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December, 2012

International House of Prayer of Greater Fort Wayne ...a day and night , city-wide, multi-church prayer and worship ministry
Something that Satisfies a Wish
Denise shared a message recently entitled You are His Dream and as a part of introducing the message she gave the definition of the word Dream from the Webster Dictionary. It was significant as she unpacked each of the definitions given, that really are descriptive of Gods heart towards us! The last definition a Dream as Something that fully Satisfies a Wish is what we really need to get a hold of! This reality~ You and I are the dream of Gods heart from the Foundation of the earth! Eph 1:4 God did not create the Earth out of Boredom or some kind of demand of an equal creation to keep up with the Jones. He Choose creation because He choose you and me! We, Beloved, are the wish of Heaven. Those who are destined to be the counterpart of the second person of the Godhead, the Bride of Christ! Oh my goodness! Now lets rewind the tape of recent history. The night I felt the frustration, disappointment, discouragement....even the deep question What? God we prayed so earnestly for this election. This was not what I was praying it the beginning of the end of life as we have known it? Is it the beginning of the season the Bible calls the end times? So many questions that we are not going to be able to answer. Especially in many of the calls to prayer ant the prophecies was a presentation of the idea that if we pray and worship we would have a different result. I want to call us to a different narrative - I remain convinced that God is still telling a story of His Grace upon the earth through us His people! So the first shift that I want to call us towards is a repentance in our thinking - to shift our mind-set away from the idea that God is mostly disappointed, discouraged, (fill in the blank) with the mess of humanity in our nation.....Politics, economic structures, rampant injustice and oppression that has so marked this nation. The Wish and Desire of Heaven is way bigger than the direction of a Nation to conservative values - it is about the Kingdom! The Wish of Heaven? Lets look at the words in RED: (Emphasis Mine) you did not choose me, I chose you that you bear fruit that will remain! Jn 15:16 Father I Desire...that the World....( not just America ) Know that You Sent Me....(Jesus) and You Loved them ( the world) Jn 17:24 Listen to these verses in The Message - John 17:22-24 Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me. The same glory you gave me, I gave them, So theyll be as unified and together as we are I in them and you in me. Then theyll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence that youve sent me and loved them in the same way youve loved me. My point? We need to confront the Ugly Unbelief in our own Narrative well I guess God can use whomever is elected Not to mention all the sarcastic, caustic sermonizing Ive seen on social media by believers telling everyone its all over.... REALLY? Do you think just because life as we have known may never be the same - even if we do hit complete economic collapse, it is all over? What are we saying? What is that saying about what we believe about God and ourselves? We need a reminder of who we are! Sons and Daughters of the Living God! It was His intent that the manifold wisdom of God be made known through us....Eph 3:10 So here we are in the Reality of Tension. It seems we are moving towards a post-christian era as a Nation? Yes. NO - I am not suggesting I have a clue about what this election means to eschatology. But I am suggesting, with great conviction, there IS something ETERNAL HAPPENING right now! And it involves you and me! It is this very Reality - that you were born for.... Beloved - here is the reality - we are called to live in a living Tension as the Beloved - His Church upon the earth! Read Revelation 7, 12 especially verses 12 and 17. Beloved a part of our journey here....God has done everything for us in Christ.... the Battle is accomplished....finished...yet Paul says in Ephesians 6....put on the full armor....after having done everything TO STAND......Stand Firm Then......How? As Lovers of God in the midst of every form of difficulty and crisis! The Grace of God is not an idea to be understood but a reality to be manifested in real time in real lives! Continued on page 2
5907 W Wallen Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Phone: 260-403-4948 Email: And the secret is simply this: Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with him the hope of all glorious things to come. Col 1:27b, JB Phillips

December, 2012

Continued from page 1. From the Message Romans 12:1-2 So heres what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary lifeyour sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around lifeand place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Dont become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. Youll be changed from the inside out Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops wellformed maturity in you.

Current Schedule Fall 2012

Sunday 6-9pm The Gathering @ Shinns 3943Plymouth Ave Call Debi @ 485-3182 for directions Live Streaming Sets From IHOP KC Prayer Room Monday 7-9 pm Tuesday 6-8 pm ( Prayer Focus Israel ) Thursday 3-5 pm Thursday Morning Prayer6-7:30 am Open intercession in Prayer Chapel @ First. Friday 7-10 pm Desire Morea city-wide worship and prayer meeting including teaching for children. (Rm 89) All meetings are hosted at First Assembly Prayer Chapel 1400 W Washington Center road unless otherwise noted. 1400 West Washington Center Road

With gratitude and integrity we steward your gifts. Thank you for partnering with the mission the Lord has given us in this hour as we partner with Him for His kingdom to be established. Please make your tax deductible contribution to: IHOP Fort Wayne 5907 West Wallen Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Ben and Denise, Please agree with us over these prayer needs for the next month... ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
5907 W Wallen Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46818 Phone: 260-403-4948 Email: And the secret is simply this: Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with him the hope of all glorious things to come. Col 1:27b, JB Phillips

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