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I am currently involved in making a music magazine that focuses on Hip-Hop/ R&B music. My target audience are males and females aged 16-19 who are interested in Hip-Hop/ R&B music. I would be very grateful if you could answer the following questions about Hip-Hop/ R&B music and music magazines by selecting/ticking the answers that apply 1. Are you : Male/Female- aged 16-19 and interested Hip-Hop/ R&B music? (Circle Yes/No) What Hip-Hop/ R&B music/artists/bands do you currently listen to please state at least 3? 2. What attracts you to Hip-Hop/ R&B music? The lyrics of the songs The instruments and vocals used The image of the hip hop genre The artists/bands Other (specify below) 3. How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine? (Please circle) Nothing Less than 1 1-2 2-3 3-4 More than 4 4. Do you currently buy/read music magazines? YES ( If yes, please go on to ANSWER question 5. NO (If No please go on to answer question 6)

5. Specify which music magazine(s) you buy and /or read. . What do you like about this magazine? . 6. Why dont you buy and or read music magazines?(tick the answers that apply) I dont really know much about them 1

2 They dont interest me They dont seem to be aimed at people like me Theyre too expensive I dont buy/read any magazines Other reasons (please specify)

7. What would encourage you to buy a music magazine? (Please Circle) Free gifts Competitions (win CDs, tickets, etc.) Exclusive news and interviews Dates of oncoming gigs Cheap price other (please specify)

8. Which of the following magazines do you find the most eyecatching/appealing? (circle response)

C Please give reasons why?


9. What would you like to see on the cover of a music magazine? Which of the following images would you like to see on the front of this music magazine? For each one could you tell me how strongly you agree (5 is top score) or disagree(o is bottom score) Preferred images 0 1 2 3 4 5 /photographs for cover of magazine a) Several images b) one main image of key artist/band c) Musical instruments/props d) Bright colours e) Darker colours f) Other-please specify What specific images/ photographs associated with HipHop/ R&B would you like to see on the front cover and would attract you to a music magazine 10. What contents would you like to see in this Hip-Hop/ R&B music magazine? To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following would be good content for this music mag Examples of 0 1 2 3 appropriate content Gig guides 3

4 General info about the music scene Info about particular bands/ artists Gossip Latest news Fashion Other (please specify)

11. What would you like to see in a double page spread article that would feature in this magazine: Which of the following images would you like to see on the front of this music magazine? For each one could you tell me how strongly you agree (5 is top score) or disagree(o is bottom score) 0 1 Interview with a HipHop/ R&B artist/band Article about HipHop/ R&B scene General article about main Hip-Hop/ R&B developments Musical instruments/props Bright colours Darker colours Other-please specify What specific images/ photographs associated with HipHop/ R&B would you like to see on the front cover and would attract you to a music magazine

Thank you for taking part in this research

Peace out Homie

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