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UNIT SIX: CONFLICT This unit explores Christian views on the conflict and punishment focussing on their attitudes

towards war, terrorism, pacifism, crime and punishment. Causes of war: To defend their country against attack To defend beliefs, religion, freedom and way of life To protect a weaker country To remove own leader or regain territory Gain wealth and power To stop atrocities such as mass murder St Augustine of Hippo wrote in the fourth century that war can be justified in terms of self-defence and St Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) outlined what would become the Just War Theory. What are the 6 Just War Principles? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What problems might there be with Just War Theory? What do Christians believe about war? Christians should be peacemakers, not war makers Human life is sacred Commandment Do not kill Jesus teaching Turn the other cheek There is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend

What is meant by the word pacifism? (2 marks) Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9 Do not resist the evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39 Put your sword back in its place. For all who draw the sword will die by the sword Matthew 26:52 If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink

Romans 12:17-21

Who were the Quakers and what do they believe about pacifism? TOP TIP DO NOT SAY IN THE EXAM THAT GANDHI IS A CHRISTIAN HE WAS A HINDU! Who is Gandhi and what did he do? Terrorism is defined as the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion, that is, forcing people to do something. It usually refers to acts that are: Violent Intended to create fear through a psychological impact Carried out for some ideological or political goal Deliberately targeted at civilians Give 2 examples of terrorism 1. 2. Christian responses to terrorism and nuclear warfare Causes more problems than it solves Leads to suffering and harm Strive to promote respect for every human being Want to promote the unity of humanity Can act as a deterrent but this can lead to more authorities using them

What are the causes of crime? Economic Social environmental Family

What would a Christian say about crime? Love your neighbour Do not take (covet) what is yours Commandment Do not lie Respect human life Be an upholder of justice blessed are those who hunger for righteousness The 4 aims of punishment match the key word with the definition


As a warning to others to try to discourage them from committing the same crime. Protecting society by stopping the individual criminals from being able to commit crimes against other people. E.g. electronic tagging This means revenge for what has been done against the laws of society or the individual.




Crime prevention, rehabilitation, education, substance abuse treatment and reintegration programmes are essential to make punishments effective by changing behaviours.

Methods of punishment (In this table you need to write arguments for and against these types of punishment what are the benefits, what might the problems be?) Method For Against



Probation/suspended sentence

Community service

Capital punishment The Death Penalty Reasons FOR Permanently removes the worst criminals, leaving society safer Cheaper than incarcerating someone for life If you have killed, you yourself should be killed The most serious criminals only understand the language of violence Reasons AGAINST Contradicts the most basic human right to life Innocent people can be executed by accident Family and friends of those waiting for the death penalty have to suffer of waiting There are alternatives to the death penalty imprisonment

Read the below statements: what do you think about these perspective? Jesus was executed himself. I dont believe he would want us to keep executing prisoners Jesus taught that we should love our enemies Christian responses to the death penalty can you think of any more arguments? FOR An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth AGAINST Do not kill

A Christian should always be a pacifist. Do you agree? (6 marks)

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