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System Analysis and Design

(Computerized Library System)

Chris Benedict Limon

System Analysis and Design

Problem Statement:
Now a days there are few students going to library to read books because of finding the books harder. Instead of going to library they are searching in the Internet. In Don Bosco College Canlubang you may notice that majority of the student going to the library to find information is by using computer instead of finding it in books. The problem is for example if you need a book emergency you find the book manually in the bookshelves of the library. And it also gives a librarian an extra work for example in borrowing and returning book it gives a librarian extra work.

Current Set-up of the System:

The Library System here in Don Bosco College Canlubang is the student find the book he/she wants to read or borrowed in the Library. If you borrowed a book they will enter the date you borrowed it and it will have a deadline in returning it. If you did not return the book in the deadline you will have to pay the penalty of the overdays that you did not return the book.

System Analysis and Design

Proposed Set-up of the System:

My proposed system is a Computerized Library System. The computerized Library System helps to minimize the work of the librarian. It helps the people in easily find books and it also monitors the return and borrowed books. For example if the student is emergency need a book the student may search in the computer the title of the book and the computer will give to the student the place of the book. If you borrowed the book the computer will record the date and time when you borrowed the book and you may return it in the deadline of the book.

Logical Flow of Current System:

Book User

Search book

Library System

Searching book


The book is searched

System Analysis and Design

Context diagram of Proposed System:

Book User


Searching book

Computeri zed Library System

Finding book

The book is searched

Transmitting Information


Level 0 diagram of Proposed System:



Update Computeri Search Borrowed Data zed and of the the book Books Place of Library Report SearchiTransmitting the Place Place of Transmitting the books Transmitting data report Return Borrowed and Formatted borrowed Finding Formatted bookbook Borrowed and System borrowed Searching book file of the book The and return Book return book the book and return book data book is ng return file

1.0 4.0

2.0 D2

Book User

Library Computer

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