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Educational Report ETEC 5303- Computers in K-12 Classrooms Beashua D. Spearman University of Arkansas



Abstract The final project of the ETEC 5303 Learning with Computers in K-12 Classrooms required the accumulation of course assignments. Furthermore, it included projects that I had created during the course and arrange them into a completed website or electronic portfolio. The purpose of the assignments and projects were to educate K-12 teachers how to utilize computers in the K-12 classroom. There were four components in the course, for example, instructional software, productivity software, technology integration, and tool-based software. To understand these four components, I first had to understand the past, present, and the future trends in technology use in schools and the controversial issues that surround the field of educational technology. I learned about the four main components of using technology in the K-12 classroom: instructional software, productivity software, technology integration, and tool-based software. First, I learned about five different types of instructional software and how to evaluate in addition to reviewing them. Second, I gained knowledge about the four types of productivity software and third, during the technology integration project, I learned how to integrate a variety of technology into four content areas. Fourth, I learned how to complete a lesson plan based upon integrating tool-based software into an adult education classroom.



Project Description During the Learning with Computers in K-12 classrooms, I began the semester learning about hardware, operating systems, and networks. The inclusion of this project was chosen to illustrate my ability to integrate technology into an educational institution. In addition, to display my knowledge and understanding of how to utilize computers in K-12 classrooms. To understand how to use computers in K-12 classrooms; I had to first understand the past, present, and the future trends in technology use in schools and the controversial issues that surround the educational technology field. In addition, I learned how to create a personal technology statement that we revised throughout the semester. The purpose of the technology statement was to defend the use of technology in education. During this assignment, I researched known educational technology experts such as the U.S. Department of Education-Educational Technology, M.D. Roblyer, and Paul Saettler. Upon the completion of my research, I began to ponder upon my thoughts about defending technology and I created my technology vision. As the semester progressed, I learned about technology integration models aligned with major theories and the importance of creating a relative advantage chart that I used later in the course. In addition, we learned how technology is funded in education and how educators may research funding options. The main assignments I focused on were application and instructional software. During this assignment, we created five presentations about the various types of instructional software. I chose drill and practice, instructional games, problem solving, tutorials, and simulations. To complete this task, I was assigned to research the instructional software and create a website page with the included information. In addition, I was assigned to list at least two-three examples of each instructional software. The second series of assignments included productivity software, to illustrate, I created four projects about the following productivity software: assistive technologies that adhered to the W3 Schools accessibility standards, in addition to the Americans



With Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The second productivity software that I had researched was internet tools. In addition, I learned about a variety of various course management systems such as Moodle and Blackboard and how they influence an educational institution. Furthermore, I learned about their vast features, functions, and the advantage and disadvantage of using them in educational institutions. The next productivity software I learned about was titled Internet Safety and during this component, I researched how to establish internet online boundaries, how to prevent cyber bullying, how to create safe password, and how to establish safe online boundaries. In addition, I learned the importance of maintaining internet safety in the classroom. Upon the completion of my research about each productivity software, I created a web based multimedia presentation as if I were a professional development instructor who was educating K-12, adult education, or higher education teachers. As I continued to gain additional knowledge of computers in K-12 classrooms, I began to progress into technology integration. During this learning process, I gained skills in learning how to conduct technology integration into an educational institution. First, I learned that the purpose of technology, integration is to discuss the definitions, relative advantage, and the brief description of each content area. Second, we were assigned to conduct technology integration of four content areas. To illustrate, I chose four different content areas to conduct technology integration that consisted of internet integration opportunities, tool-based software, instructional software available and productivity software. I chose the following four content areas of Art, English Language Learners (ELL), Language Arts, and Social Studies. To complete this task, I had to discover a problem an educator had and that technology could solve. For example, during the art technology integration, I discovered the educator did not have enough digital storage space or physical classroom space to store an art collection in the classroom.



Next, I determined an integration strategy, in addition to a relative advantage of why using the technology was fitting to that content area and an expect outcome as well as the resources to integrate into a classroom. In addition, I had to determine the tool-based software available, the instructional software available, in addition to the productivity software available.

Program Identification

Standard 2: DEVELOPMENT Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated technologies. 2.2 Demonstrate ability to integrate instructional materials that utilize two or more forms of media. The standard 2.2 demonstrates the ability to integrate instructional materials that utilize two or more forms of media. The Computers in K-12 Classrooms multimedia website presentation fulfilled that standard. Throughout this course, I had learned how to utilize instructional media such as Microsoft Office software programs, Web 2.0 tools, and utilizing the internet for research and the implementation of instructional media. To illustrate, I learned how to utilize Microsoft Publisher and to create a technology funding visual handout. In addition, it educated teachers in learning how to locate technology-funding sources. The Computers in K-12 Classrooms course contained a tool based software component that required me to utilize Microsoft Excel in creating a spreadsheet lesson plan that utilized a multimedia presentation. I created a spreadsheet lesson that was titled Creating a Family/ Personal Budget: Dollars & Sense! The purpose of creating this multimedia spreadsheet lesson plan was to establish an example for educators to view how they can utilize spreadsheets in their classroom curriculum. For example, this spreadsheet lesson plan included real world reading, math and technology skills that are used in a personal or family monthly financial planning. The focus of this lesson was to teach students practical understanding of budgeting and differentiate between the I want it and I need it columns. For example, the I want it column will list items such as entertainment (e.g. movies, dinner, and miniature golf) and its cost. I created a class guided practice worksheet, an independent practice worksheet, needs and wants worksheet (which was the students homework assignment) utilizing Microsoft Word processing software.



In addition, I created a multimedia presentation that utilized Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Clipart, hyperlinks, and audiovisual media such as implementing YouTube videos that discussed budgeting. The Microsoft PowerPoint presentation was then loaded to SlideShare which a flash computer based software media that hosts interactive media presentations. The purpose of utilizing the SlideShare presentation media is because educators may find this presentation software to be useful in their classrooms. The relative advantage of using this software is it promotes learning without restraints because it is free and it does not incur additional budget needs. 2.3 Demonstrate ability to create visual materials that enhance the learning process The standard 2.3 demonstrates the ability to create visual materials that enhance the learning process. The Computers in K-12 Classrooms technology funding handout fulfilled that standard. The Computers in K-12 Classrooms technology-funding handout was designed to enhance the learning process to instruct Oklahoma K-12 educators to learn how to locate public and private foundation funding, in addition to state and federal technology grant funding. In addition, this handout was designed to aid Oklahoma educators in learning how to research the grant writing process in addition to the online and print resources that are available to them. I utilized the Stephen J. McGriff ACE Process Model for Instructional Visuals. The purpose of choosing the ACE Process Model for Instructional Visuals was to design a handout that was grabbed the audiences attention, to remain concise, and to ensure it was easy to remember. According to McGriff, during the analysis phrase it was important for me to determine the purpose of creating this visual. As previously mentioned, it was designed to assist Oklahoma K-12 educators in the Poteau, Oklahoma school district to learn how to locate adequate technology funding for their classrooms. The initial step of the analysis phrase is to ensure the handout is concise and to complete this task, I implemented the chunking method to break the information into smaller chunks of information. The benefit of using the chunking method is not to overwhelm the audience of this handout. In addition, I used bold headings and I italicized the subheading to indicate a difference between it and the main heading. I wanted the audience of this handout to realize that different information that is equally important (Color Wheel Pro, 2012). The second phase of the ACE Process Model for Instructional Visuals was titled create because according to McGriff, it is necessary for the instructional designer to generate an idea, arrange the elements, and represent the visual instruction. The first step in completing this task, was to visualize a technology-funding handout that I would give to each educator in an Oklahoma school district. Next, I began designing the technology-funding handout and I chose a white background color to symbolize a clean and crisp appearance (Color Wheel Pro, 2012).



The second step was choosing the second color for the background of the textboxes. I chose the color orange because it is not as aggressive as the color red, in addition, according to the Color Wheel Pro, the color orange has a high visibility that will grab the attention of its audience (Color Wheel Pro, 2012). The purpose of utilizing the color orange as a background color for the text boxes is to create a highlight of the most important elements of the handout. In addition, the color orange creates a solid contrast with the white main background. I created an additional contrast that was utilizing the burgundy red color in the handout. The purpose of this color served as an accent color that may assist educators in making quick decisions to begin technology grant writing for their school districts (Color Wheel Pro, 2012). The third step was utilizing clip art imagery from the Microsoft Clipart 2007 collection within the Microsoft Publisher 2007 software. The imagery was included to connect the educator to each section of the handout. To illustrate, the briefcase with dollars flowing into the backpack indicates that there are technology grants foundations in addition to state and federal technology grants that are available. Some of the clipart images associate students with computers to create a profound impact that technology has made in our classrooms. In addition, the Oklahoma map and the U.S. capitol images create a separate visual to indicate the difference between state and federal funding. Upon the completion of the create phrase, I had designed the technology funding handout utilizing a blank brochure within the Microsoft Publisher software. During the evaluate phrase, I assessed the technology funding handout to ensure it was learner friendly. To illustrate, I included relevant and effective online and print grant writing resources that was free or that did not incur an expensive fee for educators. The first step of the evaluate phrase was to include private and public foundations that are have technology grants. For example, I included Cisco Systems Virtual School Grant Program and the Toshiba America Foundation. The second stage of evaluate phrase was to ensure the handout was efficient and it has visual appeal. As I had previously noted, I wanted this handout to grab the attention of a K12 educator, in addition, it was necessary to keep the information short and simple because educators do not have the time to view a long and complex handout. Upon completion of the handout, I uploaded it to to assist all educators in learning more about grant funding.

Standard 3: UTILIZATION Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes and resources for learning by applying principles and theories of media utilization, diffusion, implementation, and policy-making. 3.2 Demonstrate ability to develop a web-based project for the dissemination of media-based learning.



The standard 3.2 demonstrates the ability to develop a web based project for the dissemination of media-based learning. The Computers in K-12 Classrooms multimedia website presentation fulfilled that standard. To illustrate, the web based project in the computers in K-12 Classrooms was developed to share the benefits of utilizing technology as a supplemental tool to provide support within a K-12 classroom environment. For example, the project contained four main concentrated areas of classroom technology usage. To illustrate, instructional software, productivity software, technology integration, and tool based software. Educators will benefit from the chunked material that was utilized throughout this presentation to create an efficient and effective web based tool. The first component was titled instructional software because it discussed the definitions, relative advantage, and a brief description of the five major types of instructional software. The aspect is important because it helps educators learn why instructional software is a vital part of their classroom. According to M.D. Roblyer, instructional software is utilized to supplicate and enhance instruction (Roblyer, 76). The second component was titled productivity software because it contained subtopics to increase the awareness of social networking, community building, and online safety. For example, I utilized a WikiSpaces wiki and a Blogger Blog as an example to indicate how an educator may determine how it can be used in the classroom. In addition, I utilized a Facebook page to indicate how it can be used as a classroom communication tool. The Facebook page could be utilized as a communication tool between the teacher and his or her students. The second subtopic included internet tools for educators that introduced them to course management systems. In my opinion, educators need to constantly learn about new technologies that are emerging in our world today. Course management systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, and Lectrio all enhance education and it helps it to remain constant. For example, I created a multimedia web based presentation that educated teachers about various course management systems. The third component in this web-based project was titled internet safety because it is imperative to instruct educators about learning how to use the internet in a safe and efficient manner. The multimedia presentation that I created concentrated on how to prevent cyber bullying and creating a safe online environment. The final component was titled assistive technologies because it was created to assist educators learn about the various assistive technologies that are used in education. In addition, it included how assistive technologies were integrated into the special needs classroom. During this multimedia presentation, I discussed the importance of utilizing accessibility standards in education. For example, I discussed the importance of learning how to select a technology integration strategy for special needs students. I believe that it is imperative for an educator to learn how he or she can integrate



technology into their current curriculum. To illustrate, I chose four content areas of Art, English Language Learners, Language Arts, and Social Studies. For each content area, I learned how to locate a problem, create an integration strategy or answer, and create a relative advantage. In addition, an expected outcome and I learned how to list the resources that were relevant for that content area. For example, one problem and an educator encountered was not enough space for a physical art book or CD collection. Upon completing a technology integration study, I determined that she could utilize an online file system such as or she could utilize the Harvard art museum online collection. The final component was titled tool based software and it included one subtopic that was titled spreadsheets. The purpose of this subtopic is to instruct educators to learn the vast possibilities that spreadsheets lesson plans may offer their classrooms. During the Computers in K-12 Classrooms, we were given the choice to create a database or a spreadsheet lesson plan and I chose the latter. The purpose of choosing the spreadsheet lesson plan was to assist educators to learn how they can incorporate spreadsheet software into their curriculums. For example, a senior math course may learn how to create and maintain a personal budget utilizing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. 3.3 Demonstrate ability to develop and implement effective policies related to the utilization, application, and integration of media-based learning in a specific institutional or organizational context. The ETEC 5303 Computers in K-12 Classrooms Spreadsheet lesson fulfilled this standard. The spreadsheet lesson listed under the productivity software was an example of how to develop and implement effective policies related to the utilization, application, and the integration of media-based learning in a specific institutional or organizational context. For example, during this lesson, I clearly stated the purpose and the expected outcome of learning how to create a budget utilizing realistic examples that would assist students in learning how to create a budget at home or in their career. In addition, this lesson completed Arkansas frameworks and standards in addition to completing ISTE standards. The purpose of the spreadsheet lesson was to instruct adult learners to learn how to develop and utilize a spreadsheet for personal business or to enhance their job skills. The students learned how to create a list of needs vs. wants in addition, they learned learning how to utilize Microsoft Excel. These real world examples included realistic problems, which included unexpected expenses such as a childs doctor bill, or an unexpected vehicle repair.



This project entailed concise instructions that assisted students to learn how to complete the lesson. The students received a variety of media-based resources such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software, You Tube, and the inclusion of hyperlinks related to budgeting. In addition, the project incorporated the facilitation of various technologies to ensure the students gained realistic experience. This realistic experience will assist adult learners in acquiring new job skills, for example, budgeting is one of many project management skills. Acquiring these, newly learned skills require the student to gain knowledge of budgeting to complete budgeting tasks at home or within his or her employment. Educational Reflection When I began the Learning with Computers K-12 course, I was excited about learning how to use various technologies with in a K-12, adult education, or higher education institute. During this class, I learned about some of the technologies that I had grew up using but I did not know the technical term or why it was used in technology. As an student in public school, I often used Instructional software such as the drill and practice software for reading and mathematics. This course taught me how to narrow down the technologies to use in the classroom, previously, I thought more technology was better but I soon learned that too much technology might overwhelm an educator and his or her students. I learned how to utilize technology as a supplemental resource to assist the educator in enhancing his or her classroom. In addition, I learned how to utilize technology in K-12, adult education, and higher education settings. During this course, I learned how to create effective multimedia presentations that consisted of social media, websites, and videos. I became more proficient in this skill and as the course progressed, I continued to advance in gaining more knowledge about using computers in the classroom. I learned that I must consider the content level, educational functioning level of an adult learner, and the educators technology use within the classroom. Third, an educational technologist must learn how much technology to integrate into a classroom. According to M.D. Roblyer, an educational technologist or educator must research, investigate, and create a relative



advantage of the content level technologies in comparison to similar technologies (Roblyer, p 252). An overexposed amount of technology may create confusion for the educator in addition to his or her students. If a course is crammed with technology, the technology may overshadow the content and because of this, the transfer of knowledge is not evident. During this course, I learn how to utilize technologies in a hands on approach that allowed me to play with the technologies, learn how they are utilized, their purpose, and how an educator may use that technology effectively. In addition, I learned that some technologies seem great and look great but some of the bells and whistles do not secure it as a great technology to supplement in an educational environment. Throughout this course, we learned how to create a relative advantage, to determine the advantages and the disadvantages, in addition to including live resources to all an educator to use immediately. One of the projects that I thought was challenging was the technology integration strategy. As I researched various technologies for a particular content area, I soon learned that not all technologies are created for supplementing education. Some of the technologies were difficult for an educator or student to use and other technologies were great resources. During the technology integration project, we had to integrate four different technologies into one course. For example, internet integration opportunities, tool-based software, instructional software available, and productivity software available. In addition, we had to determine a problem, integration strategy, relative advantage, expected outcome, and resources. To overcome this challenge, I learned how technology could alleviate some barriers such as space constraints, time and financial resources such as technology budgets that allowed me to research free technologies for the K-12 content areas I researched. Each week, I enjoyed opening each assignment to learn more and to continue learning about new and existing technologies. My favorite assignment is when we were assigned to a role-play as our favorite learning theorist and we had to create a presentation as if we were that



person. The person I chose was Jean Piaget, the reason why I chose Piaget is because I wanted to learn more about his cognitive development theory. I enjoyed this class and I have gained a lot of great experience, skills, and knowledge of using technology in the K-12 classroom and beyond.

References QSX Software Group. (2006). Color wheel pro. Copyright 2002-2012 QSX Software Group. Retrieved March 15, 2009. Retrieved from Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Chapter 3: Teaching with Instructional Software. Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. (4th ed.). (pp. 79-84). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

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