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To: Dr.

Swade Huff From: Lisa Hendrix CC: Natalie Lett Date: 10-12-12 RE: Media Center Evaluation

Category 1: Student Achievement and Instruction Of the six standards in this area five fell into the proficient category and one fell into basic. The area that needs work is student achievement is routinely addressed. To move this into exemplary the media specialist would actually need to attend grade level meetings and collaborate with teachers to create lessons that include information literacy skills. Rubric need to be formulated so students could provide self- assessments. Category 2: Staffing There are only two standards in this category and SES falls into the basic for both. The school has a full time media specialist but because of budget cuts across the county we do not have a media clerk. The Media Specialist serves as a Specials Teacher too. She is assigned three classes a day like the PE, Art, and Music teachers.

Category 3: Facilities, Access, and Resources There are six areas in this category and unfortunately SES does not meet in compliance with the minimum square footage. It is an older school and does not have the ability to expand. It also only scored basic on on the other indicators. The Media Center does not offer flexible scheduling and it is not open before school. Going to a full time flexible schedule and opening the media center are the only ways to move from basic to exemplary for those categories. Georgia state law mandates flexible scheduling. The schools electronic distribution system needs to be up graded to meet state guidelines to improve in this area. The students have not been given instruction in Galileo. Therefore, SES is in the basic category. Category 4: Administrative Support Statham falls into the basic category for Administrative Support. There is no county wide media committee. The media specialists in the county do not meet, but email occasionally if there are questions or problems. The principal and media specialist do not meet on a regular basis and it is vital that the media specialist have the support of the principals and that the administrators from across the county take the leadership. There needs to be collaboration across the county between administrators and media specialists.

Category 5: Staff Development Statham falls in the basic range in this area because the Media Specialist does not collaborate with teachers, attend conferences, nor provides formal staff development. The Media Specialist must take on the role of a facilitator in the school, attend conferences, and collaborate with fellow teachers.

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