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I, the undersigned, am over the age of eighteen and an employee of Omni Management Group, I
do hereby certify:
That I, in performance of my duties served a copy of the Notice ofTransferred Claim by
depositing it in the United States mail at Encino, California, on the date shown below, in a sealed
envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as set forth below.
P.O. BOX 890995
CHARLOTTE, NC 28289-0995
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Southern Turf Management, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
Omni Management Group, LLC
Claims Agent For Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC
16161 Ventura Blvd., Suite C, PMB #606- Encino, CA 91436
Telephone (818) 906-8300 -Facsimile (818) 783-2737
Notice of Transferred Claim
May 10, 2011
P.O. BOX 890995
CHARLOTTE, NC 28289-0995
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Southem Turf Management, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
To Whom It May Concern,
Please be advised that a Notice was received that your claim in the above mentioned case has been
transferred; please see attached. The document states that the above named transferor has transferred
this claim to the above named transferee.
Case: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC (Case No: 10-13825)
Scheduled Claim No. 14579
Amount of Claim: $2,656.56
Amount of Transfer: $2,656.56
Re: Docket# 1249
Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e) (2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures you are
advised that if you wish to object to the above, you must do so within 21 days of the date ofthis
notice or within any additional time allowed by the court. Unless an objection and request for hearing
is filed in writing with the U.S. Bankrutpcy Court- Southem District of New York Manhattan
Division One Bowling Green New York, NY 10004, the aforementioned claim will be deemed
Omni Group, --
Form 210A (10/06)
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILEJ IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S C. 1111(a) Transferee
hereby gives evidence and nohce pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1). Fed. R. Bankr P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the cia m referenced m this evidence and notrce.
Name of Transferee: Name of Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Southern Turf Management, LLC c/o Magnolia Financial Inc.
As assignee of Southern Turf Management, LLC clo Magnolia Financial Inc.
Name and Address where not1ces to transferee
should be sent:
Fair Harbor Capital LLC
A.osonia Finance Sta lion
PO Box 237037
N ~ w York. 1\Y 10023
Phone. 2'12 967 4035
Last Four Dtgtts of Acct # _ __.,n"-'/a,__ __ _
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (If different from above):
Phone: n/a
Last Four D1g1ts of Acct #: nla
Court Cla1m #(if known) none
Amount of Claim $2.656.56
Date Clarm Filed
Name and Address of Transferor:
Southern Turf Management,
LLC c/o Magnolia Fmancrallnc
PO Box 890995
Charlotte. NC 28289
Last Four D1grts of Acct. #. __]]J__a __
I declare under penalty of oer)ury that the Information provided 1n th1s not1ce is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and bel1ef
By: Js/Frednc Glass Date May 10, 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Per>al/y for mak1ng a false statenent' Fine of up to $500 000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years. or bolll 1 sUS C 152 & 3571
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. none (if k1own)
was filed or deemed filed L nder 11 U S.C 1111 (a) 1n th1s case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of cia 1m. the tr3nsferee filed a Transfer of Cia 1m Other than for Secunty in the clerk's off1ce of
th1s court on May 10. 2011
Name ofT ransferee Name of Alleged T ransleror
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Southern Turf Management, LLC c/o Magnolia Financial Inc.
As assignee of Southern Turf Management, LLC r;/o Magnolia Financial inc.
Fair t - l ~ r b o r Capital. LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Bo' 237037
New Ynrk, NY 10023
Name and Address of Alleged
Southern Turf Management.
LLC clo Magnolia Financial Inc
PO Box 890995
Charlotte NC 28289
The transferor of cia 1m named above IS advised the this Not1ce of Transfer of Cla1m Other than for Secunty has been
filed 1n the clerk's office o! lh s court as ev1dence of the transfer. ObJection must be filed w1th the court with<n twenty
(20) days of the ma1ling of th s not1ce If no objection IS t1mely received by the court. the transferee will be substituted
as the original claimant w1thc ul further order of the court
Date ______ _
Clerk of the Court

Ap; 12 11 12:30p
Southern lu1f
Shu.t .. .0.1111\Huptty Cll-.t'l
.()fNcw York
In tc:
C:ts:Q' 'lo,
(JUJI)11y Admini&lcred "0.
Amo.unt i!.&s:G..56
TIV NSFE:R Ol CL\IM OTIHR SI!:C!fRITY i\NO WA!VEJ< 01 i'>(\Tl<;li.
i.hnkmrxc._; Ru k. JOOil(cJ
'1'.<\ K 'NO'f(CE l!u.M the cdtJkJ ..::JtaJm 1SOL TH.I!..R:"'i Tt:Rf" ,.I.LC llg.Slnsl D<btcor(i) ltlth:! oJ!nDU111 1"\f
.)1,6:\6.='6, ;:e. WiiJlln I'Llf Llf 1\S!.:CLS ,\11d moo b) De.\)( i.ind <ill (inch.rdint Jl'll!. PrnM
kJCtrlitibd i!r.d ngh:.;: \.::J ::.11 curt; l)ilymcnl,: 1h:1y l"i\.' d".lli!lc:d to on :lO::oUA( a.f!J1..:
vl"flny 'Jf :-lo![atl.-d Cl<':'im ar.d fet:'j, ,fun\' which rna)' l:le \\.t1h UJ Oain1 tltLd W.l c-!Q:im::o.. c::tu'\:e:; of
,tCtior. Od'ltvr. lt'l. nny gU3t:.rl1.4):." or o:l tiJirC psny. wrth othcT l.lm1.-::l' 01' to <'ln.}
111 frm.:(..,'<Jingf IQ"lQ .aU r:-!:),1. ."S.. prvrtc:n.) ma .... pqLd ot Css.u(;"d b)\:ll\U:ti-01 t.>r .t.., ... i1uv<:
.. .UI\1 UC.hc;:t' Ill ;-DI to l.bro& LLC 1.:\ ..:O(ISjd<:ratiun ofthQ' or : ofu..:
I f.trclJCn.'\; "i'M "lStC.R OF ClAIM OTHEl--'. THAN f()R SE.CIH\liY -"';.J() "WAIVER or= l\.IOTfCC::. b: <1f \..""..<!' T:"i.!ft5fet o-f the !.nU :;.li
uru:l of'h11l\Si"t:.ror rdull 'I! P 1\t<:: Cl::CH:.t The (.'h.1C1.1 i$ ba:.d on afl' Qwo::d t.o- lt!I.J'lsfctorb:- lkbt:1r Jill.! O'!iil,jfef s:hul.' :,.::: cie-eH-:.:d un
iVid l.'":}J::<tC. Or th1, p\lrpo:;c ..uW be to :r.::Jti! o1 thnl fait"
L.Apitul. LLC noL ob.ligato::llo {Ht; i1r !" n\Otiun, 1)'1;ofof cr with 1hc B<lT'.I.Juplcy Court to )'Our .::laun.
t:.nd-ur::>.i-gn .;l,J 1."11.! t.b ciOJims. hlrt:!.ly .:11l.d lnmsll:.1' rr..v dllinu .md aU t)}ac lu'ldt:r to ti:J.: tJtCln 11.:.1'1n:'l
r;_,,.,l1 1n c-..:.vcr :i:ti.ot:G. I ;o.n(i d91m :" 1\Q( 'il-6$6.56 Ct.od bE'.S nOC c.r Ji.ltisfl::.d. Up:;JJI
olflti'tiun b)' Tt-lrr.otc;l'4.:.::, I w :t lrnhcr$r: )'rutl}fc;t:t: d. partlM o( p1iu .rrbc .::G)m 1;) vbjtX:IiXl LO, or :o cr
pori, by lle !kbtl>l". Ult: Ccurt. or othd' pi2rl)' :md l rq)n;J.t:-nt:i OJOd tOo.t (l.r ll!_f-.:m::.Q.J p11)-rn::1uS tOOt
tox u; ..JSse.rt.:.d b> OJ) b.:;t.,.l! oi' o::lh::r p:.r!_:. to red.uo.; rH.WJUllt .Jt the= CJ.eirn Ol' {I!J Ccs ''lluc.
-\ l-1..1> jo 1!:1\" II(:S ... cs..:nJ..G(l,ntc} dufy Grld llll!il in Lhe- tU(tlr: oop:r of:<ud'l f-'rr.n:fuf
( hirr. 15 ID t"the hooi ;miO\lllll di!'fm from lh<; Cl<:lciw EIJTIOulll tcrtl'l )hrl! u'C'\'r:rtht:k::>) be dt:etru:d !h.;;
\.\.rJc:r r,t Proot of Cl.aim sub}.:tL t( o1' thfs :\&'>::!!:J))Cnl JnJ shall 0.: to idt:r.tir)' itself vf .o;uch F'.n::-M u ; Ctil.(VI oo (he n:x:onjS, ar tbo::-

1.,:10: 1t1\! Cluin is Jl'l w1 in aJl).OUfll in lransft:J'.lr is h;:;r...:t':- m tl"l : rtutSi!Nt!. und, at
1 vpliun on(,- he:...-:bs !0 ;JU!cl\k::..-.._ thr bi!bnet:: uF said 8.1 the o( daim p:ald het::i11 MllO t'l.vict:- IDe
umour.l :r-tl.fl!'!ft- pu:.n\CnL \Jpl)n lb. rl1.: Clai.m tra:;: ..:d in tht
:IJtl(' .Jf 1 '.st)d i!l lhlt S\tbject i'..l IJy tfl..: De ben.
l Lh::; .. I'-:-(CJr 4.1) li!l!' i\ociL .. - Dr' 3001 (<.' 1 <lfthd;E'd-t!tW P::-Oo:;ft-tre
rFf.:.OP"). -.'<Jih tio!Spcct (0 the C:lltm. Cuu Claim. at it;; optio1t. r.:oa_y !'I&lSfu:
( -fl.i:n to r .. an:.fl.""lt' if:LI! dih(:;t:.::1{ <' <.:S :nol in Ti"JJlSJ"ro:r:. absoh.ll.e .:liscr.:tion tiJ R1.1lt 3001 (c) ui tfie FRI3P )
I ( b:.tck t-o I r(lruto;:,OI" '-'tllhd'ra>v'$ !.lit: :imc 'Oolh Trorl1i::r(lr IU'd -;-'nuDii::rce r<.h:;).s-t 9( all D.lvJ em;:
ot-llg,at1<m (){' li'l:lh\my rt!g.Luxling tbi.') T r--.r:-sfer.or h.:.-eb)

ana con."cnts to aif urLI:w: Stet !C.Jrt.l. in r C'1lltm

:11d. he,eb} r-1ght .u ail)' ol>jccLH.m \lC'rt'.!U. <lll.d i<s lt) 001ice to Rt.!le 10ll. lC) FRBi1.

rltac .... 'fe-e nc.y al ress."'iign iogcrhet wttll all .w),j i:1 fUd l(llhi:s Tram fer
il11J v.-sr--;--.L'")l.l.::.i herem :;!)all :IU(Vitn tbL ddiVtt) Of!his (1( Claim lHld. &i) such
11Lh(l fh;Jn '>{,\i\ld a bow, Tan::;i-.:rcc ..z:JJ \!v;Lh dd:ttor'-J .abi!it: 10. dist:'ib:,r!A. (wld!o oo .o,e;;.,.IJI kO fuir Hi.iTbVr C&p-.tu: ..
I l' .11.;-- t:.or f.lL)'m.:niS (Q ll"Jc da1c: sign,; thl:s c:gr:>.::ITI(1J .. Tl-,1! ckrl! ot"lltc oou11 whodze.d 10 \h,;
t1..'!';a<\lint Lh\: {II tit<.: w lltu'. ,)fth.: T bt".lov...
Tl.i'!< ;;h.zn h::: by anc. ifl Lms "l'm..:. ,\r,y :u.:Livo 41'1:$it"t2 u:1-&r or rj,:la.injliJJ t.b:i:-:;
b-: in \ny Sl.l(C: v.

il1 the ofN.:::w Yort.. ...IJid frr.,r-,.1:ii::ror conSt:DIS w dnrl '.:1,mfers

:u.- 'l-'lrel"'" ! by :mch ;,;mlr! or co\Jrts omJ U111.L o) b.: uptm TnmsfXIJC' cop> tJl Trillurt:ror tlt
1..: JOr;l1 chis (r C'l;;.lln. in J,m r,C'I"\"":I.:nd.t\or 1t.a.llslt.'Tor W&i vt:'> rit;bl

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L.;'nm. lron:!(.;-ror tmme><lullel; rcnut ;o 3lt r'l1Qfote:;.. by TransC::r-'C ir\ 0111:. C!airn tnk.!

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