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Why Am I At Work?

I. Why This Job?

You might think you have the job from hell. You might have the devil for a boss. God hasnt called everybody to work around Christians. In fact, Hes asked most Christians to work around sinners because we are the salt of the earth. God hasnt asked us to live together as Christians in communes; Hes asked us to live among the world, but be a light into the darkness thats in the world around us.

1 Peter 2:18-20 (NASB)

Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable. For this finds favor, if for the sake of conscience toward God a person bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly. For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God. Paul commended those believers who were in the house of Caesar and said, Caesars household greets you. There were actually believers living and working in Caesars house who never uttered a word about the Lord and never said a hallelujah unless they passed someone in the hall who knew the Lord because it was a heathen household. They offered incense to heathen gods. In fact, the Caesar who lived there was called god and those in his household were required to worship him as lord. Those in Caesars household also offered incense to his name and anyone who refused could be put to death. These believers were living in a house where the leader of the house was burning Christians and throwing them to the lions. Im sure many of the Christians who worked in Caesars house every day asked among themselves, Do you really think we should be working here? Why dont we trust God we can get out of this place?

Oftentimes that is the prayer request of many Christians. Pray for me to find a better place to work because Im surrounded by sinners. However, it may be God has placed you in that specific company for the very purpose of turning that place around. You may have to stop and kick yourself a few times and remembergreater is He thats in me than he thats in the world. I have the Greater One living in me. My God is greater than their god. Paul was in prison at the same time he was commending those who worked in Caesars household. From prison, he pointed out that by his chains many were accepting the Lord and those testimonies were influencing ministers in Rome to preach the things of the Lord Jesus Christ with more fervor and conviction. God takes sides with the righteous and against the unreasonable. First Peter 2:18 tells us some will work for good bosses and some will work for unreasonable bosses. Some will be employed by bosses and work with employees who will treat you fairly, but there are others who will be treated unfairly and be a target for employers and/or co-workers just because youre a Christian. David was called into Sauls house, into the kings chambers, to work for Saul as an armor-bearer. Interestingly, there hadnt been an armor-bearer up until that time. God literally created a position for David. Have you ever worked for a place where God actually created a position for you? Do you believe God can create a position for you? He can! David came into Sauls household as an armor-bearer, but ended up doing whatever Saul asked him to do, no matter how mundane. David worked for a very unreasonable man. Saul was not threatened by David until David became popular with the people. When this happened, Saul became jealous. How would you like to work in a place every day where your boss is trying to kill you? You may think you have problems. Look at what God brought David through, what God brought the prophet, Jonah, through, and what He brought Moses and the children of Israel through! If He brought so many mentioned in the Bible through impossible situations, He certainly can deliver you! If God could raise Jesus from the dead, He can do anything. Thats the most incredible miracle recorded in the Word of God. Jesus took our sins, died, and was buried, but God raised Him from the dead so we can live free from sin.


Are You a Waster?

Being a waster doesnt mean that youre necessarily stealing money, but there are many ways to steal money from the organization youre working in.

Ephesians 6:5-6
Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. God never asked you to be obedient to a boss who tells you to do things illegally or that are against the Word of God. This verse says he is your boss according to the flesh. Jesus Christ is your boss according to the Spirit. He is the Boss of bosses, and when those two conflict with each other then you have to follow the Lord; but be obedient to your bosses according to the flesh. The word eyeservice means you work when the boss is looking and you dont work when the boss is not looking. When you work when the boss is looking, youre more interested in pleasing men than you are of doing a good job and pleasing God. Whether your boss is looking or not, The Boss is always looking. You boss according to the flesh may not be looking, but the Boss of your spirit, the real Boss of bosses that you have to deal with every day, is always looking. When you clock out and leave your office or the place of employment, your natural boss doesnt see you, but your spiritual boss goes home with you. Hes always there. Often, places of business lose money because whenever the bosss back is turned, the employees talk and forget their work. This verse is saying we need to work at all times. Im not saying you cant talk, but do it while you maintain a good workload and fulfill the responsibility youre asked to do. A common expression is, Look busy; the boss is coming! But I want you always be busy because the Boss is always there.


What Does God Expect of You on the Job?

God expects believers to be mature and to display Christ to those around them. Why has God placed you there? When God calls you to a job, Hes called you to display the character of Christ. This is where maturity is really needed. Why is it important to come to church? Because you really need itespecially in the middle of the work week. The purpose of midweek services is for our spiritual batteries to be recharged before Sundayto receive strength from the Lord to finish the workweek and face any challenges we may encounter. Often, people come dragging through the door of church midweek, looking like they really dont want to be in church. But I love to see what happens by the time church is overthose same people filled with energy, wanting to fellowship after church. This is what the Word of God does for you. Theres not only a spiritual refreshing in the presence of the Lord, there is a physical refreshing in the presence of the Lord. We need to maintain our Christian testimony before the world and especially before those at the office or on the job. God has called you to put on the Lord Jesus Christ at work just as you would in any other place. Others need to see Jesus Christ in us. Ephesians and Colossians tell us we are to put off the old man and put on the new man. The old man is looking at life through the flesh, through our own eyes, and deciding how were going to handle things. We need to take off that coat and put on the clothing of the Lord Jesus Christ and realize today is the day the Lord has made. Im going to put my trust in Him and Im going to pray for an opportunity to witness to somebody, to live a life before them, and to see that their need is met. Daily, we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Praying in tongues, speaking in tongues, and having a time of praise and worship is not just something we do on Sunday; we are to do it every day of the week. If youre only praying in tongues when you come to church, youre saying that church is tougher than work. Thats not true. Church is the time when you can bless the Lord, be with friends that love the Lord, and be in an atmosphere thats charged with praise and worship, but take that back into your car. Take that back into your daily life. I think praying in tongues is one of the greatest things God has given us in the work situation. The Bible says when you pray in tongues, your mind, your thinking is unfruitful. You can still think and do your job while praying the Spirit. You can pray under

your breath so no one at work can even hear you. Were to be filled with the Spirit and also filled with the Word of God.


Happiness and Fulfillment Come From Jesus

Dont expect to find happiness in the job youre workingyour job will never bring true fulfillment to your life. Jesus brings happiness and fulfills our lives. Many single Christians say, I cant wait to get married; then Ill be happy. However, it doesnt work that way. If I just had that job, I would be happy. If I just had that car and that house, I would be happy. Get your happiness from Jesus and take it to the job. Get your happiness from Jesus and take it into your marriage. Situations around you may be positive or negative, but Paul said in Philippians 4:11, whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. There is always some happiness attached to various situations, but your happiness, your joy, isnt dependent on your situation; it is dependent upon Jesus and you being content in Him, knowing you can do all things through Him. (Philippians 4:13) Fulfillment comes from your daily fellowship with God, with His Word, and with the Holy Spirit. Your job is not equipped to make you happy. Only God can make you happy. A job consists of people, and people are not equipped to make you happy. Only God can make you happy. We often think, Im missing something in my life. If this person was my friend; if I could get closer to that person and her family, Id be a lot better. Youll find out its not better. Those people have problems just like you and I have problems. Many people go to certain churches because they think theyve found the perfect church. It does not exist! The right church for you is the one God has called you to. Guaranteed, it wont be perfect. Problems will exist, but you have to realize God has called you there for His purpose. Potiphars house was blessed because Joseph was there. The Bible doesnt say it was cursed because of all the unbelievers that were there. It says that house was blessed because of one believerJoseph. If his job had been a paid position, most Christians would have walked away. Joseph was a slave and had no choice about where he served. Instead of grumbling, griping, and complaining about living in an Egyptian household that worshipped a sun god, among many others, Joseph walked in confidence, knowing he belonged to God. Dont be fearful of an unrighteous job situation; be bold and walk in the anointing of the Holy

Spirit, knowing your place of employment will be blessed because of God in your life!


God Wants to Strengthen You in Trouble

God wants to strengthen us in trouble; not from trouble, but in trouble. We want God to spare us from trouble rather than strengthen us in the midst of it. Most of the Word of God is not about God delivering people from trouble, but God strengthening them through trouble and bringing them out victoriously on the other side. We think of Israel spending four hundred years in captivity before they left Egypt, but the Bible says a large, innumerable, mixed company went with them. (Exodus 12:38) The Egyptians and other nationalities were the mixed company who lived in the area and had accepted the Lord while the Israelites were in Egypt. This group of people decided to leave with the Israelites rather than stay in Egypt. They preferred an uncertain future, looking to the Lord in faith, over staying in a place of prosperity without the Lord. While Israel was in Egypt, others accepted the Lord because of their presence. God wants to strengthen us in the midst of trouble. In fact, our witness is most effective when were in adverse circumstances while displaying joy, strength, and grace in the midst of adversity. Why do you think faith was made available to every believer? Faith was designed for battles. Your job may be a battle every single day, but you are surrounded by the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, and the breastplate of righteousness. Your faith was made for adversity. Our flesh wants to run from problems, but our spirit man says, No, lets face it. Lets conquer it and change it. Our flesh says, I hate this jobthese people are so difficult to work for! However, God placed you therecalled you therebecause He wants your life to make a difference! Ive heard many testimonies of people who were hired for jobs they werent qualified to do. They were hired because the employer recognized something in them. In fact, some were hired over more experienced candidates. People have gone home saying, Im really not qualified for this job. If this is true for you, God has something great ahead for you. You have been called by God like David was. David was not called by God to be a musician in Sauls house. He was called by God eventually to be king. God has promotion for you, but instead of focusing

on the negative job situation and complaining, trying to get out of the job, realize you are called there to change that place and to turn that negative situation around. Instead of praying for God to deliver you, pray for Gods wisdom in the midst of your negative situation. Faith is acting like Gods Word is true even when your mind doesnt understand it. When circumstances look like theyre never going to change, continue to stand on Gods Word.


What to Pray for In Your Work Situation

1. Gods wisdom in the midst of mans confusion. God can and will give you divine insight into situations that confuse the unbeliever. When they are searching for a solution, only to dig a deeper hole of confusion, you can go in with the right word for the right situation at the right time. 2. Gods power in the midst of mans weakness. As others around you think the problems are insurmountable, you look at them like the walls of Jericho and realize that God will bring them down. You look at them like the Red Sea and know that God will part that Red Sea just for you if youll step out in faith and trust Him. 3. Gods hope in the midst of mans despair. There are times when people on the job deal with those impossible situations so long that they finally give up in despair. You can be that light that comes in there with hope in the midst of mans despair. 4. Gods joy in the midst of mans sorrow. Some of you work for such sorrowful places where you can cut the sorrow with a knife. Gods called you to walk in there with joy in your heart, to bring encouragement. 5. Gods witty inventions in the midst of mans frustration. Psalms 46:1 says, the Lord is a very present help in time of need. Hes not a thousand miles away or even a few million miles away. Hes

present right there in the midst of your need. Second Corinthians 12:9 says, Gods strength is made perfect in mans weakness. Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. You can do all things through Christ, not through yourself. Lean on Him. Pray for His power. Pray for His wisdom in the midst of those things at work so people will see Gods presence manifested through your life. First Corinthians 10:13 says, God will not allow me to be tempted above what I am able. God will see to it that whatever comes your way, no matter how big it seems, you can handle it. God will not allow you to be tempted, tested, or tried above what you are able.


Appreciation Isnt Found On the Jobsite

Dont expect to be appreciated on the job. If you are, thats great; but dont expect it. Appreciation is for relationships. Some people complain, Ive been on the job for a year and still dont know anyone. They didnt hire you to know somebody. Its fine when you get to know people and friendships develop, but if they dont, dont be upset about it. Develop your friendships outside the job. Develop your friendships in church, in Sunday school, or in a Bible study. You may or may not be appreciated by the boss or fellow workers, but dont expect it. Expectations often lead to frustration. Expect things you are promised. You can expect to be paid. If your employer promises you breaks, vacations, and other benefits, expect those things. But get your relationships from God and from church. At work youre expected to do your job as unto the Lord.

Colossians 3:22-24
Servants, [employees] obey in all things your masters [bosses] according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. You dont need someone to smile at you; God is smiling at you. You dont need to have someone say youre doing a good job. You dont live for

mans appreciation. Human appreciation doesnt make or break your day. You realize God appreciates you whether people do or dont. People can say youre doing a great job and not mean it. When you start living for compliments and human appreciation, youre about to be let down. The guy that says to your face, Youre doing a great job, may be saying something different at the water cooler the next day. If you want somebody to tell you exactly whats going on in your life, put your faith and trust in the Lord. He appreciates you. Hell be honest with you. You dont always need somebody to smile at you because you have Gods favor on your life. If youre passed over for a promotion, dont worry about it. Promotion comes from God, not from men. Do your job as unto the Lord not as unto men. Youre not working so people will appreciate you. Youre not working so you get a pat on the back. Its great when you get them, but if you work in a place where you get no appreciation for what you do, then live your life strictly unto the Lord, work with singleness of purpose to Him, and realize God loves you. God appreciates you. You know when youve done a good job. You know what youre contributing to the organization. You may also know what its like when good ideas come and someone else says it was their idea when it was really yours. You can look back and say, The Lord knows the truth. The Lord was the One who gave it to me and this organization wont promote meGod will!

VIII. Do Your Work Heartily As Unto the Lord

God has called you to your place of employment not only to do what youre doing; Hes called you there for a promotion. David wasnt called only to be a musician. Because of Sauls poor attitude and turning from God, He told Samuel the prophet, I have rejected Saul. Therefore, a hole opened up in the kingdom, a vacuum for leadership, and God pulled David right in there even though the job he was doing didnt look like leadership. David did his job as unto the Lord. Be a part of the solution not the problemarrive early, work hard, stay late. A friend was telling me that his daughter had been hired for a waitressing job at a nice restaurant in Houston. Before she could start, she had to memorize the menunot just the menu items, but also the ingredients, the substitutions, and how the items are prepared. He said almost everybody flunks it five times before they finally pass it. She

passed it the first time with a 97 percent. The restaurant managers were astonished by her score. Next, they couldnt believe it when she showed up to work ten minutes early, worked hard all day, had her job done before the end of the day, and still stuck around until she was sure she wasnt needed for anything else. She was soon promoted to be an assistant office manager. They wondered where her work ethic came from. It came from knowing the Lord and knowing His Word. She didnt think a thing about it. This was just normal for her, yet they were amazed at her character and integrity. Thats the way Christians should be to where the world looks at you and wonders, is something wrong with you? No, I just do my job. You dont even think about it. Youre not trying to impress people; you just do your job as unto the Lord. You would do the same thing if you worked in the company as a janitor or as the assistant manager. It really wouldnt matter. You still do your job as unto the Lord. Doing your job heartily means you work hard. You do it from your heart.

Ephesians 4:28
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. The Greek word for labor means to work hard. You work hard while youre there. Dont look for opportunities not to work, for ways to come late or leave early, for ways to extend break time or lunch hour. Do your job as unto the Lord. Stay out of employee gossip about the boss or management. You are at the job as an assignment from the Lord. When you hear gossip, walk away from it and pray for God to help you find a solution to the problem, not to be part of the problem.

Isaiah 30:15
In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength God cant give you strength while youre gossiping with everybody else about the manager or the boss. God can only give you strength in quietness and in confidence.


Be the Salt
Dont lose your vision. You are there to bring Gods presence into that place.

Matthew 5:13-16
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

In everything you do, you are salting the environment you work in. In everything you do, you are light in the midst of darkness, and people will see your good works. People need to see your good works more than hear your witnessing. God hasnt called you to witness on the job; Hes called you to work on the job and your work is a witness. Ive had Christians tell me, I was fired for witnessing. Well, you should have been fired for witnessing. You werent hired to witness. Witness on your time. Witness before work, after work, or during the lunch hour. God hasnt called you to leave your post and go witness to somebody unless theres a divine opportunity and God impresses you to do so. Most of the time you are to be a testimony to those around you by working with all your heart. Do your job. Do it heartily as unto the Lord. You are a light in the midst of darkness. You are salt. The Greater One lives inside you so your presence sanctifies that place, and you can expect now that you are an employee, your company will start turning a profit. The place will be blessed because of you, and every opportunity you get to speak for the Lord you will, but remember, twenty-four hours a day your are a witness

for the Lord Jesus Christ. This is what God is asking us to do on the job. Be the light in that place where God he has called us. You may feel like you are called where you are, but its a difficult place. Make up your mind to be and do what God has asked you to be or to do. Be an example and a light in the place where you work. Ask God to show you how you can accomplish that for His glory.

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