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Form 210A (10106}

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC, et al.,
Case No. 10-13826, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U S.C. 1111(.a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than tor security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name ofT ransferee;
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbor Capita[, LLC
Ansonia FinJmte Station
PO Jlox 237037
New York, NV 1 002J
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: --""''""'----
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (1f different from above):
Phone: n/a
Last Four Digits of Acct #; n!a
Name of Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Court Claim# (If known): 1764
Amount of Claim: $647.96
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor.
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
565 Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Last Four DigitS of Acct.#:_ .. J>nl"'"--
l declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided fn this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief'.
By: Is/Fredric Glass Date: May 10. 2011
Penm1y for making e false sretmenl: Fine up to $500,000 or iT'pnsorment fer up to 5 :::r 18 U.S.C. i52 & 3571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC, et al.,
Case No. 10-13826, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. 1764 [if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim. the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011.
Name of Transferee;
Fair Harbor Capital, L.LC
As assignee of Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Fair Harbor Capital. LLC
AnJIDnia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY I 0023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Name and Address of Alleged
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
565 Rahway Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
The transferor of claim nemed above is advised !he this Notice of Transfer of C!a1m Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be ii!ed" With the court wilh!n twenty
(20} days of ihe mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely te<:elved by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as the original darmant wltho.rl further order of the coort.
D a t e : . ~ ~ ~ - - -
Clerk of the Court
{;nlc.,d Sfutu &rtkruptt.y Cm>rt
J)latrlcr OfN;:.w York

ln rc::
Gnu!rf l'rix [1Wnling L;,C
Cbnpti'r 11
Cll!le N<}_ JO.J3816
(Jointb- Und<!r Cue N(l.. 18-118()0)
F!J'.AS!- 1\:'":r;tc.:E that th10 ch<;-ifi,:Q;lclaim l.O. IN('. agmMt tbc;JcMnr(s) m tllelll"':lmm' oi.'S961A'>, an
lisllttl Mlhin Sr.hedule F l!nd Lu!bllities filed uy the Debmr(s), ood nil {ircluding will'Km\ lh!! Proof,ofClaim., if
XW't".tified T(lln_o;fe\o(lr'!l rlgbU tL r;cci'\11:1 all turn p&ymer.u that I:may he enlitlod to n"'t.eiveoo aocount.;;ftbe r;hl1)
C."'!n!l?.ot or !eam to :he Chim and fe:eq, ife:ny, whleh may hej!ldwitb te1j"1Cc! to lim C111im and all ott.,.- cle!nm, Ulllf'l:S of e.ctlim 3g11l11:>t the
Dcbter, it!l tdfliU..:.ts, any jplll:"<<ll\nr t1r cr!:Mr t1-n-M pm:ty, rogether with v.:rt:i11p; wtd rig!lt!l and benefits ar\Bi:ug fr<"IIU, uncte- o-relaling i'fl toy Mlhe fOfegoiflg,
lfi)(le.U c,lih, inmrumen-W and' d,IJI':r prnpi!!ty whit.'h mr.y l;le paid N"i&:llect h:o Debtor Jn.aat!:Ubcl:io11 oflt..e Claim) of1'rnn.orlilrollmve hom
nri Ml!e;- than Jbr S!lctHily m Fak Hlll"bor Cnplul. U.C \'Trnn5tllree'') in of tbe ro-n ; 'f1w: si!{':li!Qro oftbe T :m
TRANSFER OF C!.AL>vf OTHER T"tlAN !'OR SECUR:riY MTI WAMit OF NOTICE it e-.-:dc:lM '"'""'"f o: tbt'l tlki!N\ 3nd e!l 17.q;1ts Mdber.e'lts of
T! relntlllg to (.1:hm. T!w CWm :S based on t<1"1"1Cit!nt! O'".wd to T by Dtbutr Wid Ibis tmnsfur sbcll <m hsl>li!tr: a:1' '.!m<m:J,JillOl)<J!
tnmsfer of the Clain: 10.-thcpu:r;xs.e (!fcolketion Mld shall om be dcen\ili! to a:eatt: t. TK"!Utthlltl'nff Harb\'11" Otpi!>ll, U .. C
tn sny li'J?i!C>!.l.\c11, mo!l<-111, ?n'!">fofC(cim trrdhc:- dowrrn:m1 will:: the.8110l.'Ttlptey Cmntwifh l"CJJ>In-1 taY"'Jf<aim.
L Trnnsferr.rnfthenhO'I-"e <ko;oihod 11S$]gu :md ftllnl)filnny elnims a11d Ell.J :i11;1rts ther!.; nntk:rW 1... Tnmsfuree npnn terli!P nn FIJI
iOrth !ellw. reoe\vod. l ruv' W!l!raai that is no: 'ks!Jthml $961.65 and not ot:>jeeteri l.a, !iO!rl, or Cp
n::rt.i'!ication QyTr.msfe<re, I ef?_"e<; to rc'.:nbu-."S\1. Trttll.'\f.mte a pro..nrta -portion oflhepumhn>:e price if tho claL'"\1 is rudu<-til, o1lectcd :o. m 1lhml!owed in whok t:i!'
'PdJt Debter, !he Clurt, N <my Nher jl!>;cy and Trnnfiferorrc;prcwt!t8od wammts there nreno offiets or ddl:nsm or prefmr.ntittl JlliY!Ileu" t}m,JJ:wc
l1ee1J !111l:Y he ome!"Wd by or on bcl11Lf of ,)ehiOT rr nn..v Ml.lcr party to reo:h:ct-.. the ammr:tt ohhe (.Iai..m Qr !("I ittpfrir :t5i veluG.
A Proo-f of Claim Du I!! f1w !l,lt!I!Pt6fS __ ____IH!!!!! !!ntftlolre !l!!! been duly aru( l:im(lly:filcil in tl:e (Md !'\ tnw. r:opy flfooc'h Proof of
Clirlm is at'Jicl:ed ro A-ir,nrnent).lftlw ?roof ofC:6n amcwntrliff<m> from the Cl!r-m emtmnt sct. furth >lbnve.. TrMSfeme sb!l.ll nC\'I':J!lw!ru;.-;
ownera'f' L1ilt Pnmf ofC;,im snhjern; to 11m ofihls Aqreernentand dmlllre enft!cd :n idetllifY i::;.elf"" G"Wner ofsnclll':w,f <JfC:l.a!:OJ \Ill the P!eor:!F oft he
f:J lhe the: Claim if; aJowed Ja ll!) :nnonnt b of !he amoo!R pttn:hascd hc:cin. Tmrn:fr.ror-is 1n fC Tnrmfuro:; and,. IIi
opdon (lilly, Tmnsli'mm hcrel'ly thn h.'l1J'N".C of midCla!m Ill the claim ;>ll1d lt:l1""eiu 1u:t [(' ,,j!C<'Gd fWi= !he
Claim 1\ltiCiillli IIbOV. Trnts&-!U: sl1al! remll pnyme.'Jt ttl 1'nlru<limlt opon !IX!sfar.Son 1!":llt 1.\teC!Illrr l):ln bnr.r, 1dTnwol In
MllIQI: and nnt tc ar.y (lbjactko lv t'mDrot.
I, tll:cmlrle..'"llir;;re:l T:J.aSftTOf !v;rcl:)y fflllhL'ri:;o, ro 100 a r:otiec of!nrm;ferPirr:;uao"t.J Rule 3001 {e) of !he FlxJerni Rule: Prorudure
\'FRBf'"), R.s:?W ro li\CC!nln, whi!e 1J'l\USfaro:-. \1.1 d-.x: diiigenceon illt. Clnb, Tm11,tGte::,. :.t its;;n!e(>ptWr.,. m")' tn\Mfur 11w
C!nlm bock to Trru-:sfum-irilllc Jl ltsRtisfuctocy, in TlMlsferze';; su;e ff:ld ab:lolum lo JHOI (a) l">hhe FRDr. ln ill
TNwftr= the CWlm 1-mck to Trnn:dtrot r>r wrthdraws the tnmsfer, atSIch lim<! '1x;fh lrtrnst\!ror mxi TraAA!eJ:e0 reJtJOOe l"li'leh othtrr ofall anri ony
obJlgatk.r. odiJhil\ly t"egatdinp; lhi-1 uf Claim. T:mnsfuror hiiroby nnd to all nf :he t!'ernt ffirth in of" Clll5m
l!l:!llllemby"tWljW:S (!)its :'.ght 10 tnkt tmyeQi<.c:ion terew.,. and (it). ill> rig\\': to receive notice p\ltsutmt t(l Rule 3001 {e) of the FROP.
Llful. T>tnlJtree may I'I'IIS$l.'Jll 11m cmrn. Wgefh:rrwithall rig;ht, tithl ;md ofT=fcrce Tn Md to tltls "l'rlmstb ofdftim.. Ail
W!IWJ"lttes h'1'11ln slnll w._-vivcthe nxecmicn and de )very Trar.:okrof C!oim Mci nny .<nell IT'-
Oth:r l:mn Trlii1Merel"' amumes ,-,I r1sk& with lk.Mor'!!ohil!ty ftmds. to rbEv()("(<l Ftrl"r Harbor C'Ap>olll,
tLC alfY<liln:S",)OOdenile '!l'!eto)ve, suhscqm:ltt II' tberillft> !ilgrno Ill The CO'lrt nnllwrlm1 to Mw
t.:"lf', ::lcrim nftho Tm;-&flll"O! 'l ti!lltoflhe Hettii bdov.
Tl1l$l'lwlsfi:x Mall!:'; hy and eon9trued in &cr.otde:rme fnW'< of the York. Any actbr.miaisgtlnder
may in any ll'l" Ff.dcn!l in tl1c Stntt<afNe-.., Yerk, ond Tra:-mlil!m h.'l and tJOOfcm
iuriadlction >)'l."l.'l' hy $ud!: etmrto:- !nd agre.-:t:t!lll\ ill.l:"Vicn Gfproeesslnay be l!pfm Tmnsferorhy nmilir.g a oopy ofuitl )"lrncess w 7-mnskn>r &
tJ.e nddrets &;'. furCl ill of anri in nny a:;t)nn hemtvJ1t:; TrlJI;:;ft:ruruilliVCS the right :-o dfiT!1ond lllrinl by Jury, TI"!ID$fur;r
in the '!Aellt-:b1t L'le :utukt'\lilteY -:ase i5 di.f!"Jll:'l:W.or BQ!lverltii !O a Ch"!JJ<e: 7 Code MJd Trn:n1W..:.C hM paid J(w t\c
Cl'lim, :mrne..i.!<rtely remit 001 !l.r:S'fc:"eelill monit.:> ;mid hy 1'nWlfcrw in tn :he Claim Wid ,wmersblp of the Chlim ohall ;m1:11t In
F0\1Jffi CQ-t:1PMENT CO. INC
'UNiON, N.! USA 07081

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