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Announcement of Commencement of the Secondary Public Offering of Common Shares Issued by

Light S.A. Authorized Capital Publicly-held Company Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF) 03.378.521/0001-75 Av. Marechal Floriano, n 168 CEP 20080-002 Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Secondary Public Offering Registration CVM/SRE/SEC/2009/005, on July 14, 2009 ISIN code: BRLIGTACNOR2 Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 358, of January 3, 2002, and of Article 52 of CVM Rule 400, of December 29, 2003, as amended (CVM Rule 400), of Rule 471, of August 8, 2008 (CVM Rule 471), all of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), and in compliance with the Code Regulation and Best Practices for Agreement Related Activities (Code Regulation and Best Practices for Agreement - Related Activities) of ANBID National Association of Investment Banks (ANBID), (i) Light S.A. (Light or Company), (ii) BNDES Participaes S.A. - BNDESPAR (BNDESPAR) and EDF International (EDFI and, jointly with BNDESPAR, the Selling Shareholders), and (iii) Citigroup Global Markets Brasil, Corretora de Cmbio, Ttulos e Valores Mobilirios S.A. (Citi), Banco Ita BBA S.A. (Lead Manager of the Offering or Ita BBA and, jointly with Citi Coordinators of the Offering), publicly announce the commencement of the secondary public offering of registered, book-entry, non-par, common shares, free and clear of any lien or encumbrance, issued by the Company and held by Selling Shareholders (Shares), to be held in Brazil and with placement efforts abroad (Offering).

Pursuant to the provisions described below 29,470,480 Shares, including Additional Shares, according to the definition below, , are being offered at the price of twenty-four reais and zero centavos (R$24.00) per Share, totaling R$707,291,520.00 The execution and terms of the Offering were approved as per resolutions of the Board of Executive Officers of BNDESPAR made on June 09, 2009 and June 23, 2009 at the Board of Directors Meeting of EDFI held on June 12, 2008. 1. The Offering

The Offering will consist of the secondary public offering of Shares in Brazil, at nonorganized over-the-counter market, pursuant to CVM Rule 400, and will be coordinated by the Coordinators of the Offering, with the participation of certain associate brokerage companies listed in item 14 below (Associate Brokerage Companies, jointly with the Coordinators of the Offering, Institutions Participating in the Offering). Concurrently, efforts for placement of the Shares abroad will be made by Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (CGMI) and Ita USA Securities, Inc. (Ita Securities, and, jointly with CGMI, Agents for Placement Abroad), exclusively with qualified institutional investors, resident and domiciled in the United States of America, as set forth in Rule 144A of the 1933Securities Act, issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America, as amended (Rule 144A, Securities Act and SEC, respectively), pursuant to provisions related to registration exemption set forth by the Securities Act, and, in other countries, except for Brazil and the United States of America, in compliance with the procedures set forth in Regulation S of the Securities Act (Regulation S), respecting the current legislation in each foreign investors domicile country (Foreign Investors), and, as the case may be, that invest in Brazil in compliance with investment mechanisms of the Brazilian National Monetary Council Resolution 2,689, of January 26, 2000, as amended (Resolution 2,689), and of CVM Rule 325, of January 27, 2000, as amended (CVM Rule 325). For that, the Agents for Placement Abroad will make efforts for placing the Offering abroad, pursuant to the Placement Facilitation Agreement (Placement Facilitation Agreement), entered into between the Agents for Placement Abroad, the Company and the Selling Shareholders. The Offering will be placed in Brazil, registered with CVM, pursuant to the procedures set forth by CVM Rule 400 and 471 and ANBIDs Code Regulation and Best Practices for Agreement - Related Activities. The Offering is not, and neither will it be, registered with SEC nor any other regulatory agency of the capital market of any other country except for Brazil. The total number of Shares initially offered may be added of a supplementary lot of up to 2,700,000 Shares held by BNDESPAR, corresponding to up to 10.1% of the total number of Shares initially offered (Supplementary Shares), as per the option granted by BNDESPAR to the Lead Manager of the Offering (Supplementary Lot Option). The Supplementary Lot Options may be exercised by the Lead Manager of the Offering, totally or partially, after consultation to Citi, as from the date of execution of the Offering

Agreement and within thirty (30) days as from and including the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement of the Secondary Public Offering of Common Shares Issued by Light S.A. (Announcement of Commencement), under the same conditions and at the same price of Shares initially offered, and will have the purpose to meet the excess in demand should one be verified during the Offering. The total number of Shares initially offered was added of 2,679,135 Shares held by BNDESPAR, corresponding to 10% of the total number of Shares initially offered (Additional Shares), under the same conditions and at the same price initially offered, pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 2, of CVM Rule 400 (Additional Lot Option). The Offering underlying Shares (without considering the Supplementary Lot Option) will be placed by the Institutions Participating in the Offering under firm guarantee of settlement, individually and without joint liability. The Offering underlying Shares subject to efforts for placement abroad by the Agents for Placement Abroad with Foreign Investors will be fully placed in Brazil by the Coordinators of the Offering under firm guarantee of settlement, individually and without joint liability, and will be compulsorily purchased and settled in Brazil, in domestic currency, as provided for in Article 19, paragraph 4 of Law 6,385, of December 07, 1976 and subsequent amendments. 2. Institutions Participating in the Offering

The Coordinators of the Offering invited the Associate Brokerage Companies listed in item 14 below to participate in the placement of the Offering underlying Shares, exclusively with Non-Institutional Investors (as defined below), within the scope of the Retail Offering (as defined below). 3. Distribution of the Offering

Pursuant to the Agreement of Coordination, Firm Guarantee of Settlement, Purchase and Placement of Common Shares issued by Light S.A. executed between the Company, the Selling Shareholders, the Coordinators of the Offering, and BM&FBOVESPA S.A. Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA), on July 13, 2009 (Offering Agreement), after the granting of the Secondary Public Offering Registration by CVM, the Offering underlying Shares shall be apportioned under firm guarantee of settlement, without joint liability, by the Coordinators of the Offering, pursuant to CVM Rule 400, as follows:
Coordinators of the Offering Citi Ita BBA Total Shares 9,823,493 19,646,987 29,470,480 Percentage 33.3% 66.7% 100%

The Offering Agreement is available for consultation and copies of it may be obtained through the Coordinators of the Offering and CVM at the addresses listed in item 14 below. 4. Offering Procedure

After the end of the Reservation Period (as defined in item 4.1 (a) below), the execution of the Bookbuilding Process (as defined in item 7 below), the concession of registration of the Offering by CVM, the publication of this Announcement of Commencement, and the availability of the Final Prospectus of Secondary Public Offering of Common Shares Issued by Light S.A. (Final Prospectus), the Institutions Participating in the Offering will carry out the offering of the Offering underlying Shares under firm guarantee of settlement, individually and without joint liability, by the Coordinators of the Offering, pursuant to CVM Rule 400, by means of two distinct offerings, as they may be, the retail offering (Retail Offering) and the institutional offering (Institutional Offering). The Coordinators of the Offering, duly authorized by the Company and the Selling Shareholders, laid down a plan for offering of the Shares, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 33 of CVM Rule 400 and to the New Market Listing Rules (New Market Listing Rules), concerning the share dilution efforts, which takes into account the relationship with clients and other commercial or strategic considerations of the Coordinators of the Offering, the Company and the Selling Shareholders, as to ensure the adequacy of the investment to the risk profile of their clients, as well as fair and equal treatment to investors. 4.1 Retail Offering

The Retail Offering will be directed to individuals who composed the Companys staff in the beginning of the Reservation Period and were registered employees of the Company, pursuant to the labor legislation in effect (Employees), and to individual and corporate investors and investment clubs registered with BM&FBOVESPA, pursuant to the legislation in effect, resident and domiciled in Brazil and not regarded as Institutional Investors (as set forth in item 4.2 below), who chose to participate in the Retail Offering, by presenting a Reservation Request during the Reservation Period (as set forth in item (a) below), destined to the purchase of Shares within the scope of the Offering, under the conditions described in this item 4.1 (Non-Institutional Investors), observing the minimum investment amount of R$1,000.00 and the maximum investment amount of R$300,000.00 per Employee or Non-Institutional Investor, as it may apply (Minimum and Maximum Reservation Request Amount). Within the context of the Retail Offering and at the discretion of Coordinators of the Offering, the minimum of 15% and the maximum of 20% of the total number of Offering underlying Shares, without considering the exercise of the Supplementary Lot Option and Additional Lot Option (Retail Offering underlying Shares), will be primarily destined to public offering within the scope of the Retail Offering, as the portion of the Retail Offering underlying Shares corresponding to two per cent (2%) of the total number of Offering underlying Shares, excluding Supplementary Shares and Additional Shares, will be primarily destined to the Companys Employees, who presented their investment intentions by filling out the Reservation Request as Employees of the Company (Offering to Employees). After serving the Reservation Requests within the scope of the Offering to Employees, the remaining Retail Offering underlying Shares will be distributed to NonInstitutional Investors.

In the event that the total number of Reservation Requests made by Employees and NonInstitutional Investors exceeds the number of Shares allocated to the Offering to Employees and Retail Offering, respectively, an apportionment will be performed, according to provisions set forth in items (c)(ii) and (i) below, respectively. The Retail Offering will follow this procedure: (a) observed the provisions set forth in items (b) and (c) below, the Non-Institutional Investors interested in participating in the Offering made a reservation of Shares at only one of the Institutions Participating in the Offering, whose addresses are listed in item 14 below, by filling out the specific form and signing it, irrevocably and irreversibly, (Reservation Request), except for provisions set forth in items (d), (j), (k), (l) and (m) below, as from July 07, 2009 to, and including, July 10, 2009 (Reservation Period), observing the Minimum and Maximum Reservation Request Amounts per Non-Institutional Investor. Prior to making a Reservation Request, Non-Institutional Investors were advised to verify at the Institution Participating in the Offering of their preference, if this institution, at its own discretion, required funds to be kept in an investment account opened or maintained at the institution as a guarantee of the Reservation Request; (b) in case a Reservation Request was made by a Non-Institutional Investor in the position of (i) manager or controlling shareholder of the Company and/or any of the Selling Shareholders, (ii) manager or controlling shareholder of any Institution Participating in the Offering or any of the Agents for Placement Abroad, or (iii) other individual related to the Offering; and (iv) respective spouses or partners, ascendant, descendant and collateral kin up to the second degree of kinship in relation to each of the individuals referred to in items (i), (ii) or (iii) above (Related Persons), this Reservation Request will be automatically cancelled by the Institution Participating in the Offering that received the respective Reservation Request in the event of an excess in demand above one third (1/3) of Offering underlying Shares, excluding Supplementary Shares and Additional Shares, pursuant to Article 55 of CVM Rule 400. Non-Institutional Investors being Related Persons were required to indicate in their respective Reservation Request their condition as such, under penalty of cancellation of their respective Reservation Requests; (c) for the Offering to Employees, all provisions relevant to Non-Institutional Investors apply, as the case may be, as well as the following specific provisions: (i) Employees will have priority in the allocation of Shares corresponding to up to two per cent (2%) of total Offering underlying Shares, excluding Supplementary Shares and Additional Shares. Upon reservation, Employees had to fill out the Reservation Request form and check the item stating that their Request should be fulfilled within the Offering to Employees; (ii) in the event that the number of Reservation Requests made by Employees, within the scope of the Offering to Employees, exceeds two per cent (2%) of total

Shares of the Offering, excluding Supplementary Shares and Additional Shares, an apportionment of these Shares will be made among all Employees adhering to the Offering to Employees, pursuant to item (iii) below. The apportionment criterion will be the equal and successive division of total Shares attributed to Employees, among all Employees, limited to the individual amount of each Reservation Request, until all Shares primarily destined to Employees are duly allocated; and (iii) in addition to the Reservation Request that they made within the scope of the Offering to Employees, Employees may take part in the Retail Offering, exclusively through an additional Reservation Request to the one for the Offering to Employees; this additional Reservation Request will be treated under the same conditions as the Reservation Request of Non-Institutional Investors, and will not be subjected to the provisions set forth for the Offering to Employees, observing the Maximum Investment Amount specified above for the total sum of the referred Reservation Requests. Upon both Reservation Requests, Employees were required to declare if they were or were not Related Persons. (d) each Non-Institutional Investor indicated in his or her respective Reservation Request the maximum price per Share as a condition for his or her Reservation Requests to be effective, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 45 of CVM Rule 400 and, in this case, the Reservation Requests whose maximum price indicated by Non-Institutional Investors was lower than the Price per Share will be automatically cancelled by their respective Institution Participating in the Offering; (e) after the concession of registration of the Offering by CVM, the number of Shares acquired by Non-Institutional Investors and their respective investment amount will be informed to each one of them by 12:00 P.M. on the business day subsequent to the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement, by the Institution Participating in the Offering that received the respective Reservation Request, by means of e-mail address provided upon Reservation Request, or in the absence of it, by telephone or mail, being the payment limited to the amount indicated in the Reservation Request and with due regard for the possibility of apportionment provided for in item (i) below; (f) each Non-Institutional Investor shall make the payment, in the amount described in item (e) above, to the Institution Participating in the Offering that received the respective Reservation Request, in the form of immediately available funds, by 10:30 A.M. on the Settlement Date (as defined in item 5 below). In case the payment is not made by the due time, the Reservation Request will be automatically cancelled by the Institution Participating in the Offering that received it; (g) after 4:00 P.M. on the Settlement Date (as defined in item 5 below) BM&FBOVESPA, on behalf of each Institution Participating in the Offering that received Reservation Requests, will deliver to each Non-Institutional Investor who performed a Reservation Request with them, the number of Shares corresponding to the ratio between the intended investment amount indicated in the Reservation

Request and the Price per Share (as defined in item 7 below), except in case of withdrawal, as provided for in items (j) and (k) below, cancellation, as provided for in items (b) and (d) above, (l) and (m) below, and apportionment, as provided for in item (i) below. Should the ratio result in a number of Shares that is a fraction, the investment amount will be limited to the amount corresponding to the whole number of Shares immediately above; (h) observed the priority of offering to Employees as provided for in item (c)(i) above, should the total of Reservation Requests made by Non-Institutional Investors be equal to or lower than the number of Retail Offering underlying Shares, no apportionment will be made, all Reservation Requests of Non-Institutional Investors will be fulfilled, and any remaining Shares reserved to Non-Institutional Investors will be offered to Institutional Investors, pursuant to item 4.2 below; (i) observed the priority of offering to Employees as provided for in item (c)(i) above, should the total of Reservation Requests made by Non-Institutional Investors be higher than the number of Retail Offering underlying Shares, an apportionment of these Shares will be made among all Non-Institutional Investors adhering to the Retail Offering. The apportionment criterion will be the equal and successive division of total Shares destined to Non-Institutional Investors, among all NonInstitutional Investors, limited to the individual amount of each Reservation Request, until all Shares primarily destined to Non-Institutional Investors are duly allocated; (j) in the event that a significant divergence between the information presented in the Preliminary Prospectus of Secondary Public Offering of Common Shares Issued by Light S.A. (Preliminary Prospectus) and in the Final Prospectus that substantially changes the risk assumed by Non-Institutional Investors, or their investment decision, is verified, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 45 of CVM Rule 400, NonInstitutional Investors may withdraw their Reservation Requests, without charge, until 4:00 P.M. on the fifth (5th) business day subsequent to the date of availability of the Final Prospectus of the Offering, and in this case, Non-Institutional Investors shall communicate their decision to withdraw to the Institution Participating in the Offering that received their respective Reservation Requests. Should NonInstitutional Investors fail to communicate, in written form, their decision to withdraw their Reservation Requests within the period mentioned above, they shall make the payment in compliance with the terms and within the period specified in their respective Reservation Requests; (k) in the event that the Offering is suspended or amended, pursuant to Articles 20 and 27 of CVM Rule 400, respectively, Non-Institutional Investors may withdraw their Reservation Requests until 4:00 P.M. on the fifth (5th) business day subsequent to the date of publication of the announcement communicating the suspension (Announcement of Suspension) or the amendment (Announcement of Amendment) of the Offering. In this case, Non-Institutional Investors shall communicate their decision to withdraw their Reservation Requests to the Institution Participating in the Offering that received their respective Reservation

Requests, in compliance with the terms and within the period specified in their respective Reservation Requests, which will be automatically cancelled by said Institution Participating in the Offering. Should Non-Institutional Investors fail to communicate, in written form, their decision to withdraw their Reservation Requests within the period mentioned above, they shall make the payment in compliance with the terms and within the period specified in their respective Reservation Requests; (l) in the event that the Offering is not concluded, or in the event that the Offering Agreement is terminated, or also, in any other event of return of the Reservation Requests due to express legal provision, all Reservation Requests will be automatically cancelled and each Institution Participating in the Offering will communicate the Non-Institutional Investors from whom it received Reservation Requests the cancellation of the offering, which will take place by means of publication of a notice to the market; (m) in the event that any Institution Participating in the Offering fail to comply with any standards of conduct provided for by rules applicable to the Offering, including but not limited to those provided for by CVM Rule 400, this Institution Participating in the Offering will be excluded from the group of financial institutions responsible for the placement of Shares within the scope of the Offering, and all Reservation Requests that it received will be cancelled. The Institution Participating in the Offering to which this item (m) refers shall immediately communicate the said cancellation to the Non-Institutional Investors from whom it received Reservation Requests; and (n) in case Non-Institutional Investors have already made the payment at the time when one of the events provided for in items (l) and (m) above takes place, or should Non-Institutional Investors decide to withdraw their Reservation Requests, pursuant to items (j) and (k) above, the amount deposited shall be returned, with no interest or monetary restatement, within three (3) business days as from the cancellation or cancellation request of the Reservation Request, as the case may be. The receipt of reserves, as from the start date of the Reservation Period for acquisition of Shares, is permitted, which will be confirmed by acquirers only after the beginning of the Offering Period. The Institutions Participating in the Offering only met the Reservation Requests made by Non-Institutional Investors who are holders of checking or investment accounts open in these institutions or maintained by the respective investors. 4.2 Institutional Offering

The Institutional Offering will be targeted at individuals, corporations and investment clubs whose investment amount surpass the investment limit of three hundred thousand reais (R$300,000.00), investment funds, managed portfolios, pension funds, managers of thirdparties funds registered with CVM, entities authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil to operate, pools destined to investing in securities portfolio registered with CVM and/or BM&FBOVESPA, insurance companies, supplementary pension and capitalization entities

and Foreign Investors that invest in Brazil in compliance with the Resolution 2,689 and CVM Rule 325 (Institutional Investors). After the Reservation Requests are fulfilled, the Shares will be publicly offered to Institutional Investors through the Coordinators of the Offering. Advanced reserves are not permitted for Institutional Investors, and there are no minimum or maximum investment amounts. In case the number of Shares underlying orders received from Institutional Investors during the Bookbuilding Process (as defined in item 7 below) exceeds the total number of remaining Shares after the fulfillment of the Reservation Requests pursuant to the terms and conditions described above, Institutional Investors that, at the discretion of the Company, the Selling Shareholders and the Coordinators of the Offering, better meet the goal of the Offering to create a diversified base of shareholders comprised of Institutional Investors having, throughout time, different assessment criteria on prospects of the Company, its industry and the Brazilian and international macroeconomic structures shall have the priority for fulfilling their respective orders. Institutional Investors shall make the acquisition of the Offering underlying Shares by means of payment in one lump sum, in domestic currency, upon acquisition of the Shares. 5. Term of the Offering

The period for the offering underlying Shares will begin on and including the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement and end on the date of publication of the Announcement of Closure of Secondary Public Offering of Common Shares Issued by Light S.A. (Announcement of Closure), up to six (6) months as from the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement (Term of the Offering). The Coordinators of the Offering and the Agents for Placement Abroad shall have up to three (3) business days, as from and excluding the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement, to offer the Shares (Offering Period). The physical and financial settlement of the Offering is expected to take place on the last day of the Offering Period (Settlement Date), except in the case of the Supplementary Shares, whose settlement shall take place up to three (3) business days, as from the date of exercise of the Supplementary Lot Option (Settlement Date of the Supplementary Lot Option). The end of the Offering and its outcome will be announced by means of publication of Announcement of Closure, pursuant to Article 29 of CVM Rule 400. 6. Information on the Firm Commitment of Offering Settlement

The Firm Commitment of Settlement consists of the individual and not jointly obligation of the Coordinators of the Offering to settle financially, as the case may be, at the Price per Share (as defined in item 7), on the Settlement Date, the total number of Shares effectively offered to investors and not settled, at the ratio and in accordance with the limits indicated in the Offering Agreement. This individual and not jointly guarantee became binding at the

moment in which the Bookbuilding Process (defined below) was concluded, the Offering Agreement was executed, and the registration of the Offering with CVM was granted. The resale price of this balance of Offering underlying Shares to the public by the Coordinators of the Offering, during the Term of the Offering, will be the market price of Shares, limited to the Price per Share, as defined in item 7 below, provided that the stabilization activities described in item 8 below, under certain circumstances, will not be subject to such limits. 7. Price per Share

The price per Offering underlying Share (Price per Share) was determined through negotiation between the Company, the Selling Shareholders and the Coordinators of the Offering after the Reservation Requests became effective and the procedure for collecting investment intentions of Institutional Investors, carried out in Brazil, by the Coordinators of the Offering, pursuant to Articles 23, paragraphs 1 and 44 of CVM Rule 400, and abroad, by the Agents for Placement Abroad (Bookbuilding Process) was concluded, using as parameters (i) the quotation of the Shares on BM&FBOVESPA, and (ii) the degree of interest shown by potential Institutional Investors, in view of the quality of demand (volume and price), during the Bookbuilding Process. The Price per Share was approved as per resolutions of BNDESPAR made on July 13, 2009 and of EDFI on June 12, 2008. The choice of using the market-price criterion for determining the Price per Share was duly justified, given that the market price of the Shares to be acquired was determined by the Bookbuilding Process, which reflects the amount for which Institutional Investors will present their order for the acquisition of Offering underlying Shares. Employees and Non-Institutional Investors adhering to the Retail Offering did not participate in the Bookbuilding Process, therefore, nor in the procedure for determining the Price per Share. In view of the excess in demand above one third of the number of Shares initially offered, pursuant to Article 55 of CVM Rule 400, orders received from Institutional Investors being Related Persons were not received during the Bookbuilding Process. The acquisition of Shares used to hedge transactions with derivatives will not be considered investment made by Related Persons for purposes of the current Offering. 8. Stabilization

The Lead Manager of the Offering, by means of Ita Corretora de Valores S.A., at its own discretion, may perform activities of Share price stabilization as from the date of execution of the Offering Agreement within thirty (30) days as from and including the date of publication of this Announcement of Commencement. The stabilization activities will consist of purchase and sale of common shares issued by the Company on the stock exchange, observing applicable legal provisions and the provisions in the Price Stabilization of Common Shares Issued by Light S.A.Service Agreement (Stabilization Agreement), which was previously approved by CVM, pursuant to article 23, paragraph 3 of CVM Rule 400.


The Lead Manager of the Offering and Ita Corretora de Valores S.A. are not under any obligation to perform stabilization operations and, once they are initiated, such operations may be discontinued at any time, observing the provisions in the Stabilization Agreement. The Stabilization Agreement is available for consultation and copies of it may be obtained with the Coordinators of the Offering and CVM at the addresses listed in item 14 below. 9. Rights, Advantages and Restriction of Shares

The Shares entitle their holders all rights granted to the Shares, pursuant to the Companys Bylaws, the Brazilian Corporation Law, and the New Market Listing Rules, including the following: (a) the voting right at the Companys general meetings, each share corresponding to one vote; (b) the right to receive mandatory dividends, every fiscal year, of at least 25% of net income, adjusted in line with article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law; (c) the right to sell the Shares, under the same conditions ensured to controlling shareholders, in case of direct or indirect sale of the Companys control, either by means of a single transaction or successive transactions (tag along); (d) the right to sell the Shares through public offering to be carried out by the controlling shareholders, in case of cancellation of the registration of publicly-held company or delisting of the Shares from New Market segment, for, at least, their economic value, determined by means of appraisal report prepared by a specialized and independent company; and (e) the right to full receipt of dividends and other proceedings applicable to the Shares declared by the Company as from the Settlement Date and all other benefits granted to the holder of the Shares. 10. Novo Mercado (New Market)

On February 16, 2006, the Company, its managers and controlling shareholders entered into the Agreement of Listing in the New Market Segment of BM&FBOVESPA, adhering to the special listing segment of BM&FBOVESPA entitled Novo Mercado (New Market), regulated by the New Market Rules, which sets forth corporate governance rules that are more rigid than the provisions established by the Brazilian Corporation Law, particularly as far as transparency and protection of minority shareholders are concerned. The key rules related to the New Market are summarized in the Final Prospectus available to investors at the addresses listed in item 14 below. For further information on the Company, including its industry, activities and economic and financial situation, read the Final Prospectus. The Shares are listed on the New Market segment under the ticker symbol LIGT3.



Lock up Period

The Company, BNDESPAR and EDFI undertake to not dispose of any common shares issued by the Company (lock up), not being allowed to sell, transfer, or in any other manner dispose of any common shares issued by the Company of their ownership on the date of execution of the Offering Agreement and the Placement Facilitation Agreement, as well as derivatives pegged to these shares, up to a hundred and eighty (180) days as from the date of the Final Prospectus, observing the exceptions provided for in such agreement, including but not limited to, the provision of Supplementary Shares and of the Shares purpose of the loan granted to the Lead Manager of the Offering, under the condition of stabilizing agent, aimed at the activities provided for in the Stabilization Agreement. 11. Financial Institution Depositary of Shares

The financial institution contracted by the Company for rendering common share bookkeeping services is Banco Bradesco S.A. 12. Company Information

The Companys corporate purpose consists of (i) holding interest in other corporations as quotaholder or shareholder; and (ii) the exploration, directly or indirectly, as the case may be, of electricity services, comprehending the electricity generation, transmission, trade and distribution systems, as well as other related services. For further information on the Company, including its industry, activities and economic and financial situation, read the Final Prospectus available at the locations listed in item 14 below. 13. Date of Commencement of the Offering

The Date of Commencement of the Offering is July 14, 2009. Pursuant to CVM Rule 400, CVM Rule 471, and to ANBIDs Code Regulation and Best Practices for Agreement - Related Activities, the request for analysis and the request for registration of the Offering were registered with ANBID and CVM on June 10, 2009 and on June 29, 2009, and the Offering was registered with CVM under the code CVM/SRE/SEC/2009/005, on July 14, 2009. The Agents for Placement Abroad are not responsible for the public offering of the Shares in Brazil, neither for any information presented in this Announcement of Commencement. 14. Additional Information

Before making any investment decision, potential investors are advised to read the Final Prospectus.


Names and addresses of the Selling Shareholders and Coordinators of the Offering: Selling Shareholders BNDES Participaes S.A. - BNDESPAR Avenida Repblica do Chile, n 100 20031-917, Rio de Janeiro, RJ EDF International 20 Place De La Dfense Tour EDF, 92050 Paris La Dfense, France

Coordinators of the Offering Citigroup Global Markets Brasil, Corretora de Cmbio, Ttulos e Valores Mobilirios S.A. Av. Paulista, n 1.111, 11 andar 01311-920, So Paulo, SP Banco Ita BBA S.A. Lead Manager of the Offering Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, n 3.400, 5 andar 04538-132, So Paulo, SP

Associate Brokerage Companies

Available at the headquarters of the Associate Brokerage Companies registered with BM&FBOVESPA to participate in the Offering. Additional information on the Associate Brokerage Companies may be obtained on the website of BM&FBOVESPA (

Final Prospectus The Final Prospectus is available on the following addresses and websites: (i) CVM, located at Rua Sete de Setembro, n 111, 5 andar, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, and at Rua Cincinato Braga n 340, 2, 3 e 4 andares, in the City of So Paulo, in the State of So Paulo (; (ii) BM&FBOVESPA, located at Praa Antonio Prado, n. 48, in the City of So Paulo, in the State of So Paulo (; (iii) ANBID, located at Av. das Naes Unidas, n 8.501, 21 andar, in the City of So Paulo, in the State of So Paulo (; (iv) the Company, headquartered at Avenida Marechal Floriano, 168, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Rio de Janeiro (; (v) BNDESPAR, located at Avenida Repblica do Chile, n 100 - parte, 20031-917, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Rio de Janeiro (; (vi) Citi, at Avenida Paulista, n 1.111, 11


andar, in the City of So Paulo, in the State of So Paulo (; and (vii) Ita BBA, at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, n 3.400, 4 andar, in the City of So Paulo, in the State of So Paulo ( on this website go to Light). This Announcement of Commencement does not constitute an offering of Shares in the United States of America. The Offering was registered in Brazil at CVM, pursuant to the procedures provided for by CVM Rule 400 and CVM Rule 471 and the Offering will not, neither will the Shares, be registered at SEC or any other regulatory agency of the capital markets of any other country. The Final Prospectus contains additional and supplementary information to this Announcement of Commencement and its reading allows a detailed analysis of the terms and conditions of the Offering and of its inherent risks. READ THE FINAL PROSPECTUS BEFORE ACCEPTING THE OFFERING. The registration of this Offering does not entail, by CVM, guarantee of veracity of information disclosed or judgment on the quality of the issuing Company, as well of the underlying Shares. The acquisition of shares constitutes a risk investment, since it is a variable-income investment and, thus, investors intending to invest in Shares are subject to the volatility of the capital markets. However, there is no class or category of investor prohibited by law from acquiring the Shares.

This public offering was prepared in accordance with the provisions of ANBIDs Regulation and Best Practices Code for the Public Offerings of Securities, thus, this present public offering meets the minimum information standard required by ANBID, and any responsibility for the referred information, for the quality of the issuer and/or offerers, of the participant institutions and of the public offering/program underlying securities, is not incumbent upon ANBID. This seal does not entail investment recommendation. The registration or prior analysis of this offering does not entail, by ANBID, guarantee of veracity of information disclosed or judgment on the quality of the issuing Company, as well of the Shares to be offered.


Coordinators of the Offering (Joint Bookrunners)

Lead Manager of the Offering and Stabilizing Agent

Associate Brokerage Companies [INSERIR LOGOS]


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