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ABSTRACT Research of This end Duty done in company of hat haji PD.

Panembong Garut is measurement of total productivity and partial productivity, evaluation of partial and total productivity, and planning of total productivity. Partial productivity consisted of partial productivity of labour, partial productivity of material, partial productivity of energy, partial productivity of other cost. At this research model who applied is partial and total productivity model of David J. Shumant. Measurement of productivity is done by during 6 time period month of that is from month August 2009 until month Januari 2010. base period selected is kalends that is month August where company is assumed in a state of stable, that is with productivity index 100%. Result of calculation from total productivity index during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 110.49%, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 90.05 %. Result of calculation partial productivity index of labour during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 111.40 %, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 89.75 %. Result of calculation partial productivity index of material during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 107.11 %, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 89.75 %. Result of calculation partial productivity index of energy during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 107.11 %, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 89.75 %. Result of calculation partial productivity index of other cost during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 107.11 %, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 89.75 %. Result of calculation partial productivity index of other cost during 6 period, indek highest productivity is at period 5 with index value 107.11 %, and index low productivity is at period 2 with index value 89.75 %. While to evaluating productivity as second step in productivity cycle introduced by by David J. Shumant. that is: Measurement, Evaluation, Planning, Improvement (MEPI). In evaluating this applies index difference percentage method. From result of calculation all periods seen existence of degradation of productivity index speed which caused by output index of its(the value is bigger compared to input index. At planning step of model productivity who utilized is planning model of short term productivity that is planning model of partial productivity wight. As for result of planning of productivity done for total productivity is, for total productivity based on partial of labour is 1085, for total productivity based on partial of labour is 1084, for total productivity based on partial of material is 1084, for total productivity based on partial of energy is 1084, for total productivity based on partial of other cost is 1084.


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