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West Africa Advanced School of Theology 16 November 2012

Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! (1 Jn 3:1) Praise God for loving us while we were yet sinners (Ro 5:8)! His infinite, lavish love yearns for fellowship with all His creation. Pray this week that Muslims who sincerely seek God will sense this love and see it in the lives of God's children.

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni

TOGO: Thank God for the conversion of several Muslims as a result of a program on Radio Jesus Loves You. A student from a Muslim background shared his testimony and teachings on this program, encouraging many to accept Jesus and to grow in their relationship with him. Please pray that these new believers will be surrounded with Christian fellowship and be properly discipled in their faith. Pray also that the Lord will provide qualified Hausa- and Fulani-speaking Christians who can do follow-up for programs in these languages. SENEGAL: Please pray that the Lord will open doors to take the gospel to four particular marabout villages. These are ruled by powerful religious leaders (marabouts), and no Christian influence is allowed. The largest and most important is Touba, home of the Mouride Muslims, an influential group unique to Senegal. The Tijaniyyah live in Tivaone and Mrina Baye. Pray for Yoff Layne, near Dakar, the capital city, where Layene Muslims live. Pray for God's wisdom and direction for church leaders as they seek to reach these areas, and that His Spirit will prepare hearts. CHAD: An alumnus serving as a missionary in Chad asks for prayer for his wife, who needs God's healing touch.

In the News
USA & CANADA: Please pray concerning the increasing infiltration of sharia law in North American courts. In dozens of cases involving Muslims now living in the U.S. and Canada, plaintiffs are insisting that Islamic religious law should supersede the laws of the state or federal government of their adopted land. In some of these cases sharia has been accepted and applied. See more at SIERRA LEONE: Presidential and parliamentary elections will be held Saturday, 17 November. Please pray that the polls go smoothly and peacefully.

From Global Initiative*

Please pray for the Maldives, where there is a growing move to implement full sharia law. In this island nation in the Indian Ocean, only non-citizens can be Christians, and they may not witness to others. Earlier this year the President added Cabinet posts to include more conservative members, i.e., those in favor of full sharia. For more information and prayer requests, see

For Muslim Women**

Pray for Christian women who purposefully work among Muslim women, as they plan Christmas events through which theyll share the gospel message. Pray for divine access to Muslim women whose thirst is great, and ask God to prepare these womens hearts to receive the living water He offers them.

Prayer Resources
*Global Initiative is a ministry of Assemblies of God World Missions, USA. Visit for information about praying for Muslims and weekly requests. **Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at Find information and prayer requests concerning Muslims around the world at Information and prayer requests for each country are available at To learn more about unreached people groups, visit Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer subject each Friday. For the request for 16 November, see How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith? Read For prayer requests concerning persecuted Christians, visit Jumaa Prayer Alerts (breaking news and urgent prayer requests) are posted on the WAAST Facebook page as they arise:

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