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Step One:
Read the job description carefully. What key skills are required for, or relevant to, the position that you are applying for? In which experiences haveWhat activities have you done that have you developed or used your keythose skills? In which experiences have you used skills that are relevant to the requirements of the job youre applying to? Consider your course-related experience (assignments), work experience and extracurricular activities.

Formatted: Line spacing: single Formatted: Top: 0.3"

Comment [v1]: Perhaps getting them to ma a list of the requirements of the jobs might be good interim step

Step two:
Fill out these boxes with the key information for each activity. The first box has an example to follow.

Comment [v2]: If you dont have much to a this might be a signal for you to start getting involved and practicing what you have been learning

Write expressively: use action verbs and professional language and provide specific details. For some great action verbs, see: n_Verbs.pdf

Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: 1 pt

The following boxesThis worksheet is are just a guide- you may need more bullets, and you may have other information you want to include. Thats OK. The important thing is that youre following the same general format. Youll probably have more than three activities to describe. Just write the ones that dont fit here on a piece of paper, , but follow the same format. following the same format.
Position Title: Team Leader

Formatted: Default Paragraph Font, Font: 1 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Formatted: Normal, No bullets or numberi


Extracurricular / volunteer

Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Font color: Auto Formatted: Line spacing: single

Assignment/ Company/ Organisation name: Marketing Plan Case Study, RMIT Vietnam Dates: October December 2012 Duties: Coordinated a team of 4 to research and propose a marketing plan for Vinamilk Delegated Mediated tasks to team members and monitored progress decision making and resolved problems that arose



a High Distinction grade

Course-related Position Title: Course/ Company/ Organisation name: Dates: Duties:


Extracurricular / volunteer

*action verb+ *action verb+ *action verb+

* specific details + * specific details + * specific details +

Course-related Position Title: Course/ Company/ Organisation name: Dates: Duties:


Extracurricular / volunteer

*action verb+ *action verb+ *action verb+

* specific details + * specific details + * specific details +


*action verb+

* specific details +

Course-related Position Title:

Course/ Company/ Organisation name:


Extracurricular / volunteer


*action verb+
*action verb+ *action verb+

* specific details +
* specific details + * specific details +


*action verb+

* specific details +

Step Three:
Download a resume template and open it in Microsoft Word. Transfer only the information that you wrote to the appropriate place in the template.

Select your templates carefully! Look for basic or recent graduate templates. Templates will not be designed especially for you so it is essential that you adapt them. Your education should be first, and usually course-related experience will be next, unless you have a lot of work experience. List You can also include a skills section at the end of your resume to list your hard skills last (e.g.:for example: languages, specific specific software or tools). http://www.primermagazine/2011/earn/7-free-resume-templates ttp:// (google docs templates)

Comment [v3]: Maybe tell them where to d this

You can find good templates here:

Formatted: Underline

Step Four:
Well done, youre finished! Email your resume to One of the career centre staff will reply with their feedback, and may make an appointment to discuss it with you.

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