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Issued by Academy Avignon of Crafts and SMEs in Europe

The Observatory on the European Research for Crafts and SMEs was set up by the Academy Avignon of Crafts and SMEs in Europe, based in Brussels. Its mission is to monitor the results of research on Craft and SMEs carried out in Europe by several bodies e.g. research centres, universities, the EC agencies. The Observatory diffuses the results to Crafts and SME organizations and the other relevant stakeholders.


JULY 2012/N.40

1. Le financement des PME en France 2. Can Mobility Offset Unemployment? 3. Romanian Professional Accountants Perception on the Differential Financial Reporting for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 4. The Most Efficient Czech SME Sectors: An Application of Robust Data Envelopment Analysis


Author(s): Summary (F)

Banque de France

compter de la centralisation de mars 2012, les tablissements de crdit appliquent un nouveau cahier des charges, conformment aux dispositions de la Loi de Modernisation conomique (LME) de 2008. Cela, se traduit notamment par larrt des dclarations des encours privs des entrepreneurs individuels (EI). Ne sont ainsi recenss que les encours de crdits lis une activit professionnelle. Ces modifications ntant pas appliques sur le pass, la cohrence des volutions prsentes sur 12 mois dans cette publication est obtenue en ne considrant que les encours de crdits aux entreprises hors EI. Cela affecte les diffrentes rubriques, en particulier celles dans lesquelles les entrepreneurs individuels sont nombreux (PME indpendantes et micro entreprises, Agriculture, sylviculture et pche, Construction, Commerce, etc.). Rpartition en % des encours de crdits mobiliss par les PME (hors EI) par classe de risque : mars 2011 et mars 2012
Cotes 3 : situation financire particulirement satisfaisante, voire excellente pour la cote 3++ Cotes 4 : situation financire satisfaisante, mais avec certains lments dincertitudes et de fragilit Cotes 5 : situation financire prsentant des signes de fragilit Cote 6 : situation financire trs dsquilibre Cote 7 : incident de paiement Cotes 8/9 : paiements irrguliers menaant la prennit de lentreprise



Author(s): Summary (EN)

Thie Petersen (Bertelsmann Stiftung)

Almost a quarter of the young people in the EU are unemployed. And once again it is the crisis-ridden states that have been hit hardest. But in other countries such as France, Sweden, and Luxembourg, younger members of the workforce, far more than their older counterparts, are also finding it difficult to get a job. Freedom of movement within the EU could help to provide them with new opportunities. The sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone has had dramatic consequences for European labour markets. In April 2012, almost 25 million people in the EU were out of work a historic high. Whereas unemployment in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands ranged from just 3.9% to 5.4%, in Greece and Spain joblessness climbed to almost 25%.






Stefan Bunea,Marian Sacarin, Mihaela Minu (The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies,

Summary (EN)

2009 was an important year, internationally, for the financial reporting of small and medium-sized enterprises. First of all, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the International Financial Reporting Standard for the Small and MediumSized Entities (IFRS for SMEs). Secondly, the European Commission started the consultations over the amendment of the 4th and 7th Directives with a view to simplifying them for the small entities. Moreover, the European Commission launched a consultation over a possible adoption of the IFRS for SMEs at the level of the European Union. Through our study we attempt mainly to identify the attitude of Romanian professional accountants about the financial reporting of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Data was collected through questionnaires on a sample of 190 accountants. The results indicate that more than a half of respondents consider that the current regulations do not provide a reasonable level of simplification for SMEs and, consequently, a more simplified reporting system is needed for these entities. However, only very few respondents consider than the IFRS for SMEs in its current form is adequate. It was found that respondents having an experience of up to 10 years reject more willingly the idea of detailed rules and accept the need for professional judgment. Besides capturing the accountants attitude towards the IFRS for SMEs, our study identifies the main users of accounting information prepared by SMEs. Besides contributing to a scarce literature on the IFRS for SMEs applicability, these results are useful for practitioners and regulators when considering the change in the regulations for SMEs.







Jan Prua (Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University,

Summary (EN)

This paper analyzes the efficiency of Czech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main focus is on structural analysis of Czech SMEs in manufacturing based on their efficiency. The author uses sectoral data from 2002 to 2005 for 30 manufacturing industries, each divided into five subgroups according to the number of employees. The employs standard and advanced robust data envelopment analysis (DEA) to obtain cross-sectional rankings of individual industries. The results reveal substantial variance in the efficiency scores, variance which is only partly removed by the robust DEA specification. The author found that the majority of sectors operate below full efficiency, with only a few industries belonging to the top performers. The average efficiency lies between 50 and 70 percent of that of the best sectors. The author concludes that only a minor proportion of Czech SMEs are able to generate high value added per unit of labor-capital.


Hungarian Big Businesses Launch Purchasing Community for SMEs
May 2012, Wall Street Journal By Marton Eder The Hungarian National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers launched a scheme Monday that aims at lowering purchasing expenses for the small and middle-sized business community in the financially embattled country.

Pmi unite perPmi unite per stare sulla nuvola - Il Sole 24 ORE stare sulla nuvola
12/06/2012, Il Sole 24Ore di Luca Tremolada Fuori dall'ufficialit i grandi fornitori di tecnologia lo ammettono: l'errore dell'informatizzazione che ha investito il paese negli anni Novanta stato quello di aver lasciato ai margini le piccole e medie imprese.......Le pmi, complice la crisi economica che da tre anni continua a deprimere la spesa in Ict, per ora si limitano ai servizi di posta elettronici e storage, tralasciando quasi completamente gli altri utilizzi pi business oriented.

THE LIST OF SOURCES IN THIS ISSUE. Bertelsmann Stiftung is dedicated to serving the common good. Our work is based on the conviction that
competition and civic engagement are essential for social progress. The Bertelsmann Stiftung functions exclusively as a private operating foundation; it carries out its own project work and does not make grants or support third-party projects. The foundation aims to identify social problems and challenges at an early stage and develop exemplary solutions to address them. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies is and wishes to remain the most prestigious institution of higher economic and public administration education in Romania and to rank amongst the top universities in Europe, as regards the content and modernity of the teaching and learning process, the dynamism of innovation, the implication in strategic partnerships with representatives of the national and international economic and social environment.

Jean Monnet University :is a French public university, based in Saint-tienne. It is under the Academy of

CIREM has a collection of documents with over 1700 entries specialised in topics specific to the work of its
researchers: the labour market, local development, professional and occupational training, political science, economics, etc. The collection consists of a wide range of document types: monographs, statistics, documents not commercially available, periodical indexing, legislation, European documentation, etc.

Fondazione Manlio Masi: The Manlio Masis Foundation is a "National Observatory for Internationalisation and trade". Their aim is to promote and to develop analytical processes and strategies of internationalization of trade and national economic system. GREGOR: is the research laboratory of the IAE of Paris (EA2474) and the research team for the research
masters degree in Applied Organisation. Created in 1992, it currently comprises 93 members, including nine professors, two senior lecturers qualified to direct research (HDR) (11 directors of research in total), seven senior lecturers not yet qualified to direct research, five PhDs, one teacher qualified for Higher Education (PRAG), five part-time teacher/professionals (PAST) and 53 doctoral students.

The present edition of the Newsletter for the Academy Avignon was edited by Maura Albanesi
If you have any question or comment, please, dont hesitate to contact us at: Academy Avignon for Craft and SMEs in Europe Rue Jacques de Lalaing, 4 B-1040 Bruxelles Phone: +3222850709 E-mail: o

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