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Dê thi giüa ky môn Công nghê Phân mêm.

lóp K55CA
Thoi gian. 60 phut. Khong su dung tai liêu.

Ho và tên: Ngày sinh: Mã sô sinh viên:

Part I. Questions about your group project. (Use the other side of the page for vour answers.)
1. State 03 most important non-Iunctional requirements oI your group proiect. For each requirement. list its
solution architecture styles. Which architecture styles are used in your group proiect.
2. For each type oI UML diagrams you leanrt. draw one diagram oI your group proiect with a brieI
explanation note.
3. What is your group proiect number?

Part II. Circle only one correct answer for each question in the below sheet.
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1. Which one are the common activities of software engineering?
A. requirement. planning. modeling. construction. deployment
B. requirement. design. programming. testing. evolution
C. analysis. designing. programming. debugging. maintenance
D. analysis. planning. designing. programming. testing
2. What is software validation?
A. Checking to Iind errors when the code cann't be complied
B. Checking that soItware is what the customer wants
C. Checking iI the soItware Iollows the requirements
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D. Checking iI the soItware works as designed
3. What are the key challenges facing software engineering?
A. Heterogeneity. delivery. trust
B. Delivery. trust. security
C. Heterogenity. usability. saIety
D. Mobile. web. scalibility
4. What is CASE?
A. Computer-Aided System Engineering
B. Computer-Aided SoItware Engineering
C. Computer-Assisted SoItware Engineering
D. Computer-Assistant Ior SoItware Engineers
5. What are the fundamental software engineering activities EXCEPT ?
A. SoItware speciIication
B. SoItware development
C. SoItware validation
D. SoItware marketing
6. When the notion of software engineering` was first proposed?
A. 1986
B. 1968
C. 1966
D. 1988
7. What is not essential attribute of a good software ?
A. Maintainability.
B. EIIiciency.
C. Understandability.
D. Acceptability.
8. To produce a good quality product. process should be
A. Complex
B. Simple
C. EIIicient
D. Rigorous
9. What is software?
A. Computer programs and associated documentation.
B. Computer programs and user manuals.
C. Source code and design documentation.
D. Computer programs with help included.
10. What is heterogeneity in software engineering?
A. Multiple tools and programming languages are used in a soItware.
B. Multiple upgrades oI a soItware
C. Multiple platIorms and execution environments
D. Multiple approaches to develop the soItware
11. Which is NOT activity in Stages of testing?
A. Component testing
B. System testing
C. Use case testing
D. Acceptance testing
12. Which is not a RUP phase?
A. SpeciIication
B. Elaboration
C. Construction
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D. Inception
13. The linear sequential model of software development is...
A. A reasonable approach when requirements are well deIined.
B. A reasonable approach when requirements are unknown.
C. The best approach Ior proiects with large development teams.
D. An old Iashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context.
14. The waterfall model is suitable for project with ...
A. Clear and unstable requirements
B. Vague and unstable requirements
C. Clear and stable requirements
D. Vague and stable requirements
15. The concurrent development model is ...
A. Another name Ior the rapid application development model.
B. OIten used Ior the development oI client/server applications.
C. Only used Ior development oI parallel or distributed systems.
D. Used whenever a large number oI change requests are anticipated.
16. Which of these are standards for assessing software processes?
C. ISO 9010
D. ISO 9001
17. Which one is the most important feature of spiral model?
A. Quality management
B. Risk management
C. PerIormance management
D. Change management
18. Unified Process is ...
A. Iterative
B. Incremental
C. Evolutionary
D. All oI the above
19. What is system testing?
A. Testing all components oI the system
B. Testing oI the system as a whole
C. Testing by the customers
D. Testing by the whole proiect team
20. What is the problem with agile methods?
A. Overloaded with documentation
B. Maintaining simplicity requires extra work
C. Easy to keep the interest oI customers
D. ReIactoring is diIIicult
21. How is the customer involvement in agile methods?
A. Customers involve directly beIore the development process
B. Customers involve directly in the testing process
C. They provide new system requirements in the testing process
D. Customers should be closely involved throughout the development process
22. What is the aim of agile methods?
A. Reduce overheads in the soItware process
B. Increasing the number oI customers use this soItware
C. Increasing a security oI the soItware
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D. All oI them
23. Which is the customer involvement of testing in Extreme Programming (XP)?
A. Customers involve in the Iinal testing phase
B. Customer who is part oI the team writes tests as development proceeds
C. Customer work Iull-time with the development team as a developer
D. Customer is a leader oI team testing
24. What is NOT agile manifesto?
A. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
B. Comprehensive documentation over working soItware
C. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
D. Responding to change over Iollowing a plan
25. Which is not one of the key questions that is answered by each team member at each daily Scrum
A. What did you do since the last meeting?
B. What obstacles are you encountering?
C. What do you plan to do today?
D. What do you plan to accomplish at the next team meeting?
26. In Scrum. the prioritized work to be done is referred to as:
A. Product backlog
B. Sprint planning
C. Sprint retrospective
D. Standup meetings
27. The most encouraged time of day to hold a Scrum status meeting is ...
A. 9AM
B. 11:30AM
C. Immediately aIter lunch
D. 4:30PM
28. ..... verify that the requirements as understood by the programmers satisfy the customer's actual
A. Acceptance testing
B. System testing
C. VeriIication testing
D. Requirement testing
29. What are the four framework activities found in the Extreme Programming (XP) process model?
A. Analysis. design. coding. testing
B. Planning. analysis. design. coding
C. Planning. analysis. coding. testing
D. Planning. design. coding. testing
30. How frequent are Scrum project status meetings recommended to be held?
A. Twice a day (morning and aIternoon)
B. Daily
C. Weekly
D. Twice per week (Mondays and Thursdays)
31. The person or persons in charge of the tracking and the updates for the scrum (equivalent to a
project manager) is called the:
A. Scrum Master
B. Product Owner
C. General Manager
D. Consulting Expert
32. Which one is a type of non-functional requirements ?
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A. Product requirements
B. System requirements
C. User requirements
D. Domain requirements
33. In principle. the functional requirements specification of a system should be
A. complete and inconsistent
B. only complete
C. complete and consitent
D. only consistent
34. The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to ...
A. Examine the system model Ior errors
B. Have the customer look over the requirements
C. Send them to the design team and see iI they have any concerns
D. Use a checklist oI questions to examine each requirement
35. The use of traceability tables helps to
A. debug programs Iollowing the detection oI run-time errors
B. determine the perIormance oI algorithm implementations
C. identiIy. control. and track requirements changes
D. none oI the above
36. The system specification describes the ..
A. Function. perIormance and constraints oI a computer-based system
B. Implementation oI each allocated system
C. Element soItware architecture
D. Time required Ior system simulation
37. Which is the main languague used to write requirements for software?
A. Formal requirement language
B. Graphical notation
C. Mathematical speciIication
D. Natural language
38. Interviews are not good for getting an overall understanding of?
A. what stakeholders do.
B. how stakeholders might interact with the new system.
C. the requirements Irom the application domain.
D. the diIIiculties that stakeholders Iace with current systems.
39. Which is the requirements validation technique?
A. Requirements reviews.
B. Prototyping.
C. Test-case generation.
D. All oI the above.
40. What does a non-functional requirement specify?
A. Quality attributes oI the system
B. How to IulIill stakeholder requests
C. How the solution interacts with the outside world
D. Process used to build the system
41. When should the process of requirements management start?
A. When a draIt version oI the requirements documents is available.
B. When the requirements documents is complete.
C. In requirements validation process.
D. When there are changes in requirements.
42. Why interview are not good for understanding domain requirements?
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A. Because the interviewees are not native people
B. Because requirements engineers cannot understand speciIic domain terminology
C. Because the users can not describe the domain speciIication exactly
D. Because the domain characteristics problems are very diIIicult to understand
43. In object-oriented languages. such as 1ava. how can generalization be implemented
A. Using library built into the language
B. Building general Iunction
C. Using the class inheritance mechanisms built into the language
D. Using general variables
44. Which diagram is not supported by UML?
A. Data-Ilow diagram
B. Activity diagram
C. Sequence diagram
D. Deployment diagram
45. In the UML. you show attributes and operations by extending the simple rectangle that represents
a class. What section is on the top?
A. The name oI the obiect
B. The name oI the obiect class
C. The description oI the obiect class
D. The description oI the obiect
46. A computation independent model sometimes called ...
A. Server model
B. Domain model
C. Class model
D. Component model
47. Which of the below is not one of system perspectives ?
A. External
B. Internal
C. Structural
D. Behavioral
48. What is a principal output of the development process in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE)?
A. Class diagrams
B. Executable programs
C. Sequence diagrams
D. Test suites
49. A class diagram can be used to model following things except
A. Depicting the implementation detail oI domain entities
B. Depicting the interaction between domain entities
C. Depicting state and behavior oI the domain entity
D. Depicting domain entities and relationship between them
50. Identify which of the following modeling element is not associated with Use case Diagrams
A. Actor
B. Include relationship
C. Extend relationship
D. Aggregate relationship

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