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CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide



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3 Dec 2012, 11:18 AM PDT




On Saturday, a rich 25-year-old man, Jovan Belcher, murdered his 22-year-old girlfriend, the mother of his child. First, columnist Jason Whitlock ( /02/Sports-columnist-blames-second-amendment-for-Belcher) of Fox Sports suggested that this 25-year-old kid wasnt responsible for his actions it was the gun culture that was to blame. Then, Bob Costas of NBC repeats ( this idiotic notion, even though the 62, 228 lb. linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs could easily have murdered his girlfriend with a knife.

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

Now CNN ( /index.html?hpt=hp_c1) is getting in on the act. Leading their website this afternoon is an op-ed from Kevin Powell, former Democratic Congressional candidate in New York, and cast member on MTVs original season of The Real World. Powells contention: its Americas culture of manliness that led Belcher to blow away his girlfriend and then turn the gun on himself. That culture of manliness includes men hiding their emotion, machoness, and homophobia. Seriously. He begins: Since the killing and suicide are so fresh, so recent, we do not really know what might have driven Belcher to such extreme and horrific actions. But the knee-jerk reactions have been rampant on the social networks. "Coward" is a term being used to describe Belcher. But that is too easy, far too simplistic, and name-calling never solves a problem. Belcher was a man living in the supersized macho world of football, a world in which many of us American males reside, be it football or not. Too many of us have been taught manhood in a way that is not healthy. Be tough, men do not cry, man up -- these are the things I've heard my entire life, and I now cringe when I hear this relayed to boys or younger men by teachers, coaches, fathers, mentors and leaders. Or we use derogatory and sexist or homophobic words to describe men or boys who do not meet the "normal" of what a male is supposed to be. Some of these male authority figures mean well, or are simply repeating what they were socialized to be or to do, and do not realize that they are unwittingly teaching that manhood has little room to express hurt, disappointment and sorrow. Somehow, it is doubtful that Belcher decided to put a bullet through his girlfriends brain because of homophobia. It is also doubtful that Belcher, who grew up in a home with a single mother, had too much influence from male authority figures. That is the problem for so many of us. We do not talk about much of anything, except sports, women and sex. Everything else is routinely ignored. Or repressed. Until we explode. Belcher had problems. But to express that it is societys fault the most feminized society in the history of civilization that Belcher couldnt express his feelings, is moronic. For the past several years, I have privately advised and counseled several professional and amateur athletes, and entertainers, all men, all grappling with very warped definitions of manhood. The recurring theme over and over is fear of expressing themselves fully, fear of letting others down, fear of not being the tough and rugged men they were told they had to be. And on the inside so many of them are damaged as a result. The very definition of manhood they've embraced is more an emotional prison than anything else. This is probably why the one scene that is locked in for me is of Belcher thanking his coach and general manager for what they did for him. Then walking away and

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CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

shooting himself in the head. We must struggle, harder than ever, as men, as boys, as a nation, to reach the point where a heart-to-heart conversation is the first and only option, not a gun, not gun violence. The lives of Jovan Belcher and Kasandra Perkins will have been in vain completely if we do not go deeper within ourselves to teach and show our sons, our husbands, our boyfriends, our fathers, our men and boys, that there is another way. What is this other way? Less male role models? Belcher had none. Less manliness? Belcher wasnt manly he never married his girlfriend and clearly didnt care enough about his child not to murder her mother. Less traditional values? Belcher didnt do this because he was gay, and put upon by the traditional values establishment. He did this because he had no traditional values. If we are going to blame society for Belcher, lets look at some real societal problems: single motherhood, tolerance for antisocial behavior, lack of behavioral standards, multicultural acceptance of sexism. But the media is intent on blaming conservative ideals, from gun rights to traditional manliness, for what is very clearly a breach with any conservative ideals whatsoever. Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro. (


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OK.. All football helmets should carry this warning. "Puttng this football helmet on your head may cause you to buy a gun and kill someone, which then may result in you having an uncontrolable urge to shoot yourself in the head. Therefore, logic would dictate that we would be far better off by banning the use of football helmets. With any luck by the end of the season the majority of football players will be functioning at the level of a three year old and wouldn't be a danger to either themselves or anyone else around them.



0 minutes ago


With all the violence in the private lives of professional foot ball players, there is no call for drug testing for abuse of steroids, performance drugs, or pain killers, all of which produce symptoms that include excessive violence. It's well known that most football players couldn't make it through the season without excessive drug use. So the call instead is for national gun control? These people don't have a clue, really, they never played the game of clue, take out the gun and there is still the lead pipe, knife, candle stick, rope, and the wrench....... Yup what we is is more wrench control!
A LIKE REPLY 7 minutes ago 1 Like F


I suppose being manly at CNN is out..Good. I had much rather be known as manly than non-manly. Who found fought to establish our Country, a vegan, pot smoking, detoxing, whimp from San Francisco?
A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago F

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide


Gee isn't Interesting they haven't shown a photo of the so called 'girl friend' aka groupe whore that this seething monster sired a piglet with.
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago F


This is literally the worst thing I've ever read in my life you ignorant, backwards, toothless hick
A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago in reply to ispike 1 Like F


I sure pray ispike is a troll. I've never seen a post from him before. I agree with you totally. How do you report abuse? Someone please do so.
A LIKE REPLY 2 minutes ago in reply to ShanequashayJohnson F


Jason Whitlock, Bob Costas, and Kevin Powell are typical left wing no nothing, run your mouth, stupid media people who shouldn't be allowed to talk to normal people about anything. How can "News Organizations" even hiore or allow this kind of idiocy?
A LIKE REPLY 36 minutes ago F


This guy was a criminal even when he was 12 years old. Listen to this:
A LIKE REPLY 47 minutes ago F


A real "man" would not kill his girlfriend and then himself. Being a big guy and playing football does not a man make. A man is someone who cherishes his loved ones. i get so tired of hearing they didn't have a father, blah, blah, blah. As long as we continue to make excuses for bad/criminal behavior, it will continue.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


CNN knows as much about "manliness" as boy-President Obama knows about being thrifty. Nothing.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


The case of Jovan Belcher points more toward banning professional sports than to banning guns.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


The blame can only be placed on Jovan Belcher. He was far from manly. He was a coward.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


He was a bully.

A LIKE REPLY 45 minutes ago in reply to skspls F


Was it a culture of feminism that caused Andrea Yates to kill her children?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Here we go...guns are baaad, guns kill people....<yawn>. He could have knocked her out with a blow to the

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

head with his fist. What is it with NFL guys and baby mama drama...let's look at THAT shall we? Gee....take a crowbar to the wallet and get a $3 box for crying out loud. Have men learned nothing? Thanks to Bill " I didn't have s*x with that woman" Clinton and welfare reform, men gotta pay. So think twice because as we've been seeing here lately, it seems to cause a lot of problems.</yawn>
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


I blame african american culture for making this man into what he was. Its all about being a gangsta folks!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Blame society? I didn't get that message from Kevin Powell. As I understand what HE is saying, our youth could be better served with a more honest discussion regarding conflict resolution. A discussion with their parents, parent, mentor and/or role models. I fail to see the unreasonable interpretation you've offered, Ben. But you do give a glimpse into the reason you are so highly offended by an Opinion piece that appears on the CNN website when you bring up "traditional manliness". It's worthy of a chuckle, considering the wide range of traditional "manliness" we have to choose from. Rock Hudson comes to mind...
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


What we really need are more laws against stupid ignorant sportscasters.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


You don't have to be very smart to play football, or be a bad sportscaster

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


So, because some young jerk with an over sized ego and probably hopped up on steroids decides to do something stupid, the rest of America has to pay by losing the 2nd Amendment rights? I don't think so. Too bad for the girl and the kid, but good riddance to the guy.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


We know he suffered from a head injury within the last 3 years. We know the Chiefs cleared him to play 4 days after he was documented to have missed practice because of a head injury. JUST IN THE LAST YEAR: Tennessee Titan OJ Murdock shot himself. He was 25. Former San Diego Charger Junior Seau shot himself. Former Atlanta Falcon Ray Esterling shot himself. These guys all suffered head injuries and kept playing football. The list is a lot bigger. BOB COSTAS IS PART OF THE COVERUP PEOPLE. WAKE UP.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Any similarity to Fluke's sluttiness???????? "Manliness" is now a target, right. The castration of the male has been going on by the "liberated" females for all too many years, thanks to the "liberators" (aka women's movement) which has "freed" females to be just like the "guys." In the gay capitol mentality, that is a sticky wicket, isn't it?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Has any one with any brains blame the perp? This idea of blaming the gun is stupid. No one told this idiot to shoot anyone. If he didn't have a gun, he would have starngled the girl, or cut her to pieces with a kitchen knife. He would have killed her with anything. Then, of course, we can blame "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE", which is also

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

BS. Since both the perp and the woman are both dead, no one really knows what was in his mind
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


So let's criminalize all handguns as they suggest. Of course access to a gun will still be available through illegal means. But the law abiding citizen with the most to lose. Job, career, etc will steer clear. But what then after the ban is in place will the punishment be for a gun used in a crime? Hold up? Home invasion etc. ask them that. Will they be prepared to impose serious jail time for that crime? Of course not. It will fall back to same argument education job training more safety nets. There will be no consequences. Status quo will remain. They will not incarcerate. Enforce gun laws already in place consistently and aggressively.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


"If we are going to blame society for Belcher, lets look at some real societal problems: single motherhood, tolerance for antisocial behavior, lack of behavioral standards, multicultural acceptance of sexism. " Yes please, go on and write an article about what you perceive as the problem Mr. Shapiro!! It's very easy to disagree. Why not write on article on what you think is the problem. Oh thats right Breitbart doesn't actually write articles, they simply say how stupid and leftist other journalists are. Well anytime you wish to elaborate on any of the causes above, I would be more than happy to come and disagree with your point of view.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


I believe you actually quoted some of the problems he sees as reasons for this murder. Interesting you reflexively disagree no matter his position. How open minded for debate. Wonderful.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to habs2012 1 Like F


I'm not arguing for or against guns right now. There is undoubtedly a gun problem in the US and whether or not that enabled Belcher in this case is a different issue. My question again is, what do conservatives see as the problem? Or is it back to the status quo until another high profile multiple homicide occurs?
A LIKE REPLY 51 minutes ago in reply to Formula92 F


I blame it on the breakdown of the family, the devaluation of human life, the culture of death...pretty much what you liberals call "progress."
A LIKE 23 minutes ago in reply to habs2012 1 Like F


We don't have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem.

A LIKE 49 minutes ago in reply to habs2012 F


I'm just asking for some elaboration. Like I said and illustrated, it's very easy to disagree, so why not write an article on what the problems really are. Liberals like to blame guns, mental health, the culture of violence etc... Mr. Shapiro seems to have some causes, so I would like to hear what the fabulous journalists at Breitbart (not) elaborate about what they think is the problem.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Formula92 F


As I stated. Say guns are outlawed. What are you prepared to agree to on penalties for crimes commited with a gun? What do you propose for sentencing on hold up? Assault? What do you propose for sentencing on home invasion with a gun? Because owneris SOL now to defend family and property? Attempted murder with gun?

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

The genie is out of the bottle. Guns wont disappear because of a signature on a bill.
A LIKE 1 hour ago in reply to habs2012 F


Translation: "I'm too stupid to examine the evidence before me with an objective, rational eye, therefore, I will disagree with any viewpoint or opinion espoused by a conservative by default."



1 hour ago

in reply to habs2012

1 Like


My point is that he has no opinion. He simply thinks the anti-gun, anti-masculin view is wrong. That is exactly why I'm asking him to elaborate. I know what I think are the problems, I want to know what a hardcore conservative view or solution to this problem is. Or is it back to the status quo as usual?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to bsman88 F


Exactly what I thought. A person ready to tear down the ideas posed by others yet offers no solutions of their own. How predictable.
A LIKE 40 minutes ago in reply to habs2012 F


I want to know your solution.

A LIKE 54 minutes ago in reply to habs2012 F


Culture of "manliness"?? Waaaaa? What would CNN know about that anyway? That would be like NOW giving game plans to the NFL.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Jovan Belcher was anything but manly. He was a total low life coward.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


And he was a bully.

A LIKE REPLY 44 minutes ago in reply to skspls F


Sounds to me like he was on some heavy duty drugs...wonder if the NFL provided them????
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


Culture of manliness? Coming from a culture of Hollyweird Fruit Loops.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


If he were a man, he would have waited until he had developed a character based relationship with her and married her before he had sex with her. Then he would only use his gun to defend his family.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

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CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide


Very well said, thanks.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Demonhunter13 F


The Dems never stop promoting their agenda, one of which is to disarm Americans and take away our freedoms.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F


So now we're going to ban football and other sports, perhaps? good outcome would be that Costas would be out of a job. Or perhaps working for MSNBC in the footsteps of Olbermann....
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


What about the culture of grossly overpaid athletes promoted by the media?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Keep in mind the men at CNN are required to squat and wipe when they pee.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


1. Belcher probably could've killed his girlfriend with his bare hands. 2. Any man that isn't capable of defending himself and his family SHOULD be ashamed of lacking toughness and masculinity. They are in dereliction of their duty as a provider and a protector. 3. The metro morons of today's world would've been sacrificed to the gods in nomadic and hunter/gatherer societies of the past. I have no problem with men expressing their emotions and showing compassion. However, any man that thinks it's acceptable to embrace and parade his physical and mental weakness shouldn't be exalted or shown sympathy.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Show Caller Claims Family Brutalized By Jovan Belcher

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


I'm guessing there are murder-suicides happening almost every day. Why is this one deserving of so much national media attention?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


If he did not have a gun he could have used a knife, you know, like OJ Simpson did. And as I recall, he was a football player as well. So I guess the common link here is football.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Using similar liberal logic, if Belcher did not have dark skin, he and his girlfriend would still be alive. For those idiot liberals that can't think for themselves, I stated clearly, USING LIBERAL LOGIC. Not my logic. My logic is that the person made a decision to kill and once you decide to kill you have about ten thousand fairly easy ways to kill a person.

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CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide



2 hours ago



whats the easiest and therefore likeliest way for someone to kill another person? Right, a gun.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to khmichaels F


I agree. Once an individual has made the decision to kill, they have crossed a line. It wouldn't make any difference what weapon they use.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to khmichaels 1 Like F


I'm sick of the videos starting automatically on this site. It's one reason why I don't come here as often as I used to.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


If Belcher had only read CNN's pop psychology editorial first maybe he would not have emptied that handgun into that helpless women. Where are statist liberals when you need them. A while back, there was a murder/suicide in my hometown. I knew the couple. He was rather small and not athletic. Perhaps CNN will attribute it to lack of "manliness".
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Yea them dam haguns just jump up and kill people.



2 hours ago

in reply to porgiefirefighter


And dem dam automobiles kill even MORE people then them dam haguns.....
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to sanman99 F


Yeah.... ....I heard the other day a bus killed two people in Miami. But they were some of dem Godless Jehovah great loss, but what had it ben some liberals!
A LIKE 48 minutes ago in reply to cbpelto F


Yea I hate it when my car drives off to kill someone. I really hate it when my car takes my handgun with out my permission.
A LIKE 1 hour ago in reply to cbpelto F





2 hours ago


Speak for yourself, buckie. [God is alive....and Airborne-Ranger qualified.]

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide

P.S. So am I.....
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to lilmil F


This article has way too much truth in it. Fortunately for me my son and his late father are/were men's men. Both grew up with one mom and dad in loving homes. Both are kind to women and animals and have/had healthy relationships in all facets of their lives.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Each year in America, ten 9/11's worth of people die from gun violence. 22 more 9/11's worth are wounded. Every year. How has that become so accepted? Have we become so desensitized that we hear stats like that and say, "Meh. What're ya gonna do?" Serious steps have been taken to prevent drunken driving. People are jailed for muder now for killing someone while drinking and driving. There is no national outcry about DD laws. And cars are much more of a necessity to own than guns. Most people can't run their lives without a vehicle. But no one but cops or military actually NEED a gun. I haven't NEEDED one for my whole life and I never will. I shot them and hunted with them, but for sport. Not out of necessity. So why is it such a big deal for so many when gun laws are discussed? I'd like someone here to tell me why a gun is required in their life.



2 hours ago

1 Like


Heh.... ....maybe someone can arrange a home invasion at your place. How will you defend yourself when.... ....seconds count but the police are minutes....if not hours....away? Consider the sorry state of San Bernadino, California.....
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to evolved1 F


Yea, I don't live far from that warzone. Whole dam county is full of lefty welfare crack heads.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to cbpelto F


And to answer your question. A unarmed man can only flee evil, evil is not overcome by fleeing.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to evolved1 F


Ahundred times more people are killed by drunk drivers, who's fault is it and whats your solution? Out law the aluminum can or glass bottle.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to evolved1 F


P.S. Lets see you walk through a tough part of Chicago or Detroit in the dark of night. Then tell US all about the need for firearms.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to evolved1 F


You HAVE TO BE a recent graduate of the vaunted American public education system. AFTER they stopped teaching History and Civics. Sooooo..... ....when did you 'graduate' from high school, that you are so ignorant?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to evolved1 F

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide


Should all us males just have a group hug, sing Kumbaya, and end it with a good mass sobbing session? Will that bring Whirled Peas at last? Or will it just cause me to chuck my cookies?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


clearly, he was a man with no moral core, no sense of right and wrong, a reprobate with lotsa money, mentally and emotionally unstable, incapable in the end of thinking of no one else but himself! Now his child is left to live with the stigma that his father murdereed his mother. What the hell is wrong with black men?!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 5 Likes F


"When sin becomes syndrome, ethically inexcusable behavior is granted absolution and innocents suffer." Christina Hoff Sommers, One Nation Under Therapy. Seems apropos. The "experts" and "elites" all run out to explain away horrific behavior, find some particular, some isolated asset to blame these actions upon. When we look past the real culprit. It is man's falleness. In vain we attempt to "deal" with these events, and treat them as abnormal. I submit that this seeming chaos, this seeming inexplicable act, is exactly what we should expect. In fact, though it be pessimistic to say, in my opinion it is abnormal that we do not see more of this type of behavior. We do ourselves no favors when we listen to these colossal morons like Costas, Whitlock, Powell, et al.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


People have been comitting intimate partner homicide since time of Cain & Able. Costas is a fool to blame this on the weapon used.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F


Costas is a fool! Plain and simple.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to theo166 F


People who commit these acts are godless and soulless.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to theo166 F


and most likely demoncrats.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to mkb F


I agree some just can not help themselves, thinking with emotions in place of logic.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to theo166 2 Likes F


This guy was a bully:

A LIKE REPLY 42 minutes ago in reply to keltic1 F


Only because they were never taught anything else. Thanks be to the vaunted American public education system and all the 'teachers' in the NEA.....
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to keltic1 F

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12/3/2012 8:09 PM

CNN Blames Culture of 'Manliness' For Belcher Murder/Suicide


This is the liberal culture of violence coming from the street life and thuggery that the media sensationalizes in rap music, movies, and video games. It's not manly to kill your girlfriend and yourself and leave a child an orphan. The manly thing to do is to marry the woman, have children after you're married and raise them to be good kids and responsible adults. Why would we let CNN define what is manly or acceptable, ever?!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

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