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In the face of possible provocations, be persevering, patient and resolute until a fair and just final peace agreement

is done; - Both groups in the peace process are believers in the one true God of Peace; while working for peace, do not forget to pray for peace.

As a Muslim, I worship the very same God as the One to which Christ himself called during his ministry on earth. In fact, I call Him by the very same name by which Christ called him as well. Thus, on the level of our common belief in the God of Christ, Gov. Bentley and I are brothers. We are both sons of this great nation, and thus, on the level of our common nationality, Gov. Bentley and I are brothers. Moreover, we are both the sons of Prophet Adam, upon whom be peace, and thus, on the level of our common humanity, Gov. Bentley and I are brothers. The sooner we see each other as brothers and sisters, members of one human family, the easier it will be to work together as a family and make our world a much better place for all. It is easy to separate and divide. Let us work hard to unite and come together. the belief in One Almighty Creator and adherence to the universal code of morality, good conduct, and sincere love for humanity found in the Ten Commandments. UMCF is committed to working tirelessly to establish and promote a pro-active platform of peace and fellowship between all people by living the dictum Mankind is the Family of God. Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world. The future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians. The basis for this peace and understanding already exists. It is part of the very foundational principals of both faiths, love of one God and love of our neighbor. The principals are found over and over again, in the sacred texts of Islam and Christianity. The Unity of God, the necessity of love for Him, and the necessity of love of the neighbor is thus the common ground between Islam and Christianity. we must all make a commitment to fight against those who try to make religion a vehicle for violence. At the same time we must understand that without justice there can be no peace, so lets go forward to fight for justice in this world and peace among us all. after all finding meaning in life and death or understanding good and evil can't be addressed by law, politics or economics. Religion, Tippett said, teaches mankind "what matters in life and in death, how to love and how to give service to one another."

It is not that diversification and differences actually bring conflict. It is when human beings adopt the mindset that they need to stop diversification and create an artificial state of uniformity, then conflict is the inevitable result. And if there is no tolerance for diversification, well then those separate factions must inevitably be at war with one another, possibly even leading to a state where the society is fragmented or destroyed. So you see, my beloved, it is not that the River of Life actually brings conflict. It is not that diversification and differences actually bring conflict. It is when human beings adopt the mindset that they need to stop diversification and create an artificial state of uniformitywell then, my beloved, conflict is the inevitable result.

my beloved, if human beings are focused on becoming more and are focused on bringing their societies into a state of being or becoming more, well then there is no time or attention or energy left over for conflict. For if you know that you can manifest more by applying yourself, by expressing your creativity, then why would you have to have conflicts with your neighbors? Why would you have to control others, to take from others, when you see that all are growing and becoming more? And so my beloved, you see that the very foundation for a Golden Age is that human beings enter into a state of consciousness, where they are focused on becoming more rather than focused on seeking to control others which is the consciousness of becoming less. Traditional religious officers must know that apart from revelation, or holy books, they are also bestowed with reason to understand the former. Religion is not complete if one is neglected, or abused. I call upon all religious leaders and followers to exercise more wisdom and to properly practise their respective religions with mutual love, respect and sincerity. 1. There exists an Ultimate Reality, or transcendent God, which defines the purpose and meaning of life, and to which human beings are related.6 2. The universe is moral and purposeful, human beings are subject to spiritual laws, and each person reaps the fruit of his or her deeds. 3. Each person has an eternal destiny, a life hereafter; the cosmos includes various spiritual realms. 4. There is a highest goal (salvation, enlightenment, liberation, wholeness) which is potentially within the reach of every person. 5. Human beings are tarnished by an evil condition that prevents people from reaching the highest goal unaided.7

6. Each person is free and responsible for his or her personal growth, yet can never fully realize that freedom unless the aforementioned condition of evil is dealt with. 7. Each person has ethical obligations in the contexts of family, society, and the natural world. 8. To become a moral person, one should train oneself to control the body and practice self-denial. 9. The way of goodness includes an ethic of love and self-sacrifice. 10. The fullness of spiritual truth goes beyond this common ground and includes the teachings of the historical religions. Knowledge of Ultimate Reality and the path to salvation comes to us through the unique founders of religion, who were given insights and revelations transcending ordinary knowledge attainable through reason alone. 11. Yet while religion undoubtedly exercises a strong unifying force, bringing together people of diverse ethnicities, nationalities, languages, and economic backgrounds, it can also lead to violence when these communities collide. Whilst by no means a new phenomenon, tension and conflict between communities of different faiths remains as widespread and prevalent now as ever. Moreover the ability of small groups to inflict disproportionately large-scale acts of violence has increased as the technology to facilitate such acts has improved. One of the major challenges of the next century will be to find effective ways of communicating and resolving religious differences through diplomacy rather than aggression. Religious political perspective do hold importance but it shouldn't be implemented at the cost of another human right. Human nature is distinct from each other & a person acquires his/her identity from the ethnic/cultural group he comes from. Human rights provides for right to life which shows that there lies an immediate duty not to harm anyone. So any culture which calls for harming others should be struck out. Human Rights are universal & they are for all indivuals equally throughout the world. So each & every indivual has the right to human rights & they can also carry on with their cultures but not at the cost of violation of another right. The adoption of one religion at the expense of the others could lead to resentment, which in turn could lead to civil unrest that could culminate into a religious war. , no religion should be adopted as state religion. Political organization, in their quest to acquire power, should refrain from using religion as a tool of oppression, disunity and war. Religious leaders should make moves to get involved in politics as they have potential that could make them leaders who have the fear of God and service to humanity as their motto. Even more, political leaders should seek to secularize their policies and show neutrality at all times in religious

affairs. Religious particularism should be shelved. This is possible since Christianity and Islam have a lot of similarities than dissimilarities. I am sure that many people share my concern about the present worldwide moral crisis and will join in my appeal to all humanitarians and religious practitioners who also share this concern to help make our societies more compassionate, just, and equitable. 1. Universal humanitarianism is essential to solve global problems; 2. Compassion is the pillar of world peace; 3. All world religions are already for world peace in this way, as are all humanitarians of whatever ideology; 4. Each individual has a universal responsibility to shape institutions to serve human needs.

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