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Tabitha Pankey

Ethnography Outline
1. Introduction a. Hook: b. Central Topic: Football and how players communicate with each other c. What central idea, question, or prompt are you responding to? i. Why is certain vocab. used? 1. In football body language and code words are essential. You dont
want the other team to know what your plays are and using body language and code words helps a lot with that. 2. Each player has a specific task

ii. How do players communicate with each other? 1. The quarterback signals to someone to watch out because hes going to throw them the ball. He then makes sure that person is open and if not hell look for another opening. d. How do you want your audience to feel about the topic you are engaging with? i. The audience should understand why football player communicate the way they do. They should understand basic vocabulary used in football i.e. certain positions and plays. e. State Purpose: The purpose of this ethnographic study is to examine the communication between football players and their teammates. f. Importance: It is important for the UNC Charlotte community to understand what the upcoming football team does on the field. It is important for the football team to understand why each position is vital during the game. 2. General Context a. What is the history or origin of the field that this community is engaging with? i. Pro football originated Nov. 12, 1892 ii. b. What conversations, questions, and ideas have other researchers found important? i. Body language is important; there is a set vocab. that players have with each other. ii. Vocab.: 1. Offensive Line: T G C G T TE: Tackle Guard Center Guard Tackle Tight End2. DefenseFS SS WL ML SL CB E T T E CB



iii. Positions 1. Tight End2. Center- Before the play starts; the referees put the football somewhere on the grass. The center stands right over the football and grabs it with his left hand. He puts his right hand on the grass next to the football. When the quarterback signals that it's time to start the play, the center will sweep the ball up between his legs and hand it or toss it to the quarterback. Also decided where defense should go in order to protect the quarterback. 3. Guard- there is a left and right guard; they form a wall 4. Tackle5. Quarterback- tells the other ten offensive players what the play is; He
decides when the play starts and yells various signals to the other ten offensive players to communicate with them about any last minute changes

6. Pass Play- where he will try to throw the ball over a mess of very large guys who are all wrestling and hit a speedy receiver in full flight, then the job of the guards is to be large impenetrable walls and absorb any punishment the defensive guys care to put out. 7. c. How do these questions and topics connect to or inform my central purpose? i. The history of football is an opener to the importance of the sport and the players involved because it gives a little background. ii. d. What does my reader need to know in order to understand this topic the same way that I do? i. The reader should have a slight understanding of football as a sport. 3. Context about your site a. What is the history of this specific community, and what is their central goal? i. 2006 the CFI (Charlotte Football Initiative) was born ii. Dec. 2006 Board of Trustees authorized study of football iii. March 2007 Football Feasibility Committee is appointed by the chancellor iv. February 15, 2008 FFC recommends football addition v. September 16, 2008 March to the Endzone Pep Rally held vi. September 18, 2008 Chancellor recommends football addition to Board of Trustees

vii. November 13, 2008 Board of Trustees passes recommendation unanimously viii. December 9, 2008 DLR Group and Jenkins-Peer Architects presents initial renderings of football stadium ix. December 11, 2008 Board of Trustees unanimously approves funding plan x. Feb. 12, 2010 Board of Governors approves funding plan xi. b. How can I describe the members of this community? i. Different positions and jobs c. Does the environment play a pivotal role in this community? i. Yes, d. What knowledge, skills, or language do I need to illuminate for my reader? i. e. What do I need to convey in order to set up the discussion of literacy in this community? i. f. How do these points tie back to my central purpose? i. 4. Engage your Purpose a. What do I need to convey/discuss in order to achieve my central purpose? i. b. How can I use observations to illustrate/explain/analyze literacy acts? Little narratives i. c. How can I use interviews to provide knowledge, insight, and commentary from insiders? (Ask good questions!) i. d. How can I use secondary sources to establish credibility, reinforce my claims, and demonstrate that I am contributing to the conversations about my discourse community? i. e. How can I use images, diagrams, visual artifacts, and examples of texts from your site as aids within my piece to expand the scope of my analysis or provide reference points for my reader? i. 5. Conclusion

a. How can I emphasize the importance of this conversation and of my central purpose? VALUE b. How does my research create a new understanding of this community? c. Are there additional ideas or questions that can be pursued based off of your research? d. What can my reader actually do with this information and how can it benefit them? 6. Purpose Statement: a. The primary purpose or goal: The purpose of this essay is to examine the sport of football and expound on the communication involved in the sport and why that communication is important. b. What you will discuss in order to achieve that goal: I will discuss the way each player communicates and why they speak the way they do. c. Why you want to achieve this purpose or how it will benefit your audience i. 1.) The purpose of this ethnographic study is to examine the communication between football players and their teammates, football players and their coaches, and coaches and their players ii. 2.) To conduct this discussion, I will discuss the difference between communication on the field and everyday communication between players and other people involved in the game. iii. 3.) Through discussing these points, I hope to expand people understanding of football. For people who do not know the sport it will give them an understanding of what is going on. For those who are experts at the sport it will give them an understanding of the importance of each position.








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