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Gtriding riotcs [or lnstructors

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stL,trc,rs .ru,i., ir {rJ ,. ur:lri.}. l/(| I rI ;,;,,; (}lllCf SUDJCCT-S lOO. It has beerr inclrided lbr tire i)lrl)osc o1- giving a total picturr: :rf- thc strb.jccr -fhe loltir IC is too sinrple and students cur bc asked lo do scl[_studt./prc:luntation I'ltc. topic on lc'eragc is quirc i:iear arrd docs not rcquire ant, guidi'g note. It ir; ittri;lied rlrat *'iilrt: deering rvith trrrs rollic {hc suL,-poiirts like,'EBIT-EpS anar-r,sis, t:r'cir poinr' and irrrjirfcrence poinr rvouti.i be rr;scussed and exprained ro ii:":1ff:lirak -l-he

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i,,r"ar". ihl ';,il:,,'";::ll"l"j'1;

be discussed ) -[his topic is baseci on 'Financie

ln addition to the variotrs diviclc.rci nrocleis thc theoretical points lronr.Di' Decision' (Prasanna chandra) ard 'Determinants of DiYidend policl,' (Jain and Khan) shoLrld

cleai. As part of capitel strLrc(ure'. thc ten {hcor-clic:ri poi; ris girren in Jain and Khan and sevJr th"eorerical poirrts given in piasa:rna Cltand, ;i in the chaptei- on 'Capital Stmcture Decision' should also be cliscussed

topic on capitai struclurc


aiso quite


Pliurrring and Forecasting' (lrrasalna Chancira) Sludents.shoulci be properll lauql:t aboLrr coristructing prororma t;;'il;ilil" Sheet trsing Percertt oI sales niJtlod. Br.rd.geied e\pense ].,1er6od and Combination Method How to lbresxt additionel fund iequirements based on projected Bala^ce Sheet. Financial nrodeling ma),be skipped This topic is to be tot.,.d in 1\'o p.lrts. ln the first part all the methods of valuation oi. bonds and stocks(shares) to be co"ered as explained in prasanna chandra and Jain and Khan In rhe second parr, busini:ss r.aruation ,";,h"J; ;;;;;;"r"d, viz. A,cjusrec book value approach, ba-.ed approach, stock and debt appioach clirei:: .".*ring comparisoir aooroacll ciisccuntec ,'.ush flo," r-ppir,,achiall a.;l;-_r-,:_ci_Ilili-p*:__=c=-.---:_

-:'i.:-.:i'::r ,.:i.r.,..i i,.i _..,1,,ere,11.-F,n"li;;;il;ir oftfra'*dl;l-m b: discir:sec :. deiaire.r. 'rhe.;.- :rr-.1:c.c;;cs ,i2.. idara.koir;.**Jr,-;rir;. 'RcC;;;r;;;i., r'^PPioacir.

McKiir'SEy Approaci, ,...i

For the se\.enth topic trre book io be. ref'erred is .projects-pranning, Alaiysis, Selecrion, Implemenration and*, by. prasanna cil;;;l; oaai,ion to rhe basic texts b;, Cha,dra a'd Jain and Kh'. From the nrrt U*-tip;_;d"*;;r;;;:;;;" covered (viz - Prolec, in Incria- N,reans of Finance, Norms zurd poricies ot Financial Insiii.iions, llll"ing SEBI guir'le.rnes, Financial Institutions, Direct anci Inciirect Financial assistance. Term Loan ir.cedure,,?roject Appraisal etc.). Additionafl,v, iopics lron the basic texts (chandrer and Jain Khan) to be ieferred are sources of iong term finances, ventuie capita! etc. .-\, in the entire N,IMS_Finance sl,llabus there is no subject on project firlancing, this topii: lras been inclucied. Honever, it is to be kept lor ageneral theoretical discussion and rr.r nirmerical ,.o be covered. In tlie erglrtil tol)rc tlrc irnplicatiott i'. :riir,lion in thc capital budgeting decision to 5c explained using surtrs. I iorv inl-llr,',;:r lil iLrsieci ciiscounting rate is to be used 1o apPraise a project Please reler t.i 'i-rir:r-icial Malagen.,eit',
cdition* Chrprcr Il. pirsc Nos Iltrdgetirlg" 'l-lrc itrPliLatio'

rteed not be discussed in dctail.


" upon


*'ide spiead bur r,,r ire resrricLrrs rl - :,. ro 'eri capirai B.,cigetirrg.,r,i;;;";'r*r,",-,',, bei'g cie'oted. 'l lri:iciore, tlrrs rs tirc ,lr,ii'rr. *,lrich *,e can cotier. 1-he objective o1-ninth topic is to llir,r iur o\er yiery olDed'atives. The 6iscussion tcr bc kept brielarrd srirtPle as explairc.! irr tlic iain anci Khan -.Deiivatives: Managing fi nancial Risk' No'rrcticlrl r.h' trrcorctical expranltion. ;irobler,r;.,, l0 -fhe,tenth lopic is to givc an ovcr\i,.r'\ t-rt lli,cstrlent Ba'kirrg..I.1e topics gir,,:n in tlic s1'llabus are to [rc rrisctrssccr in.brier'rrrrri g,cncrar No in-depth discussion. An;, book on firrarrcial
scrviccs is to bc rci,,,

bl, :*n & i(han- 4,i, {n Lr r.r, S.;ii;;'_ ii,,:.;"fii;.-)6^;,", o1' 'ir,';uiion' in'i ina'cial ,vinn,,g.,,r"nr ca' be

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