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BCA Executive Committee's Recommended Strategy for Resolving Technical Irregularities of the Oct.

15, 2012 Election for The Office of BCA President Background On October 15, 2012, the Bloomingdale Civic Association (BCA) held its regularly scheduled monthly meeting, and consistent with its constitution/by-laws, conducted its annual election of officers. The vote results of that election as formally reported by the BCA Nomination/ Elections committee were as follows: President: John Salatti 23 Teri Janine Quinn - 22 First Vice President Bertha Holliday 44 Second Vice President Jared Early 25 Brice McCracken - 17 Robert Brannum 1 Recording Secretary Betsy McDaniel - 39 Austin Pearl (write-in) 1 Assistant Recording Secretary Scott Roberts 43 Corresponding Secretary Jennifer McCann - 43 Assistant Corresponding Secretary Austin Pearl (write-in) -38 Robert Gore (write-in) - 1 Financial Secretary C. Dianne Barnes - 39 Treasurer Sherry Howard 41 Delegate to the DC Federation of Civic Associations (5 non BCA officer positions) Bernadette White (write-in) 39 Robert Brannum - 27 Jared Early (write-in)- 2 Brice McCracken (write-in) - 1 There were 2 other write-in candidates for this position (W. Foster and E. Jenkins but votes for these candidates were disqualified as these candidates did not meet qualifications for office per BCA Constitution/Bylaws).

Junior Delegate (youth) to the DC Federation of Civic Associations No nominations and no write-ins Alternate Delegate to the DC Federation of Civic Association ( 5 positions) No nominations and no write-ins Technical Voting Irregularity All ballots cast at the October 15 BCA election are in the possession of the Chair of the BCA Nomination/Elections Committee. That Committee reported a technical voting irregularity: Although 45 ballots were turned in, the Nomination/Elections Committee issued only 44 voting cards (based on determining each individual attendees eligibility to vote consistent with BCA bylaws). Based on this irregularity and the one vote difference between the two President candidates, Past-President Robert Brannum contested the election of the office of President - and President-candidates John Salatti and Teri Janine Quinn acknowledged the irregularity and agreed to the contest. No other election results were contested, as no others involved a one vote difference between candidates. Problem Resolution Strategy BCA President Quinn requested that the current BCA First Vice President preside over a meeting of the BCA Executive Board to identify a recommended strategy for resolving the contested election of the office of President. Such a meeting was held on October 18, 2012 with the following persons present: Teri Janine Quinn, President; Bertha Holliday, 1st Vice President; John Salatti, 2nd Vice President; Sherry Howard, Treasurer; Austin Pearl, Corresponding Secretary; Myra Dandridge, Assistant Corresponding Secretary; and Robert Brannum, Past-President. Proceedings of this meeting were as follow: The first order of business was developing a guiding principle for decisionmaking: It was decided that ANY DECISIONS MADE MUST BE ACCEPTABLE TO BOTH CANDIDATES FOR BCA PRESIDENT (i.e., Quinn & Salatti). The nature of the voting irregularity and election challenge were explained. Concerns were noted about whether a contest to the election of the President could be made after many members had left the October 15 meeting. A review of parliamentary procedure indicated that election results are final after the meeting has been adjourned. But in fact, the October 15 meeting was not formally adjourned: No motion for adjournment was made; no vote for adjournment was taken. Therefore, all agreed the contest could be made. Concerns were noted about who were the current members of the BCA Executive Board. It was noted that BCA has a longstanding tradition of formal installation of newly elected officers, after which they assume their office. As no installation has occurred, existing BCA officers constitute the BCA Executive Board. Problem Resolution Option #1: The option of a Co-Presidency was discussed t neither Quinn nor Salatti expressed opposition to this option -- nor did they

express strong support for it. Consistent with the meetings commitment that all decisions must be agreeable to both Presidential candidates, no further discussion of this option occurred. Problem Resolution Option #2: Conduct a Special Election for the Office of the President Only for the Purpose of Correcting a Technical Voting Irregularity. This option enjoyed the strong support of both Quinn and Salatti. Special Election Process: A lengthy discussion occurred related to the process for a special election. The following recommended process (agreed to by both Salatti and Quinn) will be approved/disapproved by vote of the BCA Membership ( i.e., by persons issued voting cards that are white [eligible to vote for officers] and blue [paid dues less than30 days prior to the Special Election for the Office of the BCA President]) at the November 19 meeting. 1.A public announcement (via email, listserv, BCA website) of the proposed election process will be made no less than seven (7) days prior to the Special Election. 2.All attendees must register at the door and are encouraged to arrive 15 meetings prior to the meetings announced starting time. 3.Eligible election voters will be given a numbered vote card and a numbered ballot BOTH must be provided to the Election Clerk if vote is to be considered valid. No proxy or absentee ballots will be allowed. 4.Eligibility for voting for the Office of BCA President: (a) Persons who were eligible to vote at the October 15, 2012 election, and (b) Persons who have paid their BCA dues at least 30 days prior to the Special Election. (NOTE: These eligibility rules seek to be responsive to the spirit of the BCA Constitution/Bylaws and inclusive as possible within that spirit.) 5.Each candidate for the Office of President will be allowed to give a two (2) minute speech. 6.These speeches will be followed by a maximum of six (6) questions from the audience and each candidate will be allowed one (1) minute to answer each question. 7.The BCA First Vice President will preside over the election process. This recommended process was thoughtfully and carefully crafted by the BCA Executive Board with the assent of both candidates, and with the intent of resolving the contested office in a fair and transparent manner that promotes the strengthening of both the Bloomingdale community and the unity and stature of BCA. The challenges facing both are far too great to be distracted by strife and discord. Please come and cast your Special Election ballot! Any questions about this announcement should be directed to

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