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rw irr) vrvirw ,6 utv tvv zooj o;

n\ncv \s
wo0 k u to tako a lioad look at socond-wavo
loninisn. Not at this oi that activist cuiiont, noi this oi that
stiand ol loninist thooiizing: not this oi that googiahical slico
ol tho novonont, noi this oi that sociological stiatun ol wonon.
I want, iathoi, to tiy to soo socond-wavo loninisn wholo, as an oochal
social honononon. Looking lack at noaily loity yoais ol loninist
activisn, I want to vontuio an assossnont ol tho novonont`s ovoiall tia-
ioctoiy and histoiical signihcanco. In looking lack, howovoi, I hoo also
to hol us look loiwaid. By ioconstiucting tho ath wo havo tiavollod, I
hoo to shod light on tho challongos wo laco todayin a tino ol nassivo
ocononic ciisis, social uncoitainty and olitical ioalignnont.

I an going to toll a stoiy, thon, alout tho lioad contouis and ovoiall
noaning ol socond-wavo loninisn. Eoual aits histoiical naiiativo and
social-thooiotical analysis, ny stoiy is lottod aiound thioo oints in
tino, oach ol which lacos socond-wavo loninisn in iolation to a so-
cihc nonont in tho histoiy ol caitalisn. Tho hist oint iolois to tho
novonont`s loginnings in tho contoxt ol what I will call 'stato-oiganizod
caitalisn`. Hoio I iooso to chait tho onoigonco ol socond-wavo
loninisn lion tho anti-inoiialist Now Lolt, as a iadical challongo to tho
oivasivo andiocontiisn ol stato-lod caitalist sociotios in tho ostwai
oia. Concotualizing this haso, I shall idontily tho novonont`s lunda-
nontal onanciatoiy ioniso with its oxandod sonso ol iniustico and
its stiuctuial ciitiouo ol socioty. Tho socond oint iolois to tho iocoss
ol loninisn`s ovolution in tho dianatically changod social contoxt ol
iising nooliloialisn. Hoio, I iooso to chait not only tho novonont`s
oxtiaoidinaiy succossos lut also tho distuiling convoigonco ol sono ol
o8 iv ,6
its idoals with tho donands ol an onoiging now loin ol caitalisn
ost-Foidist, 'disoiganizod`, tiansnational. Concotualizing this haso, I
shall ask whothoi socond-wavo loninisn has unwittingly suliod a koy
ingiodiont ol what Luc Boltanski and Evo Chiaollo call 'tho now siiit ol
caitalisn`. Tho thiid oint iolois to a ossillo iooiiontation ol loninisn
in tho iosont contoxt ol caitalist ciisis and 0s olitical ioalignnont,
which could naik tho loginnings ol a shilt lion nooliloialisn to a now
loin ol social oiganization. Hoio, I iooso to oxanino tho iosocts loi
ioactivating loninisn`s onanciatoiy ioniso in a woild that has loon
iockod ly tho twin ciisos ol hnanco caital and 0s hogonony, and that
now awaits tho unlolding ol Baiack Olana`s iosidoncy.
In gonoial, thon, I iooso to situato tho tiaioctoiy ol socond-wavo loni-
nisn in iolation to tho iocont histoiy ol caitalisn. In this way, I hoo
to hol iovivo tho soit ol socialist-loninist thooiizing that hist insiiod
no docados ago and that still soons to olloi oui lost hoo loi claiilying
tho iosocts loi gondoi iustico in tho iosont oiiod. My ain, howovoi,
is not to iocyclo outnodod dual-systons thooiios, lut iathoi to intogiato
tho lost ol iocont loninist thooiizing with tho lost ol iocont ciitical thoo-
iizing alout caitalisn.
To claiily tho iationalo lohind this aioach, lot no oxlain ny dissatis-
laction with what is oihas tho nost widoly hold viow ol socond-wavo
loninisn. It is olton said that tho novonont`s iolativo succoss in tians-
loining cultuio stands in shai contiast with its iolativo lailuio to
tiansloin institutions. This assossnont is doullod-odgod: on tho ono
hand, loninist idoals ol gondoi oouality, so contontious in tho iocoding
docados, now sit souaioly in tho social nainstioan: on tho othoi hand,
thoy havo yot to lo ioalizod in iactico. Thus, loninist ciitiouos ol, loi
oxanlo, soxual haiassnont, soxual tialhcking and unooual ay, which
aoaiod incondiaiy not so long ago, aio widoly osousod today: yot this
soa-chango at tho lovol ol attitudos has ly no noans olininatod thoso
iacticos. And so, it is lioouontly aiguod: socond-wavo loninisn has

This ossay oiiginatod as a koynoto loctuio iosontod at tho Coitona Colloouiun on

'Gondoi and Citizonshi: Now and Old Dilonnas, Botwoon Eouality and Dilloionco`
in Novonloi zoo8. Foi hollul connonts, I thank tho Coitona aiticiants, oso-
cially Bianca Boccalli, Jano Mansliidgo, Ruth Milknan and Eli Zaiotsky, and tho
aiticiants in an uss soninai at tho Giouo do sociologio olitiouo ot noialo,
osocially Luc Boltanski, Estollo Foiiaioso, Sandia Laugioi, Patiicia Paoinan and
Lauiont Thvonot.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN oo
wiought an oochal cultuial iovolution, lut tho vast chango in ncntu|itcs
has not (yotj tianslatod into stiuctuial, institutional chango.
Thoio is sonothing to lo said loi this viow, which iightly notos tho
widosioad accotanco today ol loninist idoas. But tho thosis ol cultuial
succoss-cun-institutional lailuio doos not go voiy lai in illuninating tho
histoiical signihcanco and lutuio iosocts ol socond-wavo loninisn.
Positing that institutions havo laggod lohind cultuio, as il ono could
chango whilo tho othoi did not, it suggosts that wo nood only nako tho
loinoi catch u with tho lattoi in oidoi to ioalizo loninist hoos. Tho
olloct is to olscuio a noio conlox, distuiling ossilility: that tho dillu-
sion ol cultuial attitudos loin out ol tho socond wavo has loon ait and
aicol ol anothoi social tiansloination, unanticiatod and unintondod
ly loninist activistsa tiansloination in tho social oiganization ol
ostwai caitalisn. This ossilility can lo loinulatod noio shaily:
tho cultuial changos iun-staitod ly tho socond wavo, salutaiy in thon-
solvos, havo soivod to logitinato a stiuctuial tiansloination ol caitalist
socioty that iuns diioctly countoi to loninist visions ol a iust socioty.
In this ossay, I ain to oxloio this distuiling ossilility. My hyothosis
can lo statod thus: what was tiuly now alout tho socond wavo was tho way
it wovo togothoi, in a ciitiouo ol andiocontiic stato-oiganizod caitalisn,
thioo analytically distinct dinonsions ol gondoi iniustico: ocononic, cul-
tuial and olitical. Suliocting stato-oiganizod caitalisn to wido-ianging,
nultilacotod sciutiny, in which thoso thioo oisoctivos intoininglod
liooly, loninists gonoiatod a ciitiouo that was sinultanoously ianihod
and systonatic. In tho onsuing docados, howovoi, tho thioo dinonsions
ol iniustico locano soaiatod, loth lion ono anothoi and lion tho
ciitiouo ol caitalisn. With tho liagnontation ol tho loninist ciitiouo
cano tho soloctivo incoioiation and aitial iocuoiation ol sono ol its
stiands. Slit oll lion ono anothoi and lion tho sociotal ciitiouo that
had intogiatod thon, socond-wavo hoos woio consciitod in tho soivico
ol a ioioct that was dooly at odds with oui laigoi, holistic vision ol a
iust socioty. In a hno instanco ol tho cunning ol histoiy, utoian dosiios
lound a socond lilo as looling cuiionts that logitinatod tho tiansition
to a now loin ol caitalisn: ost-Foidist, tiansnational, nooliloial.
In what lollows, I iooso to olaloiato this hyothosis in thioo stos,
which coiiosond to tho thioo lot oints nontionod oailioi. In a hist
sto, I shall ioconstiuct tho socond-wavo loninist ciitiouo ol andiocontiic
oo iv ,6
stato-oiganizod caitalisn as intogiating concoins with thioo oisoc-
tivos on iusticoiodistiilution, iocognition and ioiosontation. In a
socond sto, I shall skotch tho coning aait ol that constollation and
tho soloctivo onlistnont ol sono ol its stiands to logitinato nooliloial
caitalisn. In a thiid, I shall woigh tho iosocts loi iocovoiing loni-
nisn`s onanciatoiy ioniso in tho iosont nonont ol ocononic ciisis
and olitical ooning.
. &ns& \n sr\r-oc\nz c\vr\s&
Lot no login ly situating tho onoigonco ol socond-wavo loninisn in
tho contoxt ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn. By 'stato-oiganizod caitalisn`,
I noan tho hogononic social loination in tho ostwai oia, a social loi-
nation in which statos layod an activo iolo in stooiing thoii national
Wo aio nost laniliai with tho loin takon ly stato-oiganizod
caitalisn in tho wollaio statos ol what was thon callod tho Fiist Woild,
which usod Koynosian tools to solton tho loonlust cyclos ondonic to
caitalisn. Diawing on tho oxoiioncos ol tho Doiossion and wai-tino
lanning, thoso statos inlonontod vaiious loins ol dirigisnc, includ-
ing inliastiuctuial invostnont, industiial olicy, iodistiilutivo taxation,
social iovision, lusinoss iogulation, nationalization ol sono koy indus-
tiios and doconnodihcation ol ullic goods. Although it was tho nost
woalthy and owoilul oc statos that woio allo to 'oiganizo` caitalisn
nost succosslully in tho docados lollowing o, a vaiiant ol stato-
oiganizod caitalisn could also lo lound in what was thon toinod tho
Thiid Woild. In inovoiishod ox-colonios, nowly indoondont 'dovolo-
nontal statos` sought to uso thoii noio linitod caacitios to iun-stait
national ocononic giowth ly noans ol inoit-sulstitution olicios,
inliastiuctuial invostnont, nationalization ol koy industiios and ullic
sonding on oducation.

Foi a discussion ol this toin, soo Fiiodiich Pollock, 'Stato Caitalisn: Its
Possililitios and Linitations`, in Andiow Aiato and Eiko Golhaidt, ods, Tnc Esscntiu|
Frunkjurt Scncc| Rcudcr, London o8z, . ;o.

Thon, too, ocononic lilo in tho Connunist lloc was notoiiously stato-oiganizod,
and thoio aio thoso who would still insist on calling it stato-oiganizod caitalisn.
Although thoio nay lo sono tiuth in that viow, I will lollow tho noio convontional
ath ol oxcluding tho iogion lion this hist nonont ol ny stoiy, in ait locauso it
was not until altoi o8o that socond-wavo loninisn onoigod as a olitical loico in
what woio ly thon ox-Connunist countiios.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN o
In gonoial, thon, I uso this oxiossion to ioloi to tho oc wollaio statos
and tho ox-colonial dovolonontal statos ol tho ostwai oiiod. It was
in thoso countiios, altoi all, that socond-wavo loninisn hist oiutod
in tho oaily o;os. To oxlain what oxactly iovokod tho oiution, lot
no noto loui dohning chaiactoiistics ol tho olitical cultuio ol stato-
oiganizod caitalisn:
U Eccncnisn. By dohnition, stato-oiganizod caitalisn involvod tho
uso ol ullic olitical owoi to iogulato (and in sono casos, to
iolacoj ocononic naikots. This was laigoly a nattoi ol ciisis
nanagonont in tho intoiost ol caital. Novoitholoss, tho statos
in ouostion doiivod nuch ol thoii olitical logitinacy lion thoii
clains to ionoto inclusion, social oouality and cioss-class
solidaiity. Yot thoso idoals woio intoiiotod in an ocononistic
and class-contiic way. In tho olitical cultuio ol stato-oiganizod
caitalisn, social ouostions woio lianod chioy in distiilutivo
toins, as nattois concoining tho oouitallo allocation ol divisillo
goods, osocially incono and iols, whilo social divisions woio
viowod iinaiily thiough tho iisn ol class. Thus, tho ouintos-
sontial social iniustico was unlaii ocononic distiilution, and its
aiadign oxiossion was class inoouality. Tho olloct ol this class-
contiic, ocononistic inaginaiy was to naiginalizo, il not wholly
to olscuio, othoi dinonsions, sitos and axos ol iniustico.
U Andrcccntrisn. It lollowod that tho olitical cultuio ol stato-
oiganizod caitalisn onvisionod tho idoal-tyical citizon as an
othnic-naioiity nalo woikoia lioadwinnoi and a lanily nan.
It was widoly assunod, too, that this woikoi`s wago should lo tho
iincial, il not tho solo, ocononic suoit ol his lanily, whilo
any wagos oainod ly his wilo should lo noioly sulonontal.
Dooly gondoiod, this 'lanily wago` constiuct soivod loth as a
social idoal, connoting nodoinity and uwaid nolility, and as
tho lasis loi stato olicy in nattois ol onloynont, wollaio and
dovolonont. Giantod, tho idoal oludod nost lanilios, as a nan`s
wago was iaioly ly itsoll sulhciont to suoit childion and a non-
onloyod wilo. And giantod, too, tho Foidist industiy to which
tho idoal was linkod was soon to lo dwailod ly a luigooning
low-wago soivico soctoi. But in tho oos and ooos, tho lanily-
wago idoal still soivod to dohno gondoi noins and to discilino
thoso who would contiavono thon, ioinloicing non`s authoiity
oz iv ,6
in housoholds and channolling asiiations into iivatizod donos-
tic consuntion. Eoually inoitant, ly valoiizing wagod woik,
tho olitical cultuio ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn olscuiod tho
social inoitanco ol unwagod caio woik and ioioductivo laloui.
Institutionalizing andiocontiic undoistandings ol lanily and
woik, it natuializod iniusticos ol gondoi and ionovod thon lion
olitical contostation.
U Etutisn. Stato-oiganizod caitalisn was also tatist, sullusod
with a tochnociatic, nanagoiial othos. Rolying on iolossional
oxoits to dosign olicios, and on luioauciatic oiganizations to
inlonont thon, wollaio and dovolonontal statos tioatod thoso
whon thoy ostonsilly soivod noio as clionts, consunois and
taxayois than as activo citizons. Tho iosult was a dooliticizod
cultuio, which tioatod ouostions ol iustico as tochnical nattois,
to lo sottlod ly oxoit calculation oi coioiatist laigaining. Fai
lion loing onowoiod to intoiiot thoii noods donociatically,
via olitical doliloiation and contostation, oidinaiy citizons woio
ositionod (at lostj as assivo iociionts ol satislactions dohnod
and disonsod lion on high.
U Wcstpnu|iunisn. Finally, stato-oiganizod caitalisn was, ly dohni-
tion, a national loination, ainod at nolilizing tho caacitios ol
nation-statos to suoit national ocononic dovolonont in tho
nanoil not always in tho intoiostol tho national citizoniy.
Mado ossillo ly tho Biotton Woods iogulatoiy lianowoik,
this loination iostod on a division ol olitical saco into toi-
iitoiially loundod olitios. As a iosult, tho olitical cultuio ol
stato-oiganizod caitalisn institutionalizod tho 'Wosthalian`
viow that linding olligations ol iustico aly only anong lollow
citizons. Sultonding tho lion`s shaio ol social stiugglo in tho ost-
wai oia, this viow channollod clains loi iustico into tho donostic
olitical aionas ol toiiitoiial statos. Tho olloct, notwithstanding
li-soivico to intoinational hunan iights and anti-inoiialist soli-
daiity, was to tiuncato tho scoo ol iustico, naiginalizing, il not
wholly olscuiing, cioss-loidoi iniusticos.

Foi a lulloi account ol tho 'Wosthalian olitical inaginaiy`, soo Fiasoi, 'Rolianing
Justico in a Glolalizing Woild`, n o, NovonloiDoconloi zoo.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN o
In gonoial, thon, tho olitical cultuio ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn was
ocononistic, andiocontiic, tatist and Wosthalianall chaiactoiistics
that cano undoi attack in tho lato ooos and o;os. In thoso yoais ol
oxlosivo iadicalisn, socond-wavo loninists ioinod thoii Now Lolt and
anti-inoiialist countoiaits in challonging tho ocononisn, tho tatisn,
and (to a lossoi dogiooj tho Wosthalianisn ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn,
whilo also contosting tho lattoi`s andiocontiisnand with it, tho soxisn
ol thoii coniados and allios. Lot us considoi thoso oints ono ly ono.
U Scccnd-wuvc jcninisn ccntru cccncnisn. Roiocting tho oxclusivo
idontihcation ol iniustico with class naldistiilution, socond-wavo
loninists ioinod othoi onanciatoiy novononts to luist oon
tho iostiictivo, ocononistic inaginaiy ol stato-oiganizod caital-
isn. Politicizing 'tho oisonal`, thoy oxandod tho noaning ol
iustico, iointoiioting as iniusticos social inooualitios that had
loon ovoilookod, toloiatod oi iationalizod sinco tino innonoiial.
Roiocting loth Maixisn`s oxclusivo locus on olitical oconony
and liloialisn`s oxclusivo locus on law, thoy unvoilod iniusticos
locatod olsowhoioin tho lanily and in cultuial tiaditions, in
civil socioty and in ovoiyday lilo. In addition, socond-wavo loni-
nists oxandod tho nunloi ol axos that could hailoui iniustico.
Roiocting tho iinacy ol class, socialist-loninists, llack loni-
nists and anti-inoiialist loninists also oosod iadical-loninist
olloits to install gondoi in that sano osition ol catogoiial iivi-
logo. Focusing not only on gondoi, lut also on class, iaco, soxuality
and nationality, thoy ionooiod an 'intoisoctionist` altoinativo that
is widoly accotod today. Finally, socond-wavo loninists oxtondod
tho uiviow ol iustico to tako in such ioviously iivato nattois as
soxuality, housowoik, ioioduction and violonco against wonon.
In so doing, thoy olloctivoly lioadonod tho concot ol iniustico to
onconass not only ocononic inooualitios lut also hioiaichios
ol status and asynnotiios ol olitical owoi. With tho lonoht ol
hindsight, wo can say that thoy iolacod a nonistic, ocononistic
viow ol iustico with a lioadoi thioo-dinonsional undoistanding,
onconassing oconony, cultuio and olitics.
Tho iosult was no noio laundiy list ol singlo issuos. On tho
contiaiy, what connoctod tho lothoia ol nowly discovoiod
iniusticos was tho notion that wonon`s suloidination was sys-
tonic, gioundod in tho doo stiuctuios ol socioty. Socond-wavo
o iv ,6
loninists aiguod, ol couiso, alout how lost to chaiactoiizo tho
social totalitywhothoi as 'atiiaichy`, as a 'dual-systons` anal-
gan ol caitalisn and atiiaichy, as an inoiialist woild syston,
oi, in ny own ioloiiod viow, as a histoiically socihc, andio-
contiic loin ol stato-oiganizod caitalist socioty, stiuctuiod ly
thioo intoionotiating oidois ol suloidination: (naljdistiilution,
(nisjiocognition and (nisjioiosontation. But dosito such dilloi-
oncos, nost socond-wavo loninistswith tho notallo oxcotion
ol liloial-loninistsconcuiiod that ovoiconing wonon`s suloi-
dination ioouiiod iadical tiansloination ol tho doo stiuctuios
ol tho social totality. This shaiod connitnont to systonic tians-
loination lotokonod tho novonont`s oiigins in tho lioadoi
onanciatoiy loinont ol tho tinos.
U Scccnd-wuvc jcninisn ccntru undrcccntrisn. Il socond-wavo
loninisn aitook ol tho gonoial auia ol ooos iadicalisn, it
novoitholoss stood in a tonso iolation with othoi onanciatoiy
novononts. Its chiol taigot, altoi all, was tho gcndcr iniustico
ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn, haidly a iioiity loi non-loninist
anti-inoiialists and Now Loltists. In nounting thoii ciitiouo ol
stato-oiganizod caitalisn`s andiocontiisn, noioovoi, socond-
wavo loninists had also to conliont soxisn within tho Lolt. Foi
liloial and iadical loninists, this osod no social iollon:
thoy could sinly tuin soaiatist and oxit tho Lolt. Foi socialist-
loninists, anti-inoiialist loninists and loninists ol coloui, in
contiast, tho dilhculty was to conliont soxisn within tho Lolt
whilo ionaining ait ol it.
Foi a tino, at loast, socialist-loninists succoodod in naintaining
that dilhcult lalanco. Thoy locatod tho coio ol andiocontiisn in
a gondoi division ol laloui which systonatically dovaluod activi-
tios, loth aid and unaid, that woio oiloinod ly oi associatod
with wonon. Alying this analysis to stato-oiganizod caitalisn,
thoy uncovoiod tho doo-stiuctuial connoctions lotwoon won-
on`s iosonsilility loi tho lion`s shaio ol unaid caiogiving, thoii
suloidination in naiiiago and oisonal lilo, tho gondoi sognon-
tation ol laloui naikots, non`s donination ol tho olitical syston,
and tho andiocontiisn ol wollaio iovision, industiial olicy and
dovolonont schonos. In olloct, thoy oxosod tho lanily wago
as tho oint whoio gondoi naldistiilution, nisiocognition and
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN o
nisioiosontation convoigod. Tho iosult was a ciitiouo that into-
giatod oconony, cultuio and olitics in a systonatic account ol
wonon`s suloidination in stato-oiganizod caitalisn. Fai lion
aining sinly to ionoto wonon`s lull incoioiation as wago-
oainois in caitalist socioty, socond-wavo loninists sought to
tiansloin tho syston`s doo stiuctuios and aninating valuosin
ait ly docontiing wago woik and valoiizing unwagod activitios,
osocially tho socially nocossaiy caiowoik oiloinod ly wonon.
U Scccnd-wuvc jcninisn ccntru ctutisn. But loninists` olioctions to
stato-oiganizod caitalisn woio as nuch concoinod with ioc-
oss as with sulstanco. Liko thoii Now Lolt allios, thoy ioioctod
tho luioauciatic-nanagoiial othos ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn.
To tho widosioad ooos ciitiouo ol Foidist oiganization thoy
addod a gondoi analysis, intoiioting tho cultuio ol laigo-scalo,
to-down institutions as oxiossing tho nodoinizod nasculinity
ol tho iolossional-nanagoiial stiatun ol stato-oiganizod caital-
isn. Dovoloing a hoiizontal countoi-othos ol sistoily connoction,
socond-wavo loninists cioatod tho ontiioly now oiganizational
iactico ol consciousnoss-iaising. Sooking to liidgo tho shai
tatist divido lotwoon thooiy and iactico, thoy stylod thonsolvos
as a countoicultuial donociatizing novonontanti-hioiaichical,
aiticiatoiy and donotic. In an oia whon tho acionyn 'nco`
did not yot oxist, loninist acadonics, lawyois and social woikois
idontihod noio with tho giass ioots than with tho ioigning io-
lossional othos ol dooliticizod oxoitiso.
But unliko sono ol thoii countoicultuial coniados, nost loni-
nists did not ioioct stato institutions sinp|icitcr. Sooking, iathoi,
to inluso tho lattoi with loninist valuos, thoy onvisionod a
aiticiatoiy-donociatic stato that onowoiod its citizons.
Elloctivoly io-inagining tho iolation lotwoon stato and socioty,
thoy sought to tiansloin thoso ositionod as assivo oliocts ol
wollaio and dovolonont olicy into activo suliocts, onowoiod
to aiticiato in donociatic iocossos ol nood intoiiotation. Tho
goal, accoidingly, was loss to disnantlo stato institutions than to
tiansloin thon into agoncios that would ionoto, and indood
oxioss, gondoi iustico.
oo iv ,6
U Scccnd-wuvc jcninisn ccntru und prc Wcstpnu|iunisn. Moio
anlivalont, oihas, was loninisn`s iolation to tho Wosthalian
dinonsion ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn. Givon its oiigins in tho
glolal anti-Viotnan Wai loinont ol tho tino, tho novonont was
cloaily disosod to lo sonsitivo to tians-loidoi iniusticos. This was
osocially tho caso loi loninists in tho dovoloing woild, whoso
gondoi ciitiouo was intoiwovon with a ciitiouo ol inoiialisn.
But thoio, as olsowhoio, nost loninists viowod thoii iosoctivo
statos as tho iincial addiossoos ol thoii donands. Thus, socond-
wavo loninists tondod to ioinsciilo tho Wosthalian liano at
tho lovol ol iactico, ovon whon thoy ciiticizod it at tho lovol ol
thooiy. That liano, which dividod tho woild into loundod toiiito-
iial olitios, ionainod tho dolault otion in an oia whon statos
still soonod to ossoss tho ioouisito caacitios loi social stooiing
and whon tho tochnology onalling ioal-tino tiansnational not-
woiking was not yot availallo. In tho contoxt ol stato-oiganizod
caitalisn, thon, tho slogan 'sistoihood is glolal` (itsoll alioady
contostod as inoiializingj lunctionod noio as an alstiact gos-
tuio than as a ost-Wosthalian olitical ioioct that could lo
iactically uisuod.
In gonoial, socond-wavo loninisn ionainod anlivalontly Wosthalian,
ovon as it ioioctod tho ocononisn, andiocontiisn and tatisn ol
stato-oiganizod caitalisn. On all thoso issuos, howovoi, it nanilostod
considoiallo nuanco. In ioiocting ocononisn, tho loninists ol this
oiiod novoi doultod tho contiality ol distiilutivo iustico and tho cii-
tiouo ol olitical oconony to tho ioioct ol wonon`s onanciation. Fai
lion wanting to nininizo tho ocononic dinonsion ol gondoi iniustico,
thoy sought, iathoi, to dooon it, ly claiilying its iolation with tho two
additional dinonsions ol cultuio and olitics. Likowiso, in ioiocting tho
andiocontiisn ol tho lanily wago, socond-wavo loninists novoi sought
sinly to iolaco it with tho two-oainoi lanily. Foi thon, ovoiconing
gondoi iniustico noant onding tho systonatic dovaluation ol caiogiving
and tho gondoi division ol laloui, loth aid and unaid. Finally, in
ioiocting tho tatisn ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn, socond-wavo loni-
nists novoi doultod tho nood loi stiong olitical institutions caallo ol
oiganizing ocononic lilo in tho soivico ol iustico. Fai lion wanting to
lioo naikots lion stato contiol, thoy sought iathoi to donociatizo stato
owoi, to naxinizo citizon aiticiation, to stiongthon accountalility,
and to incioaso connunicativo ows lotwoon stato and socioty.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN o;
All told, socond-wavo loninisn osousod a tiansloinativo olitical
ioioct, ionisod on an oxandod undoistanding ol iniustico and a
systonic ciitiouo ol caitalist socioty. Tho novonont`s nost advancod
cuiionts saw thoii stiugglos as nulti-dinonsional, ainod sinultano-
ously against ocononic oxloitation, status hioiaichy and olitical
sulioction. To thon, noioovoi, loninisn aoaiod as ait ol a lioadoi
onanciatoiy ioioct, in which stiugglos against gondoi iniusticos woio
nocossaiily linkod to stiugglos against iacisn, inoiialisn, honoholia
and class donination, all ol which ioouiiod tiansloination ol tho doo
stiuctuios ol caitalist socioty.
. &ns& \n ru 'nw svr o c\vr\s&`
As it tuinod out, that ioioct ionainod laigoly stillloin, a casualty ol
doooi histoiical loicos, which woio not woll undoistood at tho tino.
With tho lonoht ol hindsight, wo can now soo that tho iiso ol socond-
wavo loninisn coincidod with a histoiical shilt in tho chaiactoi ol
caitalisn, lion tho stato-oiganizod vaiiant iust discussod to nooliloial-
isn. Rovoising tho iovious loinula, which sought to 'uso olitics to
tano naikots`, ioononts ol this now loin ol caitalisn ioosod to
uso naikots to tano olitics. Disnantling koy olononts ol tho Biotton
Woods lianowoik, thoy olininatod tho caital contiols that had onallod
Koynosian stooiing ol national ocononios. In laco ol dirigisnc, thoy io-
notod iivatization and doiogulation: in laco ol ullic iovision and
social citizonshi, 'tiicklo-down` and 'oisonal iosonsilility`: in laco
ol tho wollaio and dovolonontal statos, tho loan, noan 'conotition
stato`. Road-tostod in Latin Anoiica, this aioach soivod to guido nuch
ol tho tiansition to caitalisn in East{Contial Euioo. Although ullicly
chanionod ly Thatchoi and Roagan, it was aliod only giadually and
unovonly in tho Fiist Woild. In tho Thiid, ly contiast, nooliloialization
was inosod at tho gunoint ol dolt, as an onloicod iogianno ol
'stiuctuial adiustnont` which ovoituinod all tho contial tonots ol dovolo-
nontalisn and conollod ost-colonial statos to divost thoii assots, oon
thoii naikots and slash social sonding.
Intoiostingly, socond-wavo loninisn thiivod in thoso now conditions.
What had logun as a iadical countoicultuial novonont was now cn rcutc
to loconing a lioad-lasod nass social honononon. Attiacting adhoi-
onts ol ovoiy class, othnicity, nationality and olitical idoology, loninist
o8 iv ,6
idoas lound thoii way into ovoiy nook and cianny ol social lilo and tians-
loinod tho soll-undoistandings ol all whon thoy touchod. Tho olloct
was not only vastly to oxand tho ianks ol activists lut also to ioshao
connonsonso viows ol lanily, woik and dignity.
Was it noio coincidonco that socond-wavo loninisn and nooliloial-
isn iosoiod in tandon? Oi was thoio sono oivoiso, sultoiianoan
oloctivo alhnity lotwoon thon? That socond ossilility is hoiotical, to
lo suio, lut wo lail to invostigato it at oui oiil. Coitainly, tho iiso ol
nooliloialisn dianatically changod tho toiiain on which socond-wavo
loninisn ooiatod. Tho olloct, I shall aiguo hoio, was to iosignily loni-
nist idoals.

Asiiations that had a cloai onanciatoiy thiust in tho

contoxt ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn assunod a lai noio anliguous
noaning in tho nooliloial oia. With wollaio and dovolonontal statos
undoi attack lion lioo-naikotoois, loninist ciitiouos ol ocononisn,
andiocontiisn, tatisn and Wosthalianisn took on a now valonco. Lot
no claiily this dynanic ol iosignihcation ly iovisiting thoso loui loci ol
loninist ciitiouo.
U Fcninist unti-cccncnisn rcsignihcd. Nooliloialisn`s iiso coincidod
with a naioi altoiation in tho olitical cultuio ol caitalist soc-
iotios. In this oiiod, clains loi iustico woio incioasingly couchod
as clains loi tho iocognition ol idontity and dilloionco.
this shilt 'lion iodistiilution to iocognition` cano owoilul
iossuios to tiansloin socond-wavo loninisn into a vaiiant ol
idontity olitics. A iogiossivo vaiiant, to lo suio, lut ono that
tondod novoitholoss to ovoioxtond tho ciitiouo ol cultuio, whilo
downlaying tho ciitiouo ol olitical oconony. In iactico, tho
tondoncy was to suloidinato social-ocononic stiugglos to stiug-
glos loi iocognition, whilo in tho acadony, loninist cultuial
thooiy logan to ocliso loninist social thooiy. What had logun as
a noodod coiioctivo to ocononisn dovolvod in tino into an ooually
ono-sidod cultuialisn. Thus, instoad ol aiiiving at a lioadoi,
iichoi aiadign that could onconass loth iodistiilution and
iocognition, socond-wavo loninists olloctivoly tiadod ono tiun-
catod aiadign loi anothoi.

I loiiow tho toin 'iosignihcation` lion Judith Butloi, 'Contingont Foundations`,

in Soyla Bonhalil, Judith Butloi, Diucilla Coinoll and Nancy Fiasoi, Fcninist
Ccntcnticns. A Pni|cscpnicu| Ecnungc, London oo.
Foi this chango in tho giannai ol olitical clains, soo Fiasoi, 'Fion Rodistiilution
to Rocognition?`, n {zz, JulyAugust oo.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN oo
Tho tining, noioovoi, could not havo loon woiso. Tho tuin to
iocognition dovotailod all too noatly with a iising nooliloialisn
that wantod nothing noio than to ioioss all nonoiy ol social
ogalitaiianisn. Thus, loninists alsolutizod tho ciitiouo ol cultuio
at iocisoly tho nonont whon ciicunstancos ioouiiod iodoullod
attontion to tho ciitiouo ol olitical oconony. As tho ciitiouo
slintoiod, noioovoi, tho cultuial stiand locano docoulod not
only lion tho ocononic stiand, lut also lion tho ciitiouo ol cai-
talisn that had ioviously intogiatod thon. Unnooiod lion tho
ciitiouo ol caitalisn and nado availallo loi altoinativo aiticula-
tions, thoso stiands could lo diawn into what Hostoi Eisonstoin
has callod 'a dangoious liaison` with nooliloialisn.

U Fcninist unti-undrcccntrisn rcsignihcd. It was only a nattoi ol tino,
thoioloio, loloio nooliloialisn iosignihod tho loninist ciitiouo ol
andiocontiisn. To oxlain how, I iooso to adat an aigunont
nado ly Luc Boltanski and Evo Chiaollo. In thoii inoitant
look, Tnc Ncw Spirit cj Cupitu|isn, thoy contond that caitalisn
oiiodically ionakos itsoll in nononts ol histoiical iutuio, in
ait ly iocuoiating stiands ol ciitiouo diioctod against it.
such nononts, olononts ol anti-caitalist ciitiouo aio iosignihod
to logitinato an onoigont now loin ol caitalisn, which thoioly
loconos ondowod with tho highoi, noial signihcanco noodod to
notivato now gonoiations to shouldoi tho inhoiontly noaningloss
woik ol ondloss accunulation. Foi Boltanski and Chiaollo, tho
now 'siiit` that has soivod to logitinato tho oxillo nooliloial
caitalisn ol oui tino was lashionod lion tho Now Lolt`s 'aitis-
tic` ciitiouo ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn, which donouncod tho
gioy conloinisn ol coioiato cultuio. It was in tho acconts ol
May o8, thoy clain, that nooliloial nanagonont thooiists io-
oundod a now 'connoxionist`, 'ioioct` caitalisn, in which iigid
oiganizational hioiaichios would givo way to hoiizontal toans
and oxillo notwoiks, thoioly liloiating individual cioativity. Tho
iosult was a now ionanco ol caitalisn with ioal-woild olloctsa
Hostoi Eisonstoin, 'A Dangoious Liaison? Foninisn and Coioiato Glolalization`,
Scicncc und Sccicty, vol. oo, no. , zoo.
Luc Boltanski and Evo Chiaollo, Tnc Ncw Spirit cj Cupitu|isn, London zoo |Paiis
ooo|. Foi an intoiiotation ol sychoanalysis as tho siiit ol 'tho socond industiial
iovolution`, which concludos ly ositing loninisn as tho siiit ol tho 'thiid`, soo
Eli Zaiotsky, 'Psychoanalysis and tho Siiit ol Caitalisn`, Ccnstc||uticns, vol. ,
no. , zoo8.
o iv ,6
ionanco that onvolood tho toch stait-us ol Silicon Valloy and
that today hnds its uiost oxiossion in tho othos ol Googlo.
Boltanski and Chiaollo`s aigunont is oiiginal and iolound.
Yot, locauso it is gondoi-llind, it lails to gias tho lull chaiac-
toi ol tho siiit ol nooliloial caitalisn. To lo suio, that siiit
includos a nasculinist ionanco ol tho lioo, unoncunloiod, soll-
lashioning individual, which thoy atly dosciilo. But nooliloial
caitalisn has as nuch to do with Walnait, nuuui|udcrus and
niciociodit as with Silicon Valloy and Googlo. And its indison-
sallo woikois aio disiooitionatoly wonon, not only young
singlo wonon, lut also naiiiod wonon and wonon with chil-
dion: not only iacializod wonon, lut wonon ol viitually all
nationalitios and othnicitios. As such, wonon havo ouiod into
laloui naikots aiound tho glolo: tho olloct has loon to undoicut
onco and loi all stato-oiganizod caitalisn`s idoal ol tho lanily
wago. In 'disoiganizod` nooliloial caitalisn, that idoal has loon
iolacod ly tho noin ol tho two-oainoi lanily. Novoi nind that
tho ioality which undoilios tho now idoal is doiossod wago lov-
ols, docioasod iol socuiity, doclining living standaids, a stoo
iiso in tho nunloi ol houis woikod loi wagos oi housohold,
oxacoilation ol tho doullo shiltnow olton a tiilo oi ouadiu-
lo shiltand a iiso in lonalo-hoadod housoholds. Disoiganizod
caitalisn tuins a sow`s oai into a silk uiso ly olaloiating
a now ionanco ol lonalo advanconont and gondoi iustico.
Distuiling as it nay sound, I an suggosting that socond-wavo
loninisn has unwittingly iovidod a koy ingiodiont ol tho now
siiit ol nooliloialisn. Oui ciitiouo ol tho lanily wago now su-
lios a good ait ol tho ionanco that invosts oxillo caitalisn
with a highoi noaning and a noial oint. Endowing thoii daily
stiugglos with an othical noaning, tho loninist ionanco attiacts
wonon at loth onds ol tho social soctiun: at ono ond, tho lonalo
cadios ol tho iolossional niddlo classos, dotoininod to ciack
tho glass coiling: at tho othoi ond, tho lonalo tons, ait-tinois,
low-wago soivico onloyoos, donostics, sox woikois, nigiants,
vz woikois and niciociodit loiiowois, sooking not only incono
and natoiial socuiity, lut also dignity, soll-lottoinont and lil-
oiation lion tiaditional authoiity. At loth onds, tho dioan ol
wonon`s onanciation is hainossod to tho ongino ol caitalist
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN
accunulation. Thus, socond-wavo loninisn`s ciitiouo ol tho lan-
ily wago has onioyod a oivoiso altoililo. Onco tho contioioco ol
a iadical analysis ol caitalisn`s andiocontiisn, it soivos today to
intonsily caitalisn`s valoiization ol wagod laloui.
U Fcninist unti-ctutisn rcsignihcd. Nooliloialisn has also iosigni-
hod tho anti-tatisn ol tho iovious oiiod, naking it giist loi
schonos ainod at ioducing stato action tcut ccurt. In tho now cli-
nato, it soonod lut a shoit sto lion socond-wavo loninisn`s
ciitiouo ol wollaio-stato atoinalisn to Thatchoi`s ciitiouo ol
tho nanny stato. That was coitainly tho oxoiionco in tho Unitod
Statos, whoio loninists watchod hollossly as Bill Clinton tii-
angulatod thoii nuancod ciitiouo ol a soxist and stignatizing
syston ol ooi ioliol into a lan to 'ond wollaio as wo know it`,
which alolishod tho Fodoial ontitlonont to incono suoit. In
tho ostcolonios, noanwhilo, tho ciitiouo ol tho dovolonontal
stato`s andiocontiisn noihod into onthusiasn loi ncos, which
onoigod ovoiywhoio to hll tho saco vacatod ly shiinking statos.
Coitainly, tho lost ol thoso oiganizations iovidod uigontly
noodod natoiial aid to oulations loiolt ol ullic soivicos. Yot
tho olloct was olton to dooliticizo local gious and to skow thoii
agondas in diioctions lavouiod ly Fiist-Woild lundois. By its voiy
sto-ga natuio, noioovoi, nco action did littlo to challongo tho
iocoding tido ol ullic iovision oi to luild olitical suoit loi
iosonsivo stato action.
Tho oxlosion ol niciociodit illustiatos tho dilonna. Countoi-
osing loninist valuos ol onowoinont and aiticiation lion
lolow to tho assivity-inducing iod tao ol to-down tatisn, tho
aichitocts ol thoso ioiocts havo cialtod an innovativo synthosis ol
individual soll-hol and connunity notwoiking, nco ovoisight
and naikot nochanisnsall ainod at conlating wonon`s ov-
oity and gondoi sulioction. Tho iosults so lai includo an iniossivo
iocoid ol loan ioaynonts and anocdotal ovidonco ol livos tians-
loinod. What has loon concoalod, howovoi, in tho loninist
hoola suiiounding thoso ioiocts, is a distuiling coincidonco:
Sonia Alvaioz, 'Advocating Foninisn: Tho Latin Anoiican Foninist nco
Boon"`, !ntcrnuticnu| Fcninist ]curnu| cj Pc|itics, vol. , no. z, ooo: Caiol Baiton,
'Glolal Wonon`s Movononts at a Ciossioads`, Scciu|isn und Dcnccrucy, vol. 8,
no. , zoo.
z iv ,6
niciociodit has luigoonod iust as statos havo alandonod nacio-
stiuctuial olloits to hght ovoity, olloits that snall-scalo londing
cannot ossilly iolaco.
In this caso too, tho loninist ciitiouo ol
luioauciatic atoinalisn has loon iocuoiatod ly nooliloialisn.
A oisoctivo ainod oiiginally at tiansloining stato owoi into a
vohiclo ol citizon onowoinont and social iustico is now usod to
logitinato naikotization and stato iotionchnont.
U Fcninist ccntru und prc Wcstpnu|iunisn rcsignihcd. Finally, noo-
liloialisn altoiod loi lottoi and loi woiso socond-wavo loninisn`s
anlivalont iolation to tho Wosthalian liano. In tho now
contoxt ol 'glolalization`, it no longoi goos without saying that
tho loundod toiiitoiial stato is tho solo logitinato containoi loi
olligations ol, and stiugglos loi, iustico. Foninists havo ioinod
onviionnontalists, hunan-iights activists and ciitics ol tho wro in
challonging that viow. Molilizing ost-Wosthalian intuitions that
had ionainod iniacticallo in stato-oiganizod caitalisn, thoy
havo taigotod tians-loidoi iniusticos that had loon naiginalizod
oi nogloctod in tho iovious oia. Utilizing now connunication
tochnologios to ostallish tiansnational notwoiks, loninists havo
ionooiod innovativo stiatogios such as tho 'loonoiang olloct`,
which nolilizos glolal ullic oinion to sotlight local alusos
and to shano tho statos that condono thon.

Tho iosult was a

ionising now loin ol loninist activisntiansnational, nulti-
scalai, ost-Wosthalian.
But tho tiansnational tuin liought dilhcultios too. Olton styniod
at tho lovol ol tho stato, nany loninists diioctod thoii onoigios to
tho 'intoinational` aiona, osocially to a succossion ol 0n-iolatod
conloioncos, lion Naiioli to Vionna to Boiiing and loyond.
Building a iosonco in 'glolal civil socioty` lion which to ongago
now ioginos ol glolal govoinanco, thoy locano ontanglod in
sono ol tho iollons I havo alioady notod. Foi oxanlo, can-
aigns loi wonon`s hunan iights locusod ovoiwholningly on
Una Naiayan, 'Inloinal Soctoi Woik, Miciociodit and Thiid Woild Wonon`s
Enowoinont": A Ciitical Poisoctivo`, aoi iosontod at tho xx Woild
Congioss ol Philosohy ol Law and Social Philosohy, May zoo, Gianada:
Eisonstoin, 'A Dangoious Liaison?`.

Maigaiot Kock and Kathiyn Sikkink, Activists Bcycnd Bcrdcrs. Advccucy Nctwcrks in
!ntcrnuticnu| Pc|itics, Ithaca, nv oo8.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN
issuos ol violonco and ioioduction, as oosod, loi oxanlo, to
ovoity. Ratilying tho Cold Wai slit lotwoon civil and olitical
iights, on tho ono hand, and social and ocononic iights, on tho
othoi, thoso olloits, too, havo iivilogod iocognition ovoi iodistii-
lution. In addition, thoso canaigns intonsihod tho nco-ihcation
ol loninist olitics, widoning tho ga lotwoon iolossionals and
local gious, whilo accoiding disiooitionato voico to English-
soaking olitos. Analogous dynanics havo loon ooiating in tho
loninist ongagonont with tho olicy aaiatus ol tho Euiooan
Unionosocially givon tho alsonco ol gonuinoly tiansnational,
Euioo-wido wonon`s novononts. Thus, tho loninist ciitiouo ol
Wosthalianisn has iovod anlivalont in tho oia ol nooliloialisn.
What logan as a salutaiy attont to oxand tho scoo ol iustico
loyond tho nation-stato has ondod u dovotailing in sono iosocts
with tho adninistiativo noods ol a now loin ol caitalisn.
In gonoial, thon, tho lato ol loninisn in tho nooliloial oia iosonts a
aiadox. On tho ono hand, tho iolativoly snall countoicultuial novo-
nont ol tho iovious oiiod has oxandod oxonontially, succosslully
dissoninating its idoas acioss tho glolo. On tho othoi, loninist
idoas havo undoigono a sultlo shilt in valonco in tho altoiod contoxt.
Unanliguously onanciatoiy in tho oia ol stato-oiganizod caitalisn,
ciitiouos ol ocononisn, andiocontiisn, tatisn and Wosthalianisn
now aoai liaught with anliguity, suscotillo to soiving tho logitina-
tion noods ol a now loin ol caitalisn. Altoi all, this caitalisn would
nuch ioloi to conliont clains loi iocognition ovoi clains loi iodistii-
lution, as it luilds a now iogino ol accunulation on tho coinoistono
ol wonon`s wagod laloui, and sooks to disonlod naikots lion social
iogulation in oidoi to ooiato all tho noio liooly on a glolal scalo.
. \n ovn 0r0:
Today, howovoi, this caitalisn is itsoll at a ciitical ciossioads. Coitainly,
tho glolal hnancial ciisis and tho docidodly ost-nooliloial iosonso
to it ly loading statosall Koynosians nownaik tho loginning ol
nooliloialisn`s ond as an ocononic iogino. Tho oloction ol Baiack
Olana nay signal tho docisivo ioudiation, ovon in tho lolly ol tho
loast, ol nooliloialisn as a olitical ioioct. Wo nay lo sooing tho
oaily stiiiings ol a now wavo ol nolilization ainod at aiticulating an
iv ,6
altoinativo. Poihas, accoidingly, wo stand oisod at tho liink ol yot
anothoi 'gioat tiansloination`, as nassivo and iolound as tho ono I
havo iust dosciilod.
Il so, thon tho shao ol tho succossoi socioty will lo tho olioct ol intonso
contostation in tho coning oiiod. And loninisn will loatuio inoi-
tantly in such contostationat two dilloiont lovols: hist, as tho social
novonont whoso loitunos I havo tiacod hoio, which will sook to onsuio
that tho succossoi iogino institutionalizos a connitnont to gondoi ius-
tico. But also, socond, as a gonoial discuisivo constiuct which loninists
in tho hist sonso no longoi own and do not contiolan onty signihoi
ol tho good (akin, oihas, to 'donociacy`j, which can and will lo invokod
to logitinato a vaiioty ol dilloiont sconaiios, not all ol which ionoto
gondoi iustico. An ollsiing ol loninisn in tho hist, social-novonont
sonso, this socond, discuisivo sonso ol 'loninisn` has gono ioguo. As tho
discouiso loconos indoondont ol tho novonont, tho lattoi is incioas-
ingly conliontod with a stiango shadowy voision ol itsoll, an uncanny
doullo that it can noithoi sinly onliaco noi wholly disavow.

In this ossay, I havo naod tho disconcoiting danco ol thoso two loni-
nisns in tho shilt lion stato-oiganizod caitalisn to nooliloialisn. What
should wo concludo lion it? Coitainly not that socond-wavo loninisn
has lailod sinp|icitcr, noi that it is to llano loi tho tiiunh ol nooliloial-
isn. Suioly not that loninist idoals aio inhoiontly iollonatic: noi that
thoy aio always alioady doonod to lo iosignihod loi caitalist uiosos.
I concludo, iathoi, that wo loi whon loninisn is alovo all a novonont
loi gondoi iustico nood to locono noio histoiically soll-awaio as wo
ooiato on a toiiain that is also oulatod ly oui uncanny doullo.
To that ond, lot us iotuin to tho ouostion: what, il anything, oxlains oui
'dangoious liaison` with nooliloialisn? Aio wo tho victins ol an unloi-
tunato coincidonco, who haonod to lo in tho wiong laco at tho wiong
tino and so loll ioy to that nost ooitunistic ol soducois, a caitalisn
so indisciininato that it would instiunontalizo any oisoctivo whatovoi,
ovon ono inhoiontly loioign to it? Oi is thoio, as I suggostod oailioi, sono
sultoiianoan oloctivo alhnity lotwoon loninisn and nooliloialisn? Il
This loinula ol 'loninisn and its doullos` could lo olaloiatod to good olloct with
iosoct to tho zoo8 0s Piosidontial oloction, whoio tho uncanny doullos includod
loth Hillaiy Clinton and Saiah Palin.
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN
any such alhnity doos oxist, it lios in tho ciitiouo ol tiaditional authoiity.

Such authoiity is a longstanding taigot ol loninist activisn, which has
sought at loast sinco Maiy Wollstonocialt to onanciato wonon lion
oisonalizod sulioction to non, lo thoy lathois, liothois, iiosts, oldois
oi huslands. But tiaditional authoiity also aoais in sono oiiods as
an olstaclo to caitalist oxansion, ait ol tho suiiounding social sul-
stanco in which naikots havo histoiically loon onloddod and which
has soivod to conhno ocononic iationality within a linitod shoio.

tho cuiiont nonont, thoso two ciitiouos ol tiaditional authoiity, tho ono
loninist, tho othoi nooliloial, aoai to convoigo.
Whoio loninisn and nooliloialisn divoigo, in contiast, is ovoi ost-
tiaditional loins ol gondoi suloidinationconstiaints on wonon`s
livos that do not tako tho loin ol oisonalizod sulioction, lut aiiso lion
stiuctuial oi systonic iocossos in which tho actions ol nany oolo aio
alstiactly oi inoisonally nodiatod. A aiadign caso is what Susan Okin
has chaiactoiizod as 'a cyclo ol socially causod and distinctly asynnotiic
vulnoialility ly naiiiago`, in which wonon`s tiaditional iosonsilility
loi child-ioaiing hols shao laloui naikots that disadvantago wonon,
iosulting in unooual owoi in tho ocononic naikot-laco, which in tuin
ioinloicos, and oxacoilatos, unooual owoi in tho lanily.

Such naikot-
nodiatod iocossos ol suloidination aio tho voiy lilollood ol nooliloial
caitalisn. Today, accoidingly, thoy should locono a naioi locus ol
loninist ciitiouo, as wo sook to distinguish ouisolvos lion, and to avoid
iosignihcation ly, nooliloialisn. Tho oint, ol couiso, is not to dio tho
stiugglo against tiaditional nalo authoiity, which ionains a nocossaiy
nonont ol loninist ciitiouo. It is, iathoi, to disiut tho oasy assago
lion such ciitiouo to its nooliloial doulloalovo all ly ioconnocting
stiugglos against oisonalizod sulioction to tho ciitiouo ol a caitalist
syston which, whilo ionising liloiation, actually iolacos ono nodo ol
donination ly anothoi.
In tho hoo ol advancing this agonda, I would liko to concludo ly iovisit-
ing ono last tino ny loui loci ol loninist ciitiouo:

I owo this oint to Eli Zaiotsky (oisonal connunicationj. Cl. Eisonstoin, 'A
Dangoious Liaison?`.

In sono oiiods, lut not always. In nany contoxts, caitalisn is noio at to

adat to than to challongo tiaditional authoiity. Foi tho onlodding ol naikots, soo
Kail Polanyi, Tnc Crcut Trunsjcrnuticn, znd odn, Boston zoo.

Susan Okin, ]usticc, Ccndcr und tnc Funi|y, Now Yoik o8o, . 8.
o iv ,6
U Pcst-ncc|ibcru| unti-cccncnisn. Tho ossillo shilt away lion noo-
liloialisn ollois tho ooitunity to ioactivato tho onanciatoiy
ioniso ol socond-wavo loninisn. Adoting a lully thioo-
dinonsional account ol iniustico, wo night now intogiato in a
noio lalancod way tho dinonsions ol iodistiilution, iocognition
and ioiosontation that slintoiod in tho iovious oia. Giounding
thoso indisonsallo asocts ol loninist ciitiouo in a iolust,
udatod sonso ol tho social totality, wo should ioconnoct loni-
nist ciitiouo to tho ciitiouo ol caitalisnand thoioly io-osition
loninisn souaioly on tho Lolt.
U Pcst-ncc|ibcru| unti-undrcccntrisn. Likowiso, tho ossillo shilt to a
ost-nooliloial socioty ollois tho chanco to lioak tho suiious link
lotwoon oui ciitiouo ol tho lanily wago and oxillo caitalisn.
Roclaining oui ciitiouo ol andiocontiisn, loninists night nili-
tato loi a loin ol lilo that docontios wagod woik and valoiizos
unconnodihod activitios, including caiowoik. Now oiloinod
laigoly ly wonon, such activitios should locono valuod cono-
nonts ol a good lilo loi ovoiyono.
U Pcst-ncc|ibcru| unti-ctutisn. Tho ciisis ol nooliloialisn also ollois
tho chanco to lioak tho link lotwoon oui ciitiouo ol tatisn and
naikotization. Roclaining tho nantlo ol aiticiatoiy donociacy,
loninists night nilitato now loi a now oiganization ol olitical
owoi, ono that suloidinatos luioauciatic nanagoiialisn to citi-
zon onowoinont. Tho oint, howovoi, is not to dissiato lut to
stiongthon ullic owoi. Thus, tho aiticiatoiy donociacy wo
sook today is ono that usos olitics to tano naikots and to stooi
socioty in tho intoiost ol iustico.
U Pcst-ncc|ibcru| unti-Wcstpnu|iunisn. Finally, tho ciisis ol noolil-
oialisn ollois tho chanco to iosolvo, in a ioductivo way, oui
longstanding anlivalonco alout tho Wosthalian liano. Givon
caital`s tiansnational ioach, tho ullic caacitios noodod today
cannot lo lodgod sololy in tho toiiitoiial stato. Hoio, accoidingly,
tho task is to lioak tho oxclusivo idontihcation ol donociacy with
tho loundod olitical connunity. Joining othoi iogiossivo loicos,
loninists night nilitato loi a now, ost-Wosthalian olitical
oidoia nulti-scalai oidoi that is donociatic at ovoiy lovol.
Conlining sulsidiaiity with aiticiation, tho now constollation
rvtsrv: 'FNJOJTN ;
ol donociatic owois should lo caallo ol iodiossing iniusticos
in ovoiy dinonsion, along ovoiy axis and on ovoiy scalo, including
tians-loidoi iniusticos.
I an suggosting, thon, that this is a nonont in which loninists should
think lig. Having watchod tho nooliloial onslaught instiunontalizo
oui lost idoas, wo havo an ooning now in which to ioclain thon.
In soizing this nonont, wo night iust lond tho aic ol tho inond-
ing tiansloination in tho diioction ol iusticoand not only with
iosoct to gondoi.

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