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Trinitarian Online Edition

The Trinitarian
Trinity Episcopal Church November 2012 The Reverend Doctor Anthony Hutchinson, Rector The Rev. Carol Howser, Deacon The Rev. Meredith Pech, Deacon


Ashland Youth Collective is the combined Youth Ministry of Ashlands progressive churches for Middle and High Schoolaged young people. They have been meeting at the Presbyterian Church, and then the United Church of Christ. For the month of November, they will be meeting at Trinity every Sunday evening at 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Text AYC to 68398 to get text message reminders about events. Also on Facebook.

Trinity worship
Sunday Mornings 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Choir, Godly Play Sunday Evenings 5:00pm Nov 4 Contemplative Eucharist Nov11 and 25: Evening Prayer Morning Prayer 7:15 AM MondaySaturday Thursdays Noon: Holy Eucharist with Healing

St. Mincemeat's Day

Once again SWAT will be making mincemeat on Election Day, Tuesday Nov. 6th. If you'd like to help prepare the apples, come to the Parish Hall at 9 a.m. and bring your favorite paring knife. If you plan to stay and help with the actual making of the mincemeat, be warned that it's an all-day affair. Or, you can leave, and come back in the afternoon to help put it in the jars, and/or clean up. We also need pint jars (we have plenty of quarts) so if you have any lurking around you want to get rid of, we'll be happy to take them (wide-mouthed preferred, but well take any). Also new, unused lids (the flat lids can't be re-used) and we can use any of the screw-on bands you have. Just bring them to the Parish Hall any time prior to the 6th. The SWAT Xmas Bazaar will be on Nov. 17th and as usual we'll need your baked goods for sale. You always make such wonderful goodies and last year we got a phone call from a lady who said she'd bought "the best cookies she'd ever had" at our bake sale. Call or email Chris Amorelli for more info.

Special Events
Mandarin Language Eucharist Saturday, November 3, 5:30pm SWAT Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 17, 9:00am

Office Hours

Mondays Thursdays 8:30a 3:00p Fridays 8:30a 12:30p

44 North Second Street, Ashland OR 97520 (541) 482-2656 FAX 482-1260

Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 22, is U.S. Thanksgiving Day. The Church offices will be closed and there will be no Thursday noon Healing Eucharist. We will be having a special Thanksgiving Day Eve Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, November 21, at 7:00 p.m.
This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. Ezekiel 16:49
Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

Father Tonys letter to the Trinitarians

Stewardship Often in Church circles, when we hear the term stewardship, we hear fund-raising. This is unfortunate, because it misses the theological reasons behind faithful peoples deliberate choice of the word. The Book of Genesis teaches that the created world in all its glory is very good and that we human beings, made in Gods image, are set at the crown of creation in order to care for, develop, and benefit from the creation of which we are part. We are thus seen not as owners or masters of creation, but as temporary care-takers, as its stewards in the old sense of the word. Steward comes from the Old English words stig hall and weard keeper. A steward is the keeper of the hall, someone who manages anothers property and estate. By extension, the word has come to often refer to someone who takes charge of provisions and dining arrangements (e.g., an aircrafts flight attendants). Stewardship thus in its largest sense means care of the world which our Creator has entrusted to us. That is why our Prayer Book includes the following: Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (p. 827). Healthy stewardship of the earth is leading a simple life that is not overly ostentatious or luxurious. Part of a healthy spirituality of stewardship is showing thankfulness through intentional detachment from our worldly goods and wealth, and in caring for the poor. It is also taking charge of provisioning the work of God within creation. This is where the common euphemistic use of the word stewardship comes in: detachment from our wealth and showing gratitude for it and with it are spiritual acts where we give up control over our goods. That is why it is important to not simply give to the good causes that we happen to find attractive. It is important to sacrifice and give up our sense of ownership and direction over the wealth we are turning back to the God who gave us all. This is why many Christians tithe, or give 10% of their increase or income (net or gross), to the Church. This is in addition to the offerings they make for good causes, including care for the poor. If 10% is bit hard, then a commitment of a lesser percentage, or of a gradual increase of percentages is often made as part of this spiritual discipline or rule of life. When all is said and done, giving to the Church is a matter of personal conscience and life balance. It is not a good act that will help us buy Gods favor. We already have Gods favor. Alms to the poor and taking responsibility for financing the ministries of the Church remain part of a spiritual rule of life and means of expressing gratitude.

Praying that we all make proper decisions about stewardship, Fr. Tony+

Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

Chinese Eucharist
5:30 P.M. SATURDAY NOV. 3 AND SATURDAY DEC. 8 Continuing the successful October Mandarin Eucharist, we are hoping to hold services in November and December. Here is an blurb to share with your Chinese friends:

Souls in greater glory

Recently we marked the passage of several long-time TrinitariansDick Straw, Jo Lopez, and Dorothy (Dottie) Evans. I remember visiting at Dotties place during a pledge drive. Such a classy place in Talent, beautifully landscaped by husband Dick. She was a captivating hostess serving tea in lavish style as we talked. It was the first time wed visited, since they were 8 oclockers and I a 10 oclocker. In old vestry and stewardship records from the 80s and 90s youll find frequent reference to Dick Straw, frequent senior warden and stewardship chair. His wife Dorothy was our original parish nurse and had a lot to do with beginning that noble tradition of having our own health authority to worship with us and check our blood pressure and show concern for our whole being. Dick and Dorothy welcomed us to the communitythey were the only Trinitarians we knew from having attended their sons wedding in faraway Wallowa County, northeastern Oregon. Newcomers to Trinity missed the chance to know them once they retired to Salem where their young granddaughter Marika Straw learned to play the organ in their tiny church. And Jo Lopez was a colorful choir member and played piano at church on her birthday each year and for the Thursday healing service. She was a bridge champ who kept playing to the end. Shed go on bridge cruises. She had been a nurse and lived a long life, moving her grand piano wherever shed relocate. Her daughter Sue tells the story of Jo, nearing her death, reading writing on the wall, writing only Jo could see. It read, Friendship, friendship, friendship. I think of these people and my own kinfolk as we gather at All Hallows Eve and whenever loved ones leave us. Worshipping together reminds me of the community of saints these three have joined and where we all will gather. Thanks be to God. - Ann Magill

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Yours is the day, O God, yours also the night; you established the moon and the sun. You fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter. Psalm 74: 15, 16

This Psalm is often used as the beginning prayer for one of the most calm and peaceful services in the Episcopal Daily Office. Evening Prayer is celebrated at Trinity Episcopal Church on the 2nd and 4th (and 5th) Sundays of each month. Please join us for this beautiful service.

Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

Senior Warden Comments

Planned Giving This phrase has always struck me as odd: Isnt our regular giving planned? But, as many of us know, this is a euphemism for making a provision in ones estate plan for a specific purpose or charity. Even that is a bit esoteric... but maybe its easier on ones ears than asking forthrightly for some of your assets after you pass on. No matter how its phrased, its always a bit uncomfortable. Despite this, many of us overcome our aversion to thinking of our own deaths and the dispersal of our assets by including such instructions in our wills. In the last few months Trinity Parish has received three bequests, all of which are very significant to us. Catherine Church and Bruce Duncan left enough money for Trinitys endowment fund to more than double it to $175,000! Martha Foster, a 30 year parishioner who moved away from Ashland in 2007, left $30,000 for our major building maintenance fund, bringing the total in that account to $83,000! What do these gifts mean to us? In the case of the major building maintenance fund, that gift puts us in a position to re-roof our church, and perhaps to cover a good chunk of the cost of painting it as well. Have you noticed that both the roof and the siding need help, if not immediately, then fairly soon? Thanks to Marthas generosity we can now address those projects without also planning for a big emergency fundraiser at the same time! The benefits of growing our endowment are less obvious, but still very important. The endowment is our backstop if and when all other fundraising has come up short. As it grows, and as market rates stop being artificially depressed by the Federal Reserve, it will be able to earn Trinity several thousand dollars each year, a form of growing by itself. Each gift to that fund increases its capacity to help fulfill our parish mission if and when leaner days arrive. So, planned gifts to either Trinitys building fund or its endowment make a very positive, long term difference in the quality of our parish life, both today and in the future. For me, knowing that Im making this sort of contribution is most gratifying. What about you? John Sanders heads Trinitys Endowment Committee. Please give him a call if youd like to pursue this opportunity. In Christ, Ward

SENIOR WARDEN Ward Wilson (2012)

JUNIOR WARDEN Milt Morgan (2012)

Vicki Gardner


Jean McDonald


Greg Gonzalez


Tom Harrington


Carol Harvey


Donna Ritchie


Bruce Duncan


Norma Grenfell


Nancy Linton


Russ Otte


This is the online PDF version of The Trinitarian. Personal contact information has been edited out of this version. If you have any questions or need to contact someone in regards to an article, please call the Parish Office at 482-2656.

Your Vestry meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Parish Hall. Parish members are welcome to attend. Submit written proposals for Vestry action to the Rector or the Parish Clerk (Phyllis Reynolds) one week prior to the meeting.

Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

Vestry Highlights
October 17, 2012


In response to a concern raised by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and endorsed by 102 bishops of The Episcopal Church including Bishop Hanley, this years diocesan convention Eucharist offering will go to Al Ahli Hospital in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Al Ahli Hospital provides emergency care to Gaza residents, many of whom have no means or access to medical care. The hospital is located in a community in which 60% of the residents live in refugee camps. According to an article by The Episcopal News Service (ENS), Al Ahli Hospital is the only facility of its sort in the Gaza Strip that is not run by the Hamas government and as such, it is able to provide care without any outside interference or political calculation. Since 2006 the Diocese of Oregon, has also set aside 0.7% of diocesan income to support the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). The line item for the budget year 2013 is $13,247. The Vestry of Trinity Church also makes and annual donation of 0.7% of our income to an MDG project. This years donation of $1,747 will also go the Al Ahli Hospital in Jerusalem. The national Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Oregon and Trinitys Vestry have also encouraged us all to personally designate 0.7% of our income to fund work that supports the achievement of the MDGs. - Anne McCollom MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS End Poverty and Hunger Gender Equality Maternal Health Environmental Sustainability Universal Education Child Health Combat HIV/AIDS Global Partnership

MDG Funds: Vestry approved disbursement of the 2012 funds of $1750 to go to the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, run by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and 101 Bishops have recommended this outreach allocation. We understand that the Al Ahli Hospital is the only significant health care facility in Gaza which is not controlled by Hamas. Garden Committee: Approval was given for consolidation of the two existing committees related to our labyrinth garden and general landscaping into one committee. The new combined committee is led by Maggie McCartney and Vicki Gardner and includes Sue Harmon, Sara Hopkins, Jeff LaLande, Frank Lang, Donna Ritchie, and Morgan Silbaugh. The Vestry offered special thanks to these folks and to all who have worked so hard developing and maintaining all the landscaping on our grounds. Youth Ministry: Fr Tony announced that during the month of November Trinity will host the Ashland Youth Collective, a combined effort of the four major progressive churches in Ashland. They will meet in the Parish Hall at 5 p.m. every Sunday. This group is for students in Junior High and High School. Parish Hall Plumbing: Vestry approved expenditure for four new low-water usage, commercial style toilets to be installed in the Parish Hall restrooms. Homeless Shelter: Vestry approved the proposal for the Wednesday night shelter at Trinity pending communication of details to the parish with request for input and ratification at a forum November 4.

The Seven Months Ended September 30, 2012 INCOME EXPENSES Budget this year $185,730 $187,644 Actual this year 189,266 193,898 Actual last year 183,723 160,326 Financial Reports are posted monthly on the Vestry Bulletin Board in the Parish Library. Dick Cogswell

Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

Jennifer Knapp Inside Out Faith Tour

Her career as one of the leading Christian pop singers came to a sudden detour when she came out of the closet a couple years ago. Now she tours, sings, and gives question/answer seminars on being Christian, young, and gay. Sponsored by SOUs Queer Resource Center and Ashlands First Presbyterian, Trinity Episcopal, First United Methodist, and UCC. 11/7 at 7 pm in the Rogue River Room. Info: 541-552-8329.

Giving Tree
The Giving Tree will be waiting for you in the Parish Hall on Sunday, Nov. 11 after each of the morning services. Please select an ornament-tag for the child you would like to help this Christmas season. Each child is to receive a new coat, hat, mittens/gloves, and a pair of socks. These are children of all ages in Jackson County who have been identified as victims of abuse and/or neglect Most are living at home with a parent learning to be protective; these families are working hard to remain intact. Some are teens in foster care, living at a residential facility with a limited clothing allowance. Our gifts provide much needed winter clothing and the warmth of knowing the community cares. After choosing an ornament-tag, please write your name on the Master List (posted by the tree). You may want to go in with others to purchase a gift. Please return your gift on Sunday, Dec. 2. Detailed instructions are attached to the tags and posted near the tree. If you prefer to write a check, please dont take an ornament. Make your check to Trinity with a notation for The Giving Tree and leave it in the offering plate or church office. Any extra donations will be used for gift cards for teens living at the residential facility. The Giving Tree is one of Trinitys core Community Ministries (formerly called Outreach Ministries) and the Parish response each year has been tremendously generous and joyful. As always, we are pleased that Jamie Hutchinson and his colleagues at Jackson County Child Welfare will see that your gifts reach the children in time for the holidays. Questions? Contact Judy Clinton, or Carol Harvey.

Trinity Coffee Mugs Coming Soon!

In early November unique Trinity coffee mugs will available for order. This is a new project to help support Trinitys hospitality ministry. The mugs, crafted by local potter Allison Clark for our church, feature the same Trinity Celtic knot as printed on the front of the Sunday Bulletin. You will be able to choose between two sizes (or get some of each!) and personalize each mug with your name or the name of some other lucky person. The large mugs will sell for $25 and the small ones for $22. The artist is giving Trinity a special wholesale rate so for each mug sold, we will raise enough money to purchase a pound of coffee or other supplies for the church hospitality. Watch for more information in the weekly announcements to know when the sample mugs are available for viewing so you can place your order in time for Christmas and support Trinitys hospitality ministry. - Judy Clinton

Get booked at the parish library

Trinity is full of people who like to read and study scripture and books about faith. Please consider gifting your parish library with those titles you especially value or take a look at what we have already at http:// If you have donations, leave them in the parish library. Dont worry about shelving them. Well do the rest. Trinity Library Committee

God is subtle, but he is not malicious. Albert Einstein

Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinitarian Online Edition

United Thank Offering

United Thank Offering, often referred to as UTO, is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that provides a way for men, women, and children of the Episcopal Church to give daily thanks to God. Every year, the total offering is between two and a half and three million dollarsall of which is used for projects at home and abroad to support grants for missions and ministry. The challenge is that grant requests total between five to seven million dollars! More than one hundred grants are awarded each year through the UTO Offering Committee. No administrative costs are deducted all funds are disbursed. The establishment of the United Offering (now the United Thank Offering) at the General Convention of 1889 was the crucial step. In the early years the Women's Auxiliary collected the money at the General Convention and their focus was on expanding the mission of the church. Original grants supported training women in the church, supporting and sending women missionaries domestically and overseas and funding the building of schools, hospitals and church buildings all over the USA. Since that time (113 years!) the mission has become the addressing of compelling human need through grants to projects that alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally, within the Anglican provinces, dioceses, and companion dioceses.


Friendship dinners are a way to get to know each other in a more comfortable manner than the few minutes after church in the parish hall. A group of eight or nine get together 3-5 times a year to socialize, taking turns to host. It can be a dinner, brunch, picnic, restaurant outing, bridge, bowling, a game of cards or whatever the group decides to do. Signups are in November/ December and the groups are assigned to start in January. You have a whole year to get together. If it is to be dinner, the host prepares the main dish; the others bring appetizer, salad, dessert or whatever the host decides. Members of the group take turns being host. You have a whole year for everyone to have a turn hosting. At the end of the year the group disbands and new groups are formed. A signup sheet is posted in the parish hall during November and December. For information contact Emilie & Ruedi Vest.


The United Thank Offering Prayer Source of all creation, all love, all true joy, accept, we pray, these outwards signs of our profound and continuing thankfulness for all of life. Bless those who will benefit from these gifts through the outreach of the United Thank Offering; and keep each of us ever thankful for all the blessings of joy and challenge that come our way; through Him who is the greatest gift and blessing of all, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. Trinitys Fall In-Gathering is First Advent: Sunday, December 2nd. There are Blue Boxes and envelopes in the narthex. Please share your thanks!

Sponsored by Trinity Episcopal Church, UCC, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Unitarian Churches. Book studies coming up in January and February and books on sale at reduced prices. Fr. Tony to speak at OLLI February 20 on Progressive Chrisitanity. More information in the December Trinitarian.
Contact Phyllis Reynolds or Carol Harvey with any questions.

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Trinitarian Online Edition

Trinity Episcopal Church 44 North Second Street Ashland, Oregon 97520

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the Trinitarian November 2012

Trinity worship Sunday Mornings

8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Choir Godly Play 10:00 - 11:30 AM, Infant care

The trinity vision To be the Episcopal presence in Ashland, welcoming all who seek Christ in a parish family, where all of Gods children can find, celebrate, and grow in Gods grace.

5:00pmSunday Evenings
Contemplative Eucharist November 4 Evening Prayer, November 11 and 25

7:15 AM MondaySaturday
Chanted Morning Prayer

12:00 PM Thursdays
Holy Eucharist with Healing

7:00 PM First Saturday

Mandarin Language Eucharist
Trinity Episcopal Church, 44 North Second Street, Ashland OR 97520 publishes The Trinitarian monthly. James Johnson and Ann Magill, Editors. Submit articles to at the church office by the 20th of the month. For more information, visit Trinity Episcopal Churchs website at

Office Hours Monday Thursday, 8:30a 3:00p Friday, 8:30a 12:30p (541) 482-2656 44 North Second Street, Ashland OR 97520 (541) 482-2656 FAX 482-1260
Trinitarian Online Edition

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