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23 September 1945
Commander .\mphibious Forces, U.S. racific Fleet.
Adv.:: ... r1cc D:;:aft of Cumf"hibsFac Operation Plan No. All-45.
l, Copies of subject plan are forwarded herewith far study and
possible future reference. These copies contain only the aru1exes and
appendices that were prepared pr:i or to 10 ... ust 1945.
2. The plc-cn in its entirety io; downgraclod to SECRET.
J)istribu ti on List:
Naval War Cull.oge
Army Navy Staff College

c & r, staff
ComFhibTraJ' ac
AdCor.tPhi bsPac
Comdt Mar Corps
, I
Corndr , tiS NR ,
Flag Secretary.
( 2)
( 2)
( 2)
( 5)

~ ; 0
' '
\ . .. l
lQ 208
w I Als-3( l)
Berwt ooo344
T.F. 40, 41, Amphibious
Force and ComPhibsPac
U.S.S. EL:OOR.AOO, Flagship
Qperatio!l. Plan
No. All-45
TASK (Briefed. Detailed Task
i!l. k:nex (:S))
At Sea
10 Aupet 1945
40 ,Anwhi"bious Force - .Admir al Tur!
Vice Admiral
( Tr.ird-h-Co!:ll.:and - Vice Adoiral Barbey)
( a) For ce - -
l .AGC
( b ) 4C. H.J
Air Suppor t Control Groun - Rear Admiral Pride
( c) 46
( c.
' )
' : .1
(e) 43
1- 1
\ j 1
( 2 )
' . '
( [_- '

( . . '
(?a )
( : )
S:X?S Army - General
Advance Fo,ce - Admiral Tur ner
(Seccnd-i n-Command- Vice Admiral
Ol dendorf )
Underwat er Demolitio!l. Flotilla- Captain Rodgers
41. 2
Servi ce and Sal vage - Comnodore Hartley
HYdrographic Suryey Group - Capt. Sander s
4l. 3
Firo Support Gyoup - Rear Admiral Conoll y
? I ?TH S1..l;DPCrt Grou;g - Rear .Admiral
H. ?
SEVE!ITE GroUP - Rear Admiral Kiland
West e; n At t ack Force - Rear J\diniral Davis
4'' ...,
Firo Support Group
Att ack Force - Rear Adniral Briscoe
44.2 Southern Fire Support Qroup
( g) 54 and Covering Force - Vice Admiral 014endorf
( 10 ) 55
( ll) 56
Escort Carrier Force - Rear Admiral Durgin
Iline Force - Rear Admiral Sharp
TRIJU) Attack Force - Vice .Admiral Wilkinson
- 1 -

Serial.t 000344
Operation Plan
ComPhibsPt:'.C no. All-45
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F!FTH Attack Force - Vice Admiral Hill
- - - - - -
(f) 45
(g) 1':.7
(h) 48
SEVENTH Attack ForcQ. - Vic_e Barbey
h ) t..Q, 5 to
cl:(), 9
Reserve Force - Rear .Ad8iral
48,2 Reserve Fire Support Groun
Force - Rear Struble
Screen G-roli,R - CoiDDOd.ore Hoo
40,12 Western Screen (under OTF 42) -
40,13 THIRD Screen ( uncier CTF 43) -
40.14 PENINSULA Screen ( undor CTF 48) -
(When activated)(KAGOSHIMA WAN)
110,15 FIFTH Scroon (under CTF 45) -
11CJ ,l7 SEVENTH (under CTF 4?) -
40,18 Reserve Screen (under CTF 48) -
Pontoon Causeway Grouo - Condr. Plichta
Pgntoon Barge Grouo - Comdr . Plichta
.Area Sweeping Group -
Special Groups -
(as assi gned)
(o) -::0, 20 to Movement Groupe -
10,29 (as assigned)
11,21 t o
CA:Fj Al6-3( l)
Seriali OOOM4
9Potat1oi1 P1an
No. All-45
1. ( a ) This Operp.tiqn Plan is derived from Commander FI:F'rH Fleet Oper-
at i on Plan Uo. 5-45.
(o) For information of tho onemy, sec I ntelligence Plan, Annex (C) ,
a.1d current dispat chE:ls.
(c ) Soo Gene ral I nstructions f or t ho Amphibious Phase of t ho Opera-
t i ons, (A).
(i ) For detai led Ta sk See Annex (B).
( c) For ge ner al direc tives f or tho employment of sh ips
see Ci nCPac Co r.!. lott er 13Clr44; Phib sPnc Circ. letter No .
44, Rov. 3; and, for t his oporation, Navnl Gunfire Support Plan,
,\nr.ex (G) .
( f ) CotJL"il andor ?H TH Flee t has directed Com.ina.nder FAW-1 to establish
a fl oat ing s eaplane base i n N.AK.AKA.sHW UR.A, KOSHIKI RmTO, approxi_::
ely XRAY oinus ONE Day , to be mov od. to MI.AD WAN and N.l\GOGOSHDU
l nt er. SoHrch sea:pl anea will be operated as directed by
dor FIFTH Floot. .Anti-su bmarin e :pa t rol and air-soa rescue operEV-
t i ons will be oper a t ed a s directed by Commander AmPhibious Force in
p; al accord .Air Sunnort Pl an Annex (H) . Commander FA,W-:1
\-rill O!Je rate under the SOFA i nsof ar as security,'
ni r and sea defens e , a nd l ocal t r affi c control a r e concerned. Sea-
v lMe bas e a rea s ar.d rur.ways ar o shown in anchor age charts,
di x ( I ) to A.1.M X
2. For ce vill :
(a) Soi ze and occupy 'Jo<iChheM. s i!1 Sou t h err. KYUSHU a.r.d sei z-() cer-
t a i n ou t l yi ng i s l Rnds;
( b) ?;n;, sport Elnd 'JGt :'::J lish ll B!10-:-o r c o;..for ceme r. ts and supplies;
(c ) Cover and s'..lppor t t :w l a nd c anpni gn in KYUSRU;
( d) Aas iat i n est nblishing cont r ol of t he sea and air in the ob-
j ective
( o) In i t i ate th e c at : -tl li shmont i n KYUSHU of naval base faciliti e s
f o r t n c support of subs equent ope r a tions;
(f) Route and control t h e movomont of shipping outward from, and in,
t ho object ive a.roa;
CliFf 1)
Serial: 000344
Oneration Plan
ComPhibsPac }To. Al1_.:45
( g) Effect maximum attrition of enemy air, ground, and naval forces
in thc _objective area.
3. (a) operate as directed by CTF 40.
, ..
(b) Air SuQnort Control Groyp aircraft in accordance
Air Support Plan, Annex (H). All ocate aircraft to the various
forces for troop support and protection in their respective aroas
of resp onsibility. Supervise and coordinate fighter coverj Rescue; and direct operations of the Aircraft .Anti-Sub-
:::etrine Patrols i n t he obj ective area. Control movements of air-
cr aft in the objective aroa.
. '
( c:) SIXTH ArmY capture, occupy, and defend KOSHIICI Rm'ro and d.e-
outlying islands to the south and southwest of KYUSHU
beghlni ng XRAY minus FIVE Day; and capture, occupy and defend
Southern KYUSEU beginning XRAY Day, in accordance with ComGen
SIXTH Army Field Order 74. Est ablish as rapidly as possible early
war ning and fighter direction sta tions on captured positions in
accordance with Annex (H). When directed by their respective
Attock Force CoiJI:landers, Landing Force Air Support Control Un.its
assume control of troop support aircraft. When land-based aircraft
aro e st ablished i n the objective area, and CinCPac has passed res-
. po:1si'b1lity for air operations to Ci nC.A]lla.c, pass control of Com-
bat. Air Patrol and troop support air craft to ComGenFE.AF, evac-
'..late Landing Force Air Support Control Units to the PHll.IPPINES
\ ..
to r eport to C.ASCUPhibsPac. with CV 40 for moving to ob-
jecti ve area reserves and Forces, a..'1Cl equipment, supplie s, -
and petroleum products required by forces ashore. with

. -
CTF 40 for a s suming control, whon no l o:1ger required by TF_ 40, of
Navy landing boats, barges, causeways , and other harbor facilities
to be supplie d t o SIXTH Army by Phib sPac; a nd for the return of
Navy crows to the MliRiliN.AS and OKTI\AWA t o report to ComPhibsPac by
XRAY plus FORTY Day.
(d) Advance Force begi nni ng on XJtAY mi nus EIGHT Day execute opera.-:
tiona preliminary t o the KYUSHU assault landings in accordance with
the f ollowing. At 0600 (I) XRli.Y Day TF 41 is di ssolv_edi all ole- ..
oonts then pass to TF 40
r et aining own 'force, group, and unit num-
bers; except that TF 56 passos to of Commander FIFTH Float
(1) Underwater Demolition Flotilla carry out Beach
and Underwater Domoli tion Pla.n, .Annex (F), of tho assault
beaches in accordance with schedule; assign grqups to the
FI:?.rR, SEVENTH, Western and Reserve Fire s\mood Groups, p-assing
to the corresponding Attack and Reserye Forcea on their arrival.

Serial: 000344
OPeration Pla,n
No. AU-45
(2) Service and. Groy;g provide salvage, fire fighting,
repair, and iogistic services in accordance. with Service and
Salvage Plan, Appendix (II) to (N); assign Service and
Salvage- Units to mllm FIFTH, SEVENTH, and Western ]'ire
Support -Grouos,. passing to __ the corres.Pon9-ing . J.ttack Forces on
thoir arrival in the objeotive area; and assign a Service Unit tO Reserve Force upon 1 ts arrival in the obJ.ective
area. assign craft as required to tho Southern Attack Force.
Coordinate the logistic supply (including peroonnel) of TF' s ,
40 and 56 while they are 1n tho obj octivo area, dealing d.irect-
1;7 with eomServBOn TEN and; ComServRon SIX for moving logistic
vessels to and from the area; and in accord with Logistic Plan,
( 3) Hydrop-aphic Swvey Grorz execute Ryd.rographic and
tional Aids Plan, Appendix ' III) to Annex (N), assigning units
to the d.i rect control of the TRW, FIFTH, SEYENTR, Western
and Reserve Fire Support Groups for executing appropriate parts
of_ t he plan, passing to tho Forces and
the Reserve Force on tl1eir arrival in the obj activo area..
Arrange for issue of required charts at the rear bases and in
the objoctivo area t o vessels and port directors.
( 4) THIRD Fire Su,pport Gro\W,
( 5) li'IF1'n Fire Support Group,
( 6) SFI'.Er.fli! .Fire Support-G;oy.p,
( 7a)Wes t er :-1 Fi:-e Support Group in area of responsibility as
Ahcnm. 1n Appendix C..n.I) to Annex (D):
From XRAY minus EIGHT to 0600 (I) XBAY Dey for THIRD,
FIFTH, and SEVENTH Firo Su;p;p_ort Groups and_ from nAY minus
EIGHT to 0600 (I) XRAY minus FIVE for West em Fire SJ.mport
control assigned aircr-aft for support and protection;
stat ion radar pickets i n accordance with Screening Plan,
.Appendix (II) to Annox (K); diroct and support Minesweepin
and UDT oporations; destroy enemy troops, gun emplacements,
defensive i nstallation-s, locally based ai_rcra.ft,
and Sl:lall craft; interrtlPt enemy troop movements and defen-
sive prepara tions by interdiction and fires by
- Naval gunfire and assigned aircraft,. in accordance with
Naval Gunfire Support Plan, .Annex (G), Air Suflport Plan,
Annex _(H), Plan, Annex (E) L1d :Beach Recon.n--:
aiBsa.nce and Underwater Demolition .?, Annex (F)

- 5-
Serial: 000344
Operation P1an
Coz:lPhibsPac No. All-45
Wnt!wn Fire Support Gro'lW. :report to CT7 42 at 0600 (I)
on XRAY minu.a JIVE Dey until no longer required thon pro-
coe'i ae <tlreot&d by CTJ' 41. TRIRD Fii'rH, and SEV'El-."TH
firt Suppaxt Groypt paes to control of CJr7 43, 45, a.."ld 47,
respectivoly, at 0600(I) XRAY
Uoutrelho or destroy onoey installations in forco aroae
which illterfore with approach of friendly forces arriv-
1 n& aft or XRAY Nnu.e EI GH'l' Day.
Prior to roportin& to Tnak Jorco CoCDandors
of firo Support Gxpypa act a.s SOPA o! a.asi.gnod e..reaa, ( h- A
cop t thAt Co t:=.AlXi er ll1'TR l'1r o Suppa rt Orolu;l will coo rd 1n- W
t1to tho acth1tioa or Wutoro l1ro Su;wort <!rOlm);
control air and n val oporat1ont and novooonta 1n the forco
area.. r.ot und.r. wparior authority; aupport nearby
!orcta; control looal air re.i.d al.orte ; arrange l ogiat1ce,
rapa1r , ar.d aal"'"0 of ovn G-roup; offoct eo& reacue ; tmd
C<Xl rd1na.te G-roup act lor:. 1r:. !orco aroaa.
A,. 1"l"': IIGRl' to IF .. i.Y cir:us em% raport
by a. of UOO( I) ll'..d 2,...00 (I) to Co::JIITH
Tloot v1th t o C1r.CA1'Pac , CinCPac , a..'\11 i"iFTH
Y:e>cl , (ICM r.J)ldc:-1 a..a to O.ach, ooa, and WGI\t.hor 1:1-
rn-...at1 or:; t !-.o J'l"Of;l"""II o ! p roec rlbed r.IIYfLl opcn-l'\t1.ont ; tl.P..d
o .-.U to c ! r.a-r r\l ll."ld &1 r o pOT a t.1 on 1 n 1 t tho on.G!"ti.
:Ut n...r. roporta of crvor.te of e:uch ioportanco that
1::ood1ato l"Gpprthil! 11 roqu1TOd..
API) I I . "t: r.oon of 7:J'.l'! r ... 1rrue rrn Dft;Y doliYor t o
rn lorco Quthorn ZQr cg
n... "1:1 V:. At t ':' rn rua ro-: n...'"ld ':' rn :-.aD 1 v Co !:i:lA!ld or , t h o

hlo,ud and cr: :r- fa.ce prlnt e of bonchoo
end rolatod. ddor.aoe.
lin-11t:-at1ooo.l. 1n!ol'"!X\ t 1on "-1 ch d1 f! GT e !roc chJ\rt o; o.nd
loc.nt1on o! OOoya leid.
1'roop l1o.i10n o!ficora atto.ched to UDTe , ftnd UlYI' offi-
cora aa available, with chArt snd doec r1pt1ona of boo.c.hoo ,
appro ache 1 , and dot em ee
1 By noon of lllAl a1ma OHI Day deliver to CoiJI:lB.ndoro
m. and @tmg .tttn.gk lPrcea. and attached
Cor:Elandere of Oroqpe. !ranero'ns , and Transdiva ,
tor their ovn areae and beaohe dmila:r information,
- 6- ............... ____________ _

Ser i aJ. : 000344
Oneration .Plan
CooPhibsPac no. All-45
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
personnel, a.nd data listed. in (e) ..
to 45, 47, and 42, on
arrival thoso coDI:la.ndere in the transport areas.
h FrFT_g i'ix:e Sypport Gro:J.W 'tfhon dirootod about XRAY
plus ONE or XRAY plus TWO Dny, turn over duties t o CTF
45 a.Tld r eport t o CT7 40 with group nu:cbor 48. 2 for oaking
preparat i ons o! !AIMDNDAK! Beaches f or t h o landi ng of
troops of TF 48, sicil nr t o t ho sb sp ocified i n t hi s
aubparft!"aph 3( d )( 5 ) Repo rt f or duty to CTJ 48 on hie
arr1nu i r. th.e trt> aroa about XRAY p lus THRl!m or
IP..&r plus F'Jl1l Day.
(7 ) 'ioo)Or,a ?9rsr 1 on A?A'!. oinus FrYE Day
c t '.ll" o w 1 cmrro roSALU I SH nu., rom SH IM.A. and ro CH nro-
!?..A3'.: SHDU; &.d bOt,.-rir:.1n& XJLU oinua roUR Day capt ure !DSHIX.I
P.r;:'Q . !et Lbl1 ah a tcr!pOrer,y logi atica and a 1 in1t o<!
aoeq .ll.l'.c 1r. Jilr:Wro ; a:-A <!iroct t h6 1natallat 1on e.t
r_:: s-r:!D ?.1':":'0 o! pr o t&etivo nots by a taot G-roup of T1 06. 1:-.
tul f t. !-. o d iruct the inet nllation of air
l <f.lllidrcr.e a:.d di -:-ector atat i ona i.n accord.n:'.co
..r..t ::: Air 5-.:pr-ort ? ll\:'. , ( H) . Zetnbl1nh tOSRIXI Rm"ro
S -:-oc:: 1r. a.c,.. o:-".'\.:'.c- o '1ft th Scroo::bc Plar. , Appondix (II ) to
( I ) . Ctlfturo o f tr.o poe it to;.u , rol oftod troops ro-
or..a o-:1 '::>,;r Co:ra:-..11 :-.,.-: mP. An:;,y tho d.o!on eoe , Mc1
tf t no obj oc tiYO aron IU diroctod by C'711() f or
,._. e1f' :-.:l0nt t c 'D,aorYo. A!tttr tho captu:-o o! ARlAD YAl.i M d
rJXSi!DU VJ.E t rt.:. af<rr 1\:".d. rf1.t;o 111 t 1oa, aoaplane bnao, n:-.<!
:-..t1t1 t<> lato:- t c. bo .-poci.f iod. IJT7 4a act l\.f SOP.!,
I!JSHIZ.I Rr.':\'J . &!b:-.1t c1G.1lf c1turpatch reporte t o tho se
If .. oct nod 1:-. 1a1 br 3( c1 H .,)
( 8} tMrr. At) !'>k 1orco, 1:-. tho OIIi..&lfA arua l>&i;1nn 1.r.f; XRAY
Tin Da./ bo propared t o capturo ( 1! or<1crod) northern
':'.uo:t}A BHDU for J"'.U'l>>IOI of nr.d , ln the ob-
joct1vo area XRlr plue THREI Dn] bo prupnrod to l nnd i n 8Upport
o! IttR Am1 ae nQ;y bo ord.erod. Suboit IJT'Ocial dupat ch r &-
porta, whon e1!l1lnr t o thoeo apec1f1od t n oubpnr o.-
t-:-t"ftPh 3( d)( a)
(9) Gunt1ro Md Cszvoriru; lor co aaaign t o ZJ.111!, 5m'ENTH,
Yo1t arn. 6outhorn and Rotpryo :Firo Support Gr?\1120 veaoola for
axocut 1ng ahore bocbardment and gunfire eupport . ae required by
llnval Oun!iro Support Pl8n, Annex (G). Protoct 'rJ 40 and 41
unit 1 -near the objective against surface atte.ok in accordance
with Protoct1To Plana, Annex (K) . When transports oalce night
retirements deploy groupe nightly, vith units not required for
n18ht !ire 8'Upport duty, to the no'rthvard of respective Attack
- 7-
C .. '\F I .. 1}
Serial : 000 344
QpQ;r f..tJ.P. n..l'liYl
s? ... lloe All-45
- - - - - - - - - - - -
loroes. When transports do not retire, ships not required
for night "fire support anchor tranSport areas under snake
cover. For nrovidinci gunfire support, organize as
in Annex or as- otherwise directed by CTF
destroyers wtth Screening Gl'oup and Escort Carrier Forco as
(19) Escort carrier Fo.rce mter arrival at the objective provide
support CAP, and ASW aircraft in accordance with
AJ.r Support Plan, Annex (H). Operate areas
LISTER.INll and PEPSODEN'l' in Appendix (III) to .Annex (D),
with approxinately one-third of the to the westuard
a.nd twa-.:thirds to the east\rard. Rotate destroyers with Screen-
iru:; Group and Gunfire and Covering Force as directed. '
(11) Mine Force, con"Jencing XRAY ninue ln:GET Day, execute
Mine sweeping, Mooring :Buoy and Net Plan, .Annex (i}, assigning
8\'leop units to Fire Support Group Cormanders for loc8.:1. direction.
Arrange for air and gunfire support with Cooma.nder of area of
responsibility in which sweeping is to talco place. Send daily
despatch as of .2000( I) to CTF 40 or 41, infornation to CinCPac,
ConFIFI'HFleet and FIFTH Fleet (:ECM holders) of progress of
sweepi:J operations. At 0600( I) XRAY Day TF 56 pass to COI!ll:)and
of ConFIFl'EFleot, but continue to provide an Area Sweeping
Group as required by CTF for the general objective area; and
l ocal sweeping \L'1its for t he v arious Attack Forces.
\ . 4:
(e) 43 THlJU) At t&g F2roe
(f) 45 FIFTH Attack Force
C:) 47 SEVENTH Attack F9rca_ on ARAY Dey land TZIBD, FIFTH, and
SEVEllTH Lending Forces on designated boachos on southeast, \ofest,
Qnd oast coasts respectively o! KYUSEU, in accordance with respec-
tive Attack Force Plnns and SIXTH Arml Field Order 74. Assume
conoral charge of aophibious associated operations in, and SOPA
of, respective Attack Force aroas of responsibility as shown in
.Appendix (III) to (D), and in general accord wtth the provisions
of paragraph 9 (c), and (d), Annex (A) . to
t :1is OpPlan govern the nethods of execution of tasks. Assault
shipping transporting Divisions .in Corps arrive in. rospec-
t .ive .transport areas at 0800( I) on XRAY plus TWO prepared to
land according to plan or as directed. Cotmander THPU) Attack
FQrCQ debark and supplies as rapidly as possible
fron Transron 20 and .).0 LSTs and sail thei!l to the PHILIPPINES on
_ ord-er of OTF 40 to erabark the Reenforcement For.ce. Send daily des-
- 8-
. ,.
OQ I .AJ..6...:3( 1)
Sari al: 000344
Operation Plan
ConPhibsPo.c No. All-45
patch a s of 1200(I) and 2400(I) to ConFIFTHFleet, inforoation to
CinCPac, CinOAFPac and FI:r.t'H Fleet, (ECM holders only), sinilar
to those specified i n paragraph
(h) Rcserye Force act as SIXT.K Aray floating r eserve for supporting
l andi ngs on. KYUSHU. Uhless .directed otherwise, Reserve Force less
shippbg carrying the 77th Arcy Divis ion depart OKINAWA in. tine-to
arrive off KAIMOND.AJO!I :Beaches by 0700( I) XR.Al" plus THREE, - prepared
to 18J.1d in accordance--with Reserve Forc9 Plans and SIXTH Amy Field
Order 74. Aasune gonerill chargo of anphibious a.nd __ associated
ern.tions in and SOPA of, the lteseffie Fo.:ce area: of responsibil:J:. t;y
shovm in 1Jppe:1dix (III) to Annex D). Shipping carrying 77th Arr:ry
Divi sion depart OKINAWA for objective area on or ders fron CTF 40,
prepared to land to reenforce designated elooents of SIXTH Argy.
CTG 41. 5 (later CTG 4Be2) cont rol the operations of assigned
Reorvo Fire Support Group ( including aircraft) delivering support-
i P-t; fire in KAOONDAKE Aron begi n..'"ling at 0600( I) on dey designated ,
for landing. Co::1.trol t he oporRtions of assigned Undontater Donoli-
'tiol Unit subsequent t o arrival of transport s in the transport aroa,
coopl ote clcara::1.ce of beach obstacl es as necessary. Control
t ho operat ions of Servic e a..-rrl Salvage Unit assigned for providing
sal vo.go fire-fight i n and ropair services in acco r d.ance with hp-pon-
di.x (II) to Annex (11) . Er.erute Scroo:1ing Plana, Appendix (II) to
(K). Cor:trol t .: e oper at ions of l-1inesweeping Uni t assigned
for clear ance sweopiro; of transport area. When directed procood
t o IUGOSHIMA and assuno duties SOFA in that area.
( i) Rosmforcenent For co upon arrival of Transport Squadron TWENTY
ton LSTs at l oading poi nts i n PHILIPP!NES, eobark troops and
to objective who:1 directed by CTF 10, prepared t o l and in
nssnult or reonfor ceuent as di roctod.
(j) Screen Group pr otect vossola insido the screens agai r. st air,
crubneri ne, and att ack. Est ablish transport screens, killer
groups , radar pickets, anti-snall craft screens and radar countor-
oonsuroe screens i n accord.a.nce \lith Screeni ng Plana, Appendix (II)
to Annex (K). When directed, supply r oenforceuents to Gunfire and
Covering lorce for action against the onaoy. Transfer veeeol s
tho Screening Groups direct tho gonornl ,
tiona of those Unite, esoent ial local cont rol to the Connan-
dora of Attak and Reserve Forces. Provide escorts for outward
bound convoys.
(k) Ponron OausowaY Group place causmtays as required by Appen-
(IV to .Annex (lT), as bodifiod by Attack. Force and Reserve--
Force Coananders. Give goneral supervision to the initial iDprova-
- 9 -
OiLs!'/ A1 1)
Serial: 000344
h:L;e:;::.( _;:lnn
CoLJ?l.:_: All-45
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ncnt of beach approaches ant'l. harbors for the e:x:pedi tious unloading
of ani {ollow-uL:> shi.yJp:ng. Transfer units to th.e SIXTH
ArZ!Y t>.:J.d :_qa'l,d req:,d.:.-ed. by Plan, and when no longer needed
by t!1o A-:ronibi ous Fo:::-ce .. 1livacuat9 po!'sonnel of the Group to the .
eni OKINAKA aoout XRJcr plus FORTY Day to report to Con-
(1) Pontoon Ba rge Group pontoon barges i n units under the
Counandora of Attack and the Reserve Fo;-ce as required for
unloading ass&.llt and. f .o:low-up shipping. When directed by CTF 40,
t ransfer equipnent to tho Arpy and to Naval as required
by .Appendix (IV) to .\nne:: (N)o About XRJ;:I plus mRTY, evacuate
personnel to t ho l.t'.RIANAD and OKINAWA .to roport to ConPhibsPac.
( n) Area Swoep;1.Jl6 Group oxocuto general swooping tasks in the ob-
ject ive a rea as diroctod by CTF 40. Exchange vessels with the Mine
as required- by CTF 56 .
( n) Snocial G:-o'J.D'1 ( famed) operate as dirocton by CTF -10.
(o) r when fornod) pr oceed to or froo objective as
roquiro'l by l'orr -r: t Plar. , CooPhibsPac OpOrdor Annex (D);
n:-. n.s d:. rctJ :C. ; .,o :: <-i<\1 no,ene:1t orders issued by CTF 40 froo
tiuo t o
(x) (1) This Plan 'it h 'Annexes is effective upon receipt for pl ann-
i :.:, joveoont to assoobly aroas, r6hearsal, - and
er6Ue Tho TASl: O'M.liJ'Iz..Al'IOIT, and operations
cribed, aro effective on arrival in the objective area.
Carry out tho oporations proscribed in this in general
acco rdance wit h An!-,ox (A).
(3) Move to positions for oxecuting this plan in accordnnco
\dth Movenont Plan,Schodulo, Annox (F). Nato the differences
bot\.ieen the Task Organizations of the Main Plan and tho Move-
nont Plan.
( Except in enorgency, PClC(R) assign.od to Attack Forcoa will
not be eoployed for beach evacuation operations, but will be
reserved for sea rescue.
( 5) i'lhen danger froo eneny attack exists, ships shall euploy
spoe4 and oanouvorability as defensive against bonb,
torpedo, suicide, or gun attack. (Attention is directed to
AlPac 8 and td Col!IPhibsPac Secret Serials 0061 and 0067 of 4
and o February, 1945 respectively). To this end. unless tho
, I!)
- 10-
I 1)
SeriaJ.: 000344
Operation Plan
CoriPhibSPac No.
\ :. J
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SOPA has d.eteroined that other defensive neasu.res warrant
anchoring, all conbatant vessels of destroyer or larger size
will naintain appropriate speed except:
In Energency;
Q. Whon refueling or rearning 8akes it infeasible;
During delivery of close supporting fires, by vessels
i!l the boat lanes, while boats are yassing. In this case,
ships clear the boat lanes as soon a.fter landings as is
safe to do so.
( 6) Large gunfire ships, except when operating inside the
port Screen, will at all tioos be provided with a suitable
screen of vessels are not t henselvos delivering f ire
ct;ninst shore po sitions.
( 7) Conduct Nibht Operations and Retireoe!lts discretion i n
accordance Annex (K).
( 8) SOFA nnd other officers directi:v; noveoonts keep all Task
F0rces KYUSHU Aroa inforood as to projected oovooe!lts.
(9) Destroy of drive off eneoy forces which i nter-
fore with the ooveoent to, or operntions at, the objoctive.
( 10) Operate, ur.less o thenriso eli r ected, t;encrally in t he areas
a."lown in Annex (D).
(11) Danoged ships in danger of sinkinG will if necessary,
shoal wator off beachheads, provided such action
will not pernit tl":oo to fall i nto onooy hands.
(12) Operating areas, po ints, shipping routes, and fueling
ar eas in the vicinity of the objective are as shown in Appendices
to Movenent Plan, Annex (D).
( 13) Vessels and. ai r craft equip for &lake and, when directed,
lay anoka i n accordance with Snoke Plans.
(14) sighted nornally be considered. "ttiondly "
but it should be borne in nind that aone aneny seaplanes are
"Suiciders". Friendly and eneny which ney operate at
the objective are shown in panphlet distributed separately.
0 !'.::' ,' 1) JJN ANCE DR.A.'F!r .
;;) 0:r:" i a:u 000344
,:; : : at ion Plan
. . . .-hibsPac No .AJ..l-45
- - -
(15) USF lOB, \rlth Anphibious Force Supplenent, is effective.
Conduct training exercises of ships and aircraft at every
(16) Init iate harbor developuonts as early as practicable, but
not in guch a as to interfere with conbat
or t he unloading of assault troops.
(17) Provide for s ecurity, conoand, unloading troops and cargo,
and harbor service at objective i n general accord with
(N), rurl Unloading Pl ans for Assault Forces issued bY Attack
(18) It is expected that one or two APA's, after debarking
troops, wi ll renain in the THIRD, FIFTH and SEVENTH Attack
Areas for rocei ving survivors fron sunken vessels, a.11d
wou:1ded f-ro n ships and shore during the absence of hospital
shi p s.
(19 ) Po stal p orson!'.el will bo onbarked in designated LSTs prior
t o t he operntior. . f or tho cot ablislment of tenporary float post
offices with each najor Attack Force.
(20) LS'l'(li) a.1d casualt y ovacuc.tion ships. a s designated, have
beun ns s i gnod to each Qajor Attack Fbrco and will operate as
prescribed in t :1e Hodica.l and Casualty vacuation Pl an, Annex
(H) .
( 21 ) Three po int s of origin will be used as reference points
f or cont ac t (oithor r ad.Rr, sonar or visual) with uni-
de!1tif1ed a ir, suboarine or surface craft in the KTITSHU a.r oa,
1r. r{; enornl accord with the following :
For all b h1b1ous Forces i n the objoctiye aroo. on ?en-
oral wa.rnint; and control note - a single pcrint HISAKI
31-1?, ' Long. 131-Q? ) Voico code nane Point "LLMA".
)2_. For THIRD Attack Force - on gonoral warning and control
nets -- a. single point HISAKI (Lat. 31Yl7, Long. 131-07).
Voice code nalile Point "LOMA".
For FIF'l'H At tack Force and Western Attack Force on loceJ.
warni ng and control nets _: a single local point KUTA SHIMA
(Lat. 31-33, Long. Voice code "SEATTLE"
For SEVENTH Attack Force on local warning and control
nets a single local point TOZOKI Lighthouse (Lat.
31-47, Long. 131-29) Voice code nBl:le Point
- 12-

OAF/ A1.6_:3(1)
Serial: 000344
ADV .ANO-E DltAn .. :
Operation Plan
OonPhibsPac No .AJ.l-45
. Vessels in dispogitions nore than 25 niles froo one of
the above three reference points will report radar con-
tacts to their OTO ih accordance with If the OTO
decides to transnit of plots of eneoy
o stations outside hiP disposition, he will, at discretion,
transnit then either in latitude and longitude coordinates,
or in bearing and distance fron Point "LOMA"! The grid
systel!l or latitude and longitude navr be used in reporting
distant contacts.
i. Except for ships in dispositions over 25 niles fron
reference points, all stations in .the objective area trans-
nitting contact reports will clea:-ly state in their initial
report the point of origin of polar coordinates used: for
exacple, after giving bearing and distance, say
Point- "I.OMA", or
from ORIGINM.'O!", or "fran Point SEA!l'TLE"
See Annex (I) for deta ils.
(22)Task Force CoiJDanders ahaJ.l take neasures to prevent attacks
on friendly subnartnes. Attention of all units is directed.
to CinCPOA Standard Operating Procedure SOP-1 of 15 eptember
1944, Addendun 10 thereto, and current CinCPOA Zone Notices.
Ai!"rSea Rescue Procedure is prescribed i n CincPOA Standard
Operating Procoduro SOP- 2A and Addondun 2 to SOP-2A Annex
(H) of this plan. The Senior Officer of coobatant air or sur-
face units west of 156 Longitude, shail make certain
vessels have in their possoseion either the latost affec-
t i ve addendun to CinCPOA SOP-1, or pertinent information thereto.
( 23)Instructions for operations duri ng heavy weather at the
.. objective are cont ained in Annex (U). The on.rliest possible
infor oation of indi cations of heavy weather is vital to safe
operat i ons. Any t nsk group, ships, or aircraft not in coopany
w1 t h Coonander .llgphibioue Force shall broak radio silence and.
report by operational priority despatch indications of winds
ot heavy gale force , heavy swells, or atoms which
may affect the area of operations, unless such violation of
r adio silence jeopardi zes the operations in progress.
( 24)Connanding Officei:e. will ensure that all personnel not
needed. at oxposOd stations &hall t ake shelter d.uring air rRid.e
and surface battle.
(25)Conserve fuel. The operation requires large quantities of
fuel and the availability of fleet oUers is linited. Izt es-
tablishing speeds to 'be naintained and in prescribing en-
gineering conditions to be employed, conservation of fuel, as
- _.: 13
CD I Al6-3( 1)
.":Jration Plan
r:rJ;.J.PhibsPe.c No. All-45
1vell as the r:rllitary situa.t.ion sha!J: be considered. When north
of OKINAWA, vess.ela having na.ximu.r:l speeds of less than 15 knots,
should. be required to' full 'bO'iler :power on twenty ninutes
notice, and, if be day night to get
unde_rwB\{ within thirty oinutes Vessels having speeds
above 15 knots are authorized, unless otherwise directed by
superior coooanders, to at 3/4 boiler powor foT the
sake of econony and upkeep of boilers or other machinery, and
for the conservation of fuel.
(26)The Officer in Tactical Connand of ships in , c.oi:Ipa.ny, or the
ConrJanding Officers of ships proceeding singl;'){, shall
opportunities for ships to fire surface, anti-aircraft, and
aerial gunnery, and bonbing practices as a r outine nat ter on
entry and sortie froo Forward Area Bases and at such other tines
as the tactical and strategic situation' pernits.
(27)Voseels unloading or engaged in logistics i n the objective
area at cay burn only essential lights, but these oust
'be capable of being extinguished.. on short notice.
(28) If it becooes necessary to postpone XRAY Day b.eca:use of
weather 'tilich is unfavorable for landing oper::J.tions or for the
initial carrier strikes or for any otheT reason, Concander
5th Fleet will inforo all forces by despatch giving the calendar
d.ate , east longitude date, of the new XRAY Day. If such a
change is oad.e, all surface task forces, groups, and units shall
dolay their departure froo port or retire along their previou s
track as circunstances require, refuel if advisable and P!ac-
ticable, and take up the oovaoont towards the objective on the
prescribed schedule bnsod upon tho new DAY Dl\)', and prior there-
to, shall conforn as practicable to the new XBAY Day prescribed.
4. Lobistics in accordance with logistics Plan, .Annex (L). All largo
vessels. transports and LST
s be prepared to fuel destroyers
and soa.lJ;er vessels. All CVE' s and Firo Support Shipe except battl&-
ships be prepared to replenish m:n:nmit ion and stores at sea froo AE' a
and JUC!
Ships directed t o roturn to rear bases be prepared to trans-
for t o othor vessels before departure as ouch fuel, aocunition, provis-
ions, and snoke equipment as practicable. Medical services in accord_:
ance w1 th &max (M). Force and Group Conna.ndors naintain accurate
daily inforoation as t o the logistic situation in their vessels, and
arrange direct with local SOFA for required logistics, submitting
well in advance of_ reconnended. Local SOPA
suboit -d..aiihy logistic reports to Comoander .Amphibious Force and Connan-
dar Service and SaJ.yage Groun a.s shown in Logistic Plan, A:mox (L)
- 14 -

O.A:Ff A1.6...:3(1)
Serial& 000344
Operation Plan
ComFhib sPac no. All-45
Co!:!Dander Sertice and Grou:p subnit logis.tic rep.ort s as required
by ConSorvRon 10, Coo5.erv:Roli s. and ::CTF .40.
5. (a) CollDUilications in accordance wit h PAC-70(::8) ; and a ttendant
publications, Oomandor FIFTH Fleet OpPlan 5-45, and Annex ( I )
to this OpPlan.
:ae prepared to use MIRSIGS wl.1en so required, as vheri XAP
a.Tld XliX' e are in a disposition. :Battle connunication plans will
be used for rehearsals insofar as radio silence r equirements pernit.
Subsidiary plans will nornally become effective
operation orders becooe effective and should be eo written. Atten-
tion is invited to the neceseity. for naintaining connunication dis-
c i pline, as directed in JJ..:p) 50 and PAC-70(:13) ; and: of
discipline on all circuits. Comnandars of Units and Connan-
ding Officers wil l exercise nost careful supervision of TBS and
voice circuits t o elininate iopropet" and unnecess ary trana-
:Jiss ions, a.'1.d will establish effective noni tori!lf!: systeMs for this
Maint a i n radio silence i n accordance with provisions of
PAC-70 (:13) and Annox (I) of this plan. Aophibious Force vessels ru1d
troops nainta:ln coopleto radio silence on frequencies loss
ban 40 noc acycl es fra n tine of depa rtu re f ran final staging points
'..1..-:t il r n.di o s ilence i s lif ted close to tho fi nal ob jective, except
ns r equi r ed by eneny cont act or disa strous enorgency, and with t ho
f urt!lor excepti on thot vo ss els no t equipped with Tl3S, or MBF nay
'lao SCR, MAll, or Mll equipnont as requ ired for ontial tactical
l ow visibi l it y. Make use of TBS and
ossor.t i nl VEE o.i rcr a:ft nnd t actical c ircuits, and use only when
visunl will suff i ce. Tra i n t hor ouGhly in use of NAN equipnent,
as t.'-lis has prov ed nest u seful f o r n ight s it;nalli-ng. While 1n
PHILIPPI NES, ULI THI, M.AAIAN.AS nnd RYUKUS :Ba ses , Force Connanders
cru0orviae dispatch coDLruni cations t o p r event di s cl o sure of pros-
opor nt i ons by enooy of our radio trnffic. Dis-
;Jntchos of suff i cient ioportanco t o warrant- tl'."'.nsnission by radio
b o cleared t hra\J.Eh t h e SOPA, s ont ashoro by boa t, VHl' Radio
Telet ype, or VHF circuits and f ilod nt the local rru:lio stP,tion.
This traffic must be held to an ab solute ninLJUD nnd should be of
low precedence unless of t he r-est inportant character.
(b) Uso Zone ZEBRA ( GCT) Tine in Da to Tine G-roupe of all CODI.l)llliCa,-.:
tiona oxcept visual and radio sig nals to or _ _within gTOund forces on
shore. Wh.on tiuo is used in t he body of despatches or in corres-
include the appTOpri at e zone description letter.
157 - 30
East und use Zone Minus lO(K) tine for locaJ.
tino. West of longitude 139 East, use Zone Minus 9(1) tine for
local tine.
- 15 -
SeriaJ.: 000344
Operation Plan
CooPhib sPac No. All-45
(c) Connander .Atlphibiou.s Foraa, Connanding SIXTl! Amy, and
ConBander Air. Sy,pport Cont rol GroUT? in EI:JX)RADO; Second in Connand
kmhibiou.s Force and THIIW Attack Force in MT. OLYMPUS;
Third in Conna.nd Amohibious Force and Connander Sl!lVENTR Attack
Force in ANCON.
--7 I - - - - _ r-
1 \"' ,---, . : / .. I
Ad.uiral, u.s. Navy,
Connandor TF 40 and 41, Aophibious Foree
and ConPhibsPa.c.
(A) General I nstructions fo r the Phase of the operati ons
for t he C[l)) turo of tho Southern Portion of KYUSHt'
(B) Ta sk
(C) Int elligence
(D) !>bvo'-lont Plan ( Al2-45).
(E) Buoy and Not Plan.
( F) ' Reconnaissance and Under\-ti'.ter Denol i tior. Plan.
( G) !!aval Gunfire Support Pla'l.
( E) Air Support Pl an.
( I) Couounication Pl an.
(J) I nconi nt; nn.d. Dep.:'.rt i ng Convoy
(K) Protective Plans.
(L) Logistics Pl an.
( H) Hodi cal a.nd Co.aUD.l ty Evacu.8.t ion Plan.
(ll') SOPA I nstruct i ons.
(0) Public I nfor nation Plo.n,
(P) Annex.

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