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THE WAY UPT OHEAVEN VOCABULARY Page 67 Tiny : minusculo, pequeito.

wink: guio privacy, soledad, intimidad accurate: exacto, acertado misery: tristeza, miseria bland: suave. (taste: soso) nasty: feo, antipatico, asqueroso. Vellicating:crispante, que crispa, que molesta Page 68 To pretend: flngir foible : punto flaco, debilidad loyally: lealmente bustling: ammado, bullicioso bundles: bulto, manojo to supervise: supervisar butler: mayordomo Page 69 luggage : equipaje beforehand: de antemano to persuade: persuadir to see someone off: despedir a alguien antes de un viaje to be fond. (of refering to people : gustar/ querer).( refering to things : ser aficccionadoalgo). to dote on: querer ciegamente Page 70 dapper: pulcro,apuesto to cock the head: erguir, levantar Page 71 step: paso to sniff: sorber, husmear, oler to slow down: reducir la velocidad. to arrange: organizar to snip off: cortar con tijera lighter: mechero meeky: mansamente, docilmente, sumisamente Pag 72 to fuss: armar un lio, bulla o protesta to be in a rage: sufrir un ataque de ira to resign: dimitir to peer:: mirar con ojos de miope

muck: suciedad, porqueria Pag 73 Counters: mostrador. (Games: ficha) (To counter: contrarestar) clerk: oficinista coarse: grosero bench:banco para sentarse Pag. 75 wisp: mechon mist: neblina, niebla to settle: resolver. Pag 76 rug: alfombra wheel: rueda to start the engine: arrancar el motor frantically: freneticamente comb: peine to wedge down: empotrar,embutir Page 77 to screw up: arrugar, fastidiar spout: pico de una jarra slide-slid-slid: resbalar keyhole: cerradura to withdraw a key: sacar la llave Pag 78 flabby: flacido, debilucho mood: humor queer: raro triffle: bagatela. , bizcocho borracho de gelatina, fruta y natillas) Pag 79 to hint: insinuar. ( hint: indirecta, consejo) lumps of snow: montones de nieve,pegotes pantry: despensa faint ( adj): debil to faint: desmayarse to glimmer: tenue. brillar tenuemente. Espejear el agua pathological (adverb) being such to a degree that is extreine,excessive,or markedly abnormal. 2. apprehension (noun) the act or power of perceiving or comperhending (a person of dull apprension) 3.vellicating touch a body part lightly so as excite the surface nerves and cuase uneasiness luaghter or spasmodic movements.

4.bland (adj) smoothing and sooting in manner or quality. 5.hysterics (noun) a fit of uncontrolible luaghter or crying. 6.foible (noun) the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and the point. 7.distress-pain or suffering affecting the body part, or the mind.

8.yearing - a tender longing. 9. postpond (verb) cause or arrange for something to take place at a time later than that first scheduled. 10. cushion (noun) a bodily part resembling a pad. 11. unoccupied- A: not busy , unemployed B:not lived in: empty 12. condemn- to declare to be reprehensible , wrong or evil. 13.anxious-characterized by extreme an easiness of mind or brooding about some contingeney. 14.dimunitive - A diminutive word affix or name 15.clasping- a divice for holding objects. 16fussing -needles bustle or excitement. 17.disconsolate -cheerless. 18.persists-to go on resolutely or stubbornly, inspite of opposition,importunity,or warning.

19. flabby- lacking resilience or firmness. 20. peculiar-characteristic of only one person,group,or thing.

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