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The Zeitgeist Movement Manual:

Creating Awareness

The purpose of this document is to:

Explain how to create a detailed and understandable sense of awareness for

the global population through audio, visual, and interactive mediums.
Table Of Contents

1..............An Introduction By Vestiga.

2..............Personal Action - What you can do for yourself, right now.

3..............Face-To-Face Approach - How to present your ideas to people.

4..............Small Group Action – Creating awareness in small groups.

5..............Large Group Action – Creating awareness in large groups.

6..............Public Speaking – Presenting your ideas through rhetoric.

7..............Tips – Miscellaneous information relating to this manual.

8..............Notes – To write down your own inspired ideas.

9.............Credits & References – Special thanks to contributors.


If you are reading this, you are making a difference. You know that
something is very wrong with the world today. You look around, and see that darkness
clouds over the trees, skyscrapers, fields, and people among you. You feel it is your duty
to instill that light, that love that this world is missing right now.

This is not a communist manifesto. This is not a socialist manifesto. We are

not a radical terrorist group, and we are not preparing to combat a New World Order.
Are there people controlling us today? To an extent, yes. But there should never be an
“us versus them” mentality among the movement. If all of the “global elite” were to
vanish from their positions of power today, would we be completely free? Of course not.
It would only be a matter of time until new people began to fight one another for
positions at the top of the pyramid.

“We can continue to stomp on the ants coming out from under the
refrigerator, but until we remove the spoiled food behind it, they are just going to keep
coming. ” -Peter Joseph

A question may come to mind now, “How do we remove this spoiled food?”
If I gave you a solution, most likely, you would either blindly follow it, or argue against
it. Both reactions are irrational and only create obstacles in the path we follow to remove
the causes.

The solution can only be found within yourself and others. I invite you to
understand what the movement is truly about by watching Zeitgeist: The Movie and
Zeitgeist: Addendum. You are also encouraged to join The Zeitgeist Movement, and
gather information from many helpful members found on the forums, the IRC channel,
and other various places around the Internet.

Also remember that truth is never learned, it is only realized. Do not assume
all information you receive is pure truth. It is much safer to assume all information is
false until proven with fact. Educate yourself, help yourself, then seek to help others.

That is what The Zeitgeist Movement is about.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Personal Action

The following is a list of things you can do to help yourself, right now.

A clear and open mind and body are critical when supporting The Zeitgeist Movement.

- Let go of everything you have learned. Think back, and imagine you are
being born. What were you taught? What did you believe to be true or false?
Do you still believe the same things today? How do others feel about what you

- Remember that you are human. Regardless of what you were taught
throughout your life, you still share a connection with every human on
Earth. The differences between ourselves are trivial compared to our

- Accept that not everything you have learned is true. This is not a call for
skepticism, it is a call for open-mindedness, a call for you to question and
prove what you have learned, and what you are learning.

- Solve problems in your life before you help others. If you have a health
issue, research it and find out what you can do. If you have a mental or social
issue, identify it and find a solution. Remember that you are never alone. This
is not selfishness, it is improvement so you may help others to improve.

- Become a leader. Past movements with the leader and follower structure
were often unsuccessful, and resulted in a lack of unity. Create unity by
leading people, and then showing them how to lead. This will create a
compounding sense of awareness among others over time.

- Choose love over fear. Realize that the only reason you could ever not love
something, is that you simply do not know enough about it. People fear what
they do not know. Learn to love, and love to learn. Movements with a basis of
hate are not effective.
Face-To-Face Approach

The following is a set of guidelines on how to:

- Respectfully present your ideas to other people.

- Defend your ideas once they are presented.

Presenting Ideas

The very first rule of presenting ideas of The Zeitgeist Movement to people
who are not aware, is to always be respectful, and do not force ideas on them. If they
casually question society, seem open-minded, or display similar characteristics to those
examples shown above, suggest an idea. For example, if him/her says that shelter or
food is more expensive these days, casually suggest The Venus Project as an alternative.

If him/her recognizes your opinions and respects them, as you do to him/her,

give them information on how they can learn more about the movement and what we are
doing. The best way to do this would be to show him/her how he/she can access or

If he/she denies your information or argues against you - Listen to their

opinions, take them into consideration, then let them know you understand how he/she
feels. If he/she accepts your information, thank them for understanding and taking an
interest. Realize that opening your mind to new ideas is very tough. Regardless of the
outcome – Congratulations! You have made a difference.

Defending Ideas

If you feel that a person is just misinterpreting you, and you feel like you
should defend your suggestions, remember a few things.

- A discussion is more effective than a debate.

- Some peoples' beliefs can not be changed in a day.

- Peace and love is stronger than conflict and insult.

Small Group Action

The following is a set of guidelines to create:

Mass awareness among the general public in groups of around 2-20.

Communication: Before beginning to create mass awareness, the group must

first come up with an objective. Often this objective is to simply make as many people
aware of the The Zeitgeist Movement as possible. However, there may be certain
constraints such as time, a specific group of people, location, etc. Make sure the group
knows the objective, and is constantly in communication with each other through radio,
voice, signals, or some form of cooperation.

Formation: Small mobs of people are often detested and ignored. Simply
standing in a group and shouting will get you nowhere. Know what sections of your area
contain the highest amount of people, and place a certain number of members there
accordingly. The most effective operations are the ones that are short, precise, and
efficient. If executed correctly, your “mediums” (see next section) should speak louder
than you. Remember that actions are louder than words.

Mediums: Standing in one place, shouting one message, is too ineffective to

ever create change. Use your resources to convey your message so that you may move
on to another location. The following is a list of suggestions for mediums:

- Visual Boards: (Signs, Posters, Videos on public TVs, etc.)

- Informational Tools: (Handouts, Flyers, DVDs, anything with information.)

- Audio Messages: (PA System/Phone messages, Public speeches, etc.)

- Interactive Mediums: (Anything involving people's willing participation)

- Viral Messages: (YouTube videos, Phrases, ex. “Why So Serious?”)

- Public Stunts: (Large, effective, noticeable stunts. Read below.)

- Your idea. To truly create mass awareness, you must let go of all boundaries.
Large Group Action

The following is a set of guidelines to create:

Mass awareness among the general public in large groups of around 50 or more.

Note: This section was formed based on the guidelines of “Small Group
Action”, and is adapted to suit the characteristics of groups with a great
number of people.

Communication II: The principles of objective, constraint, and cooperation

remain the same. In large groups, a misinterpretation of communication is more likely –
this can be avoided by either assigning a certain section of people a certain objective
(Example: Group 1 makes a 5 minute speech at location 1, Group 2 posts 10 amount of
flyers at location 2, etc.). or assigning one short objective to the entire group, then
assigning a rendezvous point (Example: All members post 20 posters at location 1
within a certain amount of time, then meet at location 2)

Formation II: The principles of area, and S.P.E. (Short, Precise, Efficient)
remain the same. The only difference between formation options of small groups and
formation options of large groups, is that large groups are noticed by many more people
if used correctly. The tactic of using a “mob” in various ways becomes an effective
option once the group of members is large enough to be noticed (50 or more people is a
general guideline, there are ways of making a few people seem like many. Use common
sense when considering this tactic.)

Mediums II: The principle of using mediums to convey a message remains

the same. Remember that your mediums are limited only by your imagination – the
more ridiculous it seems, the more likely it is to gain a massive amount of attention. This
logic is the foundation for public stunts.

Public Stunts:

These are the actions that gain mainstream media attention, the actions that
people do not forget for years. This can range from dropping large amounts of money
from a building, (along with an equal amount of Zeitgeist flyers and such) to freezing
simultaneously in an open place (see “Credits” page). This is where creativity lives.
Public Speaking

The following is a set of guidelines regarding:

How to effectively present your ideas to a group, publicly or privately.

- Treat every person like an individual. Every person is different, so every

person will accept and refuse different things. It is your job to find out what
these things are while speaking, and act accordingly.

- Use your hands to act out what you are saying. Don't go crazy, just make
enough movement to get the point across. There are times where standing still
is appropriate, but sometimes you must be a little animated in order for the
crowd to respect you.

- Let people ask their own questions at random. The 9/11 Truth Movement
slogan comes to mind: "Ask Questions. Demand Answers." This is very true -
if you speak without allowing others to speak, they will assume you are just
feeding them knowledge they don't always want to hear.

- Do unexpected things to grab attention. This guideline speaks for itself.

People like interesting people. Don't overdo it though, you still have to
abide by the law. Know what you are getting into before you get into it.

- Know when to be loud, and when to be quiet. Silence is golden. Any

amount of people shouting at once does not convey a very effective message.
Quick changes in volume often grab people's attention - remember this
attention may not always be positive. It will not always be negative, either.

- Know what you are talking about. This is the most important guideline.
We have all seen people speaking about things they recently learned, acting
like an expert. Your reputation is essential when it comes to public speaking,
and if you do not have a good reputation, people will not listen to you. All you
have to do is back up what you are saying with fact. This will prevent you
from being labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

The following is a set of insight by others in The Zeitgeist Movement,

And tips by myself and others that don't fit in the other chapters.

- "The integrity of an individual can only stretch as far as the integrity of the
community. An organism at war with itself is doomed."
- Brandon K., AKA FusionHalo

- "Stop talking, Start walking." - ArtsFantasy

- "Pick a route for the group to travel, along the way have people scatter. This
will be a sign that as the group walks, more and more people join. This says
that the movement is growing." - TheoBane

- "Inhale change; Exhale revolution." - Vestiga

- "Try to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Simple) at all stages. Keep in mind that it
must be easy to understand for people with different backgrounds."
- Cosar

- "We must cooperate today to make a better future for ourselves tomorrow."
- Nanos
Credits & References

- Thanks to Peter Joesph, without whom The Zeitgeist Movement

may never have existed.

- Thanks to everyone in The Zeitgeist Movement.

Keep making a difference.

- Thanks to People.

- Thanks to ImprovEverywhere for the idea of freezing in places.

- Thanks to the U.S. Army. Your field manuals were a huge

inspiration for this document.

- Thanks to Tyger, your combat tactics continue to inspire my

everyday life.

- Thanks to Guerilla Marketing. Your tactics were also a big

inspiration for this manual.

- Thanks to ArtsFantasy, your insight played a huge part in creating

"Face-To-Face Approach".

- Thanks to You.

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