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The Differences between the Willowstick Method and DC Resistivity

The Willowstick method is an imaging technology designed for mapping groundwater. It is quite different from DC Resistivity technologies such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), High Resolution Resistivity, and Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI). The DC resistivity method energizes the subsurface from various standpoints to measure the apparent resistivity of the bulk material. For brevity, the energizing dipoles and the measuring dipoles will be referred to as the source and receiver, respectively. Electrical current spreads out from the source into the subsurface volume beneath and between electrodes to complete the electrical circuit. The voltage or potential difference between electrodes at the earths surface is measured (receiver) to calculate the apparent resistivity for each source/receiver setup. The bulk subsurface resistivity or the ability of the subsurface to impede electric current flow (ohmmeters) is calculated by knowing the amount of electric current flowing through the ground and the voltage between the two potential electrodes. Resistivity is the inverse of conductivity, so low resistivity indicates high conductivity. Subsurface resistivity is a function of the porosity or the void space, the pore fluid conductivity, and the conductivity of the formation (rock or soil particles). For example, water as a pore fluid usually has dissolved ions that reduce the subsurface resistivity by promoting electrical current flow. The more dissolved ions in the groundwater, the lower the subsurface resistivity will be. A resistivity survey is usually designed to map vertical or lateral changes in subsurface resistivity. In a vertical sounding, the pair of source electrodes are moved increasingly farther apart from a central receiver dipole to measure resistivity as a function of depth. Lateral profiling is typically accomplished with a dipole-dipole or similar array, where both the source and receiver dipoles have constant separation and are moved progressively along a survey line. Resistivity sounding and profiling can yield pseudo-sections of the subsurface, not true crosssections due to the inaccuracy of the underlying assumption that the subsurface is homogeneous or horizontally layered. Surveying multiple parallel and/or perpendicular lines allows 3D information to be gathered. With 3D data, subsurface structures can be delineated better in both horizontal and vertical extent. The value of the DC resistivity method is its ability to delineate geologic structure boundaries that have contrasting resistivities to their surroundings. For example, High Resolution Resistivity may be used to map a cyanide solution as it spreads out from an injection well drilled into a leach pad. This plume can be mapped very accurately with DC resistivity because the cyanide solution is electrically conductive while the dry or semisaturated parts of the leach pad will be much more resistive to electric current flow. The extent of low resistivity can be mapped very accurately with a tight electrode grid. Plotting and outlining the low resistivity anomaly can produce an accurate map of the cyanide solution plume as it spreads through the leach pad. Willowstick is of the opinion that resistivity methods and its own method are complementary technologies and Willowstick actually utilizes its own DC resistivity technology called RaMPS. The RaMPS array is designed to gather horizontal (profiling) and depth (sounding) information 2

via a proprietary electrode arrangement based on monopole galvanic resistivity measurements. The proprietary electrode array and plotting techniques applied with a RaMPS survey have been proven more accurate in side by side comparisons than traditional resistivity methods. The Willowstick method, on the other hand, directly energizes the water of interest with an alternating current (AC). As with all electrical circuits, electric current will choose the paths of least resistance between strategically placed electrodes. Electric current flow is sustained through ionic conduction in the water. AquaTrack, by energizing a specific layer or water pathway, can trace the targeted water specifically from one place to another. If there is no specific water pathway the AquaTrack Technology will show that the area in question is uniform. AquaTrack is principally used to map concentrated groundwater flow paths where the start and end are known such as leaks in dams, weaknesses in barriers and water flow through high porosity zones (faults, fractures and karst features). These features represent the paths of least resistance to electric current flow between the strategically placed electrodes. The Willowstick methods principal measurement is the magnetic field, not the electric field (voltage). The magnetic field is generated by electrical current flowing through a conductive path (Amperes Law). The magnetic field is measured with three high inductance coils that are oriented along the x, y and z directions. The magnetic field measured has the same frequency as the injected electrical current, so the signal can be distinguished from other noise sources like spherics and the power grid (50 or 60 Hertz) and its harmonics. Measuring the magnetic field (pure magnetic field not electromagnetic field) has two advantages: 1. The magnetic field is directly related to electric current flow; therefore, modeling electric current flow is a simple and direct application of established physical principles (BiotSavart Law). 2. Secondly, the magnetic field is not shielded by overlying conductive layers such as shale and clay. This allows the Willowstick instrument to receive signals from depth to map the targeted conductive path. It has been ground truthed to depths up to 1km. Keep in mind that even the best of geophysical technologies when incorrectly applied will yield unsatisfactory results. The key to getting good results is selecting the appropriate technology based on what you are trying to find and then correctly applying that technology. Both DC resistivity and AquaTrack have their appropriate applications and are often used to complement each other in characterizing the subsurface. In conclusion, resistivitys strength is mapping geologic structures that have contrasting electrical properties. The Willowstick method excels in its unique ability to map the specific preferential flow paths of groundwater in a wide variety of applications, both shallow and deep.

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