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Religious Motivations in Scholarly Pursuits Author(s): Joseph L.

O'Brien and Leonard Carmichael Reviewed work(s): Source: The Scientific Monthly, Vol. 79, No. 2 (Aug., 1954), p. 137 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: . Accessed: 05/01/2012 01:20
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Religious Motivations in Scholarly Pursuits I was most interested by Leonard Carmichael's article, "Laziness and the scholarly life [The Scientific Monthly 78, 208 (1954)] but regret that the author did not adequately explore the effect of religious motivations on scholarly pursuits. Will not a great many scientists recognize a close connection between the basic desire to serve God and the search for the truths of His creation? In my own opinion, the "well-planned" life leads not only to intellectual achievement but also to the
salvation of the soul. 3720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia JOSEPH L. O'BRIEN 4, Pennsylvania

other fields have been related to the desire of the individuals who created them to attain salvation. No one, for example, can understand the cathedrals of medieval Europe without recognizing the power of this motivation. LEONARDCARMICHAEL Smithsonian Institution, Washington 25, D. C.

Crocodile Tears Francis Bacon (1561-1626) too may be added to Clifford B. Moore's interesting list of "authorities" on crocodile tears [Sci. Monthly 78, 228 (1954)]. In his essay "Of Wisdom for a Man's Self," Bacon wrote: "It is the wisdom of crocodiles, that shed tears when they would devour."
IRVING H. SIEGEL The Twentieth Century Fund Washington 5, D.C.

I agree that for many wise people religion provides a fundamental motivation for life. History supports the view that numerous human achievements in art and

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tion, J. R. Ellerman, T. C. S. Morrison, and R. W.

Hayman (British Museum). Reviewed by Charles O. Handley, Jr. A Practical Manual of Medical and Biological Staining

Techniques, Edward Gurr (Interscience). Reviewed by Ross G. MacCardle.

Chemical Physiology of Contraction in Body and Heart Muscle, A. Szent-Gyorgyi (Academic Press). Reviewed by L. J. Mullins. Sample Survey Methods and Theory, vols. I and II, Morris H. Hansen, William N. Hurwitz, and William G. Madow (Wiley; Chapman & Hall). Reviewed by Samuel Weiss. Elements of Statistics, H. C. Fryer (Wiley; Chapman & Hall). Reviewed by F. M. Wadley. June 11 The Design of Social Research, Russell L. Ackoff (Univ. of Chicago Press). Reviewed by Harry Alpert. Human Embryology, ed. 2, Bradley M. Patten (Blakiston). Reviewed by Carl L. Davis. Radioisotope Techniques, vol. I, Medical and Physiological Applications (H.M. Stationery Office). Reviewed by H. D. Bruner. Magnetic Cooling, C. G. B. Garrett (Harvard Univ. Press; Wiley). Reviewed by R. P. Hudson. Hypnotism: An Objective Study in Suggestibility, Andre M. Weitzenhoffer (Wiley; Chapman & Hall). Reviewed by W. O. Ramsey. Augus 1954

June 18 Advances in Veterinary Science, vol. 1, C. A. Brandly and n Ve er nary Sc ence vo 1 C A Brand y E L Jungherr Eds Academ c Press Rev ewed E. L. Jungherr, Eds. (Academic Press). Reviewed by I L ve I. Live. Sex Determination, ed. 3, F. A. E. Crew (Methuen; De erm na on ed 3 F A E Me huen W ey Rev ewed Wiley). Reviewed by J. A. Weir. J A We r The Physiology of Man, L. L. Langley and E. Cheraskin E Cherask n Phys o ogy o Man L L Lang ey Rev ewed T Ve ardo (McGraw-Hill). Reviewed by Joseph T. Velardo. McGraw H S c ed M dd e Ordov c an Tr ob es H B Wh ng Silicified Middle Ordovician Trilobites, H. B. Whittington and W. R. Evitt, II (Geological Society of Ameron W R Ev Geo og ca Soc e y o Amer Rase ica). Reviewed by Franco Rasetti. ca Rev ewed Recen Recent Progress in Hormone Research, vol. VIII, Gregory n Research vo VIII D e r ch P ncus Ed Academ c Press Rev ewed Pincus, Ed. (Academic Press). Reviewed by Dietrich C Sm h C. Smith. Probab y Probability and Information Theory, with Applications to In orma on Theory w h App ca ons o Ro hs e n Press Rev ewed Press). Reviewed by Jerome Rothstein.

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