belong to Mataji, nothing of the kind. I do not recognize anyone of them. Neither God will recognize those who just say that Im this and that. God does not recognize your clothes. He recognizes your being. And thats what is to be recognized by you also that you become that. Rise in your own glory, rise in your own reality and enjoy it. Thats the most enjoyable thing for which God has made us an instrument. And let this instrument be put in connection with the mains. Public Program. Brighton (UK), 11 July 1981

cresteti. Deci una peste alta este un lucru foarte diferit. Si nu se poate afirma doar ca Am platit atatia bani. Pot sa devin sau poti sa ma faci membru. Nu poate fi nimeni facut membru. Singurul lucru care se poate intampla este ca incepeti sa cresteti, sa va bucurati si incepeti sa practicati. Prezentator: Oh, cati aderenti, cam cati aderenti are aceasta filozofie in lume? Sunt in intreaga lumea? Shri Mataji: Asa cum am spus, nu am nici o organizatie. Nu am inscrieri. Cred ca sunt mii. Trebuie sa spun ca ei cresc singuri. Si ei ne contacteaza, dar de asemenea atunci cand Eu ajung acolo ei vin sa Ma intalneasca cu toate cele necesare. Asta este tot. Dar nu avem nici un control asupra lor si nu este nici o afacere gen cult care se desfasoara. Este astfel, un proces viu, iar lucrurile vii nu se pot organiza.

Nu trebuie sa aveti nicio astfel de organizatie; nu exista nimeni inregimentat in ea. Nu puteti sa-l organizati pe Dumnezeu. Deci nu exista nicio organizatie, ei sunt aici datorita vointei lor liber exprimate, datorita libertatii lor, si pentru ca ei iubesc si se simt responsabili ca trebuie sa faca asta. Nu este nimic fortat. Nu este nimic obligatoriu; nu exista taxe spre a fi platite; nu exista carnet de membru.

Nu este nici o organizatie Sahaja Yoga. Nu puteti plati pentru asta. Nu puteti deveni membri si sa ganditi ca ati devenit Sahaja Yogini. Nu puteti sa va certificati astfel. Nu puteti sa purtati o anumita rochie si sa spuneti ca apartineti lui Mataji, nimic de acest fel. Nu recunosc nici o astfel de persoana. Nici Dumnezeu nu-i va recunoaste pe aceia care pretind ca Sunt asa si pe dincolo. Dumnezeu nu recunoaste hainele voastre. El reconoaste fiinta voastra. Si asta trebuie sa recunoasteti voi insiva devenind asta. Cresteti in propria glorie, crestetiti in propria realitate si bucurati-va de ea. Acesta este cel mai agreabil lucru pentru care Dumnezeu v-a facut un instrument. Si lasati acest intrument sa fie pun in conexiune cu sursa lui.


Its simple. Theres no church or organization so the only thing we have to actually do is to keep ourselves cleansed. The Kundalini does it Herself inside you and essentially, all you have to do is lead a normal life, without excesses, balanced ideas, confidence, responsibility to yourself and to your Kundalini and also to other people to your brothers and sisters and other people who have also had Kundalini raised, you have a common language. Radio Interview, Brighton (UK), 10 July 1981 Ive worked on only six people for four years, can you believe it? Very difficult nuts to be cracked, you see. But once they were cracked it has blown up like anything. And now we have thousands of people who are Realized. Of course. I do not keep any records of them, there is no organization, nothing, You know them through your vibrations by which you know that they are Realized or not. Public Program at Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia), 22 March 1981 Because in Sahaja Yoga you have be, you cannot be member of an organization, just hang something round your neck and say that I am a Sahaja yogi. You cannot. You have to be. You see, it is easy to make artificial flowers. To make a real flower it takes time. Its just like that. These are all plastic gurus and plastic disciples but poor disciples. They are seekers? Very sad. Public Program. Paris (France), 28 November 1980 And you dont do these cheap advertisements. All right, Sahaja Yoga has to spread slowly. It cannot spread just like that, that thousands of them will be there, because we cannot have only members; like we pay five pounds, you become a member. In Sahaja Yoga you cannot. We have no membership, nor organization whatsoever. You pay some money, you become member. Oh, we have so many thousand members.

Este simplu. Nu este nici o biserica sau organizatie, asa ca singurul lucru pe care il avem de facut este sa ne purificam. Chiar Kundalini face asta Ea insasi in interiorul vostru si esential este ca voi sa duceti o viata normala, fara excese, cu idei echilibrate, incredere, responsabilitate fata de voi insiva si fata de Kundalini si de asemenea fata de ceilalti oameni fata de fratii si surorile voastre si fata de alti oameni care au Kundalini ridicata, avand acest limbaj comun.

Am muncit pe numai sase oameni pentru patru ani, va vine sa credeti? Erau niste nuci tari care trebuiau sparte, vedeti dumneavoastra. Dar odata ce au fost sparte, totul a explodat. Iar acum avem mii de oameni care sunt Realizati. Desigur, eu nu pastrez nici o lista cu ei, nu exista o organizatie, nimic, ii putem cunoaste numai dupa vibratii, prin care se verifica daca sunt Realizati sau nu.

Pentru ca in Sahaja Yoga nu poti fi un membru al organizatiei, doar sa-ti atarni o placuta de gat si sa te mandresti ca Eu sunt un Sahaja Yogin. Nu puteti. Trebuie chiar sa fiti. Vedeti voi, este usor sa produceti flori artificiale. Ca sa cresti o floare iti trebuie timp. Pur si simplu. Nu exista maestri de plastic sau discipoli de plastic ci numai discipoli slabi. Sunt ei cautatori? Foarte trist.

Si nu mai faceti aceasta publicitate ieftina. Este in regula, Sahaja Yoga trebuie sa se raspandeasca incet. Nu se poate raspandi cat pocnesti din deget, astfel incat mii dintre ei sa fie aici, pentru ca nu putem avea numai membri; ca si cum platim cinci lire si devii membru. In Sahaja Yoga nu puteti. Nu avem membri, nu avem organizatie sau lucruri de acest fel. Platiti niste bani, deveniti apoi membri. Oh, dar avem atatea mii de


So whats the use of having such members, membri. Deci care este rostul sa avem atatia foolish things? membri si toate aceste prostii legate de asta? Public Program. Bristol(UK), 9 July 1980 So, one thing one has to know in Sahaja Yoga, that in Sahaja Yoga whatever you may be, you might be the king or you, whatever you may be, in the presence of Divine you are just the same as anybody else is. And that if you want to become, then only you are a member of Sahaja Yoga. Nothing else. We have no membership, as you know. We have no regular anything. But so-called organization we have got which is not even registered or anything is so called, is the organization of love and understanding. If you want to become, if you are genuinely wanting to become, only then we are here. Public Program. Hampstead, (UK), 6 June 1980 London Intrebare: Si intotdeauna pun aceasta intrebare despre oamenii pe care ii intereseaza adevarul, cum pot sa vina intr-o organizatie ca a Dumneavoastra? Shri Mataji: Nu am nici o organizatie. Nu facem inscrieri. Aici nu este nici o organizatie. Deci unul dintre lucrurile pe care trebuie sa le stiti in Sahaja Yoga este ca in Sahaja Yoga orice ati fi voi, puteti fi un rege sau orice altceva, in prezenta lui Dumnezeu sunteti precum oricine altcineva. Iar daca vreti sa deveniti [Sahaja Yoghin], numai atunci puteti fi membru al Sahaja Yoga. Nimic altceva. Nu avem inregistrari de membri, dupa cum stiti. Nu avem nimic din ceea ce se obisnuieste. Dar asa-numita organizatie pe care o avem nu este nici macar inregistrata sau macar caracterizata asa, este o organizatie a iubirii si a intelegerii. Daca vreti sa deveniti, daca vreti in mod autentic sa deveniti, numai atunci puteti fi aici.

Question: and always I come to the same question that people who are interested in truth, how could they come to such an organization as Yours? Shri Mataji: I have no organization. We have no membership. This is not an organization. Public Program, Caxton Hall, London (UK), 8 October 1979 So I mean if you try to make the dharma a fanatic idea like none of these incarnations, like Mohamed Sahib who was an incarnation of the Primordial Master and all others like Him Moses, Abraham anyone of Them who came on this earth, ever thought of fanaticism. Never they realized that when they told, Dont do this. Dont do that, some sort of people will take up upon themselves that We are the chosen ones. We are the great. I mean, this they could never understood and whenever they found it was happening again they took birth. Again they took birth to tell people this is not dharma. To form any kind of a cult or an organization and religion is against God. Its blasphemous. How can you organize God? You cannot. Those who have done it always have brought absolute fall of human beings. You see, thats why you cannot control. P P. Caxton Hall, London , 11 June 1979

Deci vreau sa spun ca daca incercati sa faceti din dharma o idee fanatica contrar cazului unor incarnari, precum Mahomed care a fost incarnarea principiului de Maestru Primordial si toti cei ca El, Moise, Abraham care au venit pe acest pamant , care nu au gandit fanatic. Niciodata nu au realizat incotro se indreapta lucrurile cand au spus: Nu face asta. Nu face cealalta, dar sunt oameni care au luat-o pe cont propriu zicand Suntem alesii. Suntem mareti. Vreau sa spun ca, acest lucru Ei nu lar fi inteles niciodata si, oriunde au descoperit ca nu s-a rezolvat, s-au incarnat din nou. Si din nou s-au incarnat ca sa arate oamenilor ce este dharma. Sa formezi un tip de cult sau organizatie sau religie este impotriva lui Dumnezeu. Este o blasfemie. Cum puteti sa-l organizati pe Dumnezeu? Nu puteti. Aceia care au incercat au adus caderea absoluta a fiintelor umane. Vedeti, de aceea nu puteti controla [prin organizare].


Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja means that you are a witness. Sahaja. It has double meaning. Sahaja is normally used for a word which is simple. Sahaj. You are in a Sahaj method, you are a witness, you watch it. You can just see. They are just witnessing. They are not saying anything, they are just there. It is to be. It is just to be at this point. Are we that, every movement, dealing with anything, then you will not have any organizational problems. You have organizational problems because you are not a witness. The Role of Tongue, Sight and Feet in Spiritual Evolution. Delhi (India), 2 April 1976

Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja inseamna ca sunteti martor. Sahaja are un dublu inteles. In mod obisnuit sensul acestui cuvant este simplu. Sahaj inseamna simplu. Voi sunteti in metoda Sahaj, sunteti martor, voi priviti. Voi puteti vedea. Ei doar sunt martori. Ei nu spun nimic, ei sunt doar acolo. Asa trebuie sa fie. Acesta este locul in care trebuie sa fiti. Suntem asta in toate miscarile, ocupandu-ne cu diverse lucruri, atunci nu vom mai avea probleme de organizare. Voi aveti probleme de organizare pentru ca nu sunteti in starea de martor


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