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. THESE QUESTIONS RELATE TO EXAM 1. Biology 201 Summer 2009 Exam 2 MATCHING Match the term with the correct definition. Answer options can be found on the back of your answer sheet. 1. __E___ Bond that connects a fatty acid to a glycerol molecule. 2. __I___ Type of lipid used for energy storage. 3. _____ Process by which sunlight energy is harvested into chemical energy 4. _____ Carries materials between organelles of the endomembrane system. 5. ___C__ Nucleic acid lacking an oxygen atom on the 2 carbon of its sugar molecule. 6. _____ Structure found on the outside of the rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Determine whether the following statements apply to prokaryotic cells (P), eukaryotic cells (E) or both (B). 7. _____ Perform the chemical reactions of cellular respiration 8. _____ Contain ribosomes 9. _____ Are single-celled 10. _____ Are found in plants 11. _____ Contain double-stranded DNA 12. _____ Are commonly between 1 and 10 um in diameter NAME: T.A.:

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the one best answer from the answers provided. 1. _____ cells lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus. a. Plant b. Animal c. Fungal d. Eukaryotic e. Bacterial

2. You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal or bacterial. You look at them through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude that the cells a. are plant cells. b. are animal cells. c. are bacterial cells. d. could be plant or animal cells. e. could be either plant or bacterial cells. 3. Which of the following statements regarding the endomembrane system is false? a. The endomembrane system is involved in the synthesis, storage and export of important molecules. b. The endomembrane system includes the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. c. The endomembrane system is a system of interrelated membranes that are all physically connected. d. The endomembrane system includes the nuclear membrane. 4. Which of the following statements about lysosomes is false? a. Lysosomes help to digest worn-out or damaged organelles. b. Lysosomes recycle material within the cell. c. Lysosomes fuse with food vesicles to expose nutrients to lysosomal enzymes. d. Lysosomes synthesize proteins from the recycled amino acids. 5. What functional group allows glycerol to attach to the carboxyl group of a fatty acid? a. hydroxyl group b. carbonyl group c. carboxyl group d. amino group 6. If a cell is one that primarily secretes proteins into the bloodstream, what type of intracellular structure would you expect to be very prominent within the cell? a. nucleus b. endoplasmic reticulum c. lysosome d. mitochondria e. vacuole 7. Fatty acids with double bonds between some of their carbons are said to be a. saturated b. completely hydrogenated c. triglycerides d. monoglycerides e. unsaturated 8. As cell size increases, the a. volume and surface area decrease. b. surface area increases faster than the volume. c. volume increases faster than the surface area. d. surface area and volume increase at the same rate. e. surface area decreases while the volume remains constant.

9. increasing which of the following decreases fluidity of a membrane? a. unsaturated fatty acids. b. shorter fatty acids. c. cholesterol d. glycerol e. DNA 10. Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is false? a. The cytoskeleton helps to support cells. b. Once laid down, the elements of the cytoskeleton are fixed and remain permanently in place. c. The cytoskeleton is composed of three types of molecules. d. The cytoskeleton is involved in cell movement. 11. Microfilaments are made up of which of the following proteins? a. actin b. tubulin c. insulin d. ribosome e. myosin 12. Which of the following structures synthesizes proteins? a. DNA b. RNA c. ribosomes d. smooth ER e. nucleus 13. A major type of lipid found in cell membranes is a. cellulose b. triglycerides c. phospholipids d. glycerol e. glucose 14. A phospholipid is composed of a. one glycerol molecule linked to three fatty acids. b. one fatty acid molecule linked to three glycerol molecules. c. one glycerol molecule linked to three phosphate groups. d. one fatty acid molecule linked to one glycerol molecule and two phosphate groups. e. one glycerol molecule linked to one phosphate group and two fatty acids. 15. The _____ of a mitochondrion increases the surface area and enhances a mitochondrions ability to produce ATP. a. stroma b. grana c. intermembrane space d. cristae e. matrix

16. The _____ of the cytoskeleton help the cell resist mechanical stress. a. microfilaments b. intermediate filaments c. tubulin proteins d. membranes e. microtubules 17. The mitochondria differ from chloroplasts in that mitochondria a. convert solar energy to chemical energy, whereas chloroplasts make ATP. b. contain three different membrane-bound compartments, whereas chloroplasts contain two. c. contain an inner matrix, whereas chloroplasts contain the stroma. d. are not found in plants, whereas chloroplasts are not found in animals. e. produce glucose, whereas chloroplasts break glucose down. SHORT ANSWER: Please answer the following questions in the space provided. 1. Provide a description of the structure of double-stranded DNA that includes: 6 pts a. where phosphodiester bonds are created between two nucleotides. b. placement of base-pairing and base-pairing rules. c. the antiparallel nature of DNA. Double-stranded DNA is made up of two strands of nucleic acid. Within each strand nucleotides are held together by phosphodiester bonds. The two strands are held to each other by hydrogen bonding between bases, where adenine H-bonds with thymine and guanine H-bonds with cytosine. While the two strands are held together, they are oriented in opposite directions with regard to their 5 and 3 ends and so are considered antiparallel. 2. List the following items in order of size from the smallest to the largest. 3 pts Protein molecule Human cell Carbon atom Ribosome Lysosome Bacterial cell 3. Despite lacking chloroplasts, some bacteria can still undergo the chemical reactions of photosynthesis. How can these cells organize the reactions that are performed in the thylakoid membranes of eukaryotic cells? 4 pts 4. Describe the differences between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. How do these differences relate to the fluidity and packing of fatty acids in triglycerides? 3 pts Both types of fatty acids are composed of a hydrocarbon chain and a carboxyl group. In an unsaturated fatty acid, within the hydrocarbon chain, there is at least one double bond between carbon atoms. In a saturated fatty acid, there are no double bonds between carbon atoms. The presence of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids causes the chain to kink. When these kinked

unsaturated fatty acids are present in triglycerides, they pack less tightly together and the triglyceride is more fluid. 5. Why are eukaryotic cells able to be, on average, 10 times larger than prokaryotic cells? 2 pts 6. Describe three differences between DNA and RNA. 3 pts DNA is made up of two strands of nucleic acids. The nucleotide found in DNA is deoxyribose and is lacking an O atom at the 2 carbon. The nucleotide of RNA is ribose, which has the O atom at the 2 carbon. Nucleic acid strands of both DNA and RNA contain adenine, guanine and cytosine. In DNA, the other pyrimidine base is thymine and in RNA, the other pyrimidine base is uracil.

Matching 1-6 a. cholesterol e. ester linkage i. triglycerides

b. cellular respiration

f. Golgi apparatus

j. photosynthesis

c. DNA

g. RNA

k. glycosidic linkage

d. ribosome

h. transport vesicles

l. lysosomes

Biology 201 Summer 2009 Exam 2 Answer Sheet MATCHING 1. 2.


























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