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C a h pTEr I: ThE a ENTur CONTINuE dv E S

C a h pTEr 2: NEw FEa Tur S E

The Kingdo in peril . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 m System r equir ements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Choosing y our Ch ara cter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Choosing y our Ch ara cter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 a ttributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 a ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 w ds Equip ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 s Quest Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 v alkyries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Spell Boo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 k ma School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 gic s

C a h pTEr 3: C ara TEr dEv lOp h C E mENT

C a h pTEr 4: ThE CO a SySTEm mB T

C a h pTEr 5: ThE w ld OF ENdOr Or Ia

The B ttlefield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 a Tr oops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Cr tur and ra ea es ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 ra Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ge s 4 Songs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Intera ctive Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

C a h pTEr 6: w ONdEr S OF ThE w ld Or

a dventur map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 e 9 Ca stles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1 Non-pla yer Ch ara cter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 s 1 portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 s Tr sur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ea es Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 E nemy her oes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 living Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

C a h pTEr 7: INSTr TIONS FOr a ENTur S uC dv Er

Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 hotk eys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 C a h pTEr 8: Cr dIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 E S 1


of the popular a dventur series . e

Kings Bounty: w arrior of the North is a continua s tion


y our fir st choice is the pr ofession of the her - wh t kind o a of her will Ola be? o f plea note th t it is a little ea se a sier to pla a a v y s iking . The Skald cla is mor difficul and the Soothsa ss e t, yer is perh aps most difficul pla s who h ve never befor pla t . yer a e yed a Kings Bounty game should pr obabl choose v y iking . v ikings trust not in the number of tr oops, but in their str ength, and most of all in their ra ge abilities and the aid of the v alkyries . The v iking is a ma ster of co t, and his a mba tta ck and defense incr se mor quickl th the Skald ea e y an and Soothsa yer . The ra and skill of the v ge iking enable him and his tr oops to deal gr t d ea ama to the enemy a the minimum ge t loss of his own forces, despite the f ct th t his tr a a oops ar not e a numer s ous a those of the Skald . This cla bo sts tw unique s ss a o skill Stea a Nor and absolute ra s: df st se ge . The Skald is fir st and for emost an e xperienced military lea der, and is very effective in co mmanding v st armies . wher the v a e iking e xcel s in might and ra ge, the Skald r elies on number and s the gr t fighting spirit of his tr ea oops . The Skald h s the unique ability to inspir his tr a e oops befor e ba ttle by r eciting Edd legend a, ary songs of the v iking sa s . ga after the ba ttle, his f allen soldier ma be r s y eturned to life by the blessing of the northern gods, by virtue of his unique ability, w arrior of v alla . The Skald gains lea ship f ster th s alh der a an the other cla sses, and in ba ttle, he uses ma gic to benefit his tr oops and heal and r esurr ect f allen w arrior The Skald can s . learn mind Skill without gr t difficul s ea ty . Soothsa s pr yer efer the wisdo and knowledge m to brute force, and ar true e e xperts in runic ma gic . Soothsa s cannot co yer mmand v st armies, but a mak up for this la with enh e ck anced skill in ma s gic . Onl Soothsa s can ma y yer ster the skill higher s ma gic and alchemy . The v ariety of spell and skill a their s s t disposal allows the Soothsa yer to choose the most appr opria te

ChOOSING y Our C ara TEr h C

The a ction of the game tak pla es ce in the f amiliar w orld E ndoria . The pla yer will visit d arion, the under ound lands gr of the dw arves, and even the lands of the v ikings, wher even e the legend ary Bill Gilbert never ventur ed . The mighty Ola son of the King of Nor f, dlig, h s devoted a him self to destr oying the undea armies which h ve flooded d a the northern lands . It is his quest to fr his fr ee ozen country of necr mancer and he will tak his ba o s, e ttle thr ough the dw arven ca ves and even into the very heart of E ndoria - the kingdo m of d arion . On his r a to glory, Ola will meet tr cher od f ea ous enemies and new friends, and tak p e art in fierce ba ttles and e xciting a dventur es .

minimum System r equir ements Opera ting System: m w S indows Xp / v ista / wIN 7 pr ocessor: 2,6Ghz memory: 1G B v ideo car d: n idia GeForce 6600 with 128 m or v B equiv alent a TI Sound car d: dir ectX-co p tible soundcar ma d h d disc: ar 5,5 G fr h d disk sp ce B ee ar a C r m: d O pC dv d-r m O r mmended System r eco equir ements Opera ting System: m w S indows Xp / v ista / wIN 7 pr ocessor: 3 Ghz memory: 2G B v ideo car d: n idia GeForce 7950G with 512 m or v T B equiv alent a TI Sound car d: dir ectX-co p tible soundcar ma d h d disc: ar 5,5 G fr h d disk sp ce B ee ar a C r m: d O pC dv d-r m O


ta ctics for ea ba ch ttle, whether this invol ves sending an army of summoned cr tur into ba ea es ttle, str engthening his own forces and to w ening the enemy, or destr eak oying the enemy with pow erful offensive ma gic . after selecting a ch ara cter cla y can specify a nickname for ss, ou the her and choose his co t of arm fr m the a ailable list, a o, a s o v s w a set the games level of difficul ell s ty .

NEw FEa Tur S E

a whole new ra - the v ce ikings of the north - plus new neutral cr tur ea es . a new her - the v o iking Ola f . v alkyries! Five bea utiful female w arrior who serve a s s co p m anions and can be called into ba ttle by ra ge . ar evised skill tr ee, with new unique talents . New a ar give bonuses for outstanding a w ds chievements . a anced co t spell and an entir y new ma school - r dv mba s el gic une ma gic . modified co t system ba mba sed on the use of runes . The Skald cla can inspir his tr ss e oops with legend ary songs known a Edd s a . Cra new objects ft Full use of STEam services, including Steam cloud and lea derbo ds . ar New med s al an all - new a chievement system

ThE GamES NEw FEa E Tur S

C ara TEr dEv lOp h C E mENT

Ch ara cter develop ment r elies upon several a ttributes . p r ess h to open the her window and consider the a o ttributes loca ted on the left side .


E xperience is w on in ba ttle, and granted for performing ta s . sk after a ccumula ting the r equir amount of e ed xperience, the her o gains a level . lea ship determines how much and wh t kind of cr tur der a ea es the her can co o mmand . Ea ch cr tur h s its own lea ship ea e a der r equir ements . lea ship can be incr sed by obtaining level finding special der ea s, fla on the map, or equipping certain item gs s . The her os a tta incr ses the d ck ea ama ge deal by cr tur in t ea es the her os army . If the her os a tta ck is gr ter th ea an the tar gets defense, then d ama is incr sed . ge ea The her os defense r educes the d ama incurr ge ed by his tr oops . If the her os defense is gr ter th the a ea an tta of the enemy, ck then the d ama suffer is r ge ed educed . Intellect a ffects ma d gic ama deal the dura ge t, tion of spell and s, spell pow (which is especiall im er y portant for the Soothsa yer) . mana e xpended in the ca sting of spell It is na s . turall r y ecover ed in the time betw een ba ttles, and under certain conditions it can even be r ecover during ba ed ttle . ra ge mounts during co t, and can be e mba xpended in the use

of the co t skill of Ola and his v mba s f alkyries . In a ddition, the higher the level of ra ge, the mor pr e obable y our tr oops will scor critical hits . e all these p arameter e s, xcept e xperience, ar incr sed when Ola e ea f gains a level, and can al incr se when visiting special pla so ea ces on the a dventur map, or w e earing certain item s .

For successfull co pleting certain a y m ctions, y will earn a ar ou w ds which give bonuses to the her So of these a ar ar specific o . me w ds e to a certain cla ss . Grand Stra tegian . a r ar for conducting co t without ew d mba losses . w arrior show mor r s e espect for such able co mmander s, which incr ses the lea ship of the her ea der o . hea dhunter . a r ar for defea ew d ting other her oes . This incr ses ea the ra a the beginning of ba ge t ttle a gainst enemy her oes . d ra gon Sla yer . This a ar is given for defea w d ting dra gons . It incr ses the her ea os a tta in futur ba ck e ttles a gainst dra gons . Tr sur hunter . This a ar is given for discovering numer ea e w d ous tr sur chests . It incr ses the e ea e ea xperience r eceived in ba ttle . v pir hunter . an a ar for the v am e w d ikings . The destruction of v pir gives an a am es tta bonus . ck B ttle alchemy . This a ar is granted to those who often set a w d their enemies ablaze, poison, and fr eeze them . It carries incr sed ea d ama fr m burning, poisoning and fr ge o eezing . Trapper . This a ar is granted for killing enemy units with w d Traps . he who possesses this a ar pla w d ces a few traps a t rando on the ba m ttlefield, and trap d ama is incr sed . ge ea Guar dian . upon using defensive spell in the fir r s st ound of co t, mba the her r o eceives this a ar which incr ses the r w d ea esistance of his tr oops to any type of d ama ge . Blind ra ge . For fr equent use of ra ge skill the her a ar s, o w ded this honor, which incr ses the ch ea ance of critical strik of all e the tr oops in his army . Ir Knight . an a ar for v on w d ikings . For r egular use of such spell s a Ber k s ser er, Ghost Bla de, B ttle Cry and d ra a gon arr ows, the her r o eceives this a ar which raises his ma w d, ximum ra ge . F t Ca This a ar is granted to a thrifty her If the her a t . w d o . o sa ves enough money, he r eceives a bonus to the amount of gold r eceived in co t . mba

a ar w dS

Gifted w arrior . This r ar is granted for the destruction ew d of enemy units using ra ge skill s . It gives a bonus to the a ancement of ra skill dv ge s . Crystal Collector . For dedica ted collection of ma gic crystal s, the her r o eceives a bonus to Intellect . F vorite of the v a alkyries . The a ar is given for the fr w d equent use of the unique abilities of the v alkyries . It enables them to r ar their pow s mor quickl ech ge er e y . v allas messenger . an a ar for the v alh w d ikings . For destr oying hostile armies, the v iking her incr ses the d o ea ama ge deal t by Jarl Ber k s, Slinger and v s, ser er s alkyries . purifier . an a ar for Skalds . For the destruction of undea w d d armies, the her r o eceives this a ar and a bonus to defense for w d, destruction of undea armies . d Guar dian of midgar an a ar for Skalds . The mor often d . w d e the skald sings his epic songs, the longer their pow s la er st . Illitera E cy xtermina tor . an a ar for Soothsa s . In destr w d yer oying armies of bloodthir sty orcs, the her mak the w o es orld a mor e civilized pla ce . This a ar incr ses the Intellect of the her w d ea o . acol yte of Odin . an a ar for Soothsa s . The mor tr w d yer e oops ar e destr oyed by spell the mor quickl mana is r s, e y estor ed betw een ba ttles . r une ma ster . an a ar for Soothsa s . The mor often w d yer e the her os tr oops use runes (a ssigned by the her not v o, alkyries!), the mor bonus runes they r e eceive . hol w y arrior . an a ar for Skalds . Skalds who often use w d the spell Nega s tion, T imelessness, Gift, and Justice in the fir r st ounds of co t r mba eceive a bonus to Initia tive, a tta ck, and defense of their v ikings, Jarl and Ber k s . s, ser er

In the center of the her scr o een, below the main portrait, is the her os ba a ckp ck, and surr ounding the main portrait ar e slots into which equip ment can be pla ced . The her will co o me a oss many useful item in his a cr s dventur purch sed fr m shops es, a o or r eceived a r ar s ew ds for the performance of quests . Ea ch object h s its own ch a ara cteristics, and when equipped ma ch y ange the a ttributes of the her or his tr o oops . Such equip ment is divided into several types, and ea type of equip ch ment can onl y be w orn in certain slots . The types include helmets, w eapons,


shields, gloves, armor, bel ts, footw ear, jew s and artif cts . el a Equip ment which y our ch ara cter no longer r equir can be sold es in ca stles or destr oyed in r eturn for Crystal and ma s gic r unes, pr ovided y our ch ara cter h s learned the Nea a tness skill . So me item can be used to a s ctiv te so a me of their a dditional pr operties or r emove so mething fr m the object . Such item h ve o s a an a dditional option, use, in the items dr op-down menu . In a ddition, certain objects note in their description th t they a can be upgra ded . To upgra de an object, select upgra de fr m o the items dr op-down menu . after y ou co mmit to fighting the k eeper of the object, y will be transported to a special s ou ar ena to ba ttle a gainst the objects k eeper after winning s . this ba ttle, the item will be upgra ded . y can r d mor about ou ea e im oving item in the living objects section, below . pr s So item ar mor v me s e e aluable if y disa ou ssemble them and e xtra ct the crystal and ma s gic r unes they hold . Befor selling an item, e consider whether it w ould be mor pr e ofitable to destr it and oy ga ther its crystal or runes . s al so item ar a p so, me s e art of a set . If y collect all the objects ou in a set, y ou will r eceive an a dditional bonus - so mething even gr ter th the co ea an mbina tion of item consider independentl s ed y . Fr m the items informa o tion window, y can see whether it is ou p art of a set, and if y h ve any other item in its set . ou a s If y possess the artif ctor skill, and a special r ou a ecipe, y can ou cr te new item ea s . Finall - and perh y aps most im portantl So y . me types of item s y ou can dona te to y our v alkyrie w arrior to im ove their s, pr cap abilities . Ea v ch alkyrie pr efer a differ s ent type of objects: Christa pr efer r s egalia; Gudrid loves boots, bel a ts, and gloves; hild enjoys w a eapons; r egina collects shields and armor; and mista im oves when she is given artif cts . To raise a v pr a alkyrie to the second level r equir one item . To r ch the thir level es ea d r equir es tw mor For the fourth level, they need four o e . of their f vorite objects . a

The her os skill ar shown on the right side of the ch s e ara cter window . whenever the her gains a level, he r o eceives talent rune which can be spent on the study and im ovement pr of skill In a s . ddition, r unes can be found or r eceived a a r ar s ew d for co pleting quests . m The her os potential skill ar divided into thr gr s e ee oups: might, mind and ma gic . Ther ar 15 skill in ea gr e e s ch oup . Ea skill gr ch oup h s a corr a esponding talent rune, which is mor do e minant in th t gr a oup . For e xam ple, r unes of might ar primaril used for e y the develop ment of might skill The differ s . ent ch ara cter cla sses mor quickl and ea y develop skill suited to his cla e y sil s ss .


her oism . The her os a tta ck is incr sed, a his tr ea s oops boldl and y coura geousl rush into ba y ttle . r esistance . The her os defense incr ses, making his tr ea oops mor e r esistant to enemy a tta s . ck ra ge Contr ol . Incr ses the amoea unt of ra ge th t the her can a o a ccumula te, incr ses the a ea tta ck pow of all v er ikings, and incr ses ea the amount of a enaline which can dr be a ccumula ted by Orcs . Onsla ught . On their fir st move, allied tr oops r eceive a bonus to their initia tive . The her os ma ximum ra incr ses, and orcs r ge ea eceive e xtra a enaline . dr Stea a df st Nor se . Special skill of the v iking cla Intense northern ss . training r educes the d ama ge done by spell and r s, educes the dura tion of a dver effects . se ra ge r dy . r ea educes the r est interv al betw een the use of ra skill and can ch ge an orc tr ge s, ar oop with a enaline a dr t the beginning of ba ttle . Fr enzy . any allied tr oop which destr oys an enemy unit beco mes


inspir and r ed eceives an a tta bonus . ck Quick d ra Incr ses the a w . ea tta and Initia ck tive of ranged allies . anger . The ra of the her incr ses when his tr ge o ea oops e ange xch blows . Ber k ser er . Befor ba e ttle, the her inspir his tr o es oops into a fit of ra w ge, hich enables them to inflict double d ama to their foes . ge Shield of ra ge . By sheer force of ra ge, the her os soldier can s sh e off nega ak tive effects a the beginning of ea r t ch ound . Icy ra ge . E nables ra skill to inflict critical d ge s ama ge, and fr eeze their tar gets . absolute ra ge . Special skill of the v iking cla ss . Incr ses ea the d ama ge inflicted by critical hits, and the pr obability of dealing a critical hit during counter-a tta s . after r ck eceiving d ama ge, tr oops incr se their a ea tta pow ck er . Bloodlust . after scoring a kill, allied tr oops h ve a 50% a pr obability of r eceiving an e xtra turn . r unic pow Incr ses the d er . ea ama done by ra skill and pr ge ge s, ovides an opportunity to use ra skill twice per r ge s ound .

mINd SKIll S

Scouting . allows y ou to see wh t a kinds of tr oops co pose an enemy m army, when y encounter an enemy ou on the a dventur map . al incr ses e so ea Intellect . pow er of Spirit . a high level of spirit raises the a tta ck and defense of the her os tr oops . Jarl . Incr ses the morale and ea the her os lea ship over tr der oops who r elish a life of fr eedo Slinger m: s, v ikings, Skalds, and pira tes . diver sions . Sabota opera ge tions can incap cita a te enemy tr oops for the fir r st ound of ba ttle . Edd a . Special skill of the Skald cla ss . w ith their knowledge of ancient songs known a Edd s a, Skalds can inspir their tr e oops to her oic fea befor ba ts e ttle .

diplo cy . If the her and his opponent h ve the same kinds ma o a of tr oops, the her can entice so of the tr o me oops of the enemy onto his side, or to per de them to desert the army of the sua enemy . h s no effect on the undea a d . learning . a p ssion for knowledge allows the her to learn a o f ster and r a eceive mor e e xperience in ba ttle . Intellect is al so incr sed . ea Sense w eakness . Knowledge of vulnerabilities mak it ea es sier to perform critical hits - and less lik y to incur them . el Glory . Every one w ants to fight under the banner of a f amous her This incr ses the her o . ea os lea ship der T ctics . Knowledge of T ctics allows the her to arrange a a o tr oops on the ba ttlegr ound befor co t . e mba F vorite of the Gods . The gods pr a otect the tr oops of the northern her and mete their destruction upon those o, who w ould ch allenge him . per sion . r sua educes the morale penal ty of intolerant tr oops . r eserve . The ability to plan in a ance allows the her to bring dv o r eserve tr oops into ba ttle . w arrior of v alla . Special skill of the Skald cla s alh ss . after ba ttle, f allen tr oops ar r e evived by the gods . Ora tory . F aith in their co mmander raises the morale of the her os soldier s .

w isdo Incr ses the her m . ea os ma ximum mana, a w a the number s ell s of scr s th t his Spell Boo can hold . oll a k linguistics . learning the langua ges of differ ent peoples and ra ces allows the her to develop his Intellect . o medita tion . Incr ses the her ea os ma ximum mana, and enables him to r ecover mana mor quickl e y . Or der ma gic . allows the her to learn Or o der ma gic spell fr m s o scr s . oll alchemy . Special skill of the Soothsa yer cla ss . r educes the number of ma gic crystal r s equir ed when transcribing scr s oll and im oving spell pr s . distortion ma gic . allows the her to learn distortion ma o gic spell fr m scr s . s o oll r une ma gic . allows the her to learn distortion ma spell fr m o gic s o scr s . al pr oll so ovides a dditional v iking runes .

ma GIC SKIll S



Transmute . This skill enables allows the Soothsa yer to convert the dea th cry of a f allen allied tr oop into mana . Ch os ma a gic . allows the her to o learn Ch os ma spell fr m scr s . a gic s o oll artif ctor . a allows the her o to cr te ma ea gical artif cts, and a to e xtra ct mor ma e gic crystal s, and even T alent r unes, for their destruction . al so helps better mana ge mech anism s, and incr ses ea ma ximum mana . Soothsa yer . after his dedica tion, a Soothsa yer full r y eveal his ma s gic potential . Incr ses Intellect, mana, ea and the ma gic r esistance of his tr oops . Concentra tion . allows the her to o r estor mana during ba e ttle . Cr tion . The soothsa ea yer, specializing in non-offensive spell incr ses the efficiency and dura s, ea tion of his spell This al s . so the soothsa yers skill in summoning cr tur to join his army . ea es higher ma gic . Special skill of the Soothsa yer cla The secr ss . ets of higher ma allow the ma gic gician to use w er spell without eak s e a xh usting his pow and use the Spell Boo mor th once per er, k e an r ound . destruction . ma ges who specialize in co t spell inflict gr ter mba s ea d ama when using them . ge

Ea mission y r ch ou eceive is r ecor ded in the Quest Journal . Included is a description of the ta and ea is mar ed with a special sign sk, ch k indica ting whether it is a central mission or a second ary quest . The r ar is al shown . a y pr ess in the quest, so ta s ew d so s ou ogr me sk will be mar ed co pleted, and new ta s ma appear . The mor k m sk y e co ple missions can invol over a dozen steps performed a oss m x ve cr quite differ ent ar s, and it is even possible to earn a number of ea r ar depending on how y pur ew ds ou sue the quest! Co pleted and f m ailed quests ar al mar ed . These can be hidden e so k so th t the journal shows onl the curr a y entl a y ctive quests . plea note th t buildings and ch se a ara cter fr m which y s o ou can r eceive an a ssignment ar speciall mar ed, a ar loca e y k s e tions wher e y ar to fulfill a quests ta ou e sk . In a ddition to usual ta s, bounties ma be issued for the sk y destruction of enemy her oes . Such tar gets ar mar ed by an e k icon in the form of cr ossed sw ds, and the portrait of the or her shows a bounty sign . Such bounties can be quite lucra o tive, and it is a sim ple ma tter to co plete such a m ssignments, for it is unnecessary to r eturn to the pla wher the quest w s a ce e a ssigned: y our r ar co ew d mes immedia y a tel fter destr oying the enemy her o .

v alKyr S IE

Kings Bounty: w arrior of the North is an a s dventur game with e r ole-pla ying elements . This means th t over the cour of the a se game y ou can not onl im ove the ch y pr ara cters skill and level s of pow er, but al to co so mmunica with the inh te abitants of the game w orld and r eceive quests . For the successful fulfillment of a quest, y our ch ara cter r eceives a r ar in the form of gold, ew d e xperience, a v aluable item, or even spell and scr s . s oll

QuE JOurNal ST

The v alkyries ar bea e utiful celestial w arrior s . during his tra s, vel Ola f will enlist the support of five of these ch arming allies, ea ch possessing unique skill s . The fighting skill of these s celestial w arrior s im ove pr a they gain e s xperience in ba ttles, whenever Ola uses f his ra ge of the v alkyries amulet .

In a ddition to p articip ting in ba a ttle, v alkyries pla an im y portant r ole in the develop ment of the ch ara cter . They pla the r y ole of co p m anions, much lik the wives in Kings Bounty: e the legend and armor-bear s in Kings Bounty: armor er ed



p rincess . v alkyries give substantial bonuses to Ola fs a ttributes . The her can tra o vel together with all five w arrior but y s, ou can al a w ys choose who will be the senior v alkyrie, whose bonuses will then opera a 100%, while his other co p te t m anions will aid Ola with 25% of their pow f er . The v alue of ea v ch alkyrie bonus al depends upon the level so of the w arrior . y can incr se the v ou ea alkyries level by sa crificing to them v arious item of specific kinds . Ea v s ch alkyrie pr efer s a differ ent type of object: Christa pr efer r s egalia; Gudrid loves a boots, bel ts, and gloves; hild enjoys w a eapons; r egina collects shields and armor; and mista im oves when she is given artif cts . pr a To raise a v alkyrie to the second level r equir one item . To es r ch the thir level r ea d equir tw mor For the fourth level, es o e . they need four of their f vorite objects . The fifth level can a onl be a y chieved a fter co pleting a special quest unique to ea m ch co p m anion .

y our ch ara cter possesses a ma gic boo k, in which he k eeps the scr s and spell oll s . Scr s can be purch sed in stor or w a r ar for co pleting oll a es on s ew ds m quests . Initiall all the spell y y, s ou r eceive ar in the form e of scr s . To use them, open y oll our Spell Boo and select k the y wish to use . after use a scr ou oll disappear plea note s . se th t the Spell Boo is designed to h a k andle onl so many scr s . y oll If y mana ou ged to gain mor scr s mor th it can hold, then e oll e an y will need to use so of them (or sell them or sim y thr ou me pl ow them a a befor y can purch se mor scr s . w y) e ou a e oll Spell can be learned fr m y s o our Spell Boo and in this ca they k, se will r emain in y our Spell Boo without taking up any sp ce . To k, a learn a spell, y must fir learn the appr ou st opria ma School te gic and then ga ther the desir ed scr s . Then, y oll ou can learn the spell thr ough the use of ma Crystal The str gic s . onger the spell, the mor crystal ar r e s e equir ed . learned spell do not e s xpend on use, but ra ther e xpend mana . In a ddition, the spell can be im ove . To im ove a spell y pr pr ou h ve a learned r equir a anced skill in the r es dv elev ant ma School, and gic a gain ma gic Crystal Spell can be upgra s . s ded to level III, with ea level incr sing the spells str ch ea ength a w s ell a the amount s of mana r equir for its use . So spell ar significantl ch ed me s e y ange their pr operties when they incr se in pow ea er . Str engthening Spell s In a ddition to im oving individual spell to level II or III, pr s the spells pow is influenced by the Intellect of the her and er o, certain equipped item can incr se the pow of spell a w s ea er s s ell . For offensive spell d s, ama is incr sed by 10% for ea point ge ea ch of Intellect . For every 10 points of Intellect, the dura tion of the spell is incr sed for one r ea ound . The destruction skill incr ses the d ea ama inflicted by spell ge s, and the Cr tion skill incr ses the pow of divine spell and ea ea er s their dura tion . Item ma am s y plify the effects of certain spell s, or even whole gr oups of spell such a incr sing the amount s, s ea of fir d e ama inflicted . ge

Not surprisingl y, in the f airy-tale f anta sy, ma gic is one of the most im portant a spects of the game .




The game h s four co t ma School Or a mba gic s: der, distortion, Ch os, a and r une ma gic . Ea school h s about 20 differ ch a ent spell s . Or der ma is of higher, divine origin, and a gic ffects the body and the mind . It enables y ou to heal, pr otect, and em pow y er our tr oops with mystical abilities . how ever the gods ar al quite e so cap able of punishing and destr oying those who stand a gainst the righteous w y, so this school al contains pow a so erful a tta ck spell s . distortion ma is the source of spell which al gic s ter the na tural sta of objects and the w y they ar perceived, distorting both te a e their inner na e and their outw d appearance . This school tur ar includes str engthening and w ening spell and ma eak s, gical illusions which effect the mind . Ch os ma a gic w ens and destr eak oys cr tur both living and ea es dea This is the pr d . eferr school for B ttle ma ed a ges who intend to put whole armies to flight, and razed the fortr esses of their enemies . r une ma gic is a new school of ma gic best known by v ikings w arrior The people of the north h ve for centuries studied s . a the mysteries of na e, and h ve finall learned to tap into the tur a y a eso forces of Cold . These spell include pow w me s erful offensive and defensive ma gic, and can use v iking runes in a ddition to mana, thus incr sing the pow of the spell ea er s . using ma gic Spell fr m these ma or s can onl be used in ba s o gic der y ttle . usuall y the Spell Boo can be used once per r k ound, but the higher ma gic skill allows the ma gic-user to ca tw spell per r st o s ound . To call a spell, the ma gician r equir sufficient mana, unless of cour es se a scr oll is to be used instea d . Spell can h ve differ s a ent effects: ca using d ama to the enemy, ge or raising or low ering the a ttributes of tr oops . They can subdue the enemy, or call to the ba ttlefield ma gical cr tur ea es and much, much mor The pow of a spell gr tl depends on e . er ea y the specific situa tion, so they ar best used with car and e e thought . w ander ma er gic This peculiar school of ma invol gic ves spell which ar used onl s e y during tra vel thr ough the game w orld . These spell incr se s ea


a certain a ttributes or call soldier to the her s os army . w ander er spell can onl be used in the form of scr s, and cannot learned s y oll or im ove . Curr pr entl a y ctive w ander er spell ar displa s e yed in the upper right corner of the scr een .

ThE CO a SySTEm mB T
when hostile armies meet, the scene of a ction moves to a ta ctical ar ena, a oss which the units of ea army move in cr ch turn . The or der of turns is determined by the tr oops Initia tive, and during their turn, a tr oop ma move ar y ound the ba ttlefield, e ange blows, and use their skill when all tr xch s . oops h ve a co pleted their moves, the co t r m mba ound ends and a new one begins . The co mmander of the tr s oops do not dir ectl p y articip te in a co t, but they ma appl certain bonuses to their tr mba y y oops, and influence the cour of the ba se ttle by ca sting ma gic spell and s, Ola fs can al use v so arious v alkyrie skill a w s s ell . Once per r ound, during the turn of a friendl unit, the her can use the Boo y o k of ma and the abilities of the v gic alkyries . The ba ttle ends when one side loses all of its tr oops . a pla yer can withdra fr m ba w o ttle befor its co pletion, but e m in defea or escape, the her r t o eceives no e xperience or tr ophies, and loses all his tr oops . But the game does not end ther for e, y ou will find y our self in a friendl capital, fr m which point y o the game continues - and y ou might e xpect so me co pensa m tion fr m y o our allies . how ever, in so ca when escape is im me ses possible, defea will lea to the loss of the game . For e t d xam ple, y ou cannot flee while fighting inside objects or a gainst bosses, a s w a certain other ba ell s ttles .

B ttles tak pla in special ar s, which all v a e ce ena ary in sh ape, size and ta ctical inter est . wh t sort of ar a ena y enter will ou depending on wher the fight tak pla e es ce . If y ou meet the enemy upon a for est r a the fight will tak pla on a narr o d, e ce ow




is in f ct a sta of any number of cr tur fr m a single one up a ck ea es, o to several thousand cr tur ea es . These tr oops will continue to fight so long a even one soldier r s emains alive . The heal th and d ama of the tr ge oop ar consider e ed cumula tivel the amount y: of d ama inflicted by a tr ge oop is equal to the amount of d ama ge which a single solder is cap able of, mul tiplied by the number of soldier in the tr s oop . all cr tur ea es h ve a a ttributes which determine their co t mba effectiveness, and many cr tur ea es h ve their own unique a ch ara cteristics and abilities .

for est p th . when a a tta cking an enemy ca stle, be pr ar ep ed for the f ct th t the ca a a stles defender ma be w s y ell-positioned a t the top of siege tow s . when bo ding enemy ships, the ba er ar ttle tak pla on the deck of a ship . B ttles w ged inside objects es ce a a ar w ged in an incr e a edible and strange ar ena . T ctics ar a e determined by the sh ape and dimensions of the ba ttlefield, a w s ell a any obsta s cles th t appear in a the ar ena . These can be low obsta cles which hinder the movement of foot soldier but ar ea y overco s, e sil me by fl ying cr tur ea es . and ther ma be other higher obsta e y cles which block the p ssa a ge of all beings . another im portant f ctor in the ba a ttlefield is the type of envir onment and the time of d y . Those with night vision a and undea cr tur better fight in the d k, a night, or d ea es ar t in under ound ca gr ves . The type of the ba ttlefield a ffects the co t ch mba ara cteristics of other cr tur a w ea es s ell . demons ar e better pr otected in their na tive la a ar s, while in the snow v ena their pr otection is quite co pr mised . The morale of undea m o d tr oops incr ses in cemeteries . ea ra indica ce tes whether the unit belongs to one of the six major ra ces in E ndoria, or is of neutral ra r tionships e ce . ela xist betw een the ra ces, which influence the morale beings who ar in the e her os army . In a ddition, effects and objects ma h ve special y a effects upon cr tur of certain ra ea es ces . lea ship indica der tes how much of the her os lea ship is r der equir ed to co mmand one such cr tur ea e . morale displa the tr ys oops morale - th t is, its curr a ent h appiness and ba ttle spirit . a high morale incr ses the tr ea oops a tta and ck defense, and incr ses its ch ea ance of scoring a critical hit . a tr oop suffering fr m low morale is not so cap o able in co t, and it is mba

The ba co t unit appear on the scr sic mba s een a a single soldier, but s



unlik y to land critical hits . el a tta ck indica tes the pow er of the a tta s inflicted ck by the tr oop . If the a tta of the tr ck oop is gr ter th the ea an defense of its tar get, the d ama it inflicts incr ses . ge ea defense mar s the tr k oops degr ee of pr otection fr m enemy o a tta s . If the enemys a ck tta ck is less th an the defenders defense, the d ama of the a ge tta is r ck educed . Initia tive indica tes how quickl the tr y oop can enga in ba ge ttle . The higher the initia tive, the sooner the tr oop can strik e, outstripping the a tta s of enemy tr ck oops . Speed shows the ma ximum number of a ction points the tr oop is cap able of using in a single r ound . These points ar r e eplenished ea r ch ound . They ar e e xpended when the tr oop moves (tra sing ver one cell e xpends one a ction point), and they ar e e xpended when performing other a ctions . a tta cking an enemy or using a skill generall e y xpends all of the tr oops r emaining a ction points . Crit, or Critical hit, indica tes the pr obability th t the tr a oop will inflict a blow which deal 150% of the normal d s ama ge which the unit is cap able of . d ama ge shows the amount and type of d ama ge the tr oop inflicts . d ama ge ma for e y xam ple be physical, poisonous, fir e, or ma gic . Ea cr tur ma h ve r ch ea e y a esistance to certain types of d ama ge . a r esistance gr ter th zer means th t the cr tur ea an o a ea e will r eceive less d ama fr m this type of a ge o tta ck . If the tr oops r esistance is below zer then a o, tta s of th t type will inflict ck a gr ter d ea ama ge . heal th shows the vitality of the unit . when the curr ent heal th r ches zer one being in the tr ea o, oop f s in ba all ttle . E ffects show the effects curr entl applied to the tr y oop in ba ttle . These effects al ter the co t cap mba abilities of the tr oop in v arious w ys . These effects ar shown by icons below the a e ch ara cters portrait . The number beside the icon indica tes the number of r ounds th t the effect will la a st . y can hover y ou our mouse over the icon to see a description of the effect . E ffects highlighted in gr een ar the positive, and those highlighted in r e ed ar nega e tive effects . T alents ar skill th t can be used during the ba e s a ttle . Sim y pl pr ess the desir T ed alent button to a ctiv te the talent . These a typicall spend all the tr y oops curr ent points of action . Ea ch tr oop can h ve up to thr talents, and they ar often unique . a ee e

Certain T alents ma onl be used once per ba y y ttle, while other s can be used r epea tedl T y . ypicall it tak time to r ar a talent y es ech ge befor it is r e eused, but such T alents will a gain be a ailable for v use when the specified number of r ounds h s p ssed . all T a a alents ar full ch ged a the beginning of the ne e y ar t xt ba ttle . Fea es ar the cr tur tur e ea es p ssive pr a operties th t appl a y continuousl or which ar trigger a y e ed uto ticall when certain ma y conditions ar met . e

The game h s about one hundr a ed differ ent cr tur of the ea es v arious ra ces: vikings, humans, dw arves, el ves, orcs, undea and d, demons . Ther is al a lar gr e so ge oup of neutral cr tur th t ar ea es a e not a ffilia ted with any ra ce . v ikings v ikings ar a new ra e ce intr oduced by the w arrior s of the North . These bra ve soul h s ail fr m the h sh northlands, o ar and many of them h ve an inna r a te esistance to cold, and r eceive a bonus to pr otection when ba ttling in snowy ar s . most v ena ikings ar gr t w e ea arrior but s, among them can be found skilled ma gicians known a Soothsa s . r s yer unic knowledge is a unique fea e tur of the v iking ra ce . They ar known to fiercel despise e y the undea who h ve inv ded their lands . d a a The armies of v ikings include Slinger s, v ikings, Skalds, Ber k s, a ser er xe Thr er w ow s, arrior maidens, Soothsa s, and Jarl yer s . humans These people who ar not h dened by the northern e ar climes r esent one of the biggest ra epr ces of E ndoria . humans live h appil beside el y ves and dw arves, and ar enemies of the undea and demons . They ar e d e ver tile, balanced w sa arrior and equall good s, y in both defense and offense . many of them ar e trained in effective armor and fighting techniques, and the priests of their tem ples do ba ttle with the undea and demons lik no other The ma d e s . gic

Cr Tur S aNd raCE Ea E S



of the humans is a ailable to serv v ants of the gods and a depts of their ma a demy . gic ca Their forces include: pea sants, B andits, mara uder archer s, s, S or w dsmen, Guar dsmen, p riests, Inquisitor hor s, semen, Knights, p dins, and archma ala ges . dw arves Both giants and dw arves f all into this ra cial cla ss . They dislik el e ves and demons, and ar e sw orn enemies of the undea dw d . arves fear ma gic, pr eferring to develop their pow s er thr ough science and mech anics . Their mech anical devices, cr ted by their legend ea ary engineer s, and their alchemical potions ar e quite effective in ba ttle - every bit a pow s erful a s the spell of other ra s ces . a w s arrior dw s, arves ar ra e ther slow, but their low speed and initia tive is co pensa m ted for by their gr t ea heal th and str ength . Their forces include: miner For s, emen, dw arves, alchemists, Cannoneer mountain Giants, r air d r s, ep oids and Guar d r d oids . El ves El ves historicall y dislik the dw e arves, feud with demons and h te the undea and orcs . a d El ves, together with the lik e-minded cr tur ea es of the for est, mak for a trul im essive army . e y pr how ever, el ves do not lik to fight, h ving both e a low heal th and low defense . Nevertheless, they ar very swift and r y upon the e el ma of na e - which h s pr gic tur a oven a dea y dl co mbina tion . El ven armies ar divided into e w arrior who tak the fr s e ont lines, ma gicians and other supporting units - and archer who ar s e trul without equal! y The el ven army consists of: For est and lak e F airies, d ry ds, El a ves, ranger d ruids, w ew ves, unicorns, Bla s, er ol ck unicorns, E nts, and ancient E nts .

Orcs The w arrior tribes of orcs and goblins h ve a a str ong a sion to the undea and fear demons . ver d, They r y on their brute str el ength, their unriv alled endurance, and the gr t size of their armies . ea w ith the support of their sinister ma gic, orc sh amans fiercel join the ba y ttle, crushing their enemies . Their tr oops include: Goblins, Furious Goblins, Orcs, Orc v eterans, Ca tapul ts, Ogr and es, Sh amans . undea d The dea ar indiffer d e ent to all ra ces, while all the other ra ces either fear or despise them . They ar r e esistant to poison and vulnerable to hol a y tta s, and a night ck t and in cemeteries, the fighting cap ability of the undea gr tl incr ses . The pow d ea y ea er of the undea army r d ests in the absence of life in their dea bodies, and in their ability to d r eplenish their rank by sapping the life ener s gy of their enemies . The undea d army includes: Sk eletons, Sk eleton archer undea Spider Zo s, d s, mbies, deca ying Zo mbies, Ghosts, Cur sed Ghosts, v pir am es, ancient v pir am es, Bla Knights, ck Necr mancer and Bone d ra o s, gons . demons demons ar is evil and pow e erful cr tur ea es fr m another w o orld . They ar pow e erful ma gicians and d anger ous w arrior and they s, ar mighty w e arrior of dev sta s a ting pow er . Born a they ar in the fir of h des, they s e es a ar pr e otected fr m fir d o e ama ge, but fear cold, and beco quite uncertain in wintery me climes . The ma gic of demons is focused upon one thing onl to sow confusion into y: the rank of the enemy and crush him! s



demon tr oops include: Im ps, Scoffer Im ps, Cerberuses, demonesses, demons, E xecutioner and archdemons . s, Neutral cr tur ea es Neutral cr tur ar those who count none ea es e of the other ra ces either enemies or allies . Neutral tr oops v alue fr eedo m and independence, and ar willing to fight for it . e how ever, y ma find among them those who ou y ar willing to sell their fr e eedo to one who m offer sufficient gold and bo d . s ar Neutral units include: pira tes, Sea dogs, a ssins, devilfish, Thorns, Thorn w ssa arrior s, r al Thorns, Fir d ra oy e gonflies, lak d ra e gonflies, v mous Spider Ca Spider Fir Spider Ice eno s, ve s, e s, Spider mar Snak r Snak s, sh e, ed es, r al Snak oy es, w ves, hyena Bear polar Bear ancient ol s, s, s, Bear Griffins, r al Griffins, Beholder Evil s, oy s, Beholder s, Cyclopes, demonologists, Tr s, oll Emerald d ra gons, r ed d ra gons, Bla ck d ra gons, and Ice d ra gons .

a with the Boo of ma s k gic, once per r ound y ou ma call upon y the aid of Ola or his v f alkyries . To use their skill r s equir ra es ge, which is so mewh t similar to mana . ra is gained during co t, a ge mba whenever tr oops e ange blows . The mor cr tur ar killed in xch e ea es e an a tta ck, the gr ter the incr se of ra ea ea ge . double ra is earned ge whenever a tr oop is destr oyed outright . The mor pow e erful the ability of Ola or his v f alkyries, the mor e ra it will r ge equir and the longer period of time is necessary e, for it to r ar ech ge . w ith the skill r unic pow er, the her can o use ra skill up to tw times per r ge s o ound . during the game, the her gains e o xperience in ba ttle and incr ses ea in level . when gaining a level, Ola can learn new ra skill or f ge s enh ance the ones he h s alr dy learned . y can learn up to nine a ea ou unique ra skill in total . ge s

ra SKIll GE S

v iking v orte Ola bur x . f sts into a cr d of enemies, d ow ama ging all nearby enemies with physical d ama ge, and pushing ba cr tur ck ea es under level 4 . Ice Bla des . Cr tes a gr t icy whirl ea ea wind, which lea ves in its w e ak aw all of ice . The ice w all r eflects p art of any melee d ama ge inflicted upon it . lor of the North . a torr d ent of icy h pour down fr m the ail s o sky, ca using ice d ama ge . any the em pty cell it im a s p cts h ve a a ch ance of gr owing icy spik es . Gudrid as ra ge . The v alkyries flaming sw ds h or ail down upon the ar ena . all units within the ar ea of effect suffer fir e d ama ge, and ar set ablaze . e mistas lightning . Fog and thunder join to cr te a gr t fir ea ea eball th t hover over the ba a s ttlefield for thr ee turns . lightning strik and pur es sues enemies, killing a p art of ea tr ch oop struck . The effect al h s a ch so a ance to shock the tar get . Christas Gift . pour a h andful of ench anted coins in a selected cell . Nearby enemy tr oops feel an irr esistible ur ge to tak e the tr sur for them ves . If an enemy pick up the gold, he is ea e sel s tossed into the air, then f s so all mewher nearby r e eceiving so me d ama ge fr m the f o all . If an all collects the gold, the her y o r eceives the money, and the trap does not spring .

2 4


r eginas messenger . In the selected cell a meteorite f s, ca all using physical d ama to any nearby tr ge oops . Fr m the meteorite steps o forth a la a Golem, whose heal v th and other ch ara cteristics depend on the level of the ra skill . ge hild as arr ows . The v alkyrie cr tes ma ea gical jets of ener gy, inflicting a stral and ma gical d ama ge upon thr ee rando m opponents . If the a tta destr ck oys an enemy tr oop, the r emains of the tr oop is converted into ma gical ener gy . lo kis aid . Sends forth a w ve of fir th t spr ds in a single a e a ea dir ection, ca using Fir d e ama ge . In so me cell ther ma appear s e y fissur filled with boiling la a . es v

The Edd ar the ancient legends a e of the v iking ra ce, and onl y the Skald cla possess the unique ss ability to r ecite these her oic tales befor ba e ttle, ther eby inspiring their tr oops to her oic fea ts, and calling down the blessings of the nor se gods . To learn them the Skald must ma ster the Edd a skill . w ith ea ch skill level, the Skalds pr oficiency with these ancient v iking songs incr ses . These songs not onl give ea y bonuses to the tr oops, but ch ange their a ttributes . Thus, they ar e a unique tool by which the her can o a djust his str engths to his curr ent ch allenge, and to the am plify the str engths of his army and his equip ment while co pensa m ting for any w eaknesses . after learning the Edd skill, the Skald can use a these songs in every ba ttle . The effectiveness of a song depends on the her os Edd skill . a Song of midgar d w ith the Song of midgar the her sings an inspiring tale to d, o incr se the morale of his tr ea oops . a lea one unit will incr se t st ea morale, and other h ve a ch s a ance to do so a w s ell .


Song of Jtunheim w ith the Song of Jtunheim, the her inspir his tr o es oops with the str ength and calm ness of Jotun . This incr ses a ea tta and ck defense, but low s Initia er tive . Song of Sv artalf aheim performing the Song of Sv artalf aheim, the her a ak o w ens in his tr oops the spirit of gr eed . The amount of gold r eceived a fter ba ttle is incr sed, and the army thr ea ows itself into ba ttle, incr sing its Initia ea tive, but decr sing its defense . ea Song of Niflheim performing the Song of Niflheim, the her dedica o tes to his tr oops the spirit of eternal fr ost . So me p art of the d ama ge they deal will be in the form of Cold d ama ge, and while their r esistance to cold al incr ses, their Fir r so ea e esistance f s, a does all s their Initia tive . Song of alfheim w ith the Song of alfheim, the her summons to the ba o ttlefield a d k f ar airy of ch os, who will w tch over his tr a a oops . a t the beginning of ea r ch ound, the her h s a ch o a ance of r ecovering 10% of his mana . In a ddition, a the beginning of ea r t ch ound, a positive or nega tive spell will be ca upon one of the units st on the field . Song of v anaheim w ith the Song of v anaheim, the her call for upon the ancient o s forces of na e . allied tr tur oops deal a certain amount of physical d ama to their enemies, and their heal ge th incr ses . how ea ever, their r esistances decr se . ea Song of muspell w ith the Song of muspell, the her bestows upon his tr o oops the pow of the element of fir allied tr er e . oops ar shr e ouded in an a ura of fir and thus deal a certain amount of Fir d e, e ama ge whenever they a tta ck . In a ddition, when an enemy strik them, es ther is a ch e ance th t the enemy a a tta er is set ablaze, unless ck the a tta er is immune to Fir all allied units r ck e . eceive incr sed ea r esistance to Fir but their r e, esistance to cold decr ses, a does ea s their Initia tive . Song of helheim w ith the Song of helheim, the her pr ar his tr o ep es oops for ap articularl fierce ba y ttle a gainst the w alking dea Ea hit by d . ch enemy undea pla d ces them in hol Sh ckles, low y a ering their a tta ck


2 7

and defense, and ea blow to the enemy brings gr ter ra and ch ea ge mana . Song of a sgar d w ith the Song of a sgar d, the her inspir o es his tr oops in a ba ttle w orthy of Odin him self . The r esistances of enemies is p artiall ignor y ed, but the her os defense is lik ewise r educed . a t the beginning of ea ch r ound, an allied unit r eceives a bonus to speed and initia tive .

not belong to the dw arven ra is bla ce sted with a Geyser or consumed by an Ice Snak e . y ma destr ou y oy any of these intera ctive objects, or use them to y our own purposes - a can y s our enemy . So metimes it is wisest to destr oy the object if onl th t it ma not be used to good y a y effect by the enemy .

The ta ctical pr ofile of a ba ttlefield is lar y determined by its gel sh ape and any obsta cles th t ma be found ther But in a a y e . ddition to such sta tic obsta cles ther ma appear certain intera e y ctive objects, which ar able to influence the w e arring tr oops in v arious w ys . many types of intera a ctive objects can appear on the field, depending on wher the ba e ttle tak pla es ce . Gra ves ma be found y in cemeteries, ice sta tues in the snowy pla ces, and so on . Chests hide gold, scr s, T oll alent r unes, or even objects . any one can collect the contents of a chest, including the enemy . mine or pow der k eg . These objects can a ct a obsta s cles, but it is unwise to stand near them for very long . when destr oyed, they e xplode, dealing d ama to all cr tur nearby . ge ea es Inside Coffins can be found a tr oop of sk eletons, which will fight to the end of the ba ttle on the side whichever army destr oyed coffin and r elea sed them . hol Sta y tues aid one tr oop ea ch turn, within their ar ea of effect, by healing the tr oop or ca sting Blessing or divine armor . Cur sed Cr osses strik any nearby with a rando a e m tta ck, such a s poison Skull, or w ens any tr a eak esp sser with w s eakness or Slow . Fr m a hornets Nest, a sw o arm of angry w sps spill forth, a s a tta cking one rando unit within range, dealing physical d m ama ge . an al tar of lightning electr ocutes all units in range with its ma gical pow er . av olcano ca sts the spell Fir eball or Fir rain upon any who e ar foolish enough to appr a e o ch . an Ice Sta tue, constructed in honor of a dw arven god, rando y ml selects a nearby tar get . If the sta tue is a dw arf then th t a tr oop r eceives the sta tues blessing . any tr oop which does


ThE w ld OF ENdOr Or Ia

all events occur in r eal time on the a dventur ma a our her e p . s o tra s the w vel orld, enem tr y oops p tr ar s they pr a ol ea otect, and time p sses; d y gives w y to night . T pr ess of the hour is not a a a he ogr s onl a cosmetic effect; many cr tur fight much better a night y ea es t th during the d y . a any time y ma pr an a t ou y ess Sp ce to p use a a the game and h t the flow of time . while the game is p used, al a y can sa y consider y ou fel our envir onment, study y our Spell Boo k, consul y t our Quest Jour nal and the her os ch cter window . ara

ThE a ENTur map dv E


2 9

E ndoria consists of many islands and several continents, among which y can move fr y, using the f st tra ou eel a vel option on y our map . while y ar sailing on y ou e our ship, y can instantl move ou y betw een the islands of E ndoria, so long a y h ve a na s ou a viga tion map of the desir island . This fea e allows y gr t fr ed tur ou ea eedo m of movement, and mak e es xplora tion of the w orld much ea sier . Though y ou sailing instantl y betw een islands, a certain amount of time p sses in the game, a y a s ou will see when y ou r ch y ea our destina tion . y ma wish to plan y ou y our movements betw een islands car efull if y y, ou wish to tak full a anta e dv ge of the time of d y, which influences the co t cap a mba abilities of certain cr tur ea es . a in pr s evious r elea ses in the Kings Bounty series, Ola is able to f tra vel upon a winged hor se . The her gains a o fter meeting with the fir v st alkyrie . his winged steed can r ch the most r ea emote pla ces on the islands of E ndoria - pla ces which ar im e possible to r ch by either land or w ter . how ea a ever, flight is im possible inside dungeons and ca stles . when descending into a dungeons or e xploring an enclosed sp ce, Ola lea a f ves his f aithful hor se and sets out on foot . when w alking, he moves so mewh t slow a er, but this incr ses ea the maneuverability of the her he can squeeze thr o: ough even quite narr ow p ssa a ges . y can lea notes and mar s on the map . To do this, sim y ou ve k pl open the map (by pr essing m), and point to the desir loca ed tion with y our mouse . Then sim y click the left mouse button . In pl the te xt box which appear y can enter a short description s, ou of the mar y k our making . These mar s can be edited by lefte k clicking on them, or r emoved with a right click .

ruler with who y can speak and a s, m ou cquir quests . Ca e stles ar e the onl pla y ces wher the her can sell his item and the onl e o s, y pla ces wher he can garrison units of his army . Ea ca e ch stles garrison can hold up to thr tr ee oops, and ther is no limit to e the number of cr tur in ea tr ea es ch oop . Garrisoned tr oops will r emain ther until the pla e yer r eturns .

Ca stles ar so e mewh t lik other buildings y will encounter on a e ou the map, but unlik conventional buildings, they ar mar ed with e e k a special icon on the global map, and h ve a unique interf ce . a a These structur ar quite lar es e ge, and can be used to stor item e s, tr oops, and scr s . In a oll ddition, they ma hold up to thr y ee


In a ddition to the ca stles, y ou will encounter many normal buildings - shops and ho mes of v arious cr tur many of which ea es, offer tr oops which y ou can r ecruit . Such buildings ar occupied e by ch ara cter y can talk to, and even r s ou eceive quests fr m, or o purch se item So a s . me merch ants offer very inter esting and rar e item and numer s, ous tr oops y ou can hir for y e our army . lik e ca stles, all buildings ar mar ed on the map with a special symbol . e k


y ou will meet many non-pla yer ch ara cter in y s our journey: ca stle ruler merch s, ants in shops, or just ch ara cter standing s on the a dventur map . y can speak to any of them whenever e ou y lik and many offer v ou e, aluable informa tion, or opportunities

NON-pla Er Ch y ara TEr S C


3 1

for quests . Non-pla yer ch ara cter ar the principle source of side-quests . s e after performing their a ssignments they ma offer y y ou new item for purch se, or tr s a oops and item how s . ever, the opposite situa tion is al possible: if y f a quest, y ma entir y lose so ou ail ou y el y our opportunity to tra with certain ch de ara cter s .

These p ssa a gew ys allow y a ou to move betw een loca tions or betw een r m within the same loca oo s tion . They often loo differ k ent, depending on their purpose . So me lea mer y d el to the ne xt loca tion, so descend into a dungeon or even move me the pla yer into another w orld . all such transitions ar indica e ted on the w orld map with special signs . a la dder sign means th t a this transition lea to an upper or low level on the map . ds er s

pOr al T S

will dig, and a buried chest will bur forth fr m the gr st o ound . The contents ar now y e our ap s! art fr m the normal tr sur o ea es hidden a oss the many lands of E cr ndoria, ther ar special e e tr sur which y can onl find if y possess a tr sur map ea es ou y ou ea e or another special item . If y do not h ve the necessary map, ou a y cannot r ou ecover the tr sur even if y know its loca ea e, ou tion . plea note th t all the tr sur se a ea es, unless they ar hidden or e buried, ar mar ed with a special star on the minimap . e k

In a ddition to buildings and portal y s, ou can find a v ariety of intera ctive objects on the a dventur map . Intera e cting with them can pr ovide a dditional r esources, and incr sed the her ea os cap abilities . after using these objects, they ar mar ed a visited, e k s and they cannot be r e-used for a time . So such objects can be me used onl once per game, while other r y s equir time to r ar e ech ge, such a fountains or mana and ra w s . s ge ell So objects ma incr se the ba p me y ea sic arameter of the her (a s o tta ck, defense, mana, and so on), or grant e xperience, a dditional mana or ra - even T ge alent r unes or ma scr s . gic oll E xam ples include: al tar of Knowledge, al tar of B ttle, Training a T get, Shrine of Knowledge, and the Fountain of h ar appiness .


during y our tra veling, y ou will ga ther r esources and tr sur ea es sca tter a oss the a ed cr dventur map . In v e arious noo s and buried k under ound y gr ou will find gold, ma gic Crystal T s, alent r unes, and scr s . One p oll articularl special item is the B y anner, which y can collect to incr se y ou ea our lea ship . In the buried tr sur der ea e chests y ma find gold, objects, scr ou y oll, or ma crystal - even gic s T alent r unes . T ypicall the finer the chest, the mor v y, e aluable its contents . One im portant element of the game is the search for tr sur ea e . v ery v aluable tr sur ar hidden under ound . when y ea es e gr our ch ara cter is close to one of these buried tr sur y will see ea es, ou a special effect - a colum of light - mar n king the pla wher ce e y should dig . By clicking on the shovel (or pr ou essing d), y ou

Tr Sur S Ea E

Ther ar a number of other objects which pr e e ovide v arious bonuses or item rando y . They can grant gold, scr s, v s ml oll aluable item or tr s, oops who will join y ou . It never hurts to loo k! E xam ples include: w ishing w s, Sarcoph gi, hidden Ca ell a ches .

w ONdEr S OF ThE w ld Or
Kings Bounty: w arrior of the North offer numer s s ous amazing and intriguing a spects . E nemy armies can be co mmanded by special enemy her oes, unique and speciall y-skilled opponents, certain objects possess soul a r s s eal and willful a any or s dinary cr tur ea e, and ther ar so ba e e me ttles in which the divine a ssistance of the v alkyries is all th t stands betw a een victory and doo m .



In y our e xploits, y ou will encounter numer ous enemy her oes . These unique ch ara cter ea of which h s his own history and s, ch a motiv tions, for which they will fight to the dea a th . These units can be visuall distinguished by their unique appearance, y and the luminescent a ura th t follows them . In a a ddition, when y ou hover the mouse over their army, y ou will see the her os portrait and can r d about his special ch ea ara cteristics .

ENEmy hEr S OE

One very unique fea es of the game is living objects . Such item tur s h ve unique pr a operties and can ch ange their ch ara cteristics in r esponse to the pla yers a ctions . These item al s so h ve morale, which indica a tes how sa tisfied the object is with the pla yers a ctions . Every living object h s its a own history and purpose, and they seek to follow an owner who sh es the same beliefs . If the beh vior of the pla ar a yer runs counter to the idea of a living object in their possession, its s morale suffer The r s . ever is true a w se s ell: an object can be plea sed with the pla yers a ctions, and its morale incr ses . when ea living objects r ch a ma ea ximum morale, they a uto ticall beco ma y me mor pow e erful . If the morale of an object f s to a critical low, it goes out all of contr and no longer offer its bonuses . To r ol s egain contr ol of the object, one must ch allenge it by defea ting its guar dians . To ch allenge the items Guar dians to ba ttle, click on the item in the her os inventory and choose the menu item Suppr ess or upgra de . Once y ou co mmit to this ch allenge, y ou will be transported to a special ar ena loca ted inside the object itself . The most im portant and most unusual opponent in such ba ttles ar Gr e emlins, the objects k eeper These malevolent cr tur s . ea es will try anything to destr oy y our army . Gr emlins possess pow erful ma gic, and will a ctivel use it to destr y oy y our forces, or support their own . Fighting alongside the Gr emlins ar r e egular tr oops whose ta it is to pr sk otect the Guar dians of the object . y ou ma win a victory a y gainst the objects k eeper onl by destr s y oying every single Gr emlin - and ea of their ch serv ants .


In co t, an enemy her h s many of the same cap mba o a abilities th t a Ola possesses . he grants bonuses to his tr f oops, incr sing their ea performance, and uses a spell once per turn, supporting his army with ma gic, or d ama ging his enemys army . an enemy army led by such a her is f mor d o ar e anger ous th a usual army - but the an r ar for defea ew d ting him is much higher a w s ell . among the inh abitants of E ndoria, ther ar many who desir e e e the hea ds of their sw orn enemies . Such ch ara cter ma tell s y y ou their sa stories, and beg y d ou to e ct r xa evenge upon the offending enemy her when y kill an enemy her for to o . ou o who y m ou h ve r a eceived a bounty, y ou will immedia y win tel a r ar for co pleting y ew d m our ta sk .

Over the cour se of the game y ou will encounter certain opponents who ar very differ e ent fr m all other enemies . These o cr tur ar called bosses, and ma be so huge a to occupy ea es e y s h alf of the ba ttlefield . Such terrible foes can by them ves sel defea an entir army . In the pr t e esence of such cr tur the her ea es o cannot use ra skill ge s . Bosses pose true ta ctical puzzles, a they h ve unique abilities s a




and special co t skill quite unlik normal enemies . On his mba s, e voy ge, the her ma meet four boss . w briefl tw of them a o y e y o her e . . . undea Spider d F st and immune to poison, the giant spider pr a efer to not to s fight, and ra ther call upon other spider a serv s s s ants . whenever it senses d anger, the spider hides under ound, then appearing gr in another pla ce, a tta cking the unsuspecting enemys r ear flank with full force . The spiders pow erful legs can strik mul e tiple enemies, and ea bite dea y poisonous . ch dl lo ki This giant v iking serves King a ald, and pr sv otects the central island of the southern kingdo of the r m iftland v ikings . No one r emember wher lo came fr m, and even the old-timer s e ki o s can h dl guess his a ar y ge . r umor h s it th t he w s the son a a a of the Torah, though lo h d been seen near the shrines ki a of the Torah a w a the tem s ell s ple of Odin . One thing is certain - he is a fearful foe, and tak his w k a ba es or s ttle ma ster most seriousl y .

INSTr TIONS FOr a ENTur S uC dv Er

Gra hIC p S

after selecting Options fr m the main game menu, y o ou will see a window wher y e ou can configur the performance e of the game, and a djust the graphics and sound settings .


Show intr oduction video . Show or hide the logos and games developer movies when the game is being lo ded . a Invert mouse on the X-a xis . This options enables y to r ou ever se the motion indica tion by horizontal mouse movement . Invert mouse on the y-a xis . This options enables y to r ou ever se the motion indica tion by vertical mouse movement . mouse sensitivity . This incr ses the speed of camera movements, ea and the speed with which the cur sor moves .


r esolution . The best quality visual displa y is pr ovided on the na tive r esolution of y our monitor . r esolution a ffects the speed of the game slightl Scr y . een r esh ra determines efr te the r esh ra of y efr te our monitor . Co t anima mba tion Speed . The speed a which cr tur move t ea es during ba ttle . The cinema tic camera shows a tta s in pow ck erful detail . v iew distance determines the distance a which objects and t landscape ar visible . The smaller the distance, the better e the performance . wter quality ch a anges the visual quality of w ter . high a quality low s performance . er anisotr opic fil tering incr ses the sh ea arpness of the te xtur in es the distance . It h s a negligible im a on performance . a p ct Sh dows ch a anges the quality of the sh dows . The higher a the r esolution, the smoother and sh arper ar the edges e of sh dows . Turning on sh dows significantl a a y r educes


3 7

performance . Ch anges in the quality of sh dows h s little a a effect on the speed of the game . Sh dows on objects . E a nable / disable self-sh dowing . a landscape te xtur e Quality ch anges the te xtur e detail of the landscape . This a ffects the te xtur e quality, the pr ocessing speed, and the amount of memory r equir ed . This significantl a y ffects performance . Object Te xtur Quality ch e anges the te xtur detail of objects . e This a ffects the te xtur quality, the pr e ocessing speed and the amount of memory r equir ed . Cr tur ea e Te xtur e Quality ch anges the te xtur e detail of cr tur ea es . This a ffects the te xtur quality, the pr e ocessing speed and the amount of memory r equir ed . h s almost no effect a on performance . antialising smoothes the edges of objects, elimina ting the ja gged la dder effect . affects the performance of the game . v ertical Sync is r equir ed by lC d displa ys . This determines the ra a which the scr te t een is r eshed . h s almost no effect efr a on performance .

a dventur mode e E sc F 2/F3 F5/F8 Sp ce a h B Q m d F Co t mode mba E sc ho me d, Sp ce a w, E nter a B r 1, 2, 3 C trl+1, 2, 3 C trl/Shift left/r ight menu r eturn the Camera to def ul position a t T e defensive position ak w ait Toggle auto-B ttle a Open Spell Boo k use the ra of the v ge alkyries amulet Select a Tr oops Special Skill Choose a tta ck, defense, or luck r une when selecting 2 or 3r level spell C nd d s, trl and Shift low the level by 1 or 2 level er s . move the Camera menu Sa and lo d Game ve a Quick-sa and Quick-lo d ve a p use the Game a her w o indow ma Boo gic k Quest Journal map dig for Tr sur ea e Co mmand y our Steed to Fl y

E nable . E nables / disables 3d view . depth . a djusts the effect of ster eoscopic depth . w r mmend e eco y ou decr se the depth of the effect or disable 3d view, if ea y our eyes beco f tigued . me a

3d vIEw (requires special bicolor (red/blue) gla sses)


music . E nable / disable music pla ck . yba Sounds . E nable / disable pla ying sounds .



Cr dIT E S
Ka a I INTEra TIv T ur C E:
ana sia p ov sta ank a Sound design p trik a eev p vel a v dim Ch y a al

mana gement and game design dmitry Gusar ov lea artist d ale xander y azynin Chief p r ogrammer ale xander Zeber g anima tion and E ffects r uslan Cherny Game design Iv ma an gazinnik ov anna Seleznev a anton mikh ailov Interf ce design a Evgeny Cher ov enk level design dmitry degty ev ar pr ogrammer s va y chesla ma v tytsin ale xander Tr etiak ale xander p shin ar y evgeny Gonch aruk artists Ser Simonov gei Nina v tulich a dmitry degty ev ar ale xander Belchenk o Eugene Chepik ov r man Chubov o vla dimir Shelestov music lind Er os ebr Trihorn p r oductions Co poser m s mikh Kostylev ail andr Gla k ey d ov

w arr IOr OF ThE NOr Th TEam:

y ulia ak senov a vla dimir alek sandr ov andr ew Bessarab ale v x akhrushev ma xim v ov olk anton Gurinov Konstantin d r ozdov anton Zinoviev dmitry Zosimov ale xander Klimenk o Elena Kozyr a ev Ser Kondra gei tovich p vel Kondra a shov Svetlana Kr ot andr ew Kulik v onica lukina er Gleb l yubimov denis mal tzev andr mina ey ev y mir uri oshnik ov p vel Osh a arin alena r usskykh ale xander r yzhenk o Elena Sablina r uslan Svobodin ma xim Sevosty anov vla dimir Sk odumov or

anna Slizk a ov ale xander Sidor ov Oleg Sukh anov Ca therine Ter entev a v ital T kin y im ale Tuzhilin x ale xander hristy an vla dimir Chuik ov ale Shumeykin x localiza tion Oleg mir onov mar eting & pr k Nik y B ola aryshnik ov ana y Subbotin tol Felix y ovlev ak Nikita putilin andr dineev ey

General mana ger a am piesiak d Business develop ment dir ector p w Grzyw czewski a el a Business develop ment mana ger marta Olejniczak Junior Business develop ment mana ger Jakub Trudzik Q pr a oject mana ger Grzegorz hod ala dir ector of Quality a ssurance luka r sz ynk owski Q lab mana s a ger ma ciej mazur ek luka Osinski sz Q Team lea s a der Kamil K siezak p w Strzelczyk a el

Q&a Q-lOC QlOC S .a .

Functional Q Tester a s piotr Biar a d Borys Jozwiak r man Skur o ski r oger wszkiewicz a mich Z al ygmuntowicz linguistic Q Tester a s B artek antecki piotr mugerman IT mana ger B artek Zuk owski r&d Specialist Ja cek F ajfer Transla tion Br eslin Studios music by lind Er os ebr dmitry pety akin

1C puBlIShING Eu

Sales Team d aniela ra vin To s Str m ma o sky luka p oulek s ar localiza tion and p r oduction mana ger Jan Olejnik mar eting & pr, Graphical k design andr pisecna ea lubos B chura a many th s to all who ank supported and believed in us! a deep bow to the f ther a of the series Jon v Caneghem an and the co p m any New w orld Co puting . m


4 1

If y encounter pr ou oblem while installing or pla s ying the game, do the following befor y conta us: e ou ct Choose r un in the Start menu . T ype dx g in the dialog window and pr dia ess E nter to run micr osoft dir ectX dia gnostic Tool . p ss all tests . a h ving p ssed the tests, pr a a ess Sa all Informa ve tion . Send the te xt file obtained and a description of y our pr oblem to our technical support . Informa tion r equir ed Game ver sion (installed upd tes) a Opera ting system pr ocessor brand, type and clock speed ram volume Sound car type d v ideo a apter model and p d arameter s C d/dv d-r m drive type O mouse type and driver ver sion dir ectX ver sion detailed description of the pr oblem th t y f ced a ou a

TEChNICal SuppOr T

v e-mail a support@1cpublishing .eu ia t: plea use the e-mail a se ddr ess pr ovided . all support enquir to es the co p m any a ddr ess or phone number(s) cannot be answ ed by er our sta ff . For m e inform tion a upd te plea visit: www .1cpublishing .co or a nd a s se m 2012 1C Co p m any . all rights r eserved . The E ngine Copyright 2002-2010 Skyf allen E ntertainment Bink video Copyright 1997-2010 by ra Game Tool Inc . Bink d s, video pla ck technology used under license . F yba mOd Sound System Copyright , Fir elight Technologies pty, l td . 1999-2010 zlib co pr m ession library Copyright 1995-2008 Jean-loup Gaill y and mar a k dler lua langua Copyright 1994-2008 lua .or ge g, puC-r io . libogg, libtheora, libvorbis Copyright 2002-2008 Xiph .or Found tion . g a


Join the 1C co mmunity by r egistering on our w ebsite www .1cpublishing .co and r m eceive all the la test news on 1C games, events, contents etc .


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4 2 4 3

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