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1st Semester Exam (Review)

Neolithic Revolution 1. Early humans were Hunter-Gatherers and had to move around to find their food, (Nomadic). _______________________ or farming changed the way humans lived as people settled into Villages and ____________________________ animals. This would eventually lead to food surpluses and an increase in population. 2. Around 3,000 BCE, some farming villages became ___________________ _______________________. 3. The 5 characteristics of a civilization are Specialized Workers, complex institutions, Advanced Cities, ____________________________ and _____________________________ River Valley Civilizations 4. What Rivers go with these early Civilizations? Mesopotamia, (oldest)- ____________________________________________________________ Egypt - ___________________________________________________________________ Indus Valley (India) - ________________________________________________________ China - ___________________________________________________________________ 5. These civilizations were located around rivers because they had access to Fresh Water for crops, flooding kept the soil fertile, and could be used for ________________________________________ 6. In Mesopotamia the Babylonian King Hammurabi created the first legal code called ___________________ _ ___________ (Laws were based on justice and retaliation, eye for an eye, and social status) 7. The Hebrews in Palestine were the 1st ___________________________ faith (religion) in history; also known as ____________________. The religious laws for the Hebrews (Jews) were stated in the _______ ___________________ (INDIA) 8. Seasonal winds called ___________________ caused summer rains and floods. These would later be important for trading. India is a ______________________ that is protected by geographical features. Classical India 9. India experienced a _____________ _______ during the Gupta Empire and became a classical empire. Indian astronomers were the first to discover that the earth was _______________ and created many mathematical advances. Ancient China 10. Like Egypt, China was ruled by families called ________________. Rulers justified their power by claiming the Mandate of Heaven, ( to gain legitimacy by having the approval of the gods) 11. Kings could lose the Mandate of Heaven and be overthrown by a new king called the ______________ _______________. Indian Religions 12. Hinduism and Buddhism both seek a perfect understanding and a freedom from the human world by attaining ___________________, (Nirvana).

13. In Hinduism _______________________ is the belief that people are reborn into another form after death and your __________________ determines whether you move up or down in reincarnation. 14. Differences: Hinduism only people in the highest ______________ , (class),can achieve Moksha. In Buddhism all people are eligible to achieve Moksha by leading a balanced and moderate life. Sikhism 15. Another major religion in India is ______________________ which blends the doctrines of Hinduism and _______________________(Islamic mysticism). The way to lead a good life is to, keep God in heart and mind at all times, live honestly and work hard, treat everyone equally, be generous to the less fortunate, and serve other. Persians 16. With a powerful army, the Persians conquered Mesopotamia, ____________ and India. They were a huge military threat to the ______________________ but failed to conquer them. 17. Persians controlled their empire in a variety of ways. The Persian kings were _____________________of other peoples ways, they monitored the empire with _______________ and collected _________________. 18. The Persian religion was called_________________________________, which viewed life as a struggle between good and evil. Persians believed in _______________ and ______________ which would influence other religions. Greece and Rome 19. The Greeks developed independent city-states called a _________________. 20. Some polis like Athens had a __________________ ____________________, a government ruled by male citizens who voted on all decisions. 21. Alexander the Great was a military genius who combined the cultures of Greece, Persia, (former military threat), India and Egyptian to form a new culture called _____________________ that would shape future cultures. Ancient Rome 22. In 509 BC the Romans created a ___________________ which is a form of Govt. where citizens have the power to elect leaders. 23. The law of the ____________________ _____________________ which could be seen by all and was based on the idea that all had protection under the law. 24. Roman law includes the ideas that people are Innocent to proven guilty, defendants can challenge their accuser in court, judges can throw out ___________________ laws and Patricians could be tried in ____________________ courts. 25. After ______________ ______________ death Rome changed from a republic to an ______________________.

26. The __________ _______________ is the term for 207 years of Roman Peace and started with Augusts 41 year reign. 27. Rome expanded from a city to a republic to an empire. The Roman Republic introduced __________________________ democracy. The Pax Romans sparked the _____________ ___________ of Roman innovation and _____________________. The Birth of Jesus and Christianity 28. Jesus was born in ______________________ and is considered by many to be the ________________________. At the age of ________ Jesus began to preach a unique version of Judaism known as _____________________.

29. Christianity spread quickly due to _____________________, trade routes, and a common _________________ in the Roman Empire. 30. In 312 A.D., Emperor _______________________ converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of _________________ which gave freedom and Equality to Christians. In 395 Emperor __________________ made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. 31. The Romans Experienced Political Problems, the empire was too large for one Emperor to control. Emperors after the Pax Romana were ___________________, citizens experienced a loss of confidence and, patriotism and____________________ to the Government. 32. The Collapse of the Roman Empire was under way by 370 A.D., ______________________, uncivilized groups outside Rome led by the Huns began to attack. The weak Roman Army could do little to stop the invasions, By ____________ A.D, Germanic barbarians had conquered western Rome and established regional kingdoms.

33. Emperor Diocletians most important reform was realizing Rome was too large and _______________________ it into Western and Eastern Empires. The empire was divided by Greek and Latin speaking peoples. It was also divided by wealth. The East was far wealthier than the West due to its great cities and__________________ centers.

34. After the fall of Rome the decline of the Western Roman Empire led to the ________________________ ages. 35. The East became the ________________________ Empire and flourished for another 1000 years. The Byzantine Empire kept alive the cultural achievements of Ancient ___________________________and _______________________. (Justinians Code) Islam and Africa 36. Around 600 A.D., a new Monotheistic religion began called ________________. The faith was founded by the prophet ________________________. His followers called _____________________ spread Islam throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe 37. By 750 AD, Muslim leaders had built an _____________________ that connected people through religion and trade. Muslim scholars focused on __________________ and developed numerous cultural achievements that are still used today. 38. After Muhammad, Islamic leaders created and Empire that had well trained troops that conquered nearby regions. They did not send ______________________ to try to force people to convert. 39. The Abbasid Empire (750 to 1258) built a strong Government _______________________ to rule their empire. Muslim merchants expanded wealth by trading across Africa, the____________________ Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. 40. Wealth from trade led to a golden age, a time of great Muslim achievement in _______________________, _______________________, ___________________________, and_______________________________.

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