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Geoderma 124 (2005) 63 – 71

Urban soil pollution in Damascus, Syria: concentrations and

patterns of heavy metals in the soils
of the Damascus Ghouta
A. Möller a,*, H.W. Müller a, A. Abdullah b, G. Abdelgawad b, J. Utermann a
Division of Land use, Protection and Analysis of Soils, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR),
Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover, Germany
Division of Soil Science, The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD), Damascus, Syria
Received 8 April 2003; received in revised form 9 February 2004; accepted 2 April 2004

Available online


The objective of the study was to assess the extent and severity of heavy metal contamination of arable soils of the
Damascus Ghouta, an area with intensive agricultural production. We examined the present degree and spatial distribution of
heavy metal concentrations in 51 soil profiles and in 22 topsoil samples in the Damascus Ghouta. The soils were digested
with aqua regia for heavy metal analysis. Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in the topsoils exhibited anthropogenic increased
values. The major sources for the heavy metal contamination in Damascus city are most possibly emissions from vehicles.
These emissions transported by air and sewage water together with household and industrial sewage effluents have been
considered to be responsible for the increased heavy metal concentrations found in the soils of the central Barada area.
However, the values were in most cases below tolerable values of soil for agricultural use. Cr concentrations up to 1800 mg
kg 1 were found near a tannery industrial estate. Concerning the health risk of the population bioavailability and mobility of
heavy metals seems to be of minor importance, based on the soil properties found in the study area. However, direct ingestion
of soil, e.g., by children and inhalation of dust may contribute largely to the accumulation of heavy metal in human and
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Heavy metal; Effluent irrigation; Car emissions; Tanneries; Arable soils

1. Introduction ascus Ghouta is an area with intensive agricultural and

horticultural production surrounds Damascus city in
Soil pollution of agricultural areas surrounding big the East. It is one of the major agricultural areas of
cities is a major environmental problem. The Dam- Syria. Based on the water shortage in the area, parts of
the Ghouta are irrigated with treated but also untreated
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-511-6433851; fax: +49-511- sewage effluents from Damascus city.
6433661. Continuous urbanisation of Damascus leads to an
E-mail address: (A. Möller). increased pollution of soil and water resources and

0016-7061/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
64 A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71

thus a growing risk for heavy metal uptake by human uptake of heavy metals with soil can, however, result
and livestock. in serious health risks. Children at the age between
Atmospheric deposition reflected by high heavy 1 and 8 are of specific concern for this pathway. A
metal concentrations in urban dust (e.g., Li et al., study in the USA near by an Arsenic contaminated
2001) is one of the core sources of heavy metal area revealed that children between 1 and 6 years take
accumulation in urban soils. Key heavy metals are up in average 117 mg/day and in the 90th percentile
thereby Pb from leaded gasoline, Cu, Zn and Cd 277 mg/day (Walker and Griffin, 1998). The maxi-
from car components, tyre abrasion, lubricants and mum was 899 mg/day. In the German legislation, it is
industrial and incinerator emissions (Markus and assumed that children with 10 kg weight take up 0.5 g
McBratney, 1996; Thornton, 1991; Wilcke et al., soil/day (Queitsch, 1999). The frequency of a poten-
1998). tial uptake varies for different regions depending on
Furthermore, tanneries and other small to large the climatic conditions and cultural habits. In Ger-
factories are possible sources for soil pollution. These many 240 days, while in parts of the USA 365 days
factories discharge their effluents into the branches of are assumed. Against the background of threshold
the Barada River, which is used for irrigation and values for a potential health interference aqua regia
drains into the Damascus Ghouta. Chromium, for extraction as a safe and common measure for the
example, has been found to accumulate at a progres- maximum extractability of heavy metal by a human
sive rate in soils affected by sewage water from body can be used to calculate threshold values for
tanneries (Davis et al., 1994; Song et al., 2000). soils. For Cr, for example, the value is 200 mg kg 1
Especially if waste contains significant quantities of soil.
metals in form of inorganic salt, leaching to ground- A further direct pathway of heavy metal uptake is
water is more likely to be a potential problem inhalation. Especially under the dry conditions found
(Cameron et al., 1997). in Damascus city with a higher presents of dust in the
Assessing the potential health risk of the popula- urban atmosphere this pathway can be important.
tion different uptake pathways have to be considered. An essential prerequisite to identify and reduce
Bioavailability and mobility of heavy metals which possible risks for food production and for humans in
are strongly dependent on soil pH are oft reported to Damascus city and the Damascus Ghouta is a sub-
be important pathways. In some soils, e.g., Na+-rich stantial pool of information about soil contamination
soils, in situ mobilization of colloid particles can be in the area. Therefore, the objectives of the study were
important, if in soil solution a decrease in ionic to determine the concentrations and spatial distribu-
strength, an increase in solution pH, or a replacement tion of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn), to
of divalent cations by monovalent cations as Na+ assess the heavy metal contamination in the soils of
occurs (Gasser et al., 1994; Kretzschmar et al., the Damascus Ghouta and to identify the risk of heavy
1997). On the other hand, clayey soils with a moder- metal uptake by the population.
ate alkaline pH and a high CaCo3 content are usually
considered to have a low heavy metal mobility and
bioavailability based on the high binding capacity 2. Materials and methods
(e.g., Cameron et al., 1997).
Next to bioavailability and possible uptake through 2.1. Study area and experimental design
water sources direct uptake pathways can be impor-
tant. Contaminated soil can be ingested directly by, The study area is part of the Damascus Ghouta, an
e.g., playing children, the consumption of not ade- area surrounding Damascus city in the East with
quately cleaned field crops and grazing animals. Most intensive agricultural and horticultural production.
of the metals ingested by humans and animals are The Barada and the Ahwash are the main rivers
excreted and only small proportions are actually crossing the Ghouta. They originate from the Anti-
retained in the body tissues (Cameron et al., 1997). Lebanon-Mountains. The average precipitation is
Depending on duration and frequency of a potential about 225 mm/year. The main potential evapotranspi-
ingestion of soil, especially at polluted sites, the ration is more than 1000 mm/year.
A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71 65

Table 1 Industry in the area is widely scattered. Next to

Soil Properties of the samples (0 – 25 cm, n = 51) other located along the Barada River a tannery indus-
Clay Silt Sand EC pH- CaCO3 CEC SOC trial estate is located near Zablatani village.
(%) (%) (%) (As H2O (%) (mmolc (%)
cm ) kg 1)
Mean 45.6 27.3 27.1 164.9 7.3 62.4 33 3.3
2.2. Sampling and laboratory analyses
S.D.a 8.3 8.1 4.1 73.3 0.2 6.2 5.4 0.7
Minimum 22 18 18 1 6.8 48.8 22 1.6 In summer 1998, 51 soil profiles were sampled in
Maximum 58 58 34 432 7.6 75.7 44 5.2 the study area (Fig. 1). Samples were taken from each
Standard deviation. horizon. The ploughed horizons are 24 F 2.5 cm deep.
Additionally, 22 topsoil samples (0 –20 cm depth)
The soils in the study area are deep, heavy textured were collected downstream of the outlets of the
and moderately drained Calcaric Fluvisol, with Cal- tannery industrial estate. Because of the predominant
caric Regosol near the Quasjoun-Mountain area (FAO agricultural use of the soils in the Ghouta only
soil classification, 1997). The soils have a moderately agricultural land was sampled. The soil material was
alkaline pH, high CaCO3 concentrations up to 76%, a sieved at 2 mm prior analyses.
soil organic carbon content ranging from 2% to 4.5%, The samples were digested in aqua regia for anal-
a medium to high electrical conductivity and a low yses of heavy metals, following ISO 11466 first
Na+ saturation (Table 1). Pattern and density of the edition (1995). The extracts were measured by flame
vegetation in the Ghouta area of Damascus are char- atomic adsorption spectrometry (Varian, Germany).
acterized by seasonal changes and small scattered For European soils, the extraction efficiency of aqua
fields with a perennial cropping season. regia extraction for heavy metals range between 80%

Fig. 1. The study area with sampling points of soil profiles (n = 51). City development of the densely populated areas in Damascus and
surrounding towns between 1979 and 1994.
66 A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71

and 100% and for Cr down to 50% compared with real soils (Utermann et al., submitted for publication),
total concentrations. Many European and international threshold values provided by Eikmann and Kloke
background values and threshold values of soil are (1993) and Kloke (1993) and heavy metal concen-
based on the international standard of aqua regia trations found in soils of cities from other regions.
extraction representing a base for the comparison with The median Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn concentrations
the results achieved in this study. Additionally, the are located at the upper range of background values,
digestion method is used in pathway related risk while the Pb concentration is located at lower end. In
assessment as measure for a maximum heavy metal 75% of the topsoils sampled the content of at least
uptake by human and livestock in consequence of one metal exceeds the threshold values for multi-
ingestion. functional land use (Eikmann and Kloke, 1993). In
The particle size distribution was determined by 31% of the samples Cr, Ni or Pb exceed slightly the
hydrometer (Richards, 1967). Cation exchange capac- tolerable values of soil for agricultural use (Kloke,
ity was measured according to Richards (1967). Soil 1993; Table 2). The threshold values may not be
organic matter was determined by the Walkley and directly transferable to Syrian soils, but give a first
Black method (Page et al., 1982). Calcium carbonate idea of their heavy metal status. Taking into account
was measured volumetrically using the Scheibler ap- the high metal binding capacity of the soils the
paratus and Hg-manometer. Electrical conductivity slightly elevated heavy metal values in some areas
was determined in the saturation extract and pH in do not represent an immediate risk for agricultural
H2O 1:5 (w/v) by electrode, following Jackson (1958). production.
Comparing the results with results from other
2.3. Statistical analyses and mapping cities, especially old industrialised cities like London
(Culbard et al., 1991), Hamburg (Lux, 1986) and
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS for Palermo (Manta et al., 2002), these cities show higher
Windows 10.0.5. Data were log-transformed prior concentrations of heavy metals in their topsoils.
principal component analysis to reduce the influence Similar results with comparable or lower heavy metal
of high values. Principal component analysis was concentrations were found for younger cities like
conducted using factor extraction with an eigenvalue Bangkok (Wilcke et al., 1998) or Hong Kong (Li et
>1 after varimax rotation. Concentrations were pair al., 2001). Li et al. (2001) found a significant relation
wise compared using a one-way analysis of variance between the Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations in the
(ANOVA). If the main effects were significant at urban park soils and the age of the parks. Although
P < 0.05, a post-hoc separation of means was done Damascus is one of the oldest cities of the world
by univariate least significance difference (LSD) test. industrialisation and thus pollution took place at a
The basis for the attached maps was the topograph- later stage compared to other industrialised cities.
ic map of 1979 from the north eastern Ghouta, with a Therefore, the today’s relatively lower concentrations
scale 1:25 000 (Department of Survey of Syria, 1979a; of heavy metals in the soils in Damascus could be the
Department of Survey of Syria, 1979b) and the Land- result of the minor accumulation time and rate.
sat TM scene 174 – 037 from 30 July 1994. However, it should be mentioned that in this study
only arable soils with a sampling depth of 24 F 2.5
cm were collected, while in the other studies soils
3. Results and discussion from 0 to 5 or 0 to 10 cm with different land use were
collected. Furthermore, different extraction methods
3.1. Heavy metal concentrations were used (Table 2). Therefore, relative dilution,
diverging extraction efficiency depending on the ex-
There is no information available on typical traction method used, as well as sampling of soils in
background values for Syrian soils or heavy metal more rural areas may be an additional reason for
concentrations in soils of other cities of the Arabic minor concentrations of heavy metals in these soils.
peninsula. Therefore, the data were compared with A principal component analysis of metal concen-
available background values (median) of European trations allows the differentiation of metal groups with
A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71 67

Table 2
Range, mean F standard deviation (S.D.) and median of heavy metal contents in topsoils of the Damascus Ghouta ( c 0 – 25 cm, n = 51) and
literature data for comparison
1 1 1 1 1 1
Co (mg kg ) Cr (mg kg ) Cu (mg kg ) Ni (mg kg ) Pb (mg kg ) Zn (mg kg )
Range 7 – 23 12 – 116 16 – 97 24 – 58 < 5 – 108 46 – 293
Mean F S.D. 13 F 5 57 F 24 34 F 16 39 F 9 17 F 18 103 F 54
Median 10 51 30 35 10 84
Londona median – – – – 654 (294) 424 (183)
Hamburgb mean – – 23 – 168 152
Median – – 12 – 118 63
Palermoc median – 63 202 138
Bangkokd mean – 26 42 25 48 118
Median – 25 27 23 29 38
Background valuese 9 – 56 7 – 24 7 – 39 9 – 63 25 – 100
Multiple land usef 30 50 50 40 100 150
Tolerable valuesg 50 100 100 50 100 300
Culbard et al. (1988): garden soils and in brackets public garden soils (0 – 5 cm, n = 654 (35); concentrated HNO3 and HCLO4)).
Lux (1993): surface soils (0 – 5 cm, n = 977; powder X-ray diffraction).
Manta et al. (2002): topsoils (0 – 10 cm, n = 50; powder X-ray diffraction).
Wilcke et al. (1998): topsoils (0 – 5 cm, n = 30; sequential extraction (Zeien and Brümmer, 1989)).
Utermann et al. (2004): range of heavy metal background values (medians) of European soils from calcareous rocks and clayey materials
(aqua regia extraction).
Eikmann, Kloke (1993): limit values based on aqua regia extraction for multiple land use (Germany).
Kloke (1993): tolerable aqua regia extractable metal values for arable land (Germany).

common properties. Using the Kolmogorov – Smir- ascus Ghouta as stacked bar plot. Each site from
nov-test with Lillienfors correction of probabilities, which soil was sampled is shown by a stacked bar
the data were found to be log-normal distributed, with height proportional to concentration. The three
which is a prerequisite for the analysis. metals show similar spatial distributions within the
Fig. 2 illustrates the metal concentrations in the study area which is in agreement with a similar study
coordinate system of two principal components (PC). of Kelly et al. (1996) for urban soils in Britain. The
Three metal groups are clearly distinguished. Co and distributions of these metals clearly reveal two areas
Ni are highly loaded in PC 2. Their concentrations in with increased values. The areas are marked by circles
the soils did not differ significantly within the area
and within the profiles. This suggests that their con-
centrations in the soils are dominated by the parent
material, as anthropogenic emissions of these heavy
metals are relatively rare especially for Co. PC 1 is
highly loaded with Cu, Pb and Zn, a group of heavy
metals which are commonly found to be anthropo-
genic enriched in the topsoils of urban environments
(e.g., Culbard et al., 1991; Lux, 1986; Manta et al.,
2002). Cr is neither highly loaded in PC 1 nor in PC 2.
This reflects different anthropogenic or geogenic
sources and possible pathways of Cr accumulation
compared to Cu, Pb and Zn.

3.2. Spatial distribution of Pb, Cu and Zn

Fig. 2. Illustration of log-transformed metal concentrations in 51
Fig. 3 illustrates the spatial distribution of Pb, Cu Damascus topsoil samples in the coordinate system of two principal
and Zn concentrations, in the topsoils of the Dam- components (PC) after varimax rotation.
68 A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71

Fig. 3. Aqua regia extractable concentrations of lead, copper and zinc in the topsoil from the Damascus Ghouta, Syria.

in Fig. 3: the city area of Damascus and the central gasoline, in Syria used up to now, is the major source
Barada area. The soils within the city of Damascus for Pb in the urban environment. This points out that
and also of the central Barada area show significantly traffic is most possibly the major source for the
increased concentrations compared to the rest of the
soils studied in more rural areas (Fig. 4), although the
highest concentrations were found in topsoils of
Damascus city.
Similar results were shown for the enrichment of
Pb, Cu and Zn in the topsoils compared to subsoils.
Especially, Pb was strongly enriched by a factor of
more than 3 (Fig. 5) in the Barada and city area. In the
more rural areas, the enrichment factor was 1.5, most
possibly reflecting the background of the anthropo-
genic input in the region. For Cr, Co and Ni (data not
shown) no enrichment was found.
Li et al. (2001) found higher Zn concentrations in
the street dust of Hong Kong compared to a similar
study in London (Thornton, 1991). He stated that
based on the high temperatures in the tropical envi- Fig. 4. Mean aqua regia extractable concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn
and Cr in the soils of the city area, the central Barada area and the
ronment abrasion of car tyres would be increased, as rural area (error bars represent the standard error as measure for
Zn is used as a vulcanisation agent in vehicle tyres. Cu spatial variability; letters above the bars indicate significant
is often a component in car lubricants, while leaded differences).
A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71 69

Damascus revealed high Zn, and also Cu and Pb

concentrations with more than 2500, 460 and 230
mg kg 1 dry sludge, respectively. Other heavy
metal concentrations like Co, Ni and Cr were
relatively low. As most of the untreated effluent
from Damascus city was used for irrigation for
many years primarily in the central Barada area,
the heavy metal pollution of Damascus city is
mirrored by a significant accumulation of Pb, Cu
and Zn in the soils along the main branches of the
Barada River. Similar accumulations of heavy metal
as an effect of effluent irrigation were reported by
several authors (e.g., Cameron et al., 1997; Aboulr-
Fig. 5. Enrichment factors for Cu, Pb, Zn and Cr of the city area, the ous et al., 1988).
Barada river area and the rural area of the median topsoil
concentrations (24 F 2.5 cm depth) compare to median concen-
trations of the third horizon in 95 F 29 to 165 F 36 cm depth.
3.3. Spatial distribution of Cr

enrichment of heavy metal in the topsoils of Dam- Fig. 6 shows a blob plot of the Cr concentration in
ascus city. topsoils of the study area. Not included in the map
It is interesting to note that analyses of sewage were the results from soils near by the tannery estate.
sludge from the sewage water treatment plant of The spatial distribution differs considerably from

Fig. 6. Aqua regia extractable concentration of chromium in the topsoil from the Damascus Ghouta, Syria.
70 A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71

those of Pb, Cu and Zn. There were no clear patterns Certainly, the area is not considered to be a play-
of contamination visible. In the topsoil of the central ground; however, many children are playing near the
Barada river area significantly increased Cr concen- fields while their parents are working at fields.
trations were found (Fig. 6). Contrary, no significant Furthermore, the residues from the tanneries contain
enrichment of the median values of Cr in the topsoil light organic materials, which have a high potential
compared the third soil horizon could be detected by inhalation to contribute largely to heavy metal
(Fig. 5). This may suggest that no significant Cr accumulation in humans and livestock, especially
translocation took place and that pollution occurred during the summer month where the dispersion of
more or less as point source pollution from defined dust in the atmosphere is high.
One of these polluters has been the tannery indus-
trial estate at Zablatani east of Damascus. The un- 4. Conclusions
treated effluents of the tanneries have been directly
discharged into the Barada River and hence have been – The results prove the anthropogenic impact on Pb,
used for irrigation. The highest Cr values with more Cu and Zn concentrations in the soils of the
than 1800 mg Cr kg 1 soil were found near by the Damascus Ghouta. The highest values can be
outlets of the tanneries. None the less, the highly toxic found in the city of Damascus, but also the central
Cr species Cr(VI) used in some cases to treat hides Barada area shows increased Pb, Cu and Zn
(Davis et al., 1994) was not found in the soils near by concentrations due to irrigation with effluent from
the tannery estate. Damascus city for many decades.
Chaney (1980) grouped elements into 4 categories – Considering particularly the high metal binding
depending on the degree of risk of plant uptake and capacity of the soils, heavy metals uptake by
subsequent ingestion by humans or animals. Cr fell human and livestock in the Damascus Ghouta can
into group 1, containing those metals which are so be categorized as rather marginal, except for the
insoluble in the soil, or in plant fibrous roots, that the tannery industrial estate. Nevertheless, further
plant shoots are not a significant source of element pollution should be minimised. Traffic in Dam-
transfer even when the soils are highly polluted. ascus as a major pollution source has a high
potential for the reduction of heavy metal pollution
3.4. Heavy metal uptake in the future.
– The Cr pollution found in the soils near the tannery
The soil properties found in the study area like industrial estate is potentially serious even taking
moderate alkaline pH, high clay and CaCo3 content into account the immobility of Cr in soil.
and low Na+ saturation do not indicate a significant – With regards to health risks, bioavailability and
bioavailability and mobility of heavy metals, as well mobility of heavy metals can be stated to be of
as the translocation of contaminants through mobile minor significant in these soils. Other pathways
colloids in these soils. These indicators together with like inhalation of dust and direct ingestion seem to
analyses of groundwater and plant samples not show- be more important for the heavy metal uptake by
ing significantly increased heavy metal values (data the population of Damascus city.
not shown) and the fact that no secondary enrichment
of heavy metals in subsoil horizons was found sug-
gests that mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals Acknowledgements
in these soils is low.
Concerning the health risks of the population The project was funded by the Federal Minister for
other pathways of heavy metal uptake like direct Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.
ingestion and inhalation of dust may be more im- The Authors acknowledge the contribution of The
portant. For the area near by the tannery outlets, the Arab Center of the Studies of the Arid Zones and Dry
Cr concentration in the soil is clearly above thresh- Lands and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian
old values for the ingestion pathway at playground. Reform of Syria to the project.
A. Möller et al. / Geoderma 124 (2005) 63–71 71

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