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Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ALSO: ANY/ALL CONTRACT AGREEMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 10, PARAGRAPH 1. (OUR COMMON LAW/GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO CONTRACT. This section reads:No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Here is the information you requ

"Resolve your credit card debt now". The program is an educational program supervised by professional consultants in the field. We do not give legal advice. . You can stop making monthly payments immediately. We also provide personal counseling and direction as you progress through the program. There are three ( 3 ) phases: 1. Verified TENDER OF PAYMENT to creditor 2. Resolution or reduction of collection calls and harassment. 3. Removal of inaccurate and erroneous items from your credit report.

It is time to stop these banksters from forcing thousands and thousands of our families and friends into bankruptcy. ( Over a million last year, the majority caused by overwhelming debt. ) What YOU don't realize is that when banks approve your loan and establish your credit limit, they use your name and your signature on the application to create the money to fund the loan. So, this is in essence your OWN MONEY. How does it feel to realize that you have been paying the bank interest for all these years on your OWN MONEY? What a deal for the banks!! Having you pay back your own money plus interest on it. At no time do the banks lend you any of their own money, or of other depositor's money (Not One Single Dollar.) They are not allowed to do so, because of the Federal Reserve Bank regulations and GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles.) So, they lend you your own money and charge you exorbitant interest on it as well. I repeat "WHAT A DEAL FOR THE BANKS. " Our purpose is to put a STOP to this monumental scam. During the Revolutionary war, George Washington wintered his troops in Valley Forge and from here he launched his pursuit of the British army headed to New York. All to free our country from the tyranny and oppression of the English king. Like Washington, we too will win this battle. See our quote from Thomas Jefferson below. He knew what he was talking about and we went and did exactly what he advised us not to do.

The A. C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION Program will give you what may be your last opportunity to get out from under the bondage and oppression of the credit scam. Believe it or not, you are in bondage. You are the servant to the bank master (Note MASTER CARD, - does that tell you something?) You will remain a slave in bondage until you decide to do something about it. No one else is going to lift your yoke. Take action now. A couple of quotes of interest Thomas Jefferson said, "If the American people allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless in the continent their fathers conquered." So what did we do? We permitted bankers and politicians to set up the Federal Reserve System. Most people do not realize this is a private corporation and is not a part of the government. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express. Henry Ford said, " It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system. For if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Please watch the video below The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward and you will understand what the Federal Reserve is all about. Federal Reserve No More "Federal" Than Federal Express! Click Here to watch Video

Using the A. C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION program your unsecured credit debt is legally RESOLVED based strictly on existing laws, policies and procedures that banks and other financial institutions are required to follow. A cursory examination of these laws reveals that modern lenders breach their contract with every single customer. Banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions advertise that they are in business of lending money, but this is so false that their own accounting ledger shows that the exact opposite is occurring. Once a customer challenges a lender and requires that the lender produce its accounting books and forces it to explain exactly whose asset was used to fund the loan or credit line, the original contract/agreement is rendered null and void because the lender did not fulfill part of the agreement, i.e. it failed to loan money that belonged to the bank/credit card company. What's really going on? Example 1: For sake of illustration please follow along with this example: Part of any checking-account agreement is that a customer's deposit must be credited to the customer's account. When a customer makes a deposit of $100 the bank accepts the deposit and credits his/her account for $100. The bank's accounting now shows that the bank has a liability on its books for $100, because of the $100 asset deposited by the customer (a bank liability is a "bank IOU" for the customer). Per the customer's agreement with the bank, the customer can withdraw the $100 at any time and the bank is legally liable for returning the deposit when demanded. Is the bank legally obligated for returning a customer's deposit? Is the bank in breach of the checking account agreement if it does not return the deposit? The answer to both of those questions is "Yes." The banking business would be the best kind of business imaginable if banks were not obligated to return people's deposits-but as incredible as it may seem that is exactly the way banks and credit card companies do business when they extend credit and loan money to customers! In other words, your signed credit card or loan application (promissory note backed by your future labor) is converted into a "cash" asset by the bank. In fact, the bank stamps the back of the credit card agreement/loan application (promissory note) just as it would any other deposit, and then deposits it into what is called a "transaction account" (a special account no different than a checking account that is opened under your name, but without your knowledge or

consent). The bank then returns the cash to you (your "loan"), but also wants you to pay back this "loan" (of your own deposit) as if the bank had loaned you its own money. For these reasons, the bank does not fulfill its part of the loan agreement, thus nullifying the contract between the two of you and releasing you from any "repayment" obligation. Despite what you may have been taught, this is the way the banks do business and this is what has happened in every single bank "loan" transaction you have ever been involved in. Bankers pray that no one will find out about the scam and ask for return of his/her original deposit, i.e. the signed promise to pay (asset), and expose the banking system for the confidence game that it is. Example 2: Here is a simpler, if idiotic, explanation of the above example: John agrees to loan you $100 of his own money at 5% interest, but also requires that you put up a $100 cash deposit as collateral for the loan. Let us say that this was an acceptable loan arrangement for you and you entered the loan transaction, taking a $100 bill from your wallet/purse and giving it to John as collateral, and John then handing it right back to you and calling it the "loan." Let us also say that you paid back the $100 plus $5 in interest as agreed, but that John failed to return the $100 cash deposit that you had put up for the loan. John would be in breach of this loan agreement for two reasons: 1) He did not loan his own money, and 2) He did not return your deposit. Both are grounds for nullification of the original loan agreement and all such "loans" from banks, credit card companies, and other types of "lending" institutions are not different from the example. Modern "lenders" accept your signed promise to pay as "cash" and deposit the signed promise to pay in an account in your name without your knowledge and use your deposit as the source of all the money you receive in the so-called "loan," but never tell you about it and never return your original deposit. This is the way the banking system has operated since 1913.

Who is the A. C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION program designed for? If you fit into any of the following categories the A. C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION Program is designed for you: * You cannot afford paying your credit card, home mortgage, student loans, etc bills. * You have no incentive for paying your bills. * You would like another chance at financial freedom, but do not like the idea of filing for bankruptcy just because of credit card, auto loans, student loans, mortgage etc debt. First of all, the A .C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION Program helps you immediately STOP payments, put an end to harassing phone calls and annoying collection agencies. Next, if needed, we assist you with a proven, successful method of dealing with attorneys and others who insist on pursuing collection of the debt. Unlike other programs, we offer a strategically safe method for dealing with whatever lender response you may receive, and we offer unlimited support. Only people who can precisely and accurately answer each of the following eight questions should ever attempt eradicating debt on their own: * What are the bookkeeping entries? * What is the proof of the bookkeeping entries? * What is the proof the lender breached the agreement? * What is the proof the lender changed the risk and cost of the transaction? * What are the six questions that can resolve the debt? * What could get the debt collector disbarred from collecting the debt? * What is the banking law that destroys the credit company's defense? * What are the common mistakes people make in their dispute-form letter? Note: We do not recommend people attempt termination of debt without competent assistance. Banks and credit card companies have very clever officers and attorneys and can instantly recognize when you do not fully understand what you are doing. In such case you can be easily defeated. However, we can assure you that we offer the finest quality assistance available. The A. C. S. DEBT RESOLUTION Program is much easier and faster than other programs, and before you know it you will be out of debt and back on your feet. (usually in a few months) Our program enables each individual to finally take control of their financial life and stop drowning in credit debt without the need for bankruptcy. The banking lobby in Washington, D.C. is very strong and you can be sure there will be action soon for new legislation and new laws to close this final escape hatch. As soon as you join our program you STOP making credit payments immediately!

As soon as you join our program you RESOLVE your debt NOW! This has nothing to do with "debt counseling" or a reduced payment plan! This program is designed to deal with bank fraud, and does not apply to department store cards or to gasoline cards. (UNLESS issued by a bank) (Only U.S. bank credit cards) So call us today, AND RESOLVE YOUR DEBT NOW. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY THIS MONEY BACK LEGALLY BECAUSE YOU WERE DEFRAUDED AND MISREPRESENTED.

The MINIMUM price of our program is $ 4,000* for up to 5 cards. Add $ 500.00 for each additional card over Five Cards. The dollar amount is up to $ 100,000.00. CALL IF OVER LIMITS. To get started call me below.

Thank You Anthony Russo 541-348-3450

Please watch the video below The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward and you will understand what the Federal Reserve is all about. Federal Reserve No More "Federal" Than Federal Express! Click Here to watch Video

THE DOCUMENTS AND TELECONFERENCE REFERRED TO WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE AMENDMENT 1 OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ALSO: ANY/ALL CONTRACT AGREEMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 10, PARAGRAPH 1. (OUR COMMON LAW/GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO CONTRACT. This section reads:No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. ACCURATE CREDIT SOLUTIONS Post Office Box 735 Heber, Arizona 85928 Do NOT send application / agreement to above address. Send to address below.

A. C. S. (Company) SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is effective this ___ day of _______________. 20____ by and between A.C.S., herein referred to as Company and client herein referred to as _______________________________________. WHEREAS: The parties hereby mutually agree to establish a business relationship and to transact business in cooperation with one another for their mutual benefit regarding the DEBT RESOLUTION of your UNSECURED DEBT,credit card or cards. Client agrees to pay to company a Fee of $4,000.* The fee is to be paid via money order or cashiers check by overnight courier payable to Anthony Russo and mailed to his address listed below along with this service agreement and credit card resolution application.

Using the A.C.S. DEBT RESOLUTION program your unsecured credit card debt is lawfully. resolved strictly on existing laws, policies and procedures that banks and other financial institutions are required to follow. This has nothing to do with "debt counseling" or a reduced payment plan! This program is designed to deal with bank fraud, and does not apply to department store cards or to gasoline cards. (UNLESS issued by a bank) (Only U.S. bank credit cards accepted.) CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Client hereby guarantees to be responsible for promptly and without unreasonable and unnecessary delay, provide all documents, documentation, and correspondence requested by specialists. Client hereby also guarantees to divulge truthfully, and without intent to hide or confuse, specialists with respect to any information requested and deemed necessary by specialist to complete work for client. Client will provide the name of the loan servicing company (if any); a copy of the notice you received that shows company as the loan services of your account. Certified True copy ok. Client will provide the last statement due on unsecured debts, and credit cards, etc. so we (the company) will know whom to deal with on the debt issue and the $$$ amount we are starting from. (Certified True Copies o.k.) In the event some/ or none / of the documents are available, or obtainable, Client may provide a CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the BILLING ITEM. *Client is to complete the LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY and return with the entry fee. (PLEASE SIGN IN BLUE INK.) *Client is to pay Ken Defoor, ten per-cent (10% maximum; negotiable as AGREED) of the amount of liquidated, or discharged amount on any / all resolutions of debt. *Client agrees to complete any documents deemed necessary by Company, or its suppliers, to complete the repudiation (resolution) process. *FEES AND EXPENSES: *The fees for all work referenced herein is $4,000.00 (four thousand dollars Federal Reserve Notes) ENTRY FEE. *All expenses NORMALLY are covered in this fee, unless otherwise posted, except for any city, state, municipality, or court filing fees, which may occur in the fulfillment of this contract by the specialists. Client will pay said expenses. Specialists shall inform client of any such fees in as

far as advance as possible, and will keep the same to an absolute minimum, however, such fees are usually minimal and easily paid by client. ANY disputes will be settled by Constitutional Correct, Authorized: Common Law, by Jury Trial. UNDERSTANDING: Client(s) warrant that it has read and understands all of the provision of this Agreement and agrees that no other representations have been made by Company to induce Client to enter into this Agreement. Any person executing this Agreement on behalf of either party hereby expressly warrants full and complete authority to enter into this obligation. Sign below if you agree with all of the above.
Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________


Authorized representative for Company

FOR PROGRAM ONE (1) THE DOCUMENTS AND TELECONFERENCE REFERRED TO WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER THE AMENDMENT 1 OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ALSO: ANY/ALL CONTRACT AGREEMENTS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 10, PARAGRAPH 1. (OUR COMMON LAW/GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO CONTRACT.

1. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 2. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 3. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 4. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 5. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 6. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 7. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 8. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 9. Name of Bank __________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________ 10. Name of Bank _________________Account #_________________Balance Owed________

All Cards Over Five Cards We Charge $ 500.00 Per Card To Put Into Our Program. Pease DO NOT USE Your Credit Cards After You Put Them Into Our Program.


Know all by these presents, that the undersigned ___________________________________________ hereby constitutes and appoints Accurate Credit Solutions (A.C.S.), the undersigned's true and lawful attorney-infact to execute and/or deliver for and on behalf of the undersigned all correspondence addressed to credit bureaus/and or financial institutions. All correspondence addressed to creditors and/or financial institutions of the undersigned and collection agencies retained by such creditors, and to receive all related correspondence from such parties, it being understood that any documents or correspondence executed or delivered by such attorney-in-fact on behalf of the undersigned pursuant to this Power of Attorney shall be in such form and shall contain such terms and conditions as such attorney-in-fact may approve in such attorney-in-fact's discretion. The undersigned hereby grants to such attorney-in-fact full power and authority to do and perform any and every act and thing whatsoever requisite, necessary or proper to be done in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully to all intents and purposes as the undersigned might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that such attorney-in-fact, or such attorney-in-fact's substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this power of attorney and the rights and powers herein granted. This Power of Attorney shall be governed by the laws Common Law in all respects, including its validity, construction, interpretation and termination. If any provisions are held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until the termination of the Customer Services Agreement for whatever reason, unless earlier revoked by the undersigned in a signed writing delivered to the foregoing attorney-in-fact. By signing below, I (Customer) agree to the above terms and conditions Customer ________________________________________________________________________


Accurate Credit Solutions:. ___________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date________________________________________________________________


Applicant Please Print Spouse City Telephone Number Number of Credit Cards: (Maximum is Five Cards) ( Co-Applicant ) State Cell Phone Number Email Address Total Dollar Amount: $ (Maximum is $100,000.00) Zip Code



______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____ _______

Call if over limit

Sponsor Name: Anthony Russo SR. Referred By:

Call if over limit

________________________________________ ________________________ Instructions


Applicant Signature:


Add $ 500.00 for each additional card over Five Cards. OR CALL for over maximum amount limit(s). Fill out Agreement and Application and completely sign and date. Forward both the Agreement and Application and cashiers check or money order for $4,000.00 (PAYABLE TO Anthony Russo via overnight courier to: Anthony Russo SR. 48252 Hwy 101 # 65 Langlois OR. 97450 Phone: 541-348-2450 Email: SEND COPY LAST STATEMENT; CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT!

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