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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Improving the quality of learning is an going effort for all those taking part in education. Learning is a major activity in all schools or educational institutions. In this case there is a need for the implementation of quality of learning in order to create the superior power of thinking, reasoning power and moral readiness to be useful in society. It is a challenge for our nation to improve the quality of education and human resources (HR) in the future that begins with increased student achievement. Education in Indonesia has so far been dominated by the view that knowledge as the facts have to memorize. Learning in the classroom still focuses on teachers as the main source of knowledge, then lectures the main choice of learning strategies (DEPDIKNAS, 2002). According to Mulyasa (2002), content and learning process in schools has been poor variations, based on a rigid national standards, and implemented at the school on the basis of clues that all the details. In addition, students are evaluated on the basis of accumulated knowledge has been gained, so that graduates are only able to memorize without understanding. One effort to improve the quality of education is to change the curriculum. Therefore the implementation of competency-based curriculum which is the development of the curriculum in 1994 and is know as school-based curriculum (SBC). SBC is intended to create graduates who are competent and intelligent in developing cultural identity and nation. This curriculum can provide the basic of

knowledge, skills, learning experiences that build integrity and cultivate the national character. The fact in learning that lasts, teaching-learning process is applied until now are still focused on the teacher and less focused on the students. As a result of learning more emphasis on teaching rather than learning. For that the think pattern learning needs to be changed than just understanding the concepts and principles of science, students must also have the ability to do something with the use of scientific concepts and principles that have been mastered. For students, to really understand and can apply the science, they must work to solve problems, find something for himself and wrestle with ideas (Nur, 2000). The success of the learning process of teaching and learning in chemistry can be measured from the success of students who follow the activity. That success can be seen from the level of understanding and mastery of the material as well as the participation of student learning. The higher mastery and understanding of materials and learning achievement, the higher the success rate of learnings. But in reality can be seen that the learning achievements are low chemical achieved. With regard to such problems, the study also found the chemical diversity of the problem as follows:1) active learning of students in participating are still not visible, 2) the students rarely ask questions even though teachers often request that the students asked if there are things that are unclear or do not understand, 3) active in doing practice questions on the learning process as well still less, 4) lack of courage students to answer questions. This illustrates the effectiveness of classroom teaching and learning is still low.

Improved quality of education can be seen as one of the learning process that takes place at the school, both the method and approach used. Based on observations and interviews conducted in SMA Negeri 15 Makassar on chemistry teacher at the school, the data showed that the class obtained exhaustiveness X3 class of odd the semester test results by 73%. This shows that the average value of completeness studied chemistry at the SMA 15 Makassar is quite good, but have not reached the classroom completeness standard 80 %. The process of learning chemistry at SMAN 15 Makassar is quite varied, because in the process of learning chemistry teacher at SMAN 15 Makassar using methods and learning varied approaches, such as the method of discussion, demonstration, question and answer method, an inductive approach and deductive approach in order to increase the activeness of students in the process of learning in the classroom. Based on the description of chemistry teachers, active student in class X3 still look less to the percentage of 30%, and it is shown based on direct observations during the learning process on the material non-electrolytes and electrolyte solutions. In learning chemistry student is hope to be really active. Activeness in learning is one of the factors that influence success in learning. One way that can be used to attract students to be more active is to use a particular approach to learning, as an approach to learning is essentially an orderly way and thought about perfectly to achieve a goal of teaching and to acquire skills in developing the effectiveness of learning by educators and learners. This approach is very important role to determine the success or failure of a lesson.

To anticipate that the problem is not sustainable, then the formulas need to look for appropriate learning that can enhance students' activeness in learning chemistry. Educators continue to strive to develop and implement various models that variated the students interested and enthusiastic in learning chemistry. One of them by applying the approach SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) through SETS approach is expected that learners not only know each element of SETS but also understand the implications of the relationship between elements of the element of SETS. In addition, SETS will guide students to think and act a whole globally or solve environmental problems, both local environment and environmental relationship with everything associated with the community and participating in their capacity to solve international problems. Learning chemistry (redox reactions) with SETS approach is expected to make students more active and independent so it can absorb and remember more of what he had learned a long time. The concept of redox chemistry is one of the materials for semester 2 students in class X are classified as hard and have concepts that must be understood very well. With SETS approach is expected that students are able to understand this important concept in a redox reaction by plugging in the fact that in the environment and society. SETS In this approach, students are guided to be able to learn concepts that will be taught through a process of linking elements to understand the concept of redox SETS taught. Through SETS approach is expected that learners not only know each element SETS but also understand the implications of the relationship between elements of the element of SETS. In addition, SETS will guide students to think globally or

whole and can act to solve environmental problems, both local environment and environmental relationship with everything associated with the community and participating in their capacity to solve international problems. Based on the background issues that have been described, the researcher interested in conducting research on the "LEARNING EFFECTIVENESS APPROACH TO CHEMICAL using SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) B. Problem formulation Based on the background described above, the problem that will be discussed in this study is how far the effectiveness of learning chemistry by using the approach towards grade students X3 SETS SMAN 15 Makassar on Redox concept of the subject matter? C. Research Objectives Based on the above problems, this study aims to determine the magnitude of the effectiveness of learning chemistry by using the approach graders X3 SETS on SMA Negeri 15 Makassar Redox subject matter concepts. D. Benefit of Research The study is expected to provide benefits to all parties involved and have an interest in the problem studied, in particular: 1. For Teachers: a. As input for teachers to improve their creativity in choosing a learning approach. b. Increasing the willingness of teachers to keep abreast of science, technology, environment and society.

2. For Researchers As input to subsequent researchers who will conduct research related to the approach SETS.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A.Theoritical Study 1. Understanding Effectiveness Based on Big Indonesian Dictionary (2002: 284), effectively means it can bring results; effective (about business, action) (Poerwadarminto, 1986). According Margono (1995:3) effectively means that all of the potential can be harnessed and all goals can be achieved. Meanwhile, according to Roestiyah NK (1991: 12) effectively refers to something that is able to provide encouragement or assistance in achieving a goal. From some of the above definition can be concluded that effective is something that can be utilized to achieve the goal. According to the dictionary meaning of the Indonesian effectiveness influential state, something memorable, and the success of a business or action. Effectiveness generally indicates how far the achievement of a goal that has been determined. It is in accordance with the understanding the effectiveness according to Hidayat (Danfar: 2009) who explains that effectiveness is a measure that states how much the targets (quantity, quality, and time) that has been achieved. Where the greater percentage of targets achieved, the higher its effectiveness. Teaching and learning processes that exist in both the primary and secondary schools, surely have teaching materials targets to be achieved by each teacher, which is based on the curriculum in effect at that time. The curriculum now there are clearly different from the old curriculum, is suspected by the

education system and the need for knowledge has made changes to the needs of the times. Effectiveness is a derivation of the word effective in English, effective defined as "producing a Desired or intended result" (Concise Oxford Dictionary, 2001) or "producing the result that is wanted or intended" and the definition simply "coming into use" (Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary, 2003:138). Demonstrate the effectiveness of the achievement of an objective standard, an effort is said to be effective if efforts to achieve its goals. Ideally, the effectiveness can be expressed by measures of a rather uncertain, such as business X is 60% effective in achieving the objectives Y. In the Indonesian dictionary effectiveness comes from the word effectively, which means having effective influence or effect, or effective can also be interpreted to give a satisfactory result. From the description above can be explained again that the effectiveness of the linkage between goals and results are expressed, and indicates the degree of fit between the stated goal with the results achieved. The term effectiveness is generally about one or more expectations are achieved. Mulyasa (2008) says: The problem is usually closely related to the effectiveness of the comparison between the level of achievement of goals with a plan that had been developed previously or the ratio of actual results with planned results. Thus, effectiveness can be interpreted as a success that should be met in the process of learning that can be seen from the results of student learning. Kemp (in Harjanto, 2003) suggests the effectiveness of learning outcomes can be seen from the number of students who reached the learning goals within a specified time in which the amount is expressed in percent. Effective learning is a learning which

enables learners to learn the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that make students happy. According to Dick & Reiser in Warsita (2007). Effective learning allows learners to learn something useful, like: facts, skills, values, concepts, or something desired learning outcomes. So, effective learning is a learning which enables learners to learn with ease, fun, and achievable learning objectives in line with expectations (Sutikno in Warsita, 2007). There are several characteristics of effective learning has : a) learners into an active reviewer of its environment by observing, comparing, finding, similarities and differences and to form concepts and generalizations based on similarities determined; b) the teacher provides the materials as the focus of thinking and interacting in class, c) the activities of l whole learners s based on assessment, d) teachers are actively involved in providing direction and guidance to students in analyzing information, e) orientation of mastery of learning content and developing thinking skills, as well as f) teachers use learning techniques that vary according to destination and style of teacher learning (Eggen & Kauchak in Warsita, 2007). 2. Learning Approach Learning approach can be interpreted as a point of departure or point of view on learning, which refers to the view of the occurrence of a process that is still very common in nature, in which enclose, inspiring, strengthen, and the underlying learning methods with particular theoretical coverage. Judging from its approach, there are two types of learning approaches, namely: (1) learningoriented approach or a student-centered (student centered approach) and (2)


learning-oriented approach or teacher-centered (teacher centered approach). In the process of learning appropriate learning strategies are needed to achieve the expected learning goals. This is done prior to learning process implementation so that the learning process can take place more conducive and focused. Basically, the relevance of learning strategies in learning activities more towards the achievement of learning objectives. The achievement of learning objectives sought in the knowledge and skills called instructional effect. As for the achievement of learning objectives sought in the ability to think critically and creatively called nurturant effect (Anitah W, et al, 2007). To achieve the learning objectives should be selected learning strategies in accordance with the characteristics of the concepts being taught. Therefore, the process of achieving basic competencies developed through the selection of learning strategies that include face-to-face teaching and learning experience. As has been mentioned that the learning activities in class are not only determined by the didactic-methodical what is used, but also by how the role of the teacher to select and enrich the learning experience of students. The learning experience is both physical and mental activity of the student to interact with teaching materials (Depdiknas, 2003). Learning strategy has a fairly wide range because inside there are various approaches and methods. Learning approach in education involves the process and learning outcomes, but created the learning approach is more oriented mainly on aspects of the learner. Whatever approach is used in learning activities, students should be positioned as the primary focus.


3. SETS approach (Science, Environment, Technology and Society) SETS approach which in English is called "science, environment, technology, and society", abbreviated SETS is an approach that involves elements of science, environment, technology, and society. This approach integrates thinking STS (science, technology, and society) and EE (environmental education) by giving a new philosophy in it. With this approach students are conditioned to be capable of applying scientific principles to produce technology (simple or complex depending on education levels), accompanied with the idea to reduce or prevent possible negative impacts that may arise from the emergence of technology products on the environment and society. Picture of entanglement between elements of science, environment, technology and society influence each other can be seen in the following figures (in Dania Tika Iskandar 2009).

Teaching science can use SETS approach to understand the concept and development to serve the public good to the mind and the environment. According to Sumintono in Dania Tika (2009), there are two contexts in learning science:


a. Students' daily interactions with the world around, b. Involves a broader scope of science through technology on society, with the aim of teaching science is moving out of the mere teaching of science. Basically SETS is the integrated learning approach. This approach is a learning system that allows students either individually or in groups actively seek, explore, and discover scientific concepts and principles in a holistic, meaningful and authentic. Based on the nature of the approach SETS above, according to Iskandar in Dania Tika (2009) can be put forward some of the characteristics of the approach SETS. a. Holistic A symptom or event that becomes the center of attention in the approach SETS observed and analyzed from various fields of study as well, not from the standpoint of the boxes. SETS approach allows students to understand a phenomenon from all sides. In turn, this will make students become more wisdom and tact in addressing or dealing with events that are before them. b. Meaningful Assessment of a phenomenon from various aspects as described above, allows the formation of such a tangle among fellow students have. In turn, this will impact on the meaningfulness of the material studied. Apparent reference obtained from any concept, and its links with other concepts will increase the meaningfulness of the concept being studied it. This resulted in a more functional learning activities and students able to apply the acquisition of learning to solve real problems in life.


c. Authentic SETS approach enables students to understand directly the concepts and principles to be studied. This is because students learn to direct their own activities, understanding of learning outcomes (the result of interactions with the facts and events) themselves are not just a teacher notice. Information and knowledge gained in character more authentic. Teachers more as facilitators and students act as information and knowledge seekers actors. Teachers provide guidance about where the route and provide facilities as optimal as possible so that the achievement of that goal. d. Active SETS approach is essentially based on the approach developed by discovery inquiry. Students need to engage actively in the learning process, from planning, implementation, until the evaluation process. SETS approach to design is not solely the activity of each field of study has something to do. SETS approach can be developed of a theme to be mutually agreed by glancing at aspects of the curriculum that can be learned through the development of the theme. SETS in education reflects the essence of how to do and what can be reached by education SETS. SETS education should be able to make the students who study both students and citizens truly understand the relationship of each element in the SETS. An inseparable relationship between science, environment, technology and society is a reciprocal two-way relationship that can be assessed benefits or losses generated. In the end, learners are able to respond and resolve


any problems relating to the Earth's resources as well as social issues and global issues, and eventually boils down to save the earth. Educational success SETS with adequate depth is very relevant to solving problems that plagued everyday life. For example the problem of pollution, unemployment, natural disasters, social unrest, and others. These issues can be brought into the classroom and studied through SETS education to looked for a solution, at least to prevent it. SETS education per se will lead learners to think globally and act locally and globally in solving the problems faced everyday. The problems in the community was brought into the classroom to be solved using SETS integrated education in the interrelationships among the elements of science, environment, technology, society. Learners are trained to be able to think globally to solve local problems, national and international levels in accordance with the ability to think and bernalarnya. Learners are guided to have a sensitivity to the problems in society and play an active role to contribute to finding solutions. SETS education can overcome the disadvantages of classical education system where learners are invited cruised to resolve the subject matter, without a clearly known implementations of learners towards the subject matter absorption (Does the subject matter can be controlled in whole or in part, and the basic competencies of what has been achieved). So SETS Education can anticipate some basic things in equipping learners, including:


a. Avoiding 'oriented material' in education without knowing the problems in society locally, nationally, and internationally. b. Have enough stock for students to meet the globalization era. c. Learners are able to address and resolve any problems relating to the preservation of the earth, social issues, global issues, such as pollution problems, unemployment, social unrest, the impact of technology and others to ultimately boils down to save the earth. d. Equip learners with the ability to solve problems with the reasoning of science, environment, technology, social integration, both within and outside the classroom. (Mahar-Fitri, 2010) SETS approaches should give students the knowledge appropriate to the level of education. Contents SETS education given in accordance with the results of a targeted education. The exact relationship between the SETS in the discussion are the links between topics with everyday life. This means that the discussion related to students' lives should take precedence. SETS is the target of teaching students how to create in order to conduct an investigation to gain knowledge pertaining to science, environment, technology, and society-related (Wulandari in Falconhive, 2010). In other words, students are taken on the atmosphere close to the real lives of students so that students are expected to develop the knowledge they already have to be able to resolve the problems expected to arise around her life. To understand the approach SETS will require an understanding of the elements contained in an integrated learning


a. Approach STM (Science, Technology, Society) Learning with STM approach is an approach that covers all aspects of education that is objective, topics / issues to be explored, learning strategies, evaluation, and preparation of performance / teacher. This approach involves students in setting goals, implementation procedures, information retrieval, and evaluation. STM approach has the following characteristics. (1) identification of the problem (by students) in a society that has a negative impact, (2) use the existing problems in a society that found students who have anything to do with natural sciences as a vehicle to convey the subject, (3) use of resources contained in both material and human society as a resource for scientific information and information technology that can be applied in solving real problems of everyday life, (4) Increasing students' awareness of the impact of science and technology, (5) engage students to search for scientific information and information technology that can be applied in solving real problems drawn from everyday life. Iskandar in Falconhive (2010). b. Learning of Science, Technology, and Literacy (STL) Literacy comes from the word literacy means "literate" or literacy. STL is the ability to recognize the impact besera technology, the ability to use and maintain technological products, the ability to resolve problems with the concepts of science, the ability to make the results of a simplified engineering technology, as well as the ability to analyze the phenomenon of events based on the concept of IPA (Nurkhotiah in Falconhive, 2010) c. Learning of Environment


Learning approach is a learning environment that integated elements in the material environment of learning that aims to form students from a variety of student behaviors that lead to the destruction of the environment-conscious behavior toward the environment and responsive to changes in the environment. Establish environmental education students become aware of the environment. Environmental awareness has cognitive and affective meaning. Environmentally conscious has several meanings: (1) know and express the impact of behavior on the environment, (2) know and be able to express about the settlement, (3) understand the need for research as a preparation step of decision making, (4) understand the importance of cooperation in solving problems environment (Mastur in Falconhive, 2010). Of the various opinions on the above, the authors concluded that learning approaches SETS is a contextual learning experience where learners are often experienced in the environmental community was brought into the classroom to suit the material being taught. The experience is meant here is the application of science (the question of natural phenomena) or the products of technology (the working principle of the technology or issue) 4. Main Matter reviews Redox Reactions. The concept of redox material is abstract and mathematical calculations needed. Mastery of the concept of redox greatly supported by students' skills in determining the valence electrons an element and calculate mathematically in the determination of the oxidation state of an element. The material taught in the classroom redox concept X in the second semester. This material is taught for 10


hour lesson or 5 sessions, for teaching and learning process conducted 4 times for test results of the meeting and learn first meetings.\ a. Standards of competence: Understanding the properties of non-electrolyte solution and the oxidationreduction reaction. b. Basic Competence: Explain the development of oxidation-reduction reaction and its relationship with the nomenclature of compounds and their application c. Indicator: 1.Distinguish the concept of oxidation in terms of reduction of the incorporation and release of oxygen, oxidation reduction concept in terms of the release and acceptance of electrons and oxidation reduction concept in term sof increasing and decreasing oxidation. 2. Determine the oxidation number of atoms in a compound element or ion. 3. Determine changes in the oxidation in a redox reaction (reaction without equalization) 4.Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reactions. 5.Specifies the name of the compound by oxidation 6. Applying the concept of redox in solving environmental problems (activated sludge) d. Main Material Redox Reactions On the subject of this redox reaction, will discuss the concept of redox consists of three basic concepts, determination of oxidation, the naming of


compounds based on oxidation and redox concept application in solving environmental problems. 1. Redox Concept divided as 3 main concept, that is : 1. Redox concept based on gain and lost of oxygen Oxidation define as reaction between an element and oxygen Examples : 2 Mg(s) + O2 (g) 2MgO (s) CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2H2O Reduction is a reaction of oxygen releasing of a substance examples : CuO (s) + H2 Cu (s) + H2O (g) FeO (s) + CO Fe (s) + CO2 (g) 2. Redox concept based on gain and lose of electron Oxidation is a releasing of electron proces and reduction is a gain of electron. Examples : 2K (s) + Cl2 2K+ClK K+ + e- (oksidasi) Cl + e- Cl- (reduksi) 3. Redox concept based on oxidation number changing Oxidation is increasing of oxidation number Reduction is decreasing of oxidation number


Oxidation number is a charge that have by an atom in their bonding with other atom. In determination of oxidation number there are some rules as a guide of oxidation number determinatio in a compound or an ion. 1. 2. 3. Free element is = 0 Ion oxidation number same with the charge The amount of an elementin a molecule or ion are same with the charge of the molecule or ion. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Oxidation number O = -2, excep in F2O= +2, H2O2 dan BaO2 = -1 Oxidation number H = +1 (except in hidryde= -1) Oxidation number of alkaly group = +1 Oxidation number of soil alkaly = + 2 VIIA group = -1, dan VIA group ( O and S )= -2 The other Oxidation number of S = +4 dan +6 On the subject matter of this redox reaction also discussed the naming Example; 1. -2 oxidation 0

H2S(g) + HNO3(aq) S(s) + NO(g) + H2O(l) +5 1. Fe2O3 = Biloks O = -2 Biloks Fe = x ( 3 atom O) x (-2) = -6 (2 atom Fe ) x (x) = 2x Jumlah biloks = 0 -6 + 2x = 0 maka x = +3 jadi, biloks Fe = +3 reduction +2


Autoredoks reaction (disproportionation) is a reaction that has oxidation and reduction reactions simultaneously. 2. Naming of compound based on oxidation a.Naming based on oxidation compounds were divided into two ways, namely: 1. The Old way, metal latin name mentioned with the suffix

-o for low metal oxidation berbilangan -i for the high metal oxidation 2. New ways (Stock System), called the name of the metal oxidation state is followed without the distance elements in Roman numerals in parentheses (Roman numerals), then mentioned the name of the remaining acid. 3. The concept of redox in the Environment Redox reactions contribute in handling environmental issues with the activated sludge process.


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Types of Research This study is a descriptive type of research to find out how much the effectiveness of the approach to learning chemistry SETS Main Content Redox concepts to students in grade 15 X3 SMA Makassar. B. Place and Time Research The research was carried out in the second semester 2010/2011 academic year are located in SMA Negeri 15 Makassar Class X-3 for 3 weeks. C. Design Research This study uses a type of research design post test only design, the design of the study based solely on the value of the final test, which is described in figure 3.1
Jenis Kelompok Perlakuan Post - Test

D. Subject Research Research subjects in this study were students in grade 15 X3 SMA Makassar. E. Research Variables Research variable is a single variable that is the effectiveness of the approach to learning chemistry SETS in class X SMAN 15 Makassar with redox subject matter. F. Term Limits


1. SETS learning approach is a learning-centered approach to teachers and students by way of permanent teachers provide learning which is a chemical science concepts of science (the concept of redox) in SETS element to be achieved in the learning process, viewed from one another within the elements SETS keterkaiatan and development to forms of technology to environmental and community interests. SETS The stages in this approach are: a. Orientation phase, this phase students are directed by the teacher about what will be learned and how learning takes place. b. Phase appearance ideas, in this phase students are invited to bring gagsan or questions based on the handouts that have read or the questions that come from outside handouts. c. Phase disclosure and exchange of ideas, in this phase students are welcome to begin to uncover the ideas or questions that arise after reading the handout. d. Phase application of the idea, at this phase students are encouraged to begin thinking about the answers to these questions with the help of teachers and in the process of group discussion. e. Phase of the review of ideas and ideas that emerged, in this phase the teacher reviewed the answers of the presentation with the goal of perception. 2. Learning Approach SETS effectiveness in this study in terms of two (2) sides, namely from the exhaustiveness of the class and the average achievement indicators. Effectiveness based on the thoroughness of classes is the average number of completed individual divided by the number of students in one class and then multiplied by 100%. Effectiveness based on the average percentage


completeness indicator is the average number of indicators are completely divided by the number of indicators and then multiplied by 100%. Both review the effectiveness of it which is then used to declare what percentage of the learning effectiveness of the chemical obtained from the use of this approach SETS. G. Research Instruments Research instruments are the tools used to acquire and collect data in order to solve the problem of research to achieve certain goals. (Ibn in Dania Tika, 2009). In this study using two instruments are pieces of the observation and study the results of chemical tests 1.Observation Sheet Observation sheet is the instrument used by the researchers during the learning process of chemical approaches lasted SETS, which is reviewed individually and the group. The assessment indicators on individual observations are: (1) willingness to ask students, (2) willingness to answer questions, and (3) the seriousness of the moment of learning. Assessment indicators in the observation group are: (1) the accuracy of answers, (2) explanation of the procedures, (3) the ability to present, and (4) the ability to link between the elements in the SETS. Group distribution list, a list of questions, student worksheets and student observation assessment format can be seen in appendix 2.3 - 2.6 2. Tests Learning Result The instrument used to determine student learning outcomes when applied SETS approach to learning basic concepts of chemistry with redox material, by


providing test results at the end of learning learning redox reactions. Tests learning outcomes (post test) is based on learning objectives to be achieved. This test aims to measure the ability of the subject matter of understanding the concept of chemical redox reactions. Form of the given problem is multiple choice. Previous question totaled 35 points (Annex 1.2). Then consulted with faculty validator (Jusniar, S. Pd, M. Pd) and tested on one class XI SMAN 15 Makassar. Furthermore, researchers conducted an analysis about the test items that have been tested with the validation test items, to determine the validity and Reliability of the matter. Based on the validation results obtained, the amount of matter is valid which is 20 grains of matter. Assessment instruments used refers to the minimal criteria of exhaustiveness in SMAN 15 Makassar, which is complete and 75 <75 considered incomplete. H. Research Procedure Teaching and learning process carried out by using the approach to learning chemistry SETS 'redox reaction' that began in mid-April until early May academic year 2011/2012. The research was carried out 5 times a meeting, 4 meetings for teaching and learning approaches and a SETS sessions for test administration. The steps of learning to be done is: a.Initial activities Phase 1 (Orientation) The teacher directs students to examine the lessons of past and provide motivations for improving the learning process.


b. Main Activities Phase 2 (occurrence Ideas) Teachers distribute hand-out (attachment 2.2) to students which contains material about the 'redox', then told students to read the article, then ask the questions related to the article or articles from outside. Phase 3 (Disclosure idea) The teacher asks the students to ask questions after all the students finished reading the article as a form of brainstorming. The question was later clarified by the teacher, but the first is answered by the students themselves. The allocation of time given to students to read and make the question is 30 minutes. Phase 4 (Application Ideas) The teacher directs students to conduct group discussions with friends about the questions to be answered, then the answers were presented to the same perception. Phase 5 (reviewing the idea and the idea of change) Aligning teacher and review the results of the percentage of students' answers, inorder not to obtain the concept of error. c. Concluding Activities The teacher divide student practice questions that berhubngan with material that has been discussed, to determine the extent to which students' understanding of this material. I. Data Collection Techniques The collection of data obtained through direct observation per individual and observations on kegiataan group presentations, student worksheets (Practice


Problems), and the test results after studying the concept of redox process of teaching approaches SETS. J. Data Analysis Techniques Descriptive analysis is used to describe the results obtained by students studying chemistry after following the course material. The data analyzed in this study is to learn the results of the test data at the end of the meeting, which is used to determine how much of the learning effectiveness of the chemical after being applied SETS approach to the learning process. Observation sheet and the value assignment is used as supporting data in the discussion. 1.Score convertion to value

SS x 100 SI
Keterangan: N = Student value SS = learning result score SI = ideal score (Arikunto, 2003:278)

Based on data obtained minimum completeness criteria in SMAN 15 Makassar, exhaustiveness minimal category can be seen in table 3.1. Table 3.1 Categories minimum completeness criteria (KKM) SMAN 15 Makassar Nilai Kategori 0 -74 Tidak tuntas 75 100 Tuntas (sumber, SMA Negeri 15 Makassar) 2. Completely Class; to determine the thoroughness persentse a class with the following equation: Tk = Notes ;


Tk : class completeness Tp : completeness of individual amount N : sample amount The percentage of standard class completeness Makassar SMAN 15 80%. 3. Effectiveness (in terms of average completeness indicator); determined using the following formula a. Determination of number of students who answered correctly per item, with the following formula;

a. Determination of the average achievement of each indicator (Pn), with the following formula: ( ) ( )

So that, the determination of effectiveness based on the average achievement of the indicators, using the following formula:

( )


BAB IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Research Result 1. Result Of Desctriptive Analysis The results of descriptive analysis grade X3 SMA 15 Makassar academic year 2010/2011 semester that was taught by SETS approach. Table 4.1 Description of Chemistry Learning Result 32 Total of Student 95 Highest value 25 Lowest value 70 Value interval 73,1 Average value 19.4 Deviation standard Based on Table 4.1 above can be seen that the highest value for postest graders SMAN 15 Makassar X3 is 95 the lowest score 25 with the number of students as many as 32 people the average value obtained was 73, the standard deviation of 3.19 (Appendix 3.1 - 3.3). If the test scores of students are categorized by grade X3 ketidaktuntasan exhaustiveness and then obtained the frequency and percentage of classes that can be seen in Table 4.2, while for the percentage of completeness of each item can be seen in (Appendix 3.5) Table 4.2. Category test scores graders X3 SMA 15 Makassar on completeness and uncompleteness on Redox Reactions subject matter. value 0 74 75 100 Tk = Category Completeness Uncompletenes Research Class Frecuency Percentage 7 21,9 % 25 78,1 %

= 78% (appendix 3.4 ) 2. Tabel 4.3 Percentage of indicator achievement



Indicator Explain what is Redox based on the release of oxygen, electron transfer and changes in oxidation number Determine the oxidation number of atoms of the element in compounds or ions Determine changes in redox oxidation (without equalization reaction) Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents of a reaction Determining the the nomenclature ionic compounds

item 4 5 19 10 16 17 3 9 12 18 11 13 1 6 2 8 15 20 7

Score 24 29 26 16 16 24 31 21 23 21 16 17 29 20 32 26 28 17 25



70.31 %


74.99 %


3 4

51.56 % 76.56 %

Uncomplete Complete

79.99 %


Giving examples of events that 14 32 involve redox reactions in 100% Complete everyday life 55.25 % The effectivenes Based on Table 4.2 shown the achievement of each indicator from the

Student Results. From these data there are 4 of 6 indicators ie indicators that fall completely into the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th while the indicator to the 1st and 3rd considered incomplete. Based on the average achievement of the above indicators, then obtained the value of the effectiveness of the learning approach SETS is 75.56% (Appendix 3.4) Tabel 4.4 data Description of individual observation The activity of student want to ask 52% The activity of student want to answer 44% The interest of student in learning proceses 78% Average 58 %


Based on Table 4.4 shows that students' classroom activities X3 on asking and answering questions the percentage obtained is 52% and 44%, which is in the category enough. Assessment on student interest in learning redox percentage obtained by 78% average obtained based on the assessment of an individual indicator is above 58% (Appendix 2.6) Tabel 4.5. Description of group observation Right of answer 75% Procedure Explanation 63% Prensenting ability 63% Related between SETS element 38% ability Average 60% Based on the data aboveshows that the highest percentage in the category assessment of the accuracy of the answer which is 75%, the second highest percentage in the category assessment procedures and the ability to present an explanation that is 63%. The lowest percentage of arriving at the rating categories in the ability to link between SETS element namely 38%. Thus the average assessment of observations of group activities is 60% (Appendix 2.7). B. Discussion Based on the results of a descriptive analysis of the results of students studying chemistry class X.3 SMAN 15 Makassar on the subject matter of redox reactions that can be seen in table 4.1, shows that the presence of a very far range between the highest and lowest values that also resulted in the value of the standard deviation obtained large enough. The appointment of the value in Table 4.1 illustrates the distribution of data in this study that there is less good, which is supported by the high value of standard deviation, indicating the spread of the data error rate is less good.


Based on Table 4.2 shows that the standard class exhaustiveness are quite good. This is supported by the percentage of students who completed relatively higher than students who did not complete. However, completeness minimum grade of 80% has not been achieved. This is because, the presence of the test results of a student whose value is nearly meet the standards of KKM in SMA Negeri 15 Makassar preformance category should still be considered incomplete. This has led to a class completeness has not been achieved. However, the percentage increase exhaustiveness obtained more than 73% the percentage of the previous exhaustiveness. In the process, learning chemistry with SETS approach begins by distributing handouts about the material to be taught, in this handout materials will be taught is examined from different sides of the element SETS. After that the students then welcome to ask questions on matters relating to the article, or questions based on the experience of students in their environment. These questions are then given back to students to find the answer, in the form of group work and presentations that aim to activate students in the learning and group work. In the group process and this is the percentage of students are trained to find the concepts of science are studied by linking it with elements of the environment, technology and society. So that the knowledge gained about the students become more meaningful and authentic. Based on observations during the learning process, it looks quite a lot of students who are actively willing to ask, be willing to answer the questions and are interested in learning this material.


This is indicated by the percentage of each individual assessment indicators in table 4.4. Based on observations on the activities of student presentations, viewed from each of the indicators of the accuracy assessment of the answers, explanations of procedures, and the ability to present each in a category which is quite good as seen in table 4.5. However, in all groups of students' skills in linking between elements in the SETS is still lacking, which is also shown in table 4.5. This is because students lack an understanding of technological developments related to the concept of redox, and the problems that arise in the environment and society associated with the concept of redox. In addition, students are still looking confused with a new approach for them SETS. No maximum average observations on the activities of this group are also due, in most of the discussion group members are passive, do not want to think, and just went along. Some children tend to be the boss of the other students, or do all the work group itself. This is an example of the inability of students to share and cooperate in groups. Based on a review of the average percentage of achievement of indicators, the effectiveness for learning the subject matter of redox reactions using SETS learning approach by 76%. Indicators that have the lowest percentage is the third indicator that determines the oxidation state changes in the redox reaction (without equalization reaction). While the indicators that have the highest percentage is an indicator of the six is the redox concept application in solving environmental problems.


The first indicator, the indicator is the percentage of achievement obtained is 70% with incomplete category. The percentage of this achievement could be said enough, because this percentage nearly meet the standards of completeness indicator. Not achieved completeness standards on this indicator because a lack of exercises given by teachers during the debriefing process, especially on the concept of redox materials based on changing oxidation number provided examples of teachers associated with the redox concept based on the oxidation state changes are less and less effective teachers in explaining questions about the concept of redox. The second indicator, the percentage of achievement in this indicator is 75%. Percentage achieved was quite good, since the percentage of achievement of these indicators are already mecapai completeness minimum percentage for each indicator. In addition, achieving a fairly high percentage is because students are quite interested in the discussion on the determination of oxidation number of a compoundor ion, which according to them enjoyable and interesting. So students really understand this method of determining oxidation number. The third indicator, the percentage of achievement in this indicator by 51%. This percentage is classified in the lowest percentage among the total number of redox indicators in the material. The low percentage is caused by one of two types of problems on this indicator is rather difficult to be understood by students, so the percentage is low in this matter, other than that this is also due to lack of teachers give exercises on these indicators and the lack of good planting


concept to the students about the redox reactions associated with oxidation and the changing. The fourth indicator, the percentage of the average achievement of this indicator is 77%. The percentage of this achievement is quite high, but the high percentage of these results appear inconsistent with the results of the average percentage in all three indicators (changes in oxidation reactions without penyetraan redox reactions), should be the high percentage on this indicator should be supported by the high percentage of the indicator Third, because the basic understanding in the determination of oxidizing and reducing agents is that students should understand very well about changes in the oxidation in a redox reaction which aims to find out which one is the oxidation (reductant) and reduction (oxidizer). So that researchers can infer the high pesentase on this indicator, because students do not fully understand very well about the determination of oxidizing and reducing agents, but this has caused the students to cheat on tests of learning outcomes. The fifth indicator, the percentage of achievement in this indicator is 80% and this percentage is the second highest percentage after percentage on six indicators. The achievement of completeness in this indicator because the students seem quite interested in the discussion of this matter, which is relatively easy to understand because students are only required to provide or specify the name of the compound by oxidation. Hence, in the provision of material about these students can do well. Besides this is because the planting concept of determining the oxidation states in a compound or ion is fairly well embedded in students.


The sixth indicator, the percentage of achievement in this indicator is 100%. This is because the material is stressed to students only understand the concept in a redox application in the environment, regardless of redox reactions that occur therein, so that students more easily understand this material. In addition, an understanding of this application being applied in society so that students are easier to understand. And also on Postest given problem for this indicator is only a number. Because, after validation of items and contents are only valid question is classified. Based on the above explanation can be concluded that the effectiveness of learning chemistry by using the SETS approach obtained in terms of exhaustiveness class is 78% and the average percentage completeness indicator amounted to 55.25%. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of data from both the review above, the expected effectiveness in learning chemistry by using the approach SETS (subject Matter Redox Reactions) in the Class X3 looks still less effective to implement, it is also supported by observational data active students in the classroom, both observations observations per individual or per group obtained the percentage by 58% and 60%. Although the percentage of students who obtained activity is not high, but the application of chemical approaches in learning SETS quite well, due to an increase in the percentage of active students in class. Ineffective use of SETS in learning chemistry approach in this study is not due SETS approach was not good, but due to lack sistimatically use this approach in the learning process, less creative in creating and developing research-based


handouts SETS, less creative researchers in handling classroom management SETS approaches and student worksheets that are not based SETS, due to misunderstandings about the purpose of the research student worksheets that are considered as a material evalauasi, but the actual pieces of student work is part of the learning process, so the worksheet students should be based fixed based SETS .


BAB V CONCLUSISON AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that the magnitude of the effectiveness of student learning approaches in the classroom X3 SETS SMAN 15 Makassar Redox Reactions on the subject matter of 55.25% in terms of completeness average percentage each indicator and with the class completeness as much as 78.12% . B. Suggestion Based on the results of the discussion and conclusions obtained from this study, the author proposes some suggestions as follows: 1. It is expected to faculty or subject teachers to give more chemistry exercises on redox reactions matter, especially on concepts related to changes in redox oxidation as well as a matter of distinguishing between the concept of redoxshaped one and another. 2. It is expected to teachers of chemistry in addition to apply the methods and approaches that varied at the time of learning, teachers are also required to carry out in systimatically, directed as well as having an ability and a broader the creativity in applying the approach or methods used. 3. It is expected to further researcher that will research the same topic to be very concerned about systematic implementation of the method or approach. In addition further research is also expected at the time of the study not only focused on student learning result that determine the success or failure of an approach or


method used. But, assessment of individual observations during the learning process is also important.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Binadja, Achmad. 1999a. Hakekat dan Tujuan Pendidikan SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Sociey) Dalam Konteks dan Pendidikan yang ada. Makakalah disajikan dalam seminar lokakarya Pendidikan SETS untuk bidang Sains dan Non Sains. Kerjasama antara SEAMEORECSAM dan UNNES Semarang 14-15 Desember 1999. Binadja, Achmad. 1999b. Cakupan Pendidikan SETS untuk Bidang Sains dan Non Sains. Makalah disajikan dalam seminar lokakarya Pendidikan SETS untuk bidang Sains dan Non Sains. Kerjasama antara SEMEORECSAM dan UNNES Semarang 14 -15 Desember 1999. Binadja, Achmad 1999c. Pendidikan SETS Penerapannya dalam Pengajaran. Makalah disajikan dalam seminar lokakarya Pendidikan SETS untuk bidang Sains dan Non sains. Kerjasama antara SEAMORECSAM dan UNNES Semarang. 14 -15 Desember 1999. Darsono, Max. 2000. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press. FalconHive. 2010. Pembelajaran salingtemas. Diakses Tanggal 22 Oktober 2010. Harjanto, 2003, Perencanaan Pengajaran, rineka Cipta; Jakarta. Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Yogyakarta. Mahar, Media,

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Nur, M. dan Prima, R.W. 2000. Pengajaran Berpusat kepada Siswa dan Pendekatan Konstruktivis dalam Pengajaran. Surabaya : UNESAUniversity Press. Oxford University. (2001). Concise Oxford Dictionary, Tenth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford University. (2003). Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. Purwaningsih, Asih. 2005. Pembelajaran kimia berpendekatan SETS untuk meningkatkan kemampuan ketrampilan berpikir kritis dam kreatif siswa kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Semarang, skripsi online. http://www.digilib.unes. di akses pada tanggal 24 Desember 2010. Poerwadarminto, 1986, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, balai Pustaka; Jakarta. Roestiyah N.K. 1991. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Bina Aksara Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. Starawajis Blog. Efektivitas Pembelajaran ( online ). file:/D:/EFEKTIVITAS%20PEMBELAJARAN%20%C2%AB%20 Starawaji's%20Blog.htm. Di akses pada tanggal 16 Januari, 2010. Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta. Tika, Prasetia, D.2009. Penerapan Strategi SALINGTEMAS dan Jigsaw Pada Materi Zat Aditif dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Sikap Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 8 Pasuruan. Sripsi. Jurusan Kimia, Universitas Negeri Malang. Malang. Diakses tanggal 22 Oktober 2010. Warsita, 2008. Teknologi Pembelajaran Landasan dan Aplikasi. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.





Appendix 1.1 INSTRUMENT OUTLINE Subject Matter Class/Semester Strnd Question Form Question amount Standard of Competence : Chemistry : XI/I : Redox Reaction : Multiple choice : 20 : to understand the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte and the oxidation reduction reaction. Matter Cognitive Level C3 C3 C2 C3 C3 C3 C2 C2 C3 C2 Question Number 4 5 10 16 17 19 3 9 12 18 Question amount

Competence Standard

Indicator To explain the definition of redox based on oxygen loose, electron moving and oxidation number changing

Explain the developing of redoks reaction concept afgjlnd the relation with the compound nomenclature and its application

To determine the oxidation number of an element in the compound. To determine the oxidation number chnging in redox (without balancing reaction) To determine reductor and oxidator of a reaction

Oxidation and reduction concept and oxidation number in a compound or an ion

C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C3 C2 C2 C3

11 13 1 6 2 7 8 15 20

2 2

To determine the compound naming of an ion

Nomenclature of IUPAC

Giving an example about redox reation in daily

Redox application in the environment




Appendix 1.2 INSTRUMENT TEST Subject Matter : Chemistry Class :X Academic Year : 2010 2011 Time allocation : 60 minutes Choose one of the correct answer! 1. In the reaction 2KMnO4 + 8H2SO4 + 10FeSO4 K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5Fe2(SO4)3 + 8H2O, substance as an oxidator is a. KMnO4 b. H2SO4 c. FeSO4 2. The right molecular formula for Dinitrogen tetraoksida compound is a. b. c. N2O NO2 N2O3 HNO2 N2 d. NH3 e. HNO3 d. N2O4 e. Na2O d. K2SO4 e. H2O

3. The smallest oxidation number of N found in a. b.

c. N2O5 4. The autoredoks reaction is a. CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 b. 2Ag + Cl2 2AgCl c. 2Na + 2H2O NaOH + H2 d. 3K2MnO4 + 4HCl MnO2 + 2KMnO4 + 4KCl + 2H2O e. 2HNO2 + 2HBr 2NO + Br2 + 2H2O 5. Base on this reactiondetermine the reductor! Fe2+ + 2H+ + NO3- Fe3+ + NO2 + H2O a. Fe2+ b. NO3c. Fe3+ d. NO2 e. H2O


6.This spesion that impossibele as reductor is a. Brb. Na+ c. Fe2+ 7. Chemical formula of iron (III) fosfit dan timah(IV) sulfat are a. FePO4 dan TiSO4 b. FePO4 dan Sn2SO4 c. Fe3(PO3)3 dan Sn(SO4)4 d. Fe2PO3 dan Ti(SO4)2 e. FePO3 dan Sn(SO4)2 8. Name of PCl5 compound is... a. Fosforus klorida b. Fosforus diklorida c. Fosforus triklorida d. Fosforus pentaklorida e. Pentafosforus klorida 9. Sulphur atom with same oxidation number found in the compound a. SO2, Na2S2O3, NaHSO3 b. H2S, H2SO3, CuSO4 c. Na2S2O3, SO3, Na2S d. NaHSO4, SO3, H2S2O7 e. Na2S2O3, H2S2O7, H2S 10. The example of oxidation reaction is a. Cu2+ + 2e- Cu b. Cl2 + 2e- 2Clc. 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2 d. Fe2+ Fe3+ + ee. CuO + H2 Cu + H2O d. 6 mol e. 7 mol 11. Reduction of 1 mole MnO4- become Mn2+ need electron as much as a. 3 mol b. 4 mol c. 5 mols d. H2 e. Cl-


12. Oxidation number of Molibdenum (Mo) in Mo2O3, MgMoO3, Mo2O5, dan Na2MoO4 is a. 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 3, 4, 5, 6 c. 2, 3, 4, 6 13. Electron amount of this reaction...
oksidasi reduksi : Cu : Cl2 + ... Cu2+ + ... 2Cl-

d. 2, 4, 5, 6 e. 2, 3, 5, 6

adalah a. b. 3 8 d. 7 e. 5

c. 12 14. Waste water organic treatment with active sludge including . a. Caporite Compound b. Radioactive element c. Microorganism d. Tanah liat e. Chalk stone 15. Name of K2Cr2O7 is a. b. c. Kalium dikromat (VI) Kalium kromat (VI) Kalium kromat (V)

d. Kalium dikromat (V) e. Kalium kromat (IV) 16. Where is not redox reaction a. b. c. d. e. Cl2 + 2e- 2ClC6H12O6 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O 4Fe + 3O2 2FeO3 Zn Zn2+ + 2e2Na + O2 2Na2O

17. Oxidation number of Cl : 0, +3, +4 in thiese compound are....



Cl2, HClO2, ClO2, KClO3

b. HClO2, Cl2, NaClO4, ClO2 c. ClO2, Cl-, KClO3, Cl2 d. KClO3, ClO2, Cl-, NaClO4 e. NaClO4, KClO3, ClO2, Cl18. Phosporous in Ca2P2O7. 4H2O has oxidation number a. +3 b. -3 c. +5 19. Between this reaction, oxygen that occuring reduction found in.... a. 2KClO3 + 3S 2KCl + 3SO2 b. H2O2 + 2KI + 2HCl 2KCl + I2 + 2H2O c. 2H2S + SO2 3S + 2H2O d. CuO + 2HCl CuCl2 + H2O e. Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl CaCl2 + 2H2O 20. IUPAC name of Cu2S compound is ... a. b. c. d. e. Cuprum (II) sulfide Cuprum (II) sulphate Cuprum (II) sulphite Cuprum (I) sulfide Cuprum (I) sulphite d. -5 e. +7


ANSWERING KEY Instrument of Result Study 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. E 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. D




Appendix 2.1 LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time A. Competence Standard Understanding the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions, oxidation and reduction reactions. B. Basic competence Explain the development of the concept of oxidation reduction reactions and its relation to the nomenclature of compounds and their application. C. Indicator Students can: 1. Differentiate the concept of oxidation in terms of reduction of the incorporation and release of oxygen, the release and reception of electrons, and from the increase and decrease in oxidation 2. Determine the oxidation number of element atoms in compounds or ions 3. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reactions D. Learning Objectives: After studying this material students can explain the difference between the concepts of oxidation and reduction based on the release of oxygen incorporation, the release and reception of electrons, as well as increase and decrease in oxidation. Determine reduction and oxidation of a compound and the oxidizing and reducing agents of a redox reaction. E. Sources, media and materials - Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Media, Yogyakarta. : Senior High School 15 Makassar : Chemistry : Oxidation Reduction Concept : X/ II : 1st : 2 x 45 minutes


- Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. - Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. - Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. - Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta. 1. Worksheet 2. White board and booardmarker 3. Material ( hand-out ) 4. Teaching and learning process Models of teaching and learning: The conventional model Method: The method of discussion, question and answer method and the provision of duty Approach: Approach SETS Initial Activity Phase 1 (Orientation) 1. Teachers prepare students to carry out the learning process and to check student attendance 2. Teachers inform the indicators to be achieved 3. The teacher provides students motivation by asking questions. a. What do you know about oxygen ? b. What do you know about electrons? c. What do you know about oxidation? Main Activity Phase 2 (occurrence Ideas) 1.Teacher told the students that learning is done will differ from biasanya.Guru explain to students that the topic of learning derived from the article the concept of redox and oxidation. The contents of the article related to the redox Time (10 minute)


concept and its application in everyday life (holistic and authentic). Teacher first and then relate it to the material. 2.Teacher explains that students must read and explore the contents of the article is then issued an opinion in the form of free pegajuan questions that are still in the corridor of the article. Then they answer themselves (significantly) in group discussions (active) 3Teacher distribute hand-out (attachment 2.2) to students which contains material about the 'concept of oxidation reduction and oxidation compounds within the compound or ion'. Phase 3 (Disclosure and exchange of ideas) 1.Teacher asks students to read, learn and explore the contents of articles that have been granted and warned the students to ask questions related to the article as a form of sharing opinions. The question was later clarified by the teacher and answered by the students themselves. The allocation of time given to students to read and make the question is 30 minutes. 2.Teacher asks students to write questions that have been made on the whiteboard. Phase 4 (Application of ideas) 1.Done clarification of a number of questions. Question that is thrown back on students to answer. 2.Requesting on students to answer questions that can not be answered at this meeting to discuss the group. The group is based on each individual's interest in a number of questions there and still not be answered. Phase 5 (Reviewing the ideas and changes of ideas) 1. Teacher opening question and answer session with students about


questions and tasks to be performed. 4Teacher distributed to the student worksheets discussion task 5.Teacher divide students into several groups to examine these questions unanswered. Closing Activity 1Teachers conduct contract with students to accomplish the tasks of unanswered questions 2.Teacher close the lesson and greeted . F. Assessment Cognitive 1. Assessment procedures on the process of learning and work tasks .. 2. Presentation. 3. task LKS 4. Individual Evaluation. Affective. Affective assessment done by assessing students' attitudes during the learning takes place and an assessment of student attendance. G. form Test - Multiplechoice (final test of learning redox) - Essay (Task LKS) Makassar, Apr 5th, 2011 Teacher Researcher Timer (5 minute)

Dra.Rahayu Suprianti ID: 19611217 198803 2 005

Ezzar Fitriyani ID : 071 304 159


LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time : Senior High School 15 Makassar : Chemistry : Oxidation Reduction Concept : X/ II : 2nd : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Competency Standards Understanding the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions, oxidation and reduction reactions. B. Basic competence Explain the development of the concept of oxidation reduction reactions and its relation to the nomenclature of compounds and their application. C. Indicator Students can: 1. Distinguish the concept of oxidation in terms of reduction of the incorporation and release of oxygen, the release and reception of electrons, and increase and decrease in oxidation 2. Determine the oxidation number of element atoms in compounds or ions 3. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reactions D. Learning Objectives: After studying this material students can explain the difference between the concepts of oxidation and reduction based on the release of oxygen incorporation, the release and reception of electrons, as well as increase and decrease in oxidation. E. Sources, media and materials - Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Media, Yogyakarta. - Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. - Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. - Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. - Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta.


1. Lembar kerja siswa 2. Papan tulis dan spidol 3. Materi ajar ( hand-out ) 4. Teaching and learning process Models of teaching and learning: The conventional model Method: The method of discussion,

question and answer method, and giving tasks Approach : SETS apparoach Initial Activities 1. Teachers prepare students to carry out the learning process and to check student attendance 2. Teachers inform the indicators to be achieved 3. Explain to students that at this meeting is a class presentation by students. Main Activity

Time(3 minute )

Time (85 minute)

Phase 1 (orientation) 1. The teacher asks what about the preparedness of students in preparing for his presentation today.

Phase 2 (occurrence of ideas) 1. Teachers review the material a little about the concept of redox and oxidation are carried out by students in the form of task groups.

Phase 3 (Exchange of ideas) 1. Teacher melotre which group will advance to the front of the class to first present the results of the answer to his friends the other.

Phase 4 (Application Ideas) 1.Teacher provide guidance relating to the discussions


(meaningful and active).

2. Become facilitators and moderators in front of the class. 3. Provide reinforcement in the discussion (reinforcement of important concepts).

4. Giving an explanation or comment, if necessary. 5. Guiding students in classroom discussions. Phase 5 (Reviewing the idea) 1.Doing clarification of a number of questions. Question that is thrown back on students to answer.

2.Requesting students to answer questions that can not be answered at this meeting to discuss the group. The group is based on each of the questions that exist and still can not be answered.. Closing Activity Time (2 minute)

1.After all the presentation is finished, the teacher closes the classroom discussion by providing comments to the discussions that have been done.

2.Conclude learning outcomes that have been done. 3.Menginformasikan the students that at the next meeting will be held evaluation.

4.Closing the lesson by saying hello. F. Assessment Cognitive 1. Assessment procedures on the process of learning and work tasks .. 2. Presentation. 3. task LKS 4. Individual Evaluation. Affective. Affective assessment done by assessing students' attitudes during the learning takes place and an assessment of student attendance.


G . form Test - Multiplechoice (final test of learning redox) - Essay (Task LKS) Makassar, Apr 6th, 2011 Teacher Researcher

Dra.Rahayu Suprianti ID: 19611217 198803 2 005

Ezzar Fitriyani ID : 071 304 159


LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time A. Competency Standards Understanding the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions, oxidation and reduction reactions. B. Basic competence Explain the development of the concept of oxidation reduction reactions and its relation to the nomenclature of compounds and their application. C. Indicator Students can: 1. Provide the name of the compound according to IUPAC 2. Describe the concept and the concept of a redox electrolyte solution in solving envir onmental problems. D. Learning Objectives: After studying this material the students could name berdasrkan compounds IUPAC rules as well as applications in solving the issue with the concept of redox environment. E. Sources, media and materials Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Media, Yogyakarta. Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta. 1. Worksheet : Senior High School 15 Makassar : Chemistry : Oxidation Reduction Concept : X/ II : 3rd : 2 x 45 minutes


2. Whiteboard and boardmarker 3. Matter (hand-out ) 4. Teaching and learning process Models of teaching and learning Method : The conventional model : The method of discussion, question and answer method, and giving tasks Approach : SETS apparoach

Pre Activity Phase 1 (Orientation) 1. Teachers prepare students to carry out the learning process and to check student attendance 2. Teachers inform the indicators to be achieved 3. The teacher provides students motivation by asking questions. a. What do you know about oxygen b. What do you know about electrons? c. What do you know about oxidation? Main Activity Phase 2 (occurrence Ideas) 1.Teacher told the students that learning is done will differ. Teacher explain to students that the topic of learning derived from the handout 'naming chemical compounds and applications in redox concept'. The contents of the handout relating to the naming of chemical compounds in daily life, as well as the application of the concept in a redox environment issues (holistic and authentic). Teacher first and then relate it to the material.

Time (5 minute)

Time(85 minute)


2 Teacher explains that students must read and explore the contents of the article then do share the opinion of pegajuan free questions that are still in the corridor of the article. Then they answer themselves in discussion groups with the aim that the concept gained more meaningful and more students aktif.s 3. Teacher distribute hand-out (attachment 2.2) to students which contains material about the 'nomenclature of chemical compounds and redox concept application in everyday life'. Phase 3 (Disclosure and exchange of ideas) 1.Teacher asks students to read, learn and explore the contents of the handouts that have been granted and warned the students to ask questions related to the article as a form of brainstorming. The question was later clarified by the teacher and answered by the students themselves, with the aim that students become more active. The allocation of time given to students to read and make the question is 30 minutes. 2.Teacher asks students to write questions that have been made dipapan write Phase 4 (Application of ideas) 1.Teacher with students grouped the questions of students. There are two kinds of questions: questions that can be directly responsible (fall) and questions requiring further research. 2.After answered questions that fall, with students grouped the questions that teachers can not dijkawab into the relevant fields (eg fields of science, technology, and environment). Phase 5 (Reviewing the ideas and changes of ideas) 1.Teacher open question and answer session with students about questions and tasks to be performed. 2.Teacher distributed to the student worksheets discussion


task 3. Teacher divide students into several groups to examine these questions unanswered. Closing Activity 1. Teachers held a contract with students to accomplish the tasks of unanswered questions 2. The teacher closes the lesson and greet. F. Assessment Cognitive 1. Assessment procedures on the process of learning and work tasks .. 2. Presentation. 3. task LKS 4. Individual Evaluation. Affective. Affective assessment done by assessing students' attitudes during the learning takes place and an assessment of student attendance. G . form Test - Multiplechoice (final test of learning redox) - Essay (Task LKS) Makassar, Apr 12th, 2011 Teacher Researcher Time (5 minute)

Dra.Rahayu Suprianti ID: 19611217 198803 2 005

Ezzar Fitriyani ID : 071 304 159


LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time A. Competency Standards Understanding the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions, oxidation and reduction reactions. B. Basic competence Explain the development of the concept of oxidation reduction reactions and its relation to the nomenclature of compounds and their application. C. Indicator Students can: 1. Provide the name of the compound according to IUPAC 2. Describe the concept and the concept of a redox electrolyte solution in solving environmental problems. D. Learning Objectives: After studying this material the students could name berdasrkan compounds IUPAC rules as well as applications in solving the issue with the concept of redox environment. E. Sources, media and materials - Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Media, Yogyakarta. : Senior High School 15 Makassar : Chemistry : Oxidation Reduction Concept : X/ II : 4th : 2 x 45 minutes


- Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. - Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. - Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. - Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta. 1.Worksheet 2.Whiteboard and boardmarker 3.Matter (hand-out ) 4.Teaching and learning process Models of teaching and learning : The conventional model Method : The method of discussion, question and answer method, and giving tasks Approach Intial Activity 1. Teachers prepare students to carry out the learning process and to check student attendance 2. Teachers inform the indicators to be achieved Main Activity Phase 1 (Orientation) The teacher asks what about the preparedness of students in preparing for his presentation today. Phase 2 (occurrence Ideas) Teachers review the material a little nomenclature concept of redox compounds and apllikasi (holistic and authentic) are done by students in the form of task groups Phase 3 (Disclosure and exchange of ideas) Teacher melotre which group will advance to the front of the class to first present the results of the answer to his friends the other (meaningful and active) Time (85 menit) : SETS apparoach Time (2 menit)


Phase 4 (Application of ideas) 1. Teacher provide guidance relating to the discussions 2. Become facilitators and moderators in front of the class. 3. Provide reinforcement in the discussion (reinforcement of important concepts). 4. Giving an explanation or comment, if necessary. 5. Guiding students in classroom discussions. Phase 5 (Reviewing the ideas and changes of ideas) 1. Clarification on a number of questions. Question that is thrown back on students to answer. 2. Asks the students to answer questions that can not be answered at this meeting to discuss the group. The group is based on each individual's interest in a number of questions there and still not be answered Closing Activity 1. After all the presentation is finished, the teacher closes the classroom discussion by providing comments to the discussions that have been done. 2. Summing up the results of learning that has been done. 3. Inform the students that at the next meeting will be held evaluation. 4. Close the lesson by saying hello . F. Assessment Cognitive 1. Assessment procedures on the process of learning and work tasks .. 2. Presentation. 3. task LKS 4. Individual Evaluation. Affective. Affective assessment done by assessing students' attitudes during the learning takes place and an assessment of student attendance. Time (3 menit)


G . form Test - Multiplechoice (final test of learning redox) - Essay (Task LKS) Makassar, Apr 13th, 2011 Teacher Researcher

Dra.Rahayu Suprianti ID: 19611217 198803 2 005

Ezzar Fitriyani ID : 071 304 159


LESSON PLAN School Subject Matter Strand Class/Semester Meeting Time A. Competency Standards Understanding the properties of electrolyte and non electrolyte solutions, oxidation and reduction reactions. B. Basic competence Explain the development of the concept of oxidation reduction reactions and its relation to the nomenclature of compounds and their application. C. Indicator Students can: 1. Distinguish the concept of oxidation in terms of reduction of the incorporation and release of oxygen, the release and reception of electrons, and increase and decrease in oxidation 2. Determine the oxidation number of element atoms in compounds or ions 3. Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reactions 4. Provide the name of the compound according to IUPAC 5. Describe the concept and the concept of a redox electrolyte solution in solving environmental problems. D. Learning Objectives: After studying this material the students could name based on compounds IUPAC rules as well as applications in solving the issue with the concept of redox environment. E. Sources, media and materials - Krisbiyanto, E.Adi, 2009, Buku Sakti Kimia SMA. Kendi Mas Media, Yogyakarta. - Purba, Michael, 2008. TOPS ( Tuntas Olah Paket Soal ). Erlangga. Jakarta. : Senior High School 15 Makassar : Chemistry : Oxidation Reduction Concept : X/ II : 5th : 2 x 45 minutes


- Salirawati, Das dkk, 2007. Belajar Kimia Secara Menarik. Grasindo Kelas X. Jakarta. - Susilowati, Endang. 2009. Theory and Application of Chemistry for grade X of Senior High School. Tiga serangkai. Jakarta. - Sutresna, Nana. 2007. Cerdas Belajar Kimia untuk Kelas X. Grafindo. Jakarta. 1.Worksheet 2.Whiteboard and boardmarker 3.Matter (hand-out) 4.Teaching and learning process Models of teaching and learning Method : The conventional model : The method of discussion, question and answer method,and giving tasks Approach Pre-Activity

: SETS apparoach Time (3 minute)

1. Opened the lesson by saying hello. 2. Explain to students that the learning activities at this meeting is the evaluation of individual tests. 3. Check on school attendance. Main Activity Time (85 minute)

1.divided booklet to the students. 2.Requesting students work on the problems that have been given to the allocation of time of 75 minutes. 3.To check activity tests students' work on the problems. 4.Requesting students to collect the answers and questions when it comes to time. Closing Activity Time (3 menit)

1Remind students to learn new material in preparation for the next meeting.

2. Close the lesson by saying hello.


F. Assessment Cognitive 1. Assessment procedures on the process of learning and work tasks .. 2. Presentation. 3. task LKS 4. Individual Evaluation. Affective. Affective assessment done by assessing students' attitudes during the learning takes place and an assessment of student attendance. G. form Test - Multiplechoice (final test of learning redox) - Essay (Task LKS) Makassar, May 5th, 2011 Teacher Researcher

Dra.Rahayu Suprianti ID: 19611217 198803 2 005

Ezzar Fitriyani ID : 071 304 159


Appendix 2.2 Handout 1 REDOX CONCEPTS AND DETERMINATION OF OXIDATION NUMBERS Redox reactions are often found in everyday life, but you may not know it yet. When you divide the apples then you let the apples, then split the apple that was the color gradually changed color to brown. This is because the apple is the case of a reaction called oksidasi.Selain reactions cause the phenomenon of color changes in apple fruit flesh, these redox reactions also occurred in several other events. You'll often see a rusty iron, which rusted iron is one example of the oxidation reaction of events as follows; 4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g) 2Fe2O3 (s) Or see the event firing? This event also is the oxidation reaction. The process is also an oxidation event. Besides the redox reactions also can you find on bleaching clothes, shock accumulators, metal ore processing, and recycling of silver. Yng processing of iron ore found in the community is one example of the reduction reaction with the reaction as follows; Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO (g) 2Fe (s) + 3CO2 (g) The concept begins with linking the redox reaction of a substance with oxygen. The concept then evolved into a redox reaction involving electron. Over time, the concept of re-developed into a redox reaction that changes oxidation state. 1. The concept of redox based on incorporation and release of oxygen When you divide an apple and a moment later you let the apple a few moments, then you will see the color of the apple flesh turn brown due to interaction with air apple flesh, the air contained some constituent elements such as nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. Brownish discoloration is caused because the flesh of the fruit react with one of the constituent elements of the air is oxygen. In industry and households can be detrimental, because it can make the color of the fruit flesh becomes ugly and not fresh.


Energy that you have from the food you eat come through redox reactions that occur in metabolism digestion. In digestion occurs a combustion reaction, namely the combustion reaction which aims to establish the amount of energy used to move. In life, living things that exist in this world really needs air. Air is used by living things in this world to breathe. Humans breathe in life as much as 10 fold. Formation process of photosynthesis or food or energy called glucose using nutrients, carbon dioxide and water dsan aid of sunlight. The process of photosynthesis plays an important role in generating most of the oxygen contained in air. 2.The concept is based on the handover of electron redox Salt is one type of chemical molecules that often you hear and use in your life, especially as a flavoring. Table salt is the reaction of the elements Na and Cl in the form of ions to produce a compound NaCl. NaCl Na + + ClIf translated; Na Na + + eCl + e- Cl1. The concept is based on an increase in oxidation redox All of you would often hear or see any Corrosive events, which often occurs in a metal by gaseous oxygen in the air, which produce metal oxides with high oxidation states. 4Fe (s) + 3O2 (g) + 6H 2O (l) 2Fe2O3.3H2O (s)


Handout 2 NAMING CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS AND APPLICATIONS OF REDOX CONCEPT In your everyday life, of course, you often interact with the chemicals in industry and non-industry types. Chemical compounds that you see these all have a common name for easy reference to these chemical compounds. In addition redoks concept you have learned previously proved to have applications in the field of environment and everyday life. Therefore, the discussion this time you will study of the concept of naming compounds and redox environment applications. 1. Nomenclature of compounds a. Nomenclature of binary compounds Binary compounds are divided into two, namely: a binary compound between two non-metals and binary compounds of metal and non metal binary compounds advance of Example 2 is the non-metallic, carbon dioxide (CO2). Examples of binary compounds of metals and non-metals is salt, which has the chemical formula NaCl. NaCl and CO2 is included in the class of binary compounds, which in the nomenclature penamaaanya be followed by the suffixida. So that the compound name for table salt is sodium chloride and carbon gas is carbon dioxide. b. Nomenclature polyatomic compounds One example is a polyatomic compound of iron rust. This rusty iron which are compounds derived from elements of iron that turns into rust due to oxidation with air or with strong acids such as sulfuric acid. Pengoksidasian process has resulted in the iron rusted into Fe2O3 to oxidation by air and Fe2(SO4)3 for the oxidation with hydrochloric acid, these compounds are certainly having an easier name to mention. To Fe2O3 name followed by the suffix-ida, so his name to iron (II) oxide, while for Fe2(SO4)3 names followed at all times so that his name suffixat iron (III) sulfate. 2. Application of redox in solving environmental problems


Redox concept has many applications in everyday life that are beneficial to the interests of environment and technology. One application of the application of the concept of the everyday life of redox is in addressing the waste industry. You would often hear or see on television many industrial waste matter (organic waste) in our environment that there is no treatment. Industrial waste (organic waste) when not handled properly can cause foul odors caused by the activity of anaerobic microorganisms that can perform the oxidation without oxygen. Activity of anaerobic microorganisms produce foul smelling gases, including ammonia, methane and sulfide acid. That is why we must treat wastewater to reduce such impacts. Waste treatment water can be overcome by using activated sludge process in the response to this problem of industrial waste.


Appendix 2.3 LIST OF QUESTION I (AFTER READING handout) 1. What is the relationship of the combustion reactions occurring in the body with redox reactions? 2. What is the relationship between the reactions of photosynthesis in plants with a redox reaction? 3. Why apples are peeled it changed color to brown after reacting with air? content of what is contained in the air so that it can lead to apple slices turn brown? reaction to what happened to the apple of meat?

4. What should be done to prevent the process of browning apple of meat? 5. Is the electron charge equal to an atom or ion? 6. What is the relationship of NaCl to the concept of redox compounds based on the handover of the electron? Reaction what happens to the molecules of NaCl? Why such reactions can occur? 7. What is the relationship between the concept of the handover electron redox? 8. Whether any molecules involved in redox reactions in terms of the handover of the electron? 9. How do example redox reactions based on the handover of the electron? 10. Why in the event of metals corrosive, oxides produced has a high value of oxidation? 11. What is oxidation? How do I know the oxidation number of an element? 12. Is the relationship an increase in oxidation with redox concept?


LIST OF QUESTIONS STUDENT 2 (AFTER READING handout) 1. What is the binary compounds and polyatomic compounds? 2. Why does the naming binary compounds, the suffix naming compounds must end with the suffix-ida? 3. Write down examples of compounds are included in the class of binary compounds? And how naming 4. Why on polyatomic compounds are compounds followed by the suffix and the suffix-ida at? 5. What do the roman numerals in parentheses on the naming of complex compounds? 6. What is an activated sludge 7. How does work of activated sludge in dealing with industrial waste (organic waste)? 8. Why the concept of redox may play an important role in addressing environmental problems? 9. What applications in the application of the redox concept of everyday life in addition to the waste handlers to use your activated sludge process


LIST OF TASK GROUP QUESTIONS (Go to Meeting -2 and-4) Group 1: 1. What is the relationship between combustion reactions that occur in the body with redox reactions? 2. What is the relationship between the reactions of photosynthesis in plants with a redox reaction? (Studies of Science, Environment and Society) 3. What should be done to prevent pencokelatan processes that occur in apple fruit flesh? (Review of technology and society) Group 2: 1. What is the relationship of NaCl to the concept of redox compounds based on the handover of the electron? Reaction what happens to the molecules of NaCl? Why such reactions can occur? (Review of science) 2. What is the relationship between the concept of the handover electron redox? 3. Whether any molecules involved in redox reactions in terms of the handover of the electron? 4. How do example redox reactions based on the handover of the electron? (Environmental Assessment) Group 3: 1. Why in the event perkaratan metals, oxides produced has a high value of oxidation? (Assessment of Environment and Society) 2. Is the relationship an increase in oxidation with redox concept? (Review of science) Group 4 1. Why does the naming binary compounds, the suffix naming compounds must end with the suffix-ida? (Review of science) 2. Write down examples of compounds are included in the class of binary compounds? And how its name (Assessment of Environment and Society) 3. Why on polyatomic compounds are compounds followed by the suffix and the suffix-ida at? (Review of science)


5. What do the roman numerals in parentheses on the naming of complex compounds? (Science Studies) Group 5 1. How does work of activated sludge in dealing with industrial waste (organic waste)? (Environmental Studies and society) 2. Why the concept of redox may play an important role in addressing environmental problems? (Technology and Science Study)


LIST OF STUDENT ANSWERS GROUP 1 Raw foods are eaten in the body undergoes a combustion reaction process carbohydrates (glucose), which in the process of combustion reactions of carbohydrate reacts with the oxygen we breathe, the reaction of carbohydrates with oxygen is called "oxidation" or known by the reaction of oxygen binding or merging with . The results of carbohydrate combustion reaction produces CO2 gas, water and an amount of energy used by living things to their activities. C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O and energy The CO2 produced by living organisms on out back keudara which is then used by plants to perform photosynthesis that produce carbohydrates and oxygen, the reaction between carbon dioxide with water produces a reaction results in the form of oxygen, or in other words, releasing oxygen which is also called 'reaction reduction 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O C6H12O6 (aq) + 6O2 (g) Carbohydrate combustion reaction and the reaction of plant photosynthesis are related to each other in life and is one example of the reaction of reduction and oxidation reactions or redox in terms of daily life that the concept of reception and release of oxygen. The fruit is peeled or sliced apples are then allowed a few moments where the object has been pared, then we will find the change in color of the apple becomes brown. Why did it happen? Generally it occurs due to contact between the apples and the air. Why the air? And what was wrong with the air? This is because one element composing of air is oxygen. Oxygen is what causes the apple slices turn brown. So that the reaction between oxygen ith apple fruit flesh is also called the oxidation events or 'oxidation'. Oxidation that occurs in the fruit flesh of this apple, or perhaps in some foods that interact with the oxygen will change the unwanted appearance of hand and cause food to be not good anymore. This must be done to address the problem by soaking the slices of meat is apples in warm water that serves to inhibit the process due to reaction with oxygen browning. In the technology to prevent browning is to prevent the oxidation '.


process with oxygen, that is carried by road to immersion in hot water for 3 minutes, then soaked in a solution of vitamin C 200 mg / liter (1 quart of water put a tablet of vitamin C. so apples stay fresh and even get extra vitamin C 'in other words browning problem in overcoming this is to' warm-up techniques and immersion in vitamin C '. Note: The teacher then megarahkan students' answers and to explain and give examples of the concept of redox berdasrakan oxygen release and reception. GROUP 2 NaCl compound is a compound formed from the reaction between the elements Na and Cl. Na element that has a number of atomic number 11, with the configuration of the elements 2,8,1 and Cl atoms with a bunch of numbers 9 and 2.7 configurations. Both of these elements can react with each other by means melepasakan eletron and accept electrons. Elements with the configuration Na 2,8,1 looks unstable because it has kelbihan an electron, so to make it stable one electron must be removed, while the elements of Cl with 2.7 configuration seemingly unstable because they lack an electron, so that he should receive a electrons to make it stable. An electron from Na atom is released and subsequently accepted by the Cl atom. Handover process is related to electron redox reactions (reduction-oxidation), because the process of releasing an electron from Na atom is called oxidation, while the process of electron acceptance by the Cl atom is called a reduction reaction. So the reaction on the compound NaCl can be described as follows: 2Na 2Na+ + 2e- ( reaksi oksidasi ) Cl2 + 2e 2 Cl- ( reaksi reduksi ) NaCl Na+ + ClOther example: ( redoks )


Reaction between sulphur and Calium ( Ca dan S ) Ca Ca2+ + 2e- ( oksidasi ) S + 2e S2( reduksi ) Ca + S Ca2+ + S2- (redoks) Based on the above reaction can be determined that acts as a reductant and an oxidant. Ca atom has the oxidation reaction to Ca ions by releasing electrons, so the Ca atoms act as the reductant (reducing agent) but he himself is oxidized. S atoms experience a reduction reaction by accepting electrons into sulfate ions, so that he referred to as an oxidant (oxidizing) and he himself experienced a reduction reaction. Examples of the application of redox reactions in life based on the concept of electron GROUP 3 In the event of metal corrosive many people the wrong call that the corrosion was similar to rust. However, they choose a different sense. Corrosion is an event of a metal by oxidation of gaseous oxygen in the air or a redox reaction between a metal with various substances in their environment that produce compounds that are not desired. Rust is something produced in the event of corrosion, the metal oxides with high oxidation state. Oxidation number (oxidation state) has a close connection with the concept of redox, for the determination of a reaction including the reduction or oxidation can be determined also by changes in oxidation state in a reaction. For example, the reaction between hydrogen gas and chlorine gas is a redox reaction, H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) 2HCl (g) but the occurrence is not due process of arrest and release of oxygen electron or based on concept. Why is the reaction between hydrogen gas chlorine is included


in a redox reaction? Comes the concept of a third redox reactions based on oxidation state changes. Oxidation number (oxidation state) is the charge possessed by an atom in a bond with other atoms. In determining the oxidation states there are some rules that are used as a guide in determining oxidation number of a compound or ion. a. The oxidation state of the element-free = 0 b. Ion oxidation state in accordance with its cargo c. The number of elements in the oxidation states of a molecule or ion with a molecule or ion charge d. The oxidation state of O = -2, except in F2O = +2, H2O2 and BaO2 = -1 e. The oxidation state of H = +1 (except in hydrides = -1 0 f. Group oxidation state alkali = +1 g. Type alkaline earth = + 2 h. Group VIIa = -1, and group VIA (O and S) = -2 i. The oxidation state of the other S = +4 and +6 Here is an example of the determination of the oxidation of a compound; Contoh ; Fe2O3 = Biloks O = -2 Biloks Fe = x ( 3 atom O) x (-2) = -6 (2 atom Fe ) x (x) = 2x Jumlah biloks = 0 -6 + 2x = 0 maka x = +3 jadi, biloks Fe = +3 Based on the above examples and rules can be explained by changes in the redox reaction is the oxidation state, oxidation reaction occurs when the reaction occurs while the increase in oxidation reduction reactions in the reaction of t if there is a decrease in oxidation number. example:




Fe(s) + 2Ag (s) Fe2+(s) + 2Ag(s) +1 reduksi 0

Fe occuring oxidation and mention as reductor Ag occuring reduction and mention as oxidator some redox reactions may occur one atom at a time element to increase or decrease the oxidation state in other words, having a redox reaction as well as reduction called autoredoks Pb (s) + PbO2 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) PbSO4 (aq) + H2O Pb (s) = 0 PbSO4 be +2 (oxidation) PbO2 = +4 PbSO4 to +2 (reduction) Thus, Pb acts as a reductant and Pb in PbO2 acts as an oxidant. GROUP 4 5. Anion In naming binary compounds, not all end with the naming of compoundsida. Naming with the suffix-ida if consisting of a metal type of cargo with only one metal. And bias is a monatomic anions. Anions are named by adding the suffix-ida,-at or-it. The suffix-at and-it tends to be used for oxygen-containing anions and oxo acid derivative anion. example: Anion (akhiran ida) H- = hidrida S2- = sulfida O2- = oksida, dsb. Anion (akhiran at ) SO42- = sulfat(VI); SO32- = sulfat (IV); ClO3- = klorat (V); MnO4- = manganat (VII); MnO42- = manganat (VI), romawi number indicate amount of element oxidation. 1. Acid


The naming is done by putting the word before the acid anion example: HClO : asam klorat(I) HClO2 : asam klorat(III) 1. Salt Naming is a combination of salt cations, the oxidation number (if more than one), and anion name example: FeSO4 : Iron(II)sulphate and NaClO: sodium chlorate (I) If the oxide, halide and the non-metallic sulfide element to form a compound. Naming more than one distinguished by the figure in Greek indices Example: N2O NO2 = nitrous oxide = nitrogen dioxide

N2O4 = dinitrogen tetraoksida 2. Cations Cations are named according to the metal with oxidation. Introduced by Alfred Stock Example: Fe2+ = iron ions (II) and Fe3 + = iron ions (III) If only the metal element having an oxidation state one, just use the name followed by the metal without oxidation. Example = Na+ = sodium ion GROUP 5 In handling the problem of industrial waste (organic waste) was introduced in the environment of activated sludge method. Activated sludge is a sludge that contains microorganism (bacteria) aerobic. The method is a method of activated sludge wastewater treatment using microorganisms as catalysts to decompose the material contained in wastewater activated sludge. Stages in the method of activated sludge.


a. Primary Stage (chemical process), stage of the deposition of small particles by adding electrolyte substances (FeCl2, FeCl3, Al2 (SO4)3 and CaO) If the waste water containing phosphorus ions, (PO43-and-HPO4)2 will happen clotting (coagulation). The reaction is: Al2(SO4)3 + 14H2O 2(PO4)3-2AlPO4 (s) + 3(SO4)2-+ 14H2O or 5Ca(OH)2 + 3(HPO4)2 Ca5OH (HPO4)3 (s) + 9OHb. Secondary stage, the stage of particle separation by the method of activated sludge. Waste water containing organic substances added to the microorganism and subsequently going through the stages aerasi (oxygen addition) and deposition. c. Tertiary stage, the stage of waste water inlet from the tank into the secondary stage of disinfectant to destroy the virus. The concept of redox may play an important role in addressing environmental problems, because in the process the concept of redox treatment especially in environmental issues by using activated sludge method, involves a redox reaction at the primary stage (chemical process).


LIST OF GROUP DIVIDING GROUP I A.Syamsur Rijal Achmad Irfandy Agry edwar Amar rahmat R Darmawan Adrianti Amelia hamdani Andiani Dwianti Rizky GROUP IV Muh Iqbal Ruslan Muh Rahman Muh algifary Kahar Nur Fatony Nurina Sahra Nurindah Ramadhani GROUP V Nur Rahmat Ramadhan Rey Dharmawan Yosua Sumaredi Sandra Shavanah Saraswati Sukarno GROUP II Asruddin Pratama Eko wahyudi Fakhrul Hamdani Hosea Ryan Umban Aqilah Astuti Ria Dirga Cantika GROUP III Nurhidayat Ishlahu Shaleh Iwayan Indra Muh Ismayanti Jumria Maryana


Appendix 2.5 WORKSHEET I 1. Distinguish the types of the following redox reactions based on the release of oxygen, the release of electrons and changes in oxidation number. Define also an oxidant and reductornya. Redox Concept Reaction Example Cu Cu2+ + 2e Cu + O2 CuO NO2 N2 + O2 S + O2 SO2 Zn2+ + 2e Zn Reduction Reduction Reaction Kind Oxidation Reductor Oxidator

2. What is the reaction autoredoks? Give an example! 3. Show substances that act as an oxidant and reductant in the two reactions below! Cr2O72- + C2O42- Cr3+ + CO2 4. SO42- + I- S2- + I2 5. Calculate the oxidation number of the following elements! a. H in H2 = b. Cl in ClO4 = c. P in PO43- = d. S in H2S2O3 = ......................................................... 6. Determine the oxidation number of this ions! a. ClO4b. S2O32c. CO32d. Cu2+ e. MnO4-


WORKSHEET II 1. Determine the name of this compound ! a. CuCl2 b. SnO c. K2CrO4 d. K2Cr2O7 e. Ba(OH)3 2. Determine the chemical formula and oxidation number of this compound! a. Iron(III) sulphate b. Raksa (I) Chloride c. Hydrogen Flouride d. Dibromo Pentoxyde e. Sulphite Acid 3.Describe at least 2 applications of redox concepts in everyday life 4. Management of organic waste can be performed using activated sludge. 5. Explain how the mechanism of action of activated sludge!


ANSWERING KEY I 1. .Redox Concept Elektron Oksigen Oksigen Biloks Elektron Reaction Example Cu Cu2+ + 2e Cu + O2 CuO NO2 N2 + O2 Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu Zn2+ + 2e Zn Reaction Kind Oxidation Oxidation Oxidation Redox Reduction Reductor Atom Zn Oxidator Atom Cu

2.A reaction is said autoredoks if the redox reaction there is a substance that had once oxidation reduction reaction Example; 2Na2S2O3 + 4HCl 2S + 2SO2 + 2H2O + 4NaCl Atom's oxidation number is reduced at the same time oxidation, reduction of the charge +2 to 0 and the oxidation of +2 to +4 chargea) oxidator = atom Cr reductor = atom C oxidator = atom S reductor = atom I 6. a) H in H2 = +2 b) Cl in ClO4- = +7 c) P in PO43- = +5 d) S in H2S2O3 = +4 7. a) ClO4- ; Cl = +7 and O = -8 b) S2O32- ; S = +2and O = -2 c) CO32- ; C = +4and O = -2 d) Cu2+ = +2 e) MnO4- ;Mn =+7 and O = -


ANSWER KEY OF LKS II 1. a) b) c) d) e) 2. a) b) Tembaga(II)Klorida Timah(II)oksida Kalium Kromat Kalium bikromat(V) Barium Hidroksida FeSO4; Fe = +3, S= +2 dan O = -2 HgCl ; Hg = +1 dan Cl = -1

c) HpF ; H = +1 dan F = -1 d) Br2O5 ; Br = +5 dan O = -2 e) H2SO3 ; H = +1, S = +2 dan O = -2 3. a) Concept in a redox environment in terms of Combustion of Hydrocarbons such as burning coal, oil and wood, for the complete combustion process will produce CO2 and H2O. CO2 gas is used by plants to photosynthesis but if the excess CO2 can be harmful to the earth because it can raise the temperature b) Reduction of environmental pollution with the use of activated sludge method c) The concept of redox in the battery cells and battery 4. Activated sludge is a sludge that contains mikroorganism (bacteria) aerobic. The method is a method of activated sludge wastewater treatment using microorganisms as catalysts to decompose the material contained in wastewater activated sludge. Stages in the method of activated sludge; a. Primary Stage (chemical process), stage of the deposition of small particles by adding an electrolyte substance b. Secondary stage, the stage of particle separation by the method of activated sludge. Waste water containing organic substances added to the microorganism and subsequently going through the stages aerasi (oxygen addition) and deposition. c. tertiary stage, the stage of waste water inlet from the tank into the secondary stage of disinfectant to destroy the virus.


Appendix 2.6 OBSERVATION RESULT SHEET The activeness of students asking Meeeting I II III IV 12 37 16 17 50 53 52 % 20 66 12 37 14 14 41 44 44% 58% 19 56 The activeness of student answering Meeting I II III IV 25 78 25 78 The seriously of lesseon folloeing Meeting I II III IV

No. Urut 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Total Persentase (%) Total Rata-rata

25 25 78 78 78%


Appendix 2.7 FORM OF GROUP OBSERVATION RESULT CRITERIA The right answer Perodcer Procedure explanation The ability to relate between SETS element Nilai I score 2 2 2 1 Value 10 10 10 5 score 3 2 3 2 II value 15 10 15 10 Score 2 2 1 1 III value 10 10 10 5 score 3 2 2 1 IV value 15 10 10 5 Score 2 2 2 1 V Value 10 10 10 5






Percentage of indicator achievement of a group KRITERIA I II III IV V The right answer 2 3 2 3 2 Perodcer 2 2 2 2 2 Procedure 2 3 1 2 2 explanation The ability to 1 2 1 1 1 relate between SETS element Rubrik Criteria 1 2 3 Very little done a mistake

Percentage 75% 63% 63% 38%

4 The answer appropriate with the question Clear and thingking proces easy to follow

The right answer

Answering There some of unappropriate concept mistake with the question No explanation There an explanation but difficult to understand Less Clear Less Clear


Clear but the thing proces sometimes difficult Clear Clear

Procedure explanation The ability to relate between SETS element

Unclear Unclear

Very clear Very clear




Appendix 3.1 LIST OF LEARNING RESULT X3 CLASS NO SKOR 1 17 2 17 3 16 4 17 5 16 6 18 7 11 8 17 9 5 10 16 11 14 12 10 13 17 14 18 15 6 16 17 17 16 18 15 19 15 20 15 21 15 22 7 23 17 24 16 25 19 26 7 27 15 28 16 29 17 30 16 31 15 32 15


Appendix 3.3 Table of individual completeness X3 class of SMA Negeri 15 Makassar Individual Standard Completeness = 75 Value RESPONDEN Completeness Score Value Complete 1 17 85 Complete 2 17 85 Complete 3 16 80 Complete 4 17 85 Complete 5 16 80 Complete 6 18 90 7 11 Uncomplete 55 Complete 8 17 85 9 5 Uncomplete 25 Complete 10 16 80 Complete 11 14 70 12 10 Uncomplete 50 Complete 13 17 85 Complete 14 18 90 15 6 Uncomplete 30 Complete 16 17 85 Complete 17 16 80 Complete 18 15 75 Complete 19 15 75 Complete 20 15 75 Complete 21 15 75 22 7 Uncomplete 35 Complete 23 17 85 Complete 24 16 80 Complete 25 19 95 26 7 Uncomplete 35 Complete 27 15 75 Complete 28 16 80 Complete 29 17 85 Complete 30 16 80 Complete 31 15 75 Complete 32 15 75 RATA-RATA = 74.75


Class Completeness = Tk = = = = 78 % Based on data from observations on X grade chemistry teacher SMAN 15 Makassar declared a class completely, if the percentage of completeness its class for 80% of a total of 32 students in a category completely. Then based on minimum standards of completeness Class, the class of State High School X3 Not Completed 15 Makssar expressed by the percentage of completeness 78%


Frequency Distribution Table and Deviation Standard Sample amount (n) Highest value Lowest value Interval (r) = 32 = 95 = 25 = Highest value Lowst value = 95 - 25 = 70 Class Amount (k) = 1 + 3,3 log n = 1 + 3,3 l0g 32 = 5,96 ( rounded 6 ) Class Long (p) = r/k = 70/ 6 = 11,6= 12 (rounded) No. Value 1 25-36 2 37-48 3 49-60 4 61-72 5 73-84 6 85-96 Amount _ f i xi = Average ( X ) = fi Distribution Frequency table Fi xi xi2 fi . Xi 4 30.5 930.25 122 0 42.5 180.625 0 2 54.5 2970.25 109 1 66.5 4422.25 66.5 14 78.5 6162.25 1099 11 90.5 8190.25 995.5 32 2392 = 74.75 fi. Xi2 3721 0 5940.5 4422.25 86271.5 90092.75 190448

Deviation Standard (S)

= = = =

f i xi2

( f i xi ) 2 n

n 1

= 19.38



( )

1. First Indicator,to differentiate of oxidation and reduction concept based on gain and lose of oxygen, release and receiving of an electron and oxidation number changing. Item 4 P= Item 5 P= Item 19 P= Item 10 P= Item 16 P= Item 17 P= % = = = 70.31%

2. Second Indicator, to determine an oxidation number of an ion Item 3 P= Item 9


P= Item 12 P= Item 18 P= % = = = 74.99%

3. Third Indicator, To determine oxidation state changing in an oxidation number without unbalanced reaction. Item 11 P= Item 13 P= % = = = 51.56%

4. Indikator keempat,To determine oxidator and reductor of a redox reation Item 1 P= Item 6 P= % = = = 81.24%

5. Fifth Indicator, To determine name of compund based on oxidation number. Item 2 P= Item 7 P=


Item 8 nP = Item 15 P= Item 20 P= % =

= = 79.99% 6. Sixth Indicator, To applicate redox concept to solve environment issues. Item 14 P= % rata-rata pencapaian indikator = = The effectiveness = = = = 55.25%

= 100%


TABLE OF INDICATOR ACHIEVEMENT AND THE EFFECTIVENESS No Indicator Explain what is Redox based on the release of oxygen, electron transfer and changes in oxidation number Determine the oxidation number of atoms of the element in compounds or ions Determine changes in redox oxidation (without equalization reaction) Determine the oxidizing and reducing agents of a reaction Determining the the nomenclature ionic compounds Giving examples of events that involve redox reactions in everyday life The effectivenes item 4 5 19 10 16 17 3 9 12 18 11 13 1 6 2 8 15 20 7 14 Score 24 29 26 16 16 24 31 21 23 21 16 17 29 20 32 26 28 17 25 32 Percentage Category

70.31 %


74.99 %


3 4

51.56 % 76.56 %

Uncomplete Complete

79.99 %


100% 55.25 %



LAMPIRAN 4 UJI VALIDASI ITEM 4.1 .Daftar Skor uji Validasi Item 4.2 .Rumus Validasi Item Soal pilihan Ganda 4.3. Tabel Uji Validasi per Item 1.4. Daya pembeda 4.5.Indeks Kesukaran 4.6.Reliabilitas Awal - Akhir

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