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Notes on McFarland's lecture on Network analysis of organizations

Environment as social networks. Networks are everywhere!

Components: Actors - Individuals (interaction): Intra-organizational networks - Organizations (transactions): Inter-organizational networks - Networks vary in form and actor locations differ Some have key actors that will make the network fall apart if they pull out (Central) Some have actors that do not matter When does the network happen? - Independent networks - Clusters - Bridge Quality of relationships - Types of ties Observed transactions (Discussions, marriages, etc) Perceived relations (surveys, trust, etc) - Strength of ties Strong: entail interaction (frequency), affect, time - Bonding capital Weak ties: infrequent, intermittent, casual interaction - Bridging capital - Theories on tie formation Prompinquity (proximity breeds ties) Homophily (birds of feather flock together) Exchange Reciprocity Control Balance/transitivity Practices and cultural norms Activities Identities

Network positioning
Central (opposite: peripheral) - Pominence - Brokerage Group positioning - Interconnection and closure (norms) - Collaboration People and organizations are embedded in multiple networks and positions

Long example in an educational organization

Prepared by Ariadna73

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