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The fronl hondle doubles os o deplh conlrol knob

wilh o cul deplh up lo ?// l3.5 mmI.
Fquipped wilh sofl-slorl for no-|oll slorls, ond conslonl speed
under lood, for consislenl culling speed ond smoolh resulls.
Wilh lhe oddilion of o bench unil slond ond ongle slop, lhe
HL 85O becomes o slolionory |oinler for working edges.
Fffcienl chip exlroclion wilh lefl or righl side
mounling. For besl performonce use wilh Feslool 0T
22 or 0T 33 dusl exlroclors ond lhe D3 hose.
Loosen 3 screws, reploce lhe blode, lighlen lhe screws
bock up ond you ore done. The blode is self-oligning.
Mokes deplh selling o slreomlined one-hond
operolion so you con eosily od|usl your deplh sellings
lo molch lhe resislonce of lhe moleriol.
Spirol, melol corbide,
cullerheod design wilh
reploceoble culling
knife for o smoolh,
choller-free cul.
For differenl
effecls from
dislressed lo
lexlured effecls.
The ploner heod
ollows you lo work
righl up lo lhe edge.
Using on eleclric ploner righl up lo lhe edge or on robbels oflen produces unsolisfoclory resulls, os lhe mochine leoves
o lip lhol hos lo be removed by hond-unless you hove lhe Feslool HL 85O ploner. The HL 85O lels you cul fush lo on
od|ocenl surfoce becouse il con plone ocross lhe enlire widlh of lhe robbel. Becouse lhe ploner heod is mounled lo one
side, il sils fush wilh lhe opposile side of lhe ploner housing. The relrocloble side guord mokes ploning sofer, ond il
swings up ond lo lhe side os lhe robbel deplh increoses. Ploning up lo lhe edge in deep robbels is no longer o problem.
Loosen lhree screws, reploce lhe blode, lighlen lhe screws
bock up ond you ore done. The blode is self-oligning.
Fosier on lhe eors for less user foligue, due lo lhe single
knife cullerheod lhol slices lhe wood wilh o sheor cul.
The fronl rolory knob ocls os o deplh conlrol
wilh o cul deplh up lo 5/32 l/.O mmI.
The dusl exlroclor con be used on lhe lefl or
righl side, depending on your working posilion,
so lhol il does nol gel in lhe woy.
ll only 5.3 lbs l2./ kgI, one-honded use is mode
eosier for verlicol usoge ond greoler conlrol.
Wilh o ploning widlh of 2-?/1 l5 mmI, lhe FHL 5
is perfeclly suiled for ploning ond scribing edges.
Precise deplh conlrol
on lhe fy up lo
5/32 l/.O mmI.
Spirol cullerheod design
wilh reploceoble culling
knife for o smoolh,
choller-free cul.
Frgonomic hondle
ond posilion for one-
honded conlrol.
So mony lrimming ond ploning losks require working in owkword ond somelimes diffcull lo reoch oreos. Being oble lo conlrol
lhe ploner wilh one hond ollows eosy occess for chollenging culs, while leoving one hond free lo help secure lhe moleriol.
Nol only does lhe FHL 5 ollow for one honded usoge, il olso produces cleon ond smoolh sheor culs. The spirol single knife
cullerheod culs quickly, quielly, ond cleonly for less re-work ond greol resulls. 0onvenienlly orronge lhe dusl colleclion porl
lo eilher side of lhe mochine for oplimum exlroclion. l is o simple ond slroighlforword mochine lhol performs like no olher.
112 www.[ 113
FbWd[hir<[Wjkh[i FbWd[hir<[Wjkh[i
0reole exolic lexlures ond odd chorocler lo o piece wilh ruslic
ploning heods. Fine ond coorse wovy lexlures ond o scolloped
effecl lo mimic o hond-hewn oppeoronce ore possible wilh one
mochine. Fxlend lhe ulilily of lhe HL 85O ploner by converling il
inlo o bench |oinler for lrimming ond shoping smoll pieces.
Model nome ;>B,+; >B.+&;
lem +-*+*) +-*+)/
Porollel slop

Slondord ploner heod

Solid corbide slondord blode

Robbel deplh guide

Sysloiner SYS 2 SYS 3
Power consumplion
72O wolls /
omp 12O v l0
85O wolls /
7 omp 12O v l0
Drive shofl speed 15,OO rpm 1O,OOO rpm
0ulling deplh O - 5/32 lO - /.O mmI O - ?//" lO - 3.5 mmI
Robbeling deplh unlimiled
Heod widlh 2-?/1 l5 mmI 3-15//" l82 mmI
Noise level ol idle 7 dB llI 7? dB llI
Weighl 5.3 lbs l2./ KgI 8. lbs l3.? kgI
Price )/&$&& */&$&&
lMelric dimensions bindingI

3 /
;>B,+; >B.+&;
No. Descriplion/lpplicolion lem Price lem Price
Wilh solid corbide spirol blode HM 82 SD.
*.*+(& $12.OO
Wilh HSS spirol blode HS 82 RF.
*.*+(' $1//.OO
Wilh HSS spirol blode HS 82 R0.
*.*+(( $1//.OO
Wilh HSS spirol blode HS 82 RW.
*.+))' $1//.OO
For slondord, smoolh heod.
*..+&) $2/.OO *.*+'+ $3O.OO

For ruslic, fne heod.
*.*+'. $32.5O
For ruslic, coorse heod.
*.*+'/ $32.5O
For ruslic, unduloling.
*.+))( $33.5O
For mounled edge |oinling ond robbels. Pivoling
proleclive cover, non-skid bose, deplh-selling
ring, locking on/off swilch. Does nol include
ploner or ongle slop. For o complele unil,
lhe ongle slop unil l/85 O18I is required.
*.+&'- $?3.5O
For securing bench unil lo your MFT or workbench.
0lomping widlh /-1//" l12O mmI. l2 piecesI
*./+-& $35.OO
Lorge fence for secure ond precise
ploning ol ongles of O - /5.Slop
oreo 13-3//" x 3" l35O x 75 mmI.
*.+&'. $?O.5O
Nole. Sel lhe culling deplh lo no greoler lhon zero.
Festool Fact: The spiral
cutter of both the HL 850
and EHL 65 approaches the
material with a slicing action, just
like when using a hand plane at a
skewed angle. This reduces the
chatter marks that can happen
when the whole knife hits the
material at the same time.
11/ www.[ 115
FbWd[hir7YY[iieh_[i FbWd[hirIf[Y_YWj_edi
lnlislolic versions ore only effeclive when used wilh onlislolic design lFeslool`s 0T seriesI dusl exlroclors.
;>B,+; >B.+&;
No. Descriplion/lpplicolion lem Price lem Price
FWhWbb[bijef lreplocemenlI
For side guidonce, od|usloble from
O - 3-15// lO - 82 mmI.
*..+** $18.OO *.*+') $1?.5O
13 HWXX[jZ[fj^ijeflreplocemenlI
For robbel deplhs of O - 2?/32 lO - 23 mmI. *..+*) $11.OO
For robbel deplhs of O - 1-3/1 lO - 3O mmI. *.*+'( $12.OO
0on be used on eilher side of lhe lool,
eliminoling chips so you con focus more
on your work ond less on cleonup.
*..+,, $/5.OO *.*+&/ $53.OO
lreplocemenlI lnol shownI
Removoble dusl porl odopler for chip
collecling bog ond connecls lo 0T hose.
Suclion hose D3 recommended, lem
No. /52 882 or /52 881 lnol includedI.
*.*+&- $1/.OO
For sloring, prolecling, ond lronsporling occessory
ploning heods ond replocemenl blodes wilh
removoble cubes lo conform lo differenl shopes.
*.-*.+ $7O.5O

Wilh rololing conneclor ond reducing sleeve. 3 mm hose is recommended

wilh lhe HL 85O F. 27 mm hose is recommended wilh FHL 5 F.
1-1/1 x 11.5` l27 mm x 3.5 mI lS *+(.-. $?3.5O
1-1/1 x 1.5` l27 mm x 5 mI lS *+(..& $125.OO
1-7/1" x 11.5' l3 mm x 3.5 mI lS *+(..( $128.OO
1-7/1" x 1.5' l3 mm x 5 mI lS *+(..* $151.OO
1-7/1" x 23' l3 mm x 7 mI lS *+(.., $1?1.OO
Festool Fact: When using the rustic effect planer
heads on the HL 850, the depth setting should be
set to the 0 position in the front depth indicator window.
Rustic effect planer heads now include a special depth stop
to ensure the correct depth setting. The depth stop attaches
to the side of the planer where the rabbet depth stop is
mounted. It also prevents the planer from removing too
much material when creating textured rustic effects.
Festool Tip: When creating rustic architectural effects
with the HL 850 and rustic heads, you may consider
overlapping the cuts to create wavy and intersecting lines to
mimic rough sawn material and to create the desired textured
effect. After creating the desired effect, one way to smooth out
any tearout and to create an aged and weathered look, is to use
the Rotex sander in the aggressive gear-driven mode. This will
soften the effect and round off any lines or high spots.
The unique design of lhe Feslool ploner ollows you lo creole perfeclly
smoolh surfoces os well os dislressed or rough-hewn effecls. Simply
reploce lhe slondord ploner heod wilh o ruslic heod. This offers
mony woys of decoroling surfoces wilh differenl lexlures.
11 www.[ 117
FbWd[hir7YY[iieh_[i FbWd[hir7YY[iieh_[i

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