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Evolutionists try to beat people by their art of false drawings intentionally thus making reality manipulated to support their

views. According to the evolutionary theory, this transition took place slowly over hundreds of millions of years and progressed in stages. That being the case, countless numbers of "intermediate forms" must have emerged and lived over the long process of transition in question. And a few of them must certainly have been fossilized. For example, half-fish, half-amphibian creatures that still bore fish-like characteristics but which had also acquired certain amphibious features must have existed. And reptile-birds with both reptilian and avian features must have emerged. Since these creatures were in a process of transition, they must have been deformed, deficient and flawed. These theoretical creatures claimed to have existed in the distant past are known as "intermediate forms." If any such living species really did exist, then they should number, in the millions, or even billions. Abundant traces of them should be found in the fossil record, because the number of intermediate forms should be even greater than the number of animal species known today. The geologic strata should be full of the remains of fossilized intermediate forms. Darwin himself admitted this. As he wrote in his book, The Origin of Species: If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed... Consequently evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains. Looking at the paleontological data, we see that the fossil records are extraordinarily rich, with literally billions of fossil specimens obtained from different regions of the world. Looking at fossills record we find that Species are usually static, or nearly so, for long periods, ... genera never show evolution into new species or genera but replacement of one by another, and change is more or less abrupt.

All living things on Earth came into existence suddenly with all their complex and superior features. In other words, they were created. Absolutely no scientific evidence suggests that living things are descended from one another, as evolutionists maintain. Different species all emerged independently of one another, suddenly, and with all their different structures. No imaginary evolutionary "intermediate forms" existed among them. That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record. The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism. When we investigate natural history, we find not living things "evolving into different anatomical structures," but ones that have remained unchanged, even over the course of hundreds of millions of years. The history of most fossil species includes two features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: 1. Stasis: Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless. 2. Sudden appearance: In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady transformation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and fully formed. Countless organisms exhibit no differences from their original states, which first appeared millions or even hundreds of millions of years ago. If evolution had really taken place then living organisms should have developed by gradual incremental changes and continued to change over time. But the fossil record shows the exact opposite. Different groups of organisms appeared suddenly with no similar ancestors behind them, and remained in their original state for millions of years, undergoing no changes at all. There is no evolutionary process in the origin of frogs. The oldest

known frogs are completely different from fish, first appeared with their own unique structures, and possessed exactly the same characteristics as modern frogs. Living fossils hold a mirror to the lack of difference between present-day specimens and fossil remains from the past, and offer evidence that therefore, species underwent no evolution over millions of years. In that way, they deal a severe blow to the theory of evolution. Examples of very old living fossils include the shark, which reveals no trace of change despite being around 400 million years old. The Coelacanth, which evolutionists portrayed as an intermediate form between fish and ambiphians until living specimens were found off Madagascar, constitutes a striking refutation of the theory of evolution's scenario of change. Neopilina, a species of crustacean, has remained unchanged for 500 million years, the scorpion for 430 million years, the Limulus, a marine creature with armour and a sword-like tail, for 225 million years (Now fossils of Horse-shoe crab as old as 445 Million years old are also found), and the Tuatara, a species of reptile living in New Zealand, for 230 million years. Many arthropods, crocodiles, turtles and many species of plant are other components of this growing list. Let us consider cockroaches, for example. These reproduce very quickly and have short life spans, yet they have remained the same for approximately 250 million years. Archaeobacteria are an even more striking example. These emerged 3.5 billion years ago, when the Earth was still very hot, and are still alive today in the boiling waters in Yellowstone National Park. The Australian and African lungfish is another example of a living fossil that was alive 400 million years ago and still thrives in the present. In 1 Areb 80 Crore years old rocks strange tracks were found. That time no worms or multicellular organism existed. But within the rocks globular/ bulbar collapsible bodies were observed fossilized. But now a single-celled ball about the size of a grape is discovered which crawls slowly through the sea bed mud and it is thought to be that extremely old organism. ( An Australian lungfish from the Devonian period (408-360 million years ago). Evolutionists claim that lungfish are the ancestors of amphibians. Yet the pulmonary structure in these fish bears no

resemblance to that in terrestrial animals. The Coelacanth, which according to the fossil record, dates back some 410 million years to the Devonian period, was regarded by evolutionists as a powerful intermediate form between fish and reptile. It had been mysteriously erased from the fossil record 70 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, and was believed to have become extinct at that time. Based on these fossils, evolutionist biologists suggested that this creature had a non-functioning, "primitive" as evolutionists put it, lung. Speculation regarding the Coelacanth became so widespread that the fish was cited in many scientific publications as the most significant evidence for evolution. Paintings and drawings of it leaving the water for the land quickly began appearing in books and magazines. Of course, all these assumptions, images and claims, were based on the idea that the creature was extinct. The truth was very different, however. Since 1938, more than 200 present-day Coelacanths have been caught, after that first one off South Africa. The capture of living Coelacanths revealed that the claims regarding it were nothing more than deceptions. The structure that evolutionist researchers suggested was a primitive lung turned out to be nothing but a fat-filled swimbladder. In addition, evolutionists had always depicted the fish as living in shallow waters, as a potential reptile preparing to crawl onto the land where it would continue to "evolve." Yet the Coelacanth was now found to be living in the deepest ocean watersa bottomdwelling fish almost never rising above 180 meters below the surface. In 1987, the German naturalist Hans Fricke confirmed these research findings when he observed and photographed Coelacanths off the Grand Comoro Island. He observed that the fish swam backwards, forwards and even tilted head down, but never once "walked, crawled, or otherwise moved on the bottom with their lobed fins." Regarding evolution of horse Instead of gradual change, fossils of each intermediate species appear fully distinct, persist unchanged, and then become extinct. Transitional forms are unknown. The equine "series" is totally speculative and is not based on the facts. Moreover, there are considerable anatomical and physical differences among these animals. The fact is that not all the species in the series are extinct. The okapi,

encountered in 1901, showed that a creature that evolutionists depicted as an intermediate form was in fact still alive today. This animal, which has no relation to the horse and which bears a far closer resemblance to the zebra, was living in the Miocene epoch (23-5.3 million years ago), displaying the same complex features it possesses today.

OKAPI This is by no means the end of the list of creatures that still survive today unchanged, in exactly the same form as they displayed millions of years ago. The sturgeon, mackerel, freshwater bass, herring, needlefish, Lobster, crawfish and the Devonian-period shark are all examples of living fossils. Other examples include the jellyfish, sponges, frogs, bees, ants, butterflies and termites. The 230-million-year-old dragonfly, soldier ants dating back 100 million years, and the 150-millionyear-old salamander are all still living today. The same applies to arachnids such as the spider and myriapods such as the millipede. What fossils show is that millions of years ago, living organisms were equipped with the same immaculate features they possess now, Not one fossil of any transitional forms posited by evolutionists has ever been found. Throughout history, fish have always existed as fish, birds as birds, and human beings as human beings.

Some 300 million fossils have been unearthed from excavations to date. But not one indicates that one living thing turned into another or that life forms have so-called common ancestors. All these 300 million fossils, without exception show that living things came into being suddenly and with all their characteristics. What we find in fossils record is that animals which are perfectly designed lives the mutated ones are discarded by nature. Mutation is like earthquake which doesn't improve the city but brings destruction. If Archeopteryx was the intermediary form then why it was so perfect and its feathers were well arranged where are its early ancestors with feathers just evolved which are not well arranged and not perfect like today world feathers??? No one has ever produced a species by mechanism of natural selection. ACCORDING TO WIKIPEDIA The coelacanth has existed for over 390 million years. Horse-shoe crab 450 million years. Life Emerged on Earth Suddenly and in Complex Forms When terrestrial strata and the fossil record are examined, it is to be seen that all living organisms appeared simultaneously. The oldest stratum of the earth in which fossils of living creatures have been found is that of the Cambrian, which has an estimated age of 500-550 million years. The living creatures found in the strata belonging to the Cambrian period emerged all of a sudden in the fossil recordthere are no pre-existing ancestors. The fossils found in the Cambrian rocks belonged to snails, trilobites, sponges, earthworms, jellyfish, sea hedgehogs, and other complex invertebrates. This wide mosaic of living organisms made up of such a great number of complex creatures emerged so suddenly that this miraculous event is referred to as the "Cambrian Explosion" in geological literature. Most of the life forms found in this strata have complex systems like eyes, gills,

circulatory system, and advanced physiological structures no different from their modern counterparts. For instance, the double-lensed, combed eye structure of trilobites is a wonder of design.


Fossil evidence is already analyzed. Now lets discuss other evidences of evolution:

Darwin thought rudimentary structures to be useless. Evolutionary histories are not known for most such organs and that their identification as vestigial is based on direct comparison with modern and not fossil examples. Lets see whether they are useless or useful produced by the creator for performing some function: Anatomically, the appendix shows evidence of a lymphoid function since the submucosa is much thickened and almost entirely occupied by lymphatic nodules and lymphocytes. There is experimental evidence as well, that the vermiform appendix is a lymphoid organ which acts as a reservoir of antibody producing cells (Anonymous. 1960. Appendix may help save cancer victims. Science News Letter 78: 66. ). The coccyx serves as a point of insertion for several muscles and ligaments including the gluteus maximus. The semilunar fold of the eye is simply that portion of the conjunctiva at the medial corner of the eye and as such aids in the cleansing and lubrication of the eye ball. The absence of a nictitating membrane in humans is of no significance to a discussion of the function of the semilunar fold. Similarly, for other 'vestigial organs' there is reasonable grounds for supposing that they are functional albeit in a minor way. Cassowaries use their rudimentary wings in threat displays.

Python has two small claws on either side of the reproductive organs. The snakes dont have the convenient arms and legs most other animals have to assist in mating, so they use their two claws to grip their partner, to make sexual activity possible. Biologists often refer to them as Copulation Claspers or spurs. Without the two claws they could not mate successfully. Pythons use their spurs in dominance contests. In fact, vestigial organs is an example of deevolution. Where are the examples that new organ gradually evolved by evolution.

Homology involves the theory that macroevolutionary relationships can be proven by the similarity in the anatomy and physiology of different animals. A review of the literature on homology indicates that the theory does not provide evidence for evolutionary naturalism, and that the common examples of homology can be better explained by Creation. Furthermore, increased knowledge about the genetic and molecular basis of life has revealed many major exceptions and contradictions to the theory which, as a result, have largely negated homology as a proof of evolution. The forelimbs of humans, whales and birds are similar because they serve similar functions and have similar design constraints. The conclusion that two homologous bones are similar because they are putatively derived from the same ancestral bones is not based on direct evidence but instead on a priori conclusions demanded by macroevolution. The comparative anatomy argument fails completely when an attempt is made to trace all living forms of life (and even fossils) back to their postulated universal common ancestor(s). The many similarities that exist among members of the animal kingdom is the result of the fact that a single designer created the basic kinds of living systems, then specially modified each type of life to enable it to survive in its unique environmental niche. Examples of major environments for which organisms must be designed include the air, ground and water. Structures that

serve similar purposes under similar conditions and that are nourished by similar foods ought to possess similarity in both design and function.

1. It had flight feathers. 2. Where are its other ancestors with badly designed feathers. Its parents should have been of the structure that can be fossilized because both the bones and feathers can be fossilized. Imagenary pictures is not a solution. 3. Archaeopteryx feathers, although less documented than its other features, were very similar in structure and design to modern-day bird feathers. 4. Archaeopteryx had a number of avian features, such as a wishbone, flight feathers, wings and a partially reversed first toe. Specimens of Archaeopteryx were most notable for their welldeveloped flight feathers. They were markedly asymmetrical and showed the structure of flight feathers in modern birds, with vanes given stability by a barb-barbule-barbicel arrangement. The tail feathers were less asymmetrical, again in line with the situation in modern birds and also had firm vanes. Archaeopteryx had fused clavicles and unique ischial morphology Avian Features Feathers: Feathers are generally a defining structure when looking at modern birds, although they cannot be relied upon as the sole identifying structures as this same feature has been found in fossils of the dinosaurs Protoarchaeopteryx robusta and Caudipteryx zoui (Ji et al. 1998). Archaeopteryx appears to have possessed well developed flight feathers, which are asymmetrical and contain a large amount of curvature as well as three distinct vanes. In some aspects however, the feathers of Archaeopteryx appear to be slightly more primitive than extant bird capable of flight with slightly less apparent asymmetry (Norberg 1995). Limbs: The hallux, or first toe, in Archaeopteryx appears to be flexible, a trait not seen in remains of dinosaurs (Nedin 1999).

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