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My name Song of songs means a series of love poems, for the most part in the for m of songs addressed by man to a woman, and by the woman to the man. In some tra nslations, the book is called The Song of Solomon, because it is attributed to S olomon in the Hebrew title. These songs have often been interpreted by Jews as p icture of the relationship between God and His people, and by Christians as a pi cture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. For short, you can call me: Sgs, Song, So, Canticle of Canticles, Canticles, Son g of Songs, SOS. I compose of 8 Chapters and 117 Verses. It is one of the shortest books in the Bible. According to Ashkenazi Jewish tradition, it is read in its entirety on Sh abbat that falls during the intermediate days of Passover (or on the seventh or eighth day if it happens to be Shabbat). In the Sephardi community these verses are recited every Friday night. I contain images of a Shulamite adorned with the plants of a garden. It should b e considered a poetic parallel between marital love and the blessings of the div ine covenant. It describes wonderful plants and beautiful animals. It describes special places. And it describes processions, dances and gardens. I am written: Author: Solomon wrote Song of Solomon, according to the first vers e. This song is one of 1,005 that Solomon wrote (1 Kings 4:32). The title Song of Songs is a superlative, meaning this is the best one. Date of Writing: Solomon most likely wrote this song during the early part of hi s reign. This would place the date of composition around 965 B.C. Purpose of Writing: The Song of Solomon is a lyric poem written to extol the vir tues of love between a husband and his wife. The poem clearly presents marriage as Gods design. A man and woman are to live together within the context of marria ge, loving each other spiritually, emotionally, and physically. My story presented, greatly emphasizes the sanctity of marriage and that it is b lessed and consecrated in the eyes of the Lord. The purpose of Song of Songs, as i t is called, is a picture of Gods love for His people and although there is expli cit sexual content, it is a book in which we can learn the depths of Gods authent ic love for us and what should be in the sacredness of marriage. In chapters 1-3, Solomon writes of the courtship and engagement of the Beloved ( Solomon) and the Lover (Shulammitegirl). My beloved responded and said to me, Aris e, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along (2:10) Chapters 3-4, we read of the marriage ceremony of the bride to the bridegroom Go forth, O daughters of Zion, and gaze on King Solomon with the crown with which h is mother has crowned him on the day of his wedding (3:11) Chapters 5-8, are the relationship between the husband and wife and the power of their love, Many waters cannot quench love, nor will rivers overflow it; if a ma n were to give all the riches of his house for love, it would be utterly despise d (8:7) You can remember me by this symbol/logo THE WHEAT Wheat is symbolic of the hero of the Song of Songs, whose hair is blond ("His he ad is gold, pure gold; his locks are date-floss. Black like the raven are his ey es..."). Wheat was also symbolic of fertility, and was one of the things thrown at the bride and groom in Israel and other countries in the same region in ancie nt times. The other things that were thrown at bride and groom during weddings i n the region were dried fruit and nuts. The custom of throwing grain or dried fr uit and nuts lingers on in the custom of throwing rice after Christian weddings as the bride and groom leave the church, and the custom of throwing dried fruit and nuts or candy at the groom or both bride and groom during the "ufruf"; a sho rt ceremony that takes place during services at the synagogue shortly before a J ewish wedding.

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