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Vietnamese German University, Ho Chi Minh City Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

Joachim Laemmel Exercises in Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering - Part AC 1. Calculate for an AC current of the public grid with f = 50Hz a) the period T b) the angular frequency and c) the number of turns n per minute of a conductor loop, to produce this frequency.
solution: a) T = 20ms, b) = 314 s 1 , c) n = 3000min-1

2. Give the time-dependent characteristics of voltage u and current i from the beside drafted diagram as sine functions. The rms values are U = 50V and I = 1A.
solution: u = 70.71V sin( t - 225) or u = 70.71V sin( t - 135) i = 1.41A sin( t - 90) or i = 1.41A sin( t - 270)

u, i



3. Given is the drafted characteristic of a periodic

T1 = 8ms und i = 10A . What are the values of frequency f, the angular frequency and the rms value I ?
solution: f = 40 Hz , = 251.3s-1, I = 8A

4. Calculate for the given voltage characteristics the mean value u , the rectified value u , the rms value U, die period T and the frequency f of the AC part. a) u = u sin(2 60s -1t ) b) u = u sin(t + ), mit = 314s -1 und sin 2 t = 1 2(1 cos 2t ) c) d)
u 20V 5ms

u 20V





u 20V




u 20V

10 us



solution: a) b) c) d) e) f)

0V 0V 10V 0V -10V 0V

0.64 0.64 10V 20V 20V 10V

2 /V 2 /V
16.67ms 20ms 50ms 10ms 20ms 10s

u /V u /V

u u

60Hz 50Hz 20Hz 100Hz 50Hz 100kHz

20/ 2 / V 20V 20V 11.55V

5. Calculate for a capacitor with C = 11.57F and for a coil with L = 230mH the reactances at a) 16 2/3Hz, b) 50Hz, c) 60Hz and d) 1kHz Determine the currents I C and I L at U = 100V.
solution: a)
X C = 825 X L = 24.1 I C = 0.121A I L = 4.152A

b) 275 72.2 0.36A 1.384A

c) 229.2 d) 13.76 86.7 1445.1 0.436A 1.153A 7.27A 0.069A

6. The oscillogram of current and voltage of a load has the beside shown behaviour. What is inside the load Z. Give the reason for the decision.
solution: inductivity

7. The character of a load is ohmic-inductive. The following parameter are known: U = 220V, I = 6.4A U = 220V, I = 6.4A and P = 1.2kW. Calculate the apparent power S, the reactive power Q and the power factor cos .
solution: S = 1408VA, Q = 736var, cos = 0.8523 ( = 31.54)


8. Calculate for the beside shown circuit at f = 50 Hz the active power P, the reactive power Q, the apparent power S and the power factor cos for the components R, L and C inclusive the source
solution: R: L: C: Z and source: P R = 242W, PL= PC = 0W, 0W, QR= 0var, SR= SL= SC= 242VA, cos 176VA, cos =1

Q L = 110var, Q C = -176var, Q = -66var

110VA, cos L = 0


P = 242W,

S = 250.84VA, cos = 0.9648, = -15.25

9. For the beside shown circuit are the mentioned parameter known. What is the value of the current I, if the entire reactive power of the circuit is P = 22.5W?
Lsung: I = 1A

10. A costumer has to pay for the reactive energy, if the reactive energy is more than 50% of the active. Calculate the power factor cos, which has to be reached in the average, in order no cost thereby incurred?
solution: cos 0.8944

11. In a parallel connection of R, L and C all currents are known: IR = 1.1A, IL = 0.5A, IC = 0.8A at U = 220V and f = 50Hz. a) Calculate the inductivity L of the coil. b) Change the inductivity in such a way, that the source isn't loaded by reactive power. (compensation of reactive power or cos = 1) c) Calculate the current I, the source has to deliver in case b.
solution: a) L = 1.4H, b) L = 0.87H, c) I = 1.1A

12. A 40-W bulb has an operation voltage of U = 110V. For supplying from the 220-V grid (f = 50Hz) a capacitor C have to be switched in series. Determine the capacity C of the capacitor as well as the active, reactive and the apparent power of the circuit.
solution: C = 6.078F, P = 40 W, Q = 69.3var, S = 80VA


13. Calculate for a coil with L = 20mH and R = 1 a) at a supply with U = 220V and f=50Hz the current I, the phase angle , power parameter P, Q, S and draw the phasor diagram. b) At the same current as in a), but for f = 16 2/3 Hz, are to determine the voltage U, the a) phase angle , the power quantities P, Q and S as well as the phasor diagram diagram.
solution: a) I = 34.58A, = 80 80.9, P = 1.1958kW, Q = 7.513kvar, S = 7.6kVA, U R = 34.6V, U L = 217.2V 34 b) U R = 34.6V, U L = 72 72.4V, = 64.47, P = 1.1958kW, Q = 2.504kvar, S = 2.775kVA

14. Given is the series connection of a capacitor with C = 47nF and a resistor with R = 220 . iven a) At U = 6V and f = 10kHz are to calculate the current I, the voltages U R and U C as well as the phase angle and to draw th phasor diagram. the b) Calculate the freuquency f producing a phase angle of = 15 and specify for U = 6V the current I, the voltage U R and poower losses P of the circuit.
solution: a) I = 14.86mA, cos = 0.5448, = 56.99, UR= 3.269V, UL= 5.032V, P = 48 mW 48.6 b) f = 57.44kHz, I = 26 26.34mA, P = 153mW

15. At a parallel connection of a resistor R and an coil L the voltage U = 220V at t f = 50Hz as well as I = 12A and the active power P = 2.1kW were measured. a) Determine the values of resistance, inductivity and phase angle . Draw the phasor diagram of the circuit. b) What is the value of the phase shift at f = 60Hz? Further on calculate the currents I R , I L hat and I as well as the quantities P and Q.
solution: a) R = 23.05 , L = 96 96.3mH, = 37.3 b) = 32.4, I R = 9.544A, IL= 6.0599A, I = 11.31A, P = 2100W, Q = 1333.2var 9 1333

16. A capicator with C = 0.22F and a resistor with R = 470 are connected in parallel. 22F parallel a) Calculate at U = 5V and f = 2kHz the currents I R , I C and I, the phase angle and the nd active power P. b) Which value the frequency f has to be, that I = 5 I R is true ?
solution: a) I R = 10.64mA, I C = 13.82mA, I = 17.44mA b) f = 7.54kHz = 52.4, P = 53.2mW 4,

17. Convert the drawed circuit (seen from the left terminals) by means of complex calculation in an equivalent series connection Z.
solution: Z = 8,49 j12 ,72


18. Convert the series/parallel connection (left) by means of complex calculation in an equivalent parallel connected circuit (right). The resulting impedance should be equal.
solution: R = 12 ,94 , X = 28,16

19. Calculate for R1 = 100, R2 = 1k, L =10mH, C = 3F and = 1000s-1 the following quantities a) the total impedance ZAB and b) the equivalent active and reactive components of ZAB.
solution: a) Z AB = 200 j290 , b) RAB = 200, CAB = 3,45F

20. Calculate the value of the reactive components of the equivalent series connection between the terminals A and B.
3 -1 = 10 s , C1 = 1F , R2 = 1k, L2 = 1H.

solution: C = 2F

21. Draw the qualitative phasor diagram for the beside sketched circuit with all possible voltages and currents. Before describe in a list the sequence and the principles of the construction.
solution: Zeigerbild

22. Convert for f = 800Hz by means of the conversion rules given in the lecture the parallel connection in an equivalent series connection. For the right circuit go the opposite way.

solution: a) R r = 0 , 96 k , L r = 38 , 4 mH b) Rp = 500, Cp = 0, 8F


23. Given is the beside drawed circuit supplied at variable frequency with a voltage of UE = 5V The capacitor has a capacitance of C = 15nF. a) Calculate the resistance R, if at a frequency of fa = 5kHz the output voltage should be UA = UE/ 2 = 3.536V. Draw the phasor diagram of all quantities $ ( 1V = 1cm , scale of the current arbitrary). b) Calculate the output voltage UA for fb =500Hz using the resistance from a). c) Calculate the output voltage UA for fb =50kHz using the resistance from a). Describe the effect of the circuit in relation to the transfer behaviour UA/UE = f(f) by the results of a) to c).
solution: a) R = 2122 , b) UA= 0.4975V, c) UA= 4.975V

24. For the drawed circuit the transfer function UA/UE is to calculate. Draw the characteristic of the absolute value and the phase versus / 1 ( 1 - angular frequency at a phase angle of = 0).
solution: diagram

25. Construct the phasor diagram of a three-stage RC-chain for phase shifting. Determine the voltage ratio UA/UE at a phase shift of AE = 180.
solution: U A U E = 1 / 29 , C = 1

6 R

26. Given is a series-resonance network with C = 8F, L = 50.66mH und R = 8 . It is supplied with U = 100V. Calculate a) the resonance frequency f 0 b) the impedance Z, the current I, the voltages UL and UC at f = f0 c) Z, I and = f ( f ) for f = 0,5 f 0 , 0,707 f 0 , 0,9 f 0 , f 0 , 1,11 f 0 , 1,415 f 0 und 2 f 0 d) the phasor diagram for U, I with I and from c)
solution: a) f 0 = 250Hz , b) Z = R = 8, I = 12.5A, U L = U C = 994.71V, c) and d) diagrams

27. Given is a series-resonance network with the components: R = 4, L = 4.25mH, C = 10F. a) Calculate the resonance frequency. b) Which value is allowed for the supplying voltage, if the maximum voltage over the capacitor is UC = 300V?
solution: a) f 0 = 772 Hz , b) U = 58.2V


28. a) Calculate the absolute value of the complex voltage ratio UA/UE and which is the phase angle AE between the two phasors. b) Give an explanation for this result. c) What are the reasons that this result is never been reached in practice?
solution: a)
UA UE = 1, = 0 , b)

parallel resonance L,C

RP = , c) L and C arn't ideal components

29. A single-phase motor (U = 220V, f = 50Hz) has a power factor of cos = 0,75 and an active-power input of P1 = 500W. Calculate the value of an parallel-connected capacitor resulting a power factor of cos = 1? Draw the phasor diagram.
solution: C = 28,9 F

30. Determine the circuit quality Q in task 29 after compensation with the capacitor.
solution: Q= 0,88

31. A flow-water heater supplied by a 380V/220V three-phase power system has a power of P = 18kW in delta connection. a) Calculate the phase resistance RStr, the phase current IStr and the grid current I. b) Determine the values of the current I and the power input P if the heater would operate in star connection. solution: a) RStr = 24.07, IStr = 15.79A, I = 27.35A b) I = 9.14A, PY = 6.016kW 1/3P 32. Three capacitors with each C = 10F are connected in delta connection and are supplied with U = 380V at f = 50Hz. a) Calculate the grid current I and the reactive power Q. b) Which capacitance the capacitor must have in order that in star connection the same
solution: a) I = 2.07A, Q = 1.36kvar, b) C = 30F

33. A three-phase current motor in delta connection has the following parameter: UN = 380V, PN =11kW, nN = 1455min-1, cos =0.85, = 81.5%. a) Calculate for nominal operation: grid current IN, phase current IStrN, reactive power QN, apparent power SN, motor losses PVN and the nominal moment MN. Draw the phasor diagram of phase voltage UStr and phase current IStr. b) Find the capacity to improve the power factor in delta connection to cosN = 0.95.
solution: a) IN = 24.12A, IStrN = 13.93A, QN = 8.37kVar, SN = 15.88kVA, PVN = 2.5kW, MN = 72.2Nm, b) C = 3x28.9F


34. Two motors are connected with a three-phase grid (U - 380V, f = 50Hz). motor 1: P = 6kW, cos = 0.8, = 0.82, delta connection motor 2: P = 8kW, cos = 0.7, = 0.86, star connection a) Calculate the grid current.Wie gro ist der Strom in den Zuleitungen des Netzes? b) Determine the capacity for compensation in star and delta connection to improve the power factor cos to 0.9.
solution: a) I =34A, b) C = 3x51F/380V, C = 3x152F/220V

35. In a building of a company three groups of consumers are connected to the 380/220V grid. The load is symmetrically distributed over all phases. I. 60 motors each 2.2kW, cosI = 0.82, I = 79.5%, factor of synchronism 0.6 II. 20 motors each 5.5kW, cosII = 0.85, I = 84%, factor of synchronism 0.6 III. Electric heaters with a total power of 40kW, cosIII = 1, factor of synchronism 1.0. a) Calculate for maximum load the active grid power P, the grid current I and the power factor cos . b) Draw the phasor diagram with the section currents II, III, IIII and U1N
solution: a) P = 218.19kW, I = 377A, cos = 0.879


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