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Chairman: Bismillahhirahmannirrahim, Citizens Hall School of Accountancy and gentlemen, we meet again in court Youth Forum.

Our topic today "CIGARETTE-Every Inhalation fatal." With me are three panel members who no longer alien. Do not hesitate and do not worry as it seems our people especially the youth council are not willing to see beauty three members of our panel today. Well on my right side, the first panel, gentlemen, (name). Welcome gentlemen. Next the second panel, lovely dressed gentlemen brackets (name). Welcome gentlemen. And in the end there, looked shy, but smart say, gentlemen, (name). Welcome to the sisters. Well before I digress further, I question the first panel, what can we find the content in cigarettes?

First panel: Thanks to fellow chairmen, each lighted cigarette produces more than 4000 toxic chemicals that are harmful and can be fatal. With every puff resembles a puff of death. The contents of cigarette smoke include radioactive (polonium-201) and the materials used in the paint (acetone), floor cleaner (ammonia), mothball (naphthalene), pesticides (DDT), termite poison (arsenic ), poisonous gas (hydrogen cyanide) used in the "gas chamber of death" for offenders under sentence of death, and more. However, the most important poisons are Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide.

Chairman: Thank you again to our first panel. The first panel had just mentioned that teradapat three most important toxins in cigarettes is tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. Can guys explain why the second panel of three is considered the most dangerous substances?

Panel Two: The question that is interesting I will explain one by one. Tar contains at least 43 chemicals known to cause cancer (carcinogens). While nicotine, such as drug heroin, amphetamines and cocaine, responding in the brain and causes addiction. So too difficult for anyone who has been trapped by addiction, leave the habit of the last selamanya.Dan Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas that is normally produced by vehicle exhaust. These gases affect supply oxygen to the tissues until it becomes inhibited.

Chairman: Thank you to our second panel, now it's clear that the vast majority of cigarette itself might harm diri.Jika two panels we just describe the harmful content of cigarettes available in the third panel I would like to ask us to explain what effect can caused by cigarette smoke in smokers and people around?

Third panel: Thank you for inviting me to speak kerqna in these forums, the effects of cigarette smoke to the smoker and those around the lung, trachea, bronchi, mouth and esophagus (food channel), where 90 percent of lung cancer lung due to the habit of scientific merokok.Kajian also shows that there are more than four thousand chemicals found in cigarette smoke as a cause of cancer. Passive smokers are those who do not smoke but because they are termed as smokers

inhale smoke from smokers around. Believe it or not, the risk faced by passive smokers is many times more than smokers.

Chairman: our third panel explained what the impact of cigarette smoke in smokers and people around the health angle. My question back to the first panel, can explain the impact of sisters or cigarette smoke itself from an economic standpoint and personality.

Panel One: On the economic front, on average, smokers spend about RM1, 000 per year for smoking. While medical treatment for an estimated RM240 per year. This means that smokers waste their money with a lot of life. By the act of smoking itself is like burning money. Then, from the perspective of personality, leaving the smell of cigarette smoke on hair, clothes, dry lips, teeth yellow, while breathing that smell is affecting social relationships.

Chairman: Arab proverb states that no disease is incurable but fatal. The second panel and sisters can describe the correct method to quit smoking?

Second panel: Thank you gentlemen, the chairman, of the Right Method To Quit Smoking is to first set a date to quit smoking. You also have to say to yourself that "I am not a smoker". In addition you must focus on what you do to forget about smoking. Be positive, important also. You also need to get support from family and friends-rakan.Yang most important thing is to fight the urge to smoke.

First panel: Excuse me gentlemen, the chairman, I would like to add a bit of what both gentlemen panel.

Chairman: Please gentlemen.

First Panel: Thank you. We all know that smoking adults began from depositing cash teenager. Therefore, parents are the best counselors for the children who smoke. Do not be left alone with this habit. Said the wife to stay, leave love, dear children tangankan hand. Parents need to use the approach that is not too firm nor too soft. These children do not carry interest only, or only given cane only. But use both, God willing, will be effective in their lives.

Chairman: Thank you gentlemen. If the second panel we just mentioned about the methods to quit smoking, I'm sure many would be wondering about what are the benefits to an individual, although I

think the answer is already hovering in the minds of the audience. To mengusaikan this mess I ask our third panel to explain the benefits to stop smoking.

Third panel: Among the benefits is that we inshallah Quitting smoking will live longer than that we can avoid racun.Kemudian we can protect yourself, family and others from danger merokok.Keupayaan our sense of taste and smell will also be improved, whiter teeth and the last breath fresh and prevent wasteful culture by using the money to buy cigarettes for the purpose of better and more useful.

Chairman: Thank you goes to all three members of our panel for his presence and willing sucked on their views. We hope what we get today is not merely "in his right ear, left ear out." It seems very jealous of our time, before the end let us all clap your hands to yourself as successful and hard to hear our discussion today. (Applause). Conclusion to stop smoking because it not only affects our personal health but also others . "Paddle boats are on hand already in the water" thought about it and do not stop thinking! Do not ask appetite chest beating but tepuklah forehead, keep an open mind, and think-think! Fatal cigarette every puff! Accept serangkap beautiful poem from me

Tuailah between cooked rice, Tomorrow, do not wither-layuan; Some of our Intailah see, Tomorrow do not miss-rinduan.

Sincerely, cheerful, always cheerful. In closing,

White people, people of Pakistan, Thank you syukran jaziilan.

Posted Walhidayah hitaufiq Wabillah Warahmatullahhiwabarakatuh.

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