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Abase, verb, Lower, degrade, humiliate, Abasement, Noun, Abash, verb, embarrass, Abate, Verb, subside or moderate, Abbreviate,

Verb, shorten, Abdicate, Verb, renounce, give up, aberrant ,adjective, abnormal or deviant, Aberration, Noun, abnormality, departure for the norm, mental irregularity or disorder, Abet, Verb, assist, usually in doing something wrong, encourage, Abeyance, Noun, suspended action, Abhor, Verb, detest, hate,, Abhorrence, noun, Abject, Adjective, wretched, lacking pride, Abjure, Verb, renounce upon oath, disavow, abjuration, Noun, Ablution, Noun, Washing, Abnegation, Noun, renunciation, self-sacrifice, Abolish, Verb, cancel, put an end to, abolition, Noun, Abominable, Adjective, detestable, extremely unpleasant, very bad, abominate, Verb, loathe, hate, Aboriginal, Adjective , Noun, being the first of its kind in a region, Primitive, native, Aborigine, Noun, Abortive, Adjective, unsuccessful, fruitless, abort, Verb, Abrasive, Adjective, rubbing away, tending to grind down, Abrade, verb, Abridge, Verb, condense or shorten, Abrogate, Verb, abolish, Abscission, Noun, removal by cutting off, as in surgery, separation Abscond, verb, depart secretly and hide,, Absolute, Adjective, complete, totally unlimited, Absolve, Verb, pardon (an offense), Absolution, noun, Abstain, verb, refrain, withhold from participation,, Abstemious, Adjective, sparing in eating and drinking, temperate,, Abstinence, Noun, restraint from eating or drinking, abstain, verb, Abstract ,adjective, theoretical, not concrete , nonrepresentational,

Abstruse, Adjective, obscure, profound, difficult to understand, abusive, adjective, coarsely insulting, physically harmful, abut ,verb, border upon, adjoin, Abysmal, Adjective, bottomless, Abyss, Noun, enormous chasm, vast, bottomless pit, Academic, Adjective, related to a school, not practical or directly useful, Accede, Verb, agree, Accelerate, Verb, move faster, Accessible, Adjective, easy to approach, obtainable, Accessory, Noun, additional object, useful but not essential thing,, Acclaim, verb, applaud , announce with great approval, Acclamation, noun, Acclimate, Verb, adjust to climate or environment , adapt, Acclivity, Noun, sharp upslope of a hill, Accolade, Noun, award of merit, Accommodate, Verb, oblige or help someone, adjust or bring into harmony, adapt,, Accomplice, Noun, partner in crime, Accord, Noun, agreement, accost ,Verb, approach and speak first to a person, Accouter, Verb, equip, Accoutrement, Noun, Accretion, Noun, growth, increase, Accrete, Verb, Accrue, Verb, come about by addition, accrual, Noun, Acerbic, Adjective, bitter or sour in nature, sharp and cutting, Acerbity, Noun, bitterness of speech and temper, Acetic, Adjective, vinegary, Acidulous, Adjective, slightly sour, sharp, caustic, Acknowledge, Verb, recognize, admit, Acme, Noun, peak, pinnacle, highest point, Acoustics, Noun, science of sound, quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in, Acquiesce, verb, assent, agree passively, Acquiescence, Noun,, acquiescent, Adjective, Acquittal, Noun, deliverance from a charge, acquit, verb, Acrid, Adjective, sharp, bitterly pungent,

Acrimonious, Adjective, bitter in words or manner, Acrimony, Noun, Acrophobia, Noun, fear of heights, Actuarial, adjective, calculating, pertaining to insecure statistics,, actuate, verb, motivate,, Acuity, Noun, sharpness,, Acumen, Noun, mental keenness,, Acute, Adjective, quickly perceptive, keen, brief and severe,, Adage, Noun, wise saying, proverb,, Adamant, Adjective, hard, inflexible, Adamancy, Noun, Adapt, Verb, alter, modify, Addendum, Noun, addition, appendix to book, Addiction, Noun, compulsive, habitual need,, Addle, verb, muddle, drive crazy, become rotten, Addled, Adjective Address, Verb, direct a speech to, deal with or discuss, Adept, Adjective, expert at, Also Noun, Adhere, verb, stick fast, adhesion, Noun, adherence, Noun, Adherent, Noun, supporter, follower, Adjacent, Adjective, adjoining, neighboring, close by, Adjunct, Noun, something (generally nonessential or inferior) added on or attached, also Adjective, Adjuration, Noun, solemn urging, adjure, Verb, Adjutant, Noun, staff office resisting the commander, assistant, Admonish, Verb, warn, reprove,, Adorn, Verb, decorate, Adornment, Noun, Adroit, Adjective, skillful, Chapter2 Adulation, Noun, flattery, admiration, Adulate, Verb adulterate, Verb, make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances, Adulteration, Noun, Advent, Noun, Arrival, Adventitious, Adjective, accidental, casual, Adversary, Noun, Opponent, enemy, Adverse, Adjective, unfavorable, hostile,,

Adversity, Noun, poverty, misfortune, Advert, Verb, refer (to), Advocacy, Noun, support, active pleading on behalf of some one or something, Advocate, Verb, urge, plead for, also Noun, Aegis, Noun, shield, defense, Aerie, Noun, Nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk), Aesthetic, Adjective, artistic, dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful, Aesthete, Noun, Affable, Adjective, easily approachable, warmly friendly, Affability, Noun, Affected, Adjective, artificial, pretended, assumed in order to impress, Affectation, Noun, Affidavit, Noun, written statement made under oath, Affiliation, Noun, joining, associating with, Affinity, Noun, kinship, Affirmation, Noun, positive assertion, confirmation, solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath, Affix, Verb, attach or add on, fasten, , Affliction, Noun, state of distress, cause of suffering, Affluence, Noun, abundance, wealth, Affront, Noun, insult, offense, intentional act of disrespect, also verb, Agape, Adjective, openmouthed, Agenda, Noun, items of business at a meeting,, Agglomeration, Noun, collection, heap, Aggrandize, verb, increase or intensify, raise in power, wealth, rank or honor, Aggregate, Verb, gather, accumulate, aggregate, Noun, Aggressor, Noun, attacker Aghast, Adjective, horrified, dumbfounded Agility, Noun, nimbleness,, Agitate, verb, stir up, disturb,, Agnostic, Noun, one who is skeptical of the existence of a good or any ultimate reality,, Also Adjective, Agog, Adjective, highly excited, intensely curious, Agrarian, Adjective, pertaining to land or its cultivation, Alacrity, Noun, cheerful promptness, eagerness,

Alchemy, Noun, medieval form of speculative thought that aimed to transform base metals (lead or copper) into silver or gold and to discover a means of prolonging life, Alcove, Noun, nook, recess, Alias, Noun, an assumed name, also Adverb, Alienate, Verb, make hostile, separate, Alimentary, Adjective, supplying nourishment, Alimony, Noun, payments made to an ex-spouse after divorce, Allay, Verb, calm, pacify, Allege, Verb, state without proof, allegation, Noun, Allegiance, Noun, loyalty, Allegory, Noun, story in which characters are used as symbols, fable , Allegorical, Adjective, Alleviate, Verb, relieve Alliteration, Noun, repetition of beginning sound in poetry, Allocate, Verb, assign, Alloy, Noun, a mixture as of metals, Alloy, Verb, mix, make less pure, lessen or moderate, Allude, verb, indirectly, Allure, Verb, entice, attract, Also Noun, Allusion, Noun, indirect reference, Alluvial, Adjective, pertaining to soil deposits left by running water Aloof, Adjective, apart, reserved, Aloft, Adjective, upward, Altercation, Noun, noisy quarrel, heated dispute, Altruistic, Adjective, unselfishly generous, concerned for others, Noun, Amalgamate, Verb, combine, unite in one body,, Amass, verb, collect, Amazon, Noun, female warrior,, Ambidextrous, Adjective, Capable of using either hands with equal ease, Ambience, Noun, environment, atmosphere, Ambiguous, Adjective, unclear or doubtful in meaning, Noun, Ambivalence, Noun, the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes, Ambivalent, Adjective,

Amble, Noun, moving at an easy pace, also verb, Ambrosia, Noun, food of the gods, Ambulatory, Adjective, able to walk, not bedridden,, Ameliorate, verb, improve, Amenable, Adjective, readily managed or willing to be led, answerable or accountable legally, Amend, verb, correct, change, generally for the better, Amenities, Noun, convenient features, courtesies, Amiable, Adjective, agreeable, loveable warmly friendly, Amicable, Adjective, politely friendly, not quarrelsome, Amiss, Adjective, wrong, faulty, also Adjective Amity, Noun, friendship, Amnesia, Noun, loss of memory, Amnesty, Noun, pardon, Amoral, Adjective, Non-moral, Amorous, Adjective, moved by sexual love, loving, Amorphous, Adjective, formless, lacking shape or definition, Amphibian, Adjective ,able to live both on land and in water, Also noun, Amphitheater, Noun, oval building with tiers of seats, Ample, Adjective, abundant, Amplify, Verb, broaden or clarify by expanding, intensify, make stronger, Amputate, verb, cut off part of body, prune, Amok( also amuck) ,adverb, in a state of rage, Amulet, Noun, charm, talisman, anachronism Noun something or someone misplaced in time, anachronistic, Adjective, Analgesic, Adjective, causing insensitivity to pain, Analogous, Adjective, comparable Analogy, Noun, similarity, parallelism, Anarchist, Noun, person who seeks to overturn the established government, advocate of abolishing authority, Anarchy, Noun, absence of governing body, state of disorder, Anathema, Noun, solemn curse, someone or something regarded as a curse, Anathematize, verb, Ancestry, Noun, family descent, Ancestral, Adjective,

Anchor, Verb, secure or fasten firmly, be fixed in place, Anchorage, Noun, Ancillary, Adjective, serving as an aid or accessory, auxiliary, Also Noun, Anecdote, Noun, short account of an amusing or interesting event, Anemia, Noun, condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles Anemic, Adjective, Anesthetic, Noun, substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness, Anesthesia, Noun, Anguish, Noun, acute pain, extreme suffering,, Angular, Adjective, sharp-cornered, stiff in manner, Animadversion, Noun, critical remark, Animated, Adjective, lively, spirited, Animosity, Adjective, enmity, Animus, Noun, hostile feeling or intent, Annals, Noun, records, history, Anneal, verb, reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling, Annex, Verb, attach, take possession of, Annihilate, Verb, destroy, Annotate, verb, comment, make explanatory notes, Annuity, Noun, yearly allowance, Annul, verb, make void, Anodyne, Noun, drug that relieves pain, opiate, Anoint, verb, consecrate, Anomalous, Adjective, abnormal, irregular, Anomaly, Noun, irregularity,, Anonymity, Noun, state of being nameless, anonymousness, Anonymous, Adjective, Antagonism, Noun, hostility, active resistance, Antagonistic, Adjective, Antecede, Verb, precede,, Antecedents, Noun, preceding events of circumstances that influence what comes later, ancestors or early back ground, Antediluvian, Adjective, antiquated, Anthem, Noun, Song of praise or patriotism Anthology, Noun, book of literary selections by various authors, Anthologize, Verb, Anthropoid, Adjective, manlike, also Noun,

Anthropologist, Noun, student of the history and science of humankind, Anthropomorphic, Adjective, having human form of characteristics, Antic, Adjective, extravagantly odd, also noun, Anticlimax, Noun, letdown in thought or emotion Anticlimactic, Adjective, Antidote, Noun, remedy to counteract a poison or disease, Antipathy, Noun, aversion, dislike, Antiquated, Adjective, obsolete, outdated, Antiseptic, Noun, substance that prevents infection, also Adjective, Antithesis, Noun, contrast, direct opposite of or to, Antithetical or antithetic, Adjective, Anvil, Noun, iron block used in hammering out metals, Apathy, Noun, lack of caring, indifference, apathetic, Adjective, Ape, Verb, imitate or mimic, Aperture, Noun, opening, hole, Apex, Noun, tip, Summit, climax, Aphasia, Noun, loss of speech due to injury or illness, Aphorism, Noun, pithy maxim or saying, Aphoristic, Adjective, Apiary, Noun, a place where bees are kept, Aplomb, Noun, poise, assurance, Apocalyptic, Adjective, prophetic, pertaining to revelations, apocalypse, Noun, Apocryphal, Adjective, spurious, not authentic, invented rather than true, Apogee, Noun, highest point, Apolitical, Adjective, having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs, Apologist, Noun, one who writes in defense of a cause of institution, Apostate, Noun, one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs apostasy, Noun, Apothecary, Noun, druggist, Apothegm, Noun, pity, compact saying, , Apotheosis, Noun, elevation to godhood, an ideal example of something, Appall, Verb, Dismay, shock, Apparition, Noun, ghost, phantom, Appease, Verb, pacify or soothe, relieve, appeasement, Noun, Appellation, Noun, name, title,

Append, Verb, attach, Application, Noun, diligent attention, apply, verb, Apposite, Adjective, appropriate, fitting,, Appraise, verb, estimate value of, appraisal, noun, Appreciate, Verb, be thankful for, increase in worth Apprehend, Verb, Arrest (a criminal), dread, perceive,, Apprehensive, Adjective, fearful, discerning, Apprise, Verb, inform, Approbation, Noun, approval, Appropriate, Verb, acquire, take possession of for ones own use, Appurtenances, Noun, subordinate possessions, Apropos, Adjective, to the point and timely, Apropos, preposition, with reference to, Aptitude, Noun, fitness, talent, Aquiline, Adjective, curved, hooked, Arabesque, Noun, style of decoration involving intertwined plants and abstract curves, Arable, Adjective, fit for growing crops, Arbiter, Noun, person with power to decide a matter in dispute, judge, Arbitrary, Adjective, unreasonable or capricious, tyrannical, Arbitrate, Verb, act as judge, Arboretum, Noun, place where different varieties of trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited, arcade Noun a covered passageway, usually lined with shops, Arcane, Adjective, secret, mysterious, known only to the initiated, Archaeology, Noun, study of artifacts and relics of early mankind, Archaic, Adjective, antiquated Archetype, Noun, prototype, primitive pattern, Archipelago, Noun, group of closely located islands, Archives, Noun, public records, place where public records are kept, Ardor, Noun, heat, passion, zeal, Ardent, Adjective, Arduous, Adjective, hard, strenuous, Argot, Noun, slang,

Aria, Noun, operatic solo,, Arid, Adjective, dry, barren, Aristocracy, Noun, hereditary nobility, privileged class Armada, Noun, fleet of warships, Aromatic, Adjective, fragrant, Arraign, verb, charge in court, indict Array, verb, marshal, draw up in order, also Noun, Array, Verb, clothe, adorn, Also Noun, Arrears, Noun, Being in debt, Arrest, Verb, stop or check, seize or capture (the attention), Arrhythmic, Adjective, lacking rhythm or regularity, Noun, Arrogance, Noun, Pride, haughtiness, Arroyo, Noun, gully, Arsenal, Noun, storage place for military equipment, Artful, Adjective, cunning crafty, sly, Articulate, adjective, effective, distinct, Artifact, Noun, object made by human beings, either hand-made or mass-produced, Artifice, Noun, deception, trickery, Artisan, Noun, manually skilled worker, craftsman, s opposed to artist, Artless, Adjective, without guile, open and honest, Ascendancy, Noun, controlling influence, Ascertain, Verb, find out the certain, Ascetic, Adjective, practicing self-denial austere, Also Noun, asceticism, Noun, Ascribe, Verb, refer, attribute, assign, Aseptic, Adjective, preventing infection, having a cleansing effect, Ashen, Adjective, Ash-colored, deadly pale, Asinine, Adjective, stupid, Askance, Adjective, Askew, Adverb, Crookedly, slanted, at an angle, Asperity, Noun, sharpness (of temper Aspersion, Noun, slanderous remark,

Aspirant, Noun, seeker after position or status, Also Adjective Aspire, Verb, see to attain, long for, Assail, Verb, assault, Assay, Verb, analyze, evaluate, also Noun, Assent, verb, agree, accept Assert, Verb, state strongly or positively, insist on or demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc,) assertion, Noun, Assessment, Noun, estimation, appraisal, Assiduous, Adjective, Diligent, Assimilate, Verb, Absorb, cause to become homogenous, Assuage, Verb, ease of lessen (Plain), satisfy (hunger), soothe (anger), Assuagement, Noun, Assumption, Noun, something taken for granted, the taking over to taking possession of, assume, verb, Assurance, Noun, promise or pledge, certainty, self-confidence, Assure, Verb, assured, Adjective Asteroid, Noun, small plant, Astigmatism, Noun, eye defect that prevents proper focus, Astral, Adjective, relating to the stars, Astringent, Adjective, binding, causing contraction, harsh or severe, Also Noun, Astronomical, Adjective, enormously large or extensive, Astute, Adjective, wise, shrewd, keen, Asunder, Adjective, Into parts, apart, Asylum, Noun, place of refuge or shelter, protection, Asymmetric, Adjective, not identical on both sides of a dividing central line, asymmetry, Noun, Atavism, Noun, resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents, reversion to an earlier type, throwback, In his love for gardening, atavistic, Adjective Atheist, Noun, one who denies the existence of God Atone, Verb, make amends for, pay for, Atrocity, Noun, brutal deed, In time of war, many atrocities are committed by invading armies, Atrophy, noun, wasting away, Also verb, Attenuate, Verb, make thinner, weaken or lessen (in density, force, degree),, Attest, verb, testify, bear witness, Attribute, Noun, essential quality,

Attribute, Verb, ascribe, explain, Attrition, Noun, gradual decrease in numbers, reduction in the work force without firing employees, wearing away of opposition by means of harassment, Atypical, Adjective, Not normal, Audacious, Adjective, daring, bold, also Verb, Audit, Noun, examination of accounts, Augment, Verb, Increase, add to, Augury, Noun, omen, prophecy, augur, Verb, August, Adjective, impressive, majestic, Aureole, Noun, suns corona, halo, Auroral, Adjective, pertaining to the aurora borealis, Auspicious, Adjective, favoring success,, Austere, Adjective, forbiddingly stern, severely simple and unornamented,, Authenticate, Verb, prove genuine, Authoritarian, Adjective, subordinating the individual to the state, completely dominating anothers will, Authoritative, Adjective, having the weight of authority, peremptory and dictatorial, Autocratic, Adjective, having absolute, unchecked power, dictatorial, autocracy, Noun, Automaton, noun, mechanism that imitates actions of humans Autonomous, Adjective, self-governing, Autonomy, Noun, Autopsy, Noun, examination of a dead body, postmortem, Also verb, Auxiliary, Adjective, offering or providing help, additional or subsidiary, also Noun, Avalanche, Noun, Great mass of falling snow and ice Avarice, noun, greediness for wealth, Avenge, verb, take vengeance for something (or on behalf of someone), Aver, Verb, assert confidently or declare, as used in law, state formally as a fact, Averse, Adjective, reluctant, disinclined, Aversion, noun, firm dislike, Avert, verb, prevent, turn away, Aviary, Noun, enclosure for birds, Avid, Adjective, greedy, eager for, avidity, Noun, Avocation, Noun, secondary or minor occupation,

Avow, verb, declare openly, Avuncular, Adjective, like an uncle, Awe, Noun, solemn wonder, Awl, Noun, pointed tool used for piercing, Awry, Adjective, Distorted, crooked, also Adjective Axiom, Noun, self-evident truth requiring no proof, Azure, Adjective, Sky blue, Babble, Verb, chatter idly, Also Noun, Bacchanalian, Adjective, drunken, Badger, Verb, pester, annoy, Badinage, Noun, teasing conversation, Baffle, Verb, frustrate, perplex Bait, Verb, harass, tease, The, Baleful, Adjective, threatening, menacing, sinister, foreshadowing evil, Balk, Verb, stop short, as if faced with an obstacle, and refuse to continue, Balk, Verb, foil, Ballast, Noun, heavy substance used to add stability or weight, Balm, Noun, something the relievers pain, Balmy, Adjective, milked, fragrant, Banal, Adjective, hackneyed, commonplace, trite, lacing originality Bandy, Verb, discuss lightly or glibly, exchange (words) heatedly, Bane, Noun, curse, cause of ruin, Baneful, Adjective, destructive, causing ruin or death, Bantering, Adjective, good-naturedly ridiculing, Barb, Noun, sharp projection from fishhook or other object, openly cutting remark Bard, Noun, poet, Barefaced, Adjective, shameless, bold, unconcealed, Baroque, Adjective, highly ornate, Barrage, Noun, barrier laid down by artillery fire, overwhelming profusion, Barrister, Noun, counselor-at-law,, Barterer, Noun, trader,

Bask, Verb, luxuriate, take pleasure in warmth, Bastion, Noun, stronghold, something seen as a source of protection, Bate, Verb, let down, restrain, bated, Adjective bauble, Noun, trinket, trifle, Bawdy, Adjective, indecent, obscene, Beatific, Adjective, showing or producing joy, blissful, Beatify, Verb, bless or sanctify, proclaim someone dead to be one of the blessed, Beatitude, Noun, Blessedness, state of bliss, Bedizen, Verb, dress with vulgar finery, Bedraggle, Verb, wet thoroughly, bedraggled, Adjective Beeline, Noun, direct, quick route, Befuddle, Verb, confuse thoroughly, Beget, Verb, father, produce, give rise to, Begrudge, Verb, resent Beguile, Verb, mislead or delude, cheat, pass time Behemoth, Noun, huge creature, something of monstrous size of power, Beholden, Adjective, obligated, indebted, Behoove, Verb, be necessary or proper for, be incumbent upon, Belabor, Verb, explain or go over excessively or to a ridiculous degree, Assail verbally, Belated, Adjective, delayed, Beleaguer, Verb, besiege or attack, harass, Belie, Verb, contradict, give a false impression, Belittle, Verb, disparage, deprecate, Bellicose, Adjective, warlike, pugnacious, naturally inclined to fight, Belligerent, Adjective, quarrelsome, belligerence, Noun Bemoan, Verb, lament, express disapproval of, Bemused, Adjective, confused, lost in thought, preoccupied Benediction, Noun, blessing,, Benefactor, Noun, gift giver, patron, Beneficent, Adjective, Kindly, doing good, Beneficial, Adjective, helpful, useful,

Beneficiary, Noun, person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will, Benevolent, Adjective, generous, charitable, Benevolence, Noun Benign, Adjective, Kindly, favorable, not malignant, benignity, Noun, Benison, Noun, blessing, Bent, Adjective, Noun determined, natural talent of inclination, Bequeath, Verb, leave to someone by means of a will, hand down, bequest, Noun, Berate, Verb, scold strongly, Bereavement, Noun, state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved,, Bereft, Adjective, deprived of Berserk, Adjective, Frenzied, Beseech, Verb, beg, plead with, Beset, Verb, harass or trouble, hem in, Besiege, Verb, surround with armed forces, harass (with requests), Besmirch, Verb, soil, defile, Bestial, Adjective, beastlike, brutal, inhuman, Bestow, Verb, confer, Betoken, Verb, signify, indicate, Betroth, Verb, become engaged to marry, Bevy, Noun, large group, Bicameral, Adjective, Two-chambered, as a legislative body the United States Congress is a bicameral body, Bicker, Verb, quarrel, Biennial, Adjective, every two years, Bifurcated, Adjective, divided into two branches, forked, Bigotry, Noun, stubborn intolerance, Bilious, Adjective, suffering from a liver complaint, peevishly ill humored, Bilk, Verb, swindle, cheat, Billowing, Adjective, swelling out in waves, surging, Bivouac, Noun, temporary encampment, Also verb, Bizarre, Adjective, fantastic, violently contrasting, Blanch, Verb, bleach, whiten, Bland, Adjective, soothing or milk, agreeable, Blandness, Noun,

Blandish, Verb, cajole, coax with flattery, Blandishment, Noun, flattery, Blare, Noun, loud, harsh roar or screech, dazzling blaze of light, Blas, Adjective, bored with pleasure or dissipation, Blasphemy, Noun, irreverence, sacrilege, cursing, Blasphemous, Adjective Blatant, Adjective, extremely obvious, loudly offensive, blatancy, Noun, Bleak, Adjective, cold or cheerless, unlikely to be favorable, Blighted, Adjective, suffering from a disease, destroyed, Blithe, carefree and unconcerned ( perhaps foolishly so), Bloated, Adjective, Swollen or puffed as with water or air, Blowhard, talkative boaster, Bludgeon, noun, club, heavy-headed weapon, Bluff, adjective, rough but good natured, Bluff, noun, pretense of strength, deception, high cliff Blunder, Noun, error, Also verb, Blurt, verb, utter impulsively,, Bluster, Verb, blow in heavy gusts, threaten emptily, bully, also Noun, Bode, Verb, foreshadow, portend, Bogus, Adjective, counterfeit, not authentic, Bohemian, Adjective, unconventional (in an artistic way), Bolster, Verb, support, reinforce, Bolt, Noun, door bar, fastening pin or screw, length of fabric Bolt, Verb, dash or dart off, fasten (a door), gobble down, Bombardment, Noun, attack (as with missiles), Bombastic, Adjective, pompous, using inflated language, Bombast, Noun, Boon, Noun, blessing, benefit, Boorish, Adjective, rude, insensitive, Bouillon, Noun, clear beef soup, Bountiful, Adjective, abundant, graciously generous, Bourgeois, Adjective, middle class, selfishly materialistic, dully conventional, Bovine, Adjective, cow like, placid and dull

Bowdlerize, Verb, expurgate, Boycott, Verb, refrain from buying or using, also Noun, Brackish, Adjective, somewhat saline,, Braggadocio, Noun, boasting ,, Brandish, Verb, wave around, Bravado, Noun, swagger, assumed air of defiance, Brawn, Noun, muscular strength, sturdiness, Brazen, Adjective, insolent Breach, Noun, breaking of contract or duty, fissure or gap, also Verb, Breadth, Noun, width, extent, Brevity, Noun, conciseness,, Brindled, Adjective, conciseness, Brindled, Adjective, tawny or grayish with streaks or spots, Bristling, Adjective, rising like bristles, showing irritation, Broach, Verb, introduce, open up, Brocade, Noun, rich, figured fabric, Brochure, Noun, pamphlet, Brooch, Noun, ornamental clasp, She Brook, Verb, tolerate, endure, Browbeat, Verb, bully, intimidate, Browse, Verb, graze, skim or glance at causally, , Brunt, Noun, main impact or shock, Brusque, Adjective, blunt, abrupt, Buccaneer, Noun, pirate Bucolic, Adjective, rustic, pastoral, Buffet, Noun, table with food set out for people to serve themselves, meal at which people help themselves to food thats been set out (Buffet rhymes with tray), Buffet, Verb, slap, batter, knock about, Buffoonery, Noun, clowning, Bugaboo, Noun, bugbear, object of baseless terror, Bullion, Noun, gold and silver in the form of bars, Bulwark, Noun, earthwork or other strong defense, person who defends,

bungle, Verb, mismanage, blunder, buoyant, Adjective, able to float, cheerful and optimistic buoyancy, Noun, Bureaucracy, Noun, overregulated administrative system marked by red tape, Bureaucratic, Adjective, Burgeon, Verb, grow forth, send out buds, burlesque, Verb, give an imitation that ridicules, also Noun, Burnish, Verb, make shiny by rubbing, polish, Buttress, Verb, support, also Noun, Buxom, Adjective, full-bosomed, plump, Cabal, Noun, small group of person secretly united to promote their own interests, Cache, Noun, hiding place, also Verb Cacophonous, Adjective, discordant, inharmonious, cacophony, Noun, Cadaver, Noun, corpse, Cadaverous, Adjective, like a corpse, pale, Cadence, Noun, rhythmic rise and fall (of words or sounds), beat, Cadge, Verb, beg, mooch, panhandle, Cajole, Verb, coax, wheedle, Cajolery, Noun, Calamity, Noun, disaster, misery, Calculated, Adjective, deliberately planned, likely, Caldron, Noun, large kettle, Caliber, Noun, ability, quality, Calligraphy, Noun, beautiful writing, excellent penmanship Callous, Adjective, hardened, unfeeling, Callus ,Noun, Callow, Adjective, youthful, immature, in experienced, Calorific, Adjective, heat-producing, Calumny, Noun, malicious misrepresentation, slander he could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him, Camaraderie, Noun, good fellowship, Cameo, Noun, shell or jewel carved in relief, stars special appearance in a minor role in film Camouflage, Verb, disguise, conceal, Also Noun, Canard, Noun, false or unfounded story, fabricated report, candor ,Noun, frankness, open honesty, Candid, Adjective,

Canine, Adjective, related to dogs, doglike, canker, Noun, any ulcerous sore, any evil, Poverty Canny, Adjective, Shrewd, thrifty, Canon, Noun, collection or authoritative list of books (example by an author, or accepted as scripture), Canon, Noun, rule or principle, frequently religious, Cant, noun, insincere expression of piety, jargon of thieves, Cantankerous, Adjective, ill-humored, irritable, Cantata, noun, story set to music, to be suing by a chorus, Canter, noun, slow gallop, Also verb, Canto, Noun, division of a long poem,, Canvass, Verb, determine or seek opinions, votes, etc, also Noun, Capacious, Adjective, spacious,, Capacity, Noun, mental or physical ability, role, ability to accommodate, Capillary, Adjective, having a very fine bore, also Noun, Capitulate, Verb, surrender, caprice Noun, Whim, Capricious, Adjective, unpredictable, fickle, Caption, Noun, title, chapter heading, text under illustration, also Verb Captious, Adjective, faultfinding, Carafe, noun, glass water bottle, decanter, Carapace, noun, shell covering the back (of a turtle, crab, etc,) Carat, noun, unit of weight for precious stones, measure of fineness of gold, carcinogenic Adjective causing cancer, Cardinal, Adjective, Chief, Cardiologist, Noun, doctor specializing in ailments of the heart, Careen, Verb, lurch, sway from side to side, Caricature, Noun, distortion, burlesque, Also Verb Carillon, Noun, a set of bells capable of being played, Carnage, Noun, destruction of life, Carnal, Adjective, fleshly, Carnivorous, Adjective, Meat-eating,

Carousal, Noun, drunken revel, Carping, Noun, petty criticism, fault-finding, Also Adjective Carrion, Noun, rotting flesh of a dead body, Cartographer, Noun, map-maker, Cascade, Noun, small waterfall, Caste, Noun, one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society social stratification, prestige, Castigation, Noun, punishment, sever criticism, Casualty, Noun, serious or fatal accident, Cataclysm, Noun, deluge, upheaval, cataclysmic, Adjective Catalyst, Noun, agent that influence the pace of a chemical reaction while it remains unaffected and unchanged, Catapult, Noun, slingshot, hurling machine, also Verb Cataract, Noun, great waterfall, eye abnormality, Catastrophe, Noun, calamity, disaster, Catcall, Noun, shout of disapproval, boo, Catechism, Noun, book for religious instruction, instruction by question and answer, Categorical, Adjective, without exceptions, unqualified absolute Catharsis, Noun, purging or cleansing of any passage of the body, Cathartic, Noun, purgative, Also Adjective Catholic, Adjective, universal, wide-ranging liberal, Caucus, Noun, private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy, Caulk, Verb, to make watertight (by plugging seams), Causal, Adjective, implying a cause-and-effect relationship, causality, Noun, Caustic, Adjective, burning, sarcastically biting, Cauterize, Verb, burn with hot iron or caustic, Cavalcade, Noun, procession, parade, Cavalier, Adjective, casual and offhand, arrogant, Cavil, Verb, Make frivolous objections, Cede, Verb, yield (title, territory) to, surrender formally, cession, Noun Celerity, Noun, speed, rapidity, Celestial, Adjective, heavenly, Celibate, Adjective, abstaining from sexual intercourse, unmarried, celibacy, Noun

Censor, Noun, overseer of morals, person who eliminates inappropriate matter, also Verb Censorious, Adjective, critical,, Censure, Verb, blame, criticize, Also Noun, Centaur, Noun, mythical figure, Centigrade, Adjective, denoting a widely used temperature scale (basically same as Celsius), Centrifugal, Adjective, radiating, departing from the centre, Centrifuge, Noun, machine that separates substances by whirling them, also Verb Centripetal, Adjective, tending toward the centre, Centurion, Noun, Roman army officer, Cerebral, Adjective, pertaining to the brain or intellect, Cerebration, Noun, thought, Ceremonious, Adjective, marked by formality, Certitude, Noun, certainty, Cessation, Noun, stoppage, Cease, Verb Cession, Noun, yielding (something) to another, ceding, Chafe, Verb, Warm by rubbing, make sore (by rubbing), also Noun, Chaff, Noun, worthless products of an endeavor, Chaffing, Adjective, bantering, joking, Chagrin, Noun, vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride), disappointment, Chalice, Noun, goblet, consecrated cup, Chameleon, Noun, lizard that changes color in different situations, Champion, Verb, support militantly, also Noun, Chaotic, Adjective, in utter disorder, Chaos, Noun, Charisma, Noun, divine gift, great popular charm or appeal, Charlatan, Noun, quack, pretender to knowledge, Chary, Adjective, cautious, sparing or restrained about giving, Chase, Verb, ornament a metal surface by indenting, Chasm, Noun, abyss, Chassis, Noun, framework and working parts of an automobile,, Chaste, Adjective, pure, virginal, modest, chastity, Noun Chasten, Verb, correct by punishment or scolding, restrain,

Chastened, Adjective, humbled, subdued, rebuked, Chastise, Verb, punish or scold, reprimand, Chauvinist, Noun, blindly devoted patriot, zealous adherent of a group or cause, chauvinistic, Adjective, Check, Verb, stop motion, curb or restrain, Checkered, Adjective, marked by changes in fortune, Cherubic, Adjective, Angelic, innocent-looking, Chicanery, Noun, trickery, deception, Chide, Verb, scold, Chimera, Noun, Chimerical, Adjective, fantastically improbable, highly unrealistic, imaginative, Chisel, Noun, wedge like tool for cutting, Chisel, Verb, swindle or cheat, cut with a chisel, Chivalrous, Adjective, courteous, faithful, brave, Choleric, Adjective, hot-tempered, Choreography, Noun, art of representing dances in written symbols, Chortle, Verb, chuckle with delight, Chronic, Adjective, long established as a disease, Chronicle, Verb, report, record (in chronological order), also Noun, Churlish, Adjective, boorish, rude, Ciliated, Adjective, having minute hairs, Cipher, Noun, nonentity, worthless person or thing, Cipher, Noun, secret code, Circlet, Noun, small ring, band, Circuitous, Adjective, roundabout, circuit, Noun, Circumlocution, Noun, unnecessarily wordy and indirect speech, evasive language, Circumscribe, Verb, limit narrowly, confine or restrict, Circumspect, Adjective, prudent, cautious, Investigating before acting, she tried always circumspect, Circumvent, Verb, outwit, baffle, Cistern, Noun, reservoir or water tank, Citadel, Noun, fortress, Cite, Verb, quote, commend, Citation, Noun,

to be

Civil, Adjective, having to do with citizens or the state, courteous and polite, Clairvoyant, Adjective, Noun having foresight, fortuneteller, Clairvoyance, Noun, Clamber, Verb, climb by crawling, She Clamor, Noun, noise Also verb, Clandestine, Adjective, secret, Clangor, Noun, loud, resounding noise, Clapper, Noun, striker (tongue) of a bell, Clarion, Adjective, Shrill, trumpet like sound, Claustrophobia, Noun, fear of being locked in,, Clavicle, Noun, collarbone, Cleave, Verb, split or sever, cling to, remain faithful to, Cleavage, Noun, cloven, Adjective, Cleft, Noun, split, also Adjective, Clemency, Noun, disposition to be lenient, mildness , as of the weather Clich, Noun, phrase dulled in meaning by repetition Clientele, Noun, body of customers, The, Climactic, Adjective, relating to the highest point, Climax, Noun, Clime, Noun, region, climate, Clique, Noun, small, exclusive group, Cloister, Noun, monastery or convent, Clout, Noun, great influence (especially political or social), Cloying, Adjective, Distasteful (because excessive), excessively sweet or sentimental, Cloy, Verb, Coagulate, Verb, chicken, congeal, clot, Coagulant, Noun, Coalesce, Verb, combine, fuse, the brooks coalesce into one large river, Coalition, Noun, partnership, league, union, Coda, Noun, concluding section of a musical of literary composition, something that rounds out, summarizes, or concludes, Coddle, Verb, treat gently, pamper, Codicil, Noun, supplement to the body of a will, Codify, Verb, arrange (law, rules) as a code, classify, Coercion, Noun, use of force to get someone to obey, Coerce, Verb, Coeval, Adjective, living at the same time as, contemporary, Cog, Noun, tooth projecting from a wheel,

Cogent, Adjective, convincing, Cogitate, Verb, think over, Cognate, Adjective, related linguistically, allied by blood, similar or akin in nature, also Noun, Cognitive, Adjective, having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes, Cognizance, Noun, knowledge, Cohabit, Verb, live together, Cohere, Verb, stick together, Cohesion, Noun, tendency to keep together, Cohorts, Noun, armed band, Coiffure, Noun, hairstyle, Coin, Verb, make coins, invent or fabricate, Coincidence, Noun, the chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events, coincidental, Adjective, Colander, Noun, utensil with perforated bottom used for straining, Collaborate, verb, work together, Collage, Noun, work of art put together from, Fragments, Collate, Verb, examine in order to verify authenticity, arrange in order, Collateral, Noun, security given for loan, Collation, Noun, a light meal, Colloquial, Adjective, pertaining to conversational or common speech, informal, Colloquy, Noun, informal discussion, Collusion, Noun, in a fraudulent scheme, Colossus, Adjective, gigantic statue, Comatose, Adjective, in a coma, extremely sleepy, Combustible, Adjective, easily burned, also Noun, Comely, Adjective, Attractive, agreeable, Comestible, Noun, something fit to be eaten, Comeuppance, Noun, rebuke, deserts, Comity, Noun, courtesy, civility, Commandeer, Verb, to draft for military purposes, to take for public use, Commemorative, Adjective, remembering, honoring, Commensurate, Adjective, corresponding in extent, degree, amount, etc,, proportionate,

Commiserate, verb, feel or express pity or sympathy for, Communal, Adjective, held in common, a group of people, Compact, Noun, agreement, contract, Compact, Adjective, tightly packed firm, brief, Compatible, Adjective, harmonious, in harmony with, Compatibility Noun, Compelling, Adjective, overpowering, irresistible in effect, Compendium, Verb, brief, Comprehensive summary, Compensatory, Adjective, making up for, repaying, Compilation, Noun, listing of statistical information in tabular or book form, Compile, Verb, assemble, gather, accumulate, Complacency, Noun, self-satisfaction, smugness, Complacent Adjective, complaisant Adjective trying to please, overly polite, obliging, Complement, Verb, complete, consummate, make perfect, Also Noun, Complementary, Adjective, serving to complete something, Compliance, Noun, readiness to yield, conformity in fulfilling requirements, Compliant, Adjective, yielding, conforming to requirements Complicity, Noun, involvement in a crime, participation, Component, Noun, element, ingredient, Comport, Verb, bear ones self, behave, Composure, Noun, mental calmness, Compound, Verb, combine, constitute, pay interest, increase, Also Noun, Comprehensive, Adjective, thorough, inclusive, Compress, Verb, squeeze or press together, make more compact, Comprise, Verb, include, consist of, Compromise, Verb, adjusts or settle by making mutual concessions, Also Noun, Compunction, Noun, remorse, Compute, Verb, reckon, calculate, Concatenate, Verb, link as in a chain, Concave, Adjective, hollow, Concede, Verb, admit, yield, Conceit, Noun, vanity or self-love, whimsical idea, extravagant metaphor,

Concentric, Adjective, having a common centre, Conception, Noun, beginning, forming of an idea, Concerted, Adjective, mutually agreed on, done together, Concession, Noun, an act of yielding, Conciliatory, Adjective, reconciling, shooting, Concise, Adjective, Brief and compact, Conclave, Noun, private meeting, Conclusive, Adjective, decisive, ending all debate, Concoct, Verb, prepare by combining, make up in concert, Concoction, Noun, Concomitant, Noun, that which accompanies, Concord, Noun, harmony, Concur, Verb, agree, Concurrent, Adjective, happening at the same time, Condescend, Verb, bestow courtesies with a superior air, Condescension, Noun, Condign, Adjective, appropriate, deserved (almost always, in the sense of deservedly severe, as in condign punishment), Condiment, Noun, food seasoning, spice, Condole, Verb, express sympathetic sorrow, Condolence, Noun, Condone, Verb, overlook, forgive, give tacit approval, excuse, Conducive, Adjective, helpful, contributive, Conduit, Noun, aqueduct passageway for fluids, Confidant, Noun, trusted friend, Confine, Verb, shut In, restrict, Confinement, Noun, Confiscate, Verb, seize, commandeer, Conflagration, Noun, great fire, Conflate, Verb, meld or fuse, confuse, combine into one, Confluence, Noun, flowing together, crowd, Conformity, Noun, harmony, agreement, In conformity with our rules and regulations, Confound, Verb, confuse, puzzle, Congeal, Verb, freeze, coagulate, Congenial, Adjective, pleasant, friendly, Congenital, Adjective, existing at birth,

Conglomeration, Noun, mass of material sticking together, Congruence, Noun, correspondence of parts, Harmonious relationship, Congruent, Adjective, in agreement, corresponding, Conifer, Noun, pine tree, cone-bearing tree, Conjecture, Verb, infer on the basis of insufficient data, surmise, guess, Conjugal, Adjective, pertaining to marriage, Conjure, Verb, summon a devil, practice magic, imagine or invent, Connivance, Noun, pretense of ignorance of something wrong, assistance, permission to offend, Connive, Verb, Connoisseur, Noun, person competent to act as a judge of art, etc, a lover of an art,, Connotation, Noun, suggested or implied meaning of an expression, Connubial, Adjective, pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state, Consanguinity, Noun, kinship, Conscientious, Adjective, scrupulous, careful, Conscript, Noun, draftee, person force into military service also verb, Consecrate, Verb, dedicate, sanctify, Consensus, Noun, general agreement, opinion reached by a group as a whole, Consequential, Adjective, pompous, self-important, Conservatory, Noun, school of the fine arts (especially music of drama) Consign, Verb, deliver officially, entrust, set apart, Consistency, Noun absence of contradictions, dependability, uniformity, degree of thickness, Consolidation, Noun, unification, process of becoming firmer or stronger, consolidate Verb Consonance, Noun, harmony, agreement, Embed, Verb, enclose, place in something, Embellish, Verb, adorn, ornament, enhance, as a story, Embezzlement, Noun, stealing,, Emboss, Verb, produce a design in raised relief, Embrace, Verb, hug, adopt or espouse, accept readily, encircle, include, Embroider, Verb, decorate with needlework, ornament with fancy or fictitious details, Embroidery, Noun, Embroil, Verb, throw into confusion, Involve in strife, entangle, Embryonic, Adjective, undeveloped, rudimentary,

Emend, Verb, correct, usually a text, I Emendation, Noun, correction of errors, improvement, Emetic, Noun, substance causing vomiting, Emissary, Noun, agent, messenger, Emollient, Noun, soothing or softening remedy, Emolument, Noun, salary, compensation, I Empathy, Noun, ability to identify with anothers feelings, ideas, Etcetera,, Empathize, verb, Empirical, Adjective, based on experience, Emulate, Verb, imitate, rival in a brief essay, describe a person you admire, someone whose virtues you would like to emulate, Enamored, Adjective, in love, Encipher, Verb, encode, convert a message into code, Enclave, Noun, territory enclosed within an alien land, Encomiastic, Adjective, praising, eulogistic, Encomium, Noun, high praise, eulogy, Encompass,, Verb, surround or encircle, enclose, include, Encroachment, Noun, gradual intrusion, Eddy, Noun, swirling current of water, air etc,, also verb, Edict, Noun, decree (especially one issued by a sovereign), official command, Edify, Verb, instruct, correct morally, Eerie, Adjective, weird, Efface, verb, rub out, Effeminate, Adjective, having womanly traits, Effervescence, Noun, inner excitement or exuberance, bubbling from fermentation or carbonation,, Effervescent, Adjective effervesce, Verb, Effete, adjective, Lacking vigor, worn out, sterile, Efficacy, Noun, power to produce desired effect, efficacious, Adjective, Effigy, Noun, dummy, The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy, Effluvium, Noun, noxious smell, Effrontery, Noun, impudence, shameless boldness, sheer nerve, presumptuousness, Effusion, Noun, pouring forth, Effusive, pouring forth, gushing,

Egoism, Noun, excessive interest in ones self, belief that one should be interested in ones self rather than in others, Egotistical, Adjective, excessively self-centered, self-important, conceited, egotistic, Adjective, egotism, Noun, Egregious, Adjective, notorious, conspicuously bad or shocking, Egress, Noun, exit Barnums sign to the Egress fooled many people who thought they were going to see an animal and instead found themselves in the street, Ejaculation, Noun, exclamation, Elaboration, Noun, addition of details, intricacy,, elaborate, Verb, Elated, Adjective, overjoyed, in high spirits, Elation, Noun, Elegy, Noun, poem or song expressing lamentation, Elegiacal, Adjective, Elicit, Verb, draw out by discussion, Elixir, Noun, cure-all, something invigorating, Ellipsis, Noun, omission of words from a text, Elliptical, Adjective, Oval, ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out, Eloquence, Noun, expressiveness, persuasive speech, Elucidate, Verb, explain, enlighten, Elusive, Adjective, evasive, baffling, hard to grasp, elude, Verb, Elysian, Adjective, relating to paradise, blissful, Emaciated, Adjective, thin and wasted, Emanate, Verb, issue forth, Emancipate, Verb, set free, Embargo, Noun, ban on commerce or other activity, Embark, Verb, commence, go no board a boat, begin a journey, Duration, Noun, length of time something lasts, Duress, Noun, forcible restraint, especially unlawfully, Dutiful, Adjective, respectful, obedient, Dwindle, Verb, Shrink, reduce, Dynamic, Adjective, energetic, vigorously active, Dyspeptic, Adjective, suffering from indigestion, Dyspepsia, Noun, Earthy, Adjective, unrefined, coarse, Ebb, Verb, recede, lessen, Sitting on the beach, also Noun

Ebullient, Adjective, showing excitement, overflowing with enthusiasm, Ebullience, Noun, Eccentric, Adjective, irregular, odd, whimsical, bizarre, Eccentricity, Noun, oddity, idiosyncrasy, Ecclesiastic, Adjective, pertaining to the church, also Noun, Eclectic, Adjective, selective, composed of elements drawn from disparate sources, eclecticism, noun, Eclipse, Verb, darken, extinguish, surpass, Ecologist, Noun, person concerned with the interrelation-ship between living organisms and their environment, Economy, Noun, efficiency or conciseness in using something, Ecstasy, Noun, rapture, joy, any overpowering emotion, Ecstatic, Adjective, Doggerel, Noun, poor verse, Dogmatic, Adjective, opinionated, arbitrary, doctrinal, Doldrums, Noun, blues, listlessness, slack period, Doleful, Adjective, mournful, causing sadness, Dolorous, Adjective, Sorrowful, Dolt, Noun, stupid person, dunce, Domicile, Noun, home, also Verb, Domineer, Verb, rule over tyrannically, Don, Verb, put on, Dormant, Adjective, sleeping, lethargic, latent,, Dormancy, Noun, Dormer, Noun, window projecting from root, Dorsal, Adjective, relating to the back of an animal, Dossier, Noun, file of documents on a subject, Dotage, Noun, senility, Dote, Verb, be excessively fond of, show signs of mental decline, Douse, Verb, plunge into water, drench, extinguish, Dowdy, Adjective, slovenly, untidy, downcast, Adjective, disheartened, Sad, Drab, Adjective, Dull, Draconian, Adjective, extremely severe , Dregs, Noun, sediment, worthless residue,

Drivel, Noun, nonsense, foolishness, Droll, Adjective, Queer and amusing, Drone, Noun, idle person, male bee, Drone, Verb, talk dully, buzz or murmur like a bee, Dross, Noun, waste matter, worthless impurities, Drudgery, Noun, menial work,, Dubious, Adjective, questionable, Dubiety, Noun, Ductile, Adjective, malleable, flexible, pliable, Ductility Noun, Dulcet, Adjective, sweet sounding, Dumbfound, Verb, astonish, Dupe, Noun, someone easily fooled, Duplicity, Noun, double-dealing, hypocrisy, Duplicitous, Adjective, Disseminate, Verb, distribute, spread, scatter (like seeds), Dissent, Verb, disagree, In the recent supreme, also Noun, Dissertation, Noun, formal essay, Dissident, Adjective, Dissenting, rebellious, also Noun, Dissimulate, Verb, pretend, conceal by feigning, Dissipate, Verb, squander, waste, scatter, Dissolution, Noun, disintegration, looseness in morals, dissolute, adjective, Dissonance, Noun, discord, opposite of harmony, dissonant, Adjective, Dissuade, Verb, persuade not to do, discourage, Dissuasion, Noun, Distant, Adjective, reserved or aloof, cold in manner, Distend, expand, swell out, Distill, Verb, purify, refine, concentrate, Distinction, Noun, honor, contrast, discrimination, Distort, Verb, Twist out of shape, distortion, Noun Distrait, Adjective, inattentive, distracted, often by anxiety, Distraught, Adjective, upset, distracted by anxiety, Diurnal, Adjective, daily, Diva, Noun, operatic singer, prima donna, Diverge, Verb, vary, go in different directions from the same point,

Divergent, Adjective, differing, deviating, Divergence, Noun, Diverse, Adjective, differing in some characteristics, various, Diversion, Noun, act of turning aside, pastime, divert, Verb, Diversity, Noun, variety, dissimilitude, Divest, Verb, strip, deprive, Divestiture, Noun, Divine, Verb, perceive intuitively, foresee the future, Not Divulge, Verb, reveal, Docile, Adjective, obedient, easily managed, Docility, Noun, Docket, Noun, program as for trial, book where such entries are made, also verb, Doctrinaire, Adjective, unable to compromise about points of doctrine, dogmatic, unyielding, Doctrine, Noun, teachings in general, particular principle religious, legal etc,) taught, Document, Verb, provide written evidence, Also Noun, Doddering, Adjective, shaky, infirm from old age, Doff, Verb, take off, Dogged, Adjective, determined, stubborn, Dishearten, Verb, discourage, Disheveled, Adjective, untidy, Disinclination, Noun, unwillingness, Disingenuous, Adjective, lacking genuine candor, insincere, Disinter, Verb, dig up, unearth, Disinterested, Adjective, unprejudiced, Disjointed, Adjective, lacking coherence, separated at the joints, Disjunction, Noun, act or state of separation, disunity, Dislodge, Verb, remove (forcibly), Dismantle, Verb, take apart, Dismember, Verb, cut into small parts, Dismiss, Verb, eliminate from consideration, reject, Disparage, Verb, belittle, Disparate, Adjective, basically different, unrelated, Disparity, Noun, difference, condition of inequality, Dispassionate, Adjective, calm, impartial,

Dispatch, Noun, speediness, prompt execution, message sent with all due speed, also verb, Dispel, Verb, scatter, drive away, cause to vanish, Disperse, Verb, scatter, dispersion, Noun Dispirited, Adjective, lacking in spirit, Disport, Verb, amuse,, Disputatious, Adjective, argumentative, fond of arguing Disquietude, Noun, uneasiness, anxiety, Verb, Noun, Disquisition, Noun, a formal systematic inquiry, an explanation of the results of a formal inquiry, Dissection, Noun, Analysis, cutting apart in order to examine, Dissemble, Verb, disguise, pretend Disband, Verb, dissolve, disperse, Disburse, Verb, pay out, Discernible, Adjective, distinguishable, perceivable, Discerning, Adjective, mentally quick and observant, having insight, Discern, verb, discernment, Noun, Disclaim, Verb, disown, renounce claim to, Disclose, Verb, reveal, Disclosure, Noun, Discombobulated, Adjective, confused, discomposed, Discomfit, Verb, put to rout, defeat, disconcert, Discomfiture, Noun discomfited, Adjective, Disconcert, Verb, confuse, upset, embarrass, Disconsolate, Adjective, sad, Discord, Noun, conflict, lack of harmony, Discordant, Adjective, Not harmonious, conflicting, Discount, Verb, disregard, Discourse, Noun, formal discussion, conversation, also verb, Discredit, Verb, defame, destroy confidence in, disbelieve, Discrepancy, Noun, lack of consistency, difference, Discrete, Adjective, separate, unconnected, consisting of distinct parts, Discretion, Noun, prudence in speech, actions, ability to decide responsibly, freedom to act on ones own, Discriminating, Adjective, able to seed differences, prejudiced, Discrimination, Noun, Discursive, Adjective, digressing, rambling,

Disdain, Verb, view with scorn or contempt, Also Noun, Disembark, Verb, go ashore, unload cargo from a ship, Disenfranchise, Verb, deprive of a civil right, Disengage, Verb, uncouple, separate, disconnect, Disfigure, Verb, mar the appearance of, spoil, Disgorge, Verb, surrender something, eject, vomit, Disgruntle, Verb, make discontented,, Devotee, Noun, enthusiastic follower, Dexterous, Adjective, skillful, Diabolical, Adjective, devilish, Diadem, Noun, crown Dialectical, Adjective, relating to the art of debate, mutual or reciprocal, dialectics, Noun, Diaphanous, Adjective, Sheer, transparent, Diatribe, Noun, bitter scolding, invective, Dichotomy, Noun, split, branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones), Dictum, Noun, authoritative and weightily statement, saying, maxim, Didactic, Adjective, teaching instructional, didacticism Noun, Die, Noun, device for stamping or impressing, mold, Diffidence, Noun, shyness, Diffuse, Adjective, wordy, rambling, spread out (like a gas), Diffusion, Noun, Digression, Noun, wandering, away from the subject digress, verb, Dilapidated, Adjective, ruined because of neglect, dilapidation, Noun, Dilate, Verb, expand, Dilatory, Adjective, tending to delay, intentionally delaying, Dilemma, noun, problem, choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives, Dilettante, Noun, aimless follower of the arts, amateur, dabbler, Dilute, Verb, make less concentrated, reduce in strength, Diminution, Noun, lessening, reduction in size, Din, Noun, continued loud noise, also verb, Dinghy, Noun, small boat (often ships boat), Dingy, Adjective, dull, not fresh, cheerless,

Dint, Noun, means, effort, Diorama, Noun, life-size, three dimensional scene from nature or history, Dire, Adjective, disastrous, Disabuse, Verb, correct a false impression, undeceive, Disaffected, Adjective, disloyal,, Disapprobation, Noun, disapproval, condemnation, Disarray, Noun, a disorderly or untidy state, Disavowal, Noun, denial, disclaiming, Disavow, verb Derogatory, Adjective, expressing a low opinion, Descry, Verb, catch sight of in the distance, desecrate Verb profane, violate the sanctity of, Desiccate, Verb, dry up, Desolate, Adjective, unpopulated, joyless, Desolate, Verb, rob of joy, lay waste to forsake, Desperado, Noun, reckless outlaw,, Despoil, Verb, strip of valuable, rob, Despondent, Adjective, depressed, gloomy, despondency, Noun, Despot, Noun, tyrant, harsh, authoritarian ruler, Despotism, Noun, Destitute, Adjective, extremely poor, destitution, Noun, Desuetude, Noun, state of disuse, Desultory, Adjective, Aimless, haphazard, digressing at random, Detached, Adjective, emotionally removed, calm and objective, physically separate, detachment, Noun Determinate, Adjective, having a fixed order of procedure, invariable, Determination, Noun, resolve, measurement of calculation, decision, Deterrent, Noun, something that discourage, hindrance, also Adjective, Detonation, Noun, explosion, Detraction, Noun, slandering, aspersion, Detrimental, Adjective, harmful, damaging, detriment, Noun Deviate, Verb, turn away from (a principle, norm), depart, diverge Devious, Adjective, roundabout, erratic not straightforward, Devise, Verb, think up, invent, plan,

Devoid, Adjective, lacking, Devolve, Verb, be transferred to another, delegate to another gradually worsen, Demotic, Adjective, pertaining to the people Demur, Noun, objection, protest, Demur, Verb, object (because of doubts, scruples), hesitate, Demure, Adjective, grave, serious, coy, Denigrate, Verb, blacken, Denizen, Noun, inhabitant or resident, regular visitor, Denotation, Noun, meaning, distinguishing by name,, Denouement, Noun, outcome, final development of the plot of a play or other literary work, Denounce, Verb, condemn, criticize, denunciation, Noun, Depict, Verb, portray, Deplete, Verb, reduce, exhaust, Deplore, Verb, regret, Deploy, Verb, spread out (troops) in a extended though shallow battle line, Depose, Verb, dethrone, remove from office, Deposition, Noun, testimony under oath, Depravity, Noun, extreme corruption, wickedness,, deprave, verb, Deprecate, Verb, express disapproval of, protest against, belittle, Deprecatory, Adjective, Depreciate, Verb, lessen in value Depredation, Noun, plundering, Derange, Verb, make insane, disarrange, Derelict, Adjective, abandoned, negligent, also Noun, Deride, Verb, ridicule, make fun of, Derisive, Adjective Derivative, Adjective, unoriginal, obtained from another source, Dermatologist, Noun, one who studies the skin and its diseases, Defeatist, Adjective, resigned to defeat, accepting defeat as a natural outcome, also Noun, Defection, Noun, desertion, Defer, Verb, delay till later, exempt temporarily, Defer, Verb, given in respectfully, submit, Deference, Noun, courteous regard for anothers wish,

Defiance, noun, refusal to yield, resistance, Defy, verb, defiant, Adjective, Defile, Verb, pollute, profane, Definitive, Adjective, most reliable or complete, Deflect, Turn aside, Defoliate, Verb, destroy leaves, Defray, Verb, provide for the payment of Defrock, Verb, to strip a priest or minister of church authority, Deft, Adjective, neat, skillful, Defunct, Adjective, dead, no longer ion use of existence, Degenerate, Verb, become worse, deteriorate, Degradation, Noun, humiliation, debasement, degeneration, Degrade, Verb Dehydrate, Verb, remove water from, dry out, Deify, verb, turn into a god, idolize, Deign, Verb, condescend, stoop, Delete, Verb, erase, strike out, Deleterious, Adjective, harmful, Deliberate, Verb, consider, ponder, Delineate, Verb, portray, depict, sketch, Delineation, noun, Delirium, Noun, mental disorder marked by confusion, Delta, noun, flat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river, Delude, Verb, deceive, Deluge, noun, flood, rush, Also verb, Delusion, Noun, false belief, hallucination, Delusive, Adjective, deceptive, raising vain hopes, Delve, Verb, dig, investigate,, Demagogue, Noun, person who appeals to peoples prejudice, false leader, Demean, verb, degrade, humiliate, Demeanor, Noun, behavior, bearing, Demented, Adjective, insane,, Demise, noun, death, Demographic, Adjective, Demography Noun,

Demolition, noun, destruction, Demolish, Verb Demoniac, Adjective, fiendish,, Demon, Noun, Debris, noun, rubble, Debunk, Verb, expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc, ridicule, Debutante, noun, young women making formal entrance into society, Decadence, Noun, decay, Decant, verb, pour off gently, Decapitate, Verb, behead, Decelerate, Verb, slow down, Deciduous, Adjective, failing off, as of leaves, Decimate, Verb, kill, usually one out of ten, Decipher, Verb, decode, Declivity ,noun, downward slope, Dcollet, Adjective, having a low-cut neckline, Decomposition, Noun, decay, Decorum, noun, propriety, orderliness and good taste in manners, Decorous, adjective, Decoy, Noun, lure or bait, Also verb, Decry, Verb, express strong disapproval of, disparage, Deducible, Adjective, derived by reasoning, Deface, verb, mar, disfigure, Defame, Verb, harm someones reputation, malign, slander, Defamation, noun, Default, noun, failure to act, Cubicle, Noun, small chamber used for sleeping, Cuisine, noun, style of cooking, Culinary, Adjective, relating to cooking, Cull, verb, pick out, reject, Culmination, Noun, attainment of highest point, Culpable, adjective, deserving blame, Cumbersome, Adjective, heavy, hard to manage, Cumulative, adjective, growing by addition, Cupidity, noun, greed,

Curator, Noun, superintendent, manager, Curmudgeon, Noun, churlish, miserly individual, Cursive, adjective, flowing, running, Cursory, Adjective, casual, hastily done, Curtail, verb, shorten, reduce, Cynical, Adjective, skeptical or distrustful of human motives, cynicism, noun, Cynosure, noun, object of general attention, Dabble, Verb, work at in a not serious fashion, splash around, Dais, noun, raised platform for guests of honor, Dally, Verb, trifle with, procrastinate, Damp, verb, lessen in intensity, diminish, mute, Dank, Adjective, damp, Dapper, Adjective, neat and trim, Dappled, adjective, spotted, Daub, verb, smear (as with paint), also noun, Daunt, Verb, intimidate, frighten, Dauntless, Adjective, bold, Dawdle, Verb, loiter, waste time, Deadlock, Noun, standstill, stalemate, Deadpan, Adjective, wooden, impassive, Dearth, Noun, scarcity, Debacle, Noun, sudden downfall, complete disaster, Debase, Verb, reduce the quality or value, lower in esteem, degrade, Debauch, Verb, corrupt, seduce from virtue, Debilitate, Verb, weaken, enfeeble, Debonair, Adjective, urbane and suave, amiable, cheerful and carefree, Counterpart, Noun, a thing that completes another, things very much alike, Coup, Noun, highly successful action or sudden attack, Couple, Verb, join, unite, Courier, Noun, messenger, Covert, Adjective, secret, hidden, implied,

Covetous, adjective, avaricious, eagerly desirous of, Covert, verb, Cow, verb, terrorize, intimidate, Cower, Verb, shrink quivering, as from fear, Coy, adjective, shy, modest, coquettish, Cozen, Verb, cheat, hoodwink, swindle, Crabbed, Adjective, sour, peevish, Crass, Adjective, very unrefined, grossly insensible, Craven, Adjective, cowardly, Credence, Noun, belief, Credo, noun, creed, Credulity, Noun, belief on slight evidence, gullibility, naivet, credulous, adjective, Creed, Noun, system of religious or ethical belief, Crescendo, Noun, increase in the volume or intensity, as in a musical passage, climax, Crestfallen, Adjective, dejected, dispirited, Crevice, Noun, crack, fissure, Cringe, verb, shrink back, as if in fear, Criteria, Noun, plural, standards used in judging, Crone, Noun, hag, Crotchety, Adjective, eccentric, whimsical, Crux, noun, essential or main point, crucial, adjective, Crypt, Noun, secret recess or vault usually used for burial , Cryptic, Adjective, mysterious, hidden, secret, Convert, Noun, one who has adopted a different religion or opinion, Also verb, Convex, adjective, curving outward, Conveyance, Noun, vehicle, transfer, Conviction, Noun, judgment that someone is guilty of a crime, strongly held belief, Convivial, Adjective, festive, gay, characterized by joviality, Convoke, verb, call together, convocation, noun, Convoluted, Adjective, coiled around, involved, intricate, Copious, adjective, plentiful, Coquette, Noun, flirt, Also verb,

Cordial, adjective, gracious, heartfelt, Cordon, Noun, extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress, Also verb, Cornice, Noun, projecting molding on building (usually above columns), Cornucopia, Noun, horn overflowing with fruit and grain, symbol of abundance, Corollary, Noun, consequence, accompaniment, Corporeal, Adjective, bodily, material, Corpulent, adjective, very fat, corpulence, noun, Correlation, Noun, mutual relationship, Correlate, verb, noun, Corroborate, Verb, confirm, support, Corrode, verb, destroy by chemical action, Corrosion, noun, Corrosive, Adjective, eating away by chemicals or disease, Corrugated, adjective, wrinkled, ridged, Cosmic, adjective, pertaining to the universe, vast, Cosmos, noun, Coterie, Noun, group that meets socially, select circle, Countenance, Noun, approve, tolerate, Countenance, Noun, face, Countermand, Verb, cancel, revoke, Consort, Verb, Associate with, Consort, Noun, Husband or wife,, Conspiracy, noun, treacherous plot, Constraint, noun, Compulsion, Repression of feelings, constrain, verb, Construe, Verb, explain, interpret, Consummate, Adjective, Wholly without flaw, supremely skilled, Complete and utter, Contagion, Noun , infection, Contaminate, verb, pollute, Contempt, noun, scorn, disdain, Contend, verb, struggle, compete, assert earnestly, Contention, noun, Contention, noun, claim, thesis, Contend, verb, Contemptuous, adjective, quarrelsome, Contest, verb, Dispute, Context, noun, writings preceding and following the passage quoted,

Contiguous, Adjective, adjacent to, Continence, Noun, Self-restraint, sexual chastity, Contingent, adjective, dependent on, conditional, Contingency, Noun, Contingent, noun, group that makes up part of a gathering, Contortions, noun, Twisting, distortions, Contraband, noun, Illegal trade, smuggling, smuggled goods, Also adjective, Contravene, verb, Contradict, oppose, infringe on or transgress, Contrite, adjective, Penitent, Contrition, noun, Contrived, adjective, forced, artificial, not spontaneous, Controvert, Verb, Oppose with arguments, attempt to refute, contradict, Contumacious, Adjective, disobedient, Resisting authority, contumacy, Noun, Contusion, noun, bruise,, Conundrum, noun, riddle, difficult problem, Convene, Verb, Assemble, Convention, noun , social or moral custom, established practice, Conventional, adjective, ordinary, Typical, Converge, verb, approach, tend to meet come together, Conversant, adjective, familiar with, Converse, Noun, Opposite, Encumber, Verb, burden, Endearment, noun, fond word or act, Endemic, adjective, prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area or country, Endorse, Verb, approve, support, endorsement, noun, Endue, Verb, provide with some quality, endow, Enduring, Adjective, lasting, surviving, Energize, verb, invigorate, make forceful and active, Enervate, Verb, weaken, Enervation, noun, Enfranchise, verb, admit to the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote), Engage, verb, attract, hire, pledge oneself, confront, Engaging, Adjective, charming, attractive, Engender, verb, cause, produce,

Engross, Verb, occupy fully, Enhance, verb, increase, improve, Enigma, Noun, puzzle, mystery, Enigmatic, adjective, obscure, puzzling, Enjoin, Verb, command, order, forbid, Enmity, noun, ill will, hatred, Ennui, Noun, boredom, Enormity, noun, hugeness (in a bad sense), Enrapture, Verb, please intensely, Ensconce, Verb, settle comfortably, Ensue, verb, follow as a consequence, result, Entail, Verb, require, necessitate, involve, Enterprising, Adjective, full of initiative, Enthrall, verb, capture, enslave, Entice, Verb, lure, attract, tempt, Entity, Noun, real being, Entomology, Noun, study of insects, Entrance, Verb, put under a spell, carry away with emotion, Entreat, Verb, Plead, ask earnestly, Entre, Noun, Entrance, a way in, Entrepreneur, Noun, businessperson, contractor, Enumerate, Verb, list, mention one by one, Enunciate, verb, utter or speak, especially distinctly, Environ, verb, enclose, surround, Environs, noun, Eon, noun, long period of time, an age, Epaulet, Noun, ornament worn on the shoulder (of a uniform etc,), Ephemeral, Adjective, short-lived, fleeting, Epic, noun, long heroic poem, novel, or similar work of art, Also adjective, Epicure, Noun, connoisseur of food and drink, Epicurean, adjective, Epigram, noun, witty thought or saying, usually short, Epilogue, Noun, short speech at conclusion of dramatic work,

Episodic, Adjective, loosely connected, Epistemologist, Noun, philosopher who studies the nature of knowledge, Epitaph, noun, inscription in memory of a dead person, I Epithet, Noun, work or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing, Epitome, noun, perfect example or embodiment, Epitomize, verb, Epoch, Noun, period of time, Equable, Adjective, tranquil, steady, uniform, Equanimity, noun, calmness of temperament, composure, Equestrian, noun, rider on horseback, Also adjective, Equilibrium, noun, balance, Equine, Adjective, resembling a horse, Equinox, Noun, period of equal days and nights, the beginning of spring and autumn, Equipoise, Noun, balance, balancing force, equilibrium, Equitable, adjective, fair, impartial, Equity, noun, fairness, justice, Our courts guarantee equity to all, Equivocal, Adjective, ambiguous, intentionally misleading, Equivocate, verb equivocation, noun, Equivocate, Verb, lie, mislead, attempt to conceal the truth, Erode, verb, eat away, Erosion, noun, Erotic, Adjective, Films with significant erotic content are rated R, pornographic films are rated X, Errant, Adjective, wandering, Erratic, adjective, odd, unpredictable, Erroneous adjective mistaken, wrong, Erudite, Adjective, learned, scholarly,, Erudition, noun, Escapade, Noun, prank, flighty conduct, Eschew, verb, avoid, Esoteric, Adjective, hard to understand, known only to the chosen few,, esoterica, noun, Espionage, Noun, Spying, Espouse, verb, adopt, support, Essay, Verb, make an attempt at, test, Esteem, verb, respect, value, Also noun, Estimable, Adjective, worthy of esteem, admirable,,

Estranged, adjective, separated, alienated, estrangement, noun, Ethereal, Adjective, light, heavenly, unusually refined, Ethnic, adjective, relating to races, Ethnology, Noun, study of humankind, Ethos, noun, underlying character of a culture, group, etc Etymology, Noun, study of word parts, Eugenic, adjective, pertaining to the improvement of race, Eulogistic, Adjective, praising, Eulogy, Noun, expression of praise, often on the occasion of someones death, Ieulogize, Verb, Euphemism, Noun, mild expression in place of an unpleasant one, Euphony, Noun, sweet sound,, Euphonious, Adjective, Euphoria, Noun, feeling of exaggerated (or unfounded) well-being, Euthanasia, Noun, mercy killing, Evanescent, Adjective, Fleeting, vanishing, Evasive, Adjective, not frank, eluding, Evade, verb, Evince, Verb, show clearly, Evenhanded, Adjective, impartial, Evocative, Adjective, tending to call up (emotions, memories), Evoke, verb, call forth, evocation, Noun, Ewe, Noun, female sheep, Exacerbate, Verb, worsen, embitter, exacerbation, Noun, Exact, verb, require of demand, often forcibly, take in feudal times, Exacting, Adjective, extremely demanding, exaction, Noun, Exalt, verb, raise in rank or dignity, praise, Exasperate, Verb, vex, Exceptionable, Adjective, objectionable, Excerpt, Noun, selected passage (written or musical), also verb, Excise, Verb, cut away, cut out,, Excision, Noun, Exclaim, Verb, cry out suddenly, Exclamation, Noun, exclamatory, Adjective, Excoriate, Verb, scold with biting harshness, strip the skin off, Exculpate, verb, clear from blame,

Execrable, Adjective, very bad, Execrate, verb, curse, express abhorrence for, Execute, Verb, put into effect, carry out, executing, Noun, Exegesis, Noun, explanation, Exemplary, Adjective, serving as a model, outstanding, Exemplify, Verb, show by example, furnish an example Exempt, Adjective, not subject to a duty or obligation, Exertion, Noun, effort, expenditure of much physical work, Exhilarating, Adjective, invigorating and refreshing, Exhort, verb, urge, Exhortation, Noun, Exhume, Verb, dig out of the ground, remove from the grave, Exigency, noun, urgent situation, pressing needs or demands, state of requiring immediate attention, Exiguous, Adjective, small, minute Existential, Adjective, pertaining to existence, pertaining to the philosophy of existentialism, Exodus, Noun, departure, Exonerate, verb, acquit, exculpate, Exorbitant, Adjective, excessive, Exorcise, verb, drive out evil spirits, Exotic, Adjective, not native, strange, Expansive, Adjective, outgoing and sociable, broad and extensive, able to increase in size Expatiate, verb, Talk at length, Expatriate, Noun, exile, someone who has withdrawn from his native land, Expedient, Adjective, suitable, practical,, Expediency, Noun, Expedite, Verb, hasten, Expenditure, Noun, payment or expense, output,, Expertise, Noun, specialized knowledge, expert skill, Expiate, verb, make amend for (a sin), Expletive, Noun, interjection, profane oath, Explicate, verb, explain, interpret, clarify, Explicit, Adjective, totally clear, definite, outspoken, Exploit, Noun, deed or action, particularly a brave deed,

Exploit, Verb, make use of sometime unjustly, exploitation, noun, Expository, Adjective, explanatory, serving to explain, Expostulation, Noun, protest, remonstrance, Exposure, Noun, risk, particularly of being exposed to disease or to the elements, unmasking, act of laying something open, Expropriate, Verb, take possession of, Expunge, verb, cancel, remove, Expurgate, Verb, clean, remove offensive parts of a book, Extant, Adjective, still in existence, Extemporaneous, Adjective, not planned, impromptu, Extenuate, Verb, weaken, mitigate, Extirpate, Verb, root up, Extol, verb, praise, glorify, Extort, Verb, wring from, get money by threats, etc, the blackmailer extorted money from his victim, Extradition, Noun, surrender of prisoner by one state to another, Extraneous, Adjective, not essential, superfluous, Extrapolation, Noun, projection, conjecture, Extrapolate, verb, Extricate, Verb, Free, disentangle, Extrinsic, Adjective, external, not essential, extraneous, Extrovert, Noun, person interested mostly in external objects and actions, Extrude, verb, force or push out, Exuberance, Noun, overflowing abundance, joyful enthusiasm, flamboyance, lavishness, Exude, verb, discharge, give forth, , exudation, Noun, Exult, Verb, rejoice, Fabricate, Verb, build, lie, Faade, Noun, front (or building), superficial or false appearance, Facet, Noun, small plane surface (or a gem), a side, Facetious, Adjective, Joking (often inappropriately), humorous, Facile, Adjective, easily accomplished, ready or fluent, superficial,, facility, Noun Facilitate, Verb, help bring about, make less difficult, Facsimile, noun, Copy Faction, Noun, party, clique, dissension,

Factious, Adjective, inclined to form factions, causing dissension, Factitious, adjective, artificial, sham, Factotum, Noun, handyman, person who does all kinds of work, Faculty, noun, mental or bodily powers, teaching staff, Fallacious, Adjective, false, misleading, Fallacy, noun, mistaken idea based on flawed reasoning, invalid argument, Fallible, Adjective, liable to err, Fallow, Adjective, plowed but not sowed, uncultivated, F Falter, Verb, hesitate, Fanaticism, Noun, excessive zeal, extreme devotion to a belief or cause, Fanatic, adjective, noun, Fancied, Adjective, imagined, unreal, Fancier, noun, breeder or dealer of animals, Fancy, Noun, notion, whim, inclination,, Also adjective, Fanfare, noun, call by bugles or trumpets, showy display, Farce, Noun, broad comedy, mockery, Farcical, adjective, Fastidious, Adjective, difficult to please, Fatalism, noun, belief that events are determined by forces beyond ones control, Fatalistic, adjective, Fathom, Verb, comprehend, investigate Fatuous, adjective, brainless, inane, foolish, yet smug, Fauna, Noun, animals of a period or region, Fawning, adjective, trying to please by behaving obsequiously, flattering, or cringing, Faze, verb, disconcert, dismay, Feasible, Adjective, practical, Febrile, adjective, feverish, Feckless, Adjective, feeble and ineffective, careless and irresponsible, Fecundity, Noun, fertility, fruitfulness, Feign, verb, pretend, Feint, Noun, trick, shift, sham blow, Also verb, Felicitous, Adjective, apt, suitably expressed, well chosen, Felicity, noun, happiness, appropriateness (of a remark, choice, etc,) Fell, Adjective, cruel, deadly,

Fell, Verb, cut or knock down, bring down (with a missile), Felon, noun, person convicted of a grave crime, Feral, Adjective, not domestic, wild, Ferment, noun, agitation, commotion, also verb, Ferret, Verb, drive or hunt out of hiding, Fervent, Adjective, ardent, hot, Fervent, adjective, ardent, hot, Fervid, Adjective, ardent, Fervor, noun, glowing ardor, intensity of felling, Fester, Verb, rankle, produce irritation or resentment, Festive, Adjective, joyous, celebratory, Fete, Verb, honor at a festival,, Also Noun, Fetid, Adjective, malodorous, foul smelling, Fetter, Verb, shackle, Fiasco, Noun, total failure,, Fiat, Noun, command, authorization, Fickle, Adjective, changeable, faithless, Fictitious, Adjective, imaginary, Fidelity, Noun, loyalty, Figment, Noun, invention, imaginary thing, Figurative, Adjective, not literal, but metaphorical, using a figure of speech, Figurine, Noun, small ornamental statuette, Filch, Verb, steal, Filial, Adjective, pertaining to a son or daughter, Filibuster, Verb, block legislation by making long speeches, Filigree, Noun, delicate, lacelike metalwork, Filling, Noun, particle removed by a life, Finale, Noun, conclusion, Finesse, Noun, delicate skill, Finicky, Adjective, Too particular, fussy, Finite, Adjective, limited,

Firebrand, Noun, hothead, troublemaker, Fissure, Noun, crevice,, Fitful, Adjective, spasmodic, intermittent, Flaccid, Adjective, flabby, Flag, Verb, droop, grow feeble, Flagging, Adjective, Flagrant, Adjective, conspicuously wicked, blatant, outrageous, Flail, verb, thresh grain by hand, strike or slap, toss about, Flair, Noun, talent, Flamboyant, Adjective, ornate, Flaunt, Verb, display ostentatiously, Flay, Verb, strip off skin, plunder, whip, attack with harsh criticism, Fleck, Verb, spot, Fledgling, Adjective, inexperienced, also Noun, Fleece, Noun, wool coat of a sheep, Fleece, Verb, rob, plunder,, Flick, noun, light stroke as with a ship, Flinch, Verb, hesitate, shrink, Flippant, Adjective, lacking proper seriousness, Flippancy, Noun, Flit, verb, fly, dart lightly, pass swiftly by, Floe,, Noun, mass of floating ice, Flora, Noun, plants of a region or era, Florid, Adjective, ruddy, reddish, flowery, look florid, Flotsam, Noun, drifting wreckage, Flounder, Verb, struggle and thrash about, proceed clumsily of falter, Flourish, Verb, grow well, prosper, make sweeping gestures, Flout, Verb, reject, mock, show contempt for, Fluctuate, Verb, waver, shift, Fluency, Noun, smoothness of speech, Fluke, Noun, unlikely occurrence, stroke of fortune, Fluster, verb, confuse, Fluted, Adjective, having vertical parallel groves (as in a pillar),

Flux, Noun, flowering, series of changes, Fodder, Noun, coarse food for cattle, horses, etc, Foible, Noun, weakness, slight fault, Foil, Noun, contrast Foil, Verb, defeat, frustrate, Foist, Verb, insert improperly, palm off, Foliage, Noun, masses of leaves, Foment, Verb, stir up, instigate, Foolhardy, Adjective, rash, Fop, Noun, dandy, man excessively preoccupied with his clothes, Foppish, Adjective, Foray, Noun, raid, Forbearance, Noun, patience, Ford, Noun, place where a river can be crossed on foot, Also Verb, Forebears, Noun, ancestors, Foreboding, Noun, premonition of evil, Forensic, Adjective, Suitable to debate or courts of law, Foreshadow, Verb, give an indication beforehand, portend, prefigure, Foresight, Noun, ability to foresee future happenings, prudence, Forestall, Verb, prevent by taking action in advance, Forgo, Verb, give up, do without, Forlorn, Adjective, Sand and Lonely, wretched, Formality, Noun, ceremonious quality, something done just for forms sake, Formidable, Adjective, inspiring fear or apprehension, difficult, awe-inspiring, Forsake, Verb, desert, abandon, renounce, Forswear, Verb, Renounce, abandon, Forte, Noun, strong point or special talent, Forthright, Adjective, straightforward, direct, frank, Fortitude, noun, bravery, courage, Fortuitous, Adjective, accidental, by chance, Foster, verb, rear, encourage, Founder, Noun, person who establishes (an organization, business),

Fracas, noun, brawl, melee, Fractious, Adjective, unruly, disobedient, irritable, Frail, adjective, weak, Frailty, noun, Franchise, Noun, right granted by authority, right to vote, license to sell a product in a particular territory, Frantic, adjective, wild, Fraudulent, Adjective, cheating, deceitful, Fraught, adjective, filled or charged with, causing emotional distress, Fray, noun, brawl, Frenetic, Adjective, frenzied, frantic, Frenzied, adjective, madly excited, Fresco, Noun, painting on plaster (usually fresh), Fret, verb, be annoyed or vexed, Friction, Noun, clash in opinion, rubbing against, Frieze, noun, ornamental band on a wall,, Fritter, verb, waste, Frivolous, Adjective, lacking in seriousness, self-indulgently care free, relatively unimportant, Frivolity, noun, Frolicsome, adjective, prankish, gay, Frond, noun, fern leaf, palm or banana leaf, Froward, Adjective, stubbornly contrary, obstinately disobedient, Fructify, Verb, bear fruit, Frugality, Noun, thrift, economy, frugal, adjective, Fruition, noun, bearing of fruit, fulfillment, realization,, Frustrate, Verb, thwart, defeat, Fugitive, adjective, fleeting or transitory, roving,, Fulcrum, Noun, support on which a lever rests, Fulminate, verb, denounce thunderously, explode, Fulsome, adjective, disgustingly excessive, Functionary, Noun, official,, Fundamental, verb, basic, primary, essential, Funereal, adjective, sad, solemn

Furor, Noun, frenzy, great excitement, Furtive, Adjective, stealthy, sneaky, Fusillade, Noun, simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc,) Fusion, Noun, union, blending, synthesis, Futile, Adjective, useless, hopeless, ineffectual, Futility, Noun, Gadfly, Noun, animal-biting fly, an irritating person, Gaffe, Noun, social blunder, Gainsay, Verb, deny, Gait, Noun, manner of walking or running, speed, Galaxy, Noun, large, isolated system of stars, such as the Milky Way, a collection of brilliant personalities, Gale, Noun, windstorm, gust of wind, emotional outburst (laughter, tears), Gall, Noun, bitterness, nerve, Gall, Verb, annoy, chafe, Galleon, Noun, large sailing ship, Galvanize, Verb, stimulate by shock, stir, up, revitalize, Gambit, Noun, opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed, Gambol, Verb, romp, skip about, leap playfully, also Noun, Gamely, Adverb, in a spirited manner, with courage, Gamut, Noun, entire range, Gape, Verb, open widely, Garbled, Adjective, mixed up, jumbled, distorted, Garble, verb, Gargantuan, Adjective, huge, enormous, Gargoyle, Noun, waterspout carved in grotesque figures on a building, Garish, Adjective,, Over bright in color, gaudy, Garner, Verb, gather, Garnish, Verb, decorate, Also Noun, Garrulous, Adjective, loquacious, wordy, talkative, Garrulity, Noun, Gastronomy, Noun, science of preparing and serving good food, Gauche, Adjective, clumsy, coarse and uncouth, Gaudy, Adjective, Flashy, showy, Gaunt, Adjective, lean and angular, barren,

Gavel, Noun, hammer like tool, mallet, Gawk, Verb, stare foolishly, look in open-mouthed awe Gazette, Noun, official periodical publication, Genealogy, Noun, record of descent, lineage, Generality, Noun, vague statement, Generate, Verb, cause, produce, create, Generic, Adjective, characteristics of an entire class or species, Genesis, Noun, beginning, origin, Geniality, Noun, cheerfulness, kindliness, sympathy, Genial, Adjective, Genre, Noun, particular variety of art or literature, Genteel, Adjective, well-bred, elegant, Gentility, Noun, those of gentle birth, refinement, Gentry, Noun, people of standing, Gentility, Noun, those of gentle birth, refinement, Gentry, Noun, people of standing, class of people just below nobility, Genuflect, Verb, bend the knee as in worship, Germane, Adjective, pertinent, bearing upon the case at hand, Germinal, Adjective, pertaining to germ, creative, Germinate, Verb, cause to sprout, sprout, Gerontocracy, Noun, government rules by old people, Gerrymander, Verb, change voting district lines in order to favor a political party, also Noun, Gestate, verb, evolve, as in prenatal growth,, Gesticulation, Noun, motion, gesture, Ghastly, Adjective, horrible, Gibberish, Noun, nonsense, Babbling, Gibe, Verb, mock, Giddy, Adjective, Light-hearted, dizzy, Gingerly, Advance, very carefully, Also Adjective, Girth, Noun, distance around something, circumference, Gist, Noun, essence, Glacial, Adjective, like a glacier, extremely cold,

Glaring, Adjective, highly conspicuous, harshly bright, Glaze, Verb, cover with a thin and shiny surface, also noun, Glean, Verb, gather leavings, Glib, Adjective, fluent, facile, slick, Glimmer, Verb, shine erratically, twinkle, Gloat, Verb, express evil satisfaction, view malevolently, Gloss Over, Verb, explain away, Glossary, Noun, brief explanation of words used in the test, Glossy, Adjective, smooth and shining, Glut, Verb, overstock, fill to excess, Also Glutton, Noun, someone who eats too much, gluttonous, Adjective, Gnarled, Adjective, twisted, Gnome, Noun, dwarf, underground spirit, Goad, Verb, urge on, Also Noun, Gorge, Noun, narrow canyon, steep, rocky cleft, Gorge, verb, stuff oneself Gory, Adjective, bloody, Gore, Noun, Gossamer, Adjective, sheer, like cobwebs, also Noun, Gouge, Verb, tear out, Ion that fight, all the rules were forgotten Gouge, Verb, overcharge, Gourmand, Noun, epicure, person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink, Gourmet, Noun, connoisseur of food and drink, Graduated, Adjective, Arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc), Granary, Noun, Storehouse for grain, Grandeur, noun, impressiveness, stateliness, majesty, Grandiloquent, Adjective, pompous, bombastic, using highs-sounding language, Grandiose, Adjective, pretentious, high-flown, ridiculously exaggerated, impressive, Granulate, Verb, form into grains Graphic, Adjective, pertaining to the art of delineating, vividly described, Grapple, Verb, wrestle, come to grips with, Grate, Verb, make a harsh noise, have an unpleasant effect, shred,

Gratify, Verb, please, Gratis, Adverb, free, adjective, Gratuitous, Adjective, given freely, unwarranted, uncalled for , Gratuity, Noun, tip, Gravity, Noun, seriousness, Grave, Adjective, Gregarious, Adjective, sociable, Grievance, Noun, cause of complaint, Grill, Verb, Question severely, Grimace, Noun, a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc, Also verb, Grisly, Adjective, ghastly, Grotesque, Adjective, fantastic, comically hideous, Grouse, Verb, complain, fuss, Grovel, Verb, crawl or creep on ground, remain prostrate, Grudging, Adjective, unwilling, reluctant, stingy, Gruel, Noun, thin, liquid porridge, Grueling, Adjective, exhausting, The marathon is a grueling race, Gruesome, Adjective, grisly, horrible, Gruff, Adjective, rough-mannered Guffaw, Noun, boisterous laughter, Also Verb, Guile, Noun, deceit, duplicity, wiliness, cunning, Guileless, Adjective, without deceit, Guise, Noun, appearance, costume, Gull, Verb, trick, hoodwink, Gullible, Adjective, easily deceived , Gustatory, Adjective, affecting the sense of taste, Gusto, Noun, enjoyment, enthusiasm, Gusty, Adjective, windy,, Guy, Noun, cable or chain attached to something that needs to be braced or steadied, Gyroscope, Noun, apparatus used to maintain balance, ascertain direction, etc, Habituate, Verb, accustom or familiarize, addict, Hackles, Noun, hairs on back and neck, especially of dog,

Hackneyed, Adjective, commonplace, trite, Haggard, Adjective, wasted away, gaunt,, Haggle, Verb, argue about prices, Halcyon, Adjective, calm, peaceful, Hale, Adjective,healthy Hallowed, Adjective, blessed, consecrated, Hallucination, Noun, delusion, Halting, Adjective, hesitant, faltering , Hamper, Verb, obstruct, Hap, Noun, change, luck, Also verb, Haphazard, Adjective, random, by chance, Hapless, Adjective, unfortunate, Harangue, Noun, long, passionate, and vehement speech, also Verb, Harass, Verb, annoy by repeated attacks, Harbinger, Noun, forerunner, Harbor, Verb, provide a refuge for, hide, also Noun, Hardy, Adjective, sturdy, robust, able to stand inclement weather, Harping, Noun, tiresome dwelling on a subject, Verb, Harrowing, Adjective, agonizing, distressing, traumatic, Harrow, Verb, Harry, Verb, harass, annoy, torment, raid, Haughtiness, Noun, pride, arrogance, Haven, Noun, place of safety, refuge, Hazardous, Adjective, dangerous, Hazy, Adjective, slightly obscure, Headlong, Adjective, hasty, rash, Headstrong, Adjective, stubborn, willful, unyielding, Heckler, Noun, person who verbally harasses others, Heckle Verb, Hedonist, Noun, one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life, hedonism, Noun, Heedless, Adjective, not noticing, disregarding, Verb, Hegemony, Noun, dominance, especially of one nation over others, Heinous, Adjective, atrocious, hatefully bad,

Herbivorous, Adjective, grain-eating, Heresy, Noun, opinion contrary to popular belief, opinion contrary to accepted religion, heretic, Noun, heretical, Adjective, Hermetic, Adjective, sealed by fusion so as to be airtight, Hermetic, Adjective, obscure an mysterious, occult, Hermitage, Noun, home of a hermit, Herpetologist, Noun, one who studies reptiles, Heterodox, Adjective, unorthodox, unconventional, Heterogeneous, Adjective, dissimilar, mixed, Heterogeneity, Noun, Hew, Verb, cut to pieces with axe or sword Heyday, Noun, time of greatest success, prime, Hiatus, Noun, gap, pause, Hibernal, Adjective, wintry, Hibernate, Verb, sleep throughout the winter, Hibernation, Noun, Hierarchy, Noun, arrangement by rank or standing, authoritarian body divided into ranks, hierarchical, Adjective Hieroglyphic, Noun, picture writing, Hilarity, Noun, boisterous mirth, Hilarious, Adjective, Hindmost, Adjective, furthest behind, Hindrance, Noun, block, obstacle, Hinder, Verb, Hinterlands, Noun, back country, Hireling, Noun, one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously), Hirsute, Adjective, hairy,, Histrionic, Adjective, theatrical, Histrionics, Noun, Hoard, Verb, stockpile, accumulate for future use, also Noun, Hoary, Adjective, White with age, Hoax, Noun, trick, practical joke, also Verb, Holocaust, Noun, destruction by fire, Holster, Noun, pistol case, Homage, Noun, honor, tribute, Homeostasis, Noun, tendency of a system to maintain relative stability, Homespun, Adjective, domestic, made at home,

Homily, Noun, sermon, serious warning, adjective, Homogeneous, Adjective, of the same kind, homogeneity, Noun, Hone, Verb, sharpen, Hoodwink, Verb, deceive, delude, Horde, Noun, crowd, Hortatory, Adjective, encouraging, extortive, Horticultural, Adjective, pertaining to cultivation of gardens when he bought his house, Hostility, Noun, unfriendliness, hatred, hostile, Adjective, Hovel, Noun, shack, small, wretched house, Hover, Verb, hand about, wait nearby, Hubbub, Noun, confused uproar, Hubris, Noun, arrogance, excessive self-conceit, Hue, Noun, color aspect, Hue and cry, Noun, outcry, Humane, Adjective, marked by kindness or consideration, Humdrum, Adjective, dull, monotonous,, Humid, Adjective, damp, Humility, Noun, humbleness of spirit, Hummock, Noun, small hill, Humus, Noun, substance formed by decaying vegetable matter Hurtle, Verb, crash, rush, Husband, Verb, use sparingly, conserve, save, Husbandry, Noun, frugality, thrift, agriculture, Hybrid, Noun, mongrel, mixed breed, also Adjective, Hydrophobia, Noun, fear of water, rabies, Hyperbole, Noun, exaggeration, overstatement, Hyperbolic, Adjective, Hypercritical, Adjective, excessively exacting, Hypochondriac, Noun, person unduly worried about his health, Hypocritical, Adjective, pretending to be virtuous, deceiving, Hypocrisy, Noun, Hypothetical, Adjective, based on assumptions or hypothesis, supposed, hypothesis, Noun, Ichthyology, Noun, study of fish,

Icon, Noun, religious image, idol, Iconoclastic, Adjective, attacking cherished traditions, Iconoclasm, Noun, Ideology, Noun, system of ideas characteristic of a group or culture, Idiom, Noun, expression whose meaning as a whole differs from the meanings of its individual words, Idiosyncrasy, Noun, individual traits, usually odd in nature, Idiosyncratic, Adjective, Idolatry, Noun, worship of idols, excessive admiration, Idyllic, Adjective, charmingly carefree, simple, Igneous, Adjective, produced by fire, Ignite, Verb, kindle, light, Ignoble, Adjective, unworthy, not noble, Ignominy, Noun, deep disgrace, shame or dishonor, ignominious, Adjective, Illicit, Adjective, illegal, Illimitable, Adjective, infinite, Illuminate, Verb, brighten, clear up or make understandable, enlighten, Illusion, Noun, misleading vision, Illusive, Adjective, deceiving, Illusory, Adjective, deceptive, not real, Imbalance, Noun, lack of balance or symmetry, disproportion, Imbecility, Noun, weakness of mind, Imbibe, Verb, drink in, Imbroglio, Noun, complicated situation, painful or complex misunderstanding, entanglement, confused mass (as of papers), embroil, Verb, Imbue, Verb, saturate, Fill, Immaculate, Adjective, spotless, flawless, absolutely clean, Imminent, Adjective, near at hand, impending, Immobility, Noun, state of being immovable, Immolate, Verb, offer as a sacrifice, Immune, Adjective, resistant to, free or exempt from, Immunity, Noun, Immure, Verb, imprison, shut up in confinement, Immutable, Adjective, unchangeable, Impair, Verb, injure, hurt, Impale, Verb, pierce,

Impalpable, Adjective, imperceptible, intangible Impartial, Adjective, not biased, fair,, Impartiality, Noun, Impassable, Adjective, Not able to be traveled or crossed, Impasse, Noun, Predicament from which there is no escape, Impeach, Verb, charge with crime in office, indict, Impeccable, Adjective, faultless, Impecunious, Adjective, without money, Impede, Verb, hinder, block, Impediment, Noun, hindrance, stumbling-block Impel, Verb, drive or force onward, Impending, Adjective, nearing approaching, Impenetrable, Adjective, Imperative, Adjective, not repentant, Imperative, Adjective, absolutely necessary, critically important, Also Noun, Imperceptible, Adjective, unnoticeable, undetectable, Imperial, Adjective, Like an emperor, related to an empire, Imperious, Adjective, domineering, haughty, imperiousness, Noun, Impermeable, Adjective, impervious, not permitting passage through it substance, Imperturbable, adjective, calm, placid. Impertinent, Adjective, insolent, rude, Impertinence, Noun, Impervious, Adjective, impenetrable, incapable of being damaged or distressed, Impetuous, Adjective, violent, hasty, rash, Impetus, Noun, moving force, incentive, stimulus, Impiety, Noun, irreverence, lack of respect for God,, Impious, Adjective, Impinge, Verb, infringe, touch, collide with, Implacable, Adjective, incapable of being pacified, Implausible, Adjective, unlikely, unbelievable, Implement, Verb, put into effect, supply with tools, also Noun, Implicate, Verb, incriminate, sow to be involved, Implication, Noun, something hinted at or suggested, Implicit, Adjective, understood but jot stated,

Implode, Verb, burst inward,, Imply, Verb, suggest a meaning not expressed, signify, Impolitic, Adjective, not wise, Imponderable, Adjective, weightless, Import, Noun, significance, Importunate, Adjective, urging, demanding, Importune, Verb, beg persistently, Imposture, Noun, assuming a false identity, masquerade, Impotent, Adjective, weak, ineffective, Imprecation, Noun, curse, Impregnable, Adjective, invulnerable, Impromptu, Adjective, without previous preparation, off the cuff, on the spur of the moment, Impropriety, Noun, improperness, unsuitableness, Improvident, Adjective, thriftless, Improvidence Noun, Improvise, Verb, compose on the spur of the moment, Imprudent, Adjective, lacking caution, injudicious, Impudence, Noun, impertinence, insolence, Impugn, Verb, dispute or contradict (Often in the insulting way), challenge, gainsay, Impuissance, Noun, powerlessness, feebleness, Impunity, Noun, freedom from punishment or harm,, Impute, Verb, attribute, ascribe, Inadvertently, Advance, Unintentionally, by oversight, carelessly, Inalienable, Adjective, not to be taken away, nontransferable, Inane, Adjective, Silly, senseless, Inanity, Noun, Inanimate, Adjective, lifeless, Inarticulate, Adjective, speechless, producing indistinct speech, Inaugurate, Verb, begin formally, install in office, Inauguration, Noun Incandescent, Adjective, strikingly bright, shining with intense heat, Incantation, Noun, singing or chanting of magic spells, magical formula, Incapacitate, Verb, disable, Incarcerate, Verb, imprison,

Incarnate, Adjective, endowed with flesh, personified, Incarnation, Noun, act of assuming a human body and human nature, Incendiary, Noun, arsonist, Also Adjective, Incense, Verb, enrage, infuriate, Incentive, Noun, spur, motive, Inception, Noun, start, beginning, Incessant, Adjective, uninterrupted, unceasing, Inchoate, Adjective, recently begun, rudimentary, elementary, Incidence, Noun, rate of occurrence, particular occurrence, Incidental, Adjective, not essential minor Incipient, Adjective, beginning, in an early stage, Incisive, Adjective, cutting sharp, Incision, Noun, Incite, Verb, arouse to action, goad, motivate, induce to exist, Inclement, Adjective, stormy, unkind, Incline, Noun, slope, slant, Inclined, Adjective, tending or leaning toward, bent,, Incline, verb, Inclusive, Adjective, tending to include all, Incognito, Adverb, With identity concealed, using an assumed name,, Also Adjective, Incoherent, Adjective, unintelligible, muddled, illogical, incoherence, Noun, Incommodious, Adjective, not spacious, inconvenient, Incompatible, Adjective, inharmonious, Incompatibility, Noun, Incongruity, Noun, lack of harmony, absurdity, Incongruous, Adjective, Inconsequential, Adjective, insignificant, unimportant, Inconsistency, Noun, State of being self-contradictory, lack of uniformity of steadiness,, Inconsistent, Adjective, Incontinent, Adjective, lacking self-restraint, licentious, Incontrovertible, Adjective, Indisputable, not open to question, Incorporate, Verb, introduce something into a larger whole, combine, unite, also adjective, Incorporeal, Adjective, lacking a material body, insubstantial, Incorrigible, Adjective, uncorrectable, Incredulity, Noun, tendency to disbelief, Incredulous, Adjective, Withholding belief, skeptical,

Increment, Noun, increase, Incriminate, Verb, accuse, serve as evidence against, Incrustation, Noun, hard coating or crust, Incubate, Verb, hatch, Incubus, Noun, burden, mental care, nightmare, Inculcate, Verb, teach, In an effort to inculcate religious devotion, Incumbent, Adjective, obligatory, currently holding an office, Also Noun, Incur, Verb, bring upon oneself, Incursion, Noun, temporary invasion,, Indefatigable, Adjective, tireless, Indelible, Adjective, Not able to be erased, Indemnify, Verb, Make secure against loss, compensate for loss, Indentation, Noun, notch, deep recess, Indent, Verb, Indenture, Verb, bind a servant or apprentice to master, Also Noun, Indeterminate, Adjective, uncertain, not clearly fixed, indefinite, Indicative, Adjective, suggestive, implying, Indices, Noun, Plural, signs, indications, Indict, Verb, charge, Indictment, Noun, Indifferent, Adjective, unmoved to unconcerned by,, Indigence, Noun, poverty, Adjective Noun Indigenous, Adjective, native,, Indigent, Adjective, poor, destitute, also Noun, Indignation, Noun, anger at an injustice, Indignity, Noun, offensive or insulting treatment Indiscriminate, Adjective, choosing at random, confused, Indisputable, Adjective, to certain to be dispute in the face of these indisputable statements, Indissoluble, Adjective, permanent, Indite, Verb, write, compose, Indolent, Adjective, lazy, Indolence Noun, Indomitable, Adjective, unconquerable, unyielding, Indubitable, Adjective, unable to be doubted unquestionable,

Induce, Verb, persuade, bring about, again inducement, Noun, Inductive, Adjective, pertaining to induction or proceeding from the specific to the general, Indulgent, Adjective, humoring, yielding, lenient, Industrious, Adjective, diligent, hard-working, Industry, Noun, Inebriated, Adjective, habitually intoxicated, drunk, Ineffable, Adjective, unutterable, cannot be expressed in speech, Ineffectual, Adjective, not effective, weak, Ineluctable, Adjective, irresistible, not to be escaped, Inept, Adjective, lacking skill, unsuited, incompetent, Ineptness, Noun, Inequity, Noun, unfairness, Inequitable, Adjective, Inerrancy, Noun, infallibility, Inert, Adjective, lacking power to move, inertia, Noun Inevitable, Adjective, unavoidable, Inexorable, Adjective, relentless, unyielding, implacable, Infallible, Adjective, unerring,, Infamous, Adjective, notoriously bad, Infantile, Adjective, childish, infantlike, Infer, Verb, deduce, conclude, inference, Noun, Infernal, Adjective, pertaining to hell, devilish, Infidel, Noun, unbeliever, Infiltrate, Verb, pass into or though, penetrate (an organization) sneakily, Infiltrator, Noun, Infinitesimal, Adjective, very small, Infirmity, Noun, weakness, Inflated, Adjective, exaggerated, pompous, enlarged (with air or gas), Influx, Noun, flowing into, Ingenious, Adjective, clever, resourceful, Ingenuous, Adjective, nave and trusting, young, unsophisticated, Ingnue, Noun Ingrained, Adjective, deeply established, firmly rooted, Ingrate, Noun, ungrateful person, Ingratiate, Verb, become popular with Inherent, Adjective, firmly established by nature or habit,

Inhibit, Verb, restrain, retard or prevent, Inhibition, Noun, Inimical, Adjective, unfriendly, hostile, harmful, detrimental, Inimitable, Adjective, Matchless, not able to be imitated, Iniquitous, Adjective, wicked, immoral, unrighteous, Iniquity, Noun, Initiate, Verb, begin, originate, receive into a group, Injurious, Adjective, Inkling, Noun, hint, Innate, Adjective, inborn, Innocuous, Adjective, harmless, Innovation, Noun, change, introduction of something new, Innovate, Verb, innovative, Adjective, Innuendo, Noun, hint, insinuation Inopportune, Adjective, untimely, poorly chosen, Inordinate, Adjective, unrestrained, excessive, Inquisitor, Noun, questioner (especially harsh), investigator, Insalubrious, Adjective, unwholesome, not healthful, Insatiable, Adjective, not easily satisfied, unquenchable, greedy, Inscrutable, Adjective, impenetrable, not readily understood, mysterious, Insensate, Adjective, without feeling, Insensible, Adjective, unconscious, unresponsive, Insidious, Adjective, treacherous, stealthy, sly, Insightful, Adjective, discerning, perceptive, Insinuate, Verb, Hint, imply, creep in, Insipid, Adjective, lacking in flavor, dull, Insolence, Noun, impudent disrespect, haughtiness, Insolent, Adjective Insolvent, Adjective, bankrupt, lacking money to pay, insolvency, Noun, Insomnia, Noun, wakefulness, inability to sleep, Insouciant, Adjective, indifferent, without concern or care, Instigate, Verb, urge, start, provoke, Insubordination, Noun, disobedience, rebelliousness, Insubordinate, Adjective, Insubstantial, Adjective, lacking substance, insignificant, frail, Insularity, Noun, narrow-mindedness, isolation, Insular, Adjective,

Insuperable, Adjective, insurmountable, unbeatable, Insurgent, Adjective, rebellious, insurgency, Noun, Insurmountable, Adjective, overwhelming, unbeatable, insuperable, Insurrection, Noun, rebellion, uprising, Intangible, Adjective, not able to be perceived by touch, vague, Integral, Adjective, complete, necessary for completeness, Integrate, Verb, make whole, combine, make into one unit, Integrity, Noun, uprightness, wholeness, Intellect, Noun, higher mental powers, Intelligentsia, Noun, intellectuals, members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily), Inter, Verb, bury, Interment, Noun, Interdict, Verb, prohibit, forbid, Interim, Noun, meantime, Interloper, Noun, intruder, Interminable, Adjective, endless, Intermittent, Adjective, periodic, on and off, Internecine, Adjective, mutually destructive, Interpolate, Verb, Insert between, Interregnum, Noun, period between two reigns, Interrogate, Verb, question closely, cross-examine,, Intervene, Verb, come between, intervention, Noun, Intimate, Verb, hint, Intimidate, Verb, frighten, Intimidation, Noun, Intractable, Adjective, unruly, stubborn, unyielding,, Intransigence, Noun, refusal of any compromise, stubbornness,, Intransigent, Adjective, Intrepid, Adjective, fearless, Intrinsic, Adjective, essential, inherent, built-in, Introspective, Adjective, looking within oneself, introspection, Noun, Introvert, Noun, one who is introspective, inclined to think more about oneself, Intrude, Verb, trespass, enter as an uninvited person, Intuition, Noun, immediate insight, intuit, Verb,

Inundate, Verb, overwhelm, flood, submerge, Inured, Adjective, accustomed, hardened, Invalidate, Verb, Weaken, destroy, Invective, Noun, abuse Inveigh, Verb, denounce, utter censure or invective,, Inveigle, Verb, lead astray, wheedle, Inverse, Adjective, opposite, Invert, Verb, turn upside down or inside out, Inveterate, Adjective, deep-rooted, habitual, Invidious, Adjective, designed to create ill will or envy, Invincible, Adjective, unconquerable, Inviolable, Adjective, secure from corruption, attack, or violation, unassailable, Invocation, Noun, prayer for help, calling upon as a reference or support, Invoke, Verb, call upon, Invulnerable, Adjective, incapable of injury, Irascible, Adjective, irritable, easily angered, Irate, Adjective, angry, Iridescent, Adjective, exhibiting rainbow like colors, iridescence, Noun, Irksome, Adjective, Annoying, tedious, irk, Verb Ironic, Adjective, occurring in an unexpected and contain manner, Irony, Noun, hidden sarcasm or satire, use of words that seem to mean the opposite of what they actually mean, Irreconcilable, Adjective, incompatible, not able to e resolved, Irrefutable, Adjective, indisputable, incontrovertible, undeniable, Irrelevant, Adjective, not applicable, unrelated, Irrelevancy, Noun, Irremediable, Adjective, incurable, uncorrectable, Irreparable, Adjective, not able to be corrected or repaired, Irrepressible, Adjective, unable to be restrained or held back, Irreproachable, Adjective, blameless, impeccable, Irresolute, Adjective, uncertain how to act, weak, Irretrievable, Adjective, Impossible to recover or regain, irreparable, Irreverence, Noun, lack of proper respect, irreverent, Adjective,

Irrevocable, Adjective, unalterable, irreversible, Isotope, Noun, varying form of an element, Isthmus, Noun, narrow neck of land connecting two larger bodies of land, Itinerant, Adjective, wandering, traveling, Also Noun, Itinerary, Noun, plant of a trip, Jabber, Verb, chatter rapidly or unintelligibly, Jaded, Adjective, fatigued, surfeited, Jargon, Noun, language used by a special group, technical terminology, gibberish, Jaundiced, Adjective, prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful), yellowed, Jaunt, Noun, trip, short journey, Jaunty, Adjective, lighthearted, animated, easy and carefree, Jeopardize, Verb, endanger, imperil, put a risk, Jettison, Verb, throw overboard, in order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo, Jibe, Verb, agree, be in harmony with, Jingoist, Noun, extremely aggressive and militant patriot, war like chauvinist, Jingoism Noun, Jocose, Adjective, given to joking, Jocular, Adjective, said or done in jest, Jocund, Adjective, merry, Jollity, Noun, gaiety, cheerfulness, Jostle, Verb, shove, bump, Jovial, Adjective, good-natured, merry Jubilation, Noun, rejoicing, Judicious, Adjective, sound in judgment, wise, Juggernaut, Noun, irresistible crushing force, Juncture, Noun, crisis, joining point, Junket, Noun, trip, especially one taken for pleasure by an official at public expense, Junta, Noun, group of persons joined in political intrigue, cabal, Jurisprudence, Noun, science of law, Justification, Noun, good or just reason, defense, excuse, Juxtapose, Verb, place side by side,

Kaleidoscope, Noun, Tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc,, produce interesting symmetrical effects, Ken, noun, range of knowledge, Kernel, Noun, central or vital part, whole seed (as of corn), Killjoy, Noun, grouch, spoilsport, Kindle, Verb, start a fire, inspire, Kindred, Adjective, related, similar in nature or character, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were two kindred spirits, Also Noun, Kinetic, Adjective, Producing motion, Kismet, Noun, Fate, Kleptomaniac, Noun,, Person who has a compulsive desire of steal, Knave, Noun, untrustworthy person, rogue, scoundrel, Knavery, Noun, Knead, Verb, mix, work dough, Knell, Noun, tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc,, sound of the funeral bell, Also Verb Knit, Verb, contract into wrinkles, grow together, Knoll, Noun, little, round hill, Knotty, Adjective, intricate, difficult, tangled, Kudos, Noun, honor, glory, praise, Labile, Adjective, likely to change, unstable, Lability , Noun, Laborious, Adjective, demanding much work or care, tedious, Labyrinth, Noun, maze, Laceration, Noun, torn, ragged wound, Lacerate, Verb Lachrymose, Adjective, producing tears, Lackadaisical, Adjective, Lacking purpose or zest, halfhearted, languid, Lackluster, Adjective, dull, Laconic, Adjective, brief and to the point, Laggard, Adjective, Slow, sluggish, Lagoon, Noun, shallow body of water near a sea, lake, Laity, Noun, laypersons, persons not connected with the clergy, Lambaste, Verb, beat, thrash verbally or physically, Lament, Verb, grieve, express sorrow, Lamentation, Noun,

Lampoon, Verb, ridicule, Also Noun, Lancet, Noun, small surgical tool for making incisions, Languid, Adjective, weary, sluggish, listless, Languish, Verb, lose animation of strength, Labor, Noun, lassitude, depression, Lank, Adjective, long and thin, Lap, verb, take in food or drink with Ones tongue, splash gently, Larceny, Noun, theft, Larder, Noun, pantry, place where food is kept, Largess, Noun, generous gift, Lascivious, Adjective, lustful, Lassitude, Noun, languor, weariness, Latent, Adjective, potential but undeveloped, dormant, hidden, Latency, Noun, Lateral, Adjective, coming from the side, Latitude, Noun, freedom from narrow limitations, Laud, Verb, praise, Laudatory , Adjective, Lavish, Adjective, liberal, Wasteful, also Verb, Lax, adjective, careless, , Leaven, Verb, cause to rise or grow lighter, enliven, Lechery, Noun, gross lewdness lustfulness, Lecherous, Adjective, Lectern, Noun, reading desk, Leery, Adjective, suspicious, cautious, Leeway, Noun, room to move, margin, Legacy, Noun, a gift made by will part of my legacy from any parents is an album of family photographs, Legend, Noun, explanatory list of symbols on a map, Legerdemain, Noun, sleight of hand, Leniency, Noun, mildness, permissiveness, Lenient, Adjective, Leonine, Adjective, like a lion, Lethal, Adjective, deadly, Lethargic, Adjective, drowsy, dull, Lethargy, Noun, Levee, Noun, earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding,

Levitate, Verb, float in the air (especially by magical means), Levity, Noun, lack of seriousness or staidness, frivolity, Levy, Verb, impose (a fine), collect (a payment), Also Noun, Lewd, Adjective, lustful, Lexicographer, Noun, complier of a dictionary, Lexicon, Noun, Dictionary, Liability, Noun, drawback, debts, Liaison, Noun, contact that keeps parties in communication, go-between, secret love affair, also Adjective Libel, Noun, defamatory statement, act of writing something that smears a persons character, libelous, Adjective, Libertine, Noun, debauched person, rou, Libidinous, Adjective, lustful, Libido, Noun, emotional urges behind human activity, Libretto, Noun, text of an opera, Licentious, Adjective, Amoral, lewd and lascivious, unrestrained, Lien, Noun, legal claim on property, Ligneous, Adjective, like wood, Lilliputian, Adjective, extremely small, Also Noun, Limber, Adjective, flexible, Limbo, Noun, region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept, a prison (slang), Limn, Verb, draw, outline, describe, Limpid, Adjective, clear, Limbo, Noun, region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept, a prison (slang), Limn, Verb, draw, outline, describe, Limpid, Adjective, clear, Lineage, Noun, descent, ancestry, Lineaments, Noun, features, especially of the face, Linger, Verb, loiter or dawdle, continue or persist, Linguistic, Adjective, pertaining to language,, Lionize, Verb, treat as celebrity, Liquidate, Verb, settle accounts, clear up,

List, Verb, tilt, lean over, also Noun, Listless, Adjective, lacking in spirit or energy, Litany, Noun, supplicatory prayer, Lithe, Adjective, Flexible, supple, Litigation, Noun, lawsuit, Litigant, Noun, Litotes, Noun, understatement for emphasis,, Livid, Adjective, lead-colored, black and blue, ashen, enraged, Loath, Adjective, reluctant, disinclined Loathe, Verb, detest, Loathsome, Adjective, Lode, Noun, metal-bearing vein, Lofty, Adjective, very high, Log, Noun, record of a voyage or flight, record of day-to-day activities, Also verb Loiter, Verb, hang around, linger, Loll, Verb, lounger about, Longevity, Noun, long life, Loom, Verb, appear of take shape (usually in an enlarged or distorted form), Lope, Verb, gallop slowly, Loquacious, Adjective, talkative, Loquacity, Noun, Lout, Noun, clumsy persons, The delivery boy is an awkward lout, Loutish, Adjective, Low, Verb, moo, From the hilltop, Lucid, Adjective, easily understood, clear, intelligible, Lucidity, Noun, Lucrative, Adjective, profitable Lucre, Noun, money, Ludicrous, Adjective, laughable, trifling, Lugubrious, Adjective, mournful, Lull, Noun, moment of calm, Lumber, Verb, move heavily or clumsily, Lumen, Noun, unit of light energy (one candles worth), Luminary, Noun, celebrity, dignitary, Luminous, Adjective, shining, issuing light, Lunar, Adjective, pertaining to the moon,

Lunge, Verb, make a quick forward dive or reach, thrust, Also Noun, Lurid, Adjective, wild, sensational, graphic, gruesome, Lurk, Verb, stealthily lie in waiting, slink, exist unperceived Luscious, Adjective, pleasing to taste or smell, Luster, Noun, shine, gloss, Lustrous, Adjective, shining, Luxuriant, Adjective, abundant, rich and splendid, fertile, Macabre, Adjective, Gruesome, grisly, Mace, Noun, ceremonial staff, clublike medieval weapon, Macerate, Verb, soften by soaking in liquid, waste away, Machiavellian, Adjective, crafty, double-dealing, Machinations, Noun, evil scheme or plots, Maculated, Adjective, spotted, stained, Madrigal, Noun, pastoral song, Maelstrom, Noun, whirlpool, Magisterial, Adjective, authoritative, imperious, Magnanimity, Noun, generosity,, Magnanimous, Adjective, Magnate, Noun, person of prominence of influence, Magniloquent, Adjective, boastful, pompous, Magnitude, Noun, greatness, extent, Maim, Verb, mutilate, injure, Maladroit, Adjective, clumsy, bungling, Malady, Noun, illness, Malaise, Noun, uneasiness, vague feeling of ill health, Malapropism, Noun, comic misuse of a word, Malcontent, Noun, person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs, Also Adjective, Malediction, Noun, curse, Malefactor, Noun, evildoer, criminal, Malevolent, Adjective, wishing evil, malevolence, Noun, Malfeasance, Noun, wrongdoing, Malicious, Adjective, hateful, spiteful, Malice, Noun,

Malign, Verb, speak evil of , bad-mouth, defame, Malignant, Adjective, injurious, tending to cause death, aggressively malevolent, Malignancy, Noun, Malingerer, Noun, one who feigns illness to escape duty, Malinger, Verb, Malleable, Adjective, capable of being shaped by pounding, impressionable Malodorous, Adjective, Foul-smelling, Mammal, Noun, vertebrate animals whose female suckles its young, Mammoth, Adjective, gigantic, enormous, Manacle, Verb, restrain, handcuff, Mandate, Noun, order, charge, In inaugural address, Also Verb, Mandatory, Adjective, obligatory, Mangy, Adjective, shabby, wretched,, Maniacal, adjective, raging mad, insane, Maniac, noun, Manifest, Adjective, evident, visible, obvious, Manifestation, Noun, outward demonstration, indication, Manifesto, Noun, declaration, statement of policy, Manifold, Adjective, numerous, varied, Manipulate, Verb, operate with ones hands, control or play upon (people, forces, etc) artfully, Mannered, Adjective, affected, not natural, Manumit, Verb, emancipate, free from bondage, Marital, Adjective, pertaining to marriage, Maritime, Adjective, bordering on the sea, nautical, Marked, Adjective, noticeable, targeted for vengeance, Marred, Adjective, damaged, disfigured, Marshal, Verb, put in order, Marsupial, Noun, one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch, Martial, Adjective, Warlike, Martinet, Noun, No talking at meals, Martyr, Noun, one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause, great sufferer, Masochist, Noun, person who enjoys his own pain, Masticate, Verb, chew, Materialism, Noun, preoccupation with physical comforts and things,

Maternal, Adjective, motherly, Maternity, Noun Matriarch, Noun, women who rules a family or large social group, Matriculate, Verb, enroll (in college or graduate school), Matrix, Noun, point of origin, array of number of algebraic symbols, mold or die, Maudlin, Adjective, effusively sentimental, Maul, Verb, handle roughly, Mausoleum, Noun, monumental tomb, Mauve, Adjective, pale purple, Maverick, Noun, rebel, nonconformist, Mawkish, Adjective, mushy and gushy, icky-sticky sentimental, maudlin, Maxim, Noun, proverb, a truth pithily stated,, Mayhem, Noun, injury to body, Meager, Adjective, scanty, inadequate, Mealymouthed, Adjective, indirect in speech, hypocritical, evasive, Meander, Verb, wind or turn in its course, Meddlesome, Adjective interfering, Mediate, Verb, settle a dispute through the services of an outsider, Mediocre, Adjective, ordinary, commonplace, Meditation, Noun, reflection, thought, Medium, Noun, element that is a creatures natural environment, nutrient setting in which microorganism are cultivated, Medium, Noun, appropriate occupation or means of expression, channel of communication, compromise, Medley, Noun, mixture, Meek, Adjective, Submissive, patient and long-suffering, Megalomania, Noun, mania for doing grandiose things, Melancholy, Adjective, gloomy, morose, blue, Melee, Noun, fight, Mellifluous, Adjective, Sweetly or smoothly flowing, melodious, Memento, Noun, token, reminder, Memorialize, Verb, Commemorate, Menagerie, Noun, collection of wild animals,

Mendacious, Adjective, lying, habitually dishonest, Mendicancy, Noun, Mendicant, noun, beggar, Mendicancy, noun, Menial, Adjective, suitable for servants, lowly, mean, Also Noun, Mentor, Noun, counselor, teacher Mercantile, Adjective, concerning trade, Mercenary, Adjective, motivated solely by money or gain, Also Noun, Mercurial, Adjective, changing, fickle meretricious, flashy, tawdry, , Merger, Noun, combination (or two business corporations),, Mesmerize, Verb, hypnotize, Metallurgical, Adjective, pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores, Metamorphosis, Noun, change of form, Metamorphose, Verb, Metaphor, Noun, implied comparison, Metaphysical, Adjective, pertaining to speculative philosophy, Metaphysics, Noun, Mete, Verb, measure, distribute, Meteoric, Adjective, swift, momentarily brilliant, Methodical, Adjective, systematic, an account must be methodical and maintain order among his financial records, Meticulous, Adjective, excessively careful, painstaking, scrupulous, Metropolis, Noun, large city, Mettle, courage, spirit, Mettlesome, Adjective, Miasma, Noun, swamp gas, heavy, vaporous atmosphere, often emanating from decaying matter, pervasive corrupting influence, Microcosm, Noun, small world, the world in miniature, Migrant, Adjective, changing its habitat, wandering, Also Noun, Migratory, Adjective, Wandering, Milieu, Noun, environment, means of expression, Militant, Adjective, combative, bellicose, Also Noun, Militate, Verb, work against, Millennium, Noun, thousand-year period, period of happiness and prosperity, Mimicry, Noun, imitation, Minatory, Adjective, menacing, threatening,

Mincing, Adjective, affectedly dainty, Minion, Noun, a servile dependent, Minuscule, Adjective, extremely small, Minute, Adjective, extremely small, Minutiae, Noun, petty details, Mirage, Noun, unreal reflection, optical illusion, Mire, Verb, entangle, stick in swampy ground, Misadventure, Noun, mischance, ill luck, Miscellany, Noun, mixture of writings on various subjects, Misanthrope, Noun, One who hates mankind, Misapprehension, Noun, Error, misunderstanding, Miscellany, Noun, mixture of writings on various subjects, Mischance, Noun, ill luck, Misconstrue, Verb, interpret incorrectly, misjudge, Miscreant, Noun, wretch, villain, Misdemeanor, Noun, minor crime, Miserly, Adjective, stingy, mean, miser, Noun, Misgivings, Noun, doubts, Mishap, Noun, accident, Misnomer, Noun, wrong name, incorrect designation, Misogamy, Noun, hatred of marriage, Misogynist, Noun, hater of women, Missile, Noun, object to be thrown or projected, Missive, Noun, letter, Mite, Noun, very small object or creature, small coin, Mitigate, Verb, appease, moderate, Mnemonic, Adjective, pertaining to memory, Mobile, Adjective, movable, not fixed, Mobility, Noun, Mock, Verb, ridicule, imitate, often in derision,, Mockery, Noun, Mode, Noun, prevailing style, manner, way of doing something, Modicum, Noun, limited quantity,

Modish, Adjective, fashionable, Modulate, Verb, tone down in intensity, regulate, change from one key to another, Modulation, Noun, Mogul, Noun, powerful person, Molecule, Noun, the smallest particle (one or more atoms of a substance that has all the properties of that substance Mollify, Verb, soothe, Mollycoddle, Verb, pamper, indulge excessively, Molten, Adjective, melted, Momentous, Adjective, very important, Momentum, Noun, quantity of motion of moving body, impetus, Monarchy, Noun, government under a single ruler, Monastic, Adjective, related to monks or monasteries, removed from worldly concerns, Monetary, Adjective, pertaining to money, Monochromatic, Adjective, having only one color, Monolithic, Adjective, solidly uniform, unyielding, Monotheism, Noun, belief in one God, monotonous, Adjective, Monumental, Adjective, massive, Moodiness, Noun, fits of depression or gloom, Moratorium, Noun, legal delay of payment, Morbid, Adjective, given to unwholesome thought, moody, characteristic of disease, Mordant, Adjective, biting, sarcastic, stinging, Mores, Noun, conventions, moral standards, customs, I Moribund, Adjective, drying, Morose, Adjective, ill-humored, sullen, melancholy,, Mortician, Noun, undertaker, Mortify, Verb, humiliate, punish the flesh, Mosaic, Noun, picture made of small, colorful inlaid tiles, Also Adjective, Mote, Noun, small speck, Motif, Noun, theme, Motility, Noun, ability to more spontaneously, Motile, Adjective, Motley, Adjective, multicolored, mixed,

Mottled, Adjective, blotched in coloring, spotted, Mountebank, Noun, charlatan, boastful pretender, Muddle, Verb, confuse, mix up, Also Noun, Muggy, Adjective, warm and damp, Mulct, Verb, defraud a person of something, Multifarious, Adjective, Varied, greatly diversified, Multiform, Adjective, having many forms,,, Multiplicity, Noun, state of being numerous, Mundane, Adjective, worldly as opposed to spiritual, every day, Munificent, Adjective, very generous, Munificence, Noun, Mural, Noun, wall painting, Murky, Adjective, Dark and gloomy, thick with fog, vague, murkiness, Noun, Muse, Verb, ponder,, Also Noun, Musky, Adjective, having the odor to musk, Muster, Verb, gather, assemble, Musty, Adjective, stale, spoiled by age,, Mutability, Noun, ability to change in form, fickleness, Mutable, Adjective, Muted, Adjective, Silent, muffled, toned down, Verb, Noun, Mutilate, Verb, maim, Mutinous, Adjective, unruly, rebellious, Mutiny, Noun, Myopic, Adjective, nearsighted, lacking foresight, Myopia, Noun, Myriad, Noun, very large number, Also Adjective, Nadir, Noun, lowest point, Naivet, Noun, quality of being unsophisticated, simplicity artlessness, gullibility, Nave, Adjective, Narcissist, Noun, conceited person, Narrative, Adjective, related to telling a story, Also Noun, narration, Noun, Nascent, Adjective, incipient, coming into being,, Natation, Noun, swimming,, Natty, Adjective, neatly or smartly dressed, Nauseate, Verb, cause to become sick, fill with disgust, Navigable, Adjective, wide and deep enough to allow ships to pass through, able to be steered,,

Nebulous, Adjective, vague, hazy, cloudy, Necromancy, Noun, black magic, dealings with the dead, Necromancer, Noun, Nefarious, Adjective, very wicked, Negate, Verb, cancel out, nullify, deny, Negation, Noun, Negligence, Noun, neglect, failure to take reasonable care, negligent, Adjective, Negligible, Adjective, so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be easily disregarded, Nemesis, Noun, someone seeking revenge,, Neologism, Noun, New or newly coined word or phrase, Neophyte, Noun, recent convent, beginner, Nepotism, Noun, favoritism (to a relative), Nether, Adjective, lower, Nettle, Verb, annoy, vex, Nexus, Noun, connection,, Nib, Noun, beak, pen point,, Nicety, Noun, precision, minute distinction, Niggardly, Adjective, meanly stingy, parsimonious, T Niggle, Verb, spend too much time on minor points, carp,, Niggling, Adjective, Nihilist, Noun, one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless, absolute skeptic, revolutionary terrorists, Nihilism, Noun, Nip, Verb, stop somethings growth or development, snip off, bite, make numb with cold, Nirvana, Noun, in Buddhist teachings, the ideal state in which the individual loses himself in the attainment of an impersonal beatitude, Nocturnal, Adjective, done at night, Noisome, Adjective, foul-smelling, unwholesome, Nomadic, Adjective, wandering, Nomad, Noun, Nomenclature, Noun, terminology, system of names, Nominal, Adjective, in name only, trifling, Nonchalance, Noun, indifference, lack of concern, composure, Nonchalant, Adjective, Noncommittal, Adjective, neutral, unpledged, undecided, Nondescript, Adjective, Undistincitve, ordinary, Nonentity, Noun, person of no importance, nonexistence, Nonplus, Verb, bring to a halt by confusion, perplex,

Nostalgia, Noun, homesickness, longing for the past,, Adjective, Nostrum, Noun, questionable medicine, Notable, Adjective, conspicuous, important, distinguished, Also Noun, Notoriety, Noun, disrepute, ill fame, Notorious, Adjective, Novelty, Noun, something new, newness, Novel, Adjective, Novice, Noun, beginner, Noxious Adjective harmful, Nuance, Noun, shade of difference in meaning or color, subtle distinction, Nubile, Adjective, marriageable, Nugatory, Adjective, futile, worthless, Nullify, Verb, to make invalid, Numismatist, Noun, person who collects coins, Nuptial, Adjective, related to marriage, Nurture, Verb, nourish, educate, foster,, Also Noun, Nutrient, Noun, nourishing substance, Also Adjective, Oaf, Noun, stupid, awkward person, Obdurate, Adjective, stubborn, Obeisance, Noun, bow, Obelisk, Noun, tall column tapering and ending in an pyramid, Obese, Adjective, excessively fat, Obesity, Noun, Obfuscate, Verb, confuse, muddle, cause confusion, make needlessly complex Obituary, Noun, death notice. Also Adjective, Objective, Adjective, Not influenced by emotions, fair, Objective, Noun, goal, aim, Obligatory, Adjective, Binding, required, Oblique, Adjective, indirect, slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line), Obliterate, Verb, destroy completely, Oblivion, Noun, obscurity, forgetfulness, Oblivious, Adjective, inattentive or unmindful, wholly absorbed, Obloquy, Noun, slander, disgrace, infamy, Obnoxious, Adjective, offensive,

Obscure, Adjective, dark, vague, unclear, Obscurity, Noun, Obscure, Verb, darken, make unclear, Obsequious, Adjective, slavishly attentive, servile, sycophantic, Obsequy, Noun, funeral ceremony, Obsessive, Adjective, related to thinking about something constantly, preoccupying, Obsession, Noun, Obsidian, Noun, black volcanic rock, , Obsolete, Adjective, outmoded, Obstetrician, Noun, physician specializing in delivery of babies,, Obstinate, Adjective, stubborn, hard to control or treat, Obstinacy, Noun, Obstreperous, Adjective, boisterous, noisy, Obtrude, Verb, push (oneself or ones ideas) forward or intrude, butt in, stick out or extrude, obtrusion, Noun, Obtuse, Adjective, blunt, stupid, Obviate, Verb, make unnecessary, get rid of, Occident, Noun, the West, Occlude, Verb, shut, close, Occlusion, Noun, Occult, Adjective, mysterious, secret, supernatural, Noun, Oculist, Noun, physician who specializes in treatment of the eyes,, Odious, Adjective, hateful, vile, Odium, Noun, detestation, hatefulness, disrepute, Odoriferous, Adjective, giving off an odor, Odorous, Adjective, having an odor, Odyssey, Noun, long, eventful journey, Offensive, Adjective, attacking insulting, distasteful, Offhand, Adjective, casual, done without prior thought, Officious, Adjective, meddlesome, excessively pushy in offering ones services, Ogle, Verb, look at amorously, make eyes at, Olfactory, Adjective, concerning the sense of smell, Oligarchy, Noun, government by a privileged few,, Ominous, Adjective, threatening, Omnipotent, Adjective, all-powerful,

Omnipresent, Adjective, universally present, ubiquitous, Omniscient, Adjective ,all-knowing, Omnivorous, Adjective, eating both plant and animal food devouring everything, Onerous Adjective burdensome, Onomatopoeia, Noun, words formed in imitation of natural sounds, Onslaught, Noun, vicious assault, Onus, Noun, burden, responsibility, Opalescent, Adjective, iridescent, lustrous, Opaque, Adjective, dark, not transparent, Opacity, Noun, Opiate, Noun, medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain, something that relieves emotions or causes inaction,, Opportune, Adjective, timely, well-chosen, Opportunist, Noun, individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances, Opprobrium, Noun, infamy, vilification,, Optician, Noun, marker and seller of eyeglasses, Optimist, Noun, person who looks on the bright side, Optimum, Adjective, most favorable,, Also Noun, Optional, Adjective, not compulsory, left to ones choice,, Option, Noun, Optometrist, Noun, one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects,, Opulence, Noun, extreme wealth, luxuriousness, abundance,, Adjective, Opus, Noun, work, Oracular, Adjective, prophetic, uttered as if with divine authority, mysterious of ambiguous, Oracle, Noun, Orator Noun public speaker,, Oratorio Noun dramatic poem set to music, Ordain, Verb, decree or command, grant holy orders, predestine, Ordeal, Noun, severe trial or affliction Ordinance, Noun, decree, Ordination, Noun, ceremony conferring holy orders, Ordain, Verb Orgy, Noun, wild, drunken revelry, unrestrained indulgence, Orient, Vern, get ones bearings, adjust,

Orientation, Noun, act of finding oneself in society,, Orifice, Noun, mouth like opening, small opening,, Ornate, Adjective, excessively or elaborately decorated, Ornithologist, Noun, scientific student of birds, Orthodox, Adjective, traditional, conservative in belief, Orthodoxy, Noun, Orthography, Noun, correct spelling, Oscillate, Verb, correct spelling, Oscillate, Verb, vibrate pendulum-like, waver, Osseous, Adjective, made of bone, bony, Ossify, Verb, change or harden into bone, Ostensible, Adjective, apparent, professed, pretended, Ostentatious Adjective showy, pretentious, trying to attract attention, Ostentation, Noun, Ostracize, Verb, exclude from public favor ban, Ostracism, Noun, Oust, Verb, expel, drive out, Outlandish, Adjective, bizarre, peculiar, unconventional Outmoded, Adjective, no longer stylish, old fashioned, Outskirts, Noun, fringes, outer borders, Outspoken, Adjective, candid, blunt, Outstrip, Verb, surpass, outdo, Outwit, Verb, outsmart, trick, Ovation, Noun, enthusiastic applause, Overbearing, Adjective, bossy, arrogant, decisively important, Overt, Adjective, open to view, Overweening, Adjective, Presumptuous, arrogant Overwrought, Adjective, extremely agitated, hysterical, Ovoid, Adjective, egg-shaped, Pachyderm, Noun, thick-skinned animal, Pacifist, Noun, one opposed to force, antimilitarist, also Adjective pacifism, Noun, Pacify, Verb, soothe, make calm or quiet, subdue, Paeans, Noun, song of praise or joy Painstaking Adjective showing hard work, taking great care

Palatable, Adjective, agreeable, pleasing to the taste, Palate, Noun, roof of the mouth, sense of taste, Palatial, Adjective, magnificent, Paleontology, Noun, Study of prehistoric life, Palette, Noun, board which a painter mixed pigments, Palimpsest, Noun, parchment used for second time after original writing, has been erased, Pall, Verb, grow tiresome, Pallet, Noun, small, poor bed, Palliate, Verb, ease pain, make less severe or offensive, palliation, Noun, Pallid, Adjective, pale, wan, Palpable, Adjective, tangible, easily perceptible, Palpitate, Verb, throb, flutter, Paltry, Adjective, insignificant, petty, trifling, Pan, Verb, criticize harshly, Panacea, Noun, cure-all, remedy for all diseases, Panache, Noun, flair, flamboyance, Pandemic, Adjective, widespread, affecting the majority of people, Pandemonium, Noun, wild tumult, Pander, Verb, cater to the low desires of others, Panegyric, Noun, formal praise, Panoramic, Adjective, denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view, Panorama, Noun, Pantomime, Noun, acting without dialogue, also Verb, Papyrus, Noun, ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant, Parable, Noun, short, simple story teaching a moral, Paradigm, Noun, model, example, pattern, Paradigmatic, Adjective Paradox, Noun, something apparently contradictory in nature, statement that looks false but is actually correct, Paradoxical, Adjective, Paragon, Noun, model of perfection, Parallelism, Noun, state of being parallel, similarity, Parameter, Noun, limit, independent variable, Paramount, Adjective, foremost in importance, supreme, Paramour, Noun, illicit lover,

Paranoia, Noun, psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution, Paranoid, paranoiac, Noun and Adjective, Paraphernalia, Noun, equipment, odds and ends, Paraphrase, Verb, restate a passage in ones own words while retaining though of author, also Noun, Parasite, Noun, animal or plant living on another, toady, sycophant, Parched, Adjective, extremely dry, very thirsty, Pariah, Noun, social outcast, Parity, Noun, equality, close resemblance, Parlance, Noun, language, idiom, Parley, Noun, conference, Also Verb, Parochial, Adjective, narrow in outlook, provincial, related to parishes, Parody, Noun, humorous imitation, spoof, takeoff, travesty, Also verb, Paroxysm, Noun, fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage, Parquet, Noun, floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic like pattern, Parry, Verb, ward off a blow, deflect, Also Noun, Parsimony, Noun, stinginess, excessive frugality, parsimonious, Adjective, Partial, Adjective, incomplete, having a liking for something, Partiality, Noun, Partiality, Noun, inclination, bias, Partisan, Adjective, one-sided, prejudiced, committed to a party, Also Noun, Partition, Verb, divide into parts, Also Noun, Pass, Adjective, old-fashioned, past the prime, Passive, Adjective, not active acted upon,, Pastiche, Noun, imitation of anothers style in musical composition or in writing, Pastoral, Adjective, rural, In these stories of pastoral life, Patent, Adjective, open for the public to read, obvious, Pathetic, Adjective, causing sadness, compassion, pity, touching, Pathological, Adjective, pertaining to disease, Pathos, Noun, tender sorrow, pity, quality in art or literature that produces these feelings, Patina, Noun, green crust on old bronze works, tone slowly taken by varnished painting,, Patois, Noun, local or provincial dialect, Patriarch, Noun, father and ruler of a family or tribe, Patrician, Adjective, noble, aristocratic,

Patronize, Verb, support act superior toward, be a customer of penniless artists hope to find some wealthy are lover who will patronize them, Paucity, Noun, scarcity, Pauper, Noun, very poor person, Peccadillo, Noun, slight offense, Pecuniary, Adjective, pertaining to money, Pedagogue, Noun, teacher Pedagogy, Noun, teaching, art of education, Pedant, Noun, scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities, Pedantic, Adjective, showing off learning, bookish, Pedantry, Noun, Pedestrian, Adjective, ordinary, unimaginative, Pediatrician, Noun, physician specializing in childrens diseases, Peerless, Adjective, having no equal, incomparable,, Pejorative, Adjective,, negative in connotation, having a belittling effect, Pell-mell, Adverb, in confusion, disorderly, Pellucid, Adjective, transparent, limpid, easy to understand, Penance, Noun, self-imposed punishment for sin, Penchant, Noun, strong inclination, liking, Pendant, Adjective, hanging down from something Pendant, Noun, ornament (hanging from a necklace, etc), Pendulous, Adjective, hanging, suspended, Penitent, Adjective, repentant,, Also Noun, pensive Adjective dreamily thoughtful, thoughtful with a hint of sadness, contemplative,, Penumbra, Noun, partial shadow (in an eclipse), Penury, Noun, severe poverty, stinginess, Peon, Noun, landless agriculture workers, bond servant, peonage, Noun, Perceptive, Adjective, insightful, aware, wise, Percussion, Adjective, Striking one objective against another sharply, Also Noun, Perdition, Noun, damnation, complete ruin, Peregrination, Noun, journey, Peremptory, Adjective, demanding and leaving no choice, Perennial, Noun, something long-lasting,

Perfidious, Adjective, treacherous, disloyal, Perfidy, Noun, Perforate, Verb, pierce, put a hole through, Perfunctory, Adjective, superficial, not thorough, lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm,, Perigee, Noun, point of moons orbit when it is nearest the earth, Perimeter, Noun, outer boundary, Peripatetic, Adjective, walking about, moving, Peripheral, Adjective, marginal, outer, Periphery, Noun, edge, especially of a round surface, Perjury, Noun, false testimony while under oath Permeable, Adjective, penetrable, porous, allowing liquids or gas to pass through, Permeate, Verb, Pernicious, Adjective, very destructive, Peroration, Noun, conclusion of an oration, Perpetrate, Verb, commit an offense, Perpetual, Adjective, everlasting, Perpetuate, Verb, make something last, preserve from extinction, Some critics attack, Perpetuity, Noun, Perquisite, Noun, any gain above stipulated salary, Personable, Adjective, attractive,, Perspicacious, Adjective, having insight, penetrating, astute, Perspicuity, Noun, clearness of expression, freedom from ambiguity, Perspicuous, Adjective, plainly expressed, Per, Adjective, impertinent, forward, Pertinacious, Adjective, stubborn, persistent, Pertinent, Adjective, suitable , to the point, Perturb, Verb, disturb greatly,, Perturbation, Noun, Peruse, Verb, read with care, Perusal, Noun, Pervasive, Adjective, spread throughout, Pervade, Verb Perverse, Adjective, stubbornly wrongheaded, wicked and unacceptable, Perversity, Noun, Perversion, Noun, corruption, turning from right to wrong, Pessimism, Noun, belief that life is basically bad or evil, gloominess, Pessimistic, Adjective Pestilential, Adjective, causing plague, baneful, Pestilence, Noun, Pestle, Noun, tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl,

Petrify, Verb, Turn to stone, Petty, Adjective, trivial, unimportant, very small, Petulant, Adjective, touchy, peevish, Petulance, Noun, Pharisaical, Adjective, Pertaining to the Pharisees, who paid scrupulous attention to tradition, selfrighteous, hypocritical, Phenomena, Noun, Plural, observable facts subjective of scientific investigation, Philanderer, Noun, faithless lover, flirt, Philanthropist, Noun, lover of mankind, doer of good, Philatelist, Noun, stamp-collector, Philistine, Noun, narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested in material gain, Philology, Noun, study of language, Phlegmatic Adjective calm, not easily disturbed, Phobia, Noun, morbid fear, Phoenix, Noun, symbol of immortality or rebirth,, Phylum, Noun, major classification, second to kingdom, of plants and animals, division, Physiognomy, Noun, face, Physiological, Adjective, pertaining to the science of the function of living organism, Piebald, Adjective, of different colors, mottled, spotted, Piecemeal, Adjective, one part at a time, gradually, Pied, Adjective, variegated, multicolored, Piety, Noun, devoutness reverence for God, Pious, Adjective, Pigment, Noun, coloring matter, Pillage, Verb, plunder, Also Noun, Pillory, Verb, punish by placing in a wooden frame, subject to criticism and ridicule, Also Noun, Pine, Verb, languish, decline, long for, yearn, Pinion, Verb, restrain, also Noun, Pinnacle, Noun, peak, Pious, Adjective, devout, religious, Piety, Noun, Piquant, Adjective, pleasantly tart-tasting, stimulating, Piquancy, Noun, Pique, Noun, irritation, resentment,, Pique, Verb, provoke or arouse, annoy, Piscatorial, Adjective, pertaining to fishing,

Pitfall, Noun, hidden danger, concealed trap, Pith, Noun, core or marrow, essence, substance, I Pithy, Adjective, concise, meaningful, substantial, meaty, Pittance, Noun, a small allowance of wage, Pivotal, Adjective, central, Placate, Verb, Pacify, conciliate, Placebo, Noun, harmless substance prescribed as a dummy poll, Placid, Adjective, peaceful, clam,, Plagiarize, Verb, steal anothers ideas and pass them off as ones own, Plagiarism, Noun, Plaintive, Adjective, mournful, The dove has a plaintive and melancholy call, Plait, Verb, braid, intertwine, Plasticity, Noun, ability to be molded, Platitude, Noun, trite remark, commonplace statement, Platonic, Adjective, purely spiritual, theoretical, Plaudit, Noun, enthusiastic approval, found of applause,, Plauditory, Adjective, Plausible, Adjective, having a show of truth but open to doubt, specious, Plebeian, Adjective, common, pertaining to the common people Plenary, Adjective, complete, full, Plenitude, Noun, abundance, completeness, Plethora, Noun, excess, overabundance, Pliable, Adjective, flexible, yielding, adaptable, Pliant ,Adjective, flexible, yielding, adaptable, Pliant ,Adjective, flexible, easily influenced, Plight ,Noun, condition, state (especially a bad state or condition), predicament, Pluck, Noun, courage, Plumage, Noun, feathers of a bird, Plumb, Verb, examine critically in order to understand, measure depth (by sounding), Plumb, Adjective, vertical,, Also Noun, Plummet, Verb, fall sharply, Plutocracy, Noun, society rules by the wealthy, Podiatrist, Noun, doctor who treats ailments of the feet

Podium, Noun, pedestal, raised platform, Poignancy, Noun, quality of being deeply moving, keenness of emotion, poignant, Adjective, Polarize, Verb, split into opposite extremes or camps, Polemic, Noun, controversy, argument in support of point of view, Polemical, Adjective, aggressive in verbal attack, disputatious, Politic, Adjective, expedient, prudent, well devised, Polity, Noun, form of government of Nation or state, Polygamist, Noun, one who has more than one spouse at a time, Polyglot, Adjective, speaking several languages, Pomposity, Noun, self-important behavior, acting like a stuffed shirt, Pompous, Adjective, Ponderous, Adjective, weighty, unwieldy, Pontifical, Adjective, pertaining to a bishop of pope, pompous or pretentious, Pore, Verb, study industriously, ponder, scrutinize, , Porous, Adjective, full of pores, like a sieve, Portend, Verb, foretell, presage, Portent, Noun, sign, omen, forewarning, Portly, Adjective, stout, corpulent, Poseur, Noun, person who pretends to be sophisticated, elegant, etcetera, to impress others, Posterity, Noun, descendants, future generations, Posthumous, Adjective, after death (as of child born after fathers death or book published after authors death), Postulate, Noun, self-evident truth, also, Verb Posture, Verb, assume and affected pose, act artificially, Potable, Adjective, suitable for drinking,, Also Noun, Potent, Adjective, powerful, persuasive, greatly influential, Potency, Noun, Potential, adjective, expressive, possibility, latent, Potion, Noun, dose (of liquid), Potpourri, Noun, heterogeneous mixture, medley, Poultice, Noun, soothing applicant applied to sore and inflamed portions of the boys,, Practicable, Adjective, feasible, Practical, Adjective, based on experience, useful Preamble, Noun, introductory statement,

Precarious, Adjective, uncertain, risky, Precedent, Noun, something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future action, and earlier occurrence, Precede, Verb, Precedent, Adjective, preceding in time, rank, etcetera, Precept, Noun, practical rule guiding conduct, Precipice, Noun, cliff, Dangerous position, Precipitant, Noun, something that causes a substance in a chemical solution to separate out in solid form, Solvents by definition dissolve, precipitants, Precipitate Verb, Precipitate, Adjective, rash, premature, hasty, sudden, Precipitate, Verb, throw headlong, hasten, Precipitous, Adjective, steep, overhasty, Prcis, Noun, concise summing up of main points, Precise, Adjective, exact, Preclude, Verb, make impossible, eliminate, Precocious, Adjective, advanced in development, Precocity, Noun, Precursor, Noun, forerunner, Predator, Noun, creature that seizes and devours another animal, person who robs or exploits others, Predation, Noun, Predecessor, Noun, former occupant of a post,, Predetermine, Verb, predestine, settle or decide beforehand, influence markedly, Predicament, Noun, tricky or dangerous situation, Predilection, Noun, partiality, preference, Predispose, Verb, give an inclination toward, make susceptible to, predisposition, Noun, Preeminent, Adjective, outstanding, superior, Preempt, Verb, head off, forestall by acting first, appropriate for oneself, supplant, preemptive, Adjective, Preen, Verb, make oneself tidy in appearance, feel self satisfaction,, Prefatory, Adjective, introductory, Prehensile, Adjective ,capable of grasping or holding, Prelate, Noun, church dignitary, Prelude, Noun, introduction, forerunner, Premeditate, Verb, plant in advance, Premise, Noun assumption, postulate,

Premonition, Noun, forewarning , Premonitory, Adjective ,serving to warn, Preponderance, Noun, superiority of power, quantity, etc, Preponderate Verb preponderant, Adjective, Preposterous, Adjective, absurd, ridiculous, Prerogative, Noun, privilege unquestionable right, Presage, Verb, foretell, Prescience, Noun, ability to foretell the future, Presentiment, Noun, feeling something will happen, anticipatory fear, premonition, Prestige, Noun, impression produced by achievements or reputation, prestigious, Adjective, Presumptuous, Adjective, arrogant, taking liberties, Presumption, Noun, Pretentious, Adjective, ostentatious, pompous, making unjustified claims, overambitious, Preternatural, Adjective, beyond that which is normal in nature, Pretext, Noun, excuse, Prevail, Verb, induce, triumph over, Prevalent, Adjective, widespread, generally accepted, Prevaricate, Verb, lie, Prey, Noun, target of a hunt, victim, Also Verb, Prim, Adjective, very precise and formal, Primogeniture, Noun, seniority by birth, Primordial, Adjective, existing at the beginning (of time), rudimentary, Primp, Verb, groom oneself with care, adorn oneself, Pristine, Adjective, characteristics of earlier times, primitive, unspoiled, Privation, Noun, hardship, want Privy, Adjective, secret, hidden, not public, Probe, Verb, explore with tools,, Also Noun, Probity, Noun, uprightness, incorruptibility, Problematic, Adjective, doubtful, unsettled, questionable perplexing, Proclivity ,Noun, inclination, natural tendency, Procrastinate, Verb, postpone, delay or put off, Procurement, Noun, obtaining, Prod, Verb, poke, stir up, urge,

Prodigal, Adjective, wasteful, reckless with money, also Noun, Prodigious, Adjective, marvelous, enormous, Profane, Verb, violate, desecrate, treat unworthily, Also Adjective, Profligate, Adjective, dissipated, wasteful, Also Noun, Profligacy, Noun, Profound, Adjective, deep, not superficial, complete, Profundity, Noun, Profusion, Noun, overabundance, lavish expenditure, excess, Progenitor, Noun, ancestor,, Progeny, Noun, children, offspring, Prognosis, Noun, forecasted course of a disease, prediction, Prognosticate, Verb, predict,, Prohibitive, Adjective, tending to prevent the purchase or use of something, inclined to prevent or forbid, Prohibition, Noun, Projectile, Noun, missile, Proletarian, Noun, member of the working class, blue collar guy, Also Adjective proletariat, Noun, Proliferate, Verb, grow rapidly, spread, multiply, Proliferation, Noun, Prolific, Adjective, fruitful, Prolixity, Non tedious wordiness, verbosity, Prolix, Adjective, Prologue, Non introduction (to a poem or play), Prolong, Verb, extend, draw out, lengthen, Prominent,, Adjective, conspicuous, notable, protruding, Promiscuous, Adjective, mixed indiscriminately, haphazard, irregular, particularly sexually, Promiscuity, Noun, Promontory, Noun, headland, Promote, Verb, help to flourish, advance in rank, publicize,, Prompt, Verb, cause, provoke Promulgate, Verb, proclaim a doctrine or law, make known by official publication, Prone, Adjective, inclined to, prostrate, Propagate, Verb, multiply, spread, Propellant, Noun, substance that propels or driver forward, Also Adjective, Propensity, Noun, natural inclination, Prophetic, Adjective, having to do with predicting the future, Prophecy, Noun, Prophylactic, Adjective, used to prevent disease,, prophylaxis, Noun,

Propinquity, Non, nearness, kinship, Propitiate, Verb, appease, Propitious, Adjective, favorable, fortunate, advantageous, Proponent, Noun, supporter, backer, opposite of opponent, Propound, Verb, put forth for analysis, Propriety, Noun, fitness, correct conduct, Propulsive, Adjective, driving forward, Prosaic, Adjective, dull and unimaginative, matter-of-fact, factual, Proscenium, Noun, part of stage in front of curtain, Also Adjective, Proscribe, Verb, ostracize, banish, outlaw, Proselytize, Verb, induce someone to convert to a religion or belief, Prosody, Noun, the art of versification, Prosperity, Noun, good fortune, financial success, physical well-being, Prostrate, Verb, stretch out full on ground, Also Adjective, Protean, Adjective, versatile, able to take on many forms, Protg, Noun, person receiving protection and support from a patron, Protocol, Noun, diplomatic etiquette, Prototype, Noun, original work used as model by others, Protract, Verb, prolong, Protrude, Verb, stick out, His fingers protruded from the holes in his gloves, Protuberance, Noun, protrusion, bulge, Provenance, Noun, origin or source of something, Provender, Noun, dry food, fodder, Provident, Adjective, Displaying foresight, thrifty, preparing for emergencies, Provincial, Adjective, pertaining to a province, limited in outlook, unsophisticated,, Provisional, Adjective, tentative, Proviso, Noun, stipulation, Provocative, Adjective, arousing anger or interest, Provoke, Verb, provocation, Noun, Prowess Noun extraordinary ability, military bravery, Proximity, Noun, nearness, Proxy, Noun, authorized agent,

Prude, Noun, excessively modest or proper person, Prudent ,Adjective ,cautions, careful, Prudence, Noun, Prune, Verb, but away, trim, Prurient, Adjective, having or causing lustful thoughts and desires, Pry, Verb, inquire impertinently, use leverage to raise or open something, Pseudonym, Noun, per name, Psyche, Noun, soul, mind, Psychiatrist, Noun, a doctor who treats mental diseases, Psychopathic, Adjective, pertaining to mental derangement, Psychosis, Noun, mental disorder, Psychotic, Adjective, Pterodactyl, Noun, extinct flying reptile, Puerile, Adjective, childish,, Pugilist, Noun, boxer,, Pugnacity, Noun, combativeness, disposition to fight, Pugnacious, Adjective, Puissant, Adjective, powerful, strong potent, Pulchritude, Noun, beauty, comeliness, Pulmonary, Adjective, pertaining to the lungs, Pulsate, Verb, throb, Pulverize, Verb, crush or grind into very small particles, Pummel, Verb, beat of pound with first, Swinging wildly, Punctilious, Adjective, stressing niceties of conduct or form, minutely attentive (perhaps too much so) to fine points, Punctiliousness, Noun, Pundit, Noun, authority on a subject, learned person, expert, Pungent, Adjective, stinging, sharp in taste or smell, caustic, Pungency, Noun, Punitive, Adjective, punishing, Puny, Adjective, insignificant, tiny, weak, Purchase, Noun, firm grasp or footing, Purgatory, Noun, place of spiritual expiation, Purge, Verb, remove or get rid of something unwanted, free from blame or guilt, cleanse or purity, Also Noun, Purport, Noun, intention, meaning, also Verb, Purported, Adjective, allege, claimed, reputed or rumored,,

Purse, Verb, pucker, contract into wrinkles, Purveyor, Noun, furnisher of foodstuffs, caterer, pusillanimity, Noun, Putative, Adjective, supposed, reputed, Putrid, Adjective, foul, rotten, decayed, Putrescence, putrefaction, Noun, Pylon, Noun, marking post to guide aviators, steel tower supporting cable or telephone lines, Pyromaniac, Noun, person with an insane desire to set things on fire, Quack, Noun, charlatan, impostor, Quadruped, Noun, four-footed animal, Quaff, Verb, drink with relish, Quagmire, Noun, soft, wet boggy land, complex or dangerous situation from which it is difficult to free oneself, Quail, Verb, cower, lose heart, Quaint, Adjective, odd, old-fashioned, picturesque, Qualified, Adjective, limited, restricted, Qualms, Noun, misgivings, Uneasy fears, especially about matters of conscience, Quandary, Noun, dilemma, Quarantine, Noun, isolation of a person, place, or ship to prevent spread of infection, Also Verb, Quarry, Noun, victim, objective of hunt, Quarry, Verb, dig into, Quash, Verb, subdue, crush, squash, Quay, Noun, dock, landing place, Queasy, Adjective, easily nauseated, squeamish, Quell, Verb, extinguish, put down, quiet, Quench, Verb, douse or extinguish, assuage or satisfy, Querulous, Adjective, fretful, shining, Query Noun inquiry, question,, Also Verb, Queue, Noun, line,, Quibble, Noun, minor objection or complaint, Also Verb, Quiescent, Adjective, at rest, dormant, temporarily inactive,, Quiescence, Noun, Quietude, Noun, tranquility, Quintessence, Noun, purest and highest embodiment, Quip, Noun, taunt,, Also Verb,

Quirk, Noun, starling twist, caprice, , Quisling, Non, traitor who aids invaders, Quiver, Noun, case for arrows, Quiver ,Verb, tremble, shake, Also Noun, Quixotic, Adjective, idealistic but impractical, Quizzical, Adjective, teasing, bantering, mocking, curious, Quorum, Noun, number of members necessary to conduct a meeting, Quotidian, Adjective, daily, commonplace, customary, Rabid, Adjective, like a fanatic, furious, Raconteur, Noun, story-teller, Ragamuffin, Noun, person wearing tattered clothes, Rail, Verb, scold, rant, Raiment, Noun, clothing, Rakish, Adjective, stylish, sporty, Rally, Verb, call up or summon (forces, Vital powers, etc,), revive or recuperate, Also Noun, Ramble, Verb, wander aimlessly (physically or mentally), Also Noun, Ramification, Noun, branching out, subdivision, Ramify, Verb, divide into branches or subdivisions, Ramp, Noun, slope, inclined plane, Rampant, Adjective, growing in profusion, unrestrained, Rampancy, Noun, Rampart, Noun, defensive mound of earth, Ramshackle, Adjective, rickety, failing apart, Rancid, Adjective, having the odor of state fat, Rancor, Noun, bitterness, hatred, Rancorous, Adjective, Random, Adjective, without definite purpose, plan, or aim, haphazard, Rankle, Verb, irritate, fester, Rant, Verb, rave, talk excitedly, scold, make a grandiloquent speech, Rapacious, Adjective, excessively grasping, plundering, Rapport, Noun, emotional closeness, harmony, Rapt, Adjective, absorbed, enchanted, Rarefied, Adjective, made less dense [of a gas], Verb rarefaction, Noun,

Raspy, Adjective, grating, harsh, Ratify, Verb, approve formally, confirm, verify, Ratiocination, Noun, reasoning, act of drawing conclusions from premises, Rationale, Noun, fundamental reason or justification, grounds for an action, Rationalize, Verb, give a plausible reason for a action in place of a true, less admirable one, offer an excuse, Rationalization, Noun, Raucous, Adjective, harsh and shrill, disorderly and boisterous, Ravage, Verb, plunder, despoil, Rave, Noun, overwhelmingly favorable review, Ravel, Verb, fall apart tangles, unravel or untwist, entangle, Ravenous, Adjective, extremely hungry, Ravine, Noun, narrow valley with steep sides, Raze, Verb, destroy completely, Spelling matters, to raise a building is to put it up, to raze a building is to tear it down, Reactionary, Adjective, opposing progress, politically ultraconservative, Also Noun, Realm, Noun, kingdom, field or sphere, Reaper, Noun, one who harvests grain, Rebate, Noun, discount, Rebuff, Verb, snub, beat back, Also Noun, Rebuke, Verb, scold harshly, criticize severely, Also Noun, Rebus, Noun, puzzle in which pictures stand for wards, Rebuttal, Non, refutation, response with contrary evidence, Recalcitrant, Adjective, obstinately stubborn, determined to resist authority, unruly, Recant, Verb, disclaim or disavow, retract a previous statement, openly confess error, Recapitulate, Verb, summarize, Recast, Verb, reconstruct (a sentence, story, etc,) fashion again, Receptive, Adjective, quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions, etc, Recession, Noun, withdrawal, retreat, time of low economic activity, Recidivism, Noun, habitual return to crime, Recipient, Noun, Receiver, Reciprocal, Adjective, mutual, exchangeable, interacting, Reciprocate, Verb, repay in kind, reciprocity, Noun,

Recondite Adjective abstruse, profound, secret, Reconnaissance, Noun, survey of enemy by soldiers, reconnoitering, Recount, Verb, narrate or tell, count over again, Recourse, Noun, resorting to help when in trouble, Recrimination, Noun, countercharges, Rectify, Verb, set right, correct, Rectitude, Noun, uprightness, moral virtue, correctness of judgment, Recumbent, Adjective, reclining, lying down completely or in part, Recuperate, Verb, recover, Recurrent, Adjective, occurring again and again, Redolent, Adjective, fragrant, odorous, suggestive of an odor, Redoubtable, Adjective, formidable, causing fear, Redress, Noun, remedy, compensation, also verb, Redundant, Adjective, superfluous, repetitious, excessively wordy, Reek, Verb, emit (odor),also noun, Refectory, Noun, dining hall, Refection, Noun, bending of a ray of light, Refractory, Adjective, stubborn, unmanageable, Refrain, Verb, abstain from, resist, noun chorus, Refulgent, Adjective, brightly shining, gleaming, Refurbish, Verb, renovate, make bright by polishing, Refute, Verb, disprove, Refutation, noun, Regal, Adjective, royal, Regale, Verb, entertain, Regatta, Noun, boat or yacht race, Regeneration, Noun, spiritual rebirth, Regicide, Noun, murder of a king or queen, Regime, Noun, method or system of government, Regimen, Noun, prescribed diet and habits,

Rehabilitate, Verb, restore to proper condition, Reimburse, Verb, repay, Reiterate, Verb, Repeat, Rejoinder, Noun, retort, comeback, reply, Rejuvenate, Verb, make young again, Relegate, Verb, banish to an inferior position, delegate, assign, Relent, Verb, give in, relentless, adjective, Relevant, adjective ,pertinent, referring to the case in hand, Relevance, noun relevancy, noun, Relic, Noun, surviving remnant, memento, Relinquish, Verb, give up something with reluctance, yield, Relish, Verb, savor, enjoy, also noun, Remediable, Adjective, reparable, Reminiscence, Noun, recollection, Remiss, Adjective, negligent, Remission, noun ,temporary moderation of disease symptoms, cancellation of a debt, forgiveness or pardon, Remnant, Noun, remainder,, Remonstrance, Noun, protest, objection, Remonstrate, verb, Remorse, Noun, guilt, self-reproach, Remunerative, Adjective, compensating, rewarding, remuneration, noun, Rend, Verb, split, tear apart, rent, noun, Render, Verb, deliver, provide, represent, Rendezvous, Noun, meeting place, also verb, Rendition, Noun, translation, artistic interpretation of a song, etc, Renegade, Noun, deserter, traitor, also adjective, Renege, Verb, deny, go back on, Renounce, Verb, abandon, disown, repudiate, renunciation, noun Renovate, Verb, restore to good condition, renew, Renown, Noun, fame, Renowned, adjective,

Rent, Noun, rip, split, rend, verb, Reparable, Adjective, capable of being repaired, Reparation, Noun, amends, compensation, Repartee, Noun, clever reply, Repast, Noun, meal, feast, banquet, Repeal, Verb, revoke, annul, Repel, Verb, drive away, disgust, Repellent, Adjective, driving away, unattractive, also noun, Repercussion, Noun, rebound, reverberation, reaction, Repertoire, Noun, list of works of music, drama, etc,, a performer is prepared to present, Repine, Verb, fret, complain, Replenish, Verb, fill up again, Replete, Adjective, filled to the brim or to the point of being stuffed, abundantly supplied, Replica, Noun, copy, Replicate, Verb, reproduce duplicate, Repository, Noun, storehouse, Reprehensible, Adjective, deserving blame, Repress, Verb, restrain, crush, oppress, Reprieve, Noun, temporary stay, also verb, Reprimand, Verb, reprove severely, rebuke, also noun, Reprisal, Noun, retaliation, Reprise, Noun, musical repetition, repeat performance, recurrent action, Reproach, Verb, express disapproval or disappointment, also noun reproachful, adjective, Reprobate, Noun, person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency, Reprobation, Noun, severe disapproval, Reprove, Verb, censure, rebuke, Reproof, noun Repudiate, Verb, disown, disavow, Repugnance, Noun, loathing, Repulsion, Noun, distaste, act of driving back, repulse, verb,

Reputable, Adjective, respectable, Reputed, Adjective, supposed, reputed, verb repute, noun, Requiem, Noun, mass for the dead, dirge, Requisite, Noun, necessary requirement, Requite, verb repay, revenge, Rescind, Verb, cancel, Resentment, Noun, indignation, bitterness, displeasure, Reserve, Noun, self-control, formal but distant manner, Reserved, adjective, Residue, Noun, remainder, balance, Resignation, Noun, patient submissiveness, statement that one is quitting a job, resigned, adjective, Resilient, Adjective, elastic, having the power of springing back, Resilience, noun, Resolution, Noun, determination, resolute, adjective, Resolve, Noun, determination, firmness of purpose, also verb, Resolve, Verb, decide, settle, solve, Resonant, Adjective, echoing, resounding, deep and full in sound,, Respiration, Noun, breathing, exhalation, Respite, Noun, interval of relief, time for rest, delay in punishment, Resplendent, Adjective, dazzling, glorious, brilliant, Responsiveness, Noun, state of reacting readily to appeals, orders, etcetera, Restitution, Noun, reparation, indemnification, Restive, Adjective, restlessly impatient, obstinately resisting control, Restraint, Noun, moderation or self-control, controlling force, restriction, Resumption, Noun, taking up again, recommencement, resume, verb, Resurge, Verb, rise again, flow to and fro, Resurgence, noun resurgent, adjective, Resuscitate, Verb, revive, Retain, Verb, keep, employ, Retaliation, Verb, repayment in kind (usually for bad treatment), retaliate, verb, Reticent, Adjective, reserved, uncommunicative, inclined to silence, reticence, noun, Retinue, Noun, following, attendants,

Retiring, Adjective, modest, shy, Retort, Noun, quick, sharp reply, also verb, Retract, Verb, withdraw, take back, retraction, noun, Retrench, Verb, cut down, economize, Retribution, Noun, vengeance, compensation, punishment for offenses, Retrieve, Verb, recover, find and bring in, retrieval, noun, Retroactive, Adjective, taking effect before its enactment (as a law) or imposition (as a tax), Retrograde, Verb, go backwards, degenerate, also adjective, Retrospective, Adjective, looking back on the past, also noun, retrospection, noun, Revelry, Noun, boisterous merrymaking, Reverberate, Verb, echo, resound, Reverent, Adjective, respectful, worshipful, Revere, verb reverence, noun, Reverie, Noun, daydream, musing, Revert, Verb, relapse, backslide, turn back to, Reversion, noun, Revile, Verb, attack with abusive language, vilify, Revoke, Verb, cancel, retract, revocation, noun, Revulsion, Noun, sudden violent change of feeling, negative reaction, Rhapsodize verb, to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner, Rhetoric, Noun, art of effective communication, insincere or grandiloquent language, rhetorical, adjective, Ribald, Adjective, wanton, profane, Ribaldry, noun, Riddle, Verb, pierce with holes, permeate or spread throughout, Rider, Noun, amendment or clause added to a legislative bill, Rife, Noun, opening, break, Rig, Verb, fix or manipulate, Rigid, Adjective, stiff and unyielding, strict, hard and unbending, Rigor, Noun, severity, Rile, Verb, vex, irritate, muddy, Riveting, Adjective, absorbing, engrossing,

Rivulet, Noun, small stream, Robust, Adjective, vigorous, strong, Rococo, Adjective, ornate, highly decorated, Roil, Verb, to make liquids murky by stirring up sediment, to disturb, Roseate, Adjective, rosy, optimistic, Roster, Noun, list, Rostrum, Noun, platform for speech-making, pulpit, Rote, Noun, repetition, also adjective, Rotunda, Noun, circular building or hall covered with a dome, Rotundity, Noun, roundness, sonorousness of speech, Rousing, Adjective, lively, stirring, Rout, Verb, stampede, drive out, also Noun, Rubble, Noun, fragments, Rubric, Noun, title or heading (in red print), directions for religious ceremony, protocol, Ruddy, Adjective, reddish, healthy-looking, Rudimentary, Adjective, not developed, elementary, crude, also noun rueful, adjective, Ruffian, Noun, bully, scoundrel, Ruminate, Verb, ransack, thoroughly search, also noun, Runic, Adjective, mysterious, set down in an ancient alphabet, Ruse, Noun, trick, stratagem, Rustic, Adjective, pertaining to country people, uncouth, Rusticate, verb, banish to the country, dwell in the country, Ruthless, Adjective, pitiless, cruel, Saboteur, Noun, one who commits sabotage, destroyer of property, Saccharine, Adjective, cloyingly sweet, Sacrilegious, Adjective, desecrating, profane, Sacrosanct, Adjective, most sacred, inviolable, Sadistic, Adjective, inclined to cruelty, Sadism, noun, Saga, Noun, Scandinavian myth, any legend,

Sagacious ,adjective, perceptive, shrewd, having insight, Sagacity, Noun, Saga, Noun, person celebrated for wisdom, also adjective, Salacious, Adjective, prominent, Saline, Adjective, salty, Sallow, Adjective, yellowish, sickly in color, Salutary, Adjective, tending to improve, beneficial, wholesome, Salvage, Verb, rescue from loss, also noun, Sanctimonious, Adjective, displaying ostentations or hypocritical devoutness, Sanction, Verb, approve, ratify, Sanctuary, Noun, refuge, shelter, shrine, holy place, Sanguinary, Adjective, bloody, Sanguine, Adjective, cheerful, hopeful, Sap, Verb, diminish, undermine, Sarcasm, Noun, scornful remark, stinging rebuke , Sarcastic,, adjective, disdainful, sarcastic, cynical, Sartorial, Adjective, pertaining to tailors, Sate, Verb, satisfy to the full, cloy, Satellite, Noun, small body revolving around a larger one, Satiate, Verb, satisfy fully, Satiety, noun, Satire, Noun, form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack vice and folly, Satirical ,adjective, mocking, Saturate, Verb, soak thoroughly, Saturnine, Adjective, gloomy, Satyr, Noun, half-human, half-bestial, Saunter, Verb, stroll slowly, Savant, Noun, scholar, Savor, Verb, enjoy, have a distinctive flavor, smell or quality, Savory, Adjective, tasty, pleasing, attractive, or agreeable,

Scabbard, Noun, case for a sword blade, sheath, Scads, Noun, a great quantity, Scaffold, Noun, temporary platform for workers, bracing framework, platform for execution, Scale, verb, climb up, ascend, Scanty, Adjective, meager, insufficient, Scapegoat, Noun, someone who bears the blame for others, Scavenge, Verb, hunt through discarded materials for usable items, search, especially for food, Scavenger, noun, Scenario, Noun, plot outline, screenplay, opera libretto, Schematic, Adjective, relating to an outline or diagram, using a system of symbols, schema, noun, Schism, Noun, division, split, Scintilla, Noun, shred, least bit, Scoff, Verb, mock, ridicule, Scotch, Verb, stamp out, thwart, hinder, Scourge, Noun, lash, whip, severe punishment, also verb, Scruple, Verb, fret about, hesitate, for ethical reasons, also noun, Scrupulous, Adjective, conscientious, extremely thorough, Scrutinize, Verb, examine closely and critically, Scuffle, verb, Struggle confusedly, move off in a confused hurry, Scurrilous, adjective obscene, indecent, Scurry, Verb, move briskly, Scurvy, Adjective, despicable, contemptible, Scuttle, Verb,, sink, Seamy, Adjective, sordid, unwholesome, Sear, Verb, char or burn, brand, Seasoned, Adjective, experienced, Secession, Noun, withdrawal, Secede, verb, Seclusion, Noun, isolation, solitude, Secrete, Verb, hideaway or cache, produce and release a substance into an organism,

Sect, noun, separate religious body, faction, sectarian, adjective, Secular, Adjective, worldly, not pertaining to church matters, temporal, Sedate, Adjective, composed, grave, Sedentary, adjective, requiring sitting, Sedition, Noun, resistance to authority, insubordination, Sedulous, Adjective, diligent, Sedulity, noun, Seedy, Adjective, run-down, decrepit, disreputable, Seemly, Adjective, proper, appropriate, Seep, Verb, ooze, trickle, Seepage, noun, Seethe, Verb, be disturbed, boil, Seine, Noun, net for catching fish, Seismic, Adjective, pertaining to earthquakes, Semblance, Noun, outward appearance, guise, Seminal, Adjective, germinal, influencing future developments, related to seed or semen, Seminary, Noun, school for training future ministers, secondary school, especially for young women, Senility, Noun, old age, feeblemindedness of old age, adjective, Sensitization, Noun, process of being made sensitive or acutely responsive to an external agent or substance, Sensual, Adjective, devoted to the pleasures of the senses, carnal, voluptuous, Sensuous, Adjective, pertaining to the physical senses, operating through the senses, Sententious, Adjective, terse, concise, aphoristic, Sentient, Adjective, capable of sensation, aware, sensitive, Sentience, noun, Sentinel, Noun, sentry, lookout, Septic, Adjective, putrid, producing putrefaction, Sepsis, noun, Sepulcher, Noun, tomb, Sequester, Verb, isolate, retire from public life, segregate, seclude, Sere, Adjective, parched, dry, Serendipity, Noun, gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident, accident, accidental good fortune or luck,

Serenity, Noun, calmness, placidity, Serpentine, Adjective, winding, twisting, Serrated, Adjective, having a saw-toothed edge, Servile, Adjective, slavish, cringing, Servility, noun, Servitude, Noun, slavery, compulsory labor, Sever, Verb, cut, separate, Severity, Noun, harshness, intensity, sternness, austerity, severe, adjective, Sextant, Noun, navigation tool used to determine a ships latitude and longitude, Shackle, Verb, chain, fetter, also noun, Sham, Verb, pretend, also noun, Shambles, Noun, wreck, mess, Shard, Noun, fragment, generally of pottery, Shaving, Noun, very thin piece, usually of wood, Sheaf, Noun, bundle of stalks of grain, any bundle of things tied together, Sheathe, Verb, place into a case, Sherbet, Noun, flavored dessert ice, Shimmer, Verb, glimmer intermittently, Also Noun, Shirk, Verb, avoid (responsibility, work, etc,), malinger, Shoddy, Adjective, Sham, not genuine, inferior Shrew, Noun, scolding woman, Shrewd, Adjective clever, astute, Shun, Verb, keep away from, Shunt, Verb, turn aside, divert, sidetrack, Shyster, Noun, lawyer using questionable methods, Sibling, Noun, brother or sister, Sibylline, Adjective, prophetic, oracular, Sidereal, Adjective, relating to the stars, Silt, Noun, sediment deposited by running water, Simian, Adjective, monkeylike,

Simile, Noun, comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as, Simper, Verb, smirk, smile affectedly, Simplistic, Adjective, oversimplified, Simulate, Verb, feign, Sinecure, Noun, well-paid position with little responsibility, Sinewy, Adjective, tough, strong and firm, Singular, Adjective, unique, extraordinary, odd, Sinister, Adjective, evil, Sinuous, Adjective, winding, bending in and out, not morally honest, Skeptic, Noun, doubter, person who suspends judgment until having examined the evidence supporting a point of view, Skeptical, Adjective skepticism, Noun, Skiff, Noun, small, light sailboat or rowboat, Skimp, Verb, provide scantily, live very economically, Skinflint, Noun, stingy person, miser, Skirmish, Noun, minor fight, Also Verb, Skittish, Adjective, lively, frisky, Skullduggery, Noun, dishonest behavior, Skulk, Verb, move furtively and secretly, Slacken, Verb, slow up, loosen, Slag, Noun, residue from smelting metal, dross, waste matter, Slake, Verb, quench, state, Slander, Noun, defamation, utterance of false and malicious statements, Also Verb slanderous, Adjective, Slapdash, Adjective, haphazard, careless, sloppy, Sleazy, Adjective,, Flimsy, unsubstantial, Sleeper, Noun, something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable, Sleight, Noun, dexterity, Slew, Noun, large quantity or number, Slight, Noun, insult to ones dignity, snub, Also Verb, Slipshod, Adjective, untidy or slovenly, shabby,

Slither, Verb, slip or slide, Sloth, Noun, slow-moving tree-dwelling mammal, Slothful, Adjective, lazy, Sloth, Noun, Slough, Verb, cast off, also Noun, Slovenly, Adjective, untidy, careless in work habits, solvent, Noun, Sluggard, Noun, lazy person, Sluggish, Adjective, slow, lazy, lethargic, Sluice, Noun, artificial channel of directing or controlling the flow of water, Slur, Noun, insult to one character or reputation, slander, also verb, Slur, Verb, speak indistinctly, mumble, Smattering, Noun, slight knowledge, Smelt, Verb, melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition, Smirk, Noun, conceited smile, also Verb, Smolder, Verb, burn without flame, be liable to break out at any moment, Snicker, Noun, half-stifled laugh, Also Verb, Snivel, Verb, run at the nose, snuffle, whine, Sobriety, Noun, Moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol), seriousness, Sober, Adjective, Sodden, Adjective, soaked, dull, as it from drink, Sojourn, Noun, temporary stay, Solace, Noun, comfort in trouble, Solder, Verb, repair or make whole by using a metal alloy, Solecism, Noun, construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically, Solemnity, Noun, seriousness, gravity, Solicit, Verb, request earnestly, seek, Solicitous, Adjective, worried, concerned, Solicitude, Noun, Soliloquy, Noun, talking to oneself, Solitude, Noun, state of being alone, seclusion, Solitary, Adjective, Solstice, Noun, point at which the sun in farthest from the equator,

Soluble, Adjective, able to be dissolved, able to be worked out, Solvent, Adjective, able to pay all debts, Solvency, Noun, Solvent, Noun, substance that dissolves another, Somatic, Adjective, pertaining to be body, physical, Somber, Adjective, gloomy, depressing, Somnambulist, Noun, sleepwalker, Somnolent, Adjective, half asleep, Somnolence, Noun, Sonorous, Adjective, resonant, Sophist, Noun, teacher of philosophy, quibbler, employer of fallacious reasoning, Sophisticate, Adjective, worldly wise and urbane, complex, Sophistication, Noun, Sophistry, Noun, seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning, Sophomoric, Adjective, immature, half-baked, like a sophomore, Soporific, Adjective, sleep-causing, marked by sleepiness, Also Noun, Sordid, Adjective, filthy, base, vile, Spangle, Noun, small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation, Sparse, Adjective, not thick, thinly scattered, scanty, Spartan, Adjective, lacking luxury and comfort, sternly disciplined, Spasmodic, Adjective, fitful, periodic, Spat, Noun, squabble, minor dispute, Spate, Noun, sudden flood, Spatial, Adjective, relating to space, Spatula, Noun, broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing, Spawn, Verb, lay eggs, also noun, Specious, Adjective, seemingly reasonable but incorrect, misleading (often intentionally), Spectral, Adjective, ghostly, Spectrum, Noun, colored band produced when a beam of light passes through a prism, spendthrift, Noun, someone who wastes money, Sphinx-like adjective, enigmatic, mysterious, Splice,, Verb, fasten together, unite,

Spontaneity, Noun, Lack of premeditation, naturalness, freedom from constraint, Spontaneous, Adjective, Spoonerism, Noun, accidental transposition of sounds in successive words, Sporadic, Adjective, occurring irregularly, Sportive, Adjective, playful, Spruce, Adjective, neat and trim, Also Verb, Spry, Adjective, vigorously active, nimble, Spurious, Adjective, false, counterfeit, forged, illogical, Spurn, Verb, reject, scorn, Squabble, Noun, minor quarrel, bickering, Squalor, Noun, filth, degradation, dirty, neglected state, Squalid Adjective, Squander, Verb, waste, Squat, Adjective, stocky, short and thick, Staccato, Adjective, played in an abrupt manner, marked by abrupt, sharp sound, Stagnant, Adjective, motionless, stale, dull, Stagnate, verb, Staid, Adjective, sober, sedate, Stalemate, Noun, deadlock, Stalwart, Adjective, strong, brawny, steadfast, also noun, Stamina, Noun, strength, staying power , Stanch, Verb, check flow of blood, Stanza, Noun, division of a poem, Static, Adjective, unchanging, lacking development, Stasis, noun, Statute, Noun, law enacted by the legislature, Statutory, Adjective, created by statute or legislative action, Steadfast, Adjective, loyal, unswerving, Stealth, noun, Slyness, sneakiness, secretiveness, Steep, verb, soak, saturate, Stellar, Adjective, pertaining to the stars, Stem, Verb, check the flow,

Stem, from verb arise from, Stentorian, Adjective, extremely loud, Stereotype, noun, fixed and unvarying representation, standardized mental picture, often reflecting prejudice, Also verb, Stickler, noun, perfectionist, person who insists things be exactly right, Stifle, verb, suppress, extinguish, inhibit, Stigma, noun, token of disgrace, brand, stigmatize, noun, Stilted, adjective, bombastic, stiffly pompous, Stint, verb, be thrifty, set limits, Stint noun, supply, allotted amount, assigned portion of work, Stipend, noun, pay for services, Stipple, verb, paint or draw with dots, Stipulate, verb, make express conditions, specify, Stock, adjective, typical, standard, kept regularly in supply, Stockade, noun, wooden enclosure or pen, fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier, Stodgy, adjective, stuffy, boringly conservative, Stoic, Adjective, impassive, unmoved by joy or grief, Also Noun, stoicism, Noun, Stoke, Verb, stir up a fire, feed plentifully, Stolid, Adjective, dull, impassive, Stolidity, Noun, Stratagem, Noun, clever trick, deceptive scheme, Stratified, Adjective, divided into classes, arranged into strata, stratify verb, Stratum, Noun, layer of earths surface, layer of society, Strata, Plural, Strew, Verb, spread randomly, sprinkle, scatter, Striated, Adjective, marked with parallel bands, grooved, Striate, Verb, Stricture, Noun, critical comments, severe and adverse criticism, Strident, Adjective, loud, and harsh, insistent, Stridency, Noun, Stringent, Adjective, binding, rigid, Strut, Noun, pompous walk, Also Verb, Strut, Noun, supporting bar,

Stultify, Verb, cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent, frustrate or hinder, Stupefy, Verb, make numb, stun, amaze, Stupor, Noun, state of apathy, daze, lack of awareness, Stygian, Adjective, gloomy, hellish, deathly shielding the flickering candle from any threatening draft, Stymie, Verb, present an obstacle, stump, Suavity, Noun, urbanity, polish, Suave, Adjective, Subaltern, Noun, subordinate, Subjective, Adjective, occurring or taking place within the mind, unreal, Subjugate, Verb, conquer, bring under control, Sublimate, Verb, refine, purify, Sublime, Adjective, exalted, noble and uplifting, utter, Subliminal, Adjective, below the threshold, Submissive, Adjective, yielding, timid, Subordinate, Adjective, occupying a lower rank, inferior, submissive, Also Noun, Suborn, Verb, persuade to act unlawfully (especially to commit perjury), Subpoena, Noun, writ summoning a witness to appear, Also Verb, Subsequent, Adjective, following later, Subservient, Adjective, behaving like a slave, servile, obsequious, Subservience, Noun, Subside, Verb, settle down, descend, grow quiet, Subsidiary, Adjective, subordinate, secondary, Also Noun, Subsidy, Noun, direct financial aid by government, etcetera, Subsistence, Noun, existence , means of support, livelihood, Substantial, Adjective, ample, solid, essential or fundamental, Substantiate, Verb, establish by evidence, verify, support, Substantive, Adjective, essential, pertaining to the substance, Subsume, Verb, include, encompass, Subterfuge, Noun, pretense, evasion, Subtlety, Noun, perceptiveness, ingenuity, delicacy, Subtle, Adjective, Subversive, Adjective, tending to overthrow, destructive,

Succinct, Adjective, brief, terse, compact, Succor, Verb, aid, assist, comfort, Also Noun, Succulent, Adjective, juicy, full of richness, Also Noun, Succumb, Verb, yield, Give in, die, Suffragist, Noun, advocate of voting rights (for women), Suffuse, Verb, spread over, Sully, Verb, tarnish, soil, Sultry, Adjective, sweltering, Summation, Noun, act of finding the total, summary, Sumptuous, Adjective, lavish, rich, Sunder, Verb, separate, part, Sundry, Adjective, various, several, Superannuated, Adjective, retired or disqualified because of age, Supercilious, Adjective, arrogant, condescending, patronizing, Supererogatory, Adjective, superfluous, more than needed or demanded, Superficial, Adjective, trivial, shallow, Superfluous, Adjective, excessive, overabundant, unnecessary, superfluity, Noun, Superimpose, Verb, place over something else, Supernumerary, Noun, person or thing in excess of what is necessary, extra, Supersede, Verb, cause to be set aside, replace, make obsolete, Supersession, Noun, Supine, Adjective, lying on back, Supplant, Verb, replace, usurp, Supple, Adjective, flexible, pliant, Suppliant, Adjective, entreating, beseeching, Also Noun, Supplicate, Verb, petition humbly, pray to grant a favor, Supposition, Noun, hypothesis, surmise, Suppose, Verb, Supposititious, Adjective, assumed, counterfeit, hypothetical, Suppress, Verb, stifle, overwhelm, subdue, inhibit, Too polite to laugh in anyones face, Surfeit, Verb, satiate, stuff, indulge to excess in anything, Also Noun,

Surly, Adjective, rude, cross, Surmise, Verb, guess, also Noun, Surmount, Verb, overcome, Surpass, Verb, exceed, Surreptitious, Adjective, secret, furtive, sneaky, hidden, Surrogate, Noun, Substitute, Surveillance, Noun, watching, guarding, Susceptible, Adjective, impressionable, easily influence, having little resistance, as to a disease, receptive to, Susceptibility, Noun, Sustain, Verb, experience, support, nourish, Sustenance, Noun, means of support, food, nourishment, Suture, Noun, stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of wound or incision, material used in sewing, Also Verb, Swarthy, Adjective, dark, dusky despite the stereotype, Swathe, Verb, wrap around, bandage, Swelter, Verb, be oppressed by heat, Swerve, Verb, deviate, turn aside sharply, Swill, Verb, drink greedily, Swindler, Noun, cheat, Sybarite, Noun, lover of luxury, Sycophant, Noun, servile flatterer, bootlicker, yes man, sycophantic, Adjective, Syllogism, Noun, logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion, deceptive or specious argument, Sylvan, Adjective, pertaining to the woods, rustic, Symbiosis, Noun, interdependent relationship (between groups, species), often mutually beneficial,, Symbiotic, Adjective, Symmetry, Noun, arrangement of part so that balance is obtained, congruity, Symmetrical, Adjective, Synchronous, Adjective, similarly timed simultaneous with, Synoptic, Adjective, providing a general overview, summary, Synopsis, Noun, Synthesis, Noun, combining parts into a whole, syntheses, Plural,, synthesize, Verb,

Synthetic, Adjective, artificial, resulting from synthesis, Also Noun, Tacit, Adjective, understood, not put into words, Taciturn, Adjective,, habitually silent, talking little, Tactile, Adjective, pertaining to the organs or sense of touch, Taint, Verb, Contaminate, cause to lose purity, modify with a trace of something bad, Also Noun, Talisman, Noun, charm, Talon, Noun, claw of bird,, Tangential, Adjective, peripheral, only slightly connected, digressing, Tangible, Adjective, able to be touched, real, palpable, Tanner, Noun, person who turns animal hides into leather, Tantalize, Verb, tease, torture with disappointment, Tantamount, Adjective, Equivalent in effect or value,, Tantrum, Noun, fit of petulance, caprice, Taper, Noun, candle, Tarantula, Noun, venomous spider, Tarry, Verb delay, dawdle, Tatty, Adjective, worn and shabby, bedraggled, taut, Adjective, tight, ready, Tautological, Adjective, needlessly repetitious, Tautology, Noun, Tawdry, Adjective, cheap and gaudy, Taxonomist, Noun, specialist in classifying (animals, etc,), Tedium, Noun, boredom, weariness, Tedious, Adjective, Teetotalism, Noun, practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks, teetotaler, Noun, Temerity, Noun, boldness, rashness, Temper, Verb, moderate, tone down or restrain, toughen (steel), Temperament, Noun, characteristic frame of mind, disposition, emotional excess, Temperate, Adjective, restrained, self-controlled, moderate in respect to temperature, Tempestuous, Adjective, stormy, impassioned, violent, Tempo, Noun, speed of music,

Temporal, Adjective, not lasting forever, limited by time, secular, Temporize, Verb, act evasively to gain time, avoid committing oneself, Tenacious, Adjective, holding fast, Tenacity, Noun, firmness, persistence, Tendentious, Adjective, having an aim, designed to further a cause, Tender, Verb, offer, extend, Tenet, Noun, doctrine, dogma, Tensile, Adjective, capable of being stretched, Tentative, Adjective, hesitant, not fully worked out or developed, experimental, not definite or positive, Tenuous, Adjective, thin, rare, slim, Tenure, Noun, holding of an office, time during which such an office is held, Tepid, Adjective, lukewarm, Termination, Noun, end, Terminate, Verb, Terminology, Noun, terms used in a science or art, Terminus, Noun, Terrestrial, Adjective, on or relating to the earth, Terse, Adjective, concise, abrupt, pithy, Tertiary, Adjective, third, Tessellated, Adjective, inlaid, mosaic, Testator, Noun, maker of a will,, Testy, Adjective, irritable, short-tempered, Testiness, Noun, Tether, Verb, tie with a rope, Thematic, Adjective, relating to a unifying motif or idea, Theocracy, Noun, government run by religious leaders, Theoretical, Adjective, not practical or applied, hypothetical, Therapeutic, Adjective, curative, Thermal, Adjective, pertaining to heat, Thespian, Adjective, pertaining to drama, Also noun,

Thrall, Noun, slave, bondage, Threadbare, Adjective, worn through till the threads show, Thrifty, Adjective, careful about money, economical, Thrive, Verb, prosper, flourish,, Throes, Noun, violent anguish, Throng, Noun, Crowd, Also Verb, Throttle, Verb, strangle, Thwart, Verb, baffle, frustrate, Tightwad, Noun, excessively frugal person, miser, Tiller, Noun, handle used to move boats rudder (to steer), Timbre, Noun, quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument, Timidity, Noun, lack of self-confidence of courage, Timorous, Adjective fearful, demonstrating fear, Tipple, Verb, drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently, Noun, Tirade, Noun, extended scolding, denunciation, harangues, Titanic, Adjective, gigantic, Titan, Noun, Tithe, Noun, tax of one-length, Also verb Titillate, Verb, tickle, Title, Noun, right or claim to possession, mark of rank, name (of a book, film, etc,), Titter, Noun, nervous laugh, also Verb, Titular, Adjective, having the title of an office without the obligations, Toady, Noun, servile flatterer, yes man, Also verb, Toga, Noun, Roman outer robe, Tome, Noun, large volume, Tonsure, Noun, shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious order, Topography, Noun, physical features of a region, Torpor, Noun, lethargy, sluggishnesss dormancy, Torpid,, Adjective, Torque, Noun, twisting force, force producing rotation, Torrent, Noun, rushing stream, flood, Torrential, Adjective,

Torrid, Adjective, passionate, hot or scorching, Torso, Noun, trunk of status with head and limbs missing, human trunk, Tortuous, Adjective, winding, full of curves, Totter, Verb, more unsteadily, sway, as if about to fall, Touchstone, Noun, stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys, criterion, Touchy, Adjective, sensitive, irascible, Tout, Verb, publicize, praise excessively, Toxic, Adjective, poisonous, Toxicity, Noun, Tract, Noun, pamphlet, a region of indefinite size, Tractable, Adjective, docile, easily managed, Tractability, Noun, Traduce, Verb, expose to slander, Trajectory, Noun, path taken by a projectile, Tranquility, Noun, calmness, peace, Transcendent, Adjective, surpassing, exceeding ordinary limits, superior, Transcend, verb, transcendency, Noun, Transcribe, Verb, copy, Transcription, Noun, Transfigure, Verb, transform outwardly, usually for the better, change in form of aspect, Transgression, Noun, violation of a law, sin, Transient, Adjective, momentary, temporary, staying for a short time, Also Noun, Transition, Noun, going from one state of action to another, Transitory, Adjective, impermanent, fleeting, Transitoriness, Noun, Translucent, Adjective, partly transparent, Transmute, Verb, change, convert to something different, Transparent, Adjective, easily detected, permitting light to pass through freely, Transparency, Noun, Transpire, Verb, be revealed, happen, Transport, Noun, strong emotion, Also Verb, Trappings, Noun, outward decorations, ornaments, Traumatic, Adjective, pertaining to an injury caused by violence, Trauma, Noun, Travail, Noun, painful physical or mental labor, drudgery, torment,

Traverse, verb, go through or across, Travesty, Noun, harshly distorted imitation, parody, debased likeness, Treatise, Noun, article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly, Trek, Noun, travel, journey, Also Verb, Tremor, Noun, trembling, slight quiver, Tremulous, Adjective, trembling, wagering, Trenchant, Adjective, forceful and vigorous, cutting, Trepidation, Noun, fear, nervous apprehension, Tribulation, Noun, distress, suffering, Tribunal, Noun, court of justice, Tribute, Noun, tax levied by a ruler, mark of respect, Trident, Noun, three-pronged spear, Trifling, Adjective, trivial, unimportant, trifle, Noun, Trigger, Verb, set off, Trilogy, Noun, group of three works, Trinket, Noun, knickknack, bauble, Trite, Adjective, hackneyed, commonplace, Trivia, Noun, trifles,, unimportant matters, Troth, Noun, pledge of good faith especially in betrothal, Trough, Noun, container for feeding farm animals, lowest point (of a wave, business cycle, etc,), Truculence, Noun, aggressiveness, ferocity, Truculent, Adjective , Truism, Noun, self-evident truth, Truncate, Verb, cut the top off, Tryst, Noun, meeting, Also Verb, Tumid, Adjective, swollen, pompous, bombastic, Tumult, Noun, commotion, riot, noise, Tundra, Noun, rolling, treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America, Turbid, Adjective, muddy, having the sediment disturbed, Turbulence, Noun, state of violent agitation,

Tureen, Noun, deep dish for serving soup, Turgid, Adjective, swollen, distended, Turmoil, Noun, great commotion and confusion, Turncoat, Noun, traitor, Turpitude, Noun, depravity, Tutelage, Noun, guardianship, training, Tutelary, Adjective, protective, pertaining to a guardianship, Tycoon, Noun, wealthy leader, Typhoon, Noun, tropical hurricane or cyclone, Tyranny, Noun, oppression, cruel government, Tyro, Noun, beginner, novice, Ubiquitous, Adjective, being everywhere, omnipresent, Ubiquity, Noun, Ulterior, Adjective, situated beyond, unstated and often questionable, Ultimate, Adjective, final, not susceptible to further analysis, Ultimatum, Noun, last demand, warning, Umbrage, Noun, resentment, anger, sense of injury or insult, Unaccountable, Adjective, inexplicable, unreasonable or mysterious, Unanimity, Noun, complete agreement, Unanimous, Adjective, Unassailable, Adjective, not subject to question, not open to attack, Unassuaged, Adjective, unsatisfied, not soothed, Unassuming, Adjective, modest, Unbridled, Adjective, violent, Uncanny, Adjective, strange, mysterious, Unconscionable, Adjective, unscrupulous, excessive, Uncouth, Adjective, outlandish, clumsy, boorish, Unction, Noun, the act of anointing with oil, Unctuous, Adjective, oily, bland, insincerely suave, Underlying, Adjective, fundamental, lying below,, Undermine, Verb, weaken, sap,

Underscore, Verb, emphasize,, Undulating, Adjective, moving with a wavelike motion, Unearth, Verb, dig up, When they unearthed the city, Unearthly, Adjective, not earthly, weird, Unequivocal, Adjective, plain, obvious, Unerringly, Adjective, infallibly, Unexceptionable, Adjective, not offering any basis for criticism, entirely acceptable, Unfaltering, Adjective, steadfast, Unfeigned, Adjective, genuine, Unfettered, Adjective, liberated, freed from chains, Unfetter, Verb, Unfledged, Adjective, immature, Unfrock, Verb, to strip a priest or minister of church authority, Ungainly, Adjective, awkward, clumsy, unwieldy, Unguent, Noun, Ointment Uniformity, Noun, sameness, monotony, Uniform, Adjective, Unilateral, Adjective, one-sided, Unimpeachable, Adjective, blameless and exemplary, Uninhibited, Adjective, unrepressed, Unintimidating, Adjective, unfrightening, Unique, Adjective, without an equal, single in kind, Unison, Noun, unity of pitch, complete accord, Universal, Adjective characterizing or affecting all, present everywhere, Unkempt, Adjective, disheveled, uncared for a in appearance, Unmitigated, Adjective, unrelieved or immoderate, absolute, Unobtrusive, Adjective, inconspicuous, not blatant, Unpalatable, Adjective, distasteful, disagreeable, Unprecedented, Adjective, novel, unparalleled, Unprepossessing, Adjective, Unattractive, Unravel, Verb, disentangle, solve,

Unrequited, Adjective, not reciprocated, Unruly, Adjective, disobedient, lawless, Unsavory, Adjective, distasteful, morally offensive, Unscathed, Adjective, unharmed, Unseemly, Adjective, unbecoming, indecent, in poor taste, Unsightly, Adjective, ugly, Unsullied, Adjective, untarnished, Untenable, Adjective, indefensible, not able to be maintained, Untoward, Adjective, unfortunate or unlucky, adverse, unexpected, Untrammeled, Adjective, without limits or restrictions, unrestrained, Unwarranted, Adjective, unjustified groundless, undeserved, Unwieldy, Adjective, awkward, cumbersome, Unwitting, Adjective, unintentional, not knowing, Unwonted, Adjective, unaccustomed,, Upbraid, Verb, severely scold, reprimand, Uproarious, Adjective, marked by commotion, extremely funny, very noisy, Upshot, Noun, outcome, Urbane, Adjective, suave, refined, elegant,, Noun, Urchin, Noun, mischievous child (usually a boy), Ursine, Adjective, bearlike, pertaining to a bear, Usurp, Verb, seize anothers power or rank, Usurpation, Noun, Usury, Noun, lending money at illegal rates of interest, Utopia, Noun, ideal place, state, or society, Utopian, Adjective, Uxorious, Adjective, excessively devoted to ones wife, Vacillate, Verb, waver, fluctuate, vacillation, Noun, Vacuous, Adjective, empty, lacking in ideas, stupid, Vacuity, noun, Vagabond, Noun, wanderer, tramp, Also adjective, Vagary, Noun, caprice, whim, Vagrant, Adjective, random,

Vagrant, Noun, homeless wanderer, Vagrancy, Noun, Vainglorious, Adjective, boastful, excessively conceited, Valedictory, Adjective, pertaining to farewell, Also Noun, Valid, Adjective, logically convincing, sound, legally acceptable, Validate, Verb, confirm, ratify, Valor, Noun, bravery, Vampire, Noun, ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living, Vanguard, Noun, forerunners, advance forces, Vantage, Noun, position giving an advantage, Vapid, Adjective, dull and unimaginative, Insipid and flavorless, Vaporize, Verb, turn into vapor steam, gas, Fog, etcetera,), Variegated, Adjective, many-colored, Vassal, Noun, in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord, Vaunted, Adjective, boasted, bragged, highly publicized, Veer, Verb, change in direction, Vegetate, Verb, live in a monotonous way, Vehement, Adjective, forceful, intensely emotional, with marked vigor, Vehemence, Noun, Velocity, Noun, speed, Venal, Adjective, capable of being bribed, Vendetta, Noun, blood feud, Vendor, Noun, seller, Veneer, Noun, thin Layer, cover,

Venerable, Adjective, deserving high respect, Venerate, Verb, revere, Venial, Adjective, forgivable, trivial, Venison, Noun, the meat of a deer, Venom, Noun, poison, hatred, Vent, Noun, small opening, outlet,

Vent, Verb, express, utter, Ventral, Verb, abdominal, Ventriloquist, Noun, someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from another person or thing, Venture, Verb, risk, dare, undertake a risk, Also Noun, Venturesome, Adjective, bold, Venue, Noun, location, Veracious, Adjective, Truthful, Veracity, Noun, Veracity, Noun, Truthfulness, Veracious, Adjective, Verbalize, Verb, put into words, Verbatim, Adjective, word for word, also Adjective, Verbiage, Noun, pompous array of words, Verbose, Adjective, Wordy, Verbosity, Noun, Verdant, Adjective, green, lush in vegetation, Verdigris, Noun, green lush in vegetation, Verdigris, Noun, green coating on copper that has been exposed to the weather, Verge, Noun, border, edge, also Verb, Verisimilar, Adjective, probable or likely, having the appearance of truth, Verisimilitude, Noun, appearance of truth, likelihood, Veritable, Adjective, actual, being truly so, not false or imaginary, Verity, Noun, quality of being true, lasting truth or principle, Vernacular, Noun, living language, natural style, also adjective, Vernal, Adjective, pertaining to spring, Versatile, Adjective, having many talents, capable of working in many fields, versatility, noun, Vertex, Noun, summit, Vertices, plural, Vertigo, Noun, severe dizziness, Verve, noun, enthusiasm, liveliness, Vestige, Noun, trace, remains, Vex, noun, annoy, distress,

Viable, Adjective, practical or workable, capable of maintaining life, Viand, noun, food, Vicarious, Adjective, acting as a substitute, done by a deputy, Vicissitude, noun, change of fortune, Victuals, Noun, food, Vie, verb, contend, compete, Vigilant, Adjective, watchfully awake, alert to spot danger, Vigilance, noun, Vigor, Noun, active strength, Vigorous, adjective, Vignette, Noun, picture, short literary sketch, Vilify, verb, Slander, Vilification, noun, Vindicate, Verb, clear from blame, exonerate, justify or support, Vindictive, adjective, out for revenge, malicious, Vintner, Noun, winemaker, seller of wine,, Viper, noun, poisonous snake, Virile, Adjective, manly, Virtual, adjective, in essence, for practical purposes, Virtue, noun, goodness, moral excellence, good quality, Virtuoso, Noun, highly skilled artist, Virtuosity, noun, Virulent, Adjective, extremely poisonous, hostile, bitter, Virulence, noun, Virus, noun, disease communicator, Visage, noun, face, appearance, Visceral, Adjective, felt in ones inner organs, Viscid, adjective, adhesive, gluey, Viscous, Adjective, sticky, gluey, Viscosity, noun, Vise, Noun, tool for holding work in place, Visionary, adjective, produced by imagination, fanciful, mystical, also noun, Vital, Adjective, vibrant and lively, critical, living, breathing, Vitiate, verb, spoil the effect of, make inoperative Fraud will vitiate the contract, Vitreous, Adjective, pertaining to or resembling glass,

Vitriolic, adjective, corrosive, sarcastic, Vituperative, Adjective, abusive, scolding, Vivacious, adjective, lively or animated, sprightly, Vivisection, Noun, act of dissecting living animals, Vixen, noun, Female fox, ill-tempered woman, Vociferous, Adjective, clamorous, noisy, Vogue, noun, popular fashion, Volatile, Adjective, changeable, explosive, evaporating rapidly, Volatility, noun, Volition, Noun, act of making a conscious choice, Voluble, adjective, fluent, glib, talkative, Volubility, noun, Voluminous, adjective, bulky, large, Voracious, Adjective, ravenous, Vortex, noun, whirlwind, whirlpool, center of turbulence, predicament into which one is inexorably plunged, Vouchsafe, Verb, grant condescendingly, guarantee, Voyeur, noun, Peeping Tom, Vulnerable, Adjective, susceptible to wounds, vulnerability, noun, Vulpine, Adjective, like a fox, crafty, Waffle, Verb, speak equivocally about an issue, Waft, verb, moved gently by wind or waves, Waggish, Adjective, mischievous, humorous, tricky, Wag, noun, Waif, Noun, homeless child or animal, Waive, verb, give up temporarily, yield, Wake, Noun, trail of ship or other object through water, path of something that has gone before, Wallow, verb, roll in, indulge in, become helpless, Wan, Adjective, having a pale or sickly color, pallid, Wanderlust, Noun, strong longing to travel, Wane, Verb, decrease in size or strength, draw gradually to an end, Wangle, Verb, wiggle out, fake,

Wanton, Adjective, unrestrained, willfully malicious unchaste, Warble, verb, sing, babble, also noun, Warranted, Adjective, justified, authorized, Warranty, noun, guarantee, assurance by seller, Warren, Noun, tunnels in which rabbits live, crowded conditions in which people live, Wary, Adjective, very cautious, Wastrel, Noun, profligate, Wax, verb, increase, grow, Waylay, Verb, ambush, lie in wait, Wean, verb, accustom a baby not to nurse, give up a cherished activity, Weather, Verb, endure the effects of weather or other forces, Welt, noun, mark from a beating or whipping, Welter, Noun, turmoil, bewildering jumble, Welter, verb, wallow, Wheedle, Verb, cajole, coax, deceive by flattery, Whelp, noun, young wolf, dog, tiger, etcetera, Whet, Verb, sharpen, stimulate, Whiff, noun, puff or gust (of air, scent, etc,), hint, Whimsical, Noun, capricious, fanciful, whimsy, noun, Whinny, verb, neigh like a horse, Whit, noun, smallest speck, Whittle, Verb, pare, cut off bits, Whorl, noun, ring of leaves around stem, ring, Willful, Adjective, international, headstrong, Wily, adjective, cunning, artful, Wince, Verb, shrink back, flinch, Windfall, noun, fallen fruit, unexpected lucky event, Winnow, Verb, sift, separate good parts from bad, Winsome, Adjective, agreeable, gracious, engaging,

Wispy, adjective, thin, slight, barely discernible, Wistful, Adjective, vaguely longing, sadly pensive, Withdrawn, Adjective, introverted, remote, Wither, verb, shrivel, decay, Withhold, Verb, refuse to give, hold back, Withstand, verb, stand up against, successfully resist, Witless, Adjective, foolish, idiotic, Witticism, noun, witty saying, wisecrack, Wizardry, Noun, sorcery, magic, Wizened, adjective, withered, shriveled, Woe, noun, deep, inconsolable grief, affliction, suffering Pale and wan with grief, Wont, Noun, custom, habitual procedure, Worldly, Adjective, engrossed in matters of this earth, not spiritual, Wrangle, verb, quarrel, obtain through arguing, herd cattle, Wrath, Noun, anger, fury, Wreak, Verb, Inflict, Wrench, Verb, Pull, Strain, twist, Wrest, Verb, pull, strain, twist, Writ, noun, written command issued by a court, Writhe, Verb, twist in coils, control in pain, Wry, adjective, twisted, with a humorous twist, Xenophobia, Noun, fear or hatred of foreigners, Yen, noun, longing, urge, Yeoman, Noun, man owning small estate, middle-class farmer, Yield, noun, amount produced, crop income on investment, also verb, Yield, Verb, give in, surrender, Yoke, verb, join together, unite, also noun, Yokel, Noun, country bumpkin, Yore, Noun, time past,

Zany, Adjective, crazy, comic, Zeal, noun, eager enthusiasm,, zealous, adjective, Zealot ,noun, fanatic, person who shows excessive zeal, Zenith, noun, point directly overhead in the sky, summit, Zephyr, Noun, gentle breeze, west wind,


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